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Chudy, T.C., Zeh, A., Gerdes, A., Klemd, R., Barton, J.M. (2008) Palaeoarchaean (3.3 Ga) mafic magmatism and Palaeoproterozoic (2.02 Ga) amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt: New geochronological, petrological and geochemical constraints from metabasic and metapelitic rocks from the Venetia area. South African Journal of Geology, 111 (4) 387-408 doi:10.2113/gssajg.111.4.387 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt: New geochronological, petrological and geochemical...X131Í Alice. S700. South Africa, and P.O. Hox 72196, Parkview. 2122, South Africa e-mail: ¡ay.barton@telkomsa...barton@telkomsa.net s 2008 December Geological Society of South Africa ABSTRACT NXV prfst-nt new geochronological...Venetia Klippen Complex in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, Thf combined data.sel.s provide evidence...Beit Bridge Terrane of the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, in particular witli regard to the titning
Rajesh, H.M., Belyanin, G.A., Safonov, O.G., Vorster, C., Van Reenen, D.D. (2018) Garnet-bearing low-Sr and high-Sr Singelele leucogranite: A record of Neoarchean episodic melting in collisional setting and Paleoproterozoic overprint in the Beit Bridge complex, southern Africa. Lithos, 322. 67-86 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2018.10.004 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Paleoproterozoic overprint in the Beit Bride complex, southern Africa H.M. Rajesh, G.A. Belyanin, O.G. Safonov, C. Vorster...Paleoproterozoic overprint in the Beit Bride complex, southern Africa. Lithos (2018), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2018.10.004...Paleoproterozoic overprint in the Beit Bride Complex, southern Africa PT H.M. Rajesh1,* rajesh.hm@biust.ac.bw, G.A...Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa 3 Korzhinskii Institute of Experimental Mineralogy...Bridge Complex terrane PT of the Limpopo Complex, southern Africa. The Singelele leucogranite is magnesian
(2016) Berezovsk, Russia!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 47 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
net Famous Mineral Localities: The Berezovsk District, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia .....................quartz in the Artonvilla mine, Messina District, Limpopo Province, South Africa .........................know, we supplied a DVD on the famous Pederneira mine with the May-June issue. This DVD is a supplement...staff of the British Museum (Natural History) in South Kensington on October 1, 1957, as Assistant Scientific... and he was in constant demand as a speaker at local clubs and societies. Three of his most popular talks--delivered
Perchuk, L.L., van Reenen, D.D., Varlamov, D.A., van Kal, S.M., Tabatabaeimanesh, , Boshoff, R. (2008) P–T record of two high-grade metamorphic events in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Complex, South Africa. Lithos, 103 (1) 70-105 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.09.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metamorphic events in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Complex, South Africa L.L. Perchuk a,b,c , D.D. van Reenen...Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow District, 142432, Russia Department of Geology, University...Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa Received 11 September 2006; accepted 3 September...different D/M events in the Central Zone of the Limpopo high-grade (HG) terrain, which previously had been...data with the following conclusion: the CZ of the Limpopo Complex was subjected to three superimposed tectono-metamorphic
Rajesh, H.M., Safonov, O.G., Basupi, T.O., Belyanin, G.A., Tsunogae, T. (2018) Complexity of characterizing granitoids in high-grade terranes: An example from the Neoarchean Verbaard granitoid, Limpopo Complex, Southern Africa. Lithos, 318. 399-418 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2018.08.019 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the Neoarchean Verbaard grantioid, Limpopo complex, Southern Africa Rajesh Hariharan, Oleg Safonov, Thembiso...the Neoarchean Verbaard grantioid, Limpopo complex, Southern Africa. Lithos (2018), doi:10.1016/j.lithos...the Neoarchean Verbaard grantioid, Limpopo Complex, Southern Africa 3 Korzhinskii Institute of Experimental...Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa US 4 Graduate School of Life and Environmental...highlights this issue from the Limpopo Complex high-grade terrane in CR southern Africa. The Beit Bridge Complex
Meulenbeld, Paul M. P. B., Grote, Wiebke, Verryn, Sabine (2014) The Albert Silver Mine and Trippkeite Occurrence, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Rocks & Minerals, 89 (5) 416-423 doi:10.1080/00357529.2014.926177 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Locality map of the Albert Silver mine, Mpumalanga, South Africa, prepared by William Besse. Downloaded... The ALBERT Silver Mine and TRIPPKEITE Occurrence Mpumalanga South Africa Figure 3. Plan of the...the underground workings at the Albert Silver mine based on Van Zijl (1965), prepared by William Besse...Department of Water Affairs PO Box 1745 Bela Bela, South Africa meulenbeldp@dwa.gov.za Department of Geology...Pretoria Private Bag X20 Hatfield, Pretoria 0028 South Africa wiebke.grote@up.ac.za XRD Analytical & Consulting
(1991) May - June 1991. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 22 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
0026-4628 ‘Continued on p. 247 Articles The Outlaw mine, Nye County, Nevada ..............................J. P. Cassedanne & L. Barreto The Messina mining district, South A frica .............................Valley Road Watsonville, California 95076 The Outlaw mine has long been known as an occurrence o f rare and...benjaminite, fo r which it is the type locality. The mine has been idle fo r more than 60 years, and because...More than 30 minerals have been identified from the mine and studies continue on the sulfosalt mineralogy
Chetty, T. R. K., Kehelpannala, Wilbert (2021) Atlas of deformed and metamorphosed rocks from proterozoic orogens. Elsevier. Book
214 222 228 233 Proterozoic orogens of Southern Africa 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 v Mahanadi shear zone Nagavali-Vamsadhara...Aravalli-Delhi Orogenic Belt 2.5.1 Introduction 2.5.2 South Delhi Terrane 2.5.3 Sandmata Terrane 2.5.4 Sirohi...References Introduction The Limpopo Belt The Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt The Mahalapye Complex 4...Proterozoic orogens of India, Sri Lanka, Botswana, South Africa, East Antarctica, and Western Australia. All...Antarctica, Western Australia and some parts of the Limpopo Belt. We thank profusely the Geological Survey
Saggerson, E.P, Turner, L.M (1976) A review of the distribution of metamorphism in the ancient Rhodesian craton. Precambrian Research, 3 (1) 1-53 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(76)90002-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Department of Geology, University of Natal, Durban (South Africa) (Received August 15, 1973, revision accepted...margin particularly within the Zambezi and the Limpopo belts. The distribution of the associated early...development were due to thermal highs centred on the Limpopo mobile belt and possibly the Zambezi belt. INTRODUCTION...of the international metamorphic map of southern Africa b a s e d o n t h e c o n c e p t o f m e t a m...post-Shamvaian. (4) The granites and granitic gneisses. (5) Limpopo Group metasediments. ANCIENT BASEMENT RELICS --
Barton, J.M. (2003) The geology of the area surrounding the Venetia kimberlite pipes, Limpopo Belt, South Africa: A complex interplay of nappe tectonics and granitoid magmatism. South African Journal of Geology, 106 (2) 109-128 doi:10.2113/106.2-3.109 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
surrounding the Venetia kimberlite pipes, Limpopo Belt, South Africa: A complex interplay of nappe tectonics...Auckland Park 2006, South Africa e-mail: jmb@na.rau.ac.za W.P. Barnett Premier Mine, P.O. Box X1015, Cullinan...Cullinan 1000, South Africa e-mail: wayne.barnett@debeersgroup.com E.S. Barton DeBeers Geoscience Center...Center, P.O. Box 82232, Southdale 2135, South Africa e-mail: erika.barton@debeersgroup.com M. Barnett1...2006, South Africa Present address: Gemcom Africa (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 411689, Craighall 2024, South Africa
Barton, J.M., van Reenen, D.D. (1992) When was the Limpopo Orogeny?. Precambrian Research, 55 (1) 7-16 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(92)90010-l Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Publishers B.V., A m s t e r d a m When was the Limpopo Orogeny? J.M. Barton Jr. and D.D. van Reenen Department...Afrikaans University, P.O. Box 524, Johannesburg 2000, South ..~frica (Received October 26, 1990; accepted after... Jr. and Van Reenen, D.D., 1992. When was the Limpopo Orogeny?. In: D.D. van Reenen, C. Roering, L.D...Ashwal and M.J. de Wit (Editors), The Archaean Limpopo Granulite Belt: Tectonics and Deep Crustal Processes...Processes. Precambrian Res., 55:7-16. The term "Limpopo Orogeny" refers to the common high-grade metamorphic
Hor, A.K., Hutt, D.K., Smith, J.V., Wakefield, J., Windley, B.F. (1975) Petrochemistry and mineralogy of early Precambrian anorthositic rocks of the Limpopo belt, southern Africa. Lithos, 8 (4) 297-310 doi:10.1016/0024-4937(75)90013-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Precambrlan anorthositic rocks of the Limpopo belt, southem Africa. Lithoa ~8, ~97-310. T w o sections...l~e anorthosite ,complex' were examined at Messina. South Afdca and at Pikwe, Botswana. Thirty XRF whole-rock...in stratigraphic order show that alkalies a t Messina increase upwards from leuco-gabbros to anorthosites...decrease and increase, respectively, with height at Messina, but 22 analyses from Pikwe show no such trends...Fe-rich. also like the Fiskenaesset ones. The Limpopo anorthositic rocks belong to a layered igneous
(2020) Montreal Mine!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
M ontreal Mine! L L The Mineralogical Record MAY–JUNE 2020 • VOLUME 51 • NUMBER 3 • $25 & Wayne...gemgypsy@bellsouth.net MAY–JUNE 2020 Articles The Montreal mine, Iron County, Wisconsin ........................... 487 COVER: BARITE, 6.5 cm, from the Montreal mine. David and Karen DeBruin collection, ex Muscatine...cm on vesuvianite from the Crazy Sphinx mine, Helena District, Lewis and Clark County, Montana. Collected...world-class realgar specimens from the Royal Reward mine, Green River Gorge, King County, Washington. The
Klemd, R. (2003) P-T path constraints from calc-silicate metapelitic rocks east of the Venetia kimberlite pipes, Central Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Have these rocks seen granulite-facies conditions?. South African Journal of Geology, 106 (2) 129-148 doi:10.2113/106.2-3.129 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Venetia kimberlite pipes, Central Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Have these rocks seen granulite-facies...Park 2006, South Africa. e-mail: jmb@na.rau.ac.za © 2003 Geological Society of South Africa ABSTRACT...event (M3) in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt of southern Africa is considered to have occurred at ~2...the Central Zone. Introduction The Limpopo Belt of southern Africa is an Archaean to Paleoproterozoic...reworked rocks of the respective Cratons. The Limpopo Belt was long regarded as an orogen resulting from
Rigby, M.J., Basson, I.J., Kramers, J.D., Gräser, P., Mavimbela, P.K. (2011) The structural, metamorphic and temporal evolution of the country rocks surrounding Venetia Mine, Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Evidence for a single palaeoproterozoic tectono-metamorphic event with implications for a tectonic model. Precambrian Research, 186 (1) 51-69 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2011.01.001 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
country rocks surrounding Venetia Mine, Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Evidence for a single palaeoproterozoic...Geology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa Runshaw College, Langdale Road, Leyland, Lancashire...Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa d Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg...Johannesburg, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, South Africa b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received...2011 Available online 8 January 2011 Keywords: Limpopo Belt Structure Metamorphism Geochronology P–T–t
Windley, B F, Bishop, F C, Smith, J V (1981) Metamorphosed Layered Igneous Complexes in Archean Granulite-Gneiss Belts. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 9. 175-196 doi:10.1146/annurev.ea.09.050181.001135 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
belt of northwest Scotland and the Limpopo belt of southern Africa (Table 1) are in different sub-belts...Malagasy Sakeny Boulanger 1959 Limpopo, southern Africa Messina layered intrusion Hor et al1975,...1974, J. D. Sills et ai, in preparation Limpopo, southern Africa Neshuro complex and Chingwa-Ma-Karorro...1973), Labrador (Bridgwater et al 1975), and the Limpopo belt (Barton et al 1977b). Metamorphic ages are:...West Greenland 3.6 to 3.8 Ga B.P., Labrador 3.6, Limpopo 3.86 ± 0.12; younger gneisses, West Green­ land
Buick, Ian S., Hermann, Jörg, Maas, Roland, Gibson, Roger L. (2007) The timing of sub-solidus hydrothermal alteration in the Central Zone, Limpopo Belt (South Africa): Constraints from titanite U–Pb geochronology and REE partitioning. Lithos, 98 (1) 97-117 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.02.002 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
hydrothermal alteration in the Central Zone, Limpopo Belt (South Africa): Constraints from titanite U–Pb geochronology...the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, WITS 2050, South Africa Received 9 September 2006; accepted 13 February... Abstract In the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa), Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies...Titanite; Geochronology; Retrogression; Central Zone; Limpopo Belt 1. Introduction Titanite is a particularly...metabasite from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa) that has been hydrothermally altered
(2020) Mineral Collections in Texas III. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (6.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Euclase, 2.3 cm, from the Gachalá mine, Guavió-Guatéque mining district, Boyacá Department, Colombia. Gail...cm, from Stak Nala, Haramosh Mountains, Skardu district, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Zach Goodman collection;...Budd photo. Tanzanite, 7.6 cm, from the Merelani mine near Arusha, Tanzania. Barry & Beth Kitt collection;...Fluorite on quartz, 13 cm, from the Yaogangxian mine, Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China. The...Spodumene (variety kunzite), 9 cm, from the Urucum mine, Galiléia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Gus & Jane Eifler
Van Breemen, O., Dodson, M.H., Vail, J.R. (1966) Isotopic age measurements on the Limpopo orogenic belt, Southern Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1 (6) 401-406 doi:10.1016/0012-821x(66)90036-7 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
September 1966 Rb-Sr dates from four biotites from Limpopo Belt gneisses in the Transvaal and Rhodesia support...J-type anomalies. Samples from the Campbell Mine, Messina, appear to contain a large proportion of radiogenic...at least 2400 m.y. old. i. INTRODUCTION The Limpopo orogenic belt c o m p r i s e s highgrade g n e...Rhodesia in the north and T r a n s v a a l in the south. It is a p p r o x i m a t e l y 200 km wide at...to distinguish a Limpopo cycle at 2000 m.y. A date of 2049 m.y. on the Antelope Mine pegmatite, j u s
Zeh, A., Klemd, R., Buhlmann, S., Barton, J. M. (2004) Pro- and retrograde P-T evolution of granulites of the Beit Bridge Complex (Limpopo Belt, South Africa): constraints from quantitative phase diagrams and geotectonic implications. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 22 (2) 79-95 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2004.00501.x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
granulites of the Beit Bridge Complex (Limpopo Belt, South Africa): constraints from quantitative phase... Box 524, Auckland Park 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa ABSTRACT Interpretations based on quantitative...migmatitic rocks from the Beit Bridge Complex (Messina area, Limpopo Belt) formed along a clockwise P–T path...Kretz (1983). Key words: CNKMnTiFMASH; granulites; Limpopo Belt; P–T path; P–T pseudosections. INTRODUCTION...Beit Bridge Complex in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt. First, it is shown that P–T pseudosections
ZEH, A., HOLLAND, T. J. B., KLEMD, R. (2005) Phase relationships in grunerite-garnet-bearing amphibolites in the system CFMASH, with applications to metamorphic rocks from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 23 (1) 1-17 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2005.00554.x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metamorphic rocks from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa A. ZEH1, T. J. B. HOLLAND2 & R. KLEMD1...University, Geology Department, Johannesburg, South Africa ABSTRACT A petrogenetic grid in the model...Klippen Complex within the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt. Agreement between calculated and observed...Ga. Key words: THERMOCALC; CFMASH; grunerite; Limpopo Belt; petrogenetic grid. INTRODUCTION Amphiboles...kimberlite pipes within the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt. The derived P–T path provides a new constraint
Beukes, N. J. (1973) Precambrian Iron-Formations of Southern Africa. Economic Geology, 68 (7) 960-1004 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.68.7.960 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
960-1004 Precambrian Iron-Formations of Southern Africa N.J. BEUKES Abstract From existing information...1966) and Ierru#inous SOUTHERN Africa is definedas that part of Africa sedimentary rockslessthan 15 percentiron...percentiron. In this southof approximately16ø _south_-latitude and in- paper,the 15 percentboundaryis not...contentbecauseof a generallack of chemicalanalyses. South West Africa, and Mozambique. This rela(2) Iron-formationis...commonlithologic detailedstudyon iron-formation in southern Africa variety of iron-formationand consistsof chert mesoare
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that the former part of the Territory lying to the south of the Molopo River, known as Bechuanaland or British...part of the Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa, is not included. The compiler would gratefully...Afr. Proceedings of the Geological Society of South Africa. Johannesburg. Proc.Rhod.sci.Ass. Proceedings... Leeds. S.Afr.J.Sci. South African Journal of Science. Johannesburg. South African Mining and Engineering...Engineering Journal. Johannesburg. South African Mining and Engineering Yearbook. Johannesburg. S.Afr.Min
Roering, C., van Reenen, D.D., Smit, C.A., Barton, J.M., de Beer, J.H., de Wit, M.J., Stettler, E.H., van Schalkwyk, J.F., Stevens, G., Pretorius, S. (1992) Tectonic model for the evolution of the Limpopo Belt. Precambrian Research, 55 (1) 539-552 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(92)90044-o Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Amsterdam Tectonic model for the evolution of the Limpopo Belt C. Roeringa, D.D. van Reenen a, C.A. Smit...Johannesburg2000, South Africa hEarth Science Division, C.S.I.R., P.O. Box 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa CDepartmentof...7600, South Africa aGeological Survey of South Africa, PrivateBag X112, Pretoria 0001, South Africa (Received...1992. Tectonic model for the evolution of the Limpopo Belt. In: D.D. van Reenen, C. Roering, L.D. Ashwal...Ashwal and M.J. de Wit (Editors), The Archaean Limpopo Granulite Belt: Tectonics and Deep Crustal Processes
Rigby, M., Mouri, H., Brandl, G. (2008) P-T conditions and the origin of quartzo-feldspathic veins in metasyenites from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology, 111 (2) 313-332 doi:10.2113/gssajg.111.2-3.313 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metasyenites from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa Martin Rigby Department of Geology, University...University of Pretoria, 0002, South Africa e-mail: martin.rigby@up.ac.za Hassina Mouri Department of...of Geology, University of Pretoria, 0002, South Africa Present address: Department of Geology, University...Johannesburg, South Africa e-mail: hassinam@up.ac.za Günther Brandl Council for Geoscience, Limpopo Unit, Polokwane...Polokwane, South Africa e-mail: gbrandl@geoscience.org.za © 2008 September Geological Society of South Africa