Dissakisite-(Ce) (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species



About Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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Pale yellow-brown in thin section.

Crystal System:



Named in 1991 by Edward S. Grew, Eric J. Essene, Donald R. Peacor, Shu-Chun Su, and Masao Asami from the Greek for twice over, for a second magnesium analog of allanite being described. The suffix follows the Levinson rule for minerals with essential REE (and the nomenclature for epidote-group minerals); denoting predominant cerium.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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Long-form identifier:



IMA Classification of Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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IMA Formula:


Classification of Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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9 : SILICATES (Germanates)
B : Sorosilicates
G : Sorosilicates with mixed SiO4 and Si2O7 groups; cations in octahedral [6] and greater coordination


58 : SOROSILICATES Insular, Mixed, Single, and Larger Tetrahedral Groups
2 : Insular, Mixed, Single, and Larger Tetrahedral Groups with cations in [6] and higher coordination; single and double groups (n = 1, 2)


16 : Silicates Containing Aluminum and other Metals
13 : Aluminosilicates of the rare earths

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Please only use the official IMA–CNMNC symbol. Older variants are listed for historical use only.

Symbol Source Reference
Dis-Ce IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43
Dis The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist list of symbols for rock- and ore-forming minerals (December 30, 2019). download

Physical Properties of Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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Pale yellow-brown in thin section.


None Observed
No cleavage was observed (type material), but by analogy to other members of the epidote group, there is probably a {001} cleavage.


3.75(15) g/cm3 (Measured) 4.00(3) g/cm3 (Calculated)

Optical Data of Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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RI values:

_n_α = 1.735 _n_β = 1.741 _n_γ = 1.758


Measured: 64° , Calculated: 62°

δ = 0.023

Image shows birefringence interference colour range (at 30µm thickness)
and does not take into account mineral colouration.

Optical Extinction:

Y = b; Z ∧ a = 23.7°.


X = pale brown, Y = Z = light yellow-brown.


Absorption: X < Y = Z.

Chemistry of Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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Mindat Formula:


Crystallography of Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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Crystal System:


Class (H-M):

2/m - Prismatic

Cell Parameters:

a = 8.905(1) Å, b = 5.684(1) Å, c = 10.113(1) Å
β = 114.62(2)°


a:b:c = 1.567 : 1 : 1.779

Unit Cell V:

465.35 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)

Crystal StructureHide

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Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

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Perspective On |Perspective Off
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ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0005294 Dissakisite-(Ce) Rouse R C, Peacor D R (1993) The crystal structure of dissakisite-(Ce),the Mg analogue of allanite-(Ce) The Canadian Mineralogist 31 153-157 1993 Balchen Mountain, East Antartica 0 293
0009130 Dissakisite-(Ce) Hoshino M, Kimata M, Nishida N, Shimizu M (2008) Crystal chemical significance of chemical zoning in dissakisite-(Ce) Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 35 59-70 2008 Trimouns dolomite mine, France 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
2.698 Å (100)
2.910 Å (90)
2.622 Å (60)
3.50 Å (50)
2.842 Å (50)
9.1 Å (40)
2.177 Å (40)

Geological EnvironmentHide

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Type Occurrence of Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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General Appearance of Type Material:

Occurs sparingly in thin section as a few anhedral grains 0.05-0.6 mm in diameter.

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA, 168421.

Geological Setting of Type Material:

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:

Synonyms of Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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Other Language Names for Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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Relationship of Dissakisite-(Ce) to other SpeciesHide

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Other Members of this group:

Common AssociatesHide

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Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:

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Other InformationHide

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No cathodoluminescence was observed.

Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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Reference List:

Grew, Edward S., Essene, Eric J., Peacor, Donald R., Su, Shu-chun, Asami, Masao (1991) Dissakisite-(Ce), a new member of the epidote group and the Mg analogue of allanite-(Ce), from Antarctica. American Mineralogist, 76 (11-12) 1990-1997

Armbruster, Thomas, Bonazzi, Paola, Akasaka, Masahide, Bermanec, Vladimir, Chopin, Christian, Gieré, Reto, Heuss-Assbichler, Soraya, Liebscher, Axel, Menchetti, Silvio, Pan, Yuanming, Pasero, Marco (2006) Recommended nomenclature of epidote-group minerals. European Journal of Mineralogy, 18 (5) 551-567 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2006/0018-0551

Localities for Dissakisite-(Ce)Hide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Antarctica (TL)
Eastern Antarctica Queen Maud Land Sør Rondane Mountains Balchen Mt (TL) Grew et al. (1991)
Jiangsu Lianyungang Donghai Co. Zhimafang Garnetite outcrop AmMin 88:604-610
North Karelia Outokumpu mining district AmMin 88:604-610
Occitanie Ariège Foix Luzenac Trimouns Talc Mine Gatel et al. (2002) +2 other references
Harghita County Ditrău Complex Jolotca (Orotva) Szakáll et al. (2010)
Chelyabinsk Oblast Kyshtym Mochalin Log Kasatkin et al. (2020)
Miass Pit No. 418 Sorokina et al. (2019)
Sakha Aldan Emeldzhakskoe phlogopite deposit (Emel'dzhak) Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Canary Islands Las Palmas Province Fuerteventura Dill et al. (2023)
Värmland County Filipstad Persberg ore district Gåsgruvan ore field Sandström et al. (2009)
Koberg Zinc Mine The Swedish Museum of Natural History ...
Västmanland County Norberg Getback ore field Ås mine Andersson et al. (2024)
Malmkärra Mine Steffen Möckel probed (EDX 29/08/2005) +2 other references
Old Morberg ore field Andersson et al. (2024)
Röberg ore field Östanmossa mine Grew et al. (1991) +2 other references
Smörberg ore field Södra Hackspikgruvan Andersson et al. (2024)
Skinnskatteberg Riddarhyttan Bastnäs Mines Nya Bastnäs deposit Andersson et al. (2024)
Stålklockan mine Andersson et al. (2024)
Västra Långgruvorna mine Andersson et al. (2024)
Gorno-Badakhshan Murghob Rangkul Snezhnoe deposit Litvinenko +8 other references
New York Orange County Town of Warwick Edenville Edenite Hill Henry Rudy farm Lupulescu et al. (2013)