Gorceixite (original) (raw)





White, colorless, green or brown, may be mottled; colourless in transmitted light..


Sub-Vitreous, Resinous, Waxy

Specific Gravity:

3.036 - 3.185

Crystal System:



Named in 1906 by Eugen Hussak in honor of Claude Henri "Henrique" Gorceix (1842 Saint Denis-des-Murs, Haute Vienne, France - September 6, 1919, Paris, France), professor at Ecole des Mines in Paris, France. Invited to be the first Director of the School of Mines at Ouro Preto, Brazil (1874-1891). Buried at Ouro Preto.


B : Phosphates, etc., with additional anions, without H2O
L : With medium-sized and large cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 3:1

7 : (AB)2(XO4)Zq·xH2O


19 : Phosphates
5 : Phosphates of Sr and Ba

Sub-Vitreous, Resinous, Waxy


Transparent, Translucent


White, colorless, green or brown, may be mottled; colourless in transmitted light..


Conchoidal, Sub-Conchoidal


3.036 - 3.185 g/cm3 (Measured) 3.389 g/cm3 (Calculated)

RI values:

_n_ω = 1.610 - 1.618 _n_ε = 1.620 - 1.625

δ = 0.010

Image shows birefringence interference colour range (at 30µm thickness)
and does not take into account mineral colouration.

Crystal System:


Cell Parameters:

a = 12.18 Å, b = 7.03 Å, c = 7.03 Å
β = 125.3°


a:b:c = 1.733 : 1 : 1

Unit Cell V:

491.27 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


Pseudo-cubic or pseudorhombohedral. Grains and pebbles (favas) that are, in part, microcrystalline.


Pseudorhombohedral. Some samples are apparently rhombohedral, however (a = 7.0538(3), c = 17.2746(6) A, Z = 3, V = 744.4(2) A3; Dzikowski et al., 2006).

Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

Display Options
Black Background |White Background
Perspective On |Perspective Off
2D |Stereo |Red-Blue |Red-Cyan

CIF File Best |x |y |z |a |b |c

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Console Off |On |Grey |Yellow

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0006097 Gorceixite Dzikowski T J, Groat L A, Jambor J L (2006) The symmetry and crystal structure of gorceixite, BaAl3[PO3(O,OH)]2(OH)6, a member of the alunite supergroup The Canadian Mineralogist 44 951-958 2006 Rapid Creek area, Yukon Territory, Canada 0 293
0014763 Gorceixite Radoslovich E W, Slade P G (1980) Pseudo-trigonal symmetry and the structure of gorceixite Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1980 157-170 1980 Glen Alice area, New South Wales, Australia 0 293
0014770 Gorceixite Radoslovich E W (1982) Refinement of gorceixite structure in Cm Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1982 446-464 1982 New South Wales 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

General Appearance of Type Material:

Rounded nodules in sediment.

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.

Geological Setting of Type Material:


Hussak, E. (1906) Über die sogenannten “phosphat-favas” der diamantführenden Sande Brasiliens. Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen: 25: 335-344.

Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

South Australia Barossa Council Penrice Moculta Phosphate Quarry Harrowfield et al. (1981) +1 other reference
Pastoral Unincorporated Area Bimbowrie Conservation Park Mount Bull Mine Australian Journal of Mineralogy
Iron Knob Iron Monarch Main Pit Pilkington et al. (1979)
Tasmania Meander Valley municipality Dunorlan Punchs Terror Bottrill et al. (2008)
West Coast municipality Queenstown district Queenstown Mount Lyell Mines Ralph Bottrill et al in prep. +1 other reference
Prince Lyell Mine Bottrill et al. (2008)
Zeehan mining district Dundas mineral field Red Lead Mine Lancaster +1 other reference
Victoria City of Brimbank Keilor Keilor quarry
Western Australia Esperance Shire Salazar deposit Sergeev et al. (2024)
Laverton Shire Mount Weld Station Mount Weld Mine Lottermoser (1987)
Upper Gascoyne Shire Mount Augustus area Gifford Creek Complex Yangibana ironstones Spider Hill Pearson et al. (1996) +1 other reference
Carinthia Spittal an der Drau District Reißeck Kolbnitz Zwenbergergraben Walter et al. (2020)
Penk Zwenberger Graben Pegmatite occurrence Walter et al. (2020)
Spittal an der Drau Lieser ravine Lippnik feldspar quarry Pichler (2009)
Styria Weiz District Fischbach Falkenstein Quartzite quarry (Steinbruch Rohrdorfer; Tanzer quarry) Reicht et al. (2016)
Schindergraben Rohrdorfer quarry (Kohlbacher quarry) Reicht et al. (2016)
Faschingbauerkreuz - Reithkogel area (Gießhübler Berg; Gießhübler Holzschlag) Taucher (1995)
Völlegg Elmleiten Bernhard et al. (1999) +1 other reference
Rettenegg Inselberg Bernhard et al. (2007)
Amazonas São Gabriel da Cachoeira Morro dos Seis Lagos Bento et al. (2022)
Goiás Catalão Catalão I carbonatite complex Orris et al. (2002)
Ipameri Verissimo river Palache et al. (1951)
Ouvidor Catalão No. 1 mine database and grade and tonnage models: ... +2 other references
Paranaíba river Palache et al. (1951)
Minas Gerais Araxá Barreiro database and grade and tonnage models: ... +3 other references
Araxá complex Neumann et al. (2015)
Araxá mine Nascimento et al. (2019)
Bagagem River valley Palache et al. (1951)
Caldas Osamu Utsumi mine Waber (1991)
Coromandel Douradinho river valley Palache et al. (1951)
Datas Palache et al. (1951)
Diamantina Lee and de Moraes (1919) +1 other reference
Extração district Palache et al. (1951)
Sopa Diamond News +1 other reference
Ouro Preto (TL) Radoslovich (1982)
Poços de Caldas Morro do Ferro Waber (1991)
São Gonçalo do Abaeté Abaeté river Palache et al. (1951)
Santa Catarina Rio Fortuna Nova Fátima deposit Jelinek et al. (2003)
São Paulo Franca Canoas river Palache et al. (1951)
Patrocínio Paulista Palache et al. (1951)
Registro Juquiá alkaline carbonatite complex Walter et al. (1995)
British Columbia Golden Mining Division Rock Canyon Creek Deep Purple and Rock Candy claims Jennifer Pell (1994)
Liard Mining Division Kechika River alkaline intrusives Pell (1994)
Kechita River area Jennifer Pell (1994)
Québec Estrie Memphrémagog RCM Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley Ayer's Cliff area Autoroute 55 roadcut Robinson et al. (1992)
Yukon Dawson mining district Big Fish River Robinson et al. (1992)
Rapid Creek 150-152. +2 other references
Kulan Camp (Area A; Area 1) Crosscut Creek Locality 1 Robinson et al. (1992)
Locality 3 Robinson et al. (1992)
Mount Seafoam (Area D; Area 4) Collected by Rod Tyson
Stoneman Camp Young's Creek Locality 11 Robinson et al. (1992)
Mayo mining district Hess River Jagowerite Occurrence University of British Columbia (Pacific Museum of the Earth) +2 other references
Anhui Huainan coalfield Wangfenggang mine Li +4 other references
Sichuan Garzê Autonomous Prefecture (Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture) Baiyü County Maqiong Gacun Mine Qingmin Jin et al. (1992)
Xinjiang Yili Hasake Autonomous Prefecture (Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture) Aletai Prefecture (Altay Prefecture) Fuyun Co. (Koktokay Co.) Wucaiwan Mining Area Yihua coal mine Wang et al. (2024)
Czech Republic
Central Bohemian Region Beroun District Liteň Horáková
Karlovy Vary Region Cheb District Aš Vernéřov Breiter K.
Liberec Region North Bohemian Uranium District Scharm +7 other references
Ústí nad Labem Region Litoměřice District Podsedice Podsedice pyrope deposit (Podseditz pyrope deposit) Novák
Vysočina Region Žďár nad Sázavou District Bory Dolní Bory Pegmatite vein No. 21 Němec D.: Ein Pegmatit mit Li-Mineralisierung von Dolní Bory in Westmahren (ČSSR)
DR Congo
North Kivu Lubero Territory Jedwab et al. (1992)
Uusimaa Pukkila Pukkila gravel pit Ilkka Mikkola collection
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Allier Vichy Échassières Nicolas et al. (1963) +1 other reference
Beauvoir quarry G. Aubert : "Les coupoles granitiques de Montebras et d'Echassières (Massif Central Français) +1 other reference
Montmins mining district L'Eperon-West mine Y. Vessely collection
Le Mazet Le Mazet vein Pierre Le Roch & Jean-Marc Johannet ... +1 other reference
Ste Barbe vein (Les Montmins) Aubert (1969) +1 other reference
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Saône-et-Loire Autun Mesvres P. Devismes : "Atlas photographique des ...
Brittany Finistère Châteaulin Laz Plessis quarry P. Le Roche
Morbihan Vannes Ambon Cromenac'h beach alluvials (Cromenac'h West) R. Pierrot
Sarzeau Trévenaste beach alluvials R. Pierrot
Grand Est Haut-Rhin Thann-Guebwiller Rimbach-près-Masevaux Stahlberg Mountain Wittern et al. (Cologne)
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Creuse Aubusson Soumans Montebras Montebras Mines Pirard et al. (2007) +1 other reference
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Var Toulon Le Pradet Cap Garonne Mine ? www.mine-capgaronne.fr (2003)
Baden-Württemberg Freiburg Region Ortenaukreis Gengenbach Gengenbach Silberbrünnle Mine Lapis 23 (12)
Oberwolfach Clara Mine Walenta (1992)
Gelbach valley Fortuna Mine ? Wittern (2001)
Waldshut St Blasien Menzenschwand Krunkelbach Valley Uranium deposit Walenta (1992)
Karlsruhe Region Enzkreis Neuenbürg Heiligenwald No. 1 vein Walenta (1992)
Freudenstadt Freudenstadt Haus Württemberg Mine (Neues Jahr Mine) Walenta (1992)
Bavaria Upper Franconia Bayreuth District Mehlmeisel Rotenfels (Rotenfels im Flötztal) 58. +1 other reference
Hof District Sparneck Reinersreuth Reinersreuth quarry (Köhlerloh quarry) Meier (2000) +1 other reference
Upper Palatinate Neustadt an der Waldnaab District Pleystein Unnamed placers Dill (2008)
Schwandorf District Nabburg Lissenthan Gisela Mine Dill et al. (2010)
Hesse Kassel Region Waldeck-Frankenberg Korbach Goldhausen Eisenberg Wittern (2001)
Rhineland-Palatinate Rhein-Lahn-Kreis Aar-Einrich Lohrheim Waldsaum mine (Clay deposit) H. G. Dill (1995)
Trier-Saarburg Saarburg-Kell Greimerath Louise Mine Aufschluß 76/2 & 88/5
Saxony-Anhalt Mansfeld-Südharz Südharz Stolberg Großer Auerberg Quarry at the Holzchaussee Gröbner et al. (2011)
Saxony Erzgebirgskreis Ehrenfriedersdorf Sauberg Mine Wittern (2001)
Zwickau District Callenberg Callenberg North open cut No. 1 Leonhardt et al. (1991)
Western Region Bonsa diamond field Bonsa River Dompim Gold Coast Geological Survey (1933) +1 other reference
Attica East Attica Lavreotiki Lavrion Mining District Rieck et al. (2020)
Agios Konstantinos (Kamariza) Mercati mines Christiana Mine Rieck et al. (1999)
Plaka Paliokamariza Mines (Paleokamariza Mines) Paliokamariza Mine No. 18 Rieck et al. (2020)
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Evros Alexandroupoli Perama Hill deposit Voudouris et al. (2011)
Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region Issineru Palache et al. (1951)
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Edelény District Szuhogy Szuhogy borehole no. 6 Szakáll & Gatter: Hun. Min. Spec.
Andhra Pradesh Vizianagaram District Devada deposit Econ Geol (1980)
Liguria Savona Province Magliolo Costa Balzi Rossi Balestra C. (2014) +1 other reference
Toirano Carmo di Loano Mt. (Giogo di Toirano) Bracco R. (2016)
Piedmont Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Province Crevoladossola Crevoladossola Quarry Piccoli et al. (2007)
Gunma Prefecture Kiryu City Tsukubara mine Vein No. 1 Nishio-Hamane et al. (2023)
Yamaguchi Prefecture Abu District Abu town Hinomaru-Nako mine (Hinomaru-Nago mine) Matsubara et al. (1998)
Aktobe Region Martuk District Kuraili Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Jambyl Region Talas Alatau Range (Talas Ala-Too Range) Djabagly Mts (Zhabagly Mts) Ankinovich et al. (1997)
Kwale County Mrima Hill Mine Coetzee et al. (1959) +1 other reference
Lower Silesian Voivodeship Jawor County Gmina Męcinka Pomocne Stanisławów baryte mine Kowalski et al. (1982)
Ząbkowice Śląskie County Gmina Ząbkowice Śląskie Szklary Mt. Szklana Mine (Szklary pegmatite) Pieczka et al. (2013) +2 other references
Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Kielce County Daleszyce Podłazie hill quarry Kruszewski et al. (2018)
Podwiśniówka Mine Migaszewski et al. (2007)
Panasqueira Mines Figueiras +4 other references
Setúbal Santiago do Cacém Cercal do Alentejo Serra da Mina Mine Christian Rewitzer collection
Buryatia Dzhida Basin Ichetuyskoye Izbrodin et al. (2009) +1 other reference
Chelyabinsk Oblast Ilmen Mountains Pit No. 200 Dubinina et al. (2011, July)
Krasnoyarsk Krai Boguchansky District Chadobets alkaline complex Chuktukon carbonatite massif USGS Professional Paper 1765
Murmansk Oblast Kovdorsky District Kovdor Massif Liferovich et al. (1998)
Primorsky Krai Krasnoarmeysky District Arminsky ore district Tigrinoe Sn-W-Mo deposit (Tigriny) Liferovich et al. (1998)
Roshchino Kedrovaya river chemistry and genesis et al. (in Russian) +1 other reference
Sakha Polar Yakutia Tomtor Massif S.M. Kravchenko and B.G. Pokrovsky +1 other reference
Košice Region Gelnica District Henclová Surovec granite body Petrik et al. (2011)
Nitra Region Nitra District Jelenec Jelenec quarry Uher et al.
Nitra Lupka quarry Uher P. et al. (2009)
Nitrianske Hrnčiarovce Pyramída hill Uher P. et al. (2009)
Zlaté Moravce District Kostoľany pod Tribečom Kostoľany pod Tribečom quartz veins Martin Števko-unpublished
Skýcov Uher P. et al. (2009)
South Africa
Northern Cape Namakwa District Municipality Kamiesberg Local Municipality Sandkopsdrif Berger et al. (2009)
Valais Goms Binn Fäld Lengenbach Quarry
Mässerbach Kolitsch et al. (1996) +1 other reference
Eastern Region Tororo Sukulu complex (Sekululu complex) Reedman (1984)
England Cornwall Linkinhorne Minions Phoenix United Mine Nat Hist Museum London & Steve Rust ...
Scotland Moray Elgin Livingstone et al. (1983)
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Ivano-Frankivsk Raion Ivano-Frankivsk Kowalski et al. (1983)
Alabama Barbour County Eufaula Mining District (Eufala District) Dean (1995)
Cherokee County Indian Mountain Hollabaugh et al. (1989)
Rock Run Station locality Dean (1995)
Dale County Ariton area Dean (1995)
Dill Cook et al. (1982)
Hwy 53 Cook et al. (1982)
Railway cut Cook et al. (1982)
Southeast Cook et al. (1982)
Arkansas Garland County Fountain Lake Chandler uranium prospect Smith (1988)
Hot Springs Rocks and Minerals (1981)
Malvern Minerals Company Mine Rocks & Min.: 63: 108.
Georgia Lincoln County Graves Mountain
Maine Oxford County Buckfield Bennett Quarry King et al. (1994)
Newry Bell pit King et al. (1994) +1 other reference
Missouri Madison County Fredericktown Mining District Silver Mine AmMin 69:984
Ozark Mine (Ozark shaft) Am Min 69:9-10 pp 1984-986
Nevada Humboldt County Iron Point Mining District Valmy Silver Coin Mine Silver Coin Mine. Compact Disc. Paul ...
South Carolina Aiken County Bernard et al. (2004)
Wisconsin Marathon County Wausau Intrusive Complex Nine Mile pluton McGuire pit (Salzman Quarry; Salzman Enterprises) Rocks & Min. (2007)
Bolívar Cerro Impacto PARTS (1981)
Gran Sabana Municipality Icabarú Icabarú River placers (Kilometer 88 District) Alfredo Petrov specimens
Midlands Gweru District Somabula Palache et al. (1951)