Perbøeite-(Ce) (original) (raw)
A valid IMA mineral species
Grayish-green to very pale green
Specific Gravity:
4.474 (Calculated)
Crystal System:
Named after the Norwegian mineralogist Per Bøe (1937-), conservator at the Tromsø University museum.
Co-Type Localities:
ⓘ Nedre Eivollen, Eivollen, Drag, Hamarøy, Nordland, Norway
ⓘ Hundholmen, Narvik, Nordland, Norway
ⓘ Stetind pegmatite, Narvik, Nordland, Norway
Member of a polysomatic series having epidote and törnebohmite as end-members.
Forms a continuous solid-solution series with alnaperbøeite-(Ce).
Members of the perbøeite-(Ce)–alnaperbøeite-(Ce) solid solution are topologically identical to the minerals gatelite-(Ce) and västmanlandite-(Ce). Perbøeite-(Ce) derives from gatelite-(Ce) by the homovalent substitution [M3Fe2+ → M3Mg].
Both perbøeite-(Ce) and alnaperbøeite-(Ce) may be present in a single crystal, and the two cannot be distinguished visually. For photos see Alnaperbøeite-(Ce)-Perbøeite-(Ce) Series.
Unique IdentifiersHide
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Long-form identifier:
IMA Classification of Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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IMA Formula:
Type description reference:
Bonazzi, P., Lepore, G. O., Bindi, L., Chopin, C., Husdal, T. A., Medenbach, O. (2014) Perbøeite-(Ce) and alnaperbøeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member. American Mineralogist, 99 (1) 157-169 doi:10.2138/am.2014.4593
Classification of Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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9 : SILICATES (Germanates)
B : Sorosilicates
G : Sorosilicates with mixed SiO4 and Si2O7 groups; cations in octahedral [6] and greater coordination
Mineral SymbolsHide
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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.
Symbol | Source | Reference |
Pbø-Ce | IMA–CNMNC | Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43 |
Physical Properties of Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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Grayish-green to very pale green
{100} good, {001} imperfect
4.474 g/cm3 (Calculated)
Optical Data of Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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RI values:
_n_α = 1.788(2) _n_β = 1.793(2) _n_γ = 1.820(5)
δ = 0.032
Image shows birefringence interference colour range (at 30µm thickness)
and does not take into account mineral colouration.
colorless, grayish blue
Chemistry of Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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Mindat Formula:
Crystallography of Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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Crystal System:
Class (H-M):
2/m - Prismatic
Cell Parameters:
a = 8.9277(6) Å, b = 5.6548(6) Å, c = 17.587(1) Å
β = 116.475(8)°
a:b:c = 1.579 : 1 : 3.11
Sub- to euhedral Gatelite-like crystals, up to 400 μm in size.
X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide
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Powder Diffraction Data:
d-spacing | Intensity |
15.7 Å | (75) |
4.62 Å | (30) |
3.489 Å | (40) |
2.971 Å | (100) |
2.828 Å | (50) |
2.739 Å | (30) |
2.619 Å | (60) |
2.140 Å | (25) |
Geological EnvironmentHide
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Type Occurrence of Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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Co-Type Localities:
ⓘ Nedre Eivollen, Eivollen, Drag, Hamarøy, Nordland, Norway
ⓘ Hundholmen, Narvik, Nordland, Norway
ⓘ Stetind pegmatite, Narvik, Nordland, Norway
General Appearance of Type Material:
-like crystals, some intimately inter- or overgrown by törnebohmite-(Ce)
Place of Conservation of Type Material:
Museo di Storia Naturale, Universita`degli. Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italy, catalogue number 3110/I
Empirical Formula of Type Material:
(Ca1.00Mn0.03Na0.08La0.51Ce1.30Pr0.16Nd0.62Sm0.10Gd0.06Dy0.03 Er0.01Y0.06Th0.01)Σ3.97 (Al3.21Fe2+0.79)Σ4.00Si5.01O20(OH)2
Geological Setting of Type Material:
In yttrian fluorite from pegmatites of the Tysfjord granite, Norway.
Associated Minerals at Type Locality:
Bonazzi, P., Lepore, G.O., Bindi, L.. Chopin, C., Husdal, T.A. & Medenbach, O. (2014) Perbøeite-(Ce) and alnaperbøeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-törnebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member. American Mineralogist: 99: 157-169.
Synonyms of Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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Relationship of Perbøeite-(Ce) to other SpeciesHide
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Related Minerals - Strunz-mindat GroupingHide
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Other InformationHide
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Health Risks:
No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.
Internet Links for Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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References for Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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Reference List:
Bonazzi, P., Lepore, G. O., Bindi, L., Chopin, C., Husdal, T. A., Medenbach, O. (2014) Perbøeite-(Ce) and alnaperbøeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member. American Mineralogist, 99 (1) 157-169 doi:10.2138/am.2014.4593
Localities for Perbøeite-(Ce)Hide
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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The
symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.
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