Microlite Group (original) (raw)

The A site, therefore, may host Na, Ca, Sr, Pb2+, Sn2+, Sb3+, Y, U, □, or H2O or, less frequently Ag, Mn, Ba, Fe2+, Bi3+, Ce (and other REE), Sc or Th.

X typically is O but can include subordinate OH and F.

Z typically is an anion, but can also be a vacancy, H2O, or a very large (>> 1.0 Å) monovalent cation (site 8b). Examples are OH–, F, O, □, H2O, K, Cs, Rb.

The symbols m, w, and n represent parameters that indicate incomplete occupancy of the A, X and Z sites, respectively. (Atencio et al. 2010).


Pale yellow to reddish brown, sometimes emerald-green


Vitreous, Resinous

Specific Gravity:

5.9 - 6.4


The microlite group has its name after the generic name microlite which was first introduced in 1835 by C.U. Shepard. From the Greek μικρός, small, in allusion to the usually small size of the crystals from the first recorded locality.

Ta-dominant members of the Pyrochlore Supergroup.

The nomenclature was recently revised by Atencio et al. (2010); see also Christy & Atencio (2013).

Long-form identifier:



IMA status notes:

IMA Approved Group Name, Renamed by the IMA

IMA Formula:


Approval history:

Renamed by IMA: 2010


4 : OXIDES (Hydroxides, V[5,6] vanadates, arsenites, antimonites, bismuthites, sulfites, selenites, tellurites, iodates)
0 :
0 :

2 : A2B2O6(O,OH,F)


18 : Niobates and Tantalates
1 : Niobates and tantalates containing neither rare earths nor U

As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Please only use the official IMA–CNMNC symbol. Older variants are listed for historical use only.

Symbol Source Reference
Mic IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43
Mie The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist list of symbols for rock- and ore-forming minerals (December 30, 2019). download


Pale yellow to reddish brown, sometimes emerald-green


Light yellow, brownish


Octahedral{111} (may be a parting), sometimes distinct, but usually not distinguishable.


Irregular/Uneven, Splintery, Sub-Conchoidal


5.9 - 6.4 g/cm3 (Measured) 6.33 g/cm3 (Calculated)


Calc for Ca:Na = 1:1

Mindat Formula:


The A site, therefore, may host Na, Ca, Sr, Pb2+, Sn2+, Sb3+, Y, U, □, or H2O or, less frequently Ag, Mn, Ba, Fe2+, Bi3+, Ce (and other REE), Sc or Th.

X typically is O but can include subordinate OH and F.

Z typically is an anion, but can also be a vacancy, H2O, or a very large (>> 1.0 Å) monovalent cation (site 8b). Examples are OH–, F, O, □, H2O, K, Cs, Rb.

The symbols m, w, and n represent parameters that indicate incomplete occupancy of the A, X and Z sites, respectively. (Atencio et al. 2010).

Class (H-M):

m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) - Hexoctahedral


Octahedral, often with subordinate {001}, {113} or {001}.


Twin plane {111} (spinel law twins), rare.

Crystal Atlas:

Image Loading

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Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
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Console Off |On |Grey |Yellow

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0018462 Fluornatromicrolite Andrade M B, Atencio D, Menezes L A D, Ellena J (2011) The crystal structure of a microlite-group mineral with a formula near NaCaTa2O6F from the Morro Redondo mine, Coronel Murta, Minas Gerias, Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 49 615-621 2011 Morro Redondo mine, Coronel Murta, Minas Gerias, Brazil 0 293
0018616 Fluornatromicrolite Witzke T, Steins M, Doering T, Schuckmann W, Wegner R, Pollmann H (2011) Fluornatromicrolite, (Na,Ca,Bi)2Ta2O6F, a new mineral species from Quixaba, Paraiba, Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 49 1105-1110 2011 Quixaba, Paraiba, Brazil 0 293
0019993 Fluorcalciomicrolite Andrade M B, Atencio D, Persiano A I C, Ellena J (2013) Fluorcalciomicrolite, (Ca,Na,_)2Ta2O6F, a new microlite-group mineral from Volta Grande pegmatite, Nazareno, Minas Gerais, Brazil Mineralogical Magazine 77 2989-2996 2013 Volta Grande pegmatite, Nazareno, Minas Gerais, Brazil 0 293
0012114 Oxystannomicrolite Gasperin M (1960) Contribution a l'etude de quelques oxydes doubles que forme le tantale avec l'etain, l'uranium et le calcium. _cod_database_code 1001840 Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie 83 1-21 1960 0 293
0012249 Oxystannomicrolite Gasperin M (1955) Synthese et identification de deux oxydes doubles de tantale et d'etain Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences 240 2340-2342 1955 0 293
0014636 Hydroxykenomicrolite Ercit T S, Cerny P, Hawthorne F C (1993) Cesstibtantite - a geologic introduction to the inverse pyrochlores Mineralogy and Petrology 48 235-255 1993 Leshaia pegmatite, Kola Peninsula, Russia 0 293
0014637 Hydroxykenomicrolite Ercit T S, Cerny P, Hawthorne F C (1993) Cesstibtantite - a geologic introduction to the inverse pyrochlores Loclity: Tanco pegmatite, Manitoba, Canada Mineralogy and Petrology 48 235-255 1993 0 293
0019783 Hydrokenomicrolite Andrade M B, Atencio D, Chukanov N V, Ellena J (2013) Hydrokenomicrolite, ([_],H2O)2Ta2(O,OH)6(H2O), a new microlite-group mineral from Volta Grande pegmatite, Nazareno, Minas Gerais, Brazil American Mineralogist 98 292-296 2013 Volta Grande pegmatite, Nazareno, Minas Gerais, Brazil 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

Image Loading

Radiation - Copper Kα

Data Set:

Data courtesy of RRUFF project at University of Arizona, used with permission.

Geological Setting:

Albitized parts of granite pegmatites.

Other Members of this group:

Fluorcalciomicrolite (Ca,Na)2(Ta,Nb)2O6F Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F d_3_m
Fluornatromicrolite (Na1.5Bi0.5)Ta2O6F Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F d_3_m
Hydrokenomicrolite (◻,H2O)2Ta2(O,OH)6(H2O) Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m )
Hydromicrolite (H2O,◻)2Ta2(O,OH)6(H2O)
Hydroxycalciomicrolite Ca1.5Ta2O6(OH) Iso. 432 : _P_4232
Hydroxykenomicrolite (◻,Na,Sb3+)2Ta2O6(OH) Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F d_3_m
Hydroxynatromicrolite (Na,Bi3+,◻)2Ta2O6(OH) Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F d_3_m
Kenoplumbomicrolite (Pb,◻)2Ta2O6(◻,OH,O) Iso.
Oxybismutomicrolite (Bi1.33◻0.67)Σ2Ta2O6O Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F d_3_m
Oxycalciomicrolite Ca2Ta2O6O Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F d_3_m
Oxystannomicrolite Sn2Ta2O6O Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F d_3_m
Oxystibiomicrolite (Sb3+,Ca)2Ta2O6O Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F d_3_m
Uranmicrolite (of Hogarth 1977) (Ca,U,Na)2-x(Ta,Nb)2(O,OH)7 Iso.
Yttromicrolite (of Hogarth) (Ca,Y3+,U,Na)2-x(Ta,Nb,Ti,Fe3+)2O7 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F d_3_m

Reference List:

**Anthony, John Williams, Bideaux, Richard A., Bladh, Kenneth W., Nichols, Monte C. - Ed. (1997) Handbook of Mineralogy Vol. 3 - Halides, Hydroxides, Oxides. Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson, Arizona. p.1-682.**pp.372-372

Atencio, D., Andrade, M. B., Christy, A. G., Giere, R., Kartashov, P. M. (2010) The pyrochlore supergroup of minerals: nomenclature. The Canadian Mineralogist, 48 (3) 673-698 doi:10.3749/canmin.48.3.673

This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Kunar Dara-e-Pech District Dara-e-Pech pegmatite field [Fluornatromicrolite] Lavinsky (n.d.)
Laghman Muhammad Majid collection
Nuristan Kamdesh District Paprok Lyckberg (2011)
Nilaw-Kolum pegmatite field Poullen et al. (1978)
Kolum pegmatites Peters et al. (2007)
Tamanrasset Province (Tamanghasset Province) Tazrouk District Idlès Anahef Volcanic Field Remy (Sahara Central) +5 other references
Huíla Province Quilengues Mount Bonga Amores Casals S et al. (2014)
Namibe Province Moçâmedes Giraul pegmatite field Type IV pegmatites Gonçalves et al. (2019)
Catamarca Province Belén Department Corral Quemado Papachacra Papachacra pegmatites Rocks & Min. (2007)
Córdoba Province Calamuchita Department Río de Los Sauces District Angel Mine [Hydroxykenomicrolite] Demartis et al. (2014)
San Alberto Department Ambul District Cañada del Puerto La Calandria mine Galliski et al. (2016)
San Javier department La Juana pegmatite homepage.mac.com (2009)
San Javier pegmatite Econ Geol (1995)
La Rioja Province Sanagasta department La Chinchilla granite [Hydroxycalciomicrolite] Lira et al. (2023)
Salar del Hombre Muerto C. R. Cortelezzi y R. A. Argañaraz (1981)
Salta Province La Poma Department El Quemado mining district GALLISKI (1983) +1 other reference
El Peñón deposit Galliski et al. (2002) +2 other references
El Quemado deposit Galliski et al. (2006) +1 other reference
La Elvirita deposit Galliski et al. (2001) +2 other references
Santa Elena pegmatite Galliski et al. (2006) +1 other reference
Santa Elana C pegmatite López de Azarevich et al. (2021)
Santa Elana I pegmatite López de Azarevich et al. (2021)
San Luis Province Chacabuco Department Sierra de la Estanzuela La Viquita pegmatite Galliski et al. (1999) +2 other references
San Elías mine minsocam.org (2003) +1 other reference
Coronel Pringles Department Totoral pegmatitic field Independencia Argentina pegmatite ? Galliski et al. (2015)
San Martín Department María Elena pegmatite Galliski et al. (2021)
Sierra de Comechingones Comechingones Pegmatitic field Ángel pegmatite Demartis et al. (2011)
Santa Cruz Province Deseado massif ECHAVARRIA
South Australia Pastoral Unincorporated Area Moolawatana Station (Moolawatana) Mt Babbage area (Inlier) Yerila gneissic complex PA Wulser collection
Tasmania Circular Head municipality Cape Grim district Trefoil Island Sutherland et al. (1967)
West Coast municipality Zeehan mining district Zeehan mineral field Tasmanian Smelting Company site South Slag dump Parbhakar-Fox et al. (2019)
Victoria East Gippsland Shire Glen Valley Blue Jacket Tin Mine (Blue Jacket Reef) Personally collected by Ryan Eagle in ... +2 other references
Western Australia Bridgetown-Greenbushes Shire Greenbushes Tinfield Greenbushes Mine Partington (1990) +1 other reference
Greenbushes Sn placers Pryce (1971)
Coolgardie Shire Binneringie Station Binneringie Tantalite (Bald Hill pegmatites; Woodline pegmatites) Jacobson et al. (2007)
Dawn View pegmatites Jacobson et al. (2007)
East Pilbara Shire Marble Bar Moolyella pegmatite field The Simpson Mineral Collection of the ...
Pilgangoora Green's Well pegmatite (Green's Tank) Jacobson et al. (2007)
Pilgangoora Goldfield Zakanaka North Mine David Huston et al. (2001)
Pilgangoora pegmatites Jacobson et al. (2007)
Shaw River District Trigg Hill pegmatite group Pegmatites of Western Australia +2 other references
Tabba Tabba pegmatite (Tabba Tabba Tantalum Mine) Jacobson et al. (2007)
Halls Creek Shire Mount Dockrell Goldfield Mount Dockrell pegmatites Columbium Creek Jacobson et al. (2007)
Junda 3 Jacobson et al. (2007)
Mount Dockrell Jacobson et al. (2007)
Mount Heartbreak E Mine Jacobson et al. (2007)
Port Hedland Shire Abydos Station Wodgina Beryl Group Sweetapple et al. (2001)
Mount Cassiterite Sweetapple et al. (2001) +1 other reference
Wodgina Tantalite Mine (Wodgina pegmatite; Main tantalite dyke) Simpson (1928) +1 other reference
Strelley Station Strelley pegmatite Jacobson et al. (2007)
Ravensthorpe Shire Ravensthorpe Jacobson et al. (2007)
Mount Cattlin Mine Jacobson et al. (2007)
Upper Gascoyne Shire Yinnietharra Bismuth Hill (The Cairn) Pegmatites of Western Australia
Cairn Mining Centre Williamson's Beryl Mine Jacobson et al. (2007)
Kempton Brothers Beryl Mine Pegmatites of Western Australia +2 other references
Nardoo Hill (Beryl Hill) Pegmatites of Western Australia +2 other references
New Well pegmatites Pegmatites of Western Australia +2 other references
North Morrissey Hill pegmatite group Pegmatites of Western Australia +2 other references
Yalgoo Shire Dalgaranga Station Dalgaranga Mine Pegmatites of Western Australia +2 other references
Meka Station Warda Warra pegmatite field Pegmatites of Western Australia +2 other references
Mount Farmer Mine (Niobe prospect) Calderwood +2 other references
Yilgarn shire Mount Holland pegmatite field Forrestania Rubellite pegmatite M Jacobson +2 other references
Carinthia Spittal an der Drau District Spittal an der Drau Lieser ravine Lippnik feldspar quarry Walter (1998)
Wolfsberg Feldspar quarry Niedermayr et al. (1995)
Villach Markogel Granite quarry Niedermayr et al. (1995)
Wolfsberg District Frantschach-Sankt Gertraud Brandrücken Spodumene prospect Niedermayr et al. (1995)
Lavamünd Lamprechtsberg mines Niedermayr et al. (1995)
Lower Austria Waidhofen an der Thaya District Raabs an der Thaya Eibenstein an der Thaya Hengl quarry Kolitsch et al. (2020)
Styria Deutschlandsberg District Deutschlandsberg Stoffhütte pegmatite Ertl et al. (1998)
Murtal District Pusterwald Pusterwald-Bretstein area Spodumene pegmatites Hohenwart Mali (2004)
Santa Cruz Ñuflo de Chavez Province San Agustín La Negra mine (Miramonte Mine) Petrov (n.d.)
Amazonas Presidente Figueiredo Pitinga mine Madeira pluton Breiter et al. (2024)
Borborema mineral province ? [Hydrokenomicrolite] Beurlen et al. (2005)
Goiás Trombas Trombas pegmatite Anthony (1997)
Minas Gerais Conceição do Mato Dentro São José de Brejaúba Posse mine Guimar˜aes (1941)
Conselheiro Pena Barra do Cuieté Urucum claim Atencio et al. (2004)
Jonas Mine Wilson (2012)
Coronel Murta Morro Redondo mine Andrade et al. (2011)
Governador Valadares Golconda mining district Ipê mine Moore (2005)
Golconda pegmatite field Josef Vajdak (Peque Rare Minerals) +1 other reference
Itinga Monte Belo Urubu mine Moore (2006)
Nazareno Chi-Chico claim [var: Bariomicrolite (of Hogarth 1977)] van der Veen (1963) +1 other reference
Fumal pegmatite [Oxycalciomicrolite] Menezes da Silva et al. (2020) +1 other reference
Volta Grande mine (Mibra mine) Lagache et al. (1997) +1 other reference
Poços de Caldas Morro do Ferro Baretto & Fujimori (1986)
Virgem da Lapa Sauer (1982) +1 other reference
Paraíba Frei Martinho Alto Benedito pegmatite (Alto Bernardino; Alto Questão) Cassedanne et al. (1991)
Quixaba Alto do Mussu claim [Fluornatromicrolite] Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Alto Quixaba claim Ferreira et al. (2005)
Junco do Seridó Specimen in the collection of Richard ...
Alto Cajazeiras Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data
Alto Manoel Balduino claim Anthony (1997)
Nova Palmeira Serraria pegmatite Beurlen et al. (2008)
Pedra Lavrada Alto Patrimônio Murdoch (1955)
Picuí Caiçara pegmatite Beurlen et al. (2008)
Rio Grande do Norte Acari [Oxybismutomicrolite] Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data 2021
Carnaúba dos Dantas Ermo Ermo claim Anthony (1997)
Equador Alto do Giz pegmatite rruff.geo.arizona.edu (n.d.) +2 other references
Alto do Jacu Lavinsky (n.d.)
Alto dos Quintos Mine (Quintos pegmatite; Quintos de Baixo) Beurlen et al. (2008)
Mamões pegmatite Beurlen et al. (2008)
Parelhas Boqueirão pegmatite Beurlen et al. (2008)
Capoeira 1 pegmatite (Boqueirãozinho pegmatite) Beurlen et al. (2008)
Carcará pegmatite Beurlen et al. (2008)
Túneis pegmatite Beurlen et al. (2008)
São Paulo Cajati Mesquita Sampaio deposit Oliveira et al. (2020)
Burgas Province Sozopol Municipality Zidarovo Zidarovo complex Marinov +3 other references
British Columbia Kamloops Mining Division Blue River carbonatites Fir carbonatite Chudy T et al. (2014)
Manitoba Cross Lake North Group Pegmatite No. 22 (Gottcha Claim) Ercit et al. (2010)
Lac-du-Bonnet area Bernic Lake Tanco Mine 153-155. +4 other references
Cat Lake - Winnipeg River pegmatite field Donner Lake High Grade Dyke pegmatite (High-Grade Dike pegmatite) Bannatyne (1985) +1 other reference
Greer Lake Annie Claim #3 pegmatite Masau et al. (2002)
Cleo pegmatite Bannatyne (1985)
GL-3 pegmatite Bannatyne (1985)
GL-8 pegmatite Bannatyne (1985)
GL12 pegmatite Bannatyne (1985)
Grace claim Bannatyne (1985)
Grace No. 2 claim (Beryl dike) Bannatyne (1985)
Whiteshell Park Huron pegmatite Bannatyne (1985)
Shatford Lake Bunty claims Bannatyne (1985)
Red Cross Lake Red Cross Lake pegmatites [Fluorcalciomicrolite] Cerny et al. 2012 +1 other reference
Northwest Territories Mackenzie Mountains Tungsten Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group Groat et al. (2003)
Nova Scotia Lunenburg Co. New Ross Reeves pit (Reeves tin pit) Nova Scotia Mineral Occurrence Database
Ontario Kenora District Lilypad Lakes pegmatites Ferguson Lake Area Pollucite Dike J.C. Pedersen (2000)
South Dike J.C. Pedersen (2000)
Opikeigan Lake Area Rubellite Dike J.C. Pedersen (2000)
Pakeagama Lake Area PAK Lithium Project (Pakeagama Lake pegmatite) Breaks +2 other references
Paterson Lake Area Marko’s pegmatite Tindle et al. (1998)
Raleigh Lake Area Raleigh Lake pegmatites
Root Lake pegmatite group Root Lake Area McCombe pegmatites Tindle et al. (2005)
Separation Rapids Lithium Project (Separation Lake area) Tindle et al. (2002)
Skinner Lake Area Musselwhite Mine Taylor et al. (2001)
Québec Abitibi-Témiscamingue Rouyn-Noranda TE Powell D-zone occurrence Schofield et al. (2024)
Powell F-zone occurrence Schofield et al. (2024)
Atacama Copiapó Province Copiapó Portezuelo de Pajas Blancas deposit Miranda-Díaz et al. (2022)
Huasco Province Las Cañas district Las Canas fluid inclusion microthermometry et al. (1-2) +1 other reference
Fujian Nanping Yanping District Nanping pegmatite field Pegmatite No. 31 Rao +8 other references
Gansu Jiuquan Aksai Co. Yushishan Nb–Ta ore deposit Yu et al. (2023)
Guangxi Guilin Gongcheng Co. Limu Ta-Sn ore field Jinzhuyuan Mine Zhu et al. (2001)
Laohutou Mine Zhu et al. (2001)
Shuiximiao Mine Zhu et al. (2001) +1 other reference
Quanzhou Co. Maoantan pegmatite field Renke Li and Xuming Zhang (1995)
Henan Sanmenxia Lushi County Guanpo Guanpo pegmatite field Ruiling He and Enkui Cao (1985)
Pegmatite vein no. 309 Fan G. et al. (2013)
Nanyangshan pegmatite field [Oxystibiomicrolite] Qu et al. (2023)
Nanyangshan 703 deposit Yuan et al. (2022)
Hunan Chenzhou Linwu Co. Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic ore field Li et al. (2023)
Hengyang Leiyang Co. Shangbao Mine Xiangli Chen et al. (2003) +1 other reference
Inner Mongolia Alxa League (Alashan Prefecture) Ejin Banner (Ejina Co.) Dongqiyishan polymetallic ore field Hong Liu (1986)
Hohhot City (Huhehaote Prefecture) Wuchuan County Zhaojinggou Nb-Ta deposit Fengjun Nie et al. (2013)
Xilingol League (Xilinguole Prefecture) Bordered Yellow Banner (Xianghuang Co.) Jiabusi Ta-Nb deposit Zhang et al. (2022)
Jiangsu Suzhou Huqiu District Shananbang Ta-Nb deposit Jianping He (2006)
Jiangxi Ganzhou Quannan Co. Dajishan Mine (Tachishan Mine) Zongzhen Zhang (1974) +3 other references
Shicheng Co. Hailuoling Nb-Ta deposit Faning Wang (1990) +1 other reference
Ji'an Suichuan Co. Xigang Ta-Nb deposit Yunhuai Lin and Shiyang Chen (1985)
Shangrao Hengfeng Co. Lingshan complex Songshugang Nb-Ta-W-Sn deposit (Geyuan Nb-Ta-W-Sn deposit) Ye et al. (1998) +1 other reference
Yichun Yuanzhou District Hejiaping Mine Shufang He and Jianping Lu (2001)
Yichun complex (Yashan batholith) Yichun Mine (Mine No. 414) Desong Lin (1993) +3 other references
Qinghai Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Wulan Co. (Ulan Co.) Shaliuquan Nb-Ta deposit Feng et al. (2024)
Tibet Shannan Prefecture (Lhokha Prefecture; Lhoka Prefecture) Lhozhag Co. (Luozha Co.) Lalong Dome Fu et al. (2023)
Xigazê Prefecture (Rikaze Prefecture; Shigatse Prefecture) Tingri Co. (Dingri Co.) Hermit's Gorge Rucheng Wang et al. (2018)
Xinjiang Hami Prefecture (Kumul Prefecture; Qumul Prefecture) Yizhou District Bailingshan Fe-(Cu) deposit Zhang et al. (2022)
Yili Hasake Autonomous Prefecture (Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture) Aletai Prefecture (Altay Prefecture) Fuyun Co. (Koktokay Co.) Koktokay pegmatite field (Keketuohai pegmatite field) [AmMin 85:1324]
Altay Mine Koktokay No. 3 pegmatite (Altay No. 3 pegmatite) Tianren Zou et al. (1986)
Koktokay No. 1 pegmatite Yin et al. (2015)
Qinghe Co. (Qinggil Co.; Chinggil Co.) Dakalasu-Kekexier pegmatite field Dakalsu pegmatite Zhou
Czech Republic
Karlovy Vary Region Cheb District Lázně Kynžvart Bílý Kámen pegmatite quarry Černý et al. (Weisser Stein)
Moravian-Silesian Region Bruntál District Malá Morávka Praděd Mountain Bělá pegmatite Pauliš P. et al. (Kutna Hora, issue 1)
Olomouc Region Jeseník District Bělá pod Pradědem V kotli pegmatite Kruťa T. et al. (1968)
Šumperk District Branná Dämmbaude Novák (2003)
Velké Losiny Maršíkov (Marchendorf) D6e pegmatite Ddolníček Z et al. (2020)
Rasovna (Schinderhübl) Novák
Střelecký důl (Scheibengraben) Novák +2 other references
South Bohemian Region Český Krumlov District Nová Ves Nová Ves pegmatite Welser +1 other reference
Vysočina Region Jihlava District Jihlava (Iglau) Novák et al. (1996)
Puklice Puklice pegmatites Bull. Minéral.
Třebíč District Kožichovice Kožichovice II pegmatite Výravský et al. (2017)
Radkovice u Hrotovic Scarlett Urbanová (2021)
Žďár nad Sázavou District Dobrá Voda Novák
Pikárec Flégr et al. (2017)
Řečice Novák +7 other references
Věžná Věžná I pegmatite www.cseg.ca/conferences/2000/556.PDF. +2 other references
Věžná II pegmatite Canadian Mineralogist Vol.22 (1984)
DR Congo
Maniema Punia Territory Kristiansen (2001)
North Kivu Masisi Territory Bahunde Rubaya Pezzotta et al. (2020)
Osso Mumba Mumba cassiterite gravels Melcher et al. (2015)
South Kivu Kalehe Territory Numbi Loun et al. (2018)
Misumari II mine Loun et al. (2018)
Mungwe mine Loun et al. (2018)
Mwenga Territory Kobokobo pegmatite BM 84 (1961) +1 other reference
Tanganyika Manono-Kitotolo mine [Hydroxycalciomicrolite] Pavel M. Kartashov analythical data of ...
Red Sea Governorate Abu Dabbab Massif Alekseev et al. (2023)
Kab Amiri Taalab et al. (2023)
Nuweibi Complex Helba et al. (1997) +1 other reference
Um Solimate Ali et al. (2021)
Lubombo Region Sinceni Mtn Econ Geol (1995)
Sinceni West area Zishineni Grew et al. (2018)
Oromia Region Kenticha pegmatite field Kenticha mine Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) +1 other reference
Kanta-Häme Forssa Kiimassuo pegmatite Ilkka Mikkola data
Tammela Sukula Pegmatites [Oxystannomicrolite] Vorma et al. (1967) +1 other reference
Kymenlaakso Kotka Juurikorpi Ilkka Mikkola collection (of Hogarth)
Murskelouhos pegmatite Ilkka Mikkola collection +1 other reference
Topaz quarry Lahti Seppo I. 2011. Kotkan ...
North Savo Rautalampi Kiviniemi Ahven (2012)
Pirkanmaa Orivesi Eräjärvi area Eräpyhä pegmatite Lahti (1981)
Tiainen pegmatite Lahti et al. (1983)
Viitaniemi pegmatite Sandström et al. (2009)
Valkeakoski Pyörönmaa pegmatite Jyrki Autio collection. Pavel M. ...
South Ostrobothnia Seinäjoki Peräseinäjoki Haapaluoma pegmatite Haapala (1966)
Southwest Finland Kimitoön (Kemiönsaari) Kimitoön Island Rosendal pegmatite Laitakari (1967)
Uusimaa Myrskylä Kankkila pegmatite Ilkka Mikkola collection
Wyborg batholith Kymi intrusion Haapala et al. (2005)
W-Sn-Be occurrence Lukkari (2007)
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Allier Vichy Échassières Beauvoir quarry G. Aubert : "Les coupoles granitiques de Montebras et d'Echassières (Massif Central Français) +2 other references
Puy-de-Dôme Riom Saint-Angel Menat-Malmouche Maars les maars de Menat et leurs annexes et al. (5) +1 other reference
Brittany Finistère Quimper Tréguennec - (L. Chauris, C. Laforêt and J. Cotten, Bull. Minéral. , 1985, 108, pp. 955-958)
Rhineland-Palatinate Germersheim Jockgrim Rheinzabern Holcim gravel pit Oberthür et al. (2016)
Saxony Görlitz District Lausitz Volcanic Field Büchner et al. (2015)
Thuringia Hildburghausen District Heldburg Heldburger Gangschar Volcanic Province Lippolt (1982) +3 other references
Heldburg Phonolite Plug Lippolt (1982) +3 other references
Central Region Awutu Senya East District Winneba Winneba-Mankoadze area LCT pegmatites Adams et al. (2023)
Kujalleq Igaliku Narsaarsuk Plateau Narssârssuk pegmatite Bøggild (1953) +1 other reference
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Miskolc District Bükkszentkereszt Bagoly Hill [Fluorcalciomicrolite] Gál P. (2014)
Merapi Volcano Knuever et al. (2023)
East Azerbaijan Province Ahar County Sabalan volcanic plateau Alberti et al. (1976) +4 other references
Isfahan Province Aran and Bidgol County Veshnaveh Nezafati et al. (2017)
South Khorasan Province Nehbandan County Divar deposit Pourkaseb et al. (2017)
Yazd Province Ardakan County Aqda District Narestan Rural District Qaleh-Khargooshi complex Torabi (2009)
Leinster Carlow County Seskinnamadra No References
Wicklow County Shillelagh Stranakelly Steiger et al. (1974) +2 other references
Lazio Metropolitan City of Rome Capital Alban Hills Knuever et al. (2023)
Lombardy Brescia Province Cevo Upper Val Saviore Monte Foppa (north slope) Forcel Rosso Gully (Forcel Rosso Pass) Pegmatite occurrences Pezzotta +1 other reference
Lecco Province Colico Piona Peninsula VIGNOLA et al. (2007)
Malpensata pegmatitic dyke (Olgiasca-Malpensata; Croce Quarry; Secondi dyke) [Oxycalciomicrolite] Vignola et al. (2011)
Sondrio Province Chiavenna Unnamed pegmatite AA. VV.
Chiesa in Valmalenco Sissone Valley Bedognè et al. (1993)
Piedmont Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Province Baveno Oltrefiume Mount Camoscio Seula mine Guastoni et al. (2004)
Craveggia Rio Vasca Piano del Lavonchio (Piano dei Lavonchi) AA. VV.
Druogno Orcesco Alpe Rosso AA. VV.
Toceno Val di Crana Val di Crana pegmatites AA. VV.
Fiume pegmatite Guastoni et al. (2019)
Trontano Cosasca Grignaschi Quarry De Michele (1974)
Pizzo Marcio Pizzo Marcio North dyke Mattioli (1988) +6 other references
Pizzo Marcio South-East dyke Appiani et al. (1995) +2 other references
Pizzo Marcio South dyke Callegari et al. (2002) +2 other references
Rio Graia Piccoli et al. (2007)
Rio Margologio Albertini (2011)
Vigezzo Valley [Oxycalciomicrolite] Menezes da Silva et al. (2020)
Sardinia Nuoro Province Orotelli Nuraghe Piscapu pegmatite field Pani E. (1995)
South Sardinia Province Villaputzu Riu Gironi basanite outcrop (Riu Girone basanite outcrop; Rio Gironi basanite outcrop) Lustrino et al. (1996) +3 other references
Sicily Hyblean Plateau (Hyblean Mountains; Hyblaean Plateau; Hyblaean Mountains) Pachino-Passero Volcano Barberi et al. (1974) +1 other reference
Metropolitan City of Messina Eolie Islands (Aeolian Islands) Lipari Stromboli Island Renzulli +4 other references
Vulcano Island Barberi et al. (1974) +6 other references
Trapani Province Pantelleria Island Washington (1909) +11 other references
Trentino-Alto Adige (Trentino-South Tyrol) Trento Province (Trentino) Predazzo Al Fol quarry (Sacac quarry) Vecchi et al. (2013)
Tuscany Livorno Province Campo nell'Elba San Piero in Campo Orlandi et al. (1985)
Facciatoia Quarry
Fonte del Prete Aurisicchio et al. (2002)
Grotta d'Oggi Orlandi et al. (1997) +1 other reference
La Speranza (Pisani's Quarry) Orlandi et al. (1997)
Rosina vein Orlandi et al. (1997)
San Silvestro vein Collection Museo Mineralogico Luigi ...
Sant'Ilario in Campo Forcioni [Fluornatromicrolite] Tobias U. Prediger collection
Marciana Procchio Nannoni R.
Fukuoka Prefecture Fukuoka City Nagatare (Nagatareyama; Nagatare mine) Nagashima et al. (1960) +2 other references
Fukushima Prefecture Koriyama City Atagoyama Matsubara et al. (2013)
Ibaraki Prefecture Hitachiota City Myoukenyama Matsubara et al. (1995) +1 other reference
Miyazaki Prefecture Nobeoka City Ohkueyama (Okueyama) Lithium pegmatite Seiichiro Uehara et al. (2011)
East Kazakhstan Region Irtysh River Bakennoe Ta Deposit Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Ulan District Asubulak ore field Oitseva et al. (2017)
Belogorskiy Belogorskoe Ta-Be deposit Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Ognevka Ta deposit Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Batken Region Turkestan Ridge Karasu-Karavshinskoye Asan-Usun glacier Akopovaite type locality Karpenko V.Yu. et al. (OH)
Amoron'i Mania Ambatofinandrahana District Fenoarivo Ambalalehifotsy pegmatite Pers.com Roy Kristiansen 1996
Ambositra Sahatsiho Ambohimanjaka Manandona Valley Antandrokomby pegmatite Nizamoff (2000)
Atsinanana Vatomandry District Ambalavolo Takarindoha Volcanic Field Lacroix (1923)
Diana Ambanja Antsirabe Ampasibitika Behier (1963)
Massif d'Ambre Lacroix (1922) +5 other references
Haute Matsiatra Ikalamavony District Fitampito Adaboroa pegmatite Behier (1963)
Malakialina pegmatite Behier (1963)
Itasy Miarinarivo Itasy Volcanic Field Lacroix (1912) +3 other references
Sahatany Pegmatite Field (Mt Ibity area) Ranorosoa (1986)
Sofia Mampikony District Betanimena pegmatite Behier (1963)
Vakinankaratra Antsirabe II District Ibity Sahatany Valley Ankarinarivo pegmatite Ranorosoa (1986)
Ilapa Ranorosoa (1986)
Ilontsa (Ilotsa) Pezzotta (2007)
Manjaka Pezzotta (2007)
Tsarafara Nord (Ambalaroy) Ranorosoa (1986)
Tsarafara Sud (Ankadilava) Ranorosoa (1986)
Vohidahy Ranorosoa (1986)
Mangarano Ambatonapetraka pegmatites Ranorosoa (1986)
Antsofimbato pegmatites Ranorosoa (1986)
Betafo District Ambohimanambola Anjanabonoina pegmatites Sarodivotra De Vito et al. (2006)
Andrembesoa Tetezantsio-Andoabatokely Pegmatite Field Ampanodiana North pegmatite Pezzotta (2007)
Ampasogona pegmatite Pezzotta (2007)
Anosiarivo Manapa Antsentsindrano Antsongombato gem mine Demartin et al. (2001)
Zacatecas Sombrerete Municipality Sombrerete meteorite Ruzicka et al. (2006)
Dornogovi Province Erdene District Khamaryn– Khural–Khiid combustion metamorphic complex Savina et al. (2020)
Unchzhul massif Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Khovd Province Myangad District Khukh Del Uul pegmatite Dostal et al. (2022)
Töv Province Choir-Nyalga basin Nyalga Combustion Metamorphic complex Peretyazhko et al. (2018)
Camel Peretyazhko et al. (2018)
Crown Peretyazhko et al. (2018)
Nailakh Soum Janchivlan Janchivlan complex Tumenbayar et al. (2000)
Urt Gozgor placer Tumenbayar et al. (2000)
Fès-Meknès Region El Hajeb Province Agourai Cercle Sebt Jahjouh Caidat Oued Laqtib Mezougane et al. (2022)
Oriental Region Taourirt Province Rekkame volcanic province JÉRÉMINE (1955) +1 other reference
Maputo Province Boane District Boane Occurrence TORRE DE ASSUNCAO et al. (1962)
Sofala Province Bunga Hill Teale et al. (1923)
Gorongosa District Chuata Phonolite Plug Teale et al. (1923)
Zambezia Province Alto Ligonha Pegmatite Field Wilson et al. (2000)
Alto Mólocuè District Munhamola Pegmatite Wilson et al. (2000)
Murropoci-Nuaparra group Wilson et al. (2000)
Namacotche LCT pegmatites Gomes et al. (2022)
Napire Pegmatite Wilson et al. (2000)
Gilé District Muiane-Naipa group Muiâne pegmatite (Muiâne mine; Emdal mines) Mineralogical Magazine 1963 33 : 458-466 +1 other reference
Naipa mine Rudy Bolona specimen & photo
Nampoça Pegmatite Wilson et al. (2000)
Mocuba District Mocuba Melatube pegmatite Moiana (2010)
Vila Maior pegmatite Moiana (2010)
Mulevala District Marropino mine (Maropine mine) Schappmann (2005)
Murrua (Morrua; Morrua Mine) Schappmann (2005)
Erongo Region Dâures Constituency Sandamap North Farm 115 von Bezing (2007)
Karibib Constituency Neuschwaben Farm 73 (Neu Schwaben) von Bezing (2007)
Okatjimukuju Farm 55 (Friedrichsfelde Farm) Clementine II pegmatite P. Keller and O. von Knorring
Okongava Ost Farm 72 Rubikon Mine Bezing et al. (2007)
ǁKaras Region Karasburg East Tantalite Valley von Bezing (2007)
Homestead pegmatite Baldwin (1989) +1 other reference
Lepidolite pegmatite Baldwin (1989) +1 other reference
White City pegmatites Baldwin (1994)
ǃNamiǂNûs Constituency Dicker Willem (Dicker Wilhelm; Garubberg) Jackson +6 other references
New Zealand
New Zealand Outlying Islands Kermadec Islands Brothers Volcano Martin et al. (2023)
Agder Birkenes Vegusdal Katterås Katterås 4 Feldspar Quarry Frigstad (1968)
Evje og Hornnes Landsverk Landsverk 1 Feldspar Quarry (Jokeli) Frigstad (1999)
Li Frigstad (1999)
Li 04 Feldspar Quarry (Liheia) Frigstad (1968)
Li 06 Feldspar Quarry Stensrud (2009)
Gjerstad Mørkhøgda Pegmatite Bjørlykke (1934)
Iveland Frikstad Litjern (Frikstad 02) Breivik et al. (2008)
Håverstad Håverstad 4 Feldspar Quarry (Tuten 2) Frigstad (1968)
Landås ? [Hydroxycalciomicrolite] Bjørlykke (1933) +1 other reference
Beinmyr Feldspar Quarries (Landås 07 Quarries) Landås 07h Feldspar Prospect (Beinmyr 8) Stensrud (2009)
Landås 01 Feldspar Quarry Bjørlykke (1933)
Ljosland Storsynken (Ljosland 10 Feldspar Quarry) Bjørlykke (1934) +1 other reference
Mølland Rostadheia Neumann (1960)
Rossås Rossås 05 Feldspar Quarry Frigstad (1968)
Solås Pegmatite Neumann (1985) +1 other reference
Akershus Nesodden Spro pegmatite Raade (1965)
Bouvet Island Imsland et al. (1977) +4 other references
Nordland Alstahaug Sandnessjøen Botn Sandnessjøen Pegmatite Nordrum et al. (1999)
Hamarøy Drag Erlinggruva Husdal (2008)
Jennyhaugen Neumann (1985)
Meløy Holandsfjorden Ågskardet LCT Pegmatite Kristiansen (1972) +2 other references
Narvik Stetind pegmatite Husdal (2008)
Østfold Halden Idd Aspedammen Herrebøkasa Sørlie (2003)
Moss Dillingøya (Dillingö) Hattvik Feldspar Quarry ? Brøgger (1906)
Telemark Drangedal Tørdal Heftetjern pegmatite Bergstøl et al. (1988)
Høydalen Oftedal (1943) +1 other reference
Troms og Finnmark Tjeldsund Tjeldøya Kjerstadfjellet Tjeldøya Pegmatite Lindahl. I. (1990)
Vestfold Larvik Tjølling Håkestad Håkestad Quarry Engvoldsen et al. (1991)
Pacific Ocean
Emperor Seamounts doi.org/10.1093/petrology/44.1.113 +5 other references
Magellan Seamounts Govorov Guyot Peretyazhko et al. (2022)
Gilgit-Baltistan Roundu District Haramosh Mts. Stak Nala Canadian Mineralogist +1 other reference
Shigar District Basha Valley Bisil Dudley Blauwet
Braldu Valley Chhappu Dudley Blauwet (2004)
Dassu Canadian Mineralogist
Nyet Nyet Bruk Dudley Blauwet (2004)
Shigar Valley [Fluornatromicrolite] Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Skardu Area imported from Shigar District +2 other references
La Libertad Santiago de Chuco Province Quiruvilca District Quiruvilca Mine Lewis (1956)
Luzon Bicol Region Albay Province Mayon Volcano Ruth et al. (2021)
Lower Silesian Voivodeship Dzierżoniów County Piława Górna DSS Piława Górna Quarry PIECZKA et al. 2010: Nb-Ta minerals in ...
Julianna pegmatite SZUSZKIEWICZ et al. (2013) +1 other reference
Lithium pegmatite Pieczka et al. (2012)
Karkonosze County Gmina Podgórzyn Zachełmie Rudzianki pegmatite Matyszczak (2018)
Wrocław County Gmina Jordanów Śląski Jordanów nephrite quarry Pieczka et al. (2024)
Jordanów serpentinite quarry Pieczka et al. (2024)
Ząbkowice Śląskie County Gmina Ząbkowice Śląskie Szklary Mt. Szklana Mine (Szklary pegmatite) Pieczka (2006) +3 other references
Azores Terceira Weston (1964) +6 other references
Braga Vieira do Minho Anjos e Vilar do Chão Muro Alto Mine Eastern pegmatite Dias et al. (2009)
Western pegmatite Dias et al. (2009)
Castelo Branco Idanha-a-Nova União de Freg de Segura e Zebreira Segura Mines (Segura mining field) Antunes et al. (2013)
Guarda Guarda Gonçalo Neiva et al. (2000) +2 other references
Alvarrões Mine António Monteiro collection
Porto Amarante Rebordelo Vieiros Mines Maijer 1965
Harghita County Ditrău Complex Hirtopanu (2006)
Chelyabinsk Oblast Kartalinsky District Zhabyk-Karagay massif Annenskoye pegmatite field Lepidolite vein [Oxystibiomicrolite] Popova et al. (2010)
Miass Pit No. 418 Sorokina et al. (2019)
Irkutsk Oblast Vishnyakovskoe Rb-Ta deposit (Elash) USGS Open File Report 2005-1252 p38 +1 other reference
Komi Republic Timan Range Chetlasskiy Kamen' Nedosekova et al. (2021)
Kosyu occurrence Nedosekova et al. (2021)
Murmansk Oblast Gremyakha-Vyrmes Massif Liferovich et al. (2006)
Kolsky District Shongui deposit [Hydroxycalciomicrolite] Zozulya et al. (2024)
Kovdorsky District Kovdor Massif Ivanyuk et al. (2017) +1 other reference
Kovdor Zheleznyi Mine Mikhailova et al. (2015)
Lovozersky District Karnasurt Mountain Yubileinaya pegmatite D’yachkov et al. (2022)
Keivy Mountains Western Keivy Massif Ploskaya Mt Voloshin A.V. et al. (1986)
West Keivy Block Rovgora Mountain (Rov-gora) Pekov et al. (2008)
Kontozero carbonatite Petrovsky et al. (2012)
Voron'i Tundry Polmos deposit Zozulya et al. (2024)
Vasin-Myl'k Mt Anthony et al. (1997) +2 other references
Primorsky Krai Khorolsky District Voznesenskii ore district Pervomaisky deposit Ryazantseva (2001)
Republic of Karelia Prionezhsky District Yalguba Ridge Svetov et al. (2023)
Sakha Kildyam volcano complex Kostin (2021)
Olenyoksky District Kuoikskoe field Obnazhennaya pipe Ugapeva et al. (2023)
Verkhoyansk District Yana River Basin Yana-Adycha Region Arga-Ynnakh-Khaya granite Massif Kester harpolith Kester deposit Alekseev et al. (2023)
Sverdlovsk Oblast Malyshevo Izumrudnye Kopi area Krasnoarmeiskii mine [Hydroxycalciomicrolite] Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data (2012)
Prigorodny District Yuzhakovo Alabashka pegmatite field Kazennitsa vein (Kazionnitsa) webcenter.ru (2002)
Mokrusha Mine [Fluornatromicrolite] Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Rezhevsky District Lipovsk pegmatite field Lipovka Mine (Lipovskoe Mine; Lipovskaya Mine; Lipovaya Mine) Igor.V. Pekov (2008)
Tuva Erzinsky District Tastyg Spodumene deposit USGS Open File Report 2005-1252 p87 +2 other references
Zabaykalsky Krai Aginsky District Orlovka - (n.d.) +2 other references
Baleysky District Etyka - (n.d.) +1 other reference
Khiloksky District Orlovskoye Thomas et al. (2009)
Orlovskoye mine Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Krasnochikoysky District Krasnyi Chikoy Malkhan pegmatite field Fialova et al. (2013)
Danburitovaya pegmatite vein Grant (2001)
Solnechnaya pegmatite [Fluornatromicrolite] Kasatkin et al. (2020)
Western Province Ngororero District Gatumba Gatumba pegmatite field Pohl et al. (2013)
Muhororo Buranga pegmatite Bertossa (1968) +1 other reference
Rusororo pegmatite Bertossa
Banská Bystrica Region Banská Bystrica District Brusno Sopotnická Valley Uher
Bratislava Region Bratislava Bratislava IV Devín Jezuitské Lesy Chudík et al. (2009)
Pezinok District Limbach Limbach Brook Uher et al. (2006)
Pezinok Slnečné Valley Alluvial placers Uher et al. (n.d.)
Košice Region Rožňava District Dobšiná Dobšiná mining district Malá Vlčia Valley pegmatite vein [Hydroxycalciomicrolite] Uher P. et al. (2018)
Gemerská Poloma Koděra (1986)
Trenčín Region Prievidza District Jalovec Ráztočno pegmatite Uher (stredné Slovensko)
Liešťany Granitic pegmatite Uher P. et al. (2020)
Trnava Region Piešťany District Moravany nad Váhom Uher et al. (Považský Inovec)
Striebornica Uher P. +1 other reference
South Africa
KwaZulu-Natal King Cetshwayo District Municipality Eshowe Cairncross et al. (1995)
Limpopo Mopani District Municipality Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality Murchison Range Cairncross et al. (1995)
Northern Cape Namakwa District Municipality Nama Khoi Local Municipality Steinkopf Groendoorn IV pegmatite Cairncross et al. (1995)
Jakkalswater (Jackal's Water; Noumas I pegmatite; Blesberg mine) Baldwin (1989)
Kokerboomrand pegmatite Baldwin (1994)
Noumas I (Blesberg) pegmatite Baldwin (1994)
South Korea
Jeju Province Lee (ed) +7 other references
Canary Islands Las Palmas Province Fuerteventura Fuerteventura Basal Complex Esquinzo ultra-alkaline complex Casillas et al. (2024)
Castile and Leon Salamanca Villar de la Yegua Barquilla Sn-Ge-Cd-Cu-Fe Deposit Pascua et al. (1997)
Fuentes Villanas Mine Pascua et al. (1997)
Catalonia Girona Cadaqués Cap de Creus Pura Alfonso - J. C. Melgarejo et al. (2000)
El Port de la Selva & locality references +1 other reference
Galicia Lugo Viveiro Ponte Segade deposit Canosa et al. (2011) +1 other reference
Ourense Viana do Bolo Penouta mines Guldris Leon +13 other references
Valencian Community Valencia Cofrentes Cofrentes volcanic occurrences Ancochea et al. (1984) +1 other reference
Sri Lanka
Dalarna County Falun Kårarvet Am Min 64
Nya Kårarvet [Yttromicrolite (of Hogarth)] Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data (2013)
Norrbotten County Gällivare Leipojärvi Suorravaara [Hydrokenomicrolite] Analysis by the Swedish Museum of ...
Stockholm County Haninge Utö Utö Mines Langhof et al. (1998)
Grundberg outcrop Selway et al. (2002)
Nyköpingsgruvan Selway et al. (2002)
Västerbotten County Skellefteå Skellefte mining district Åkerberg mine Grensman et al. (1991) +1 other reference
Varuträsk Mineralogical Magazine 1963 33 : 458-466 +1 other reference
Västmanland County Norberg Häste ore field Stripåsen pegmatite
Västra Götaland County Orust Timmerhult
Vänersborg Väne Ryr Gundlebo Otter (1989)
Skuleboda The Swedish Museum of Natural History ...
Grisons Maloja Region Bregaglia Upper Val Bregaglia Val Forno Muretto Valley Muretto Pass Stalder et al. (1998)
Moesa Region Grono Verdabbio Piani di Verdabbio "Silvano Turati' Collection"
San Vittore Monticello Maiò Valley [Fluorcalciomicrolite] Stefan Wolsfried collection
Phuket Province Sinpatana mine Econ Geol (1995)
TorSoong mine Econ Geol (1995)
Balikesir Province Bigadiç District Tumanpınarı deposit Gultekin et al. (2016)
Çanakkale Province Çan District Hamamtepe silica site Ercan et al. (2022)
Gaziantep Province Şehitkamil District Ortaklar deposit Yıldırım et al. (2016)
Central Region Wakiso Busiro Co. (Bushiro Co.) Wampewo Hill von Knorring et al. (1979)
Nampeyo Uganda Geological Survey Bull. 4
Western Region Kanungu Bulema Mine Gallagher (1967)
England Devon West Devon Okehampton Hamlets Meldon Aplite Quarry Knorring et al. (1984) +1 other reference
Meldon Quarry Day (1999)
Zaporizhia Oblast Berdyansk Raion Middle Berda River Rodionovskoe pegmatite field Krutaya Balka pegmatite Shatalov (2017)
Alabama Coosa County Rockford Mining District McCallister pegmatite Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 27 (1989)
Arizona Mohave County Blue Bird prospect (Bountiful Beryl prospect) Schaller et al. (1962)
Yavapai County White Picacho Mining District Independence Gulch Midnight Owl Mine Jahns (1952) +1 other reference
Picacho View Mine Jahns (1952) +1 other reference
San Domingo Wash Outpost Mine Jahns (1952) +2 other references
California Riverside County Cahuilla Mining District Little Cahuilla Mountain Fano Mine (Big Pink claim; Fano-Simmons Mine; Little Blue claim; MS 4800; Simmons Mine) Cal Div of Mines & Geo Bulletin 189 " ...
Jurupa Valley Jurupa Mountains Jensen Quarry DeVito et al. (1984)
San Diego County Mesa Grande Mining District Gem Hill Himalaya Mine Fisher (2002)
San Diego Mine Foord et al. (1978)
Pala Mining District Jahns et al. (1951)
Pala Tourmaline Queen Mountain (Pala Mtn; Queen Mtn) Stewart Mine Jahns et al. (1951)
Tourmaline King Mine Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 179. +3 other references
Tourmaline Queen Mine San Diego Mining Company
Ramona Mining District Ramona Little Three Mine Foord et al. (1989)
Warner Springs Mining District Chihuahua Valley Carmelita Mine (Big Spring mine; Blue Gem claim; Crest Gem mine; Elinor deposit; Elinor mine; Estudillo mine; French Pete mine; MS 6130; Peter Cabat mine) San Diego Mining Company
Warner Springs Cryo-Genie Mine (Cryogenie Mine; Cindy B-Cryogenie claim; Lost Valley Truck Trail prospect) [Fluornatromicrolite] Timothy Sherburn collection
Colorado Chaffee County Mt Antero Beryl Gem Claims - (2005)
Clear Creek County Bald Mountain Upper Bear Creek Bald Mountain pegmatite (Evans Ranch) Eckel et al. (1997)
Grover Mine (Grover pegmatite; Windsor) Eckel et al. (1997)
El Paso County Cheyenne Mining District (St. Peters Dome Mining District) St Peters Dome Eckel et al. (1997)
Mount Rosa Eckel et al. (1997)
Pikes Peak Sentinel rock (Specimen rock) Eckel et al. (1997)
Fremont County Eight Mile Park Pegmatite Mining District Eckel et al. (1997)
Texas Creek Area Chief lithium pegmatite Eckel et al. (1997)
Gunnison County Little Katherine Mine (Bazooka Mine) Meeves et al. (1966)
Quartz Creek Mining District J. B. W. claim Eckel et al. (1997)
Quartz Creek Pegmatite Mining District Bazooka Hanley et al. (1950) +1 other reference
Brown Derby Mine Rocks & Min.: 24:233-234. +5 other references
Brown Derby No. 1 USGS Proffesional Paper 265 +1 other reference
Brown Derby No. 5 Mine USGS Proffesional Paper 265 +3 other references
Opportunity Mine Pearl +3 other references
White Spar No. 1 Mine USGS Proffesional Paper 265 +2 other references
White Spar No. 2 Mine USGS Proffesional Paper 265 +1 other reference
Jefferson County Clear Creek pegmatite Province Burroughs Mine (Traut-Rudin-Anderson Pegmatite; Sunrise Peak Mine) Meeves et al. (1966)
East Shaffer Hill pegmatite Meeves et al. (1966)
Old Soda Creek School Pegmatite - (2005)
Silver Glen Ranch Mine - (2005)
Soda Creek School Mine (Soda Creek School pegmatite) Meeves et al. (1966)
Swede - Kerr Gulches Pegmatites Eckel et al. (1997)
South Platte Pegmatite Mining District White Cloud pegmatite Meeves et al. (1966)
Swede Gulch pegmatite Eckel et al. (1997)
Teller County Black Cloud Mine Meeves et al. (1966)
Connecticut Fairfield County Redding (Reading) Branchville Fillow Quarry (Branchville Quarry; Branchville Mica Mine; Smith Mine) Januzzi (1994)
Hartford County Glastonbury East Glastonbury Brack Gem prospect (Brack prospect) Rocks & Min.: 70:398
South Glastonbury Chamberlain Lane Moritz (n.d.)
Hollister prospects Schooner (1958) +1 other reference
Howe Quarry (Howe #1 Quarry; Huspband Quarry) ? Betts (1999)
Simpson prospect #1 Tony Albini Collection
Simpson Quarry (Wiarda Quarry) Weber et al. (1995) +1 other reference
Litchfield County Watertown State Route 8 unspecified roadcut [1] Bill Barret Coll. Specimen
Middlesex County East Hampton (Chatham) Anderson No. 1 Mica Mine (Swanson Mine; Swanson Lithia Mine; Old Lithia Mine; Chatham Lithia Mine) Ralph Lieser of Pappy’s Beryl Shop +2 other references
Becker Quarry Schooner (1958, 1961) +1 other reference
Slocum prospect Schooner (1958 and 1961)
Haddam Chrysoberyl locality Shepard (1870)
Haddam Neck Gillette Quarry (J-J Mine; Haddam Neck Quarry) Mineralogical Magazine 1902 13 : 97-121. +3 other references
Hewitt Gem Quarry (Herb's Gem Quarry; Sawmill Quarry) Seaman (1976)
Long Hill prospects (Turkey Hill prospects) Moritz (n.d.)
Middletown White Rock Mining District Riverside Quarry (Western Quarry) Moritz (n.d.)
White Rocks Quarry (Consolidated Quarry) Moritz (n.d.) +2 other references
Portland Collins Hill Hale-Walker prospects ? Januzzi et al. (1976)
Strickland pegmatite Strickland Quarry Ralph Lieser of Pappy’s Beryl Shop +4 other references
Hale Quarry (Andrews Quarry; Glastonbury Quarry) King (n.d.)
Walden Gem Quarry Rocks & Min.: 70:403 +2 other references
Maine Androscoggin County Auburn East Mount Apatite Mining District Greenlaw Quarry
Maine Feldspar Quarry
West Mount Apatite Mining District Pulsifer Quarry & Dionne extension
Poland Berry-Havey Quarry (Havey Quarry; Berry Quarry) King et al. (1994) +1 other reference
Cumberland County Brunswick LaChance Quarry Thompson et al. (1998)
Franklin County D Township Bemis Stream prospect W. B. Thompson et al. (2005)
Oxford County Buckfield Bennett Quarry [Fluornatromicrolite] King (2000)
Greenwood Noyes Mountain Quarry (Harvard Quarry) King et al. (1994)
Newry Dunton Gem Quarry King et al. (1994) +1 other reference
Nevel Quarry King et al. (1994) +1 other reference
Rose Quartz crystal locality (Pegmatite 24) King et al. (1994) +1 other reference
Paris Mount Marie Quarries
Mount Mica Quarry King et al. (1994) +1 other reference
Rumford Black Mountain Quarry
Stoneham Lord Hill Quarry (Lord Hill Mine) King et al. (1994)
Sagadahoc County Topsham Fisher Quarry Clara Brennan et al. (2016)
Maryland Montgomery County Wheaton Kensington Mica Mine (Gilmore Mine; B. H. Warner Mine) ? Ref.: Minerals in the Washington D.C. ...
Massachusetts Hampden County Blandford Blandford mica mines ? "Western Massachusetts Mineral ...
Hampshire County Chesterfield Clark Ledge pegmatite locality (FRL) Shepard
Michigan Dickinson County Randville Unnamed Pegmatite quarry ("Groveland" pegmatite) Buchholz et al. (2014)
Marquette County Republic Black River pegmatite Buchholz et al. (2013)
Nevada Mineral County Fitting Mining District Gillis Range Zapot Pegmatite Foord et al. (1999)
New Hampshire Carroll County Albany Government pit Rocks&Min. 67:158-168
Grafton County Bethlehem North Sugarloaf Mountain locality Rocks & Minerals Vol.65 No.4
Groton Charles Davis Mine ? Wilken
New Mexico Lincoln County Capitan Mountains Capitan Mining District Mina Tiro Estrella Wilson et al. (1977)
Mora County Pidlite deposit Northrop et al. (1996) +1 other reference
Rio Arriba County Petaca Mining District Michael N. Spilde et al. (2011) +1 other reference
Cribbenville area Nambe deposit Jahns (1946)
Rociada Mining District Northrop et al. (1996)
Taos County Picuris District Harding Mine Richard Jahns +1 other reference
New York Manchester (1931)
New York City John H. Betts (2009)
North Carolina Mitchell County McHone Mine pegmatite Wise et al. (2009) +1 other reference
Spruce Pine Crabtree Mine Tappen et al. (2006)
Greasy Creek Township Wiseman Mine (Old Mart Wiseman Mine; Sullins-Wiseman Mine) Rocks and Minerals +1 other reference
McKinney Mine (Power Mill Creek Mine) Warner et al. (2009)
Yancey County Burnsville Hurricane Mountain Ray Mica Mine "Mineralogy and History of the Ray Mica ...
Pennsylvania Delaware County Middletown Township Elwyn Mineral Hill Crump's Quarry Gordon's Mineralogy of Pennsylvania (1922)
Feldspar Quarry Gordon (1922)
South Dakota Custer County Custer Mining District Custer Shamrock No. 1 Lode Mine - (2005)
Fourmile Tin Mountain Mine Rocks & Minerals: 60: 117-118. +5 other references
Pennington County Harney City Wood Tin mine Smith et al. (2000)
Keystone Mining District Keystone Bob Ingersoll Mine Rocks & Min.:10:147 & 60:112 +1 other reference
Peerless Mine Černý et al. (1985)
White Cap Mine Meeves et al. (1966)
Texas Burnet County Cactus Jack pegmatite Self-collected by Franklin Roberts.
Virginia Amelia County Amelia (Amelia Court House) [Fluorcalciomicrolite] Palache et al. (1940)
Champion Mine (Jefferson No. 4 Mine; Bland Mine) Am Min 50:231-235 +1 other reference
Rutherford Mines Rocks & Min.: 60: 165. +5 other references
Chula James Madison University museum ...
Winterham Morefield Mine (Morefield pegmatite) Richards et al. (1998) +1 other reference
Powhatan County Flat Rock Herbb No. 2 Mine Dietrich (1990)
Prince Edward County Darlington Heights State Road 665 Roadcut Dietrich (1990)
Spotsylvania County Brokenburg Edenton Mine Dietrich (1990)
Wisconsin Dodge County Waterloo quarry (Michels Materials Waterloo quarry; Portland Quarry) Buchholz et al. (2007) +1 other reference
Florence County Fern Pine River pegmatites Alexander Falster et al. (2018)
Animikie Red Ace pegmatite Falster et al. (1996)
Marathon County Wausau Intrusive Complex Falster (1981) +1 other reference
"Rotten granite" quarries Falster (1987)
Nine Mile pluton Charneski pit (Ladick East pit) Buchholz et al. (2002)
Koss pit www.uwrf.edu/~wc01
Copperbelt Province Lufwanyama District Kafubu emerald mining district Wilson et al. (2010)
Harare Enterprise tin field Patronage claim Southern Rhodesia Geological Survey (1959)
Pope tantalum mine Southern Rhodesia Geological Survey (1959)
Unnamed greisen locality - (2011)
Manicaland Chimanimani District Gallagher (1967)
Mashonaland Central Mazowe District Mistress Mine Ackermann et al. (1968)
Thorny Mine Chester S. Lemanski
Mashonaland East Goromonzi District Pope claims Anonymous (1995)
Mudzi District Benson Mine Hornung. G. PhD thesis. Pegmatites of ...
Benson No. 1 pegmatite Ackermann et al. (1968)
Benson No. 2 pegmatite Ackermann et al. (1968)
Benson No. 3 pegmatite Mineralogical Magazine 1963 33 : 458-466 +1 other reference
Benson No. 4 pegmatite Ackermann et al. (1968)
Donsa pegmatite Gallagher (1967)
UMP District (Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe District) American Mineralogist
Masvingo Bikita District Al Hayat claim Mineralogical Magazine 1946 27 : 157-165
Bikita pegmatite Černý et al. (2003)