Rosasite (original) (raw)


Brodtkorb (2006)


Michael Hirst Collection

Australia and New Zealand Micromineral ...

Birch et al. (1997)

        * Broken Hill South Mine (BHS Mine; South Mine)
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-297015.html) [Kintore opencut](/loc-74.html)

Birch et al. (1997)

Collection of RJ Martin inferred from ...

Museum Victoria collection

Sielecki (1988)


Catalog of Sount Australian Minerals-1983 ("has been tentatively identified from the Spring Creek copper mine.") +1 other reference

Noble R.J. +1 other reference

  * Iron Knob
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-143948.html) [Iron Monarch Main Pit](/loc-158.html)

Pring et al. (2000)

Bottrill (2018)


Birch et al. (2007)

Nickel et al. (1993)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-827451.html) [Mineral Claim 84 Cu deposit (Anticline prospect)](/loc-12151.html)

Grice et al. (1991)

  * Tom Price
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-618196.html) [Coppin Pool](/loc-220.html)

Nickel (1987)

Simpson Mineral Collection of the ... +7 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-820712.html) [Moxam Well](/loc-122735.html)

Secondar Minerals from the Braeside ... +4 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-820727.html) [Ragged Hills Mine](/loc-122734.html)

Secondary Minerals from the Braeside ... +3 other references

Nickel (1982)

Downes et al. (2011)


C.Auer (2015)

  * Kötschach-Mauthen
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-856168.html) [Plöcken pass area](/loc-48838.html)

C.Auer (2013)

Gröbner (2000)

  * Frauenstein
     * Äußere Wimitz
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-219607.html) [No. 1 adit](/loc-46227.html)

G. Blass (2001)

  * Guttaring
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-204241.html) [Waitschach](/loc-42346.html)

Niedermayr et al. (1995)

  * Mölbling
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-204239.html) [Meiselding](/loc-42323.html)

Niedermayr et al. (1995)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1368134.html) [Barbara adit](/loc-59053.html)


A.Pichler (2012)

G. Blass (2000)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-23430.html) [Neufinkenstein-Grabanz mining district](/loc-5606.html)

Puttner (1996)

  * Stockenboi
     * Ried
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-842622.html) [Riednock (Aichach; "Schlund")](/loc-250185.html)

Pichler (2009)

Carinthia II (2017)

  * Völkermarkt
     * Trixen
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-204243.html) [Wandelitzen](/loc-42339.html)

Niedermayr et al. (1995)

A.Pichler (2003)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-887226.html) [Prasilikeusche](/loc-257393.html)

A.Pichler (2003)

Kolitsch et al. (2011)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-857056.html) [St Anna Mine ("Hocheck" mine)](/loc-189178.html)


Kirchner et al. (2007)

  * Sankt Martin am Tennengebirge
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-474609.html) [Korein - Frommerkogel area zinc mines](/loc-45967.html)

Poeverlein (1990)

Putz (2004)

  * Weißpriach
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-864546.html) [Lungauer Kalkspitze (incl. Znachsattel; "Im Kalk")](/loc-252546.html)  ?

Schachinger et al. (2014)

Schnorrer et al. (2000)

        * Kolm-Saigurn
           * Rauriser Goldberg
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-897600.html) [Augustin adit](/loc-56128.html)

Neschen (n.d.)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-263999.html) [Slag localities](/loc-57258.html)

Strasser (1989)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-862454.html) [Astenschmiede slag locality](/loc-57261.html)

Niedermayr et al. (2009)

     * Hochtor area
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-474211.html) [Silver mines (Knappenstube)](/loc-56027.html)

Uwe Kolitsch (powder X-ray diffraction) +1 other reference

Auer (2010)

  * Übelbach
     * Guggenbach
        * Notberg
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1607528.html) [Upper Topenauer adit](/loc-60565.html)

Auer (2023)

[Lapis 1992: 2 p.19-30]

  * Schladming
     * Giglach valley
        * Giglach lakes
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-864522.html) [Steirische Kalkspitze (incl. Akarscharte; Akharscharte)](/loc-60554.html)  ?

Schachinger et al. (2014)

Postl et al. (1988) +1 other reference

54. +1 other reference

50. +1 other reference

Bogner et al. (2010)


     * Geyer - Silberberg District
        * Silberberg
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-504371.html) [Stocker adit](/loc-123375.html)

Schnorrer et al. (2002)

           * West slope ("Am Geyer")
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-943159.html) [Abraham adit](/loc-266789.html)

Der Aufschluß (2006)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-504305.html) [Maukenötz District (Mauken)](/loc-57164.html)

Schnorrer et al. (2005)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-946675.html) [Kram adit](/loc-123374.html)

Schnorrer+Poeverlein (2005)

Kolitsch (2009)


Michel Blondieau collection

  * Nassogne
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-71484.html) [Ambly](/loc-12417.html)

Blondieau (1997) +1 other reference

Bulgaria (n.d.) +2 other references


gerhard mohn EDS and SEM

samples analysed by Gerhard Mohn and ...

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-386037.html) [Dulcinea de Llampos Mine](/loc-661.html)

maurizio dini collection - analysed ...

  * Tierra Amarilla
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-828647.html) [Dos Adrianas Mine](/loc-122254.html)

Maurizio Dini collection

  * Zapallar mining district
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-387080.html) [Rajos de California Mine](/loc-122513.html)

maurizio dini collection - analysed ...

M. Dini & A.Molina Collections - analysed with quantitative and semi quantitative methods by Dr. Jochen Schluter (curator of Hamburg Mineral Museum)

Personally collected by Günter Frenz


Guicheng Huang et al. (2001)

Minzhi Yang (2003)

Czech Republic


Pauliš et al. (2023)

Sejkora et al. (2012)

Analysed by geology lab Green Gas DPB

DR Congo

Deliens (1996)


Gatto Rotondo et al. (2012)

Ibrahim (2014)


Several AFM members collection

Duarte (2014)

Coueille (1988)

     * Les Ardillats
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-202672.html) [La Verrière (Montchonay)](/loc-31874.html) ![](

Favreau G. et al. (1996)

     * Saint-Didier-sur-Beaujeu
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1581239.html) [Creuzeval Quarry](/loc-20556.html)

Yannick Vessely collection

De Ascencao Guedes R. (2001)

yves Mourey

Wittern et al. (Cologne)


Remy Ph. (2003)

  * Saint-Girons
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-532726.html) [Alzen](/loc-49164.html)

Self collected Jean-Marie LAURENT - ...

Berbain C. & Aymar J. (1991)

     * Rennes-les-Bains
        * Montferrand
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-482289.html) [Pech Cardou mine](/loc-157023.html)

Berbain et al. (2000)

  * Narbonne
     * Montgaillard
        * [ⓘ](/locentry-611319.html) [Les Scorpions](/loc-205009.html)

Les Anciennes mines de Padern - Montgaillard ( Aude )

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-488621.html) [Saint Estèbe pass quarry](/loc-146657.html)

idem (2005...) +1 other reference

     * Padern
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-20990.html) [Tistoulet mine](/loc-5500.html) (n.d.) +1 other reference

Leconte J. et al. (2016)

     * Monteils
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-25234.html) [Falgayrolles](/loc-5653.html)

Favreau et al. (2010)

     * Villefranche-de-Rouergue
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-740724.html) [La Baume](/loc-49061.html)

Jean Claude Dol

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1089248.html) [La Maladrerie](/loc-57038.html)

Boisson et al. (2017)

Le Cahier des micromonteurs

     * Malons-et-Elze
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-357209.html) [Les Essarts mine (Les Issarts mine)](/loc-106885.html)

Vincent Schneider Collection

  * Le Vigan
     * Arrigas
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1574435.html) [Arrigas mines](/loc-159222.html)

Yannick Vessely collection

     * Montdardier
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-731014.html) [La Sanguinede mine](/loc-211565.html)

Gol et al. (2010)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1480278.html) [Les Cèdres mine](/loc-107844.html)

Stephane Maury Collection

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1030836.html) [Les Vieux Travaux mine](/loc-211566.html)

Chollet Pascal Collection

Queneau (n.d.)

Gol et al. (2010)

Vincent Bourgoin collection.

Lheur et al. (1998)

  * Mende
     * Saint-Léger-de-Peyre
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-721510.html) [Sainte-Lucie Mine](/loc-5703.html)  ?

Queneau (n.d.)

Berbain et al. (2005)

     * Oms
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-444138.html) ~~[Correc d'en Llinassos (Ravin d'en Llinassous)](/loc-49065.html)~~

Le Cahier des Micromonteurs

Jean-Luc Portes Collection

Favreau et al. (2024)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1507238.html) [North mine](/loc-220042.html)

Valerie GALEA-CLOLUS collection +2 other references


Walenta (1992)

     * Staufen im Breisgau
        * Grunern
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-167466.html) [Amalie Mine](/loc-5744.html)

Walenta (1992)

  * Emmendingen
     * Freiamt
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-174009.html) [Schloßberg-Gegentrum Mine](/loc-34108.html)

Walenta (1992)

  * Ortenaukreis
     * Oberwolfach
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1295668.html) [Clara Mine](/loc-1782.html)

Kolitsch et al. (2019)

Weiß (1990)

        * Wendersreuth
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-102402.html) [Wilma Mine](/loc-17203.html)

Weiß (1990)

     * Waidhaus
        * Hagendorf
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-75284.html) [Hagendorf South Pegmatite](/loc-1769.html) (2001)

PETITJEAN collection

  * Frankfurt
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-702719.html) [Heddernheim slag locality](/loc-224546.html)

Blessing et al. (1991)

Weiß (1990)

Weiß (1990)

     * St Andreasberg
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-30489.html) [Samson Mine](/loc-6014.html)

  * Clausthal-Zellerfeld
     * Oberschulenberg
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-76213.html) [Glücksrad Mine](/loc-6015.html)

Lapis (1)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1439337.html) [Silberbach slag locality](/loc-411433.html)

"Lithothek" collection of the ...

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1597387.html) [Silver smelter slag locality](/loc-240562.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

  * Harz (Landkreis Goslar)
     * Hütschen valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-30660.html) [Glückauf Mine](/loc-6017.html)

  * Langelsheim
     * Lautenthal
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-31221.html) [Lautenthal smelter slag locality](/loc-6030.html)

        * Lautenthal veins
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-875229.html) [Schwarze Mine](/loc-255192.html)

Gröbner et al. (2011)

Blaß et al. (2021)

Weiß (1990)

        * Uentrop
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-77984.html) [Caspari Mine](/loc-9669.html)

Schnorrer-Köhler (1989)

     * Bestwig
        * Ramsbeck
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-660109.html) [Bastenberg Mine](/loc-1853.html)

Schnorrer-Köhler (1985)

     * Meschede
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-75697.html) [Alexander Mine](/loc-10462.html)

Weiss: "Mineralienfundstellen et al. (Munich)

     * Olsberg
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-59678.html) [Dörnberg Mine](/loc-1878.html)

  * Märkischer Kreis
     * Iserlohn
        * Letmathe
           * Helmke quarry nature reserve
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-822730.html) [Genna zinc smelter slag locality](/loc-13167.html)

Blaß et al. (1993) +1 other reference

  * Siegen-Wittgenstein
     * Burbach
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-76135.html) [Schöne Aussicht Mine](/loc-13168.html)

     * Hilchenbach
        * Müsen
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-90654.html) [Wildermann Mine](/loc-14856.html)

Weiß (1990)

     * Siegen
        * Eiserfeld
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-617373.html) [Eisenzecher Zug mine](/loc-10887.html)

Henrich (2008)

     * Wilnsdorf
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-78110.html) [Marie Mine](/loc-13207.html)

Schnorrer-Köhler (1987)

Weiß (1990)

  * Euskirchen
     * Mechernich
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-393454.html) [Mechernicher Bleiberg](/loc-17624.html)

Graf et al. (1992)

  * Oberbergischer Kreis
     * Engelskirchen
        * Loope
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-617319.html) [Castor Mine](/loc-17698.html)  ?

Habel et al. (2009)

Lapis 1988 (1)

     * Velbert
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-180624.html) [Eisenberg Mine](/loc-36447.html)

Schnorrer-Köhler (1988)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-180702.html) [Prinz Wilhelm II Mine (Wilhelm II Mine)](/loc-36451.html)

Schnorrer-Köhler (1988)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-180603.html) [Vereinigte Glückauf Mine](/loc-36446.html)

Schnorrer-Köhler (1988)

     * Wülfrath
        * Flandersbach
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-180666.html) [Ferdinande Mine](/loc-36449.html)

Schnorrer-Köhler (1988)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-180773.html) [Prangenhaus quarry](/loc-36453.html)

Schnorrer-Köhler (1988)

        * Rohdenhaus
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-180737.html) [Rohdenhaus Quarry (incl. Krieger Quarry)](/loc-36452.html) ![](

Schnorrer-Köhler (1988)

Weiß (1990)

  * Kirchen (Sieg)
     * Niederfischbach
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-123015.html) [Fischbacher Werk Mine](/loc-21737.html)

Weiß (1990)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-467544.html) [Fürst Moritz Mine](/loc-31840.html)

Henrich (2007) (2015)

Lapis 2001 (6)

     * Stahlberg
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-92938.html) [Frischer Mut Mine (Frischemuth Mine)](/loc-15198.html)

Lapis 2001 (6)

Lapis (3)

Wittern (2001)

Wittern (2001)

  * Lahnstein
     * Friedrichssegen
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-557935.html) [Friedrichssegen Mine](/loc-34225.html)

Der Aufschluss Vol.55

  * Loreley
     * Sankt Goarshausen
        * Wellmich
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-174752.html) [Äquivalenz adit](/loc-34255.html)

Weiß (1990)

Weiß (1990)

Thomas Luehr collection

  * Thale
     * Treseburg
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-839634.html) [Treseburg Mine](/loc-249393.html)

Thomas Luehr collection

Wittern (2001)

  * Wittichenau
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-96903.html) [Dubring Quarry](/loc-13197.html)

Wittern (2001)

Lapis (10)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-27328.html) [Schneeberg](/loc-1848.html)


Schnorrer (1995) +2 other references

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-60951.html) [Hilarion Mine](/loc-1936.html)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-679569.html) [Jean Baptiste Mine](/loc-8006.html)

Fritz Schreiber specimen

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-683040.html) [Kamariza Dump](/loc-220055.html)

LAPIS 24 (7/8) +1 other reference

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-842560.html) [Serpieri Mine](/loc-8007.html)

Möckel (2000)

           * Mercati mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-716124.html) [Christiana Mine](/loc-1933.html)

Fritz Schreiber collection (Uwe Kolitsch PXRD and EDS analyses)

           * [ⓘ](/locentry-716108.html) [Verzeko mines](/loc-227890.html)

Fritz Schreiber collection

        * Km 3
           * Kaminiza mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-61238.html) [Esperanza Mine](/loc-10472.html)

Blaß et al. (1998)

           * Km 3 mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-120068.html) [Km 3 open pit](/loc-8009.html)

Möckel (2000)

        * Legrena Valley
           * Megala Pefka Mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-173093.html) [Megala Pefka Mine No. 28 ("Sigia Mine")](/loc-10637.html)

        * Lophos
           * Agrileza mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1392130.html) [Maria Mine](/loc-10611.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-61703.html) [Mine No. 6](/loc-10470.html)

Lapis et al. (1999)

           * [ⓘ](/locentry-1349585.html) [Botsaris mines](/loc-237338.html)

Lavrion Mineral Museum collection

        * Noria
           * [ⓘ](/locentry-1349578.html) [Anemones mines](/loc-340104.html)

Lavrion Mineral Museum collection

        * Plaka
           * Paliokamariza Mines (Paleokamariza Mines)
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1326911.html) [Paliokamariza Mine No. 18](/loc-225392.html)

Branko Rieck collection +1 other reference

        * Sounion
           * Cato Sounio mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-684571.html) [Barbara Mine](/loc-220616.html)

Branko Rieck collection

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-728973.html) [Russia Mine (Pefka Mine; Pefko Mine)](/loc-224646.html)

62 +2 other references

Jürgen Breitenbach collection


Society of Economic Geologists Student Chapter University of Miskolc (2018)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-297473.html) [Adolf Mine](/loc-66531.html)

Szakáll: Minerals of Rudabánya +1 other reference

Zajzon N et al. (2014)

Szakáll - Gatter: Minerals of Hungary

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-649060.html) [Adit No. 2](/loc-211703.html)

Szakáll-Gatter-Jánosi: Minerals of ...


Saemundsson et al. (2006)


Rick Turner


     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-283143.html) [Kali Kafi Mine](/loc-63563.html)

S. Weiß: Lapis 29 (12)

Vachik Hairapetian collection

Wilke (1977)



Bortolozzi et al. (2018)

  * Forni Avoltri
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-927408.html) [Monte Avanza Mine](/loc-123238.html)

Carnia (Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia) +1 other reference

Negretti +2 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-651604.html) [Roccaccia](/loc-30014.html)

Collected & analyzed by Rossano Carlini

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-641653.html) [Tolfa](/loc-192390.html)

various added photos

analysed by Dr. Anthony Kampf


  * Oltre il Colle
     * Vedra Valley
        * Zorzone
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-44676.html) [Zorzone Mine](/loc-7751.html)

G. Signorelli collection +1 other reference

  * Stabina valley
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-564844.html) [Valtorta](/loc-194412.html)

Maida (2002)

Vergani et al. (2021)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1392307.html) [Zucco di Cam mineralization](/loc-373957.html)

Vergani et al. (2020)

  * Valsassina
     * Introbio
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1371273.html) [Camisolo Pass Mine](/loc-30249.html)

Vergani (2019) +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1408929.html) [Valbona Mine (Zuc di Valbona Mine)](/loc-373956.html)

Vergani et al. (2020)

Bedognè +2 other references

Lapis (10)

Stara et al. (1993)

Stara et al. (1999)

Olmi F. et al. (1995)

Mandarino (1996)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-892681.html) [Monte Guisi Mine](/loc-258197.html)

Moldovan et al. (2013)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-903172.html) [Perdu Carta Mine](/loc-259752.html)


     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-536631.html) [Sa Duchessa Mine](/loc-2128.html)

Stara et al. (1996)

  * Fluminimaggiore
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-160514.html) [Santa Lucia Mine](/loc-2125.html)

Brizzi G. et al. (1989)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1513261.html) [Su Sizzimurreddu](/loc-288919.html)

Stara et al. (1996)

     * Tiny-Arenas Mine
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-657295.html) [Pinn'e Perda Stope](/loc-131030.html)

Luigi Chiappino data

  * Guspini
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-493145.html) [Montevecchio Mines](/loc-13706.html)

Preite et al. (2007)

  * Narcao
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-670923.html) [Mont'Ega Mine (Montega Mine)](/loc-216262.html)

Stara et al. (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-9617.html) [Rosas Mine Complex (Rosas Mine)](/loc-2829.html)  (TL)

Lovisato (1908) +4 other references

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1205106.html) [Truba Niedda Mine (Trubba Niedda Mine)](/loc-297369.html) (n.d.)

  * Nuxis
     * Monte Tamara mining area
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-311315.html) [San Pietro Mine](/loc-56421.html)

Rivista Mineralogica Italiana 4/1992-"I minerali del giacimento di Monte Tamara (Nuxis)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-731913.html) [Sa Marchesa Mine](/loc-55911.html)

Bortolozzi (n.d.)

  * San Vito
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1215260.html) [Perd'Arba Mine (S'Omini Mortu; Sa Fraigada)](/loc-298973.html)

Stara et al. (1993)

  * Villaputzu
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-719020.html) [Baccu Locci Mine](/loc-5553.html)

Ciriotti M.E. and Blass.G. (2010)

Bortolozzi (n.d.)

  * Überetsch-Unterland (Oltradige-Bassa Atesina)
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-1628831.html) [Aldein (Aldino)](/loc-123632.html)

Daniel Lorenz

        * Radein (Redagno)
           * Bletterbach Gorge
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1426860.html) [Taubenleck Mine](/loc-406916.html)  ?

Bortolozzi (n.d.)

Conedera M. et al. (2016)

  * Faedo
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-705078.html) [Mondagiò ("Acqua di Faedo")](/loc-126023.html)

Bortolozzi (n.d.)

  * Frassilongo
     * Roveda
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1112483.html) [Tingherla Mine](/loc-126031.html)

SEM/EDX analysis by AMI SIUK

  * Lavis
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-859546.html) [Dosso dei Furli](/loc-253209.html)

Ferretti P. et al. (Lavis, Trentino-Alto Adige)

  * Levico Terme
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-777430.html) [Monte Fronte Assay (Compet)](/loc-126067.html)

Canal et al. (2012)

  * Pergine Valsugana
     * Roncogno
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1373478.html) [Monte Celva mine](/loc-126053.html)

Bortolozzi (n.d.)

  * Roncegno Terme
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-837643.html) [Cinquevalli Mine](/loc-2169.html)

Bortolozzi et al. (2013)

  * Vignola-Falesina
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-907903.html) [Rio Ricet mine ("Rio Menegol")](/loc-214051.html)  ?

Paolo Gasparetto et al. (2014)


  * Massa Marittima
     * Montoccoli-Castellaccia area (Fosso Zanca-Filone di Montoccoli area; Zanca Valley mines)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-954395.html) [Castellaccia Mine](/loc-269210.html)

Bazzoni C. et al. (2011)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-954418.html) [Martelli tunnel](/loc-269211.html)

Bazzoni C. et al. (2011)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-954295.html) [Poggio al Montone](/loc-268848.html)

Bazzoni C. et al. (2011)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-288614.html) [Serrabottini](/loc-64651.html)

Sabelli C. et al. (GR)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-465563.html) [Stregaio Valley and Monte Gai mines](/loc-145899.html)

Bazzoni et al. (2007)

  * Montieri
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-252268.html) [Boccheggiano mines](/loc-54353.html)

Bazzoni C. et al.

     * Gerfalco
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-814964.html) [Fosso Mandromicci](/loc-244604.html)

Batacchi et al. (2011)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-916218.html) [Podere Montevecchio (Podere Montevecchio Mine; Miniera della Sambuca)](/loc-262319.html)

Bazzoni et al. (2001)

Rivista Mineralogica Italiana (1)

  * Campiglia Marittima
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-830077.html) [Temperino Mine](/loc-2146.html)

Biagioni et al. (2013)

  * Castagneto Carducci
     * Monte Coronato
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-944267.html) [Buche al Ferro](/loc-267048.html)

Nannoni R. et al. (2012) +1 other reference

  * Rio
     * Rio Marina
        * Cavo
           * Fornacelle and Rio Albano Mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-536247.html) [Rialbano Mine (Rio Albano Mine)](/loc-50584.html)

P. Roegner - Ratisbona Univ. - 1998

Orlandi et al. (1996) +1 other reference

Orlandi et al. (1994) +1 other reference

     * Colonnata quarrying basin
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1283997.html) [Artana Quarry (Artana B Quarry)](/loc-29525.html)

Orlandi et al. (2009)

     * Miseglia quarrying basin (Miseglia-Fantiscritti quarrying basin; Fantiscritti quarrying basin)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1288388.html) [Fantiscritti](/loc-4360.html)

Boscardin et al. (1983)

  * Massa
     * Casette
        * [ⓘ](/locentry-984860.html) [Gioia quarries (Gioia-Casette quarries; Gioia-Casette quarrying basin)](/loc-8242.html)

Marco Bonifazi collection

Pedroni et al. (1996)

Boscardin M. et alii. "I minerali nel Vicentino" et al. (Vicenza)

  * Schio
     * Tretto
        * San Rocco di Tretto (San Rocco)
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1076895.html) [Busi locality](/loc-284884.html)

Pegoraro et al. (1997) +2 other references

  * Torrebelvicino
     * Mercanti Valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-646089.html) [Monte Trisa Mines](/loc-13974.html)

Pegoraro S. et al. (2009)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1427574.html) [Gallery no. 2](/loc-222671.html)

Pegoraro S. et al. (2009)

     * Monte Naro
        * Monte Naro - Mercanti Valley side
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-815693.html) [Contrada Tenaglia Mines](/loc-244687.html)

Boscardin M. et al. (Vicenza)

        * Monte Naro - Riolo Valley side
           * Contrada Trentini
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-618184.html) [Trentini Mine](/loc-28332.html)

M.Boscardin et al. (Vi)

  * Valli del Pasubio
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1606931.html) [Contrada Cortiana](/loc-13716.html)

Domenico Saccardo et al. (2019) +1 other reference


Hiroaki Tano specimen

Sakurai (1971)


Palache et al. (1951)


Behier (1960)


Panczner (1987)

- (2004)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-294235.html) [Congreso-León Mine (Congreso Mine; León Mine; Congresso-León Mine)](/loc-27005.html)

Wilson (2004)

Rocks & Min.: 56:247. +3 other references

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-543617.html) [America Poniente](/loc-190255.html)

Thomas P. Moore (2008)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-543584.html) [San Juan Poniente](/loc-190252.html)

Thomas P. Moore (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-118197.html) [San Juan Mine](/loc-20989.html)

Panczner (1987)

  * Sierra Descubridora
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-624461.html) [Lupita Mine](/loc-206579.html)

Checked +2 other references

Carles Canet et al. (2011)


JP Barral collection

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1016438.html) [Bou Skour Mine](/loc-2400.html)

Georges Favreau collection

Georges Favreau collection

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1580468.html) [Talat barite mine](/loc-434973.html)

Barral (2023)

Georges Favreau collection

Karel Bal Collection


Dill et al. (2013)


Palache et al. (1951) +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-689376.html) [Tsumeb West Mine](/loc-4480.html)

King (n.d.)

von Bezing (2007)


Raade et al. (1990)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-281301.html) [Skjerpemyr Mine](/loc-14377.html)

Raade et al. (1990) +2 other references

Raade et al. (1990) +1 other reference


Domań +2 other references


Pedro Alves collection and analytical ...

Pedro Alves collection and analytical ...

Pedro Alves analytical data

Gustavo Pereira Fernandes

Republic of the Congo

Spirifer Minerals specimens


Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 40 (2002) +1 other reference

Russia (2020)

Rakhimov et al. (2023)

Local geolofist S.V.Kolesnichenko data

Bukanov et al. (2012)

Vikentev et al. (2020)

[Mineralien Welt 6/92:62]


Števko M. et al. (Slovenská republika)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-917323.html) [Schöpfer vein](/loc-247447.html)

Martin Števko-unpublished

Števko M. et al. (in Slovak)


Žorž et al. (2002)

South Africa

Atanasova et al. (2016)

Cairncross et al. (1995)

           * Dwarsfontein Farm
              * Transvaal Mine
                 * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-250438.html) [East Trench](/loc-53781.html)

Cairncross et al. (1995)

Reeks (2007)

South African Micromount newsletter


Georges Favreau collection

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-520436.html) [La Reforma mine](/loc-133133.html)

Viñals et al. (2008)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-1333005.html) [Benahadux](/loc-73022.html)

Luigi Mattei specimen

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1334462.html) [Las Minicas Mine](/loc-334982.html)

Ko Jansen

  * Huércal-Overa
     * Cuesta Alta
        * Cerro Minado Mines
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-854444.html) [La Cena del Depósito concession](/loc-65989.html)

FAVREAU et al. (2013)

  * Huércal de Almería
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-844350.html) [Cerro de la Corona](/loc-250499.html)

Calvo (2012)

  * Níjar
     * Pozo de Los Frailes
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1428328.html) [Barranco Celejo](/loc-398282.html)

SEM-EDS analysed

     * Rodalquilar
        * Cerro de los Guardias
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-760394.html) [Sol Mine (La Milagrosa mine)](/loc-205033.html)

Christiane & Jean-Robert Eytier ...

     * San José
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-775718.html) [Mina Santa Barbara](/loc-239107.html)

Georges Favreau collection

  * Tíjola
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-775692.html) [Las Cocotas Mine](/loc-233112.html)

Jean-Marc Johannet collection


Calvo Rebollar (2012)

Cesar Menor Salvan

Calvo et al. (2002)

Joan Rosell

  * Ribes de Freser
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1583215.html) [San Miguel Mine (Maura prospect)](/loc-424610.html)

Pedro Mingueza et al. (2022)

Calvo et al. (Spain) (n.d.)

  * Usagre
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1639426.html) [Mariquita Mine (Sultana Mine)](/loc-256859.html)

Salván et al. (2024)


EDXS analyses in Feb. 2020

EDXS analyses

Le Cristallier Suisse (7) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-824623.html) [Ponte Aranno](/loc-246463.html)

Vanini F. et al. (1998)

Stalder et al. (1998)

Graeser (2008)

Ansermet (2012)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-819588.html) [Le Biolec Mine](/loc-134097.html)

Ansermet (2012)

     * Saint-Luc
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-366846.html) [Les Moulins Mine](/loc-108726.html)

86. (in German) +3 other references

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-820196.html) [Termino Mine (Le Termenno Mine)](/loc-133978.html)

Ansermet (2012)


Pekov (1998)


G Brandstetter collection


Jordi Fabre specimens


Collection Richard De Nul

  * Lezant
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-251922.html) [Greystone Quarry](/loc-1042.html)

Elton et al. (2004)

  * St Agnes
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-434720.html) [Hanover Cove (Vugga Hayle)](/loc-1119.html)

Ansermet (2007)

  * St Hilary
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-891038.html) ~~[Penberthy Croft Mine](/loc-1251.html)~~

Kingsbury et al. (1957) +1 other reference

Day (1999)

  * Stanhope
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-17529.html) [West Pasture Mine](/loc-1569.html)

Day (1999)

Kingsbury et al. (1957) +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-17524.html) [Old Sandbed Mine (Old Sandbeds Mine)](/loc-1445.html)  ?

Kingsbury et al. (1957) +3 other references

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1103365.html) [Potts Gill](/loc-29387.html)  ?

Kingsbury et al. (1957)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-17523.html) [Old Potts Gill Mine](/loc-1441.html)  ?

Kingsbury et al. (1957) +2 other references

        * Roughton Gill
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-562993.html) [Higher Roughton Gill (Balliway Rigg)](/loc-5073.html)

Kingsbury et al. (1957) +2 other references

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-17526.html) [Roughton Gill Mine](/loc-1444.html)

Kingsbury et al. (1957) +3 other references

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-9622.html) [Silver Gill](/loc-1447.html)  ?

Kingsbury et al. (1957) +3 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1244162.html) [Caldbeck Fells Mining Region](/loc-1418.html)

Stanley et al. (1991)

  * Eden
     * Murton
        * Scordale
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-118202.html) [Hilton Mine](/loc-1477.html)

     * Patterdale
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-45386.html) [Eagle Crag Mine](/loc-4751.html)

M.Wirth collection

        * Hartsop
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-37155.html) [Myers Head Mine](/loc-4753.html)


        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-17525.html) [Ruthwaite Lodge Vein](/loc-4940.html)  ?

Kingsbury et al. (1957) +1 other reference

BMS Collection

     * Matlock Bath
        * Heights of Abraham
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-605821.html) [Masson Cave](/loc-204221.html)

Mineralogical Magazine 1963 33 : 441-449

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-605812.html) [Rutland Cave Mine (Rutland Mine; Nestus Mine)](/loc-1501.html)

Mineralogical Magazine 1963 33 : 441-449 +1 other reference

Dunham et al. (2nd Edition)

  * Harrogate
     * High and Low Bishopside
        * Greenhow
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-17520.html) [Coldstones Quarry](/loc-1638.html)

Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 895-897

  * Richmondshire
     * Melbecks
        * Gunnerside Gill (Gunnerside Ghyll)
           * Friarfold Mine
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-17519.html) [Bunton Level (Bunting Level)](/loc-5135.html)

Day (1999)

        * Low Row
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1100981.html) [Friar Intake Level](/loc-26253.html)

P. Nicholson Collection

Rust (1995)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-18916.html) [Clayton Mine](/loc-4890.html)

Ford et al. (1993)

Stephen Moreton Collection

Plant et al. (1996)

Green et al. (1996) +1 other reference

S.Rust Collection

Day (1999)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-151633.html) [Hendy Quarry](/loc-4287.html)


Anthony et al. (1995)

     * Hendricks Gulch
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-751754.html) [Southwest Mine](/loc-3309.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * Queen Hill
        * Copper Queen Mine
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-820368.html) [Holbrook Mine](/loc-11856.html)

Evan Jones

  * Carr Canyon
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1455702.html) [Big Dipper Mine](/loc-413298.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-780595.html) [Reef Mine](/loc-32763.html)

"The Accidental Pocket" talk presented ...

  * Chiricahua Mountains
     * California Mining District (Chiricahua Mining District)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-932416.html) [El Tigre Mine (Sampson Mine)](/loc-32163.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

        * Portal
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-758496.html) [King Ainsworth Mine group (Oregon Mine group)](/loc-32179.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-357606.html) [Silver Hill Mine group (Black Ben Mine; Manila Mine; Hall Mine group; Scott & Crawford Mine)](/loc-32200.html)

Rui Nunes - Jan2006

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-945022.html) [Unnamed Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag prospect](/loc-188255.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-735275.html) [Unnamed Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu-Sb-Cd prospect (Shaft; Trench; Decline prospect)](/loc-188402.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

  * Cochise Mining District
     * Gunnison Hills
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1493392.html) [Stroud Brothers Mine](/loc-32615.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-532546.html) [Texas Arizona Mine](/loc-22752.html)

MRDS database Dep. ID file #10039392

  * Middle Pass Mining District
     * Black Diamond Peak
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-742041.html) [Festerling Mine (Elsicor Mine; Cora Mine)](/loc-32795.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * Escapule Mine group (Escapule Mine; Joe Escapule Mine; Moonlight group; Northside group; Garnet group; Arizona group)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-774236.html) [Silver Cloud Mine](/loc-32801.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-735676.html) [Middlemarch Mine](/loc-32798.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1412910.html) [The Pit prospect](/loc-188393.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

  * Tombstone Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-851683.html) [Arlington Mine](/loc-32889.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-225893.html) [Empire Mine](/loc-5805.html)

Butler et al. (1938b) +2 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-751753.html) [Gallagher Vanadium & Rare Minerals Corp Mine](/loc-32960.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1285578.html) [Galvez Mine](/loc-32961.html)

Self collected at Galvez mine dump

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1305482.html) [Lucky Cuss Mine](/loc-15027.html)

Raman +1 other reference

     * Tombstone
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-257948.html) [Toughnut Mine](/loc-23053.html)

Butler et al. (1938b) +2 other references

     * Tombstone Extension Mines
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1031583.html) [San Diego Mine](/loc-32995.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-211234.html) [West Side Mine](/loc-26190.html)

Thorne (n.d.)

  * Turquoise Mining District (Courtland-Gleeson Mining District)
     * Courtland
        * Casey Hill
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-760835.html) [Last Chance Mine (1907 Mine)](/loc-33022.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-9618.html) [Gleeson](/loc-3310.html)

Anthony et al. (1995)

        * Costello Mine group
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-531778.html) [Defiance Mine](/loc-3311.html)

MRDS database Dep. ID file #10027116

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-245247.html) [Mystery Mine](/loc-16732.html)

Knudsen (1983) +1 other reference

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-22535.html) [Silver Bill Mine](/loc-3312.html) ![](

Rocks & Min.: 65:17 +2 other references

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-533219.html) [Gleeson Mine](/loc-33012.html)

MRDS database Dep. ID file #10046274

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-228144.html) [Gleeson ridge](/loc-48374.html)

Anthony et al. (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-735809.html) [Maid of Sunshine Mine](/loc-7904.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-194900.html) [Warren Mining District](/loc-13153.html)

Anthony et al. (1995)

  * Yellowstone Mining District
     * Johnny Lyon Hills
        * Tres Alamos Wash
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-734241.html) [Unnamed Pb-Cu-Ag-Au-Zn-W prospect](/loc-40736.html)

Robert Jenkins Raman Spectroscopy

Wilson et al. (1976)

     * Hayden area
        * Chilito
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-22672.html) [79 Mine](/loc-3322.html)

Keith (1972) +2 other references

Luetcke (n.d.)

Allen et al. (1988) +1 other reference

Williams et al. (1963) +1 other reference

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-254998.html) [Steppe Mine (Steppe claim; Little Mary Mine)](/loc-35526.html)

Williams et al. (1963) +1 other reference

  * Empire Mountains
     * Empire Mining District
        * Hilton (Lead Mountain)
           * Copper Camp
              * Hilton Mines
                 * Prince Mine group
                    * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-218526.html) [Chief Mine](/loc-22124.html)

Anthony et al. (1995)

  * Greaterville Mining District
     * Greaterville
        * Greaterville placer deposits
           * Hughes Gulch
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1583711.html) [Yuba Mine (Inghram Mine)](/loc-35788.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1352865.html) [Silver Leaf Mine](/loc-190517.html)

Ronald Render

  * Helvetia-Rosemont Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-231872.html) [Helvetia](/loc-49290.html)

Anthony et al. (1995)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-924649.html) [Eclipse Mine group](/loc-36110.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

        * Monument Mountain
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-47172.html) [Omega Mine](/loc-5437.html)

Anthony et al. (1995)

  * Sierrita Mountains
     * Pima Mining District (Olive Mining District; Mineral Hill Mining District; Twin Buttes Mining District)
        * San Xavier
           * Mission complex
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-250907.html) [San Xavier pit (San Xavier open pit; San Xavier West Mine; San Xavier Unit Open pit)](/loc-32004.html)

Anthony et al. (1995)

  * Silver Bell Mountains
     * Silver Bell Mining District
        * Mineral Mountain
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1346033.html) [Silver Bell Mine](/loc-3374.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

  * Waterman Mining District
     * Silver Hill Mining District
        * Silver Hill
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-9612.html) [Silver Hill Mine group](/loc-3386.html)

Galbraith (1959) +1 other reference

Anthony et al. (1995)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1284290.html) [Childs-Adwinkle Mine (Childs and Altwilkle Mine; Childs-Aldwinkle Mine)](/loc-41346.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

  * Mammoth Mining District
     * Tiger
        * St. Anthony deposit
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-31626.html) [Mammoth-Saint Anthony Mine](/loc-3380.html)

Anthony et al. (1995)

Luetcke (n.d.)

           * Nash Mines group (Duquesne-Washington group)
              * Duquesne Gulch
                 * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1242490.html) [Holland Mine](/loc-22917.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-763905.html) [Empire Mine](/loc-23726.html)

Eckhard D. Stuart

  * Tyndall Mining District
     * Cottonwood Canyon
        * Glove Mine group (Zombie & Zeco claims; Festiago-Franklin; Blacksmith adit)
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-228185.html) [Glove Mine (Sunrise Mine)](/loc-3383.html)

Olson (1966) +1 other reference

Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 228. +3 other references

  * Darwin Hills
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-136453.html) [Darwin Mining District](/loc-23498.html)

Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 228. +4 other references

        * Darwin
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-656459.html) [Lucky Lucy Mine](/loc-25552.html)

Cooper +3 other references

  * Inyo Mts (Inyo Range)
     * Cerro Gordo Mining District
        * Cerro Gordo
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-9619.html) [Cerro Gordo Mine](/loc-3463.html)

Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 228. +4 other references

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1473685.html) [Ella Mine (Ella group)](/loc-78765.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

        * Cerro Gordo Peak
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1476942.html) [San Lucas Mine (Perseverance Mine)](/loc-79386.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

     * Malpais Mesa
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1204803.html) [Santa Rosa Mine (Lee-Santa Rosa Mine; Santa Rosa Mines)](/loc-27941.html)

Adams (2017)

     * Russ Mining District
        * Reward
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-950511.html) [Reward Mine](/loc-27358.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

  * Nopah Range
     * Upper Noonday Camp
        * Shoshone Mines (Shoshone Mines group; Shoshone Mine group; Grant Mine; Mabel Mine; Black Prince Mine)
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-896120.html) [War Eagle Mine](/loc-31894.html)

Robert M. Housley (2005)

  * Clark Mts (Clark Mountain Range)
     * Clark Mountain District (Clark District)
        * Clark Mountain
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1376583.html) [Mammoth Mine](/loc-88806.html)

Kepper et al. (2000)

        * Mohawk Hill
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-41678.html) [Mohawk Mine](/loc-3547.html)

[Mineralien Welt 1/93:44]

  * Silver Lake Mining District
     * Soda Mountains
        * Baker
           * Otto Mountain
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-758448.html) [Bird Nest drift](/loc-205196.html)

Collected by Jerry A. Baird. ...

        * Zzyzx
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-462213.html) [Blue Bell Mine](/loc-144880.html)

Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 229. +2 other references

U.S. Geological Survey Professional ... +2 other references

Rocks & Min.: 65: 61. +1 other reference

     * Rock Hill
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1604353.html) [Crown Point Mine](/loc-115145.html)

Frank Karasti

  * Mosquito Range
     * Horseshoe District
        * Dyer Mountain
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1035408.html) [Continental Chief Mine](/loc-46640.html)

James A. Bauer +1 other reference

  * Upper Iowa Gulch
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-122863.html) [Sherman Mine (Sherman tunnel; Leadville Corporation Mine; Day Mines; Hilltop Mine)](/loc-5991.html)

Rocks & Min.: 65:61.

Eckel et al. (1997) +1 other reference

Rocks & Minerals 82:368-380

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-478046.html) [Senorita Mine](/loc-5989.html)

Rocks & Minerals 82:368-380

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-478022.html) [Slide Mine](/loc-156180.html)

Rocks & Minerals 82:368-380

Henderson et al. (1967)

  * Trumbull
     * Long Hill
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-880318.html) [Old Mine Plaza construction site](/loc-105689.html)

David Busha collection

Thorne (n.d.)

  * Spring Mountain Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-455360.html) [Excelsior (Relief; Rex Millsite; Winnie; Winnie Millsite; Newport; Constance Millsite; Annex; Pay Rock; Weiss; Apex; War Eagle)](/loc-137264.html)

Ream (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-455815.html) [Iron Mask Mine (Valley View)](/loc-12022.html)

Ream (2004)

King et al. (1994)

Mines of the Washington D.C Area

Tom Buchholz found location and tested ...

Gobla (2012)

        * Stapleton Gulch
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-131366.html) [Stapleton prospect](/loc-23338.html) (2002)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-784132.html) [Hand Mine (Mauldin Mine)](/loc-63949.html)

Gobla (2012)

  * Blue Wing Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-785421.html) [Charter Oak Mine](/loc-160658.html)

Gobla (2012)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-784293.html) [Ingersol Mine](/loc-125818.html)

Gobla (2012)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1245840.html) [Pomeroy Mine (Brick Pomeroy; Silver Buckle; Silver Belt)](/loc-164030.html)

Thorne (n.d.)

  * Bryant Mining District (Hecla Mining District)
     * Lion Mountain group
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-785429.html) [Cleopatra Mine](/loc-160769.html)

Gobla (2012)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1470386.html) [True Fissure Mine](/loc-165240.html)

Gabe Cangelosi Collection

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-249360.html) [Quartz Hill Mining District (Vipond Mining District)](/loc-50238.html) and Chris ...

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-47989.html) [Summit Mine](/loc-5956.html)

Chris Tucker Collection

Per. Comm. from Eugene Ford re XRD ... +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-315394.html) [Scratch Awl Mine](/loc-45243.html)

Min News 21:7 p 1

Rocks & Minerals 83:1 pp 20-33

Castor et al. (2004)

Rocks & Minerals. Nov. 1999.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1642049.html) [Blue Jay Mine](/loc-61540.html)

Gregor Losson (2024)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-386440.html) [Fredrickson Mine](/loc-61558.html)

Patrick Haynes

        * Goodsprings
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-215608.html) [Yellow Pine Mine (Yellow Pine Lead Zinc Mine; Hilo; Radio; Como; Hermes)](/loc-3891.html)

Rocks & Minerals. Nov. 1999.

Castor et al. (2004)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Lone Mountain Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-109819.html) [General Thomas Mine](/loc-18941.html)

Doug Merson collection

  * Palmetto Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-280030.html) [Palmetto mine](/loc-60830.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

Rocks & Minerals. Nov. 1999.

  * Maggie Creek Mining District
     * Schroeder Mt
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-290286.html) [Copper King Mine](/loc-3899.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

Dr. William S. Wise presentation to ...

Castor et al. (2004)

Castor et al. (2004)

Palache et al. (1951)

Castor et al. (2004)

Castor et al. (2004) +1 other reference

  * Reveille Range
     * Reveille Mining District
        * Reveille
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1589674.html) [New Reveille Mine (L.C. Extension; Reveille Lead Mine; Forelorn Hope claim; Last Chance claim; Liberty claim; Admiral claim; Admiral No. 1 claim; Eagle claim)](/loc-40264.html)

- (2005)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-290290.html) [Union Mining District](/loc-37107.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

Palache et al. (1951) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1107563.html) [Nevada Superior mine](/loc-58031.html)

Nikischer (2017)

  * Antelope Springs Mining District
     * Cow Canyon
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1480924.html) [Unnamed prospect](/loc-419431.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-144038.html) [Red Bird Mine](/loc-19480.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-290295.html) [Robinson Mining District](/loc-37241.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-858661.html) [Elijah Mine](/loc-59528.html)

A. Plante collection +2 other references

Cook (1973) +1 other reference

  * Ogdensburg
     * Sterling Hill
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-9611.html) [Sterling Mine](/loc-3948.html)

II et al. (1994) +1 other reference

Patrick Haynes

Northrop et al. (1996)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-929785.html) [Big Three Mine](/loc-35951.html)

Jerry Cone Collection

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-31533.html) [Memphis Mine](/loc-4448.html)

D.Court collection

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-381807.html) [Roos shaft](/loc-50705.html)

Don Saathoff collection

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-239426.html) [Stevenson-Bennett Mine](/loc-3972.html)

Northrop et al. (1996)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-641484.html) [Torpedo Mine](/loc-6754.html)

Personally collected +1 other reference

2009 New Mexico Mineral Symposium ... +1 other reference

DeMark (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-274781.html) [Anderson-Apache mine](/loc-48935.html)

Min News 20:10 p 8

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1357593.html) [Last Chance Mine](/loc-342601.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1357113.html) [Owens Mine](/loc-36648.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1357637.html) [Prospect No. 2](/loc-342605.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

  * Peloncillo Mountains
     * San Simon Mining District
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-37338.html) [Granite Gap](/loc-6719.html)

Northrop et al. (1996)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-173008.html) [Bob Montgomery Claim Group](/loc-33768.html)

R&M 77:5 p298-305 +1 other reference

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-721981.html) [Vesley Mine](/loc-222768.html)

Richard Green photo

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-172983.html) [World's Fair Claim Group](/loc-33769.html)

R&M 77:5 p298-305

        * McGhee Peak
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1316225.html) [Southerner claim](/loc-262315.html)

Robert E.Walstrom Collection

  * Pyramid Mountains
     * Lordsburg Mining District
        * Lordsburg
           * Virginia District
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1472782.html) [Ada Etta Mine (Mikesell group)](/loc-35704.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-667957.html) [CC23 claim](/loc-215225.html)

2009 New Mexico Mineral Symposium ...

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-667965.html) [CC24 claim](/loc-215226.html)

2009 New Mexico Mineral Symposium ... +1 other reference

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1409090.html) [Francis Kay Mine (Atlantic Mine; Aberdeen Camp)](/loc-35190.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1409100.html) [Gamco Mine (Rosa Mine)](/loc-35187.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1409266.html) [Green King Mine (White Cloud Mine)](/loc-35185.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1392739.html) [Hilltop East prospect](/loc-215229.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-667972.html) [Hilltop prospect](/loc-215228.html)

2009 New Mexico Mineral Symposium ... +1 other reference

  * Red Hill District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-258515.html) [Red Hill mine](/loc-56091.html)

Min News 20:6 p8

Walstrom (n.d.)

  * Victorio Mountains
     * Victorio District (Gage District)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-434593.html) [Independence lode](/loc-134141.html)

Walstrom 2006 New Mexico Mineral ...

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1296511.html) [Ruth claim](/loc-311020.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1295612.html) [Tungsten Hill shaft](/loc-33352.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

        * Victorio group
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1294899.html) [Vic 10 claim](/loc-310371.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

DeMark (1989)

Northrop et al. (1996)

     * Bingham
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-239427.html) [Blanchard Mine](/loc-3993.html)

Northrop et al. (1996)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1227234.html) [Sunshine No. 1 Adit](/loc-26242.html)

Ex. Robert (Bob) +2 other references

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1073755.html) [Sunshine No. 3 Adit](/loc-34093.html)

Jerry Cone Collection

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-947663.html) [Sunshine No. 3 and 1/2 Adit](/loc-267873.html)

Michael C Michayluk Collection

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-239428.html) [Malachite-Julian Mine](/loc-15186.html)

Northrop et al. (1996)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-13464.html) [Mex-Tex Mine](/loc-3997.html)

DeMark et al. (1999)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-31306.html) [Magdalena Mining District](/loc-3996.html)

Gibbs (1989)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-239429.html) [Graphic Mine](/loc-6766.html)

Northrop et al. (1996)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-171883.html) [Juanita Mine](/loc-5532.html)

Gibbs (1989)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-9620.html) [Kelly Mine](/loc-3986.html)

Northrop (1959)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-46111.html) [South Juanita Mine](/loc-7970.html)

M Massis collection

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-233863.html) [Socorro Peak Mining District](/loc-21817.html)

Northrop et al. (1996)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-239430.html) [May Flower Mine](/loc-7992.html)

Northrop et al. (1996)

PXRD and EDS by Tony Kampf in May

Thorne (n.d.)

Thorne (n.d.)

Roberts et al. (1997)

     * Mammoth
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-927833.html) [Carisa Mine (Carissa Mine; Clarissa Mine)](/loc-9610.html)

Collection of Alex Earl

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1473602.html) [Gold Chain Mine](/loc-29877.html)

Thorne (n.d.)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-397514.html) [Mammoth Mine](/loc-15208.html)

Thorne (n.d.)

        * North Star Mine (Star Consolidated Mine)
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1390520.html) [Upper dumps](/loc-311606.html)

Thorne (n.d.)

Collected by and in the collection of ...

  * Little Cottonwood Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1413182.html) [Little Emma Mine](/loc-38468.html)

Thorne (n.d.)

Luetcke (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1415861.html) [Jomac Mine](/loc-5363.html)

Desor (11/2020)

Bullock (1981)

  * Ophir Mining District
     * Jacob City
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-9613.html) [Hidden Treasure Mine](/loc-4184.html)

Rocks & Minerals 83:1 pp 52-62 +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-786830.html) [Kearsarge Mine](/loc-13768.html)

Thorne (n.d.)

     * Ophir
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-505255.html) [Ophir Hill Consolidated Mine](/loc-38986.html)

Rocks & Minerals 83:1 pp 52-62

Bullock (1981) +1 other reference

Rosemeyer (1997)


Korowski et al. (1980)


Wolfgang Hampel (SEM-EDS, November 2014)

Vetter et al. (1999) +1 other reference