Alnaperbøeite-(Ce) (original) (raw)

General Appearance of Type Material:

In yttrian fluorite as gatelite-like crystals, some intimately inter-or overgrown by törnebohmite-(Ce)

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

Museo di Storia Naturale, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italy, catalogue number 3114/I

Empirical Formula of Type Material:

(Ca1.10Mn0.03Na0.20La0.42Ce1.14Pr0.16Nd0.60Sm0.13Gd0.07Dy0.03 Er0.01Yb0.01Y0.12Th0.02)Σ4.04 (Al3.54Fe2+0.40Mg0.02)Σ3.96Si4.99O20(OH)2

Chemical Analysis of Type Material:

Ce2O3 40.86 %
CaO 5.58 %
Na2O 1.54 %
Al2O3 20.31 %
SiO2 29.92 %
H2O 1.79 %
Total: 100 %

Geological Setting of Type Material:

quartz-microcline pegmatites of the niobium-yttrium-fluorine family

Associated Minerals at Type Locality: