Krupkaite (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species



About KrupkaiteHide

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Specific Gravity:

6.98 (Calculated)

Crystal System:



Named for the town of Krupka, Czech Republic, near the type locality.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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Long-form identifier:



IMA Classification of KrupkaiteHide

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Type description reference:

Classification of KrupkaiteHide

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2 : SULFIDES and SULFOSALTS (sulfides, selenides, tellurides; arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides; sulfarsenites, sulfantimonites, sulfbismuthites, etc.)
H : Sulfosalts of SnS archetype
B : With Cu, Ag, Fe, Sn and Pb

4 : ø = 3


5 : Sulphosalts - Sulpharsenites and Sulphobismuthites (those containing Sn, Ge,or V are in Section 6)
7 : Sulpharsenites etc. of Pb and other metals

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Please only use the official IMA–CNMNC symbol. Older variants are listed for historical use only.

Symbol Source Reference
Krp IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43
Krp The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist list of symbols for rock- and ore-forming minerals (December 30, 2019). download

Physical Properties of KrupkaiteHide

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VHN100=148 - 188 kg/mm2 - Vickers


6.98 g/cm3 (Calculated)

Optical Data of KrupkaiteHide

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Wavelength R1 R2
400nm 39.8% 46.9%
420nm 40.0% 46.7%
440nm 40.1% 46.3%
460nm 40.2% 46.2%
480nm 40.1% 46.3%
500nm 39.9% 46.5%
520nm 39.7% 46.7%
540nm 39.4% 46.9%
560nm 39.1% 47.0%
580nm 38.9% 46.9%
600nm 38.8% 46.8%
620nm 38.6% 46.5%
640nm 38.3% 46.2%
660nm 38.0% 45.8%
680nm 37.8% 45.4%
700nm 37.5% 44.8%

Reflectance graph
Graph shows reflectance levels at different wavelengths (in nm). Top of box is 100%. Peak reflectance is 47.0%.
R1 shown in black, R2 shown in red

Colour in reflected light:


Chemistry of KrupkaiteHide

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Crystallography of KrupkaiteHide

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Crystal System:


Class (H-M):

m _m_2 - Pyramidal

Cell Parameters:

a = 11.200(9) Å, b = 11.560(9) Å, c = 4.0003(3) Å


a:b:c = 0.969 : 1 : 0.346

Unit Cell V:

517.93 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


Space Group: P b21m

Crystal StructureHide

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Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

Display Options
Black Background |White Background
Perspective On |Perspective Off
2D |Stereo |Red-Blue |Red-Cyan

CIF File Best |x |y |z |a |b |c

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Console Off |On |Grey |Yellow

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0000456 Krupkaite Mumme W G (1975) The crystal structure of krupkaite, CuPbBi3S6, from the Juno Mine at Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia American Mineralogist 60 300-308 1975 0 293
0005782 Krupkaite Topa D, Makovicky E, Balic-Zunic T (2002) The structural role of excess Cu and Pb in gladite and krupkaite based on new refinements of their structure The Canadian Mineralogist 40 1147-1159 2002 0 293
0005783 Krupkaite Topa D, Makovicky E, Balic-Zunic T (2002) The structural role of excess Cu and Pb in gladite and krupkaite based on new refinements of their structure The Canadian Mineralogist 40 1147-1159 2002 0 293
0005784 Krupkaite Topa D, Makovicky E, Balic-Zunic T (2002) The structural role of excess Cu and Pb in gladite and krupkaite based on new refinements of their structure The Canadian Mineralogist 40 1147-1159 2002 0 293
0005785 Krupkaite Topa D, Makovicky E, Balic-Zunic T (2002) The structural role of excess Cu and Pb in gladite and krupkaite based on new refinements of their structure The Canadian Mineralogist 40 1147-1159 2002 0 293
0006081 Krupkaite Petricek V, Makovicky E (2006) Interpretation of selected structures of the bismuthinite - aikinite series as commensurately modulated structures The Canadian Mineralogist 44 189-206 2006 synthetic 0 293
0014750 Krupkaite Synecek V, Hybler J (1974) The crystal structures of krupkaite, CuPbBi3S6, and of gladite, CuPbBi5S9, and the classification of superstructures in the bismuthinite-aikinite group, Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1974 541-560 1974 Krupka, Ore Mountains, NW-Bohemia 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
3.137 Å (100)
2.841 Å (37)
3.645 Å (30)
3.160 Å (27)
2.660 Å (26)
1.970 Å (26)
3.552 Å (24)

Geological EnvironmentHide

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Type Occurrence of KrupkaiteHide

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General Appearance of Type Material:

fibrous aggregates of parallel intergrowths

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 14522.

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:


Zak, L., Synecek, V., Hybler, J. (1974) Krupkaite, CuPbBi3S6, a new mineral of the bismuthinite-aikinite group. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte: 1974: 533-541.

Synonyms of KrupkaiteHide

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Other Language Names for KrupkaiteHide

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Common AssociatesHide

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Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:

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2.HB. Barikaite Ag3Pb10(Sb8As11)S40 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
2.HB. Carducciite (Ag2Sb2)Pb12(As,Sb)16S40 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
2.HB. Sardashtite Ag9Cu2.5Pb41Sb36.5As7S112 Mon. 2/m
2.HB. Interliveingite AgPb18As25S56 Mon. 2 : _P_21
2.HB. Reckibachite Ag2Pb12As14Sb4S40 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
2.HB.05a Aikinite PbCuBiS3 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n m a
2.HB.05a Friedrichite Pb5Cu5Bi7S18 Orth. m _m_2
2.HB.05a Gladite PbCuBi5S9 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
2.HB.05a Hammarite Pb2Cu2Bi4S9 Orth.
2.HB.05c Jaskólskiite CuxPb2+x(Sb,Bi)2-xS5 (x ~ 0.15) Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
2.HB.05a Lindströmite Pb3Cu3Bi7S15 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
2.HB.05b Meneghinite Pb13CuSb7S24 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
2.HB.05a Pekoite PbCuBi11S18 Orth. m _m_2
2.HB.05a Emilite Pb2.7Cu2.7Bi5.3S12 Orth. m _m_2 : P m _c_21
2.HB.05 UM2000-46-S:BiCuPb Cu0.33Pb0.33Bi7.67S12
2.HB.05a Salzburgite Pb1.6Cu1.6Bi6.4S12 Orth. m _m_2 : P m _c_21
2.HB.05 UM1990-54-Se:BiCuPb CuPb(Ni,Co)0.3Bi3Se6
2.HB.05a Paarite Pb1.7Cu1.7Bi6.3S12 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P b c n
2.HB.10c Eclarite (Cu,Fe)Pb9Bi12S28 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n m a
2.HB.10b Giessenite Pb27Cu2(Bi,Sb)19S57 Mon. 2/m
2.HB.10b Izoklakeite Pb27(Cu,Fe,Ag)2(Sb,Bi)19S57 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.HB.10a Kobellite Pb22Cu4(Bi,Sb)30S69 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.HB.10a Tintinaite Pb22Cu4(Sb,Bi)30S69 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.HB.15 Benavidesite Pb4MnSb6S14 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
2.HB.15 Jamesonite Pb4FeSb6S14 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
2.HB.20d Berryite Cu3Ag2Pb3Bi7S16 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/m
2.HB.20b Buckhornite AuPb2BiTe2S3 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P m m m
2.HB.20a Nagyágite [Pb3(Pb,Sb)3S6](Au,Te)3 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/m
2.HB.20e Watkinsonite Cu2PbBi4(Se,S,Te)8 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/m
2.HB.20c Museumite [Pb2(Pb,Sb)2S8][(Te,Au)2] Mon. 2
2.HB.20e Litochlebite Ag2PbBi4Se8 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/m
2.HB.20b Jaszczakite [Bi3S3][AuS2] Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P m m n
2.HB.20e Luxembourgite AgCuPbBi4Se8 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/m
2.HB.25 Meerschautite (Ag,Cu)6Pb43-2xSb44+2xS112Ox (x ~0.5) Mon. 2 : _P_21

Other InformationHide

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Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for KrupkaiteHide

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Reference List:

Izumino, Y., Nakashima, K., Nagashima, M. (2014) Cuprobismutite group minerals (cuprobismutite, hodrušhite, kupčíkite and padĕrite), other Bi-sulfosalts and Bi-tellurides from the Obari mine, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences: 109: 177-190.

Localities for KrupkaiteHide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Chubut Province Futaleufú department Trevelin Los Cipreses Cordón de los Galeses Brodtkorb (2002)
Salta Province Los Andes department San Antonio de los Cobres Organullo mining district Julio Verne mine de Brodtkorb (2009) +1 other reference
San Juan Province Calingasta Department Calingasta San Francisco de los Andes mine Testa et al. (2018)
Northern Territory Barkly Region Tennant Creek Juno Mine ('Peko'; Explorer 8) Mumme (1975)
Western Australia Kalgoorlie-Boulder Shire Kalgoorlie-Boulder Hannan South deposit Mueller +3 other references
Carinthia Spittal an der Drau District Flattach Wurten Alteck Gold Mines Niedermayr et al. (1995)
Hochwurten reservoir ? Paar et al. (1998)
Strabaleben (Strabeleben) Pichler (2009)
Großkirchheim Zirknitz Große Zirknitz valley Milleiten Mine Niedermayr et al. (1995)
Kleine Zirknitz valley Kluidscharte Waschgang Mine Paar et al. (1982) +1 other reference
Salzburg St. Johann im Pongau District Bad Gastein Naßfeld valley Sportgastein Power station KOLITSCH (2008) +1 other reference
Bad Hofgastein Erzwies mining area Makovicky et al. (2010)
Tamsweg District Muhr Rotgülden Lower Rotgülden lake Water tunnel Putz (2011)
Zell am See District Bramberg am Wildkogel Nasenkopf mountain Sedl Bayerl (2004)
Mittersill Mittersill Scheelite deposit Western ore field Mandarino (2002) +1 other reference
Styria Liezen District Schladming Giglach valley Knappen lakes Vetternspitzen (Vetternspitze; Vötternspitze) Schachinger et al. (2017)
Potosí Sud Lípez Province Cerro Bonete Bolivar Mine Karup-Møller (1977)
Burgas Province Burgas Municipality Burgas Vurli Bryag deposit Cook et al. (2002) +1 other reference
Malko Tarnovo Municipality Malko Târnovo ore field Cook et al. (2002)
Sozopol Municipality Zidarovo Zidarovo complex Cook et al. (2002)
Pazardzhik Province Panagyurishte Municipality Levski Radka Mine Bogdanov et al. (2004)
Sofia Province Chelopech Municipality Chelopech Au-Cu Mine Cook et al. (2002)
Yambol Province Tundzha Municipality Bakadzhik Hills Bakadjik deposit Cook et al. (2002)
New Brunswick Charlotte Co. Saint George Parish Mount Pleasant Mine Sabina (2015) +1 other reference
Restigouche Co. Colborne Parish McMaster deposit Jambor (1982)
Ontario Timiskaming District McElroy Township Mondoux claim Karup-Møller (1977)
Henan Sanmenxia Lingbao City Qinling Mine Sifangou Au deposit Zhenkuan Luo et al. (1992)
Xiaoqinling mining district Fancha gold deposit Liu et al. (2019)
Hunan Chenzhou Yizhang Co. Dongpo ore field Shizhuyuan Mine Yingchen Ren (1999)
Inner Mongolia Hulunbuir City (Hulunbei'er Prefecture) Ergun City (E'erguna Co.) Dongjun Pb-Zn-Ag deposit 张中俭 et al. (2017)
Jiangsu Nanjing Jiangning District Funiushan Cu-Au-Fe deposit ? Xiangping et al. (2001)
Yunnan Chuxiong Yao'an County Yao'an Au-Ag deposit Zhou et al. (2018)
Czech Republic (TL)
Ústí nad Labem Region Teplice District Krupka Knöttel area Barbora adit (TL) Zak et al. (1974) +1 other reference
Bavaria Upper Palatinate Neustadt an der Waldnaab District Windischeschenbach Oberbaumühle Quarry Schwarzmeier (2015) +2 other references
Hesse Darmstadt Bergstraße Lautertal (Odenwald) Gadernheim Bergweg In the collection of Brent Thorne. ...
North Rhine-Westphalia Arnsberg Siegen-Wittgenstein Siegen Eiserfeld Kohlenbach Valley Brüderbund Mine Wittern (2001)
Eisern Morgenröthe Mine Wittern (2001)
Attica East Attica Lavreotiki Lavrion Mining District Agios Konstantinos (Kamariza) Kamariza mines (Kamareza mines)
Central Macedonia Chalkidiki Aristotelis Stanos Voudouris et al. (2010, April) +1 other reference
Fejér County Székesfehérvár District Pátka Szűzvár Mill collector: László Tóth +1 other reference
Markazi Province Shazand County Astaneh Deh Hosein prospect (Deh Hosein mine) Nezafatis (2006)
Leinster Wicklow County Croghan Kinshela Mountain Gold Mines River Ballycoog Ixer et al. (1990)
Gifu Prefecture Shirakawamura Hirase mine Matsubara et al. (2006)
Yamagata Prefecture Mogami District Mogami Ohori mine (Ou'hori mine; Obori mine) Yokoro et al. (2010)
Ohari mine (Obari mine) Yuya Izumino et al. (2013) +1 other reference
Yamaguchi Prefecture Hagi City Asahi-son Sazanami mine Nakajima et al (1981)
Akmola Region Stepnogorsk Stepnyak group Ishke-Ulmes deposit Spiridonov (1982)
Karaganda Region Shet District Akshatau (Aqshatau) Akchatau Mine Efimov A.V. Bismuthian mineralisation ...
Pristina District Graçanica Gračanica (Graçanicë) Janjevo deposit Mederski et al. (2021)
Kizhnica andesite quarry Mederski et al. (2021)
Marrakesh-Safi Region Al Haouz Province Amizmiz Cercle Guedmioua Caïdat Azgour (Azegour) Amensif deposit Ilmen et al. (2016) +1 other reference
North Macedonia
Radoviš Municipality Bučim Mine (Bucim Mine; Buchim Mine; Bučim deposit) Serafimovski et al. (2013) +1 other reference
Nordland Sørfold Tennvatn pegmatite Husdal et al. (2020)
Telemark Seljord Svartdal Blika gold mine Rune S. Selbekk (2010)
Tokke Skafså Riplusdalsnuten deposit Larsen et al. (2018)
Vein No. 1 Larsen et al. (2018)
Huancavelica Angaraes Province Julcani District Crowley et al. (1997)
Julcani Mine Hyrsl et al. (2003) +1 other reference
Lower Silesian Voivodeship Kamienna Góra County Gmina Kamienna Góra Rędziny Dolomitic marble quarry Gołębiowska B. et al. (2006)
Karkonosze County Szklarska Poręba Szklarska Poręba Huta granite quarry Pieczka et al. (2012) +3 other references
Bihor County Nucet Băiţa mining district Cook et al. (2002)
Avram Iancu mine Zajzon et al. (2012) +1 other reference
Valea Seacă Cook et al. (2002)
Caraş-Severin County Ocna de Fier-Dognecea District Cook et al. (2002)
Ocna de Fier Ilinca (2006)
Paulus Mine Ciobanu et al. (2000)
Oraviţa-Ciclova Cu-Mo-(W) ore field Cook et al. (2002)
Sasca Montană Cook et al. (2002)
Valisor–Tincova Cook et al. (2002)
Hunedoara County Buceș Stănija Larga Cook et al. (2004)
Maramureș County Baia Sprie Baia Sprie mine Buzatu et al. (2015)
Borșa Toroioaga Mine Nigel G. Cook : "Bismuth Sulphosalts ...
Tăuții-Măgherăuș Aurum Nistru-Baita (Nistru Mine) Plotinskaya et al. (2009)
Chelyabinsk Oblast Kaslinsky District Porokhovskoe W deposit Rogov et al. (2023)
Yugo-Konevo W deposit Rogov et al. (2023)
Zabaykalsky Krai Gazimuro-Zavodsky District Kultuma Deposit Kovalev et al. (2019)
Banská Bystrica Region Banská Štiavnica District Ďuďa R. et al. (1993)
Brezno District Bystrá Hviezda Pršek J. (Kandid. dizert. práca) +1 other reference
Žarnovica District Hodruša-Hámre Hodruša-Hámre mines Rozália Mine Jeleň et al. (2012)
Košice Region Gelnica District Smolnícka Huta Fichtenhübel deposit-western section Macinsky et al. (1994)
Košice-okolie District Medzev Fichtenhübel deposit-eastern section Martin Števko-unpublished
Rožňava District Dobšiná Koděra (1986)
Jeleniarka Žák et al. (1981)
Spišská Nová Ves District Slovinky Pršek J. (Kandid. dizert. práca)
Žilina Region Liptovský Mikuláš District Dúbrava Dúbrava Sb deposit Chovan M.
Vyšná Boca Ozdin D.
Paurovská Ozdín D. (2003)
Kalmar County Västervik Gladhammar mines Canadian Mineralogist 25
Grisons Maloja Region Bregaglia Upper Val Bregaglia Albigna Valley Albigna glacier Schweizer Strahler
Bondasca Valley Cengal glacier Stalder et al. (1998)
Viamala Region Ferrera Ausserferrera Piz Grisch Locality description
Valais Goms Binn Wanni glacier - Scherbadung area (Monte Cervandone) Cuchet et al. (2016)
Östlich Raron Grengiols Chummibort Cuchet et al. (2016)
Hillehorn northeast slope Cuchet et al. (2016)
Sierre Anniviers Saint-Luc Fusette Mine Ansermet (2012)
Lower Collioux Mine Ansermet (2012)
England Cumbria Caldbeck Fells Mining Region Stanley et al. (1991)
Eden Mungrisdale Carrock Mine Cooper et al. (1990) +1 other reference
Scotland Highland North, West and Central Sutherland Loch Shin L1 Lowry et al. (1994)
Odessa Oblast Podilsk Raion Maiskoe gold deposit (Mayske)
Arizona Cochise County Bisbee Campbell Mine Schumer (2017)
California Inyo County Darwin Hills Darwin Mining District Darwin Silver Spoon Mine Mineral News: 16 (9) +2 other references
Colorado Clear Creek County Alice Mining District (Yankee Mining District; Lincoln Mining District) Alice Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Montana Jefferson County Whitehall Mining District (Cardwell Mining District) Golden Sunlight Mine (Telluride and Excelsior; Moonlight Buffalo; Blue Moose; Minera Hill; Sunlight) Economic Geology (1996) +1 other reference
Nevada Esmeralda County Tule Canyon Mining District Unnamed prospect Alan Pring (1989) +1 other reference
Utah Salt Lake County Little Cottonwood Mining District Ball's Mine Alan Pring (1989)