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ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0001458 Armenite Armbruster T, Czank M (1992) H2O ordering and superstructures in armenite, BaCa2Al6Si9O30.2H2O: A single-crystal X-ray and TEM study sample from Remigny, Quebec, Canada American Mineralogist 77 422-430 1992 0 293
0002054 Armenite Armbruster T (1999) Si,Al ordering in the double-ring silicate armenite, BaCa2Al6Si9O30.2H2O: A single-crystal X-ray and 29Si MAS NMR study American Mineralogist 84 92-101 1999 0 293
0001158 Brannockite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structures of sugilite and brannockite American Mineralogist 73 595-600 1988 0 293
0001159 Brannockite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structures of sugilite and brannockite American Mineralogist 73 595-600 1988 0 293
0013386 Chayesite Nguyen N, Choisnet J, Raveau B (1980) Silicates synthetiques a structure milarite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 34 1-9 1980 synthetic 0 293
0014509 Chayesite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Capedri S, Poppi L (1994) The roedderite-chayesite series from Spanish lamproites: crystal chemical characterization Mineralogical Magazine 58 655-662 1994 Cancarix, Albacete province, Spain 0 293
0014511 Chayesite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Capedri S, Poppi L (1994) The roedderite-chayesite series from Spanish lamproites: crystal chemical characterization Mineralogical Magazine 58 655-662 1994 Cancarix, Albacete province, Spain 0 293
0014512 Chayesite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Capedri S, Poppi L (1994) The roedderite-chayesite series from Spanish lamproites: crystal chemical characterization Mineralogical Magazine 58 655-662 1994 Cancarix, Albacete province, Spain 0 293
0005605 Darapiosite Ferraris G, Prencipe M, Puatov L A, Sokolova E V (1999) The crystal structure of darapiosite and a comparison with Li- and Zn-bearing minerals of the milarite group The Canadian Mineralogist 37 769-774 1999 0 293
0013387 Eifelite Nguyen N, Choisnet J, Raveau B (1980) Silicates synthetiques a structure milarite Journal of Solid State Chemistry 34 1-9 1980 synthetic 0 293
0009423 Merrihueite Khan A A, Baur W H, Forbes W C (1972) Synthetic magnesian merrihueite, dipotassium pentamagnesium dodecasilicate: a tetrahedral magnesiosilicate framework crystal structure Acta Crystallographica B28 267-272 1972 synthetic 0 293
0001415 Milarite Hawthorne F C, Kimata M, Cerny P, Ball N A, Rossman G R, Grice J D (1991) The crystal chemistry of the milarite-group minerals sample #25 from Guanajuato American Mineralogist 76 1836-1856 1991 0 293
0001416 Milarite Hawthorne F C, Kimata M, Cerny P, Ball N A, Rossman G R, Grice J D (1991) The crystal chemistry of the milarite-group minerals sample #33 from Tittling American Mineralogist 76 1836-1856 1991 0 293
0001417 Milarite Hawthorne F C, Kimata M, Cerny P, Ball N A, Rossman G R, Grice J D (1991) The crystal chemistry of the milarite-group minerals sample #35 from east Siberia American Mineralogist 76 1836-1856 1991 0 293
0001418 Milarite Hawthorne F C, Kimata M, Cerny P, Ball N A, Rossman G R, Grice J D (1991) The crystal chemistry of the milarite-group minerals sample #30 from Rossing American Mineralogist 76 1836-1856 1991 0 293
0001419 Milarite Hawthorne F C, Kimata M, Cerny P, Ball N A, Rossman G R, Grice J D (1991) The crystal chemistry of the milarite-group minerals sample #36 from Jaguaracu American Mineralogist 76 1836-1856 1991 0 293
0001420 Milarite Hawthorne F C, Kimata M, Cerny P, Ball N A, Rossman G R, Grice J D (1991) The crystal chemistry of the milarite-group minerals sample #37 from Strange Lake American Mineralogist 76 1836-1856 1991 0 293
0005174 Milarite Cerny P, Hawthorne F C, Jarosewich E (1980) Crystal chemistry of milarite The Canadian Mineralogist 18 41-57 1980 Kings Mt., North Carolina, USA 0 293
0005175 Milarite Cerny P, Hawthorne F C, Jarosewich E (1980) Crystal chemistry of milarite The Canadian Mineralogist 18 41-57 1980 Vezna west, Czechoslovakia 0 293
0005176 Milarite Cerny P, Hawthorne F C, Jarosewich E (1980) Crystal chemistry of milarite The Canadian Mineralogist 18 41-57 1980 Vezna west, Czechoslovakia 0 293
0006356 Milarite Armbruster T, Bermanec V, Wenger M, Oberhansli R (1989) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structure of natural and dehydrated milarite at 100 K European Journal of Mineralogy 1 353-362 1989 Val Giuf, Graubunden, Switzerland 0 293
0006357 Milarite Armbruster T, Bermanec V, Wenger M, Oberhansli R (1989) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structure of natural and dehydrated milarite at 100 K European Journal of Mineralogy 1 353-362 1989 0 293
0000078 Osumilite Miyashiro A (1956) Osumilite, a new silicate mineral, and its crystal structure American Mineralogist 41 104-116 1956 0 293
0000188 Osumilite Brown G E, Gibbs G V (1969) Refinement of the crystal structure of osumilite American Mineralogist 54 101-116 1969 0 293
0001149 Osumilite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical variation in osumilites American Mineralogist 73 585-594 1988 0 293
0001150 Osumilite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical variation in osumilites American Mineralogist 73 585-594 1988 0 293
0001151 Osumilite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical variation in osumilites American Mineralogist 73 585-594 1988 0 293
0001152 Osumilite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical variation in osumilites American Mineralogist 73 585-594 1988 0 293
0001153 Osumilite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical variation in osumilites American Mineralogist 73 585-594 1988 0 293
0001154 Osumilite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical variation in osumilites Japan-Hayasaki American Mineralogist 73 585-594 1988 0 293
0001155 Osumilite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical variation in osumilites American Mineralogist 73 585-594 1988 0 293
0001156 Osumilite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical variation in osumilites American Mineralogist 73 585-594 1988 0 293
0006584 Osumilite Winter W, Armbruster T, Lengauer C (1995) Crystal structure refinement of synthetic osumilite-type phases: BaMg2Al6Si9O30, SrMg2Al6Si9O30 and Mg2Al4Si11O30 European Journal of Mineralogy 7 277-286 1995 0 293
0006585 Osumilite Winter W, Armbruster T, Lengauer C (1995) Crystal structure refinement of synthetic osumilite-type phases: BaMg2Al6Si9O30, SrMg2Al6Si9O30 and Mg2Al4Si11O30 European Journal of Mineralogy 7 277-286 1995 0 293
0006586 Osumilite Winter W, Armbruster T, Lengauer C (1995) Crystal structure refinement of synthetic osumilite-type phases: BaMg2Al6Si9O30, SrMg2Al6Si9O30 and Mg2Al4Si11O30 European Journal of Mineralogy 7 277-286 1995 0 293
0007256 Osumilite Seryotkin Y V, Sokol E V, Bakakin V V, Likhacheva A Y (2008) Pyrometamorphic osumilite: occurrence, paragenesis, and crystal structure as compared to cordierite European Journal of Mineralogy 20 191-198 2008 South Urals, Russia 0 293
0007263 Osumilite Balassone G, Mormone A, Rossi M, Bernardi A, Fisch M, Armbruster T, Malsy K, Berger A (2008) Crystal chemical and structural characterization of an Mg-rich osumilite from Vesuvius volcano (Italy) European Journal of Mineralogy 20 713-720 2008 Vesuvius volcano, Italy 0 293
0005217 Poudretteite Grice J D, Ercit T S, Van Velthuizen J, Dunn P J (1987) Poudretteite, KNa2B3Si12O30, a new member of the osumilite group from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, and its crystal structure The Canadian Mineralogist 25 763-766 1987 Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada 0 293
0006360 Roedderite Armbruster T (1989) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: structure of roedderite at 100 and 300 K T= 100 K European Journal of Mineralogy 1 715-718 1989 0 293
0006361 Roedderite Armbruster T (1989) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: structure of roedderite at 100 and 300 K T= 300 K European Journal of Mineralogy 1 715-718 1989 0 293
0014510 Roedderite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Capedri S, Poppi L (1994) The roedderite-chayesite series from Spanish lamproites: crystal chemical characterization Mineralogical Magazine 58 655-662 1994 Cancarix, Albacete province, Spain 0 293
0014513 Roedderite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Capedri S, Poppi L (1994) The roedderite-chayesite series from Spanish lamproites: crystal chemical characterization Mineralogical Magazine 58 655-662 1994 Cancarix, Albacete province, Spain 0 293
0014514 Roedderite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Capedri S, Poppi L (1994) The roedderite-chayesite series from Spanish lamproites: crystal chemical characterization Mineralogical Magazine 58 655-662 1994 Cancarix, Albacete province, Spain 0 293
0002224 Sogdianite Cooper M A, Hawthorne F C, Grew E S (1999) The crystal chemistry of sogdianite, a milarite-group mineral American Mineralogist 84 764-768 1999 Dara-i-Pioz, Tadjikistan 0 293
0005692 Sogdianite Sokolova E V, Hawthorne F C, Pautov L A (2000) The crystal chemistry of Li-bearing minerals with the milarite-type structure: The crystal structure of end-member sogdianite The Canadian Mineralogist 38 853-859 2000 Dara-i-Pioz, Tadjikistan 0 293
0001157 Sugilite Armbruster T, Oberhansli R (1988) Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structures of sugilite and brannockite American Mineralogist 73 595-600 1988 0 293
0012494 Shibkovite Sokolova E V, Rybakov V B, Pautov L A (1999) Crystal structure of shibkovite Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 369 378-380 1999 0 293
0014724 Almarudite Mihajlovic T, Lengauer C L, Ntaflos T, Lolitsch U, Tillmanns E (2004) Two new minerals, rondorfite, Ca8Mg[SiO4]4Cl2, and almarudite, K(box,Na)2(Mn,Fe,Mg)2(Be,Al)3[Si12O30], and a study of iron-rich wadalite, Ca12[(Al8Si4Fe2)O32]C16, from the Bellerberg (Bellberg) volcano, Eifel, Germany Eastern Eifel volcanic area, Eifel, Germany Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 179 265-294 2004 Bellerberg volcano lava field, 2 km N of Mayen, 0 293
0007066 Trattnerite Postl W, Walter F, Ettinger K, Hauzenberger C, Bojar H P (2004) Trattnerite, (Fe,Mg)2(Mg,Fe)3[Si12O30], a new mineral of the milarite group: mineral data and crystal structure European Journal of Mineralogy 16 375-380 2004 0 293
0007067 Trattnerite Postl W, Walter F, Ettinger K, Hauzenberger C, Bojar H P (2004) Trattnerite, (Fe,Mg)2(Mg,Fe)3[Si12O30], a new mineral of the milarite group: mineral data and crystal structure European Journal of Mineralogy 16 375-380 2004 0 293
0006096 Oftedalite Cooper M A, Hawthorne F C, Ball N A, Cerny P, Kristiansen R (2006) Oftedalite, (Sc,Ca,Mn2+)2 K (Be,Al)3 Si12 O30, a new member of the milarite group from the Heftetjern pegmatite, Tordal, Norway: description and crystal structure The Canadian Mineralogist 44 943-949 2006 Heftetjern pegmatite, Tordal, Norway 0 293
0014649 Friedrichbeckeite Lengauer C L, Hrauda N, Kolitsch U, Krickl R, Tillmanns E (2009) Friedrichbeckeite, K(_0.5Na0.5)2(Mg0.8Mn0.1Fe0.1)2(Be0.6Mg0.4)3[Si12O30], a new milarite-type mineral from the Bellerberg volcano, Eifel area, Germany Mineralogy and Petrology 96 221-232 2009 Bellerberg volcano, Eifel area, Germany 0 293
0020413 Agakhanovite-(Y) Hawthorne F C, Abdu Y A, Ball N A, Cerny P, Kristiansen R (2014) Agakhanovite-(Y), ideally (YCa)2KBe3Si12O30, a new milarite-group mineral from the Heftetjern pegmatite, Tordal, Southern Norway: description and crystal structure American Mineralogist 99 2084-2088 2014 Heftetjern pegmatite, Tordal, Norway 0 293

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