Tweddillite (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species



About TweddilliteHide

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Specific Gravity:

3.84 (Calculated)

Crystal System:



Named by T. Armbruster et al. in 2002 in honor of Samuel Milbourn Tweddill (3 April 1852, Scarborough, Yorkshire, England - 4 July 1917, Groenvlei Tin Mine, Limpopo, South Africa), the first curator of the Pretoria Geological Museum from 1897 to 1916. It was renamed manganipiemontite-(Sr) by the Epidote Subcommittee of the CNMMN in 2006 and reverted to tweddillite in 2015.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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Long-form identifier:



IMA Classification of TweddilliteHide

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IMA Formula:


Approval history:

Originally called tweddillite; renamed manganipiemontite-(Sr) by the Epidote Subcommittee of the CNMMN in 2006; reverted to tweddillite in 2015.

Type description reference:

Armbruster, T., Gnos, E., Dixon, R., Gutzmer, J., Hejny, C., Döbelin, N., Medenbach, O. (2002) Manganvesuvianite and tweddillite, two new Mn3+-silicate minerals from the Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa. Mineralogical Magazine, 66 (1) 137-150 doi:10.1180/0026461026610018

Classification of TweddilliteHide

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9 : SILICATES (Germanates)
B : Sorosilicates
G : Sorosilicates with mixed SiO4 and Si2O7 groups; cations in octahedral [6] and greater coordination

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Symbol Source Reference
Twe IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43

Physical Properties of TweddilliteHide

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perfect after {001}


3.84(3) g/cm3 (Calculated)

Optical Data of TweddilliteHide

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Within the (001) blades, the crystals appear dark red parallel to b and orange-yellow parallel to a. Perpendicular to (001) the blades appear magenta to red.


Average RI = 1.825.

Chemistry of TweddilliteHide

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Mindat Formula:


Chemical AnalysisHide

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Crystallography of TweddilliteHide

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Crystal System:


Class (H-M):

2/m - Prismatic

Cell Parameters:

a = 8.932(5) Å, b = 5.698(4) Å, c = 10.310(5) Å
β = 114.56(4)°


a:b:c = 1.568 : 1 : 1.809

Unit Cell V:

477.25 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


All crystals are (100) twinned.

Crystal StructureHide

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Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

Display Options
Black Background |White Background
Perspective On |Perspective Off
2D |Stereo |Red-Blue |Red-Cyan

CIF File Best |x |y |z |a |b |c

Stop |Start

Console Off |On |Grey |Yellow

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0014561 Tweddillite Armbruster T, Gnos E, Dixon R, Gutzmer J, Hejny C, Dobelin N, Medenbach O (2002) Manganvesuvianite and tweddillite, two new Mn3+-silicate minerals from the Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa Mineralogical Magazine 66 137-150 2002 Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
2.936 Å (100)
2.703 Å (80)
2.586 Å (80)
2.182 Å (80)
3.515 Å (50)
2.149 Å (40)
2.415 Å (30)
2.320 Å (30)
2.126 Å (30)
1.8957 Å (30)
1.7178 Å (30)
1.6695 Å (30)

Type Occurrence of TweddilliteHide

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General Appearance of Type Material:

Dark-red ‘suns’ of very thin (~0.02 mm) radiating (001) blades, elongated parallel to [010] (up to 0.5 mm).

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

(NMBE 35475) at the Natural History Museum, Bern, Switzerland.

Geological Setting of Type Material:

In calcsilicate rocks formed as hydrothermal alteration of primary sedimentary manganese ore.

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:


Armbruster, T., Gnos, E., Dixon, R., Gutzmer, J., Hejny, C., Döbelin, N., Medenbach, O. (2002) Manganvesuvianite and tweddillite, two new Mn3+-silicate minerals from the Kalahari Manganese fields, South Africa. Mineralogical Magazine: 66: 137-150.

Synonyms of TweddilliteHide

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Other Language Names for TweddilliteHide

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Relationship of Tweddillite to other SpeciesHide

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Other Members of this group:

Common AssociatesHide

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Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:

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Other InformationHide

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Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for TweddilliteHide

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Reference List:

Armbruster, T., Gnos, E., Dixon, R., Gutzmer, J., Hejny, C., Döbelin, N., Medenbach, O. (2002) Manganvesuvianite and tweddillite, two new Mn3+-silicate minerals from the Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa. Mineralogical Magazine, 66 (1) 137-150 doi:10.1180/0026461026610018

Armbruster, Thomas, Bonazzi, Paola, Akasaka, Masahide, Bermanec, Vladimir, Chopin, Christian, Gieré, Reto, Heuss-Assbichler, Soraya, Liebscher, Axel, Menchetti, Silvio, Pan, Yuanming, Pasero, Marco (2006) Recommended nomenclature of epidote-group minerals. European Journal of Mineralogy, 18 (5) 551-567 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2006/0018-0551

Localities for TweddilliteHide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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