Gahnite (original) (raw)



Dark blue-green, yellow, brown, black

Specific Gravity:

4.62 (Calculated)


Named in 1807 by Baron Karl Marie Ehrenbert von Moll in honor of Swedish chemist and mineralogist, Johan Gottlieb Gahn [August 19, 1745 Voxna Bruk, Hälsingland, Sweden - December 8, 1818 Falun, Sweden]. The new name replaced automalite named by Anders Gustav Ekeberg.

Long-form identifier:



Approved, 'Grandfathered' (first described prior to 1959)


4 : OXIDES (Hydroxides, V[5,6] vanadates, arsenites, antimonites, bismuthites, sulfites, selenites, tellurites, iodates)
B : Metal: Oxygen = 3:4 and similar
B : With only medium-sized cations

2 : AB2X4


7 : Oxides and Hydroxides
5 : Oxides of Zn, Cd and Hg

As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Please only use the official IMA–CNMNC symbol. Older variants are listed for historical use only.

Symbol Source Reference
Ghn IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43
Ghn Whitney & Evans (2010) Whitney, D.L. and Evans, B.W. (2010) Abbreviations for names of rock-forming minerals. American Mineralogist, 95, 185–187 doi:10.2138/am.2010.3371


Dark blue-green, yellow, brown, black


Irregular/Uneven, Conchoidal


4.62 g/cm3 (Calculated)

Class (H-M):

m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) - Hexoctahedral

Cell Parameters:

a = 8.062 Å

Unit Cell V:

524.00 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


Crystals usually octahedral.

Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

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Black Background |White Background
Perspective On |Perspective Off
2D |Stereo |Red-Blue |Red-Cyan

CIF File Best |x |y |z |a |b |c

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Console Off |On |Grey |Yellow

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0004939 Gahnite Popovic J, Tkalcec E, Grzeta B, Kurajica S, Rakvin B (2009) Inverse spinel structure of Co-doped gahnite American Mineralogist 94 771-776 2009 0 293
0004940 Gahnite Popovic J, Tkalcec E, Grzeta B, Kurajica S, Rakvin B (2009) Inverse spinel structure of Co-doped gahnite American Mineralogist 94 771-776 2009 0 293
0004941 Gahnite Popovic J, Tkalcec E, Grzeta B, Kurajica S, Rakvin B (2009) Inverse spinel structure of Co-doped gahnite American Mineralogist 94 771-776 2009 0 293
0004942 Gahnite Popovic J, Tkalcec E, Grzeta B, Kurajica S, Rakvin B (2009) Inverse spinel structure of Co-doped gahnite American Mineralogist 94 771-776 2009 0 293
0004943 Gahnite Popovic J, Tkalcec E, Grzeta B, Kurajica S, Rakvin B (2009) Inverse spinel structure of Co-doped gahnite American Mineralogist 94 771-776 2009 0 293
0004944 Gahnite Popovic J, Tkalcec E, Grzeta B, Kurajica S, Rakvin B (2009) Inverse spinel structure of Co-doped gahnite American Mineralogist 94 771-776 2009 0 293
0019259 Gahnite Ardit M, Cruciani G, Dondi M (2012) Structural relaxation in tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ along the gahnite-Co-aluminate spinel solid solution American Mineralogist 97 1394-1401 2012 synthetic 0 293
0019260 Gahnite Ardit M, Cruciani G, Dondi M (2012) Structural relaxation in tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ along the gahnite-Co-aluminate spinel solid solution American Mineralogist 97 1394-1401 2012 synthetic 0 293
0019261 Gahnite Ardit M, Cruciani G, Dondi M (2012) Structural relaxation in tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ along the gahnite-Co-aluminate spinel solid solution American Mineralogist 97 1394-1401 2012 synthetic 0 293
0020092 Gahnite Halenius U, Bosi F (2014) Color of Mn-bearing gahnite: A first example of electronic transitions in heterovalent exchange coupled IVMn2+-VIMn3+ pairs in minerals. American Mineralogist 99 261-266 2014 Kittelgruvan, Nordmark, Varmland, Sweden 0 293
0020408 Gahnite Fregola R A, Skogby H, Bosi F, D'Ippolito V, Andreozzi G B, Halenius U (2014) Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron valency and site distribution data American Mineralogist 99 2187-2195 2014 Jemaa, Kaduna, Nigeria 0 293
0020409 Gahnite Fregola R A, Skogby H, Bosi F, D'Ippolito V, Andreozzi G B, Halenius U (2014) Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron valency and site distribution data American Mineralogist 99 2187-2195 2014 Jemaa, Kaduna, Nigeria 0 293
0020410 Gahnite Fregola R A, Skogby H, Bosi F, D'Ippolito V, Andreozzi G B, Halenius U (2014) Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron valency and site distribution data American Mineralogist 99 2187-2195 2014 Migiandone mine, Val d'Ossola, Italy 0 293
0020411 Gahnite Fregola R A, Skogby H, Bosi F, D'Ippolito V, Andreozzi G B, Halenius U (2014) Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron valency and site distribution data American Mineralogist 99 2187-2195 2014 Migiandone mine, Val d'Ossola, Italy 0 293
0006862 Gahnite Andreozzi G B, Lucchesi S, Skogby H, Della Giusta A (2001) Compositional dependence of cation distribution in some synthetic (Mg,Zn)(Al,Fe)2O4 spinels European Journal of Mineralogy 13 391-402 2001 0 293
0007782 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007783 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007784 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007785 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007786 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007787 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007788 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007789 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007790 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007791 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007792 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007793 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007794 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007795 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007796 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007797 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007798 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007803 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007804 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007805 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007806 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007807 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007808 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007809 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007810 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007811 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007812 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007835 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007836 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007837 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007838 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007839 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007840 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007841 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007842 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007843 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007844 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007848 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007849 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007850 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007851 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007852 Gahnite O'Neill H St C, Dollase W A (1994) Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20 541-555 1994 0 293
0007890 Gahnite Waerenborgh J C, Figueiredo M O, Cabral J M P, Pereira L C J (1994) Powder XRD structure refinements and 57Fe Mossbauer effect study of synthetic Zn1-xFexAl2O4 (o<x<=1) spinels="" annealed="" at="" different="" temperatures<="" i=""> Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21 460-468</x<=1)> 1994 0 293
0007891 Gahnite Waerenborgh J C, Figueiredo M O, Cabral J M P, Pereira L C J (1994) Powder XRD structure refinements and 57Fe Mossbauer effect study of synthetic Zn1-xFexAl2O4 (o<x<=1) spinels="" annealed="" at="" different="" temperatures<="" i=""> Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21 460-468</x<=1)> 1994 0 293
0007894 Gahnite Waerenborgh J C, Figueiredo M O, Cabral J M P, Pereira L C J (1994) Powder XRD structure refinements and 57Fe Mossbauer effect study of synthetic Zn1-xFexAl2O4 (o<x<=1) spinels="" annealed="" at="" different="" temperatures<="" i=""> Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21 460-468</x<=1)> 1994 0 293
0007895 Gahnite Waerenborgh J C, Figueiredo M O, Cabral J M P, Pereira L C J (1994) Powder XRD structure refinements and 57Fe Mossbauer effect study of synthetic Zn1-xFexAl2O4 (o<x<=1) spinels="" annealed="" at="" different="" temperatures<="" i=""> Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21 460-468</x<=1)> 1994 0 293
0008602 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 0 293
0008603 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 0.3 293
0008604 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 0.6 293
0008605 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 0.8 293
0008606 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 1.8 293
0008607 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 2.2 293
0008608 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 3.1 293
0008609 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 4.6 293
0008610 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 6.1 293
0008611 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 8.3 293
0008612 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 10.8 293
0008613 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 12.4 293
0008614 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 13.7 293
0008615 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 14.5 293
0008616 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 15.9 293
0008617 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 16.7 293
0008618 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 17.7 293
0008619 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 18.6 293
0008620 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 19.9 293
0008621 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 21 293
0008622 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 21.9 293
0008623 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 23.8 293
0008624 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 25.4 293
0008625 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 27.2 293
0008626 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 29.8 293
0008627 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 32.2 293
0008628 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 35.2 293
0008629 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 39.8 293
0008630 Gahnite Levy D, Pavese A, Sani A, Pischedda V (2001) Structure and compressibility of synthetic ZnAl2O4 (gahnite) under high-pressure conditions, from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 612-618 2001 42.9 293
0010609 Gahnite Saalfeld H (1964) Strukturdaten von gahnit, ZnAl2O4 Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 120 476-478 1964 Falun, Sweden 0 293
0017916 Gahnite Passerini L (1930) Ricerche sugli Spinelli.- II. I composti. Cu Al2 O4, Mg Al2 O4, Mg Fe2 O4, Zn Al2 O4, Zn Cr2 O4, Zn Fe2 O4, Mn Fe2 O4 _cod_database_code 1011001 Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 60 389-399 1930 0 293
0019968 Gahnite D'Ippolito V, Andreozzi G B, Bosi F, Halenius U, Mantovani L, Bersani D, Fregola R A (2013) Crystallographic and spectroscopic characterization of a natural Zn-rich spinel approaching the endmember gahnite (ZnAl2O4) composition Mineralogical Magazine 77 2941-2953 2013 Jemaa, Kaduna State, Nigeria 0 293

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Data courtesy of RRUFF project at University of Arizona, used with permission.

Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
2.438 Å (100)
2.861 Å (84)
1.429 Å (43)
1.556 Å (40)
1.650 Å (24)
0.8251 Å (13)
1.0525 Å (12)


Synthetic. Data from Swanson and Fuyat (1953).

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

No designated type material.

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Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Namibe Province Moçâmedes Giraul pegmatite field Type V pegmatites Gonçalves et al. (2019)
Eastern Antarctica Wilkes Land Queen Mary Coast Bunger Hills Абдрахманов et al. (2021) +1 other reference
Córdoba Province Calamuchita Department Cañada de Álvarez District Las Caleras Commune Cañada de Álvarez pegmatite district Tourmaline (extraLapis English, # 3, 2002)
Río de Los Sauces District Angel Mine Victorio Angelelli (1958)
Punilla Department San Roque District Villa Parque Síquiman El Pato Pegmatite Colombo et al. (2006)
SD-2 Pegmatite Colombo et al. (2006)
San Jose pegmatite Econ Geol (1995)
Salta Province La Poma Department El Quemado mining district GALLISKI (1983) +1 other reference
Santa Elena pegmatite Galliski et al. (2006) +1 other reference
San Luis Province Coronel Pringles Department Estancia Grande Las Águilas deposit Virorco pegmatites Galliski et al. (2012)
Atlantic Ocean
Mid-Atlantic Ridge complex Pobeda-1 hydrothermal field Maslennikov et al. (2023)
New South Wales Yancowinna Co. Allendale Mine Stevens B.P.J. et al. (2003)
Broken Hill district Brewery Creek La Sparanza Mine Northern Broken Hill Block
Broken Hill Block 14 opencut Sorrell (n.d.)
Broken Hill South Mine (BHS Mine; South Mine) Ramdohr (1950)
Kintore opencut Spry et al. (2003) +1 other reference
CBH Rasp Mine (Rasp Mine) Blampain et al. (2006)
North Mine (2012)
Perilya Potosi Mine (Potosi Mine) P.M. Buckley (2003)
Southern operations Mine Zinc Corporation Mine (ZC Mine) Ramdohr (1950)
Little Broken Hill Melbourne Rockwell mine Birch et al. (1988)
Nine Mile Mine Burton (1994)
Pinnacles Mine McQueen (1984) +3 other references
Potosi Silver Peak Mine (Silver Peak Mine) Teale et al. (2006)
Rupee mine (Newberry mine) NSW Geological Survey report GS1951/049 ... +1 other reference
Speedwell Mine Stevens B.P.J. et al. (2003)
Stirling Vale (Sterling Vale) Uwe Kolitsch collection
Easter Gift Mine (Prince of Wales) Stevens B.P.J. et al. (2003)
Globe Mine Slack et al. (1993)
Great Southern Mine Stevens B.P.J. et al. (2003)
Hidden Treasure Mine Stevens et al. (2003)
Parnell Mine Trevor Dart +1 other reference
South Parnell Mine Stevens B.P.J. et al. (2003)
Southern Cross Mine Based on photographs uploaded
Thackaringa District Plimer (1977)
U0121 Stevens B.P.J. et al. (2003)
Northern Territory Central Desert Region Harts Range (Harts Ranges; Hartz Range; Hartz Ranges) Ambalindum Station Mount Mabel Oonagalabi Prospect Skwarnecki (2004)
Jervois Station Jervois Range Marshall Attutra Robertson (1959)
Reward Mine (Reward lead; Hanlon's Reward) Kojan (1982)
Queensland Cloncurry Shire Selwyn District Pegmont Pb-Zn deposit (Pegmont Mine) (2003) +1 other reference
Etheridge Shire Balcooma Mine Harvey (1989)
McKinlay Shire McKinlay Cannington Mine (South32 Cannington) Singer et al. (2009)
South Australia Alexandrina Council Strathalbyn Angas Mine Abbot (2005)
Strathalbyn Mine (Strathalbyn North; Monster Lode) SA Geodata Database - Mineral Deposit ...
Wheal Ellen SA Geodata Database - Mineral Deposit ...
District Council of Mount Barker Echunga goldfield Chapel Hill Diggings (Old Echunga diggings) Ben Grguric
Kanmantoo Kanmantoo Mine (Kanmantoo West; Kanmantoo North) Noble et al. (1983)
Mount Barker Nairne Rutile occurrence Shepherd Hill Quarry (Brukunga Quarry)
St. Ives Aclare Mine Noble R.J et al. (1983)
Pastoral Unincorporated Area Bimbowrie Conservation Park Doughboy well C.H.H. Conor (2003)
Murnpeowie (Murnpeowie Station) Prospect Hill South Ridge deposit SA Geodata Database - Mineral Deposit ...
Tin Prospect The Geology of South Australia
Roxby Council Roxby Downs Acropolis deposit (Aphrodite; Appendicitis Dam) Verdugo-Ihl et al. (2021)
Tasmania Waratah-Wynyard municipality Waratah district Waratah Mount Bischoff Mine Bottrill +1 other reference
West Coast municipality Zeehan mining district Zeehan mineral field Tasmanian Smelting Company site South Slag dump Parbhakar-Fox et al. (2019)
Western Australia Bridgetown-Greenbushes Shire Donovans Find (Smithfield) Jacobson et al. (2007)
Greenbushes Tinfield Greenbushes Mine Jacobson et al. (2007)
Dowerin Shire Dowerin Dowerin Chrysoberyl pit M Jacobson +2 other references
Port Hedland Shire Abydos Station Wodgina Wodgina Tantalite Mine (Wodgina pegmatite; Main tantalite dyke) Simpson (1951)
Sandstone Shire Youangarra Goldfield (Curran's Find) Freddie Well prospect Cornelius et al. (2004)
Yalgoo Shire Christopher J Yeats +3 other references
Retaliation Goldfield Mount Gibson Conservation Reserve Mount Gibson Gold Mine Yeats et al. (1998) +1 other reference
Lower Austria Mistelbach District Falkenstein Falkenstein Castle Kolitsch et al. (2015)
Salzburg Zell am See District Rauris Kaiserer quarry (Deisl quarry) Strasser (1989)
Lohning quarry (Lohninger quarry) Strasser (1989)
Styria Südoststeiermark District Bad Gleichenberg Wilhelmsdorf Stradner Kogel Postl et al. (2011)
Tyrol Schwaz District Finkenberg Pfitsch pass Exel (1993)
Rotbachlspitze (Rote Wand) Niedermayr (2007) +1 other reference
Mayrhofen Grawand Alp Niedermayr (2007)
Upper Austria Freistadt District Pregarten Meitschenhof Arthofer (2005)
Perg District Luftenberg an der Donau Luftenberg quarries (Steininger quarry) Brandstetter (1998) +2 other references
Wallonia Luxembourg Vielsalm Kramm (1979) +1 other reference
Bihain José Dehove collection.
Ottré Theye et al. (1994)
Cahay Thier des Carrières Hatert et al. (2002)
Beni Itenez Province Serrania de San Simon Osvaldo R. Arce Burgoa (2007)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Republika Srpska Motajica mountain Koch (1899) +7 other references
Bahia Érico Cardoso Paramirim das Crioulas Morro do Chapéu claim Jeannine and Jacques Cassedanne : "Présence d'eskolaite dans les alluvions stannifères de la Chapada Diamantina (Bahia-Brésil)
Goiás Alto Horizonte Chapada Mine Econ Geol (1986)
Mata Azul pegmatitic field Queiroz (2016)
Minas Gerais Conselheiro Pena Barra do Cuieté Cigana claim Baijot et al. (2014)
Nazareno Volta Grande mine (Mibra mine) Andrade et al. (2013)
Vazante Vazante mine Slezak et al. (pdf available at
Paraíba Nova Palmeira Roncadeira pegmatite Beurlen et al. (2013) +1 other reference
Picuí Caiçara pegmatite Beurlen et al. (2008)
Rio Grande do Norte Carnaúba dos Dantas Bico D'Arara Mine
Ermo Alto Mirador pegmatite (2004)
Equador Alto dos Quintos Mine (Quintos pegmatite; Quintos de Baixo) Beurlen +5 other references
Parelhas Capoeira 1 pegmatite (Boqueirãozinho pegmatite) Beurlen et al. (2008) +1 other reference
Capoeira 2 pegmatite (Mulungu pegmatite) Beurlen +4 other references
Quintos de Cima mine Carrino et al. (2019)
Tocantins Palmeirópolis Palmeirópolis deposit Araujo et al. (1995)
Burkina Faso
Centre-Ouest Region Sanguié Province Réo Department Perkoa Zinc Project Econ Geol (2003) +1 other reference
Sahel Region Soum Province Arbinda Department Belhoura Schaeneman (1994)
British Columbia Atlin Mining Division Rainy Hollow District Maid of Erin Mine Webster et al. (1992)
Liard Mining Division Mineral Mountain-Copper Butte area Sabina (1972)
Revelstoke Mining Division Revelstoke Mount Begbie DIXON et al. (2014)
Manitoba Cross Lake North Group Pegmatite No. 22 (Gottcha Claim) Ercit et al. (2010)
Lac-du-Bonnet area Greer Lake GL-9 pegmatite Bannatyne (1985)
GL12 pegmatite Bannatyne (1985)
Silver Leaf pegmatite Bannatyne (1985)
Lynn Lake District Agassiz Mine (MacLellan Mine) Bernhardt Augsten et al. (1986) +1 other reference
Snow Lake District Chisel Lake Mine Sabina (1972)
Osborne Lake Mine Calvert C. Bristol and Edgar Froese (1989)
Snow Lake Zaleski et al. (1991)
Newfoundland and Labrador Labrador Nain Complex Nikischer et al. (2012)
Nova Scotia Lunenburg Co. New Ross Walker Moly prospect (New Russell prospect) O'Reilly et al. (1982)
Nunavut Itchen Lake Izok Lake Izok Lake deposit Lougheed +5 other references
Ontario Hastings County Centre Hastings Municipality Madoc Township Bailey Mine Blakely Pyrite Mine (Queensboro) MDI Number: MDI31C11SW00018
Kenora District Balmer Township Campbell Mine (Placer Dome) Charles A. Tarnocai et al. (1997) +1 other reference
GTP Block 7 Township Mattabi Mine Geoffrey Khalil Abdallah (1990)
Paterson Lake Area Big Whopper pegmatite Pedersen et al. (2002)
Separation Rapids Lithium Project (Separation Lake area) Canadian Mineralogist 36 +1 other reference
Renfrew County Brudenell-Lyndoch-and-Raglan Raglan Township Craigmont Mine Storey C.C. and Vos M.A. (1981)
Thunder Bay District Gemmell Township Geco Mine Spry (1983) +2 other references
Pays Plat Lake Area Winston Lake deposit Econ Geol. (1995)
Québec Abitibi-Témiscamingue Rouyn-Noranda TE Millenbach Mine Riverin
Mauricie Mékinac RCM Montauban deposit Economic Geology December 1 +1 other reference
Nord-du-Québec Jamésie Baie-James Lac Doré Complex Arguin et al. (2018)
Outaouais Pontiac RCM L'Île-du-Grand-Calumet Williams (1990)
Saskatchewan Amisk Lake District Coronation Mine Coombe Geoconsultants Ltd. (1991)
Foster River Steadman et al. (2015)
Robyn Lake Steadman et al. (2015)
Sito East Steadman et al. (2015)
Sito West Steadman et al. (2015)
Guangdong Meizhou Mei Co. Yushui Mine Feng et al. (2022)
Hubei Suizhou Guangshui Co. Unnamed REE occurrence Orris et al. (2002)
Hunan Chenzhou Yizhang Co. Dongpo ore field Shizhuyuan Mine Gu Xiongfei et al. (1976)
Liaoning Fushun Qingyuan Co. Hongtoushan Mine Li et al. (2022) +1 other reference
Huludao Jianchang County Bajiazi Zn-Pb-Ag deposit Beishan section Zhao et al. (2003)
Xinjiang Bayin'gholin Autonomous Prefecture Hejing Co. (Xejing Co.) Dunde Fe-Zn deposit Xie et al. (2024)
Yili Hasake Autonomous Prefecture (Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture) Aletai Prefecture (Altay Prefecture) Fuyun Co. (Koktokay Co.) Koktokay pegmatite field (Keketuohai pegmatite field) Altay Mine Koktokay No. 3 pegmatite (Altay No. 3 pegmatite) Zhang Rubo (1981)
Czech Republic
Central Bohemian Region Kutná Hora District Vlkaneč Přibyslavice Povondra et al. (eds.) +1 other reference
Karlovy Vary Region Sokolov District Kraslice Tisová Beran (Ag, Au, Co) +2 other references
Olomouc Region Jeseník District Česká Ves Losos
Zlaté Hory Ondřejovice Salisov pegmatite Čech F.
Šumperk District Branná Łodziński et al. (2011)
Dämmbaude Novák (2003)
Petrov nad Desnou Łodziński et al. (2011)
Sobotín Bienergraben Kruťa et al. (Hrubý Jeseník, Hohes Gesenke, ČSSR)
Šumperk Ostředek (Mittelberg) Procházka (1969)
Velké Losiny Łodziński et al. (2011)
Maršíkov (Marchendorf) Rasovna (Schinderhübl) Novák
Střelecký důl (Scheibengraben) Duda +2 other references
Pardubice Region Chrudim District Křižanovice Křižanovice deposit Drozen
Plzeň Region Domažlice District Otov Otov I pegmatite Staněk
South Bohemian Region Jindřichův Hradec District Stráž nad Nežárkou Homolka Hill Uher et al. (1998)
Vysočina Region Havlíčkův Brod District Podmoky Pauliš P. Nejzajímavější ...
Pelhřimov District Cetoraz Němec et al. (1976) +1 other reference
Třebíč District Číchov Houzar S.: Zinkem a baryem bohaté minerální asociace (sfalerit - Zn-spinel - hyalofán - Ba-flogopit)
Žďár nad Sázavou District Jimramov Trhonice Marble quarry Novák et al. (1997)
Benishangul-Gumuz Region Asosa Zone Tumet river Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Kanta-Häme Forssa Kiimassuo pegmatite Ilkka Mikkola collection
Hausjärvi Urponkallio chalcopyrit
Tammela Hirvikallio Reijo Alviola collection and ...
Kymenlaakso Kouvola Pahasaari Sunblad (2008)
North Ostrobothnia Raahe Vihanti deposit (Lampinsaari deposit; Isoaho deposit) Geological Survey of Finland 2007 ... +1 other reference
North Savo Kaavi Luikonlahti Mine Peltonen et al. (2008)
Satakunta Eurajoki Haapala Ilmari 1977 Petrography and ... +1 other reference
South Karelia Imatra Salo-Issakka Lips (2006)
Southwest Finland Kimitoön (Kemiönsaari) Kimitoön Island Rosendal pegmatite Laitakari (1967)
Salo Perniö Träskböle (2002)
Suomusjärvi Salittu Niskanen (2014)
Uusimaa Raseborg Pohja Nyckeln deposit (Brödtorp deposit) Geological Survey of Finland 2008. ...
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Allier Vichy Laprugne Charrier Mine P. Picot
Rhône Villefranche-sur-Saône Chessy Chessy copper mines De Ascençao Guedes (2003)
Brittany Morbihan Vannes Limerzel Aplitic granite outcrop P. Devismes : "Atlas photographique des ...
La Chapelle-Saint-Clair P. Devismes : "Atlas photographique des ...
Penestin Pointe du Bile beach alluvial deposits CHAURIS L. (1982)
French Guiana Tamanoir massif Sinkankas (1981)
Occitanie Lozère Florac Vialas Vialas smelter slag locality Lheur et al. (1998)
Pyrénées-Orientales Prades Taurinya Balatg Berbain et al. (2005)
Col des Voltes Guitard (2010)
Baden-Württemberg Freiburg Region Ortenaukreis Oberwolfach Clara Mine Walenta (1992)
Bavaria Lower Bavaria Passau District Kropfmühl-Untergriesbach graphite mining district Weiß (1990)
Vilshofen Wimhof Quarry Weiß (1990)
Regen District Bodenmais Silberberg Mine Obermüller et al. (1993) +1 other reference
Upper Palatinate Cham District Lam Schmelz Johanniszeche
Neustadt an der Waldnaab District Pleystein Miesbrunn pegmatite–aplite swarm Dill et al. (2012)
Hesse Darmstadt Frankfurt Heddernheim slag locality Blessing et al. (1991)
North Rhine-Westphalia Arnsberg Märkischer Kreis Iserlohn Letmathe Helmke quarry nature reserve Genna zinc smelter slag locality Bender et al. (1994)
North Aegean Icaria Iliopoulos et al. (2004)
Samos Eastern Samos Eastern coast Feenstra et al. (2003)
Western Samos Kerkis mountain Mikro-Lakka emery deposit Ockenga et al. (1998) +1 other reference
Sermersooq Nuuk Isua Greenstone Belt (Isua Supercrustal Belt) Appel (2000)
Malene belt Uitterdijk Appel (1986)
Nuummite localities Uitterdijk Appel et al. (1987)
Potaro-Siparuni Region Rest of Region 8 Merume River Milton et al. (1976)
Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur Division Chhindwara District Koparpani prospect Ghosh et al. (2007)
Rajasthan Bhilwara District Rampura-Agucha Zn-(Pb) deposit Höller et al. (1997)
Jodhpur Division Sirohi District Ajari-Basantgarh-Pipela Mukherjee et al. (1998)
Tamil Nadu Thiruvannaamalai district Mamandur Mineralogical Magazine 63:743-755. +1 other reference
Calabria Catanzaro Province Tiriolo Donna Angelica Valley ? De Michele (1974) +1 other reference
Liguria Genoa Genoa Varenna Valley Carpenara slag locality Rivista Mineralogica Italiana (Avril/Juin)
Lombardy Sondrio Province Chiavenna Unnamed pegmatite Bedognè (1991)
Novate Mezzola Codera Valley AA. VV.
Piedmont Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Province Ornavasso Migiandone Mine (Miggiandone) AA. VV.
Premosello-Chiovenda Piccoli et al. (2007)
Trontano Campaccio Mattioli V. (1976) +3 other references
Cosasca Grignaschi Quarry Piccoli et al. (2007)
Sardinia Nuoro Province Orotelli Nuraghe Piscapu pegmatite field Pani E. (1995)
Trentino-Alto Adige (Trentino-South Tyrol) South Tyrol Burggrafenamt (Burgraviato) Moos in Passeier (Moso in Passiria) Monteneve Mine (Schneeberg Mine) Exel (1987)
Wipptal (Alta Vall'Isarco) Pfitsch (Val di Vizze) Sankt Jakob (San Giacomo) Vizze Pass (Pfitsch Pass; Pfitscher Joch) Croda Rossa southwest slope (Rotbachl peak southwest slope) - (1997)
Rinnerlahner Folie et al. (2010)
Fukuoka Prefecture Fukuoka City Nagatare (Nagatareyama; Nagatare mine) Yohei Shirose and Seiichiro Uehara (2013)
Fukushima Prefecture Ishikawa District Introduction to Japanese Minerals (Geological Survey of Japan, 1970)
Gifu Prefecture Ena City Kawai mine Bulletin of the National Science Museum et al. (4)
Hida City Kawai-cho-tsukigase Osakabe et al. (1983)
Iwate Prefecture Oshu City Esashi ward Akagane mine Dr. Matsuo Nambu ore collection (curated at Geological Survey of Japan)
Okayama Prefecture Abandoned unnamed mine Sueoka Y (2013)
Shimane Prefecture Ochi District Dohgamaru mine Chihiro Fukuda and Masahide Akasaka (2005)
Akmola Region Kulet-Kol area Hwang et al. (2006)
Ulytau Region Karazhal Kara-Oba W deposit Solnechnoye Mine Shpanov et al. (1971)
Alytus County Varena Municipality Varėna Fe deposit Prušinskienė et al. (2017)
Canton Wiltz Goesdorf Goesdorf antimony mine ? Philippo et al. (2007)
Betsiboka Tsaratanàna District Tsaratanana Commune Analamisakana pegmatite (Analamitsakana) Behier (1963)
Vakinankaratra Mandoto Betsohana Ambatofotsikely pegmatite Behier (1963)
Assaba Region Mbout Bou Zraïbié Centre Marsh et al. (2015)
Bou Zraïbié Sud Marsh et al. (2015)
Chihuahua Guachochi Municipality Barranca de Cobre (Copper Canyon) Megaw (2023)
Zambezia Province Alto Mólocuè District Namacotche LCT pegmatites Gomes et al. (2022)
Gilé District Muiane-Naipa group Muiâne pegmatite (Muiâne mine; Emdal mines) Quadrado et al. (1963)
Erongo Region Dâures Constituency Tsomtsaub von Bezing (2007)
Karibib Constituency Okatjimukuju Farm 55 (Friedrichsfelde Farm) Clementine II pegmatite P. Keller and O. von Knorring
Walvis Bay Rural Gorob Mine Econ Geology (1993)
Khomas Region Windhoek Rural Okahua Farm 418 A. Wohlschläger (2001)
Oshikoto Region Tsumeb Tsumeb smelter slag locality Ettler et al. (2009)
New Zealand
Southland Region Southland District Stewart Island Tin Range Lilley +2 other references
Port Pegasus Hutton (1957)
West Coast Region Buller District Reefton Victoria Range Tulloch (1981)
Kaduna Jema'A D'Ippolito +7 other references
Kogi Yagba West Ferronigerite-2N1S occurrence Jacobson (1947)
North Macedonia
Čaška Municipality Nežilovo Estep (1977) +2 other references
Jakupica Mountains Babuna Valley Kalugeri Hill Bermanec et al +2 other references
Mixed Series formation Chukanov et al. (2015)
Kalugjeri micro-locality Jančev et al. (2017)
Zincovelesite-6N6S type locality Chukanov et al. (2018) +1 other reference
Agder Arendal Barbudalen Torbjørnsbu Mine Scheerer (1845)
Bykle Hovden Langvatn Unnamed Pegmatite Rune S. Selbekk (2010)
Iveland Frikstad Litjern (Frikstad 02) Larsen et al. (2007)
Rossås Rune S. Selbekk (2010)
Skripeland Skripeland 1 feldspar quarry Frigstad (1999)
Solås Pegmatite Nordrum (2004)
Valle Strømsheia (Straumsheia) Kvæve area Unnamed Pegmatite Rune S. Selbekk (2010)
Buskerud Flesberg Grøsli Mine Neumann (1985)
Kongsberg Kisgruva Bullock et al. (2018)
Kongsberg silver mining district ? Kjerulf et al. (1861) +1 other reference
Innlandet Dovre Hjerkinn Kolla ? Selbekk (1991)
Nordland Evenes Niingen Zn/Pb Prospects Vokes (1962) +1 other reference
Hemnes Bleikvasslia Bleikvassli Mine Vokes (1962)
Narvik Ballangen Håfjellet Skårnesdalen Juve (1967)
Rana Raudsandhaugen Base Metal Prospects Bjerkgård et al. (2013)
Rogaland Sauda Birkeland mines (Sauda mines) Bryhni (1993) +1 other reference
Vindafjord Vats Thor's Mine Sørbye (1948) +1 other reference
Svalbard Spitsbergen Hornsund Skoddefjellet Pegmatite Pršek et al. (2010)
Telemark Drangedal Tørdal Heftetjern pegmatite Kristiansen (2009)
Tokke Klauvreid Klauvreid Pegmatite Quarries Larsen. A.O. & Åsheim (2008)
Troms og Finnmark Tjeldsund Skånland Villdalsfjell Vokes (1962) +1 other reference
Trøndelag Oppdal Kolla Witsø (1994)
Puno Carabaya Province Macusani Macusani glass EDS results by +1 other reference
Lower Silesian Voivodeship Dzierżoniów County Piława Górna DSS Piława Górna Quarry Łodziński et al. (2011)
Julianna pegmatite Pieczka et al. (2018)
Lwówek Śląski County Gmina Mirsk Gierczyn Lis et al. (1986)
Kotlina Old leucogranite quarry Lis et al. (1986)
Krobica Lis et al. (1986)
Przecznica St Maria Anna mine Schakel et al. (2009)
Świdnica County Gmina Żarów Siedlimowice E. Szeleg
Siedlimowice granite quarry Janeczek J. (1989) +1 other reference
Wrocław County Gmina Jordanów Śląski Jordanów nephrite quarry Lis et al. (1986)
Aveiro Albergaria-a-Velha Branca Palhal Mine Marques de Sá et al. (2010)
Braga Vieira do Minho Anjos e Vilar do Chão Muro Alto Mine Western pegmatite Dias et al. (2009)
Guarda Gouveia Folgosinho Sítio do Castelo Mine EV photo
Porto Amarante Rebordelo Vieiros Mines Maijer 1965
Felgueiras Vila Cova da Lixa e Borba de Godim Borba de Godim Seixoso Mining Field Seixoso Mine Frank K. Mazdab collection
Viana do Castelo Ponte de Lima
Arcozelo Cabanas Mine
Viana do Castelo Montaria Serra de Arga Dias P et al. (2014)
Suceava County Iacobeni Tolovanu Tolovanu (Tolovan) Mn deposit Hîrtopanu (1997) +1 other reference
Amur Oblast Urusha-Oldoi ore district Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii) Vakh et al. (2009, October) +1 other reference
Chelyabinsk Oblast Kaslinsky District Kasli Potaniny Gory (2021)
Miass Pit No. 418 Sorokina et al. (2019)
Irkutsk Oblast Goltsovoe Li deposit (Gol'tsy; Goltsovskoe) (2021)
Kamchatka Krai Milkovsky District Tolbachik Volcanic field Sandalov et al. (2023)
Great Fissure eruption (Main Fracture) Northern Breakthrough (North Breach) Second scoria cone Arsenatnaya fumarole (n.d.) +1 other reference
Mountain 1004 Southern fumarole field Shchipalkina et al. (2020)
Western paleo-fumarole field Pekov et al. (2018)
Khabarovsk Krai Ayan-Maya district Konder alkaline-ultrabasic massif Lennikov et al. (2004)
Badzhalski ore District Alekseev et al. (2015)
Grustnoe deposit Alekseev et al. (2017)
Vostochnoe deposit Alekseev et al. (2017)
Komi Republic Kozhim River Basin Maldynyrd range (Maldy-nyrd range) Grubependity Lake Grubependity Lake cirque Irina V. Kozyreva data
Murmansk Oblast Khibiny Massif Eveslogchorr Mt Ivanyuk et al. (2007)
Lovozersky District Keivy Mountains Western Keivy Massif Ploskaya Mt Voloshin A.V. et al. (1986)
Northern Karelia Alakurtti pegmatite [World of Stones 95:5-6 +1 other reference
Republic of Karelia Pitkyarantsky District Kitelya Kitelskoe Sn-Zn deposit V.A. Gorelov (1997)
Sverdlovsk Oblast Adui Batholith Semininskaya mine Vital'Evna (2021)
Prigorodny District Yuzhakovo Alabashka pegmatite field Kazennitsa vein (Kazionnitsa) (2002)
Rezhevsky District Lipovsk pegmatite field Lipovka Mine (Lipovskoe Mine; Lipovskaya Mine; Lipovaya Mine) Igor.V. Pekov (2008)
Saudi Arabia
'Asir Region Kutam Cu-Zn Deposit Charles W. Smith et al. (1976)
Central Serbia Mačva District Šabac Cer Mountain (Mt. Cer) Huska et al. (2015)
Bratislava Region Bratislava Bratislava IV Devín Jezuitské Lesy Chudík et al. (2009)
Dúbravka Švábsky hill Števko M. et al. (2012)
Pezinok District Modra Koděra (1986)
Pezinok Slnečné Valley Alluvial placers Uher et al. (n.d.)
Trnava Region Piešťany District Moravany nad Váhom Uher et al. (Považský Inovec) +1 other reference
Striebornica Uher P. +1 other reference
South Africa
Northern Cape Namakwa District Municipality Khâi-Ma Local Municipality Aggeneys Spry (1987) +1 other reference
Broken Hill Mine [AmMin 85:1562]
Pixley ka Seme District Municipality Siyathemba Local Municipality Copperton Prieska copper mine (Copperton deposit) Cairncross et al. (1995)
Catalonia Girona Cadaqués Cap de Creus Bareche (2005)
El Port de la Selva & locality references +1 other reference
Lleida Aran (Val d'Aran; Aran Valley) Arres Victoria Mine Calvo (2009) +1 other reference
Extremadura Cáceres Belvis de Monroy Merino et al. (2013)
Galicia A Coruña Santiago de Compostela Aríns Fornás Mine ATLANTI et al. (1983)
Lugo Ourol Unnamed pegmatite outcrop Calvo Rebollar (2018)
Pontevedra Gondomar Vincios Galiñeiro Complex Santa Marina Mine Calvo (2009)
Sri Lanka
Sabaragamuwa Province Ratnapura District Ratnapura Gem gravels Ceylon Aluvial Mine (Book, Co. 2002)
Western Province Colombo District Homagama pegmatite Grew +5 other references
Dalarna County Falun Broddbo Nordstrom (1872)
Falun mine (TL) [ZK 120 (1964) +4 other references
Näverberg mines
Näverberg mine Stenberg (2005)
Svärdsjö Svartvik Mines Bovik Mine
Gagnef Dunderberget
Hedemora Garpenberg Garpenberg Norra Mine Nysten (2003)
Garpenberg Södra Mine Öhman et al. (2000)
Lappberget Tiu (2019)
Leksand Flobergsgruvan
Ludvika Saxberget ore field
Säter Öster Silvberg mining district Öster Silvberg Mines Geijer (1965)
Skvasselbo Geijer (1965)
Smedjebacken Väster Silvberg
Dammberg Mine
Stollberg orefield Jansson et al. (2013)
Gävleborg County Ljusdal Snuggens copper mine Dana 6:A2:43.
Jönköping County Jönköping Månsarp Smålands Taberg
Vetlanda Fröderyd Årset silver mine
Fredriksberg ore field Wilke (1997)
Karl XV mine J.Mansfeld.: ...
Norrbotten County Älvsbyn Laver Mine ? Entered without references
Örebro County Askersund Zinkgruvan Zinkgruvan mine Sandström et al. (2011)
Hällefors Grythyttan Hasselhöjden Gatedal (n.d.)
Östergötland County Åtvidaberg Åtvidaberg Mining Field
Finspång Doverstorp ore field Sätra Mine E. Oudin et al.
Södermanland County Nyköping Tunaberg Hultebo mine NJMAh 165
Värmland County Filipstad Långban Ore District Lahäll Mines Gatedal (n.d.)
Långban Mine Holtstam et al. (1999) +1 other reference
Garden dump Gatedal et al. (2003)
Nordmark mining district Jakobsberg ore field Jakobsberg Mine
Nordmark Odal Field Gatedal (n.d.)
Persberg ore district Gåsgruvan ore field Sandström et al. (2009)
Koberg Zinc Mine Sandström et al. (2009)
Gåsgruvan Quarry Gatedal (n.d.)
Västerbotten County Norsjö Bjurliden Frank K. Mazdab collection +2 other references
Västmanland County Arboga Jädersbruk Sandahl +1 other reference
Ticino Locarno Brissago Ponte Valley Stalder et al. (1998)
Valais Goms Bellwald Fürgangen Lamma (Lamme) Stalder et al. (1998)
Leuk Turtmann-Unterems Turtmann Valley Brunegg pass Ansermet et al. (2012)
Visp Zermatt Barrhorn series outcrops
Centrale Region Sotouboua Prefecture Lalamila Iron ore prospect Togbe (2008)
İzmir Province Selçuk District Efes Gumuch-dagh Smith J L (1851)
Scotland Outer Hebrides Isle of Lewis and Harris Harris Chiapaval O. von Knorring and R. Dearnley (1960) +1 other reference
Kirovohrad Oblast Holovanivsk Raion Stankuvatske Li-deposit Kurylo et al. (2022)
Odessa Oblast Podilsk Raion Maiskoe gold deposit (Mayske) Mudrovska et al. (2005) +2 other references
Zaporizhia Oblast Pryazovske Raion Eliseevka Eliseevskoe pegmatite field Zelenaya Mogila pegmatite Lazarenko E.K. e.a. Mineralogy of ...
Zhytomyr Oblast Korosten Raion Perzhanskoe ore field (Perga Be deposit) Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Alaska Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area Ketchikan Mining District Prince of Wales Island Khayyam Mine (Kiam Mine) Econ Geol (1988)
Stumble-On Mine (Mammoth prospect) Econ Geol (1988)
California Mariposa County Green Mountain Mining District (Ben Hur Mining District) Green Mountain Good View Mine (Goodview Mine; Copper King claim; Copper King and M. S. Mine; Little Giant claim; Stonewall Jackson claim; Crown Point claim; San Jose claim; Rothschild claim; S. A. claim; Sunset claim) Kent England
Riverside County Jurupa Valley Crestmore Crestmore quarries []
San Diego County Mesa Grande Mining District Gem Hill Himalaya Mine Foord (1977)
Pala Mining District Pala Chief Mountain Elizabeth R. Mine (Hazel W. claim) Heimann et al. (2016)
Pala Chief Mine (Chief mine; MS 6452; Salmons mine) Heimann et al. (2016)
Tourmaline Queen Mountain (Pala Mtn; Queen Mtn) Jahns et al. (1951)
Rincon Mining District Rincon Rincon Mountain Mack Mine (John Mac mine; Mac mine; San Luis Rey claim) ? King (n.d.)
Colorado Chaffee County Cleora Mining District Bonus Extension Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Monarch Mining District Bon Ton Mine - (1984) +3 other references
Cindarella No. 7 claim Eckel et al. (1997) +2 other references
Evergreen The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 43 (2005)
Sedalia Mining District Sedalia Mine (Sedalia Copper Mine) U.S. Geological Survey Professional ... +3 other references
Turret Mining District Ace High - Jackpot Prospect - (2005) +2 other references
American Flag Mine - (2005)
Azurite No. 1 claim Eckel et al. (1997)
Independence Mine - (2005) +1 other reference
Unnamed Skarn Eckel et al. (1997)
Clear Creek County Grover Mine (Grover pegmatite; Windsor) Meeves et al. (1966) +1 other reference
Lawson Mining District (Dumont Mining District; Montana Mining District) Idaho Springs Crystal Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Lower Clear Creek Area Snyder; Saddleback Mtn. - (2005)
Saddleback Mountain Meeves et al. (1966)
Squaw Pass Eckel et al. (1997)
Custer County Amethyst Prospect Eckel et al. (1997) +1 other reference
Marion Mine Eckel et al. (1997) +1 other reference
Unnamed Prospect The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 43 (2005)
Fremont County Cotopaxi Mining District - (2005)
Cotopaxi Mine Gulch Eckel et al. (1997)
Cotopaxi Mine (Cotopaxi lode; Gumaer Mine; Fannie lode; Fannie Mill) Am Min 50:1179-1212 +4 other references
Eight Mile Park Pegmatite Mining District Eight Mile Park Eckel et al. (1997)
Mica Lode Mine (Mica Hill Mine) Eckel et al. (1997)
Grape Creek area Eckel et al. (1997)
Grape Creek Mining District (Greenhorn Mining District) Dawson Mountain Unnamed prospect Eckel et al. (1997)
Green Mountain Mine (Copper Boy Mine) - (2005) +3 other references
Horseshoe Mine (School Section Deposit) - (2005)
Guffey Mining District (Freshwater Mining District) Isabel Mine - (2005)
Grand County High Lonesome occurrence Eckel et al. (1997)
Gunnison County Gold Brick Mining District Lucille Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Goose Creek Mining District Headlight Mine - (2005)
Midland Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Yukon Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Quartz Creek Pegmatite Mining District Beryl and Rare Minerals Lode USGS Proffesional Paper 265
Brown Derby Mine Am Min 50:96-104 +2 other references
Brown Derby No. 1 Bob Cobban +1 other reference
Bucky pegmatite (New Anniversary; Willow Creek) USGS Proffesional Paper 265 +1 other reference
Tomichi Mining District (White Pine Mining District) Denver City tunnel Eckel et al. (1997)
Jackson County Pearl Mining District Caprock prospect Eckel et al. (1997) +2 other references
Swede Group Mine (Round Top; Big Horn; Copper Queen) Eckel et al. (1997)
Pearl Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Troutman Draw Eckel et al. (1997)
Wolverine Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Jefferson County Bergen Park area Creswell Mine - (1984) +1 other reference
Clear Creek Pegmatite Province Unnamed Rutile Occurrence (MRDS - 10090176) - (2005)
Evergreen Mining District (Malachite Mining District) Evergreen area Spry et al. (2021)
F.M.D. Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Hosa Lodge Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Squaw Pass quadrangle Eckel et al. (1997)
Larimer County Estes Park Highway 34 roadcut Eckel et al. (1997)
Park County Guffey Mining District Betty Mine (Lone Chimney Mine; Betty Lowe) Eckel et al. (1997) +2 other references
Isabell Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Mill Gulch Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Wilkerson Pass Area Unnamed prospect Eckel et al. (1997)
Routt County Clark Greenville Mine (Greenville Shaft prospect) Eckel et al. (1997)
Connecticut Hartford County Glastonbury South Glastonbury Hollister prospects Januzzi +1 other reference
Simpson Quarry (Wiarda Quarry) ? Betts (1999)
Middlesex County East Hampton (Chatham) Cobalt Great Hill cobalt mines Schooner (1958)
Haddam Chrysoberyl locality Silliman (1829) +1 other reference
Thulite locality Weber et al. (1995)
Timms Hill (Tim's Hill; Iolite Hill) Foye (1922)
Portland Collins Hill Strickland pegmatite Strickland Quarry ? Schooner (circa 1985)
Nike prospect Schooner (1961)
Pelton's Quarry Moritz (n.d.)
Georgia Carroll County Bowdon Junction Rocks & Minerals (1988)
Cherokee County Canton Canton Mine (Rich mine) Rocks & Min.:64:189 +1 other reference
Douglas County Villa Rica Villa Rica Mine (Sulfur Mining & Railroad Company Pyrite Mine) Rocks & Min.: 64:194.
Lincoln County Metasville Magruder Mine Rocks & Min.: Vol. 64.
Lumpkin County Dahlonega Standard Mine (Singleton Mine; Dahlonega Mine; Boston Mine) Rocks & Min.: 64:200.
Paulding County Hiram Little Bob Mine Rocks & Min.: 64:202.
Taliaferro County Georgia Manganese Company Judge John C. Hart Mine Cook (1978)
Illinois Vermilion County Hegeler Hegeler Zinc smelter slag locality Piatak et al. (2010)
Maine Androscoggin County Auburn East Mount Apatite Mining District Maine Feldspar Quarry Thompson et al. (1998)
West Mount Apatite Mining District Groves Quarry (Hole in the Ground Quarry) King et al. (1994)
Keith Quarry (Towne Quarry) Rocks & Min.: 9:15-16. +2 other references
Pulsifer Quarry & Dionne extension Rocks & Minerals (1975) +1 other reference
Wade Quarry (Androscoggin Tourmaline prospect) ? King et al. (1993)
Cumberland County Baldwin West Baldwin Estes Quarry Thompson et al. (2000)
Hancock County Blue Hill Townline and Route 172 Outcrops King et al. (1994)
Blue Hill - Castine Mining District Blue Hill Black Hawk Mine King et al. (1991) +1 other reference
Douglass Copper Mine King et al. (1994)
Oxford County Greenwood Morgan Quarry (Upper Noyes Mountain Quarry; Upper Harvard Quarry) Maine Pegmatite Workshop 2004
Noyes Mountain Quarry (Harvard Quarry) Guidebook 1 to Mineral Collecting in ... +3 other references
Ohtonen Quarry
Uncle Tom Mountain Emmons Quarry Falster et al. (2019)
Witt Hill Chrysoberyl locality Thompson et al. (1998)
Norway Cobble Hill USGS Bull 445
Stoneham Lord Hill Quarry (Lord Hill Mine) Thompson et al. (1998)
West Paris Cobble Hill locality
Cobble Hill Quarry (George Howe prospect)
Sagadahoc County Bowdoin Coombs Quarries Harvard Museum of Natural History spec. ...
Topsham Fisher Quarry Clara Brennan et al. (2016)
Staples Quarry King et al. (1994) +1 other reference
Maryland Carroll County Finksburg Patapsco Mines Patapsco Mine (Finksburg Mine; Orchard Mine) Rocks & Min.: 11: 27 & 121.
Louisville Mineral Hill Mine Dana 7:I:264. +1 other reference
Sykesville Springfield Mine (Mr. Tysons Mine; Sykesville Mine) Dana 6: 1071 +1 other reference
Howard County Scaggsville Ben Murphy Mica Mine Mines of the Washington D.C Area
Montgomery County Burtonsville Bernstein (1980)
Wheaton Kensington Mica Mine (Gilmore Mine; B. H. Warner Mine) American Mineralogist (1926) +1 other reference
Massachusetts Franklin County Charlemont Hawks Pyrite Mine (Mount Peak Mine) Flint (1908)
Rowe Davis Pyrite Mine Rocks & Min.: 16:215. +1 other reference
Michigan Dickinson County Randville Unnamed Pegmatite quarry ("Groveland" pegmatite) Buchholz et al. (2014)
Montana Lewis and Clark County Helena Mining District (Spring Hill Mining District) Helena Crazy Sphinx Mine (Dry Gulch; Crazy Sphinx claim)
Nevada Lyon County Singatse Range Yerington Mining District Ludwig Ludwig Mine Castor et al. (2004)
Nye County Yucca Mountain Castor et al. (2004)
New Jersey Sussex County Franklin Vanuxem (1822) +2 other references
Franklin Mine Dunn (1995) +1 other reference
Buckwheat pit Dunn (1995)
Mill site dump FOMS Millsite Committee (1986)
Trotter Mine Palache (1935) +1 other reference
Ogdensburg Franklin Marble Dunn (1995)
Sterling Hill Passaic pit (Marshall Mine; Passaic Mine) Moritz (n.d.) +3 other references
Sterling Mine Metsger (1958) +2 other references
New Mexico Mora County Pidlite deposit Northrop et al. (1996)
Rio Arriba County Petaca Mining District Northrop et al. (1996)
La Madera Mtn. King et al. (1991)
Rociada Mining District Northrop et al. (1996)
Santa Fe County Cerrillos District Northrop et al. (1996)
Taos County Picuris District Harding Mine Jahns et al. (1977)
New York Essex County Keene Township Keene
North Carolina Alleghany County Stratford Brannock (1971)
Ashe County Ore Knob Ore Knob Mine Ross (1935)
Cleveland County Hawkins Branch Cassiterite occurrence (Meadow Creek occurrence) Agortino et al. (1985)
Jackson County Cullowhee Cullowhee Mine Ross (1935)
Savannah Mine Ross (1935)
Wayhutta Mine (Way-Ye-Hutta Prospect; Waryhut Mine) Ross (1935)
Macon County
Cowee Ruby Mine Pratt (1933)
Mason Mountain E.WM.Heinrich
Otto prospect (Little Coweetah prospect; Sheenah prospect) Ross (1935)
Mecklenburg County Milton et al. (1986)
Mitchell County Deake Deake Mine Dana 7:I:695 +1 other reference
Hawk-Bakersville W. C. Burleson Mica Mine (Joe Stevenson Mine) Spry et al. (1986a)
Penland Deer Park Mine Rocks & Min.: 15:271.
Spruce Pine Chalk Mountain Mine Rocks & Min.:60:85 (see also Dana 7:I:695)
English Mine (English Knob Mine) Rocks & Min.: 15:271.
Watauga County Elk Knob Mine Ross (1935)
Yancey County Old Young Mine Ex: Philadelphia Academy of Science ...
Pennsylvania Chester County Pennsbury Township Swain's Quarry Gordon (1922)
Delaware County Middletown Township Sharpless' Quarry (Sharpless Quarry) Gordon
Vermont Windsor County Bridgewater Taggart Mine Nicolay & Stone (1967)
Virginia Amelia County Amelia (Amelia Court House) Dietrich (1990)
Rutherford Mines D. Grier
Appomattox County Andersonville Andersonville Mine
Brunswick County Owens et al. (2013)
Buckingham County Gold-Pyrite Belt New Canton Hudgins Mine Rocks & Min.:60:165.
Johnson Mine (Staples Mine) Rocks & Min.:60:165.
Margaret Mine (Terrell Mine) Rocks & Min.: 60:165.
McKenna Mine Rocks & Min.: 60:165.
Louisa County Gold-Pyrite Belt Cofer prospect (Piedmont Mineral Associates prospect) - (2005) +1 other reference
Julia Mine (Julian Mine) SANDHAUS D.J. & CRAIG (1986)
Mineral Arminius Mine - (2005)
Sulphur Mine (Crenshaw Mine; Victoria Furnace Mine) Rocks & Min.: 60:167.
Lake Anna Contrary Creek Robert C. Smith II Ph.D. P.G.
Wisconsin Dodge County Waterloo quarry (Michels Materials Waterloo quarry; Portland Quarry) Buchholz et al. (2003) +1 other reference
Rusk County Ladysmith-Rhinelander Metavolcanic Complex Ladysmith Flambeau Mine Jones +1 other reference
Wyoming Fremont County Rocks&Min 76:23-241
Bridger Mts (Bridger Range) Copper Mountain pegmatite District Rocks & Minerals 76:386
Central Province Chibombo District Star zinc mine Maria Boni et al. (2011)
Chitambo District Kanona Handbook of Mineralogy Vol II p399
Kanonaite type locality Vrána et al. (1978)
Copperbelt Province Lufwanyama District Kafubu emerald mining district Wilson et al. (2010)
Lusaka Province Chilanga District Excelsior prospect Maria Boni et al. (2011)
Southern Province Choma District Choma Semahwa prospect Kampunzu et al. (2009)