Spionkopite (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species



About SpionkopiteHide

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"Extended" formula is Cu+15Cu2+4.5(S2)2S10 (Goble, 1985).

Specific Gravity:

5.13 (Calculated)


Named after its discovery locality, the Spionkop Creek valley, Alberta, Canada.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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Long-form identifier:



IMA Classification of SpionkopiteHide

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Classification of SpionkopiteHide

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2 : SULFIDES and SULFOSALTS (sulfides, selenides, tellurides; arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides; sulfarsenites, sulfantimonites, sulfbismuthites, etc.)
C : Metal Sulfides, M: S = 1: 1 (and similar)
A : With Cu

4 : AmBnXp, with (m+n):p = 2:1


3 : Sulphides, Selenides, Tellurides, Arsenides and Bismuthides (except the arsenides, antimonides and bismuthides of Cu, Ag and Au, which are included in Section 1)
1 : Sulphides etc. of Cu

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Please only use the official IMA–CNMNC symbol. Older variants are listed for historical use only.

Symbol Source Reference
Spi IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43
Spi The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist list of symbols for rock- and ore-forming minerals (December 30, 2019). download

Physical Properties of SpionkopiteHide

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VHN15=63 - 93 kg/mm2 - Vickers


5.13 g/cm3 (Calculated)

Optical Data of SpionkopiteHide

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Wavelength R1 R2 imR1 imR2
400nm 26.1% 33.4% 13.1% 19.9%
420nm 25.8% 32.9% 12.5% 19.3%
440nm 25.1% 32.3% 11.7% 18.6%
460nm 24.2% 31.45% 10.6% 17.4%
470nm 23.6% 31.0% 10.0% 16.8%
480nm 23.0% 30.5% 9.46% 16.2%
500nm 21.8% 29.5% 8.32% 15.1%
520nm 20.5% 28.5% 7.38% 14.1%
540nm 19.0% 27.4% 6.39% 13.0%
546nm 18.6% 27.1% 6.10% 12.3%
560nm 17.6% 26.4% 5.49% 12.1%
580nm 16.3% 25.4% 4.64% 11.3%
589nm 15.6% 24.9% 4.27% 10.9%
600nm 14.9% 24.45% 3.86% 10.6%
620nm 13.6% 23.8% 3.21% 10.1%
640nm 12.4% 23.8% 2.63% 10.2%
650nm 11.8% 24.05% 2.37% 10.3%
660nm 11.2% 24.3% 2.12% 10.6%
680nm 10.0% 24.55% 1.75% 10.7%
700nm 9.06% 24.3% 1.55% 10.5%

Reflectance graph
Graph shows reflectance levels at different wavelengths (in nm). Top of box is 100%. Peak reflectance is 33.4%.
R1 shown in black, R2 shown in red, imR1 shown in green, imR2 shown in blue


Distinguished from yarrowite because yarrowite is a darker shade of blue and is more strongly bireflectant and anisotropic.

Chemistry of SpionkopiteHide

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Mindat Formula:


"Extended" formula is Cu+15Cu2+4.5(S2)2S10 (Goble, 1985).

Crystallography of SpionkopiteHide

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Class (H-M):

622 - Trapezohedral

Cell Parameters:

a = 22.962 Å, c = 41.429 Å

Unit Cell V:

18,917.10 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


Possible space group is _P_-3_m_1.

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
5.955 Å (8)
5.324 Å (5)
5.032 Å (15)
4.653 Å (5)
3.681 Å (20)
3.530 Å (5)
3.408 Å (8)
3.278 Å (15)
3.223 Å (5)
3.076 Å (85)
2.964 Å (8)
2.926 Å (5)
2.849 Å (20)
2.777 Å (30)
2.592 Å (5)
2.517 Å (20)
2.483 Å (5)
2.386 Å (20)
2.297 Å (25)
2.185 Å (8)
2.123 Å (8)
2.060 Å (8)
1.965 Å (12)
1.910 Å (100)
1.820 Å (30)
1.738 Å (12)
1.684 Å (8)
1.622 Å (20)
1.573 Å (12)
1.473 Å (15)
1.424 Å (8)
1.406 Å (8)
1.386 Å (8)
1.361 Å (8)
1.321 Å (12)
1.241 Å (12)
1.151 Å (5)
1.104 Å (12)
1.089 Å (12)
1.065 Å (8)
1.032 Å (8)
0.9880 Å (12)
0.9568 Å (12)
0.9124 Å (8)
0.8823 Å (8)
0.8156 Å (5)
0.7982 Å (5)


Note: There are about 12 d-values of low intensity (<20) in each of the species which distinguish spionkopite from yarrowite. Therefore, the total of about 25 independent lines present or not present may be an aid in distinguishing the two species using XRD. XRD data from: Goble, R. J. (1980) COPPER SULFIDES FROM ALBERTA: YARROWITE Cu9S8 AND SPIONKOPITE Cu39S28, Canadian Mineralogist, v. 18, pp. 511-518.

Geological EnvironmentHide

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Type Occurrence of SpionkopiteHide

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Place of Conservation of Type Material:

Canadian Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada.
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 122290. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA, 149430, 149431.

Geological Setting of Type Material:

Selective replacement of small (~0.5 mm diameter) spheroidal quartz aggregates, feldspar grains, fractured quartz grains and carbonate cement within sandstones and quartzites of a redbed formation, a marginal continental, shallow water sequence.

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:

Synonyms of SpionkopiteHide

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Other Language Names for SpionkopiteHide

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Common AssociatesHide

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Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:

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Fluorescence of SpionkopiteHide

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Other InformationHide

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Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for SpionkopiteHide

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Localities for SpionkopiteHide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Córdoba Province Colón Department Calera Norte District La Calera Dumesnil Malpaso Quarry Colombo et al. (2011)
Río Negro Province Valcheta Department San Martin pluton San Martín Mine GOZALVEZ
Salta Province Iruya Department La Esperanza Mine de Brodtkorb et al. (2016)
Santa Cruz Province Magallanes Department Martha mine Páez et al. (2016)
Atlantic Ocean
Mid-Atlantic Ridge complex Ashadze hydrothermal area Ashadze 1 Firstova et al. (2016)
Logatchev-1 hydrothermal field Gablina et al. (2006)
Petersburgskoe hydrothermal field Gablina et al. (2017)
Rainbow Massif Rainbow hydrothermal field New Data on Minerals (2004)
Semenov region Semyenov-2 Hydrothermal Field Firstova et al. (2019)
Zenith–Victoria hydrothermal field Gablina et al. (2017)
New South Wales Robinson Co. Cobar Endeavor Mine (Elura Mine) Leverett et al. (2005)
Queensland City of Mount Isa Gunpowder District Mount Gordon Esperanza Z5 Mine (Esperanza deposit) Richardson et al. (1997)
South Australia Pastoral Unincorporated Area Olympic Dam Olympic Dam Mine Ciobanu et al. (2017)
Western Australia Wiluna Shire Mount Keith Mount Keith Open Pit Grguric (2003)
Styria Deutschlandsberg District Eibiswald Soboth Krumbach Galena occurrence ? Postl et al. (2013)
Graz Innere Stadt Schlossberg Ag-Ag-Cu mineralisation Bojar et al. (1999)
Murtal District Spielberg Flatschach Leitner (2013)
Cu deposit (Schönberg) Raith et al. (2015)
Brunngraben district Jakely (Hrsg.)
Weißenbach district (Flatschachgraben; Weißenbachgraben) Brandegger Mine Raith et al. (2015)
Voitsberg District Krems Schlossberg Moser & Postl (1990) +1 other reference
Wallonia Luxembourg Vielsalm Hatert et al. (2014)
Canada (TL)
Alberta Pincher Creek Yarrow Creek-Spionkop Creek deposit Spionkop Creek (TL) Goble (1980) +1 other reference
Yarrow Creek Goble (1980) +1 other reference
Nova Scotia Colchester Co. Five Islands Sabina (2015) +1 other reference
Lunenburg Co. New Ross Walker Moly prospect (New Russell prospect) Sabina (2015) +1 other reference
Ontario Algoma District Gould Township Cheney Mine Sabina (1991)
Plummer Additional Township Bruce Mines Taylor Mine Sabina
Rainy River District Little Turtle Lake Area Port Arthur Mine Sabina (1991)
Fujian Longyan Shanghang Co. Zijinshan ore field Zijinshan Mine Huang et al. (2014)
Jiangxi Jiujiang Jiujiang Co. Chengmenshan Mine Guo et al. (2023)
Tibet Ngari Gêrzê Co. Duolong ore field Southern Tiegelong deposit YANG et al. (2014)
Czech Republic
Karlovy Vary Region Karlovy Vary District Abertamy Hřebečná Maurizi Mine (St. Maurizius shaft; Mauritius Mine; Beer Mine) Sejkora et al. (2021)
Moravian-Silesian Region Bruntál District Rýmařov Skály Dolníček et al. (2019)
DR Congo
Lualaba Mutshatsha Kolwezi Musonoi Mine Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) +1 other reference
Baden-Württemberg Freiburg Region Ortenaukreis Oberwolfach Clara Mine Walenta (1992)
Rottweil Schenkenzell Wittichen Böckelsbach valley Neuglück Mine Walenta (1992)
Burgfelsen Johann Mine
Gallenbach valley Daniel Mine Walenta (1992)
Heubach Valley Anton Mine
Waldshut Dachsberg Urberg Gottesehre Mine Walenta (1992)
St Blasien Menzenschwand Krunkelbach Valley Uranium deposit Walenta (1992)
Karlsruhe Region Calw Neubulach Walenta (1992)
Freudenstadt Walenta (1992)
Pforzheim Würm Käfersteige Mine ? Walenta (1992)
Bavaria Lower Franconia Aschaffenburg District Kleinkahl Großkahl Hilfe Gottes Mine Wittern (2001)
Westerngrund Huckelheim Segen Gottes Mine Schmitt (1993)
Lower Saxony Goslar District Clausthal-Zellerfeld Oberschulenberg Glücksrad Mine Lapis (1)
Rhineland-Palatinate Birkenfeld Birkenfeld Sonnenberg-Winnenberg Rosa Mine Roger Lang analyses/research 1994-1998
Herrstein-Rhaunen Fischbach Hosenberg copper mine Scheiderhöhn & Kautzsch 1936
Saxony-Anhalt Mansfeld Basin Wittern (2001)
Schleswig-Holstein Helgoland North Coast (Felswatt; incl. Lange Anna) Markus Gerstmann - Collection
Pindos ophiolite complex Eliopoulos +3 other references
Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur Division Balaghat District Baihar Malanjkand Malanjkhand Mine Sikka et al. (1991)
West Java Province Bogor Regency Gunung Pongkor Mine The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 41 (2003)
East Azerbaijan Province Shabestar County Nahand-Ivand area Sadati et al. (2016)
Yazd Province Ardakan County Kharanaq District Zarrin Rural District Baryte deposit www.fos.ut.ac.ir (2004) +2 other references
Munster Kerry County Killarney Lough Leane Ross Island Ixer
Lombardy Sondrio Province Val Masino Mello Pass AA. VV.
Trentino-Alto Adige (Trentino-South Tyrol) South Tyrol Wipptal (Alta Vall'Isarco) Pfitsch (Val di Vizze) Sankt Jakob (San Giacomo) Vizze Pass (Pfitsch Pass; Pfitscher Joch) Rinnerlahner Folie et al. (2010)
Papua New Guinea
Central Province Astrolabe mineral field Federal Flag Mine (Astrolabe mine) Noku et al. (2012)
Lower Silesian Voivodeship Głogów County Gmina Jerzmanowa Bądzów SW-1'Jan Wyżykowski' shaft Jadwiga PIECZONKA et al. (2008)
Lubin–Głogów mining district Piestrzyński et al. (2012)
Lubin County Lubin Kucha H. 2007: Mineralogia kruszcowa i ... +1 other reference
Polkowice County Gmina Polkowice Polkowice Kucha (2021)
Gmina Radwanice Sieroszowice Sieroszowice S-1 borehole Oszczepalski et al. (2017)
Lubusz Voivodeship Nowa Sól County Stypułów K-13 borehole Oszczepalski et al. (2017)
Caraş-Severin County Sasca Montană Szakáll (2002)
Sakha Aldan Lebedinoe Au Deposit (Nezametnyi Mine) Nenasheva et al. (2011)
Tuva Tes-Khemsky District Agardag ultramafic massif Palyanova et al. (2018)
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Kershor Complex Vasilinovskoe ore occurrence Vikentyev et al. (2023)
Labytnangi Ozernoe Occurrence Murzin et al. (2022)
Banská Bystrica Region Banská Bystrica District Banská Bystrica Lazina Vlasáč J. et al. (2018)
Brusno Brzáčka ore occurrence Hoppanová et al. (2024)
Aragon Zaragoza Épila Valdechurlinos ravine Esperanza mine Calvo (2008)
Catalonia Lleida Pallars Jussà La Vall Fosca La Torre de Cabdella Castell-estaó Eureka mine Castillo et al. (2009) +1 other reference
Värmland County Filipstad Långban Ore District Långban Mine Holtstam et al. (1999)
Glarus Glarus Nord Mürtschenalp Chalttal area Grosses Chalttal Malcherek et al. (2024)
Grisons Surselva Region Tujetsch Val Curnera Cavradi gorge Stalder et al. (1998)
Valais Sierre Anniviers Chandolin Chandolin Alp Ansermet (2012)
Saint-Luc Upper Tignausa vein Stalder et al. (1998) +1 other reference
England Leicestershire Hinckley and Bosworth Stanton under Bardon Cliffe Hill Quarry New Cliffe Hill Quarry Ixer et al. (2005)
North Somerset Clevedon Clevedon Beach Ixer et al. (1993)
North Yorkshire Craven Settle - Malham Area Scaleber Bridge [J.Russell Soc. 1998:41]
Warwickshire Nuneaton and Bedworth Judkins Quarry Ixer et al. (2005)
Scotland Highland Loch Kishorn Rassal Faithfull et al. (2012)
Wales Conwy Llandudno Great Orme Old Mine Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : ... +1 other reference
Isle of Anglesey Amlwch Parys Mountain Mines
Powys Old Radnor Dolyhir Quarry Cotterell et al. (2011)
Arizona Cochise County Bisbee Graeme (1993)
Campbell Mine Graeme (1993) +1 other reference
Juniper Flats Rob Bowell
Unnamed prospects Robert Bowell and Rolf Luetcke
California San Bernardino County Ivanpah Mining District Ivanpah Mountains Kessler Peak Morning Star Mine Ronald Wynn Sheets et al. (1995)
Colorado Park County Alma Mining District Mount Bross Sweet Home Mine Min News 20:9 pp1
Nevada Humboldt County Buffalo Mountain Mining District Lone Tree Mine Castor et al. (2004)
Lander County Battle Mountain Mining District Copper Basin Moore-Roth (2012)
New Jersey Sussex County Franklin Mining District ? Modris Baum
New York St. Lawrence County De Kalb De Kalb Dana's New Mineralogy
Geerite locality Goble et al. (1980)
Virginia Charlotte County Virgilina Mining District Dietrich (1990)
Halifax County Virgilina Mining District Dietrich (1990)