Iron-bearing pargasite (original) (raw)


[Pargasite] Moore, T.P.,Woodside, R.M.W. (2014): The Sar-e-Sang Lapis Mines, Kuran Wa Munjan district, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. Mineralogical Record 45 (3), 280-336.


[Pargasite] J.P. Lorand and J.Y. Cottin, Bull. Minéral. , 1987, 110, pp. 373-378.

[Pargasite] Kamiskey, F.V., Raman'ko, Ye.F., Kolesnikov, S.K. & Salkhi, M. 1993. Lamproites of northern Algeria. International Geology Review, 35, 235-252. Raoult, J. F., & Velde, D. (1971). Découvertes de trachytes potassiques aolivine et d’andésites en coulées dans le Miocene continental au Sud du Kef Hahouner (Nord du Constantinois). CR Acad. Sci. Paris, 272, 1051-1054.


[Ferro-pargasite] Eur. J. Mineral. , 1993, 5, pp. 1001-1024.


[Pargasite] Tsunogae, Toshiaki, Osanai, Yasuhito, Owada, Masaaki, Toyoshima, Tsuyoshi, Hokada, Tomokazu, Crowe, Warwick A (2003) High fluorine pargasites in ultrahigh temperature granulites from Tonagh Island in the Archean Napier Complex, East Antarctica. Lithos, 70 (1), 21-38.

[Pargasite] Hiroi, Y., Hokada, T., Adachi, T., Shiraishi, K., Motoyoshi, Y., & Grew, E. S. (2023). Nanogranitoid inclusions with grandidierite in mafic granulite from Austhovde, Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 221209.

[Pargasite] Gentili, Silva (2015) mineralogical and petrological study of mantle xenoliths from Victoria Land (Antarctica)- extended abstract PLINIUS n. 41, 7 pages


[Ferro-pargasite] Pagano, D.S., Galliski, M.Á., Márquez-Zavalía, M.F., Colombo, F. (2016): Petrology and mineralogy of the La Peña igneous complex, Mendoza, Argentina: An alkaline occurrence in the Miocene magmatism of the Southern Central Andes. Journal of South American Earth Sciences: 67 (in press); (2016); Pagano Género, D. S., Galliski, M. A., Marquez Zavalia, M. F., & Colombo, F. (2016). Petrology and mineralogy of the La Peña igneous complex, Mendoza, Argentina: An alkaline occurrence in the Miocene magmatism of the Southern Central Andes.

Atlantic Ocean

[Pargasite] Sharkov, E.V., Abramov, S.S., Simonov, V.A., Krinov, D.I., Skolotnev, S.G., Bel’tenev, V.E., and Bortnikov, N.S. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(6), 467-486.


[Ferro-pargasite] Seccombe P.K., Offler R., Ayshford S. (2000) Origin of the magnetite skarn at Tallawang, NSW. Preliminary sulphur isotopes report. In Andrew A.S. & Seccombe P.K. eds. Centre for Isotope Studies, research report 1995–2000.

[Ferro-pargasite] Birch, W.D., ed. (1999) The minerals of Broken Hill. Broken Hill City Council and Museum of Victoria, Australia, 289 pages.

[Pargasite] Currie, K. L., Knutson, J., & Temby, P. A. (1992). The Mud Tank carbonatite complex, central Australia—an example of metasomatism at mid-crustal levels. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 109(3), 326-339.

[Pargasite] Teertstra, D.K., Schindler, M., Sherriff, B.L., Hawthorne, F.C. (1999) Silvialite, a new sulfate-dominant member of the scapolite group with an Al-Si composition near the I4/m-P42/n phase transition. Mineralogical Magazine: 63: 321-329.

[Ferro-pargasite] Updated list originally distributed by University of Queensland

  * Biggenden
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-203382.html) [Biggenden Mine](/loc-42920.html)


[Ferro-pargasite] Taheri, J., and Bottrill, R. S., 1998, Porphyry and Sedimentary-hosted Gold Deposits near Cygnet: New Styles of Gold Mineralisation in Tasmania: Unpub Rept, Mineral Resources Tasmania. 1999/01

[Pargasite] Museum Victoria Mineralogy Collection


[Pargasite] R. Exel: Die Mineralien und Erzlagerstätten Österreichs (1993)

[Pargasite] G. Niedermayr, I. Praetzel: Mineralien Kärntens, 1995

  * Hüttenberg
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-990506.html) [Hüttenberger Erzberg](/loc-4376.html)

[Pargasite] H. Meixner: 32(3):85-97 (1981)

[Pargasite] G. Niedermayr, I. Praetzel: Mineralien Kärntens, 1995

[Pargasite] G. Niedermayr, I. Praetzel: Mineralien Kärntens, 1995; Mottana, A., Church, W.R., and Edgar, A.D. (1968): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 18, 338-346.; G.Niedermayr (1984)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-989774.html) [Steiner Hütte](/loc-42378.html)

[Pargasite] G. Niedermayr, I. Praetzel: Mineralien Kärntens, 1995

[Pargasite] G. Niedermayr, I. Praetzel: Mineralien Kärntens, 1995

  * Lavamünd
     * Sankt Vinzenz
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-989773.html) [Gradischkogel](/loc-42377.html)

[Pargasite] G. Niedermayr, I. Praetzel: Mineralien Kärntens, 1995

  * Wolfsberg
     * Ladinger Spitze - Speikkogel area
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-989777.html) [Gertrusk](/loc-42383.html)

[Pargasite] G. Niedermayr, I. Praetzel: Mineralien Kärntens, 1995

[Pargasite] ERTL, Andreas, BRANDSTÄTTER, Franz & PREM, Markus (2008): Moldanubische Korundvorkommen mit Rubin und Saphir bei Drosendorf, Waldviertel, Niederösterreich.- Mitt. Österr. Min. Ges., 154, 45-51, Wien

[Pargasite] Carswell, D. A. (1991): Variscan high P-T metamorphism and uplift history in the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif in Lower Austria. European Journal of Mineralogy 3, 323-342.

[Pargasite] D.A. Carswell et al., Eur.J. Mineral., 1989, 1, pp. 455-466.

  * Emmersdorf an der Donau
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-269198.html) [Reith](/loc-58873.html)

[Pargasite] R. Exel: Die Mineralien und Erzlagerstätten Österreichs (1993)

  * Persenbeug-Gottsdorf
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-775069.html) [Loja](/loc-57110.html)

[Pargasite] Löffler, E. & Kolitsch, U. (2011): Die Mineralien der Loja bei Persenbeug, Niederösterreich (II). Mineralien-Welt. 22 (4): 51-62

[Pargasite] A. Strasser: Die Minerale Salzburgs (1989)

  * Hollersbach im Pinzgau
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-826887.html) [Leckbachscharte](/loc-31919.html)

[Pargasite] E. Y. Kievlenko (2003) Geology of Gems, 84

[Pargasite] Aufschluss 1972(SB), 43-47

[Pargasite] R. Exel: Die Mineralien und Erzlagerstätten Österreichs (1993)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-992326.html) [Kleinitz Alp](/loc-58634.html)

[Pargasite] R. Exel: Die Mineralien und Erzlagerstätten Österreichs (1993)


[Pargasite] Uddin, Md. Ripaj, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker, Nahida Akter, Md. Farid Ahmed, Syed Md. Minhaz Hossain, Abdul Gafur, Md. Jainal Abedin, Md. Aminur Rahman, and Abubakr M. Idris. (2022) "Identification and Economic Potentiality of Mineral Sands Resources of Hatiya Island, Bangladesh" Minerals 12, no. 11: 1436.


[Pargasite] Levitskiy, V. I., Solodilova, V. V., Zavadich, N. S., Pavlova, L. A., & Levitskiy, I. V. (2018, July). Genetic Nature of Mineralization with Native and Intermetallic Compounds in the Bobruisk Ring Structure (Republic of Belarus). In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 481, No. 1, pp. 857-861). Pleiades Publishing.


[Pargasite] Xirouchakis, Dimitrios; Lindsley, Donald H.; Frost, B. Ronald (March 2001) Assemblages with titanite (CaTiOSiO4), Ca-Mg-Fe olivine and pyroxenes, Fe-Mg-Ti oxides, and quartz: Part II. Application. American Mineralogist. 86 (3), 259.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

[Pargasite] Putiš, Marián, Ondrej Nemec, Samir Ustalić, Elvir Babajić, Peter Ružička, Friedrich Koller, Sergii Kurylo, and Petar Katanić. (2022) "Mineralogical-Petrographical Record of Melt-Rock Interaction and P-T Estimates from the Ozren Massif Ophiolites (Bosnia and Herzegovina)" Minerals 12, no. 9: 1108.


[Pargasite] Mesquita, R. B. D., Jordt-Evangelista, H., Queiroga, G. N., Medeiros Júnior, E. B. D., & Dussin, I. A. (2017). Petrogenesis and age of skarns associated with felsic and metamafic dykes from the Paraíba do Sul Complex, southern Espírito Santo State. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 47(2), 301-325.

[Pargasite] Revista Brasileira de Geociências 30(1):030-034.

[Ferro-pargasite] de Almeida, F. F. M. (1961). Geologia e petrologia da Ilha da Trindade Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Divisão de Geologia e Mineralogia, Monografia, 18. Cordani, U. G. (1970). Idade do vulcanismo no oceano Atlântico Sul (Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de São Paulo), 1, 9-75. Marques, L. S., Ulbrich, M. N., Ruberti, E., & Tassinari, C. G. (1999). Petrology, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopes of the Trindade and Martin Vaz volcanic rocks (southern Atlantic Ocean). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 93(3-4), 191-216. Mitchell-Thomé, R. C. (1970). Geology of the South Atlantic islands. Siebel, W., Becchio, R., Volker, F., Hansen, M. A. F., Viramonte, J., Trumbull, R. B., ... & Zimmer, M. (2000). Trindade and Martı́n Vaz Islands, South Atlantic: Isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) and trace element constraints on plume related magmatism. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 13(1-2), 79-103.

[Pargasite] Augustin, C. T., Mungall, J. E., Schutesky, M. E., Ernst, R., & Garcia, V. B. (2022). Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the mafic-ultramafic Americano do Brasil Complex, central Brazil, and the implications for its genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 105126.

[Ferro-pargasite] Souza Neto, J.A., Legrand, J.M., Volfinger, M., Pascal, M.-L., and Sonnet, P. (2008): Mineralium Deposita 43, 185-205.

[Ferro-pargasite] Rosa, P. A. D. S., & Ruberti, E. (2018). Nepheline syenites to syenites and granitic rocks of the Itatiaia Alkaline Massif, Southeastern Brazil: new geological insights into a migratory ring Complex. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 48, 347-372.

[Pargasite] 1995, Geochimica Brasiliensis, 8: 179-214.; G Traversa et al (1994) Petrology and Mineral Chemistry of the Alkaline District of Lages, SC, Brazil. Geochem Brazil 8:179-214


[Pargasite] Arnaudov, V., Petrusenko, S., Stancheva, E., Tadzher, L. (1998): Vanadian pargasite and other vanadium-​bearing amphiboles from the Central Rhodope metamorphic complex. Geokhimiya, Mineralogiya i Petrologiya 35, 69-78 (in Bulgarian).

[Pargasite] Marcus Vau Collection

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-812931.html) [Lyaskovo](/loc-244397.html)

[Pargasite] Marcus Voigt Collection

[Pargasite] I. Kostov, V. Breskovska, J. Mincheva-Stefanova, G. Kirov (1964): Minerals of Bulgaria. Sofia, Bulgaria, 540 pp. (in Bulgarian).


[Pargasite] Tetsopgang, S., Koyanagi, J., Enami, M., and Kihara, K. (2003): Mineralogical Magazine 67(3), 509-516.


[Pargasite] Locock, Andrew John (1994) Aspects of the geochemistry and mineralogy of the Ice River alkaline intrusive complex, Yoho National Park, British Columbia. M.Sc. thesis, University of Alberta.

[Pargasite] Richard Gunter specimens

[Pargasite] C. Lemanski, Jr. (re-entry of lost Mindat data).

[Pargasite] Can Min 38:1193-1199

     * Kimmirut (Lake Harbour)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-552702.html) [Soper River](/loc-192188.html)

[Pargasite] Canadian Mineralogist (2001) 39, 1725-1732

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-35231.html) [Southern Baffin Island](/loc-6468.html)

[Pargasite] [Canadian Mineralogist 38 p1193-1199 - "Violet-colored diopside from southern Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada - C.D.K. Herd, R.C. Peterson and G.R. Rossman"]


[Pargasite] Laarman,J.E. 2014. A DETAILED METALLOGENIC STUDY OF THE MCFAULDS LAKE CHROMITE DEPOSITS, NORTHERN ONTARIO , PhD Thesis, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada


[Ferro-pargasite] Mitchell (1991)



  * Témiscamingue RCM
     * Les Lacs-du-Témiscamingue
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-806682.html) [Kipawa alkaline complex](/loc-614.html)

[Pargasite] Kenneth L. Currie and Otto van Breemen (1996)The origin of rare minerals in the Kipawa syenite complex, western Quebec. Can Mineral 34:435-451

[Pargasite] Louise Corriveau (Date Modified: 2008-12-08) Mineral Deposits of Canada District Metallogeny The Manitou district a Canadian iron oxide copper-gold deposit setting. Geological Survey of Canada

[Pargasite] Belley, P.M., O'Neil, J. & Hattori, K. (2016) Spinel and Aspidolite from the Des Cèdres Dam Occurrence, Notre-Dame-du-Laus, Québec, Canada. Rocks & Minerals 91, #5, 448-452.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-8401.html) [Parker Mine](/loc-603.html)

[Pargasite] Van Velthuizen, J. V. (1993): The Parker Mine, Notre Dame du Laus (Québec). Mineralogical Record, 24(5): 369-373.

[Ferro-pargasite] Can. Museum of Nature (unpublished microprobe (WDS) data)

[Pargasite] Chartrand (1999)

[Ferro-pargasite] Arguin, Jean-Philippe, Philippe Pagé, Sarah-Jane Barnes, Réjean Girard, and Charley Duran. (2018) "An Integrated Model for Ilmenite, Al-Spinel, and Corundum Exsolutions in Titanomagnetite from Oxide-Rich Layers of the Lac Doré Complex (Québec, Canada)" Minerals 8, no. 11: 476.

  * Nunavik
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1520777.html) [Misery Lake alkaline complex](/loc-389181.html)

[Pargasite] Petrella, L. (2013). The nature and origin of REE mineralization in the Misery syenitic intrusion, Northern Québec, Canada. masters thesis McGill University

[Pargasite] Belley (2013); BELLEY, P.M., GRICE, J.D., FAYEK, M., KOWALSKI, P.M. & GREW, E.S. (2014): A new occurrence of the borosilicate serendibite in tourmaline-bearing calc-silicate rocks, Portage-du-Fort marble, Grenville Province, Québec: evolution of boron isotope and tourmaline compositions in a metamorphic context. Canadian Mineralogist 52, 595-616.

[Pargasite] Eur. J. Mineral. , 1995, 7, pp. 1251-1272.


[Pargasite] Sugaki, A., Campos, E. & Kojima, S. (2000): Mineralogy of the Panulcillo skarn copper deposit, Coquimbo region, Chile. Revista Geologica de Chile 27, 139-155.


[Ferro-pargasite] Bolin, C., Mingguo, Z., Carswell, D. A., Wilson, R. N., Qingchen, W., Zhongyan, Z., & Windley, B. F. (1995). Petrogenesis of ultrahigh-pressure rocks and their country rocks at Shuanghe in Dabieshan, central China. European Journal of Mineralogy, 7(1), 119-138. Sassi, R., Harte, B., Carswell, D. A., & Yujing, H. (2000). Trace element distribution in Central Dabie eclogites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 139(3), 298-315.

  * Taihu County
     * Lake Hualiangting
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-544465.html) [Huangzhen-Zhujiachong area](/loc-144932.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Franz, L., Romer, R.L., Klemd, R., Schmid, R., Oberhänsli, R., Wagner, T., and Dong Shuwen (2001): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 141, 322-346.

  * Yuexi County
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1511988.html) [Changpu](/loc-31405.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Proyer, A., Rolfo, F., Castelli, D., & Compagnoni, R. (2014). Diffusion-controlled metamorphic reaction textures in an ultrahigh-pressure impure calcite marble from Dabie Shan, China. European Journal of Mineralogy, 26(1), 25-40.

[Pargasite] Yigang Xu, Mercier, J.C., and Chuanyong Lin (1997): Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 16(3), 213-229

[Pargasite] Qin Xinlong, Du Yangsong, Tian Shihong, Lee, H.K., Yin Jingwu, and Kim, S.J. (2004): Journal of China University of Geosciences 2004(1).

  * Tianjinghu
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-440513.html) [Granodiorite quarry](/loc-135100.html)

[Pargasite] Qin Xinlong, Du Yangsong, Lee, H.K., Yin Jingwu, and Guo Xifeng (2003): Chinese Science Bulletin 48(23), 2626-2634.

  * Yi'an District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-440501.html) [Jiguanshi Ag-(Au) deposit](/loc-135099.html)

[Pargasite] Qin Xinlong, Du Yangsong, Lee, H.K., Yin Jingwu, and Guo Xifeng (2003): Chinese Science Bulletin 48(23), 2626-2634.

[Pargasite] Proceedings 30th Intl Geol Cong Vol 16 pp 109-133

[Pargasite] Lairen Lai and Nanshi Zeng (1985): Geology and Prospecting 21(6), 16-21, 28

[Pargasite] Deru Xu, Bin Xia, Bakun-Czubarow, N., Chi Ma, Pengchun Li, Bachlinski, R., and Guanghao Chen (2006): Acta Petrologica Sinica 22(12), 2987-3006

[Ferro-pargasite] Jiang, N. (2005). Petrology and geochemistry of the Shuiquangou syenitic complex, northern margin of the North China Craton. Journal of the Geological Society, 162(1), 203-215.

[Pargasite] Ratschbacher, L., Franz, L., Enkelmann, E., Jonckheere, R., Pörschke, A., Hacker, B.R., Dong, S., and Zhang, Y. (2006), In: Hacker, B.R., McClelland, W.C., and Liou, J.G. (eds.): Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism: Deep continental subduction. Geological Society of America Special Paper 403, 45–75.

  * Xin Co.
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-480294.html) [Tianpu](/loc-156685.html)

[Pargasite] Ruyuan Zhang and Liou, J.G. (1994): European Journal of Mineralogy 6(2), 217-233. Rolfo, F., Compagnoni, R., Wu, W., & Xu, S. (2004). A coherent lithostratigraphic unit in the coesite–eclogite complex of Dabie Shan, China: geologic and petrologic evidence. Lithos, 73(1-2), 71-94.

[Pargasite] Yuanming Pan and Ping Dong (1999): Ore Geology Reviews 15, 177-242; Yiming Zhao and Daxin Li (2003): Mineral Deposits 22(4), 345-359; Zhenhua Zhou, Hongwei Liu, Guoxiong Chang, Linsu Li, Tao Li, Yongjun Yang, Ruijun Zhang, and Xianhe Ji (2011): Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica 30(1), 97-112

[Ferro-pargasite] Kuidong Zhao, Shaoyong Jiang, Yaohui Jiang, and Ruchen Wang (2005): European Journal of Mineralogy 17, 635-648

           * Bailashui Sn deposit
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1484597.html) [No. 19 orebody](/loc-420167.html)

[Pargasite] Chen, S. C., Yu, J. J., Bi, M. F., Li, H. M., & Lehmann, B. (2022). Cassiterite U–Pb, mica 40Ar–39Ar dating and cassiterite trace-element composition of the Furong tin deposit in the Nanling Range, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 104775.

  * Yizhang Co.
     * Dongpo ore field
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-797320.html) [Shizhuyuan Mine](/loc-64765.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Yiming Zhao and Daxin Li (2003): Mineral Deposits 22(4), 345-359

[Pargasite] Li, H. T., Yang, K. F., Gao, Y. P., Zhao, J., Yuan, X. Y., Li, X. C., & Fan, H. R. (2022). Age and origin of the H9 member from the Bayan Obo Group: Implications for the genesis of the giant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposit, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 146, 104927.

[Ferro-pargasite] Jingbin Wang, Yuwang Wang, and Lijuan Wang (1998): Geological Exploration for Non-Ferrous Metals 7(3), 142-145

[Pargasite] Wenji Bai and Hang Li (1993): Acta Mineralogica Sinica 13(3)

[Pargasite] Oberti, R., Boiocchi, M., and Smith, D.C. (2003): Mineralogical Magazine 67(4), 769-782.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-865295.html) [Qinglong hills (Qinglongshan)](/loc-67474.html)

[Pargasite] Rong Yan and Jianjun Yang (2013): Metamorphic evolution of porphyroblastic eclogite in Qinglongshan of Donghai of northern Jiangsu Province. Acta Petrologica Sinica 29(5), 1621-1633 (in Chinese with English abstract).

     * Zhimafang
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-544521.html) [Garnetite outcrop](/loc-30679.html)

[Pargasite] Zhang, R.Y., Liou, J.G., and Zheng, J.P. (2004): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 147, 21-31.

[Pargasite] Wang, Z.; Zhang, S.; Li, X.-P.; Wang, S.; Wang, D.; Kong, F.-M.; Liu, J.; Li, Z.; Li, D.; Wang, J.; Yang, Y. (2020) Metamorphic Evolution of Garnet-Bearing Ultramafic Rocks in the Hujialin Area, Sulu Ultrahigh-Pressure Orogenic Belt, Eastern China. Minerals 10, 225.

[Pargasite] Yuan, Haiqi, Jian Wang, and Keiko Hattori. (2022) "Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism and P-T Path of Xiaoxinzhuang Eclogites from the Southern Sulu Orogenic Belt, Eastern China, Based on Phase Equilibria Modelling" Minerals 12, no. 2: 216.

[Pargasite]\_055.pdf Geological Survey of Norway / The Alice Wain Memorial West Norway Eclogite Field Symposium / Abstract Volume.

[Pargasite] Chi, Naijie, Zuozhen Han, Ruicong Tian, Chuan’e Liu, Wei Shan, Yuqiang Xiong, Zengsheng Li, Yufeng Xie, Min Li, and Xiufeng Wang. (2022) "Petrogenesis of the Early Cretaceous Zhouguan Granodiorite in Jiaodong Peninsula: Evidence from Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Sr-Nd Isotopes" Minerals 12, no. 8: 962.

[Pargasite] Cui, Fang-Hua, Chao Zhang, Dai-Tian Jin, Lu-Yuan Wang, Ji-Lei Gao, Ming Ma, and Ya-Dong Li. (2022) "Mineral Chemistry of the Lower Cretaceous Jinling Iron Skarn Deposit, Western Shandong Province, North China Craton: Implications for the Iron Skarn Mineralization Process" Minerals 12, no. 9: 1152.

[Pargasite] Yiming Zhao and Daxin Li (2003): Mineral Deposits 22(4), 345-359

[Ferro-pargasite] Yang Ding, Jiyue Xue, and Gufeng Luo (1998): Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 17(2), 142-147

[Pargasite] Gao, W., Ciobanu, C. L., Cook, N. J., Slattery, A., Huang, F., & Song, D. (2019). Nanoscale study of titanomagnetite from the Panzhihua layered intrusion, Southwest China: Multistage exsolutions record ore formation. Minerals, 9(9), 513.; Gao, W., Ciobanu, C. L., Cook, N. J., Huang, F., Meng, L., & Gao, S. (2017). Petrography and trace element signatures in silicates and Fe–Ti-oxides from the Lanjiahuoshan deposit, Panzhihua layered intrusion, Southwest China. Lithos, 294, 164-183.

[Pargasite] Liu, Y, 1997. Petrologic study of high-pressure granulites and carbonatites in Namjagbarwa area, and the tectonic significance. PhD thesis, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-760784.html) [Astrophyllite locality](/loc-235215.html)

[Pargasite] Yan Liu, Zhesheng Ma, Xiuling Han, Huyun Zhou, Peishan Zhang, and Dalai Zhong (1997): Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica 16(4), 338-340

[Pargasite] Li, H., Zhang, Z., Liu, B., Jin, Y., Santosh, M., & Pan, J. (2022). Superimposed zinc and gold mineralization in the Dunde iron deposit, western Tianshan, NW China: Constraints from LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion microanalysis. Ore Geology Reviews, 104713.

  * Ruoqiang Co. (Qakilik Co.; Chaqiliq Co.)
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1373280.html) [Yinggelike Deposit](/loc-345044.html)

[Pargasite] Jiang, Y.; Shi, G.; Xu, L.; Li, X. (2020) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Nephrite Jade from Yinggelike Deposit, Altyn Tagh (Xinjiang, NW China). Minerals 10, 418.

[Pargasite] Fengmei Chai, Zhaochong Zhang, Jingwen Mao, Lianhui Dong, Zuoheng Zhang, Huishou Ye, Hua Wu, and Xinhua Mo (2006): Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica 25(1), 1-12

     * Tuwu-Yandong copper ore belt
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1417281.html) [Baixintan Magmatic Ni–Cu Sulfide Deposit](/loc-405074.html)

[Pargasite] Ruan, B.; Liao, M.; Sun, B.; Chen, C. (2020) Origin and Nature of Parental Magma and Sulfide Segregation of the Baixintan Magmatic Ni–Cu Sulfide Deposit, Southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), NW China: Insights from Mineral Chemistry of Chromite and Silicate Minerals. Minerals 10, 1050.

[Ferro-pargasite] Gao, J., Klemd, R., Zhang, L., Wang, Z., & Xiao, X. (1999). PT path of high-pressure/low-temperature rocks and tectonic implications in the western Tianshan Mountains, NW China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 17, 621-636.

  * Tacheng Prefecture (Tarbaghatay Prefecture)
     * Junggar Basin
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-904250.html) [Hongguleleng formation](/loc-68840.html)

[Pargasite] Genyong Peng, John Lewis, Bruce Lipin, James McGee, Peisheng Bao, Xibin Wang (1995) Inclusions of phlogopite and phlogopite hydrates in chromium from the Hongguleleng ophiolite in Xinjiang, northwest China. American Mineralogist 80:1307-1316

  * Tekesi Co. (Tekes Co.)
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-905337.html) [Haladala complex](/loc-235265.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Qiuyue Huang and Yongfeng Zhu (2012): Acta Petrologica Sinica 28(7), 2199-2208

[Pargasite] Chengdian Pen (1986): Mineral Deposits 5(3), 37-48; Zhenhua Zhou, Hongwei Liu, Guoxiong Chang, Linsu Li, Tao Li, Yongjun Yang, Ruijun Zhang, and Xianhe Ji (2011): Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica 30(1), 97-112

[Pargasite] Xue, Y., Sun, N., He, H., Chen, A., and Yang, Y.: Liguowuite, WO3, a new member of the A-site vacant perovskite type minerals from the Panzhihua–Xichang region, China, Eur. J. Mineral., 34, 95–108,, 2022.


[Pargasite] Tistl, M. (1994). Geochemistry of platinum-group elements of the zoned ultramafic Alto Condoto complex, northwest Colombia. Economic Geology, 89(1), 158-167.


[Pargasite] Cárdenas-Párraga, J., García-Casco, A., Núñez-Cambra, K., Rodríguez-Vega, A., Blanco-Quintero, I. F., Harlow, G. E., & Lázaro, C. (2010). Jadeitite jade occurrence from the Sierra del Convento mélange (eastern Cuba). Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 62(1), 199-205. Blanco-Quintero, I. F., Lazaro, C., Garcia-Casco, A., & Proenza, J. A. (2010). Ba-sequestering phases in the subduction environment (eastern Cuba mélanges): implications for arc magmas. Macla, 13.

Czech Republic

[Pargasite] Tsunogae, Toshiaki, Osanai, Yasuhito, Owada, Masaaki, Toyoshima, Tsuyoshi, Hokada, Tomokazu, Crowe, Warwick A (2003) High fluorine pargasites in ultrahigh temperature granulites from Tonagh Island in the Archean Napier Complex, East Antarctica. Lithos, 70 (1), 21-38.

[Pargasite] Houzar, S., Litochleb, J., Sejkora, J., Cempirek, J., & Cicha, J. (2008). Unusual mineralization with niobian titanite and Bi-tellurides in scheelite skarn from Kamenné doly quarry near Písek, Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif. Journal of Geosciences, 53(1), 1-16.

[Pargasite] Vrána, S.: Hliníkem bohatý pargasit a dravit z Chýnova u Tábora. Časopis pro mineralogii a geologii, 1978, roč. 23, č. 4, s. 435.

[Ferro-pargasite] Houzar, S., Novák, M., Doležalová, H., Hrazdil, V., Pfeiferová, A.: Přehled mineralogie, petrografie a geologie nedvědických mramorů, svratecké krystalinikum. Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. geol., 2006, roč. 91, s. 3-77.

[Ferro-pargasite] Filip, J., Houzar, S., Sulovský, P.: Allanit a produkty jeho přeměny z pegmatitu a ze skarnu u Rešic, západní Morava. Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae geologicae, 2002, roč. 87, s. 87 - 101.

[Pargasite] SEIFERT AV, VRÁNA S, (2005) Bohemian garnet. Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 80, No 2, pages 113 - 124

[Ferro-pargasite] Dolníček Z, Kovář M, Ulmanová J (2020) Axinit a doprovodné minerály z lokality Jezuitský rybník východně od Golčova Jeníkova (moldanubikum, Česká republika). Bull Mineral Petrolog 28(2): 437-453 ISSN 2570-7337

[Pargasite] Houzar, S. & Novák, M. (2006): Clintonite-bearing assemblages in chondrodite marbles from the contact aureole of the Trebic Pluton, Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif. J. Czech Geol. Soc. 51, 249-258. [\_3-4\_\_houzar.pdf\]

[Pargasite] Pauliš, P: Nejzajímavější mineralogická naleziště Moravy a Slezska. Kutná Hora: Kuttna, 2001, s. 29-30.

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-533505.html) [Tasov](/loc-187961.html)

[Pargasite] Houzar, S. & Novák, M. (2006): Clintonite-bearing assemblages in chondrodite marbles from the contact aureole of the Trebic Pluton, Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif. J. Czech Geol. Soc. 51, 249-258. [\_3-4\_\_houzar.pdf\]

Dominican Republic

[Pargasite] Krebs, M., Maresch, W. V., Schertl, H. P., Münker, C., Baumann, A., Draper, G., ... & Trapp, E. (2008). The dynamics of intra-oceanic subduction zones: a direct comparison between fossil petrological evidence (Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic) and numerical simulation. Lithos, 103(1-2), 106-137.


[Pargasite] Eur. J. Mineral. , 1993, 5, pp. 1039-1056.


[Ferro-pargasite] Dobnikar, M., Fioretti, A.M., Bellieni, G. and Dolenec, T. (2002): Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2002, A188


[Pargasite] Sipilä, Pekka 1992. The Caledonian Halt-Ridnitsohkka igneous complex in Lapland. Geological Survey of Finland Bulletin 362, 75 p. 23 app. pages

[Pargasite] Pelayo Barrón Francisco (2020) The lithogeochemistry of the Cu-rich disseminated ore and further geochemical characterization of the massive ore, Sakatti Cu-Ni-Co-PGE deposit, Central Lapland Greenstone Belt, Finland. Masters thesis, University of Helsinki

[Pargasite] Mineralogical Magazine, April 1997, Vol. 61, pp. 295-321

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-916572.html) [Ahvensaari](/loc-262376.html)

[Pargasite] Eskola et. al 1919

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-753284.html) [Ersby](/loc-127155.html)

[Pargasite] Knut Eldjarn photo and specimen

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-862172.html) [Limberg quarry](/loc-1660.html)

[Pargasite] Hietala, Satu 2012. Paraisten kalkkilouhoksen mineraaleista. Kivi 1/2012 12-18.

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-799216.html) [Skräbböle Quarry (Nordkalk Quarry)](/loc-158076.html)

[Pargasite] Jyrki Autio specimen & photo


[Pargasite] Leblanc, M., Didier, J. (1987) Enclaves ultrabasiques carbonatisées avec traces d'or, dans les anatexites du Haut-Allier (France). Bulletin de Minéralogie: 110(4): 359-371.

     * Saint-Cirgues
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-317492.html) [Les Rochers de Lisoul](/loc-46477.html)

[Pargasite] Leblanc, M., Didier, J. (1987) Enclaves ultrabasiques carbonatisées avec traces d'or, dans les anatexites du Haut-Allier (France). Bulletin de Minéralogie: 110(4): 359-371.

     * Saint-Ilpize
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-619995.html) [Chantel](/loc-206092.html)

[Pargasite] FORESTIER F. H., LASNIER B. (1969) – Découverte de niveaux d’amphibolites à pargasite, anorthite, corindon et saphirine dans les schistes cristallins de la vallée du Haut-Allier – Existence du faciès granulite dans la massif Central Français, Contr. Mineral. And Petrol. 23, pp. 194-235.

        * Grenier
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-554610.html) [Grenier stream alluvial deposits](/loc-192458.html)

[Pargasite] Collected by Guy Pégère

        * la Redonde
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-682309.html) [Bois d’Antou](/loc-219828.html)

[Pargasite] collected by Guy Pégère and François Périnet.

        * Ribeyre
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-554430.html) [Bouchassou stream alluvial deposits](/loc-192436.html)

[Pargasite] Collected by Guy Pégère

     * Saint-Privat-du-Dragon
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-630131.html) [Peygerolles](/loc-207495.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] PERINET F., PEGERE G. (2009) – Les sables éluvionnaires à rubis et sapphirine du secteur de Peygerolles, St-Privat-du-Dragon, Haute-Loire – Le Cahier des Micromonteurs, n° 104, pp. 35-41.

     * Torsiac
        * Lanau
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-317140.html) [Listvenite outcrop](/loc-72528.html)

[Pargasite] Leblanc, M., Didier, J. (1987) Enclaves ultrabasiques carbonatisées avec traces d'or, dans les anatexites du Haut-Allier (France). Bulletin de Minéralogie: 110(4): 359-371.

[Pargasite] Leblanc, M., Didier, J. (1987) Enclaves ultrabasiques carbonatisées avec traces d'or, dans les anatexites du Haut-Allier (France). Bulletin de Minéralogie: 110(4): 359-371.

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1374809.html) [Mont-Dore Volcanic Field](/loc-345171.html)

[Pargasite] Briot, D., Cantagrel, J. M., Dupuy, C., & Harmon, R. S. (1991). Geochemical evolution in crustal magma reservoirs: Trace-element and Sr Nd O isotopic variations in two continental intraplate series at Monts Dore, Massif Central, France. Chemical geology, 89(3-4), 281-303. Brousse, R. (1961). Minéralogie et pétrographie des roches volcaniques du Massif du Mont-Dore. Bull. Soc. Franc. Min4ral. Crist, 84, 245-259. Brousse, R. (1961). Recueil des analyses chimiques des roches volcaniques tertiaires et quaternaires de la France. Bull. Serv. Carte géol. France, 58(263), 1-140. Brousse, R. & Lefèvre, C. 1990. Le volcanisme en France et en Europe limitrophe. «Guides géologiques régionaux». Masson, Paris. Brousse, R., Rançon, J. P., Tempier, P., & Veyret, Y. (1989). Bourg-Lastic, Carte Géologique de la France à 1/50 000. Editions du BRGM-BP, 6009-45060. Cantagrel, J. M., & Baubron, J. C. (1983). Chronologie des éruptions dans le massif volcanique des Monts Dore (méthode potassium-argon). Bur. Rech. Géol. Min.(Fr.), Sect. Géol.(2), 1(1–2), 123-142. Sébastien, N., Jean-François, P., Nehlig, P., Hervé, G., Vincent, S., & Stéphane, S. Tephrochronology of the Mont-Dore volcanic Massif (Massif Central, France): new 40 Ar/39 Ar constraints on the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene activity. Bulletin of Volcanology, 76, 798. Sørensen, H., Bernth, U., & Brousse, R. (1999). Trachytes and phonolites from the Mont-Dore region, Auvergne, France. Geolines, (9), 114-118.

  * Riom
     * Saint-Angel
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1374524.html) [Menat-Malmouche Maars](/loc-345150.html)

[Pargasite] Vincent, P. M., Aubert, M., Boivin, P., Cantagrel, J. M., & Lenat, J. F. (1977). Decouverte d'un volcanisme paleocene en Auvergne; les maars de Menat et leurs annexes, etude geologique et geophysique. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 7(5), 1057-1070.

[Ferro-pargasite] Bull. Minéral. , 1987, 110, pp. 683-696.

[Pargasite] collected by François Périnet

[Pargasite] Baranyi, I., Lippolt, H.J. & Todt, W. (1976). KALIUM-ARGON-ALTERSBESTIMMUNGEN AN TERTIAEREN VULKANITEN DES OBERRHEINGRABEN-GEBIETES: II DIE ALTERSTRAVERSE VON HEGAU NACH LOTHRINGEN. Oberrheinische Geologische Abhandlungen, 25, 41-62. Brousse, R. (1961). Recueil des analyses chimiques des roches volcaniques tertiaires et quaternaires de la France. Bull. Serv. Carte géol. France, 58(263), 1-140. BROUSSE, R., & BELLON, H. (1983). Réflexions chronologiques et pétrologiques sur le volcanisme associé au développement des rifts de France. Bulletin des centres de recherches exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine, 7(1), 409-424. Brousse, R. & Lefèvre, C. 1990. Le volcanisme en France et en Europe limitrophe. «Guides géologiques régionaux». Masson, Paris. Keller, J., Kraml, M., & Henjes-Kunst, F. (2002). 40Ar/39Ar single crystal laser dating of early volcanism in the Upper Rhine Graben and tectonic implications. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 82, 121-130. Wimmenauer, W. (1952). Petrographische Untersuchungen an einigen basischen Eruptivgesteinen des Oberrheingebietes. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie-Abhandlungen, 83, 375-432.

[Pargasite] Ph. D'arco, J. Cotten, Bull. Minéral. , 1985, 108, pp. 153-159.

[Pargasite] Cluzel, D., Aitchison, J. C., Zhou, R., Ireland, T., Heizler, M., Patias, D., ... & Teyssier, C. (2022). Direct dating of podiform Chromitite: U-Pb (Zircon, Rutile) and 40Ar/39Ar (Pargasite) evidence from Tiébaghi Cr deposit (New Caledonia). Ore Geology Reviews, 145, 104873.

[Pargasite] 33rd International Geological Congress (2008) session MPM-04 Platinum-group mineralogy: Platinum-group minerals in chromitite schlieren from the ouen island, new caledonia ophiolite

[Pargasite] D. Coffrant, Bull. Soc. Fr. Minéral. Cristallogr. , 1974, 97, pp. 70-78.

[Pargasite] J.L. Bodinier et al. , Bull. Minéral. , 1987, 110, pp. 345-358 / J.P. Lorand, 1989, Lithos, 23, 281-299

     * Le Port
        * Col d'Agnès
           * Etang de Lers
              * [ⓘ](/locentry-1345431.html) [Granulite outcrops](/loc-46486.html)

[Pargasite] Claude Laforêt, Pierre Monchoux,.Elisabeth Oudin, Francis Tollon,.[et al.], 1983, Inventaire minéralogique de la France n°11, Ariège 09-1 Bassin versant du Salat, BRGM , pp 110-111, Etang de Lherz S. S. 4.


        * [ⓘ](/locentry-309266.html) [Bage reservoir](/loc-69004.html)

[Pargasite] G. Trolliard et al. , Bull. Minéral; , 1987, 110, pp. 439-448.

[Pargasite] N. Cabanes and J.C.C. Mercier, Bull. Minéral. , 1988, 111, pp. 65-77.

[Ferro-pargasite] "'TRENCART' Collection

     * Prats-de-Mollo-la-Preste
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-207242.html) [Costabonne mines (Costabona mines)](/loc-43866.html)

[Pargasite] Goujou J-C., Guitard G., Berbain C. (2000), Le massif de Costabonne, 2464 m (Pyrénées-Orientales), Le Règne Minéral, n°32, pp: 5-12

  * Prades
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-902716.html) [Casteil](/loc-259672.html)

[Pargasite] Lacroix, A. (1910): Minéralogie de la France et de ses colonies, Librairie Polytechnique, Ch. Béranger EditeGuitard, G. (2010): Catalogue raisonné de la collection de minéralogie régionale, C.E.R.P. de Tautavel. Berbain, C., Favreau, G. & Aymar, J. (2005): Mines et minéraux des Pyrénées-Orientales et des Corbières, Association Française de Microminéralogie Ed., 87.

[Pargasite] Béziat, J.L. Joron et P. Monchoux : "Spessartites in the Montagne Noire, France : mineralogical and geochemical data", Eur. Journ. Mineral., 1993, 5, pp 879-891.


[Pargasite] Walenta, K. (1992) Die Mineralien des Schwarzwaldes und ihre Fundstellan. Christian Weise Verlag, München, 336 pages [in German].

[Pargasite] Cloos, H. (1941). Bau and Tätigkeit von Tuffschloten: Geol. Rundschau, 32, 704-800. Lippolt, H. J., Todt, W. & Baranyi, I. (1973). K-Ar ages of basaltic rocks from the Urach volcanic district, SW Germany. Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Stuttgart, 50, 101-102. Alibert, C., Michard, A., & Albarède, F. (1983). The transition from alkali basalts to kimberlites: isotope and trace element evidence from melilitites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 82(2-3), 176-186. Keller, J., Brey, G., Lorenz, V., & Sachs, P. (1990). Volcanism and petrology of the upper Rhinegraben (Urach-Hegau-Kaiserstuhl). Fieldguide, IAVCEI 1990 preconference excursion, 2. Hegner, E., Walter, H. J., & Satir, M. (1995). Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions and trace element geochemistry of megacrysts and melilitites from the Tertiary Urach volcanic field: source composition of small volume melts under SW Germany. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 122(3), 322-335. Wilson, M., Rosenbaum, J. M., & Dunworth, E. A. (1995). Melilitites: partial melts of the thermal boundary layer?. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 119(2-3), 181-196. Hegner, E., & Vennemann, T. W. (1997). Role of fluids in the origin of Tertiary European intraplate volcanism: evidence from O, H, and Sr isotopes in melilitites. Geology, 25(11), 1035-1038. Dunworth, E. A., & Wilson, M. (1998). Olivine melilitites of the SW German Tertiary Volcanic Province: mineralogy and petrogenesis. Journal of Petrology, 39(10), 1805-1836. Woolley A.R. (2019) Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World. Part 4: Antarctica, Asia and Europe, p.346

[Pargasite] S. Weiß: "Mineralfundstellen, Deutschland West", Weise (Munich), 1990


  * Hof District
     * Oberkotzau
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-985826.html) [Fattigau](/loc-72792.html)

[Pargasite] F. Müller: "Bayerns steinreiche Ecke", 2nd ed., Oberfränkische Verlagsanstalt (Hof), 1984

     * Rehau
        * Wurlitz
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1002911.html) [Heß quarry](/loc-18097.html)  ?

[Pargasite] Rost, F. (1949): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 1(5/6), 627-688.

[Pargasite] Weiss: "Mineralfundstellen, Deutschland West", Weise (Munich), 1990

[Pargasite] Blass, G., Emmerich, F., Graf, HW., Schäfer, Ch., Tschörtner, J., (2006): Minerale der Eifelvulkane, Version 1.0, CD, published by authors

     * Kempenich
        * Engeln
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-904311.html) [Granulite occurrence](/loc-259935.html)

[Pargasite] Loock, G., Stosch, H.-G., Seck, H.A. (1990): Granulite facies lower crustal xenoliths from the Eifel, West Germany, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 105, pp. 25-41

     * Wehr
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-358632.html) [Kappiger Ley (Kappiger Lay)](/loc-36155.html)

[Pargasite] Viereck, L., Geologische und petrologische Entwicklung des pleistozänen Vulkankomplexes Rieden, Ost-Eifel, Bochumer geol. Geotechn. Arbeiten 17, 1984

[Pargasite] Witt-Eickschen, G., Kaminsky, W., Kramm, U., Harte, B., The Nature of Young vein Metasomatism in the Lithosphere of the West Eifel (Germany):…..from Mantle Xenoliths from the Meerfelder Maar, Journal of Petrology, 39, 155-185, 1998

[Pargasite] - Viereck, L.: Geologische und petrologische Entwicklung des pleistozänen Vulkankomplexes Rieden, Ost-Eifel. Bochumer geol. geotechn. Arbeiten 17, 1984

     * Mendig
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-358617.html) [Rodder Höfe](/loc-106922.html)

[Pargasite] Viereck, L., Geologische und petrologische Entwicklung des pleistozänen Vulkankomplexes Rieden, Ost-Eifel, Bochumer geol. Geotechn. Arbeiten 17, 1984

  * Vordereifel
     * Ettringen
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-939658.html) [Caspar quarry](/loc-1793.html)

[Pargasite] Schäfer, Ch. (2016): Einige bemerkenswerte Funde vom Bellerberg-Vulkan bei Mayen, Der Aufschluß, Vol. 67 (1) , pp. 5-15

[Pargasite] [Brauns, R., (1922): Die Mineralien der Niederrheinischen Vulkangebiete, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart] [Blass, G., Emmerich, F., Graf, HW., Schäfer, Ch., Tschörtner, J., (2006): Minerale der Eifelvulkane, Version 1.0, CD, published by authors]

  * Gerolstein
     * Rockeskyll
        * Rockeskyll volcanic complex
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1032931.html) [Auf Dickel (incl. Nonnental)](/loc-105701.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] in the collection of Christof Schäfer

[Ferro-pargasite] collection H.J. Haas H.J. Haas collection, EDX analysis by Dr. Bär

  * Marienberg
     * Zöblitz
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-641888.html) [Ansprung quarry](/loc-209832.html)

[Pargasite] Schmädicke, E., and Evans, B.W. (1997): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 127, 57-74.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-641882.html) [Serpentinite quarry](/loc-67966.html)

[Pargasite] Schmädicke, E., and Evans, B.W. (1997): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 127, 57-74.

  * Seiffen
     * Deutschneudorf
        * Oberlochmühle
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-641899.html) [Seiffenbach valley](/loc-209833.html)

[Pargasite] Schmädicke, E., and Evans, B.W. (1997): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 127, 57-74.

[Pargasite] Wittern: "Mineralfundorte in Deutschland", 2001; Richter, E. & Rüger, F. (2010): Der Diabas-Tagebau Loitsch in Thüringen und seine Mineralien. Lapis 35 (2), 13-22; 54.


[Pargasite] Kapsiotis, A., Ewing Rassios, A., Antonelou, A., & Tzamos, E. (2016). Genesis and multi-episodic alteration of zircon-bearing chromitites from the ayios stefanos mine, othris Massif, Greece: Assessment of an unconventional hypothesis on the origin of zircon in ophiolitic chromitites. Minerals, 6(4), 124.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-607619.html) [Metalio mine](/loc-28300.html)

[Pargasite] Garuti, G., Zaccarini, F., and Economou-Eliopoulos, M. (1999): Mineralium Deposita 34, 312-319.

[Pargasite] Wang et al. (2017), The Origin of a new Pargasite-Schist Hosted Ruby Deposit from Paranesti, Northern Greece. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 55, pp. 535-560.; Voudouris, P., Mavrogonatos, C., Graham, I., Giuliani, G., Tarantola, A., Melfos, V., ... & Magganas, A. (2019) Gemstones of Greece: Geology and Crystallizing Environments. Minerals, 9(8), 461. Wang, Kandy K., Ian T. Graham, Laure Martin, Panagiotis Voudouris, Gaston Giuliani, Angela Lay, Stephen J. Harris, and Anthony Fallick. (2019) "Fingerprinting Paranesti Rubies through Oxygen Isotopes" Minerals 9, no. 2: 91.

[Pargasite] Eur. J. Mineral. , 1994, 6, pp. 733-738.

[Pargasite] Pelletier, L., Vils, F., Kalt, A., & Gméling, K. (2008). Li, B and Be contents of harzburgites from the Dramala Complex (Pindos Ophiolite, Greece): Evidence for a MOR-type mantle in a supra-subduction zone environment. Journal of Petrology, 49(11), 2043-2080.

[Pargasite] Kapsiotis, A. N. (2013). Genesis of chromitites from Korydallos, Pindos Ophiolite Complex, Greece, based on spinel chemistry and PGE-mineralogy. Journal of Geosciences, 58(1), 49-69.


[Ferro-pargasite] Bradshaw C.(1988).A petrographic structural and geochemical study of the alkaline igneous rocks of the Motzfeldt Centre South Greenland (Doctoral dissertation Durham University).

[Ferro-pargasite] Petersen, O.V. (2001): List of all minerals identified in the Ilímaussaq alkaline complex, South Greenland. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin. 190, 25-33

[Ferro-pargasite] Upton, B. G. J., Stephenson, D., & Martin, A. R. (1985). The Tugtutôq older giant dyke complex: mineralogy and geochemistry of an alkali gabbro-augite-syenite-foyaite association in the Gardar Province of South Greenland. Mineralogical Magazine, 49(354), 623–642.

[Pargasite] MinRec 16:485-494

[Pargasite] Bøggild, O.B. (1953): The Mineralogy of Greenland. Meddelelser om Grønland, Bd. 149. Nr. 3. 445 pages [p.46]

  * Qeqertarsuatsiaat area
     * Allumersat
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-569050.html) [Kornerupine-sapphirine locality North of Bjørnesund](/loc-194974.html)

[Pargasite] Petersen, O.V & Johnsen, O. (1980): Giant crystals of Kornerupine. Mineralogical Record 11,93-96



[Ferro-pargasite] Harlow, G. E. (1994). Jadeitites, albitites and related rocks from the Motagua Fault Zone, Guatemala. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 12(1), 49-68. Harlow, G. E., Sisson, V. B., & Sorensen, S. S. (2011). Jadeitite from Guatemala: new observations and distinctions among multiple occurrences. Geologica Acta, 363-387.


[Pargasite] Mineral Species of Hungary, 2005

[Pargasite] C. Szabó et al. , Eur. J. Mineral. , 1996, 8, pp. 881-899.

[Pargasite] Mineral Species of Hungary, 2005

[Pargasite] Mineral Species of Hungary, 2005


[Ferro-pargasite] Madhavan, V., & Leelanandam, C. (1988). Petrology of the Elchuru alkaline pluton, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 31(6), 535-537. Czygan, W., & Goldenberg, G. (1989). Petrography and geochemistry of the alkaline complexes of Sivamalai, Elchuru and Uppalapadu. India. Mem. Geol. Soc. India, 15, 225-240. Madhavan, V., Mallikharjuna Rao, J., SUBRAHMANYAM K, K. S., & LEELANANDAM, C. (1989). Bedrock geology of the Elchuru alkaline pluton, Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. Geol. Soc. India Memoir, 15, 189-205. Madhavan, V., MALLIKHARJUNA, R., Balaram, V., & Kumar, R. (1992). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of lamprophyres and associated dykes from Elchuru, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 40(2), 135-149. Nag, S., Chakravorty, P. S., Smith, T. E., & Huang, C. H. (1984). The petrology and geochemistry of intrusive alkaline rocks of Elchuru, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Geological Journal, 19(1), 57-76. Subba Rao, T. V., Bhaskar Rao, Y. J., Sivaraman, T. V., & Gopalan, K. (1989). Rb-Sr age and petrology of the Elchuru Alkaline Complex: implications to alkaline magmatism in the Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt. Mem. Geol. Soc. India, 15, 207-223. Upadhyay, D., Raith, M. M., Mezger, K., & Hammerschmidt, K. (2006). Mesoproterozoic rift-related alkaline magmatism at Elchuru, Prakasam alkaline province, SE India. Lithos, 89(3-4), 447-477.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1334937.html) [Errakonda Pluton](/loc-335767.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Reddy, K. K., Ratnakar, J., & Leelanandam, C. (1998). A petrochemical study of the Proterozoic alkaline complex of Uppalapadu, Prakasam Province, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 52(1), 41-52.

[Pargasite] Bhattacharjee, N., Ray, J., Ganguly, S., & Saha, A. (2012). Mineralogical Study of Gabbro-Anorthosite from Dumka, Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex, Eastern Indian Shield. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 80(4), 481-492.

[Ferro-pargasite] Chowdhury, S., & Lentz, D. R. (2011). Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of scheelite-bearing skarns, and genetic relations between skarn mineralization and petrogenesis of the associated granitoid pluton at Sargipali, Sundergarh District, Eastern India. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 108(1), 39-61.

[Pargasite] Baidya, A. S., Sen, A., & Pal, D. C. (2018). Textures and compositions of cobalt pentlandite and cobaltian mackinawite from the Madan-Kudan copper deposit, Khetri Copper Belt, Rajasthan, India. Journal of Earth System Science, 127(4), 56.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1535757.html) [Rohil](/loc-413390.html)

[Pargasite] Rout, D., Krishnamurthi, R., & Sinha, D. K. (2022). Mineralogy and Paragenesis of the Meso-Proterozoic Rohil Uranium Deposit, North Delhi Fold Belt, Rajasthan, India. Ore Geology Reviews, 105204.

[Pargasite] Baidya, A. S., Sen, A., & Pal, D. C. (2018). Textures and compositions of cobalt pentlandite and cobaltian mackinawite from the Madan-Kudan copper deposit, Khetri Copper Belt, Rajasthan, India. Journal of Earth System Science, 127(4), 56.

[Pargasite] Mitchell, R. H. & Fareeduddin (2009). Mineralogy of peralkaline lamproites from the Raniganj Coalfield, India. Mineralogical Magazine, 73, 457-477. Middlemost, E. A., Paul, D. K., & Fletcher, I. R. (1988). Geochemistry and mineralogy of the minette-lamproite association from the Indian Gondwanas. Lithos, 22(1), 31-42.


[Pargasite] Turner, S., Foden, J., George, R., Evans, P., Varne, R., Elburg, M., & Jenner, G. (2003). Rates and processes of potassic magma evolution beneath Sangeang Api volcano, East Sunda arc, Indonesia. Journal of Petrology, 44(3), 491-515. Foden, J. D., & Varne, R. (1980). The petrology and tectonic setting of Quaternary—recent volcanic centres of Lombok and Sumbawa, Sunda arc. Chemical Geology, 30(3), 201-226. Foden, J. D., & Varne, R. (1981). Petrogenetic and tectonic implications of near coeval calcalkaline to highly alkaline volcanism on Lombok and Sumbawa islands in the eastern Sunda Arc. In The Geology and Tectonics of Eastern Indonesia (Vol. 2, pp. 135-152). Geological Research and Development Centre.


Hajialioghli, R., Moazzen, M., & Milke, R. (2011). Titanian garnet in nepheline syenite from the Kaleybar area, East Azerbaijan Province, NW Iran. Central European Geology, 54(3), 295-311.

[Pargasite] Mazhari, S. A., Bea, F., Amini, S., Ghalamghash, J., Molina, J. F., Montero, P., ... & Williams, I. S. (2009). The Eocene bimodal Piranshahr massif of the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, NW Iran: a marker of the end of the collision in the Zagros orogen. Journal of the Geological Society, 166(1), 53-69.


[Pargasite] [, Russo, M., Punzo, I. (2004): I minerali del Somma-Vesuvio, AMI]

        * Ercolano
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1367261.html) [Le Novelle Quarry](/loc-123062.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Imma Punzo find & collection

           * San Vito
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-488190.html) [San Vito Quarry](/loc-2170.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] M.E. Ciriotti 2007 collection (Steffen Moeckel EPMA probed)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1362513.html) [Mount Vesuvius](/loc-145740.html)

[Pargasite] Imma Punzo find & collection

[Pargasite] Beccaluva, L., Di Girolamo, P., & Serri, G. (1991). Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Roman Volcanic Province, Italy. Lithos, 26(3-4), 191-221. Metrich, N., Santacroce, R., & Savelli, C. (1988). Ventotene a Quaternary potassic volcano in central Tyrrhenian Sea. Rendiconti Societa Italiana Mineralogia e Petrologia, 43, 1195-1213. Bellucci, F., Lirer, L., & Munno, R. (1999). Geology of Ponza, Ventotene and Santo Stefano islands (with a 1: 15,000 scale geological map). Acta Vulcanologica, 11(2), 197-222.


  * Valfurva
     * Zebrù Valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-903522.html) [Vedretta della Miniera (Cima della Miniera)](/loc-134365.html)

[Pargasite] Bedognè, F., Montrasio, A., and Sciesa, E. (2006) I minerali della media-alta Valtellina, delle Orobie valtellinesi e della Val Poschiavo. Aggiornamenti sulle altre località della provincia di Sondrio. Bettini, Sondrio, 255 pp.

[Pargasite] Colombo F., Compagnoni R., Lombardo B. (1994): Le rocce eclogitiche dei Laghi del Frisson (Argentera sud-orientale, Alpi Marittime). Atti Tic. Sci. Terra, Serie speciale, 1, 75-82; Ferrando S., Lombardo B., Compagnoni R. (2008): Metamorphic history of HP mafic granulites from the Gesso-Stura Terrain (Argentera Massif, Western Alps, Italy). Eur. J. Mineral., 20, 777-790.


  * [ⓘ](/locentry-313948.html) [Finero Ultramafic Complex (incl. Rio Creves)](/loc-55754.html)


[Pargasite] Sessa, G., Moroni, M., Tumiati, S., Caruso, S., & Fiorentini, M. L. (2017). Ni-Fe-Cu-PGE ore deposition driven by metasomatic fluids and melt-rock reactions in the deep crust: the ultramafic pipe of Valmaggia, Ivrea-Verbano, Italy. Ore Geology Reviews, 90, 485-509.

  * Varallo Sesia
     * Sabbia
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-539952.html) [Ponte di Salaro](/loc-123150.html)

[Pargasite] Piccoli, G.C., Maletto, G., Bosio, P., Lombardo, B. (2007). Minerali del Piemonte e della Valle d'Aosta. Associazione Amici del Museo "F. Eusebio" Alba, Ed., Alba (Cuneo) 607 pp.

[Pargasite] Gamboni, A., and Cuccuru, S. (2021) Gallura. Rocce e minerali. Aspetti storici, geologici, giacimentologici e mineralogici. Edizioni AMI, Ciriè, 240 pp.

  * Olbia
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1485474.html) [Punta Sirenella](/loc-420296.html)

[Pargasite] Franceschelli M., Puxeddu M., Cruciani G., Dini A. & Loi M. (2005) - Layered amphibolite sequence in NE Sardinia, Italy: remnant of a pre-Variscan mafic silicic layered intrusion? Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 149, 164-180. Franceschelli M., Puxeddu M. & Cruciani G. (2005) - Variscan Metamorphism in Sardinia, Italy: review and discussion. J. Virtual Explorer, 19, paper 2. Cruciani R., Elter F. M., Franceschelli M., Puxeddu M. and Utzeri D. (2006) – High grade metamorphic rocks from NE Sardinia, Italy – 85֯ Congresso SIMP Post Session Field Trip Guide, 33 pp. Cruciani G., Franceschelli M., Jung S., Puxeddu M. & Utzeri D. (2008) - Amphibole- bearing migmatite from Variscan Belt of NE Sardinia, Italy: partial melting of a mid-Ordovician igneous source. Lithos, 102, 208-224 Carosi R., Cruciani G., Franceschelli. M and Montomoli C. (2015) – The Variscan basement in Sardinia – Periodico semestrale del Servizio Geologico d'Italia, ISPRA e della Società Geologica Italiana – Geologycal Field Trips, 7, 118 pp. Gamboni, A., and Cuccuru, S. (2021) Gallura. Rocce e minerali. Aspetti storici, geologici, giacimentologici e mineralogici. Edizioni AMI, Ciriè, 240 pp.

[Pargasite] Carraro, A., & Visonà, D. (2003). Mantle xenoliths in Triassic camptonite dykes of the Predazzo Area (Dolomites, Northern Italy) petrography, mineral chemistry and geothermobarometry. European journal of Mineralogy, 15(1), 103-115.

  * Sella Giudicarie
     * Breguzzo
        * San Pietro-Breguzzo Valley
           * Malga Trivena hut
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-505185.html) [Marble quarry](/loc-169043.html)

[Pargasite] Gieré, R., Williams, C.T. (1992): REE-bearing minerals in a Ti-rich vein from the Adamello contact aureole (Italy). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 112, 83-100.

[Ferro-pargasite] Barsotti, G., & Nannoni, R. (2006). Rocce, minerali e miniere delle isole dell'Arcipelago Toscano. Pacini editore, 152 pp.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-239148.html) [Sassi Neri Mine](/loc-50860.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Barsotti, G., & Nannoni, R. (2006). Rocce, minerali e miniere delle isole dell'Arcipelago Toscano. Pacini editore, 152 pp.

[Pargasite] Boscardin M.,Daleffe A.,Rocchetti I., Zordan A. (2011) " Minerali del Vicentino - Aggiornamenti, località e nuove determinazioni " Museo di Archeologia e Scienze Naturali “G. Zannato” – Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza), pp.183


[Pargasite] Aoki, K. (1971) Contr. Min. Petr., 30, 314-331; Aoki, K., Shiba, I. (1973) Jour. Japanese Assoc. Min. Petr. and Economic Geology, 68, 303-310.

[Pargasite] Miura, Makoto, Shoji Arai, Tomoyuki Mizukami, Vladimir R. Shmelev, and Satoko Ishimaru. (2018) "Petrology of Chromitites in the Higashi-Akaishi Ultrahigh-Pressure (UHP) Peridotite Complex, Japan: Toward Understanding of General Features of the UHP Chromitites" Minerals 8, no. 11: 525.

[Pargasite] Shimazaki, H., Bunno, M., & Ozawa, T. (1984). Sadanagaite and magnesio-sadanagaite, new silica-poor members of calcific amphibole from Japan. Am. Mineral, 69, 465-471.

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-151683.html) [Yuge Island](/loc-4386.html)

[Pargasite] Amer.Min.(1984) 69, 465-471

[Ferro-pargasite] Naohito Kishira, Akira Takasu and Md. Fazle Kabir(2013):Modes of occurrence and chemical compositions of amphiboles. in eclogite from the northeastern part of the Seba eclogitic basic schists in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan. Geoscience Rept. Shimane Univ.,vol 32, pp33-42

[Pargasite] Okuno, T. (1964) Skarns in the Kamioka mine. Annual Reports of Misasa Medical Center, Okayama University pp63-94

[Pargasite] European Journal of Mineralogy (2004) 16, 1, 177-183; Banno Y, Miyawaki R, Kogure T, Matsubara S, Kamiya T, Yamada S (2005) Aspidolite, the Na analogue of phlogopite, from Kasuga-mura, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan, description and structural data. Mineralogical Magazine 69, 1047-1057

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-171253.html) [Kawai pit (Kawai mine)](/loc-29490.html)

[Pargasite] Banno, Y., Miyawaki, R., Kogure, T., Matsubara, S., Kamiya, T., & Yamada, S. (2005). Aspidolite, the Na analogue of phlogopite, from Kasuga-mura, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan: description and structural data. Mineralogical Magazine, 69(6), 1047-1057.

[Ferro-pargasite] Sawaki (1989) Mineralogical Magazine, 53, 99-106.

[Pargasite] E. Takazawa et al. , Journal of Petrology, V 40, N 12, December 1999, pp. 1827-1851.

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-311081.html) [Garnet clinopyroxenite layer](/loc-69357.html)

[Pargasite] E. Takazawa et al. , Journal of Petrology, V 40, N 12, December 1999, pp. 1827-1851.

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-311108.html) [Plagioclase websterite layer](/loc-69360.html)

[Pargasite] E. Takazawa et al. , Journal of Petrology, V 40, N 12, December 1999, pp. 1827-1851.

[Pargasite] Arai, S., Tamura, A., Miura, M., & Morishita, T. (2021). Origin of spinel-hosted mineral inclusions in mantle peridotite from Setogawa in the Circum-Izu Massif Serpentine Belt, central Japan: Implications for the chromitite genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 104422.

[Pargasite] Watanabe et al (1963) Kotoite, Mg3(BO3)2, from the Neichi mine, Iwate prefecture, Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, series B, 39, 164-169.; Aleksandrov, S. M., & Troneva, M. A. (2012). Genesis and composition of borates in the metasomatically altered dolomitic, rhodochrosite, and calcareous marbles of Japan. Geochemistry International, 50(11), 885-898.

[Ferro-pargasite] MURAKAMI Nobuhide ! MARUYAMA, Tokinori (1963) Ferropargasite and Ferroedenite in the Metasomatic Syenites from Shodo Islet, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists, 50, 5, 190-198.

[Pargasite] (in matrix of corundum-bearing river cobbles)

[Pargasite] Arai, S., & Yurimoto, H. (1994). Podiform chromitites of the Tari-Misaka ultramafic complex, southwestern Japan, as mantle-melt interaction products. Economic Geology, 89(6), 1279-1288.


[Pargasite] P.M. Kartashov data; Melcher, F., Grum, W., Simon, G., Thalhammer, T.V., Stumpfl, E.F. (1997): Petrogenesis of the Ophiolitic Giant Chromite Deposits of Kempirsai, Kazakhstan: a Study of Solid and Fluid Inclusions in Chromite. J Petrol.: 38(10), 1419–1458;


[Pargasite] Majmundar, H.H. (1969): Pargasites from Madagascar. Canadian Mineralogist. 10: 97-100

  * Manevy
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-687835.html) [Beampingaratra Massif](/loc-221197.html)

[Pargasite] Majmundar, H.H. (1969): Pargasites from Madagascar. Canadian Mineralogist. 10: 97-100

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-917032.html) [Tranomaro-Maromby area](/loc-2275.html)

[Pargasite] Seydoux-Guillaume, A-M.,Montel, J-M., Wirth, R. & Moine, B. (2009): Radiation damage in diopside and calcite crystals from uranothorianite inclusions. Chemical Geology, (2009),318-332

  * Tranomaro
     * Ambindandrakemba
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-320456.html) [Ambindandrakemba Mine](/loc-27800.html)

[Pargasite] Besaire,H.(1966): Gites mineraux de Madagascar. Annales Géologiques de Madagascar XXXIV,Tananarive

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-687837.html) [Amboanemba thorianite deposit](/loc-108318.html)

[Pargasite] Majmundar, H.H. (1969): Pargasites from Madagascar. Canadian Mineralogist. 10: 97-100

[Pargasite] Michel Arliguie collection & photo (Photo ID: 964869, Ex J. Behier specimen, labelled pargasite)

[Pargasite] rockPTX, a resource for mineralogy and petrology. Thin section sample FKM-16

[Pargasite] Giuliani, G.; Groat, L.A.; Fallick, A.E.; Pignatelli, I.; Pardieu, V. (2020) Ruby Deposits: A Review and Geological Classification. Minerals 10, 597.


[Pargasite] XRD by John Attard on a specimen from a locality near Djouga

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-931333.html) [Damandi](/loc-245670.html)

[Pargasite] XRD by John Attard. Specimen was purchased in Bamako, Mali


[Pargasite] Mauritanian Geological Survey (1995) database


[Ferro-pargasite] Kynický, J. & Samec, P. (2005): Hydrothermally-metasomatic and exsolution-like mineralization of the carbonatites from selected localities at Gobi. Mongolian Geoscientist. sv. 9, č. 27, s. 52-55.


[Pargasite] Pardieu, V., Sangsawong, S., Muyal,J.,Chauviré, B., Massi, L. and N. Sturman (2013) Rubies from the Montepuez area (Mozambique). GIA News from Research October 12, 2013.


[Pargasite] David Heaveysege, Yassir A. Abdu, and Frank C. Hawthorne (2015): Long-range and short-range order in gem pargasite from Myanmar: crystal-structure refinement and infrared spectroscopy. Can. Mineral., 53, 497-510. [only "Myanmar" given as locality; probably from the Mogok area]

[Pargasite]; Myint Myat Phyo, Bieler, E., Franz, L., Balmer, W., Krzemnicki, M.S. (2019): Spinel from Mogok, Myanmar—A detailed inclusion study by Raman microspectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The Journal of Gemmology 36, 418-435. (as inclusions in spinel)

     * Kyauk-Pyat-That
        * Thurein-taung
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-843203.html) [Myan Gyi mine (Myaing-Gyi mine)](/loc-204009.html)

[Pargasite] Kyaw Thu (2007) The Igneous Rocks of the Mogok Stone Tract: Their Distributions, Petrography, Petrochemistry, Sequence, Geochronology and Economic Geology. PhD Thesis University of Yangon, Myanmar

     * Mogok Valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-687455.html) [Le-U-le-taw](/loc-221168.html)

[Pargasite] Themelis, Ted, 2008, Gems and Mines of Mogok.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-687481.html) [Ohn-bin-ywe-htwet (Coconut Tree mine)](/loc-221169.html)

[Pargasite] Themelis, Ted, 2008, Gems and Mines of Mogok.; Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok

     * Pein-Pyit (Painpyit; Pyan Pyit)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-561266.html) [Pyant Gyi mine (Pyan Gyi)](/loc-193876.html)

[Pargasite] Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data, Sieghard Ellenberger material; Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok



[Ferro-pargasite] von Seckendorff, V., Drüppel, K., Okrusch, M., Cook, N.J., and Littmann, S. (2000): Mineralium Deposita 35, 430-450.

[Pargasite] Kaiser, E. (Ed.). (1926). Die diamantenwüste Südwest-Afrikas: zugleich erläuterung zu einer geologischen spezialkarte der südlichen diamantfelder l: 25000 (Vol. 2). D. Reimer. Kröner, A. (1973). Comments on “Is the African plate stationary?”. Nature, 243(5401), 29-30. Lock, B. E., & Marsh, J. S. (1981). Tertiary phonolite volcanism in the Klinghardt mountains of South West Africa/Namibia. South African Journal of Geology, 84(1), 1-6. Marsh, J. S. (1987). Evolution of a strongly differentiated suite of phonolites from the Klinghardt Mountains, Namibia. Lithos, 20(1), 41-58.

New Zealand

[Pargasite] Mossman, D.J., Coombs, D.S., Kawachi, Y., Reay, A. (2000) High-Mg Arc-Ankaramitic Dikes Greenhills Complex Southland New Zealand, The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 38, 191-216.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-280143.html) [Steep Head](/loc-62368.html)

[Pargasite] Mossman, D.J., Coombs, D.S., Kawachi, Y., Reay, A. (2000) High-Mg Arc-Ankaramitic Dykes, Greenhills Complex, Southland, New Zealand. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 38, 191-216.


[Pargasite] Visser, D. et al. (1999) The occurrence of preiswerkite in a tourmaline-biotite-scapolite rock from Blengsvatn, Norway. American Mineralogist, 84: 977–982.

  * Lyngrott
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1389634.html) [Seljeåsen Nickel Deposit](/loc-222223.html)

[Pargasite] Brickwood, J. D. (1986): The geology and mineralogy of some Fe-Cu-Ni sulphide deposits in the Bamble area, Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift. 66, 189-208

[Pargasite] Garmo, T. (1995). Norsk Steinbok. Universitetsforlaget.(3. edition)

[Pargasite] Svensen, H., Jamtveit, B., Banks, D. A., & Austrheim, H. (2001). Halogen contents of eclogite facies fluid inclusions and minerals: Caledonides, western Norway. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 19(2), 165-178.

[Pargasite] Cutts, J. A. (2019) Geochronology of ultrahigh-pressure rocks to interrogate the evolution of the continental crust and mantle. Thesis, University of British Columbia. Doi: 10.14288/1.0378408

[Pargasite] Seljebotn, J. V. (2016) Structural and Petrological Survey of Peridotite at Almklovdalen, Norway. Master thesis, GEOV399, The University of Bergen.

[Ferro-pargasite] James, W. D., Mitchell, P., Ineson, R. and Nordgulen, Ø. (1993) Geology and K/Ar chronology of the Målvika scheelite skarns, Central Norwegian Caledonides. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse Bulletin 424: 65-74

[Ferro-pargasite] Kullerud, K. (1996). Chlorine-rich amphiboles: interplay between amphibole composition and an evolving fluid. European Journal of Mineralogy 8, 355-370

[Pargasite] Cadow, R. (1993): Sm - Nd and Rb - Sr ages of hornblende clinopyroxenite and metagabbro from Lillebukt Alkaline Complex, Seiland Igneous Province. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 73, # 4, pp. 243 - 249.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1388953.html) [Pollen carbonatite](/loc-361337.html)

[Pargasite] Robins, B., & Tysseland, M. (1983). The geology, geochemistry and origin of ultrabasic fenites associated with the Pollen Carbonatite (Finnmark, Norway). Chemical Geology, 40(1-2), 65-95.

[Pargasite] Michalsen, A. (2000): Forekomster av mineraler og naturstein på Sørøya. STEIN 27 (2), 4-11

[Pargasite] Sturt, B. A., Miller, J. A., & Fitch, F. J. (1967). The age of alkaline rocks from west Finnmark, northern Norway, and their bearing on the dating of the Caledonian orogeny. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 47(3), 255-273. Robins, B. (1972). Syenite-carbonatite relationships in the Seiland gabbro province, Finnmark, northern Norway. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse, 272, 43-58. Robins, B., & Gardner, P. M. (1974). Synorogenetic layered basic intrusions in the Seiland petrographic province, Finmark. Norges Geol, Unders, 312, 91-130. Robins, B., & Gardner, P. M. (1975). The magmatic evolution of the Seiland Province, and Caledonian plate boundaries in northern Norway. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 26(2), 167-178. Robins, B. (1984). Petrography and petrogenesis of nephelinized metagabbros from Finnmark, Northern Norway. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 86(2), 170-177. Pedersen, R.B., Dunning, G.R., Robins, B. (1989): U–Pb ages of nepheline syenite pegmatites from the Seiland Magmatic Province, N. Norway. The Caledonide Geology of Scandinavia, 3–5. Robins, B. 1996. The Seiland igneous province, north Norway. In: Field Trip Guidebook. International Geological Correlation Program (IGCP) Project 336. Layered Mafic Complexes and Related Ore Deposits of Northern Fennoscandia: Finland, Norway, Russia. University of Bergen, Norway.

[Pargasite] Kullerud, K., Nasipuri, P., Ravna, E. J. K., & Selbekk, R. S. (2012) Formation of corundum megacrysts during H2O-saturated incongruent melting of feldspar: P–T pseudosection-based modelling from the Skattøra migmatite complex, North Norwegian Caledonides. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 164 (4): 627–641.

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[Pargasite] Janák, M., Uher, P., Ravna, E.K., Kullerud, K., Vrabec, M. (2015): Chromium-rich kyanite, magnesiostaurolite and corundum in ultrahigh-pressure eclogites (examples from Pohorje Mountains, Slovenia and Tromsø Nappe, Norway). European Journal of Mineralogy: 27(3): 377-392

[Pargasite] Witsø, T. (1995): Mineraler i Oppdal med beskrivelse. Driva Kro og steinsenter. Unpublished paper.

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-67902.html) [Vinstradalen](/loc-11701.html)

[Pargasite] Witsø, T. (1995): Mineraler i Oppdal med beskrivelse. Driva Kro og steinsenter. Unpublished paper.

Brickwood, J. D. (1986): The geology and mineralogy of some Fe-Cu-Ni sulphide deposits in the Bamble area, Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift. 66, 189-208

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Brickwood, J. D. (1986): The geology and mineralogy of some Fe-Cu-Ni sulphide deposits in the Bamble area, Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift. 66, 189-208

[Ferro-pargasite] Piilonen, P.C., McDonald, A.M., Poirier, G., Rowe, R. & Larsen, A.O. (2012): The mineralogy and crystal chemistry of alkaline pegmatites in the Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo rift valley, Norway. Part 1. Magmatic and secondary zircon: implications for petrogenesis from trace-element geochemistry. Mineralogical Magazine. 76, 649-672

  * Tvedalen
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1039914.html) [Saga Pearl Quarry](/loc-13679.html)

[Pargasite] Piilonen, P.C., McDonald, A.M., Poirier, G., Rowe, R. & Larsen, A.O. (2014): Mafic minerals of the alkaline pegmatites in the Larvik plutonic complex, Oslo rift, southern Norway. Canadian Mineralogist 51: 735-770

[Ferro-pargasite] Mitchell, R.H. (1980): Pyroxenes of the Fen alkaline complex, Norway. American Mineralogist. 65: 45-54

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[Ferro-pargasite] Årtveit, J. T. (2014): Fensfeltet. Fensfeltet Geologiforening, Ulefoss 2014, 192p.

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[Ferro-pargasite] Mitchell, R.H. (1980): Pyroxenes of the Fen alkaline complex, Norway. American Mineralogist. 65: 45-54

[Pargasite] Piilonen, P.C., McDonald, A.M., Poirier, G., Rowe, R. & Larsen, A.O. (2013): Mafic minerals of the alkaline pegmatites in the Larvik plutonic complex, Oslo rift, southern Norway. Canadian Mineralogist. 51, 735-770

Pacific Ocean

[Pargasite] Contr. Min. Petr. (1998) 131, (2-3), 111 - 122.; Matsukage, K., and Arai, S. (1998): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 131, 111-122.

[Pargasite] Peretyazhko, Igor S., and Elena A. Savina. (2022) "Chemistry and Crystallization Conditions of Minerals in Metasomatized Oceanic Lithosphere and Basaltic Rocks of Govorov Guyot, Magellan Seamounts, Pacific Ocean" Minerals 12, no. 10: 1305.


[Pargasite] imported from Neelum Valley

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[Pargasite] Dudley Blauwet, Bill Smith and Carol Smith (2004) Table of mineral localities of the northern areas of Pakistan and other selected sites. (in "Pakistan: Minerals, Mountains & Majesty", Lapis International, East Hampton, Connecticut)


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[Pargasite] Dudley Blauwet, Bill Smith and Carol Smith (2004) Table of mineral localities of the northern areas of Pakistan and other selected sites. (in "Pakistan: Minerals, Mountains & Majesty", Lapis International, East Hampton, Connecticut)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-481834.html) [Ganish marbles](/loc-156944.html)

[Pargasite] Dudley Blauwet, Bill Smith and Carol Smith (2004) Table of mineral localities of the northern areas of Pakistan and other selected sites. (in "Pakistan: Minerals, Mountains & Majesty", Lapis International, East Hampton, Connecticut)

[Pargasite] Eur. J. Mineral. , 1991, 3, pp. 613-618.


[Pargasite] DHZ, Vol. 2B, 2nd ed., pp. 460-461.


[Pargasite] Fournelle, J., Carmody, R., & Daag, A. S. (1996). Anhydrite-bearing pumices from the June 15, 1991, eruption of Mount Pinatubo: geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology. Fire and Mud: Eruptions and Lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, 845-862.

[Pargasite] Cao, M., Evans, N. J., Hollings, P., Cooke, D. R., McInnes, B. I., Qin, K., & Li, G. (2018). Phenocryst zonation in porphyry-related rocks of the Baguio district, Philippines: Evidence for magmatic and metallogenic processes. Journal of Petrology, 59(5), 825-848.


[Ferro-pargasite] Marszałek M. & Czerny J. 2009: Amphibole phenocrysts and their alteration in rhyodacitic porphyries from Zalas near Kraków. Mineralogia - Special Papers, vol. 34, p.18

[Pargasite] Gil, G., Borowski, M. P., Barnes, J. D., Jokubauskas, P., Bagiński, B., Gunia, P., & Ilnicki, S. (2022). Formation of serpentinite-hosted talc in a continental crust setting: Petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical, and O, H and Cl isotope study of the Gilów deposit, Góry Sowie Massif (SW Poland). Ore Geology Reviews, 146, 104926.

[Ferro-pargasite] Gil, G.; Gunia, P.; Barnes, J.D.; Szymański, M.; Jokubauskas, P.; Kalbarczyk-Gil, A.; Bagiński, B. (2020) Origin of Talc and Fe-Ti-V Mineralization in the Kletno Deposit (the Śnieżnik Massif, SW Poland). Minerals 10, 13.

[Ferro-pargasite] Krzemińska E. & Bagiński B. 2003: THE KOŚCIERZYNA AND ŻARNOWIEC ENDERBITES ( N-POLAND) PETROGRAPHY, MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY AND P –T RESULTS. Mineralogical Society of Poland - Special Papers, vol. 23, pp. 105-107

[Ferro-pargasite] Krzemińska E. & Bagiński B. 2003: THE KOŚCIERZYNA AND ŻARNOWIEC ENDERBITES ( N-POLAND) PETROGRAPHY, MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY AND P –T RESULTS. Mineralogical Society of Poland - Special Papers, vol. 23, pp. 105-107


[Pargasite] Delia Cristina Papp, Ionel Ureche, Ioan Seghedi, Hilary Downes, Luigi Dallai, (2005), Petrogenesis of convergent-margin calc-alkaline rocks and the significance of the low oxygen isotope ratios: the Rodna-Bârgău Neogene subvolcanic area (Eastern Carpathians), Geologica Carpathica, 56, 1, p.77-90

[Pargasite] Hirtopanu Paulina, Andersen C. Jens, Fairhurst J. Robert and Jakab Gyula (2013) Allanite-(Ce) and its associations, from the Ditrau alkaline intrusive massif. Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, 2013, 15(1), p. 59–74

[Pargasite] Udubașa, G., Ďud'a, R., Szakáll, S., Kvasnytsya, V., Koszowska, E., Novák, M. (2002): Minerals of the Carpathians (Szakáll, S., ed.). Granit, Prague, Czech Rep., 482 pp.


[Pargasite] Dumańska-Słowik, M., Powolny, T., Natkaniec-Nowak, L., & Stankiewicz, K. (2022). Mineralogical and geochemical implications on the origin of dianite from the alkaline Murun Complex (Eastern Siberia, Russia). Ore Geology Reviews, 141, 104684.

[Pargasite] F. Zaccarini et al. , The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 42, pp. 545-562 (2004).

[Pargasite] Doroshkevich, A. G., Ripp, G. S., Izbrodin, I. A., & Savatenkov, V. M. (2012). Alkaline magmatism of the Vitim province, West Transbaikalia, Russia: Age, mineralogical, geochemical and isotope (О, C, D, Sr and Nd) data. Lithos, 152, 157-172.

[Ferro-pargasite] Kiseleva, Olga, Pavel Serov, Evgenia Airiyants, Aleksey Travin, Dmitriy Belyanin, Brain Nharara, and Sergey Zhmodik. (2022) "Nd-Sr Isotopic Study of Magmatic Rocks and 40Ar/39Ar Dating of the Mafic Dike of the Proterozoic Ulan-Sar’dag Ophiolite Mélange (Southern Siberia, East Sayan, Middle Belt, Russia)" Minerals 12, no. 1: 92.

[Pargasite] Spiridonov, E. M., Orsoev, D. A., Ariskin, A. A., Kislov, E. V., Korotaeva, N. N., Nikolaev, G. S., & Yapaskurt, V. O. (2019). Germanium-Rich Palladium Minerals Palladogermanide Pd 2 Ge, Paolovite Pd 2 (Sn, Ge), and Zvyagintsevite in Sulfide-Bearing Anorthosites of the Yoko-Dovyren Pluton, Baikal Area. Geochemistry International, 57(5), 600-603.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1384573.html) [Baikal Cu-Ni deposit](/loc-359845.html)

[Pargasite] Spiridonov, E. M., Orsoev, D. A., Ariskin, A. A., Kislov, E. V., Korotaeva, N. N., Nikolaev, G. S., & Yapaskurt, V. O. (2019, April). Palladogermanide PdGe 2 from Sulfidized Anorthosite of the Yoko-Dovyren Intrusion: First Finding in Russia. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 485, No. 2, pp. 458-460). Pleiades Publishing.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1309427.html) [Bol’shoy (Big) stream](/loc-312197.html)

[Pargasite] Spiridonov, E. M., Ariskin, A. A., Kislov, E. V., Korotaeva, N. N., Nikolaev, G. S., Pshenitsyn, I. V., & Yapaskurt, V. O. (2018). Laurite and Ir-osmium from plagioclase lherzolite of the Yoko–Dovyren mafic–ultramafic pluton, Northern Baikal Region. Geology of Ore Deposits, 60(3), 210-219.; Kislov, E.V.; Khudyakova, L.I. (2020) Yoko–Dovyren Layered Massif: Composition, Mineralization, Overburden and Dump Rock Utilization. Minerals 10, 682.

[Pargasite] Sorokina, E. S., Rassomakhin, M. A., Nikandrov, S. N., Karampelas, S., Kononkova, N. N., Nikolaev, A. G., ... & Kotlyarov, V. A. (2019). Origin of Blue Sapphire in Newly Discovered Spinel–Chlorite–Muscovite Rocks within Meta-Ultramafites of Ilmen Mountains, South Urals of Russia: Evidence from Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotopic Data. Minerals, 9(1), 36.

[Pargasite] Local geolofist S.V.Kolesnichenko data; Kissin, A.; Gottman, I.; Sustavov, S.; Murzin, V.; Kiseleva, D. (2020) The First Find of Cr2O3 Eskolaite Associated with Marble-Hosted Ruby in the Southern Urals and the Problem of Al and Cr Sources. Minerals 10, 101.

[Pargasite] Ashchepkov, I.; Zhmodik, S.; Belyanin, D.; Kiseleva, O.N.; Medvedev, N.; Travin, A.; Yudin, D.; Karmanov, N.S.; Downes, H. (2020) Aillikites and Alkali Ultramafic Lamprophyres of the Beloziminsky Alkaline Ultrabasic-Carbonatite Massif: Possible Origin and Relations with Ore Deposits. Minerals 10, 404.

[Pargasite] Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data (2011)

     * Malaya Bystraya River Valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1580432.html) [Tultui lazurite deposit](/loc-14959.html)

[Pargasite] [[1]]Chukanov, Nikita V., Anatoly N. Sapozhnikov, Roman Yu. Shendrik, Natalia V. Zubkova, Marina F. Vigasina, Nadezhda V. Potekhina, Dmitry A. Ksenofontov, and Igor V. Pekov. (2023) "Crystal Chemistry, Thermal and Radiation-Induced Conversions and Indicatory Significance of S-Bearing Groups in Balliranoite" Minerals 13, no. 6: 822.

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1500202.html) [Tazheranskii Massif](/loc-2745.html)

[Pargasite] Sklyarov, Eugene V., Andrey V. Lavrenchuk, Anna G. Doroshkevich, Anastasia E. Starikova, and Sergei V. Kanakin. (2021) "Pyroxenite as a Product of Mafic-Carbonate Melt Interaction (Tazheran Massif, West Baikal Area, Russia)" Minerals 11, no. 6: 654.

[Pargasite] Podlipsky, M. Y., Mekhonoshin, A. S., Tolstykh, N. D., Vishnevskiy, A. V., & Polyakov, G. V. (2015). Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Tartai massif, East Siberian metallogenic province. Geology of Ore Deposits, 57(3), 172-196.

[Pargasite] Mazurov, M.P., Grishina, S.N., Istomin, V.E., and Titov, A.T. (2007): Geology of Ore Deposits 49(4), 271-284.

[Pargasite] Cabri, L. J., Oberthür, T., & Keays, R. R. (2022). Origin and depositional history of platinum-group minerals in placers–A critical review of facts and fiction. Ore Geology Reviews, 144, 104733.

[Pargasite] Novakov, R. M., Kungurova, V. E., & Moskaleva, S. V. (2021). Formation conditions of noble metal mineralization in sulfide cobalt-copper-nickel ores of Kamchatka (on the example of Annabergitovaya Schel ore occurrence). Записки Горного института, 248, 209-222.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1575093.html) [Kvinum-1 occurrence](/loc-433670.html)

[Pargasite] Tararin, I. A., Chubarov, V. M., Ignat’ev, E. K., & Moskaleva, S. V. (2007). Geology, mineralogy, and PGE mineralization of the copper-nickel occurrences of the Kvinum ore field, Sredinny Range, Kamchatka. Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 1, 82-97.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1575043.html) [Kvinum-2 occurrence](/loc-433671.html)

[Pargasite] Tararin, I. A., Chubarov, V. M., Ignat’ev, E. K., & Moskaleva, S. V. (2007). Geology, mineralogy, and PGE mineralization of the copper-nickel occurrences of the Kvinum ore field, Sredinny Range, Kamchatka. Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 1, 82-97.

[Ferro-pargasite] Zhmodik, S. M., Nesterenko, G. V., Airiyants, E. V., Belyanin, D. K., Kolpakov, V. V., Podlipsky, M. Y., & Karmanov, N. S. (2016). Alluvial platinum-group minerals as indicators of primary PGE mineralization (placers of southern Siberia). Russian Geology and Geophysics, 57(10), 1437-1464.

[Ferro-pargasite] Chayka, I.F.; Zhitova, L.M.; Antsiferova, T.N.; Abersteiner, A.; Shevko, A.Y.; Izokh, A.E.; Tolstykh, N.D.; Gora, M.P.; Chubarov, V.M.; Kamenetsky, V.S. (2020) In-Situ Crystallization and Continuous Modification of Chromian Spinel in the “Sulfide-Poor Platinum-Group Metal Ores” of the Norilsk-1 Intrusion (Northern Siberia, Russia). Minerals 10, 498.

[Pargasite] Konopleva, N.G., Ivanyuk, G.Y., Pakhomovsky, Y.A., Yakovenchuk, V.N., Men’shikov, Y.P., and Korchak, Y.A. (2008): Geology of Ore Deposits 50(8), 720-731.

  * The Carbonatite Stock in the vicinity of Tul'ilukht Bay
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-574231.html) [Olenii Ruchei (Olenii Creek; Oleny Ruchei)](/loc-2674.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Konopleva, N.G., Ivanyuk, G.Y., Pakhomovsky, Y.A., Yakovenchuk, V.N., Men’shikov, Y.P., and Korchak, Y.A. (2008): Geology of Ore Deposits 50(8), 720-731.

[Pargasite] Mikhailova, J. A., Kalashnikov, A. O., Sokharev, V. A., Pakhomovsky, Y. A., Konopleva, N. G., Yakovenchuk, V. N., ... & Ivanyuk, G. Y. (2016). 3D mineralogical mapping of the Kovdor phoscorite–carbonatite complex (Russia). Mineralium Deposita, 51(1), 131-149. Ivanyuk, Gregory Yu., Andrey O. Kalashnikov, Yakov A. Pakhomovsky, Ayya V. Bazai, Pavel M. Goryainov, Julia A. Mikhailova, Victor N. Yakovenchuk, and Nataly G. Konopleva. 2017. "Subsolidus Evolution of the Magnetite-Spinel-UlvöSpinel Solid Solutions in the Kovdor Phoscorite-Carbonatite Complex, NW Russia" Minerals 7, no. 11: 215.

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-808194.html) [Perusel'ka](/loc-243931.html)

[Pargasite] Pavel M. Kartashov data (2012)

[Pargasite] Orsoev, D.A. [Орсоев, Д.А.] (1985): Mineralogy of copper-nickel ores of the Lovnoozero deposit (Kola peninsula) [Минералогия сульфидных медно-никелевых руд Ловноозерского местророждения (Кольский полуостров)]. Candidate's degree thesis, USSR Academy of Sciences, Apatity, 253 pp. (in Russian); Orsoev, D.A., Kanakin, S.V., Pakhomovsky, Ya., Ushchapovskaya, Z.F., Reznitsky, L.Z. (2016): Mineral CuFe2S4 from Sulfide Copper–Nickel Ores of the Lovnoozero Deposit, Kola Peninsula. Geology of Ore Deposits, 58, 579-585.


[Pargasite] Karimova, O. V., Grokhovskaya, T. L., Zolotarev, A. A., & Gurzhiy, V. V. (2016). Crystal structure refinements of isomertieite, Pd11Sb2As2, and törnroosite, Pd11As2Te2. The Canadian Mineralogist, 54(2), 511-517.

[Pargasite] Arzamastseva, L.V., Pakhomovsky, Ya.A. [Арзамасцева, Л.В., Пахомовский Я.А.] (1999): Mineral associations in rocks of Niva agpaitic intrusion (Kola Peninsula) as indicators of its forming conditions [Минеральные ассоциации пород агпаитовой интрузии Нива (Кольский Полуостров) как индикаторы условий ее образования]. Zap. VMO [Зап. ВМО], 128, 6, 1-16 (in Russian); Arzamastsev, A.A., Belyatsky, B.V., Arzamastseva, L.V. (2000): Agpaitic magmatism in the northeastern Baltic Shield: a study of the Niva intrusion, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Lithos, 51, 1, 27-46.

[Pargasite] Bazai, A. V., Ivanyuk, G. Y., Pakhomovsky, Y. A., Goryainov, P. M., & Yakovenchuk, V. N. (2009). Native elements in rocks of the banded iron formation, Kola Peninsula. Geology of Ore Deposits, 51(7), 525-536.

[Pargasite] Barkov, A.Y.; Korolyuk, V.N.; Barkova, L.P.; Martin, R.F. (2020) Double-Front Crystallization in the Chapesvara Ultramafic Subvolcanic Complex, Serpentinite Belt, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Minerals 10, 14.

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1339573.html) [Chapesvara-II intrusion](/loc-337334.html)

[Pargasite] Barkov, A.Y.; Korolyuk, V.N.; Barkova, L.P.; Martin, R.F. (2020) Double-Front Crystallization in the Chapesvara Ultramafic Subvolcanic Complex, Serpentinite Belt, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Minerals 10, 14.

[Pargasite] Nikolay Serebryakov data

  * Oulanka plutonic complex
     * Olanga River (Oulanka River)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-572156.html) [Lukkulaisvaara ultrabasic Massif (Lukkulaisvaara pluton; Lukkulaisvaara layered intrusion)](/loc-4432.html)

[Pargasite] Semenov, S.V., Glebovitsky, V.A., Kol’tsov, A.B., Semenov, V.S., Korneev, S.I., and Savatenkov, V.M. (2008): Geology of Ore Deposits 50(4), 249-274.

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1368396.html) [Nadezhda PGM deposit](/loc-250846.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Barkov, A.Y., Fleet, M.E., Martin, R.F., Tarkian, M. (2004): Compositional variations in oulankaite and a new series of argentoan oulankaite from the Lukkulaisvaara layered intrusion, nothern Russian Karelia. Can. Mineral.: 42(2): 439-543

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1265388.html) [Tiksheozero massif (Tkishozerskii massif; Tiksheozersky)](/loc-301424.html)

[Pargasite] Kovalskaya, T. N., Kotelnikov, A. R., & Varlamov, D. A. (2017). Rock-forming Minerals of Tiksheozersky Massif (North Karelia, Russia). In Magmatism of the Earth and related strategic metal deposits (pp. 115-117).

[Pargasite] Museum Victoria specimen number M 5524

[Pargasite] [World of Stones 12:49]

[Pargasite] Trunilina, V. A., & Prokopiev, A. V. (2021). Ore-Bearing Magmatic Systems with Complex Sn–Au–Ag Mineralization in the North-Eastern Verkhoyansk–Kolyma Orogenic Belt, Russia. Minerals, 11(3), 266.

[Pargasite] Pavel M. Kartashov data

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1290421.html) [Gon phlogopite deposit](/loc-17891.html)


[Pargasite] Ashchepkov, I. V., Logvinova, A. M., Reimers, L. F., Ntaflos, T., Spetsius, Z. V., Vladykin, N. V., ... & Khmel'nikova, O. S. (2015). The Sytykanskaya kimberlite pipe: Evidence from deep-seated xenoliths and xenocrysts for the evolution of the mantle beneath Alakit, Yakutia, Russia. Geoscience Frontiers, 6(5), 687-714.

[Pargasite] Ashchepkov, I. V., Babushkina, S. A., Mevedev, N. S., Oleinikov, O. B., Yudin, D. S., & Karmanov, N. S. (2021). Unique amphibole bearing mantle column beneath the Lenin-grad kimberlite pipe, West Ukukit field, NE Yakutia.

[Pargasite] Trunilina, Vera A., and Andrei V. Prokopiev. (2022) "Petrology of Granites of the Tommot Rare-Earth Ore Field (Verkhoyansk–Kolyma Orogenic Belt)" Minerals 12, no. 11: 1347.

[Pargasite] Zaccarini, F., Pushkarev, E., & Garuti, G. (2008). Platinum-group element mineralogy and geochemistry of chromitite of the Kluchevskoy ophiolite complex, central Urals (Russia). Ore Geology Reviews, 33(1), 20-30.

[Pargasite] Stepanov, Sergey Y.; Palamarchuk, Roman S.; Varlamov, Dmitry A.; Kiseleva, Darya V.; Sharpyonok, Ludmila N.; Škoda, Radek; Kasatkin, Anatoly V. 2021. "The Features of Native Gold in Ore-Bearing Breccias with Realgar-Orpiment Cement of the Vorontsovskoe Deposit (Northern Urals, Russia)" Minerals 11, no. 5: 541. Kasatkin, A. V., Stepanov, S. Y., Tsyganko, M. V., Škoda, R., Nestola, F., Plášil, J., ... & Palamarchuk, R. S. (2021). Mineralogy of the Vorontsovskoe gold deposit (Northern Urals). Part 4: Oxysalts. Mineralogiya [Mineralogy], 7(3), 5-31.

[Pargasite] Garuti, G., Pushkarev, E. V., Zaccarini, F., Cabella, R., & Anikina, E. (2003). Chromite composition and platinum-group mineral assemblage in the Uktus Uralian-Alaskan-type complex (Central Urals, Russia). Mineralium Deposita, 38(3), 312-326.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

[Pargasite] Ph. D'arco, J. Cotten, Bull. Minéral. , 1985, 108, pp. 153-159.

Saudi Arabia

[Pargasite] Faheha, A. A., Hamidalddin, S. Q., Al-Turkestany, N. A., & Ibraheim, N. M. (2012). Concentrations Of Natural And Man-Made Radioactivity Of Surface Soil In Al-Madinh Al-Monawarah, Western Province of Saudi Arabia. Isotope and Radiation Research, 44(2), 495-504.

[Ferro-pargasite] Stoeser, D. B. (1986). Distribution and tectonic setting of plutonic rocks of the Arabian Shield. Journal of African Earth Sciences (1983), 4, 21-46. Stoeser, D. B., Jackson, N. J., Ramsay, C. R., Drysdall, A. R., du Bray, E. A., & Douch, C. J. (1986). Map of felsic plutonic rocks in the Arabian Shield, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 1:1000000 (2 sheets). J. Afr. Earth Sci., 4. Thieme, J. (1988). Geologic map of the Jabal Khida quadrangle, sheet 21 G, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Geoscience Map GM-90C (with Explanatory Notes). Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Directorate General of Mineral Resources of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah.


[Pargasite] Koděra, M. et al., 1986 a 1990 : Topografická mineralógia Slovenska, diel 1- 3, Veda – Vydavateľstvo SAV, Bratislava, 1990, 1 – 1590

[Pargasite] Koděra et all.,1990: Topografická mineralógia Slovenska, I-III, 1590p

[Pargasite] Uher P., Gregáňová G., Szakall S., 2006: Sapphire-bearingh syenite xenolith from Gortva, Cérová Mountains, Slovakia. Acta Miner.-Petrograph.,Abstract Series 5, Szeged, p.124

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-397573.html) [Hnúšťa](/loc-12681.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Koděra et all.,1990: Topografická mineralógia Slovenska, I-III, 1590p

[Ferro-pargasite] Myšľan P, Ružička P, Števko M, Mikuš T (2021): Mineralogická charakteristika granátického skarnu z lokality Trohanka pri Prakovciach (gemerikum, Slovenská republika). Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie 29, 2, 230-240 (in Slovak with English abstract).

[Pargasite] Koděra et all.,1990: Topografická mineralógia Slovenska, I-III, 1590p

[Pargasite] Ďuďa,R., et al., 1981: Mineralógia severnej časti Slanských vrchov. Min.Slovaca, Monografia 2, 98s


[Pargasite] Janák, M., Uher, P., Ravna, E.K., Kullerud, K., Vrabec, M. (2015): Chromium-rich kyanite, magnesiostaurolite and corundum in ultrahigh-pressure eclogites (examples from Pohorje Mountains, Slovenia and Tromsø Nappe, Norway). European Journal of Mineralogy: 27(3): 377-392

Solomon Islands

[Pargasite] Smith, D.J., Petterson, M.G., Saunders, A.D., Millar, I.L., Jenkins, G.R.T., Toba, T., Naden, J., Cook, J.M. (2009) The petrogenesis of sodic island arc magmas at Savo volcano, Solomon Islands. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 158 (6). 785-801.

South Africa

[Pargasite] Gutzmer, J. (1996). Genesis and alteration of the Kalahari and Postmasburg manganese deposits, Griqualand West, South Africa (Doctoral dissertation, Rand Afrikaans University).

South Korea

[Pargasite] Lee, J. H., Yang, S. J., White, N. C., Shin, D., & Kim, E. J. (2022). Whole-rock geochemistry and mineral compositions of gabbroic rocks and the associated Fe–Ti (–V) oxide deposit in the Gonamsan intrusion, South Korea. Ore Geology Reviews, 148, 105054.


[Pargasite] Puga, E., Cruz, M. D. R., & De Federico, A. D. (2002). Polymetamorphic amphibole veins in metabasalts from the Betic Ophiolitic Association at Cobdar, southeastern Spain: Relics of ocean-floor metamorphism preserved through the Alpine orogeny. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40(1), 67-83.

[Pargasite] J.M. Azanon and B. Goffé, Eur. J. Mineral., 1997, 9, pp. 1035-1051.

[Ferro-pargasite] García, M., García, G. and Calvo, M. (2003) Minas de Cala. El hierro con cobre. Bocamina (12), 48-81

[Pargasite] González-Pérez, I., González-Jiménez, J. M., Gervilla, F., Fanlo, I., Tornos, F., Colás, V., ... & Noval, S. (2021). Genesis and evolution of the San Manuel iron skarn deposit (Betic Cordillera, SW Spain). Ore Geology Reviews, 104657.

  * Mijas
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-844682.html) [Sierra de Mijas](/loc-132303.html)

[Pargasite] Romero Silva, JC (2003) Minerales y Rocas de la provincia de Malaga. Published by the Malaga County Council CEDMA. 318pp. 1 map

  * Ojén
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-844141.html) [Cruz de Juanar](/loc-247158.html)

[Pargasite] Romero Silva JC (2003) Minerales y Rocas de la provincia de Malaga España. Edita CEDMA County council

     * Sierra Blanca
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-691558.html) [Plains of Juanar](/loc-132130.html)

[Pargasite] Romero Silva, JC (2003). Minerales y Rocas de la provincia de Malaga, Diputación de Málaga, 318 pp. .

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-1241075.html) [Serranía de Ronda](/loc-303114.html)

[Pargasite] Gervilla, F., Gutiérrez-Narbona, R., & Fenoll-Hach-Alí, P. (2002). The origin of different types of magmatic mineralizations from small-volume melts in the lherzolite massifs of the Serranía de Ronda. Boletín de la Sociedad Espanola de Mineralogía, 25, 79-96.

[Pargasite] - Majarena Serrano, U. (2015): El Magmatismo del sector de Atienza (Guadalajara): Cartografía geológica, estudio estructural, petrología y geoquímica y modelo de emplazamiento. Trabajo Fin de Grado. Directores: Dr. Marceliano Lago San José y Dr. Andrés Gil Imaz, Depto. Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Zaragoza, 41 pg.

[Pargasite] Joan Abella i Creus specimens

  * Ripollès
     * Molló
        * Espinavell
           * Roca del Toron
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1440989.html) [Toron Mines](/loc-207564.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Soledad Álvarez, Jordi Ibáñez, Joan Rosell (2021).

[Ferro-pargasite] Joan Abella i Creus (2008): Minerals I Mines De La Conca De Bellmunt Del Priorat.

[Pargasite] Pascual, E; Estévez, A. (1981) Estudio geológico del yacimiento de Fornás (Santiago). Cuaderno do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe 2 (vol II):191-211

[Pargasite] S. Capedri et al. : "Upper-mantle xenoliths and megacrysts in an alkali basalt from Tallante, South-eastern Spain", Eur. J. Mineral. , 1989, 1, pp. 685-699.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-298442.html) [Basalt outcrop (2)](/loc-66722.html)

[Pargasite] S. Capedri et al. : "Upper-mantle xenoliths and megacrysts in an alkali basalt from Tallante, South-eastern Spain", Eur. J. Mineral. , 1989, 1, pp. 685-699.

[Pargasite] Aparicio, A., Araña, V., Garcia, R. & Grachev, A. 1994. The origin of the Columbretes Islands' basanitic and phonolitic magmas (western Mediterranean). Mineralogical Magazine (VM Goldschmidt Conference, Extended Abstracts: A-K volume), 58A, 21-22. Aparicio, A., Mitjavila, J. M., Araña, V., & Villa, I. M. (1991). La edad del volcanismo de las islas Columbrete Grande y Alborán (Mediterráneo occidental). Bol. Geol. Min, 102(4), 562-570. Aparicio, A., & García García, R. (1995). El volcanismo de las islas Columbretes (Mediterraneo occidental). Quimismo y mineralogia. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 106, 468-488.

Sri Lanka

[Pargasite] Mineralogical Record (2001) 32:253; Mineralogical Record(2000) Vol31 pp510–511p; Jordi Fabre


[Pargasite] Nils F. Jansson und Rodney L. Allen (2011): The origin of skarn beds, Ryllshyttan Zn–Pb–Ag + magnetite deposit, Bergslagen, Sweden. Mineralogy and Petrology 103, 49-78.

[Pargasite] No reference listed

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-891064.html) [Mansjöberg Limestone Quarries](/loc-3168.html)

[Pargasite] Stenberg, T. (2002): Los den 7-8 september 2002- berättelser från mineralljakt och viltsafari. Berg & Mineral (Stockholms Amatørgeologiska Sällskap), 12 (nr 37), 7-13

[Pargasite] Majka, J., Janák, M., Andersson, B., Klonowska, I., Gee, D.G., Rosén, Å., & Kośminska, K. (2014): Pressure-temperature estimates on the Tjeliken eclogite: new insights into the (ultra)-high pressure evolution of the Seve Nappe Complex in the Scandinavian Caledonides; in: F. Corfu, D. Gasser & D.M. Chew (Eds.) New Perspectives on the Caledonides of Scandinavia and Related Areas (pp. 369–384). Geological Society, London, Special Publications: 390. DOI: 10.1144/SP390.14

[Pargasite] Thulin, H. (1996): Norra Kärr. Litiofilen 13: 17-51

[Pargasite] Denisová, N. (2013). Sulfide distribution and its relation to different types of skarn alteration at the Tapuli deposit, northern Sweden. Masters thesis Luleå University of Technology

[Pargasite] Nysten, P., Holtstam, D. and Jonsson, E. (1999) The Långban minerals. In Långban - The mines,their minerals, geology and explorers (D. Holtstam and J. Langhof, eds.), Swedish Museum of Natural History and Raster Förlag, Stockholm & Chr. Weise Verlag, Munich, pp. 89-183; Jonsson, E. & Hålenius, U. (2010): Mn3+ bearing pargasite from the Långban Fe-Mn oxide mineralisation, Bergslagen, Sweden. GFF 132, 167-172; Hålenius, U. & Bosi, F. (2012): Cation ordering in Pb2+-bearing, Mn3+-rich pargasite from Långban, Sweden. American Mineralogist 97, 1635-1640.

[Pargasite] Sandström, F., Binett, T., Wiklund, C. & Vikström, J. (2010): Alnöområdets geologi och mineralogi. Litiofilen. 27 (2) :14-42


[Pargasite] Stalder, H. A., Wagner, A., Graeser, S. and Stuker, P. (1998): "Mineralienlexikon der Schweiz", Verlag Wepf & Co. (Basel), p. 64

[Pargasite] Stalder, H. A., Wagner, A., Graeser, S. and Stuker, P. (1998): "Mineralienlexikon der Schweiz", Wepf (Basel), p. 242.

[Pargasite] Peters, T. (1968): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 18, 65-75.

[Pargasite] Stalder, H. A., Wagner, A., Graeser, S. and Stuker, P. (1998): "Mineralienlexikon der Schweiz", Wepf (Basel), p. 179.

[Pargasite] Stalder, H. A., Wagner, A., Graeser, S. and Stuker, P. (1998): "Mineralienlexikon der Schweiz", Wepf (Basel), p. 148.

[Ferro-pargasite] Stalder, H. A., Wagner, A., Graeser, S. and Stuker, P. (1998): "Mineralienlexikon der Schweiz", Wepf (Basel), p. 298.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-550269.html) [Geisspfad pass](/loc-191720.html)

[Pargasite] Stalder, H. A., Wagner, A., Graeser, S. and Stuker, P. (1998): "Mineralienlexikon der Schweiz", Wepf (Basel), p. 298.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-152555.html) [Grampiel pass](/loc-29345.html)


     * Lärchultini
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-665349.html) [Gorb](/loc-3208.html)



[Pargasite] Cedric Simonet (2000): “Geology of Sapphire and Ruby Deposits -The example of the John Saul Ruby Mine, Mangare area, Southern Kenya” PhD Thesis, University of Nantes

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-823559.html) [Mundarara Mine](/loc-8256.html)

[Pargasite] Cedric Simonet (2000): “Geology of Sapphire and Ruby Deposits -The example of the John Saul Ruby Mine, Mangare area, Southern Kenya” PhD Thesis, University of Nantes

  * Muriatata hills
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-912670.html) [Ruby occurrence](/loc-211915.html)

[Pargasite] Yang, Xiao-wen; Zhang, Liang-ju; Jia, Zong-yong (2012): Mineral composition characters and prospect of Longido red corundum deposit in Tanzania. Guilin Ligong Daxue Xuebao 32, 173-178 (in Chinese).

[Pargasite] Johnson, L.H., Jones, A.P., Church, A.A. and Taylor, W.R. (1997) Ultramafic xenoliths and megacrysts from a melilitite tuff cone, Deeti, northern Tanzania. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 25,2942.

[Pargasite] Schmetzer, K., Radl, W. & Schwarz, D. (2009): Winza ein neues Rubinvorkommen in Tansania. Lapis 34 (5), 41-46.

[Pargasite] Wu, Jinlin, Xueying Sun, Hong Ma, Peiying Ning, Na Tang, Ting Ding, Huihuang Li, Tianyang Zhang, and Ying Ma. (2023) "Purple-Violet Gem Spinel from Tanzania and Myanmar: Inclusion, Spectroscopy, Chemistry, and Color" Minerals 13, no. 2: 226.


[Pargasite] Kozlu, H., Prichard, H., Melcher, F., Fisher, P., Brough, C., & Stueben, D. (2014). Platinum group element (PGE) mineralisation and chromite geochemistry in the Berit ophiolite (Elbistan/Kahramanmaraş), SE Turkey. Ore Geology Reviews, 60, 97-111.

[Pargasite] Richardson-Bunbury, J. M. (1996). The Kula volcanic field, western Turkey: the development of a Holocene alkali basalt province and the adjacent normal-faulting graben. Geological Magazine, 133(3), 275-283. Le Maitre, R. W., Streckeisen, A., Zanettin, B., Le Bas, M. J., Bonin, B., Bateman, P., ... & Lamere, J. (2002). Igneous rocks: A classification and glossary of terms; Recommendations of the International Union of Geological Sciences. In Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous rocks. Cambridge University Press. Holness, M. B., & Bunbury, J. M. (2006). Insights into continental rift-related magma chambers: Cognate nodules from the Kula Volcanic Province, Western Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 153(3-4), 241-261. Güleç, N. (1991). Crust–mantle interaction in western Turkey: implications from Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry of Tertiary and Quaternary volcanics. Geological Magazine, 128(5), 417-435. Grützner, T., Prelević, D., & Akal, C. (2013). Geochemistry and origin of ultramafic enclaves and their basanitic host rock from Kula Volcano, Turkey. Lithos, 180-181, 58-73. Alıcı, P., Temel, A., & Gourgaud, A. (2002). Pb–Nd–Sr isotope and trace element geochemistry of Quaternary extension-related alkaline volcanism: a case study of Kula region (western Anatolia, Turkey). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 115(3-4), 487-510. Aldanmaz, E. (2002). Mantle source characteristics of alkali basalts and basanites in an extensional intracontinental plate setting, western Anatolia, Turkey: implications for multi-stage melting. International Geology Review, 44(5), 440-457.


[Pargasite] [Golley & Williams, 1995, 58 - "Cornish Mineral Reference Manual"];

  * St Just
     * Botallack
        * Botallack Mine
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-8399.html) [Wheal Cock](/loc-1302.html)

[Pargasite] Golley, P. & Williams, R. (1995): Cornish Mineral Reference Manual. Endsleigh Publications (Truro), 104 pp.

[Pargasite] B.G.J. Upton et al. , Journal of the Geological Society, 1998, V 155, N° 5, pp 813-828.

[Pargasite] Jour. Conf. Abstracts 5: 939 (2000)

  * Loch Duich
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-858203.html) [Sgurr Aoidhe](/loc-225691.html)

[Pargasite] Paul Render


United Arab Emirates

[Pargasite] Ziegler, U., Stoessel, F., & Peters, T. J. (1991). Meta-carbonatites in the metamorphic series below the Semail Ophiolite in the Dibba Zone, Northern Oman Mountains. In Ophiolite genesis and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere (pp. 627-645). Springer, Dordrecht. Ziegler, U., Stoessel, F., & Peters, T. J. (1991) Isotopic (Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd) and geochemical studies of the metamorphosed volcanic rocks in the metamorphic series below the Semail ophiolite in the Dibba Zone (United Arab Emirates). Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen Zürich, 71, 19-33.


[Pargasite] Luo, Yang, Ben-Xun Su, Joyashish Thakurta, Yan Xiao, and Yang Bai. (2022) "Fluid-Induced Inhomogeneous Cr-spinel in Dunite and Wehrlite from the Duke Island Complex, Southeastern Alaska" Minerals 12, no. 6: 717.

[Pargasite] Anthony, J.W., et al (1995), Mineralogy of Arizona, 3rd.ed.: 322; Kempton, P.D. (1983), Petrography and geochemistry of amphibolite peridotites from Geronimo volcanic field, SE AZ (abstract), Geol. Soc. Amer. Abs. with Progs: 14: 528.

[Pargasite] Garcia, M.O., et al (1980), Volatiles in Ti-rich amphibole megacrysts, southwestern USA, American Mineralogist: 65: 306-312

[Pargasite] Anthony, J.W., et al (1995), Mineralogy of Arizona, 3rd.ed.: 322; Frey, F.A. & M. Prinz (1978), Ultramafic inclusions from San Carlos, AZ: Petrologic and geochemical data bearing on their petrogenesis, Earth & Planet. Sci. Letters: 38: 129-176.

[Pargasite] Pemberton, H. Earl (1983), Minerals of California; Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 147.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-135775.html) [Unnamed Skarn occurrence \[1\]](/loc-16636.html)


[Pargasite] []

  * Jurupa Valley
     * Jurupa Mountains
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-136536.html) [Jensen Quarry (Oak Quarry)](/loc-3525.html)

[Pargasite] MinRec 15:273-290

[Pargasite] Allen, Robert D. & Henry C. Kramer (1955), Hornblende in diorite pegmatite near Camp Irwin, San Bernardino Co., California: American Mineralogist: 40: 527-529; Murdoch, Joseph & Robert W. Webb (1966), Minerals of California, Centennial Volume (1866-1966): California Division Mines & Geology Bulletin 189: 66; Pemberton, H. Earl (1983), Minerals of California; Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 401.

[Pargasite] Minerals of Colorado (1997) Eckel, E. B.

[Pargasite] Minerals of Colorado (1997) Eckel, E. B.

[Pargasite] Minerals of Colorado (1997) Eckel, E. B.

[Pargasite] Carnein, C., Bartos, P. (2005) The Cripple Creek Mining District Colorado. The Mineralogical Record: 36(2): 143-185.

[Pargasite] Schooner, Richard. (1961): The Mineralogy of Connecticut. Fluorescent House, Branford, Connecticut.; Januzzi, Ronald E. (1976): Mineral Localities of CT and Southeastern NY State. The Mineralogical Press, Danbury, Connecticut.

American Mineralogist, Volume 72, pages 1086-1096, 1987

[Pargasite] Specimens field collected in 1983 by Kent England, ID by William S. Wise.

[Pargasite] King, V. and Foord, E., 1994, Mineralogy of Maine.

[Pargasite] Anderson, 1991. Maine Mineral Localities, 2nd ed.

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-220524.html) [Gabbro Point - Indian Pond](/loc-46370.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] King & Foord, 1994. Mineralogy of Maine, V. 1.

[Pargasite] Parker, Fred J. (2005) The Minerals of the Hunting Hill Quarry, Rockville, Maryland. The Mineralogical Record, 36(5), 435-446.

[Pargasite] Harvard Museum of Natural History, no.105202

  * Chelmsford
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-241039.html) [Chelmsford Lime Quarries](/loc-22352.html)

[Pargasite] Cook, 1974.

[Pargasite] Emerson, B.K. Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1917. (USGS Bulletin 597)


[Pargasite] USGS Bull 1674A

[Pargasite] NBMG Spec. Pub. 31 Minerals of Nevada

[Ferro-pargasite] Journal of Petrology 30(3):627-666 (1989)

[Pargasite] Rocks & Minerals (2005) 80:242-261 New Hampshire Mineral Locality Index.

[Pargasite] Dunn(1995):Pt3:457.

     * Franklin Marble
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-942809.html) [Fowler Quarry (Nichol Quarry; B. Nicoll Quarry; Nicoll Quarry; Nicol Quarry; Cellate Quarry)](/loc-8767.html)

[Pargasite] Van King

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-729830.html) [Franklin Quarry (Braens Quarry; Moses Bigelow Quarry; Farber Quarry)](/loc-8829.html)

[Pargasite] Collected- David Bernstein 2010

  * Hardyston Township
     * Rudeville
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-829766.html) [Edison-Bodnar Quarries](/loc-8334.html)

[Pargasite] Pete Dunn (1995) Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey p.457; 454

  * Ogdensburg
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1077544.html) [Sterling Hill](/loc-8903.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Frank Craig amd Olav Revheim

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1205066.html) [Noble pit (Lot #10 - Ogden Divisions; Noble Mine)](/loc-8827.html)

[Ferro-pargasite] Frank Craig

  * Sparta Township
     * Franklin Marble
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-644658.html) [Lime Crest Quarry](/loc-5405.html)

[Pargasite] John Cianciulli, ID by optics

[Pargasite] Minerals of New Mexico 3rd ed.

[Pargasite] Minerals of New Mexico 3rd ed.

[Ferro-pargasite] George Robinson & Steven Chamberlain (2007) Gazetteer of major New York State mineral localities. Rocks & Minerals, 82, #6, 472-483.

[Pargasite] Child, 1890. Gazetteer of Jefferson County, N. Y

[Pargasite] The Minerals of New York City & Its Environs, New York Mineralogical Club Bull., Vol. 3, No. 1, Manchester, J.G. (1931): 72.

  * Town of Warwick
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-80546.html) [Amity](/loc-4003.html)

[Pargasite] The Minerals of New York City & Its Environs, New York Mineralogical Club Bull., Vol. 3, No. 1, Manchester, J.G. (1931): 63.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-747975.html) [Rhein Property](/loc-222499.html)

[Pargasite] Glenn Rhein

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-904107.html) [Serendibite locality](/loc-259911.html)


     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-81004.html) [Edenville](/loc-4007.html)

[Pargasite] The Minerals of New York City & Its Environs, New York Mineralogical Club Bull., Vol. 3, No. 1, Manchester, J.G. (1931): 71.

        * Edenite Hill
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-777805.html) [Pipeline Excavation](/loc-239882.html)

[Pargasite] Van King

[Pargasite] Jensen (1978) Minerals of New York State, 42-43


  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-100244.html) [Balmat-Edwards Zinc Mining District](/loc-14968.html)

[Pargasite] Jensen (1978) Minerals of New York State, p.46

     * Edwards
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-632875.html) [Edwards Mine (St. Joe Lead)](/loc-10879.html)

[Pargasite] Canadian Mineralogist (1979) 17:47-52

  * Magnetite Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-980909.html) [Jayville mine](/loc-144491.html)

[Pargasite] B.F. Leonard and A.F. Buddington (1964) Ore deposits of the St. Lawrence County magnetite district, northwest Adirondacks, New York. USGS Professional Paper 377

  * North Russell
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1489441.html) [OBrien farm](/loc-158651.html)

[Pargasite] Walter, M. R. (2022) The Tremolites of St. Lawrence County, New York. Rocks & Minerals 97:142-149

  * Russell Township
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-786866.html) [St. Joe Resources Company drillhole 1872](/loc-241262.html)

[Pargasite] Grew, E.S., Yates, M.G. and deLorraine, W. (1990) Serendibite from the Northwest Adirondack Lowlands, in Russell, New York, USA. Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 54, n° 374, pp. 133-136.

[Pargasite] George Robinson & Steven Chamberlain (2007) Gazetteer of major New York State mineral localities. Rocks & Minerals, 82, #6, 472-483.


[Pargasite] Stapor, Frank W.Jr and Flaisher, Chris, Mar, 2006, Altered Amphibolite Hypotheisis for the origin of Todd- type Chlorite Bodies in the Ashe Formation , North west North Carolina: Evidence from Amphibole Mineralogy and Pargentic Sequence

[Pargasite] Stapor, Frank W. Jr and Flaisher, Chris, Mar , 2006, Altered Amphibolite Hypotheisis for the origin of Todd- type Chlorite Bodies in the Ashe Formation, North west North Carolina : Evidence from Amphibole Mineralogy and Pargentic Sequence, Earth Sciences, Tennessee Technological University

[Pargasite] Barbara A.Olsen,Harry Y.Mcsween,Jr, American Mineralogist,Vol.68,pg 315-333,1983,Petrogenesis of the Concord gabbro-syenite complex,North Carolina,pg # 324

[Ferro-pargasite] Nathan Clay Collins (2011) Geochemical systematics Among Amphibolitic Rocks in the Central Blue Ridge Province of southwestern North Carolina:University of South Florida

[Pargasite] McSween,Jr,Harry Y.,Sando,Thomas W.,Clark,Stephan R.,Harden,James T.,and Strange,E.Allison (1984) The Gabbro-Metagabbro Association Of The Southern Appalachian Piedmont,America Journal Of Science,Vol.284,April/May,1984,p.437-461

[Ferro-pargasite] Anderson,Eric Douglas and Moecher,David P.,(2009) Formation of high -pressure metabasites in the southern Appalachian Blue Ridge via taconic continental subduction beneath the Laurentian margin: Tectonic Vol.28 Issue 5,Oct 2009

[Pargasite] McSween Jr,Harry Y.,Sando,Thomas W.,Clark,Stephen R.,Harden,James T.,and Strange,E.Allison (1984) The Gabbro-MetaGabbro Association Of The Southern Appalachian Piedmont,American Journal Of Science,Vol.,284,April/May,1984,P.437-461

[Pargasite] Page,F.Zeb,Essene,E.J and Mukasa,S.B (2004) Quartz Exsolution In Clinopyroxene Is Not Proof Of Ultra-High Pressures:Evidence From Phase Equilibria And Eclogite From The Eastern Blue Ridge,Southern Applachians,USA

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-915118.html) [Lick Ridge](/loc-222101.html)

[Pargasite] Page,F. Zeb,Essene,E.J and Mukasa.S.B (2004) Quartz Exsolution In Clinopyroxene Is Not Proof Of Ultra-High Pressures:Evidence From Phase Equilibria And Eclogite From The Eastern Blue Ridge ,Southern Appalachians,USA

[Ferro-pargasite] Mauger,R.L,Spruill,R.K,Christopher,M.T,and Shafiqullah,M.,1983,Petrology andGeochronology of Peralkalic Metagranite and Metarhyolite Dikes,Fountain Quarry,Pitt County,North Carolina

[Pargasite] McSween,Jr,Harry Y.,Sando,Thomas W.,Clark,Stephan R.,Harden,James T and Strange,E.Allison (1984) The Gabbro-Metagabbro Association Of The Southern Appalachian Piedmont,American Journal Of Science, Vol.284,April/May,1984,p.437-461

[Pargasite] Stapor, Frank,W.Jr, and Flaisher,Chris, Mar, 2006, Altered Amphibolite Hypotheisis for the orgin of Todd - type Chlorite Bodies in the Ashe Formation Northwest North Carolina : Evidence from Amphibole Mineralogy and Pargentic Sequence, Earth Sciences, Tennessee Technological University

  * Zionville
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-915294.html) [Tater Hill](/loc-222069.html)

[Pargasite] Anderson,Eric Douglas and Moecher, David P. (2009) Formation Of High -Pressure Metabasites In The Southern Appalachian Blue Ridge via Taconic Continental Subduction Beneath The Laurentian Margin: Tectonic Vol. 28 (5) October

[Pargasite] Jeremy Zolan Collection

[Pargasite] Miller, C.E. (1972) Minerals of Rhode Island. Department of Geology, University of Rhode Island, 83 pages.

  * Providence
     * Manton
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-633620.html) [Manton Avenue Quarry (Manton Quarry; Violet Hill Quarry)](/loc-6808.html)

[Pargasite] American Mineralogist (1930) 15: 496-498

[Ferro-pargasite] Speer, J.Alexander.,(1987) Evolution of magmatic AFM mineral assemblages in granitoid rocks :The hornblende+melt = biotite reaction in the Liberty Hill pluton, South Carolina :American Mineralogist,Vol. 72, pg. 863-878 ,1987

[Ferro-pargasite] Speer, J.Alexander.,(1987) Evolution of magmatic AFM mineral assemblages in granitoid rocks :The hornblende+melt = biotite reaction in the Liberty Hill pluton, South Carolina :American Mineralogist,Vol. 72, pg. 863-878 ,1987

[Ferro-pargasite] Speer, J.Alexander.,(1987) Evolution of magmatic AFM mineral assemblages in granitoid rocks :The hornblende+melt = biotite reaction in the Liberty Hill pluton, South Carolina :American Mineralogist,Vol. 72, pg. 863-878 ,1987

[Pargasite] SDSMT Bull 18 Roberts and Rapp "Mineralogy of the Black Hills"

[Pargasite] UGMS Bull 117 Minerals and Mineral Localities of Utah

[Pargasite] Woodford, D. T., Sisson, V. B., & Leeman, W. P. (2001). Boron metasomatism of the Alta stock contact aureole, Utah: Evidence from borates, mineral chemistry, and geochemistry. American Mineralogist, 86(4), 513-533.

[Pargasite] Schulze, D. J., Flemming, R. L., Shepherd, P. H., & Helmstaedt, H. (2014). Mantle-derived guyanaite in a Cr-omphacitite xenolith from Moses Rock diatreme, Utah. American Mineralogist, 99(7), 1277-1283.

[Pargasite] UGMS Bull 117 Minerals and Mineral Localities of Utah

[Pargasite] Levitan, Denise et al. (2009): Mineralogy of mine waste at the Vermont Asbestos Group mine, Belvidere Mountain, Vermont. American Mineralogist 94(7):1063-1066.

[Pargasite] Minerals of Virginia 1990 by R. V. Dietrich

[Pargasite] Minerals of Virginia 1990 by R. V. Dietrich

[Pargasite] Minerals of Washington, Bart Cannon, 1975

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-107305.html) [Crawfish Lake Area](/loc-17273.html)

[Pargasite] Minerals of Washington, Bart Cannon, 1975

  * Nighthawk Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-102769.html) [Ellenham Mtn area](/loc-15309.html)

[Pargasite] Cannon, B. (1975): Minerals of Washington, p.44


[Pargasite] Hauzenberger, Ch.A., Walter, F., Hofmeister, W., Phan Tien, D. & Kienzl, N. (2005): Mineralogical, petrological and crystallographic investigations of two amphiboles from ruby and spinel bearing marbles, Luc Yen, Province Yen Bai, Vietnam. In: Hofmeister, W. et al. (ed): Proceedings of the third international workschop on gem-materials and modern analytical methods. Hanoi, Vietnam. 3-8;

  * An Phu (Anfu)
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-766054.html) [Cung Truoi Mine](/loc-236425.html)

[Pargasite] Patureau, J. (2011): Un minéralogiste et collectionneur francais á Luc Yen, Vietnam. La Régne Minéral.99, 39-48

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-487906.html) [Sungate Mine](/loc-144096.html)  ?

[Pargasite] Min Rec 2007 38:443-453; Fernando Pires photo & specimen

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1509131.html) [Luc Yen Mine](/loc-193091.html)

[Pargasite] Krivovichev, Vladimir G., Katherine A. Kuksa, Pavel B. Sokolov, Olga Yu. Marakhovskaya, Andrey A. Zolotarev, Vladimir N. Bocharov, Tatyana F. Semenova, Maria E. Klimacheva, and Geir Atle Gussiås. (2022) "Preiswerkite: A First Occurrence in Marble Hosting Gem Spinel Deposits, Luc Yen, Vietnam" Minerals 12, no. 8: 1024.