Negevite (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species

Specific Gravity:

4.881 (Calculated)


Named in 2014 by Sergey N. Britvin, Michail N. Murashko, Ye. Vapnik, Yury S. Polekhovsky, and Sergey V. Krivovichev for the type locality's region, the Negev Desert.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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Long-form identifier:



IMA Classification of NegeviteHide

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Type description reference:

Britvin, Sergey N., Murashko, Michail N., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Polekhovsky, Yury S., Krivovichev, Sergey V., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G. (2020) Negevite, the pyrite-type NiP2, a new terrestrial phosphide. American Mineralogist, 105 (3) 422-427 doi:10.2138/am-2020-7192

Classification of NegeviteHide

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1 : ELEMENTS (Metals and intermetallic alloys; metalloids and nonmetals; carbides, silicides, nitrides, phosphides)
B : Metallic Carbides, Silicides, Nitrides, Phosphides and Hydrides
D : Phosphides

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Symbol Source Reference
Neg IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43

Physical Properties of NegeviteHide

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4.881(1) g/cm3 (Calculated)

Optical Data of NegeviteHide

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Wavelength R
470nm 54.6%
546nm 55.0%
589nm 55.3%
650nm 55.6%

Reflectance graph
Graph shows reflectance levels at different wavelengths (in nm). Top of box is 100%. Peak reflectance is 55.6%.

Colour in reflected light:

White with yellowish tint

Chemistry of NegeviteHide

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Crystallography of NegeviteHide

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Class (H-M):

m_3(2/m_3) - Diploidal

Cell Parameters:

a = 5.4816(5) Å

Crystal StructureHide

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Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

Display Options
Black Background |White Background
Perspective On |Perspective Off
2D |Stereo |Red-Blue |Red-Cyan

CIF File Best |x |y |z |a |b |c

Stop |Start

Console Off |On |Grey |Yellow

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0012676 Negevite Donohue P C, Bither T A, Young H S (1968) High-pressure synthesis of pyrite-type nickel diphosphide and nickel diarsenide Inorganic Chemistry 7 998-1001 1968 synthetic 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
3.165 Å (54)
2.741 Å (95)
2.451 Å (42)
2.238 Å (35)
1.938 Å (54)
1.653 Å (100)
1.582 Å (17)
1.465 Å (17)


From Type Description.

Geological EnvironmentHide

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Type Occurrence of NegeviteHide

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General Appearance of Type Material:

Isometric grains to 15 microns in size

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

Type material is deposited in the collections of 166 the Mineralogical Museum of the Department of Mineralogy, St Petersburg State University, St Petersburg, Russia, catalogue number 19604

Geological Setting of Type Material:

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:


Britvin, S.N., Murashko, M.N., Vapnik, Ye., Polekhovsky, Y.S., Krivovichev, S.V., Vereshchagin, O.S., Shilovskikh, V.V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M.G. (2020) Negevite, the pyrite-type NiP2, a new terrestrial phosphide. American Mineralogist: 105(3): 422–427.

Synonyms of NegeviteHide

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Other InformationHide

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Insoluble in 10% HCl

Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for NegeviteHide

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Reference List:

Britvin, Sergey N., Murashko, Michail N., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Polekhovsky, Yury S., Krivovichev, Sergey V., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G. (2020) Negevite, the pyrite-type NiP2, a new terrestrial phosphide. American Mineralogist, 105 (3) 422-427 doi:10.2138/am-2020-7192

Localities for NegeviteHide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Israel (TL)
Southern District (HaDarom District) Tamar Regional Council Hatrurim Basin Halamish wadi (Ẕuq Tamrur) (TL) Williams et al. (2014) +1 other reference
Amman Governorate Transjordan Plateau Daba-Siwaqa complex Negevite et al. (in press)
Unnamed phosphorite quarry Britvin et al. (2020)
Middle East
Hatrurim Formation Vapnik et al. (2014)