Ferriakasakaite-(Ce) (original) (raw)
General Appearance of Type Material:
As small homogeneous domains within strongly inhomogeneous prismatic crystals, where other epidote supergroup minerals coexist [manganiandrosite-(Ce), “androsite-(Ce)”, and epidote].
Place of Conservation of Type Material:
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Museo di Storia Naturale, Università di Pisa, Via Roma 79, Calci (Pisa), Italy, catalogue number 19903
Empirical Formula of Type Material:
A(1)(Ca0.64Mn2+0.36)A(2)(Ce0.37La0.17Nd0.06Pr0.03Ca0.35◻0.02)M(1)(Fe3+0.61Al0.39)M(2) Al1.00 M(3) (Mn2+0.64Mn3+0.33Fe3+0.02Mg0.01) T(1-3) Si3.01O12(OH)
Geological Setting of Type Material:
Associated Minerals at Type Locality:
Biagioni, C., Bonazzi, P., Pasero, M., Zaccarini, F., Balestra, C., Bracco, R., Ciriotti, M.E. (2019): Manganiakasakaite-(La) and Ferriakasakaite-(Ce), Two New Epidote Supergroup Minerals from Piedmont, Italy. Minerals, 9, 353