Nitratine (original) (raw)


Colourless, white, lightly tinted by impurities (red-brown, grey, yellowish); colourless in transmitted light


In allusion to the composition, being a NITRATe.

Nitratine, sodium nitrate, is found as an efflorescence in hot dry regions.


Colourless, white, lightly tinted by impurities (red-brown, grey, yellowish); colourless in transmitted light


On {1011} perfect; on {0112} and {0001} reported as imperfect.


Twin gliding noted with K1 {0112}, K2 {0111}.

RI values:

_n_ω = 1.330 - 1.336 _n_ε = 1.580 - 1.587

δ = 0.250

Image shows birefringence interference colour range (at 30µm thickness)
and does not take into account mineral colouration.

Class (H-M):

3_m_ _(_32/m ) - Hexagonal Scalenohedral

Cell Parameters:

a = 5.06 Å, c = 16.82 Å

Unit Cell V:

372.96 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


Crystals rhombohedral {1011}. Massive granular, incrustations.


1. On {0112}, often elongated along the common rhombohedral edge; 2. On {0001}, as penetration twins; 3. On {0221}, as aggregates of three or six individuals at times; 4. On {1011}, rare.

Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
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ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0009441 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009442 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009443 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009444 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009445 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009446 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009447 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009448 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009449 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009450 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009451 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009452 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009453 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0009454 Nitratine Paul G L, Pryor A W (1972) The study of sodium nitrate by neutron diffraction Acta Crystallographica B28 2700-2702 1972 synthetic 0 293
0012858 Nitratine Ahtee M, Nurmela M, Suortti P, Jarvinen M (1989) Correction for preferred orientation in Rietveld refinement Journal of Applied Crystallography 22 261-268 1989 0 293
0017935 Nitratine Elliott N (1937) A Redetermination of the Carbon - Oxygen Distance in Calcite and the Nitrogen - Oxygen Distance in Sodium Nitrate _cod_database_code 1011029 Journal of the American Chemical Society 59 1380-1382 1937 0 293

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Radiation - Copper Kα

Data courtesy of RRUFF project at University of Arizona, used with permission.

Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
3.03 Å (100)
2.311 Å (25)
2.81 Å (16)
1.898 Å (16)
2.53 Å (10)
2.125 Å (10)
1.880 Å (8)


Synthetic. The data are from Swanson et al. (1956).

Thermal Behaviour:

Melting Point 306.8°C. Thermal conductivity greatest parallel to [0001].


Slightly deliquescent. Readily soluble in water.

Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Buenos Aires Province Coronel Suaréz D'Orbigny D'Orbigny meteorite (2014)
San Salvador District San Salvador Island San Salvador caves Onac B.P. et al. (2001) +1 other reference
Saskatchewan North lngebright Lake Shang (2000)
Antofagasta Antofagasta Province Canchas Oficina Santa Luisa Konnert et al. (1994)
Sierra Gorda [AmMIn 85:1843]
Caracoles mining district Caracoles San Francisco Mine Wet Chemical by Gerhard Möhn
La Vendida Mine Samples analysed by Dr. Jochen Schluter
Oficina Chacabuco Cooper et al. (1998)
Pampa Unión mine British Natural History Museum online ...
Oficina Lautaro Uwe Kolitsch (SXRD analysis)
Reventon District Paposo Yumbes Mine (Pampa Yumbes)
El Loa Province Calama Chuquicamata District Chuquicamata Mine R.B. Cook: "Famous mineal locality +2 other references
Tocopilla Province María Elena Oficina María Elena (n.d.)
Maria Elena Mine Collao et al. (2002)
Pedro de Valdivia Mine Marta et al. (1996)
Salar de Miraje RRUFF Specimen ID: R060822
Santa Ana Mine (Chapacase Mine) samples analysed by Gerhard Mohn and ...
Atacama Chañaral Province Caballo Muerto mining district Rio de la Sal quarry Samples analysed by Dr. Jochen Schlüter (Hamburg University)
Tarapacá (TL) Nat. Bur. Standards Circ. 539/6 (1956)
Iquique Province Iquique Chanabaya Pabellón de Pica Chukanov et al. (2015) +1 other reference
Punta de Lobos Nestola et al. (2012)
Zapiga deposit Konnert et al. (1994)
Tamarugal Province Huara Vandall King
Oficina Victoria Alianza Mine (Rajo No. 13) Ericksen et al. (1989)
Oficina Virginia British Natural History Museum online ...
Pozo Almonte Cala Cala mine collected by Reynaldo Contreira
Cerro Challacollo Lolón Main Mine maurzi
Soledad mine Personally collected by Reynaldo ...
Xinjiang Bayin'gholin Autonomous Prefecture Ruoqiang Co. (Qakilik Co.; Chaqiliq Co.) Dawadi salt lake Yanling Tang (2005)
Hami Prefecture (Kumul Prefecture; Qumul Prefecture) Yizhou District Sha'er nitrate deposit Yanling Tang (2005)
Turpan Gaochang District Turfan basin (Turpan basin) Huoyanshan Bingxiao Li (1992)
Shanshan Co. Kanggur-Xifengshan gold belt Kanggu'er Au deposit (Kanggur Au deposit; Kangur Au deposit; Kanggul Au deposit; Kanggur Tag Au deposit; Kanggu'ertage Au deposit) Zhaoxin Han et al. (2004) +1 other reference
Kumtag basin Heishanwei prospect Guoqing Liu et al. (2005) +1 other reference
Czech Republic
Ústí nad Labem Region Děčín District Pravčice rock arch Varilová et al. (2011)
Giza Governorate Black Desert El Bahariya Depression Salama et al. (2012)
Rhineland-Palatinate Vulkaneifel Daun Üdersdorf Hasenberg quarry Hentschel (2014) +1 other reference
Apulia Metropolitan City of Bari Molfetta Pulo di Molfetta Ferdinando and Carolina Caves Zimmerman E.A.G. (1789) +2 other references
Emilia-Romagna Parma Province Berceto Corchia mine Rio Bassi Stope Adorni F. (1997)
Lazio Metropolitan City of Rome Capital Campagnano di Roma S. Angelo Mount Stoppani et al. (1982)
Veneto Metropolitan City of Venice Venice Santa Maria dei Miracoli De Vecchi et al. (pp. 417-443)
Tochigi Prefecture Utsunomiya City Ohya mine (Oya mine; Ohya quarry) Akira Kato (1973)
Hunedoara County Domogled - Cernei Valley National Park Limestone caves Onac (2009)
South Africa
Western Cape West Coast District Municipality Cederberg Local Municipality Diepkloof Rock Shelter Miller et al. (2013)
Basque Country Biscay Karrantza Harana/Valle de Carranza Pozalagua Cave Martínez-Arkarazo et al. (2007)
Western Region Kasese Katwe-Kikorongo volcanic field (Katwe volcanic field) Katwe Crater Lake Kasedde et al. (2014)
Crimea Nesterovskiy et al. (2015)
Bakhchysarai Skalistoye Bakla Mountain Dvoichenko P.A. The minerals of Crimea (1914)
Kerch Peninsula Bondarenkovo Village area Bulganak mud volcano field Deyak M.A. Modern water-chemogenic ...
Alabama Calhoun County Weaver Station Lady Cave Cook et al. (1982)
Morgan County Trinity Trinity Cave Cook et al. (1982)
Arizona Cochise County Saint David area Luetcke (n.d.)
Maricopa County Superstition Mts (Superstition Range) Anthony et al. (1995)
Mohave County Artillery Mountains Artillery Peak Unnamed Nitrate occurrence [1] Galbraith (1959)
Pinal County Gila River Indian Reservation Santa Cruz Wash Wilson (1969) +1 other reference
California Imperial County Niland Davis–Schrimpf Fumarole Field (Mud Volcanoes area; Mud Pots area) Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +4 other references
Salton Sea Mullet Island F2 fumarole field Sulfur Hill Adams et al. (2014)
Inyo County Amargosa Valley Ericksen et al. (1988)
Badwater Basin Bailey (1902) +1 other reference
China Ranch (Morrison Ranch) Upper Canyon Nitrate deposit (Upper Canyon Niter beds; Nitre Beds; Upper Canyon beds) Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +4 other references
Confidence claim Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +3 other references
Confidence Hills
Dublin Hills Shoshone Unnamed Nitrate-Borate deposits Noble (1931) +1 other reference
Furnace Creek Furnace Creek Nitrate fields Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +3 other references
Old lake shorelines Bailey (1902) +1 other reference
Ratcliff claim Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +3 other references
Zabriskie claim Noble et al. (1922) +1 other reference
Merced County Merced Bottom Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +4 other references
Riverside County Orocopia Mts (Dos Palmas Mts) Dos Palmas District Big Bullet Manganese claims (Big Bullett deposit; Big Bullett claims) Kohler-Antablin (1994)
Pinto Mountain Cow Bell Mine (Joel Mine) Kohler-Antablin (1994)
Vivet Eye Vivet Eye area nitrate deposits Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +4 other references
San Bernardino County Barstow Syncline Nitrate field Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +3 other references
Beal Nitrate field Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +3 other references
Calico Mts (Calico Hills) Calico District (Daggett District; Calico-Daggett area) Williams et al. (1883) +1 other reference
Coolgardie Mining District Coolgardie Lake Nitrate field Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +3 other references
Leach Lake Nitrate Field Noble (1931) +2 other references
Lower Canyon Nitrate field Noble (1931) +2 other references
Owlshead Mountains Owl Hole Springs Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +3 other references
Saratoga Nitrate field Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +3 other references
Slate Range Pilot Nitrate field (Pilot beds) Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +3 other references
Twentynine Palms Mining District Twentynine Palms Twentynine Palms Nitrate field Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +2 other references
Vidal Valley Vidal Vidal Nitrate field Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +2 other references
Ward Valley Salt Marsh (Saltmarsh) Danby Dry Lake Danby Lake Nitrate field Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +2 other references
West Well Nitrate field Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 342. +2 other references
Tulare County Tulare Hilgard (1892) +2 other references
Colorado Mesa County Plateau Canyon Eckel et al. (1997)
Weld County Unnamed coal mine Zielinski et al. (2001)
Death Valley National Park Palache et al. (1951) +1 other reference
Idaho Owyhee County Homedale Palache et al. (1951) +1 other reference
Kentucky Anderson (1994)
Edmonson County Mammoth Cave National Park Mammoth Cave
Missouri Iron County Bixby Magmont Mine - (2005)
Nevada Churchill County Lake Mining District Niter Butte Palache et al. (1951) +1 other reference
Clark County Spring Mountains Charleston Mining District Charleston Castor et al. (2004)
Washoe County Leadville Mining District Grass Valley Creek Castor et al. (2004)
Pah Rah Range (Pah Rah Mts) Olinghouse Mining District (White Horse Mining District) Frank Free Canyon (Lower Olinghouse placer) Econ Geol (1994)
White Pine County Snake Range Cathedral Cave M.C. Osborne and C.N. Jass (2008)
New Mexico Doña Ana County Organ Mountains Organ Mining District Northrop et al. (1996)
Hidalgo County Rodeo area Northrop et al. (1996)
Luna County Cookes Peak Mining District Northrop et al. (1996)
Socorro County NSS Bull. 43:127-132
Socorro Peak Mining District Northrop et al. (1996)
Valencia County Correo area Northrop et al. (1996)
Texas Brewster County Aqua Fria Mountain American Mineralogist (1926) +1 other reference
Presidio County Capote Creek Mine Price (1983)
Unspecified Caves Franco Urbani (2009)