Variscite (original) (raw)

Antigua and Barbuda

Palache et al. (1951)


Mr. Nelson Valenzuela.

Brodtkorb (2002)


Trueman (1965)

Rocks & Min.:64 (5)

Podgson RE

Birch et al. (1997)

Hosking (1995)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-11570.html) [Tennant Creek](/loc-124.html)

Day et al. (1996)

Murray (1973)

Dion Glastra M. collection

Duggan et al. (1990)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1604777.html) [Unnamed phosphate occurrence](/loc-439282.html)

Duggan et al. (1990)

Francis et al. (2012)

Harrowfield et al. (1981)

Francis (2010)

Frost et al. (2004)

  * St Johns
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-907717.html) [St Johns Quarry](/loc-160.html)

Australian Journal of Mineralogy ... +1 other reference

  * Outalpa
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-959685.html) [Ameroo Hill](/loc-19071.html)  ?

Hosking (1995)

Bottrill et al. (2008)

Bottrill et al. (2008)

Ralph Bottrill et al in prep.

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-373011.html) [Prince Lyell Mine](/loc-18798.html)

Bottrill et al. (2008)

W.D.Birch & D.A.Henry 1993. Phosphate ...

Birch et al. (1993)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-103997.html) [Variscite Mine](/loc-17605.html)

  * Whitfield
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-93901.html) [Edi-Cheshunt turquoise field](/loc-11199.html)

Birch et al. (1993)

Museum Victoria Mineralogy Collection +1 other reference

Downes et al. (2002)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-454470.html) [Telfer Mine](/loc-25162.html)

Downes et al. (2006)

Simpson Mineral Collection of the ...

  * Milgun Station
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1270981.html) [Clive’s Find](/loc-307514.html)

Peter Downes et al. (2018)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-195765.html) [Milgun Variscite Mine](/loc-41348.html)

Mineralogical Magazine 39 (1974) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-848390.html) [Mount Deverell East](/loc-251159.html)

Fetherston et al. (2013)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-848384.html) [Sawback Range phophate](/loc-251158.html)

Fetherston et al. (2013)

  * Mount Padbury Station
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-848383.html) [Dimble Creek 1 Variscite](/loc-251157.html)

Fetherston et al. (2013)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1433467.html) [Mount Vernon](/loc-408441.html)

Simpson Mineral Collection of the ...

  * Mount Vernon Station
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1433408.html) [Mount Vernon Station homestead](/loc-408435.html)

Government Chemical Laboratories. In: ... +1 other reference

  * Woodlands Station
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-649009.html) [Woodlands variscite gold occurrence (Low Hill; Waldburg variscite deposit)](/loc-211701.html)

Nickel (2008)

Palache et al. (1951)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-487226.html) [Ninghanboun Hills serpentinite](/loc-12221.html)

Simpson (1932) +1 other reference


Niedermayr (1996)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-270548.html) [Trandorf](/loc-57557.html)

Niedermayr (1984) +1 other reference

Palache et al. (1951)

Palache et al. (1951) +1 other reference

Postl W et al. (2022)


Schnorrer-Köhler (1988)

Hatert et al. (2002)

Fransolet (1987) +2 other references

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-891888.html) [Ottré](/loc-279.html)

Hatert et al. (2002)


Wilson (2001) +1 other reference

Wilson (2001)

Kempff et al. (La Paz, 2009)


Sauer (1982)

Rui Nunes December 2010

Sioeira et al. (1982)

P Haas collection

Menezes (n.d.)

Collection from Elmar Lackner. New find ... +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-678980.html) [Eduardo claim](/loc-211260.html)

Field Trip Guide +1 other reference

Cassedanne et al. (1999)

Robinson (1993)

531 p +6 other references

Piló et al. (2023)

Santos et al. (2016)

Murdoch (1955)


Kunov et al. (2001) +1 other reference

Kunov et al. (1997)


Can Min vol 25 pp 221-226 (1987)

Maggie Wilson

Cape Verde

Figueiredo +3 other references


XRD and SEM-EDS by Igor V. Pekov

Francisco Velasco et al. (2020)


Zhaolin Li et al. (1983)

Xunyi Wang (1982)

Orris et al. (2002)

Anthony +1 other reference

Hunan 230 Laboratory et al. (1976)

Rengui Wu and Dagan Yu (2000)

  * Le'an Co.
     * Xiangshan Uranium ore field
        * Zoujiashan ore district
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-811919.html) [U deposit No. 6122](/loc-187212.html)

Rengui Wu and Dagan Yu (2000)

Yunhuai Lin and Shiyang Chen (1985)

Mangen Li et al. (2007)

  * Yanshan Co. (Qianshan Co.)
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-811946.html) [U deposit No. 34](/loc-244324.html)

Rengui Wu and Dagan Yu (2000)

Keqiao Chen et al. (1981)

Denghong Wang et al. (2001)


Palache et al. (1951) +1 other reference

Czech Republic

Vrtiška L. et al. (2016) +1 other reference

Pauliš +4 other references

  * Hudlice
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1250591.html) [Krušná Hora](/loc-213874.html)

Vrtiška L. et al. (2018)

  * Olešná
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1031603.html) [Milina hill](/loc-290615.html)

Černý P. et al. (2015) +1 other reference

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-668270.html) [Zaječov](/loc-215299.html)

Zepharovich (1867)

Vrtiška L. et al. (2016) +1 other reference

Sejkora et al. (2006)

Pauliš +1 other reference

Janouš +4 other references

Sejkora et al. (2011)

Houzar S.: Přehled minerálů z ...

Vrtiška L et al. (2017)

Roman Gramblička collection

  * Stařeč
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1418399.html) [Čechočovice phosphate occurrences](/loc-405333.html)

Roman Gramblička collection

  * Želetava
     * Bítovánky
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1418013.html) [Bítovánky quarries](/loc-250531.html)

Roman Gramblička collection

DR Congo

Gauthier et al. (1989)


Nasraoui et al. (1999)

Mills et al. (2010)


Berbain et al. (2012)


Frank de Wit collection +1 other reference

        * Montmins mining district
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1096106.html) [L'Eperon-West mine](/loc-294623.html)

Chlooet Pascal collection

           * Le Mazet
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-675069.html) [Le Mazet vein](/loc-188986.html)

Luigi Chiappino collection

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-162873.html) [Ste Barbe vein (Les Montmins)](/loc-1669.html)

Cuchet et al. (2000)

Lacroix (1910)

Palache et al. (1951)

Pirard et al. (2007) +1 other reference

Jean-Marie LAURENT collection

Berbain et al. (2012)

GAYRAUD (2010)

Lukas (1978) +2 other references


58. +1 other reference

Weiß (1990)

  * Neustadt an der Waldnaab District
     * Pleystein
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1626421.html) [Miesbrunn pegmatite–aplite swarm](/loc-441923.html)

Dill et al. (2012)

     * Waidhaus
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1320727.html) [Hagendorf](/loc-108622.html)

Dill et al. (2011)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-713409.html) [Hagendorf South Pegmatite](/loc-1769.html)

Mücke et al. (2011) +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-75043.html) [Silbergrube](/loc-13086.html)

Dill et al. (2008)

  * Tirschenreuth District
     * Tirschenreuth
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1423800.html) [Großklenau](/loc-211676.html)

Meier (2005)

Wittern (2001)

Weiß (1990)

  * Lahn-Dill-Kreis
     * Lahnau
        * Waldgirmes
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-113411.html) [Rotläufchen Mine](/loc-19866.html)

Weiß (1990)

  * Limburg-Weilburg
     * Weinbach
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1351682.html) [Mark Mine](/loc-108315.html)

XRD and SEM-EDS by Gerhard Möhn and ...

Blaß et al. (1998) +1 other reference

     * Sundern
        * Altenhellefeld
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-104995.html) [Limestone quarry](/loc-17779.html)

Wittern (2001)

        * Hellefeld
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-105243.html) [Hardtkopf](/loc-17803.html)

Wittern (2001)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-105000.html) [Stockum quarry](/loc-17780.html)

Weiß (1990)

  * Soest
     * Warstein
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-293567.html) [David Mine (Christiansglück Mine)](/loc-1926.html)

Weiß (1990) (2016)

in the collection of Christof Schäfer

Gröbner et al. (2011)

Wittern (2001)

Witzke et al. (2013)

  * Quitzdorf am See
     * Horscha
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-96922.html) [Pansberg quarry](/loc-16015.html)

86. +2 other references

Palache et al. (1951)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-95155.html) [Freiberg](/loc-1832.html)

Wittern (2001)

Journ.prakt.Chem. (1837) +2 other references

T. Witzke & F. Rüger: Lapis 1998 (7/8)

  * Ronneburg
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-166120.html) [Lichtenberg open cast](/loc-13506.html)

T. Witzke & F. Rüger: Lapis 1998 (7/8)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-166122.html) [Reust Mine](/loc-30948.html)

T. Witzke & F. Rüger: Lapis 1998 (7/8)

  * Zeulenroda-Triebes
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-486655.html) [Weckersdorf quarry](/loc-67963.html)

Pestel et al. (2007)


Szakáll: 100 Hungarian Mineral Loc.


Carson (2015)


Yaghubpur et al. (1997)



Weiner et al. (1993)


Stara et al. (1996)

  * Sinnai
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1207854.html) [Murdegu](/loc-297838.html)

Marini et al. (1989) +1 other reference

Marini et al. (1989) +1 other reference

  * Villaputzu
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-227615.html) [Arcu Genna Arrela (Arcu Gennarrela)](/loc-48163.html)

Pelloux (1912) +5 other references

Audra et al. (2019)

Audra et al. (2019)

Senesi F. (Valdicastello Carducci, Lucca)


Ito (1975)

Takashi Yamada et al. (1999)

Yamada (2004)

Matsubara et al. (1998)


Ankinovich et al. (1997)


Karpenko et al. (2009)


a reconnaissance report. USGS Bulletin ... +1 other reference


Matthew Low collection

Matthew Low collection

McFarlane et al. (2018)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-464280.html) [Niah Great Cave (Gunong Jerneb)](/loc-25024.html)

Bridge et al. (1983)

Wurster et al. (2015)


Gineste (2012)


Forti (2006)

Panczner (1987)


Wilson et al. (2000)

Neves et al. (1968)


von Bezing (2007)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-313145.html) [Sandamap pegmatite](/loc-2430.html)

Der Aufschluss 36:117-119

Pacific Ocean

Palache et al. (1951)


Hyrśl (2012)


Wurster et al. (2015)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1313505.html) [Makangit Cave](/loc-312773.html)

Wurster et al. (2015)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1313530.html) [Tabon Caves](/loc-312778.html)

Choa et al. (2014)


Eligiusz Szełęg collection

Personally collected by Zając Piotr in ...

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-311392.html) [Wiśniówka Wielka](/loc-69351.html)

Gucwa +3 other references


Pedro Alves collection. Characterized ...

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-760024.html) [Fragas da Carvalhosa Mine](/loc-235080.html)

Alves (n.d.)

António Manuel Ináçio Martins ...

  * Rebordelo
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1283899.html) [Alto do Facho Mine](/loc-309381.html)

Pedro Alves collection and analytical ...

Self-find by Nuno Afonso +1 other reference

  * Vila Chã (São João Baptista e Santiago)
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1409567.html) [Mata da Galinheira Mine](/loc-107998.html)

PROSPEG – Projecto de prospecção +1 other reference

Alves (n.d.)

Dias P et al. (2014)


Onac et al. (2005)

Onac (2009) (2008)


Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) +1 other reference

Rychagov et al. (2017, November)


F. Hatert et al. (PO4) +1 other reference

  * Muhororo
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-687813.html) [Buranga pegmatite](/loc-2824.html)

Bertossa (1968) +1 other reference

  * Ndaro
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-687757.html) [Bijyojyo](/loc-210669.html)



Gineste et al. (2005)


Baker (1963)


Kodě +1 other reference

Palache et al. (1951)

Koděra (1986)

South Africa

Martini (1978)

Martini (1978)

Cairncross et al. (1995)

Martini (1997)

Martini (1978)

B. Cairncross photo ID 1055123

Miller et al. (2016)

South Kordofan Sudan

Abdelmajid et al. (2014)


Calvo Rebollar (2015)

Calvo Rebollar (2015)

Calvo Rebollar et al. (2022)

Calvo Rebollar (2015)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-474708.html) [Palazuelo de las Cuevas](/loc-3141.html)

Arribas +3 other references

F. Costa et al.

        * Bruguers
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1561886.html) [Cal Gairal street outcrops](/loc-295298.html)

Joan Rosell (2023)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-437507.html) [Elvira Mine](/loc-132655.html)

Bareche (2005)

        * Gavà Mines (Can Tintorer Mines)
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1484771.html) [Can Tintorer section](/loc-420180.html)

Díaz-Acha et al. (2022)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1484759.html) [Les Ferreres Range area](/loc-420181.html)

Díaz-Acha et al. (2022)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1338475.html) [Gavà Mines Archaeological Park (Can Tintorer Mines)](/loc-337245.html)

Bosch +6 other references

     * Sant Feliu de Llobregat
        * Collserola mountain range
           * Santa Creu d'Olorda
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-829898.html) [Sansón quarry (Sanson quarry)](/loc-247608.html)  ?

Bareche (2005)

  * Barcelonès
     * Barcelona city
        * Collserola mountain range
           * Santa Creu d'Olorda
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-823338.html) [Sot de les Mines](/loc-246225.html)

J L Bravo collection

  * Maresme
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-1410990.html) [Malgrat de Mar](/loc-282495.html)

Joan Rosell - Carles Gili

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1569969.html) [Turó d'en Serra](/loc-433130.html)

Calvo Rebollar (2015)

     * Tordera
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-825240.html) [Rialls quarry (Montpalau quarry)](/loc-127503.html)

Marc C collection

  * Vallès Occidental
     * Montcada i Reixac
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-256518.html) [Montcada Hill Quarry](/loc-55716.html)

Mineralogistes de Catalunya (1997)

Joan Rosell (02/2016)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-956075.html) [Turquoise mine (Mina de la Turquesa; Mas de les Moreres)](/loc-269420.html)

J. Rosell (02/2016)

Calvo Rebollar (2015)


Bjällerud (1989)


James Huang


Likhachov et al. (eds.)


Golley et al. (1995)

  * Treverbyn
     * Stenalees
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-11564.html) [Gunheath China Clay Pit](/loc-965.html)

Golley et al. (1995)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-11565.html) [Hensbarrow China Clay Pit](/loc-1192.html)

Weiss (1994)

Young (1988) +1 other reference

Alysson Rowan collection

     * West Buckland
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-11569.html) [High Down Quarry](/loc-1536.html)

Day (1999)

Ian Jones collection


Eckel et al. (1953)


Brighton Alfred Collection.

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-144613.html) [Indian Mountain](/loc-4123.html)

Hollabaugh et al. (1989)

Anthony et al. (1995)

Anthony et al. (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-736440.html) [Cole Mine](/loc-3297.html)

Luetcke (n.d.)

Arthur E. Smith (2008)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-681375.html) [de Linde Pits](/loc-10540.html)

Rocks & Minerals (2010)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-68260.html) [Stuart Schmitt deposit](/loc-11775.html)

Rocks & Min.:64:296.

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-547742.html) [Crystal Springs](/loc-11580.html)

Arthur E. Smith (2008)

  * Hot Springs
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-547737.html) [Hot Springs Water Works](/loc-191127.html)

Arthur E. Smith (2008)

  * Wilson Springs (Potash Sulfur Springs)
     * Union Carbide Mine
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-217960.html) [North Wilson pit](/loc-45867.html)

Howard +1 other reference

Rocks & Min.: 56:190.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-98867.html) [Montgomery County Quarry](/loc-16503.html)

Rocks & Min.: 63:112.

  * North Mountain
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-101929.html) [North Mountain Mine (Stenger Mine; Copper Lume Mine)](/loc-17088.html)

Rocks & Min.: 63:113 +2 other references

Rocks & Min.:63:118.

Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 304 +3 other references

Eckel et al. (1997)

Denicourt +1 other reference

     * Noralyn/Phosphoria Mines (IMC-Agrico)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-816692.html) [Noralyn Mine](/loc-244874.html)

Marc V. Hurst (2012)

Jason Smith & M.E. Ciriotti (2005)

Graves Mountain and Magruder Mine +1 other reference

Ream (2004)

USGS National Geochemical Database ...

Castor et al. (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292388.html) [Woodruff Canyon](/loc-65317.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

- (2005)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-215619.html) [Candelaria Mining District (Columbus Mining District)](/loc-36736.html)

Rocks & Minerals. Nov. 1999. +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292079.html) [Broken Arrow Mine](/loc-65270.html)

Upper Advance Adit +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-273940.html) [Candelaria-Sigmund group](/loc-60788.html)

NBMG Bull 78 Geology and Mineral ...

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-273942.html) [Los Angeles Gem Co. group (Miss Moffet mine; Blue Boy mine; Blue mine; Persian Blue mine; Pirate No. 3 claim)](/loc-60789.html)

NBMG Bull 78 Geology and Mineral ... +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-291453.html) [Unnamed prospect (2)](/loc-64469.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Coaldale Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292390.html) [Holland claim](/loc-65318.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292393.html) [Sigmund claim](/loc-65320.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-273938.html) [Unnamed prospects](/loc-60787.html)

NBMG Bull 78 Geology and Mineral ...

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292391.html) [Wilson-Capps claim](/loc-65319.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Crow Springs Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292395.html) [Crow Spring mine (Blue Friday mine; Petry mine)](/loc-60794.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292396.html) [Margaritte mine (Marguerite Mine; Star mine; Copper Queen mine)](/loc-61758.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Gilbert Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-274133.html) [Carr-Lovejoy group](/loc-60891.html)

NBMG Bull 78 Geology and Mineral ...

  * Goldfield Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292397.html) [Vindicator Mountain](/loc-63708.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

Jensen et al. (1995)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-993143.html) [Cortez Mining District](/loc-36768.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Lynn Mining District
     * Elko
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-37403.html) [Carlin Gold mine](/loc-3898.html)

Jensen et al. (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292399.html) [Genesis pit](/loc-63602.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology ...

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Iron Point Mining District
     * Valmy
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-37302.html) [Silver Coin Mine](/loc-6744.html)

Dr. William S. Wise presentation to ...

  * Osgood Mountains
     * Potosi Mining District
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-215693.html) [Redhouse Barite Mine](/loc-23170.html)

Rocks & Minerals. Nov. 1999.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292400.html) [Twin Creeks Mine](/loc-5578.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Birch Creek Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-282335.html) [Damele mine](/loc-63274.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Bullion Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1473604.html) [Cat 25 Claim](/loc-418426.html)

Walstrom (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-680403.html) [Color Back mine (Turquoise Boy mine)](/loc-60009.html)

Rockpick Legend specimen

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292403.html) [Grey Eagle mine](/loc-60029.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-920018.html) [Verde Web Mine](/loc-258100.html)

Dr. Tony Kampf of the Los Angeles ...

  * Reese River Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292409.html) [Apache Variscite mine](/loc-65321.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Simpson Park Mountains
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1462162.html) [Dry Creek Mine (Godber Mine; Last Chance claim; Blue Stone claim; Homesite claim)](/loc-59972.html)

collected by and in the collection of ... +1 other reference

Jeremy Zolan

Kampf et al. (2016)

     * Candelaria Silver Mine
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-277389.html) [Northern Belle pit](/loc-61814.html)

Collection of Kelly Starnes 1990

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-191155.html) [Dees Prospect](/loc-39398.html)

Ross (1961)

  * Silver Star Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292411.html) [Dunwoody-Pritchard group](/loc-65323.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-277077.html) [Halley's Comet mine (Clara mine)](/loc-61767.html)

NBMG Rept 17 Turquoise Deposits of Nevada (1968)

personal referernce

  * Toquima Range
     * Manhattan Mining District
        * Manhattan
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-280921.html) [Manhattan Consolidated Mine](/loc-40226.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-192638.html) [Train prospect](/loc-40463.html)

USGS Bull 723 +2 other references

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-284409.html) [Vashegyite Gem Mine](/loc-63823.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * Northumberland Mining District
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292423.html) [P & S Mine (Old Soldier Mine; Old Soldier Mine)](/loc-62250.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Willard Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-39403.html) [Willard Mine](/loc-6916.html) ![](

Jensen et al. (2001) +2 other references

Mason (1976)

Northrop et al. (1996)

Jason B. Smith collection

Indentified by EDS

Smithsonian Institution Mineral ...

- (1977)

U.S. Geological Survey/ U.s. Department ...

Grant (Apr, 1973) +1 other reference

  * Mount Holly Springs
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-150616.html) [Moores Mill](/loc-4078.html)

Gordon (1925) +1 other reference

K. Cabaniss & L.E. Kearns (2011)

Rocks & Minerals 54:4 pp173-175

Loomis (2011)

  * Trojan Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-211688.html) [Clinton Mine](/loc-10003.html)

Smith et al. (2000)

R&M 72:4 pp 268-270

Bullock (1981)

  * Promontory Mountains
     * Promontory Mining District
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-182440.html) [Promontory Point](/loc-37701.html)

Bullock (1981)

  * Tecoma Hill
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-182401.html) [Empire Mine (Tecoma Hill No. 18 Mine)](/loc-37688.html)

Bullock (1981)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-519282.html) [Unknown Gemstone (MRDS - 10020488)](/loc-184271.html)

- (2005)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-519283.html) [Unknown Gemstone Occurrence (MRDS - 10020489)](/loc-184273.html)

- (2005)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-519285.html) [Unknown Gemstone Occurrence (MRDS - 10091681)](/loc-184275.html)

- (2005)

  * Utahlite Hill
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-469728.html) [Edison Bird Mine](/loc-49497.html)

Palache et al. (1951)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-111917.html) [Utahlite claim](/loc-19576.html)

Shubat (1988) +2 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-520119.html) [West Utahlite Hill Variscite Occurrence](/loc-185109.html)

- (2005)

Gruner (1959)

Lavinsky (n.d.)

Mason (1976)

  * Mercur Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-188993.html) [Golden Gate Mine](/loc-11400.html)

Bullock (1981)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-189043.html) [Mercur Mine](/loc-38958.html)

Bullock (1981)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-189054.html) [Sparrowhawk Mine](/loc-38960.html)

Bullock (1981)

  * Stansbury Mountains
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-111934.html) [Amatrice Hill](/loc-19577.html)

American Mineralogist 27:443 +2 other references (n.d.) +1 other reference

Palache et al. (1951)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-514738.html) [Clay Canyon Northwestern Clay Pit](/loc-180955.html)

- (2005)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-47586.html) [Little Green Monster Variscite Mine](/loc-8260.html)

Wilson (2010)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-519434.html) [Unknown Prospect (MRDS - 10012724)](/loc-184407.html)

- (2005)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-520089.html) [West Fritz Prospect](/loc-185084.html)

- (2005)

Mitchell et al. (2)

Dietrich (1990)

Dietrich (1990)

Rocks & Min.: 57:20-22 & 60:168.

Hawley (1934)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-388956.html) [Iron Ridge Mine (Neda Mine; Oliver Mine)](/loc-51655.html)

Hawley (1934)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-389613.html) [Mayville Shaft Mine](/loc-122879.html)

Hawley (1934)

Klemic et al. (1972) +1 other reference


Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)

  * Lyavlyakan-Beshkak ore field
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-634279.html) [Beshkak U deposit](/loc-208294.html)

Solodov et al. (2001)

Mineraly Uzbekistana (Minerals of the Uzbekistan)


Shepard (1877) +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-998117.html) [Gran Roque Island](/loc-147084.html)

Palache et al. (1951)