Sidorovite (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species


Specific Gravity:

11.815 (Calculated)


Named in honor of Evgeniy Gennadievich Sidorov (1955–2021), Russian geologist and mineralogist at the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He played a significant role in the discovery of the Koryak-Kamchatka Platinum Belt and is a co-author of 71 new minerals discovered in Kamchatka.

Suggested to form via incorporation of Fe0 by tetraferroplatinum, through the reduction of Fe via H2-bearing fluids derived from serpentinization of olivine at T <450 °C.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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Long-form identifier:



IMA Classification of SidoroviteHide

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Type description reference:

Kutyrev, Anton, McDonald, Andrew M., Tamura, Nobumichi, Cabri, Louis J., Tolstykh, Nadezhda, Pekov, Igor V. (2023) Sidorovite, PtFe3, a new mineral from the Snegovaya River placer, Koryak Highlands, Russia. The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, 61 (5) 1021-1030 doi:10.3749/2200072

Classification of SidoroviteHide

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1 : ELEMENTS (Metals and intermetallic alloys; metalloids and nonmetals; carbides, silicides, nitrides, phosphides)
A : Metals and Intermetallic Alloys
G : PGE-metal alloys

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Symbol Source Reference
Sido IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43

Physical Properties of SidoroviteHide

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Hardness Data:

Could not be measured


Could not be determined due to small grain size.


11.815 g/cm3 (Calculated)


Calculated using the unit-cell dimensions derived from the Laue X-ray diffraction study and the average chemical composition.

Chemistry of SidoroviteHide

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Chemical AnalysisHide

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Empirical formulas:

Sample ID Empirical Formula
1 (Fe46.4Co0.8Ni26.1)S73.3(Pt20.7Ir4.7)S25.2
2 Pt1.04(Fe2.89Cu0.05Ni0.02)Σ2.96

Sample references:

ID Locality Reference Notes
1 Smara 002 meteorite, El-Aasli area, Smara, Es Semara Province, Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra Region, Morocco Moggi Cecchi, V., Nachit, H., Ibhi, A., Ma, C., Cuppone, T., Pratesi, G., Senesi, G.S. (2023): First meteoritic occurrence of sidorovite (Fe3Pt) in the Smara 002 carbonaceous chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 58, 6279. by EPMA-WDS
2 Snegovaya River placer, Olyutorsky district, Koryak Okrug, Kamchatka Krai, Russia Kutyrev, Anton, McDonald, Andrew M., Tamura, Nobumichi, Cabri, Louis J., Tolstykh, Nadezhda, Pekov, Igor V. (2023) Sidorovite, PtFe3, a new mineral from the Snegovaya River placer, Koryak Highlands, Russia. The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, 61 (5) 1021-1030 doi:10.3749/2200072 empirical formula basis: 4 atoms pfu

Crystallography of SidoroviteHide

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Class (H-M):

m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) - Hexoctahedral

Cell Parameters:

a = 3.725(4) Å


from Laue pattern, via synchrotron microdiffraction

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
3.711 Å (48)
2.161 Å (100)
1.871 Å (36)
1.673 Å (27)
1.323 Å (22)
1.248 Å (<10)
1.187 Å (<10)
1.03 Å (<10)


Three calculated lines at 1.527, 1.128, and 1.080 Å with intensities >10 were not discernible, likely due to the strong overlap with peaks from associated minerals (ex. tetraferroplatinum).

Type Occurrence of SidoroviteHide

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General Appearance of Type Material:

Part of complex, multi-mineral grains; part of secondary rims.

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

Type material is deposited in the collections of the Canadian Museum of Nature, 1740 Pink Road, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, catalogue number CMNMC 90260.

Geological Setting of Type Material:

In isoferroplatinum grains from a heavy-mineral concentrate derived from crushed lode chromitites and alluvial material.

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:

Synonyms of SidoroviteHide

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1.AG. Michitoshiite-(Cu) Rh(Cu1-xGex) Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : P m_3_m
1.AG. Palladothallite Pd3Tl Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _I_4/m m m
1.AG. Sluzhenikinite Pd15(Sb7-xSnx) Mon. 2/m : _P_21/m
1.AG. Driekopite PtBi Hex. 6/m m m _(_6/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _P_63/m m c
1.AG.05 Hexaferrum (Fe,Os,Ru,Ir) Hex. 6/m m m _(_6/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _P_63/m m c
1.AG.05 Garutiite (Ni,Fe,Ir) Hex. 6/m m m _(_6/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _P_63/m m c
1.AG.10 Atokite (Pd,Pt)3Sn Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F m_3_m
1.AG.10 Rustenburgite (Pt,Pd)3Sn Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F m_3_m
1.AG.10 Zvyagintsevite Pd3Pb Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : P m_3_n
1.AG.15 Taimyrite (Pd,Cu,Pt)3Sn Orth.
1.AG.15 Tatyanaite (Pt,Pd,Cu)9Cu3Sn4 Orth.
1.AG.20 Paolovite Pd2Sn Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
1.AG.25 Plumbopalladinite Pd3Pb2 Hex. 6_m_ m : P_63_m c
1.AG.25 Stannopalladinite (Pd,Cu)3Sn Orth.
1.AG.30 Cabriite Pd2CuSn Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P m m m
1.AG.35 Chengdeite Ir3Fe Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m )
1.AG.35 Isoferroplatinum Pt3Fe Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m )
1.AG.40 Ferronickelplatinum Pt2FeNi Tet.
1.AG.40 Tetraferroplatinum PtFe Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _P_4/m m m
1.AG.40 Tulameenite Pt2CuFe Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _P_4/m m m
1.AG.45 Hongshiite PtCu Trig.
1.AG.45 Skaergaardite PdCu Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : P m_3_m
1.AG.50 Yixunite Pt3In Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m )
1.AG.55 Damiaoite PtIn2 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F m_3_m
1.AG.60 Niggliite PtSn Hex. 6/m m m _(_6/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _P_63/m m c
1.AG.65 Bortnikovite Pd4Cu3Zn Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _P_4/m m m
1.AG.70 Nielsenite PdCu3 Tet. 4_m_ m : P_4_m m
1.AG.75 Norilskite (Pd,Ag)2xPb (x = 0.08 - 0.11) Trig. 32 : _P_3121

Other InformationHide

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Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for SidoroviteHide

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Reference List:

Kutyrev, Anton, McDonald, Andrew M., Tamura, Nobumichi, Cabri, Louis J., Tolstykh, Nadezhda, Pekov, Igor V. (2023) Sidorovite, PtFe3, a new mineral from the Snegovaya River placer, Koryak Highlands, Russia. The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, 61 (5) 1021-1030 doi:10.3749/2200072

Localities for SidoroviteHide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra Region Es Semara Province Smara (Semara) El-Aasli area Smara 002 meteorite Moggi Cecchi et al. (2023)
Russia (TL)
Kamchatka Krai Koryak Okrug Olyutorsky district Epilchik mafic-ultramafic complex (TL) Kutyrev et al. (2023)
Snegovaya River placer (TL) Kutyrev et al. (2023)