Mica Group (original) (raw)

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0000386 Annite Hazen R M, Burnham C W (1973) The crystal structures of one-layer phlogopite and annite American Mineralogist 58 889-900 1973 0 293
0002392 Annite Redhammer G J, Beran A, Schneider J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W (2000) Spectroscopic and structural properties of synthetic micas on the annite-siderophyllite binary: Synthesis, crystal structure refinement, Mossbauer, and infrared spectroscopy American Mineralogist 85 449-465 2000 0 293
0002393 Annite Redhammer G J, Beran A, Schneider J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W (2000) Spectroscopic and structural properties of synthetic micas on the annite-siderophyllite binary: Synthesis, crystal structure refinement, Mossbauer, and infrared spectroscopy American Mineralogist 85 449-465 2000 0 293
0002394 Annite Redhammer G J, Beran A, Schneider J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W (2000) Spectroscopic and structural properties of synthetic micas on the annite-siderophyllite binary: Synthesis, crystal structure refinement, Mossbauer, and infrared spectroscopy American Mineralogist 85 449-465 2000 0 293
0002395 Annite Redhammer G J, Beran A, Schneider J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W (2000) Spectroscopic and structural properties of synthetic micas on the annite-siderophyllite binary: Synthesis, crystal structure refinement, Mossbauer, and infrared spectroscopy American Mineralogist 85 449-465 2000 0 293
0002396 Annite Redhammer G J, Beran A, Schneider J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W (2000) Spectroscopic and structural properties of synthetic micas on the annite-siderophyllite binary: Synthesis, crystal structure refinement, Mossbauer, and infrared spectroscopy American Mineralogist 85 449-465 2000 0 293
0002397 Annite Redhammer G J, Beran A, Schneider J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W (2000) Spectroscopic and structural properties of synthetic micas on the annite-siderophyllite binary: Synthesis, crystal structure refinement, Mossbauer, and infrared spectroscopy American Mineralogist 85 449-465 2000 0 293
0002398 Annite Redhammer G J, Beran A, Schneider J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W (2000) Spectroscopic and structural properties of synthetic micas on the annite-siderophyllite binary: Synthesis, crystal structure refinement, Mossbauer, and infrared spectroscopy American Mineralogist 85 449-465 2000 0 293
0002399 Annite Redhammer G J, Beran A, Schneider J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W (2000) Spectroscopic and structural properties of synthetic micas on the annite-siderophyllite binary: Synthesis, crystal structure refinement, Mossbauer, and infrared spectroscopy American Mineralogist 85 449-465 2000 0 293
0002929 Annite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002930 Annite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0004299 Annite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004300 Annite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004301 Annite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0005541 Annite Drabek M, Rieder M, Viti C, Weiss Z, Fryda J (1998) Hydrothermal synthesis of a Cs ferruginous trioctahedral mica The Canadian Mineralogist 36 755-761 1998 0 293
0001004 Anandite Filut M A, Rule A C, Bailey S W (1985) Crystal structure refinement of anandite-2Or, a barium- and sulfur-bearing trioctahedral mica American Mineralogist 70 1298-1308 1985 0 293
0000888 Bityite Lin J C, Guggenheim S (1983) The crystal structure of a Li,Be-rich brittle mica: a dioctahedral-trioctahedral intermediate American Mineralogist 68 130-142 1983 Mops pegmatite, Salisbury district, Zimbabwe 0 293
0020138 Bityite Gatta G D, Nenert G, Guastella G, Lotti P, Guastoni A, Rizzato S (2014) A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of a Li,Be-bearing brittle mica Mineralogical Magazine 78 55-72 2014 the Harding pegmatite, Picuris Range, New Mexico, USA 0 100
0020139 Bityite Gatta G D, Nenert G, Guastella G, Lotti P, Guastoni A, Rizzato S (2014) A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of a Li,Be-bearing brittle mica Mineralogical Magazine 78 55-72 2014 the Harding pegmatite, Picuris Range, New Mexico, USA 0 100
0020140 Bityite Gatta G D, Nenert G, Guastella G, Lotti P, Guastoni A, Rizzato S (2014) A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of a Li,Be-bearing brittle mica Mineralogical Magazine 78 55-72 2014 the Harding pegmatite, Picuris Range, New Mexico, USA 0 20
0020141 Bityite Gatta G D, Nenert G, Guastella G, Lotti P, Guastoni A, Rizzato S (2014) A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of a Li,Be-bearing brittle mica Mineralogical Magazine 78 55-72 2014 the Harding pegmatite, Picuris Range, New Mexico, USA 0 20
0005445 Boromuscovite Liang J, Hawthorne F C, Novak M, Cerny P (1995) Crystal-structure refinement of boromuscovite polytypes using a coupled Rietveld-static-structure energy-minimization method The Canadian Mineralogist 33 859-865 1995 Recice, Czech Republic 0 293
0005446 Boromuscovite Liang J, Hawthorne F C, Novak M, Cerny P (1995) Crystal-structure refinement of boromuscovite polytypes using a coupled Rietveld-static-structure energy-minimization method The Canadian Mineralogist 33 859-865 1995 Recice, Czech Republic 0 293
0005023 Celadonite Drits V A, Zviagina B B, McCarty D K, Salyn A L (2010) Factors responsible for crystal-chemical variations in the solid solutions from illite to aluminoceladonite and from glauconite to celadonite Sample Name: 69 American Mineralogist 95 348-361 2010 Krivoi Rog mining district, Russia 0 293
0005024 Celadonite Drits V A, Zviagina B B, McCarty D K, Salyn A L (2010) Factors responsible for crystal-chemical variations in the solid solutions from illite to aluminoceladonite and from glauconite to celadonite Sample Name: TAIH American Mineralogist 95 348-361 2010 Taiheizan, Akita Prefecture, Japan 0 293
0005025 Celadonite Drits V A, Zviagina B B, McCarty D K, Salyn A L (2010) Factors responsible for crystal-chemical variations in the solid solutions from illite to aluminoceladonite and from glauconite to celadonite Sample Name: Z1 American Mineralogist 95 348-361 2010 Russia 0 293
0019600 Celadonite Zhukhlistov A P (2005) Crystal structure of celadonite from the electron diffraction data Crystallography Reports 50 902-906 2005 Krivoi mine, Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia 0 293
0014183 Celadonite Zhukhlistov A P, Zvyagin B B, Lazarenko E K, Pavlishin V I (1977) Refinement of the crystal structure of ferrous celadonite Kristallografiya 22 498-504 1977 Krivoi mine, Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia 0 293
0019223 Celadonite Tsipurskij S I, Drits V A (1986) Refining the crystallographic structure of celadonite Mineralogiceskij Zhurnal 8 32-40 1986 0 293
0001045 Clintonite Joswig W, Amthauer G, Takeuchi Y (1986) Neutron-diffraction and Mossbauer spectroscopic study of clintonite (xanthophyllite) American Mineralogist 71 1194-1197 1986 0 293
0001141 Clintonite MacKinney J A, Mora C I, Bailey S W (1988) Structure and crystal chemistry of clintonite Sample from Chichibu mine American Mineralogist 73 365-375 1988 0 293
0001142 Clintonite MacKinney J A, Mora C I, Bailey S W (1988) Structure and crystal chemistry of clintonite Sample from Ertsberg, Irian Jaya American Mineralogist 73 365-375 1988 0 293
0001143 Clintonite MacKinney J A, Mora C I, Bailey S W (1988) Structure and crystal chemistry of clintonite Sample from Edenvill, Orange Country, New York American Mineralogist 73 365-375 1988 0 293
0001943 Clintonite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1997) Clintonite-1M: Crystal chemistry and its relationships to closely associated Al-rich phlogopite American Mineralogist 82 936-945 1997 0 293
0001944 Clintonite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1997) Clintonite-1M: Crystal chemistry and its relationships to closely associated Al-rich phlogopite American Mineralogist 82 936-945 1997 0 293
0001945 Clintonite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1997) Clintonite-1M: Crystal chemistry and its relationships to closely associated Al-rich phlogopite American Mineralogist 82 936-945 1997 0 293
0001946 Clintonite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1997) Clintonite-1M: Crystal chemistry and its relationships to closely associated Al-rich phlogopite American Mineralogist 82 936-945 1997 0 293
0001947 Clintonite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1997) Clintonite-1M: Crystal chemistry and its relationships to closely associated Al-rich phlogopite American Mineralogist 82 936-945 1997 0 293
0001948 Clintonite Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1997) Clintonite-1M: Crystal chemistry and its relationships to closely associated Al-rich phlogopite American Mineralogist 82 936-945 1997 0 293
0009236 Clintonite Takeuchi Y, Sadanaga R (1959) The crystal structure of xanthophyllite Acta Crystallographica 12 945-946 1959 Chichibu mine, Japan 0 293
0014816 Ephesite Slade P G, Schultz P K, Dean C (1987) Refinement of the ephesite structure in C1 symmetry Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1987 275-287 1987 Postmasburg, district, South Africa 0 293
0005026 Glauconite Drits V A, Zviagina B B, McCarty D K, Salyn A L (2010) Factors responsible for crystal-chemical variations in the solid solutions from illite to aluminoceladonite and from glauconite to celadonite Sample Name: 68-69 American Mineralogist 95 348-361 2010 Baltic region, Russia 0 293
0005027 Glauconite Drits V A, Zviagina B B, McCarty D K, Salyn A L (2010) Factors responsible for crystal-chemical variations in the solid solutions from illite to aluminoceladonite and from glauconite to celadonite Sample Name: PILT American Mineralogist 95 348-361 2010 Ordovician sandstone, Latvia 0 293
0005028 Glauconite Drits V A, Zviagina B B, McCarty D K, Salyn A L (2010) Factors responsible for crystal-chemical variations in the solid solutions from illite to aluminoceladonite and from glauconite to celadonite Sample Name: BAB American Mineralogist 95 348-361 2010 Leningrad region, Russia 0 293
0015700 Hendricksite Robert J L, Gasperin M (1985) Crystal structure refinement of hendricksite, a Zn- and Mn-rich trioctahedral potassium mica: a contribution to the crystal chemistry of zinc-bearing minerals Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 34 1-14 1985 Franklin Furnace, New Jersey, USA 0 293
0002348 Kinoshitalite Gnos E, Armbruster T (2000) Kinoshitalite, Ba(Mg)3(Al2Si2)O10(OH,F)2, a brittle mica from a manganese deposit in Oman: Paragenesis and crystal chemistry American Mineralogist 85 242-250 2000 0 293
0006502 Kinoshitalite Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M European Journal of Mineralogy 5 857-871 1993 0 293
0006503 Kinoshitalite Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M European Journal of Mineralogy 5 857-871 1993 0 293
0000477 Margarite Guggenheim S, Bailey S W (1975) Refinement of the margarite structure in subgroup symmetry American Mineralogist 60 1023-1029 1975 0 293
0000615 Margarite Guggenheim S, Bailey S W (1978) Refinement of the margarite structure in subgroup symmetry: correction, further refinement, and comments American Mineralogist 63 186-187 1978 0 293
0019603 Margarite Joswig W, Takeuchi Y, Fuess H (1983) Neutron-diffraction study on the orientation of hydroxyl groups in margarite Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 165 295-303 1983 Greiner, Zillertal, Autria 0 293
0004418 Masutomilite Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Cibin G (2007) Crystal structure and chemical composition of Li-, Fe-, and Mn-rich micas American Mineralogist 92 1395-1400 2007 Sawtooth Mountains, Boise county, Idaho, USA 0 293
0014426 Masutomilite Mizota T, Kato T, Harada K (1986) The crystal structure of masutomilite, Mn analogue of zinnwaldite Mineralogical Journal 13 13-21 1986 Tanakamiyama, Ohtsu, Japan 0 293
0000854 Muscovite Richardson S M, Richardson J W (1982) Crystal structure of a pink muscovite from Archer's Post, Kenya: Implications for reverse pleochroism in dioctahedral micas American Mineralogist 67 69-75 1982 0 293
0001076 Muscovite Guggenheim S, Chang Y H, Koster van Groos A F (1987) Muscovite dehydroxylation: High-temperature studies American Mineralogist 72 537-550 1987 0 293
0001077 Muscovite Guggenheim S, Chang Y H, Koster van Groos A F (1987) Muscovite dehydroxylation: High-temperature studies American Mineralogist 72 537-550 1987 0 293
0001078 Muscovite Guggenheim S, Chang Y H, Koster van Groos A F (1987) Muscovite dehydroxylation: High-temperature studies American Mineralogist 72 537-550 1987 0 293
0001079 Muscovite Guggenheim S, Chang Y H, Koster van Groos A F (1987) Muscovite dehydroxylation: High-temperature studies American Mineralogist 72 537-550 1987 0 293
0001080 Muscovite Guggenheim S, Chang Y H, Koster van Groos A F (1987) Muscovite dehydroxylation: High-temperature studies American Mineralogist 72 537-550 1987 0 293
0002013 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample GA1 from a pegmatite on Maddalena Island, Italy American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002014 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample RA1 from a pegmatite on Antarctica American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002015 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample A4b from peraluminous granites at Sardinia, Italy American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002016 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample GFS15Ab from peraluminous granites at Sardinia, Italy American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002017 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample H87b from peraluminous granites at Sardinia, Italy American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002018 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample CC1b from peraluminous granites at Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002019 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample C3-29b from peraluminous granites at Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002020 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample B1b from peraluminous granites at Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002021 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample C6Cb from peraluminous granites at Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002022 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample C6Bb from peraluminous granites at Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0002023 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Frigieri P, Poppi L (1998) Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1 Sample C3-31b from peraluminous granites at Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica American Mineralogist 83 775-785 1998 0 293
0019256 Muscovite Mesto E, Scordari F, Lacalamita M, Schingaro E (2012) Tobelite and NH4+ -rich muscovite single crystals from Ordovician Armorican sandstones (Brittany, France): Structure and crystal chemistry American Mineralogist 97 1460-1468 2012 Ordovician Armorican sandstones, Brittany, France 0 293
0005483 Muscovite Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1996) Rietveld refinement of micaceous materials: muscovite-2M1, a comparison with single-crystal structure refinement The Canadian Mineralogist 34 115-122 1996 0 293
0005484 Muscovite Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1996) Rietveld refinement of micaceous materials: muscovite-2M1, a comparison with single-crystal structure refinement The Canadian Mineralogist 34 115-122 1996 0 293
0005485 Muscovite Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1996) Rietveld refinement of micaceous materials: muscovite-2M1, a comparison with single-crystal structure refinement The Canadian Mineralogist 34 115-122 1996 0 293
0005549 Muscovite Liang J, Hawthorne F C, Swainson I P (1998) Triclinic muscovite: X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and photo-acoustic FTIR spectroscopy The Canadian Mineralogist 36 1017-1027 1998 0 293
0005550 Muscovite Liang J, Hawthorne F C, Swainson I P (1998) Triclinic muscovite: X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and photo-acoustic FTIR spectroscopy The Canadian Mineralogist 36 1017-1027 1998 0 293
0005733 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Kile D E, Poppi M (2001) Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of lithium-bearing muscovite-2M1 The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1171-1180 2001 0 293
0005734 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Kile D E, Poppi M (2001) Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of lithium-bearing muscovite-2M1 The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1171-1180 2001 0 293
0005735 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Kile D E, Poppi M (2001) Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of lithium-bearing muscovite-2M1 O4 B33 is missing a zero The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1171-1180 2001 0 293
0005736 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Kile D E, Poppi M (2001) Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of lithium-bearing muscovite-2M1 The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1171-1180 2001 0 293
0005737 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Kile D E, Poppi M (2001) Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of lithium-bearing muscovite-2M1 The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1171-1180 2001 0 293
0006358 Muscovite Catti M, Ferraris G, Ivaldi G (1989) Thermal strain analysis in the crystal structure of muscovite at 700 C European Journal of Mineralogy 1 625-632 1989 0 298
0006359 Muscovite Catti M, Ferraris G, Ivaldi G (1989) Thermal strain analysis in the crystal structure of muscovite at 700 C T= 700 C European Journal of Mineralogy 1 625-632 1989 0 293
0006533 Muscovite Catti M, Ferraris G, Hull S, Pavese A (1994) Powder neutron diffraction study of 2M_1 muscovite at room pressure and at 2 GPa European Journal of Mineralogy 6 171-178 1994 0 293
0006534 Muscovite Catti M, Ferraris G, Hull S, Pavese A (1994) Powder neutron diffraction study of 2M_1 muscovite at room pressure and at 2 GPa European Journal of Mineralogy 6 171-178 1994 2 293
0006546 Muscovite Amisano-Canesi A, Chiari G, Ferraris G, Ivaldi G, Soboleva S V (1994) Muscovite- and phengite-3T: crystal structure and conditions of formation European Journal of Mineralogy 6 489-496 1994 Kazakhstan 0 293
0006547 Muscovite Amisano-Canesi A, Chiari G, Ferraris G, Ivaldi G, Soboleva S V (1994) Muscovite- and phengite-3T: crystal structure and conditions of formation European Journal of Mineralogy 6 489-496 1994 Dora-Maira 0 293
0006858 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Galli E, Medici L, Poppi L, Cibin G, Marcelli A, Mottana A (2001) Chromium-containing muscovite: crystal chemistry and XANES spectroscopy European Journal of Mineralogy 13 377-389 2001 Westland 0 293
0006859 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Galli E, Medici L, Poppi L, Cibin G, Marcelli A, Mottana A (2001) Chromium-containing muscovite: crystal chemistry and XANES spectroscopy European Journal of Mineralogy 13 377-389 2001 Northwest Nelson - Campbell Creek 0 293
0006860 Muscovite Brigatti M F, Galli E, Medici L, Poppi L, Cibin G, Marcelli A, Mottana A (2001) Chromium-containing muscovite: crystal chemistry and XANES spectroscopy European Journal of Mineralogy 13 377-389 2001 Northwest Nelson - Anatoki River 0 293
0007908 Muscovite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (1995) High-pressure structural study of muscovite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 170-177 1995 0.05 293
0007909 Muscovite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (1995) High-pressure structural study of muscovite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 170-177 1995 2.8 293
0007910 Muscovite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (1995) High-pressure structural study of muscovite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 170-177 1995 0.0001 293
0007911 Muscovite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (1995) High-pressure structural study of muscovite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 170-177 1995 2.7 293
0018220 Muscovite Radoslovich E (1960) The Structure of Muscovite, K Al2 (Si3 Al) O10 (O H)2 _cod_database_code 1100012 Acta Crystallographica 13 919-932 1960 0 293
0018279 Muscovite Gueven N, Burnham C (1966) The Crystal Structure of 3T Muscovite _cod_database_code 1101031 Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 65 290-293 1966 0 293
0010646 Muscovite Guven N, Burnham C W (1967) The crystal structure of 3T muscovite Snohomish County, Washington, USA Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 125 163-183 1967 in granodiorite near Sunrise Copper Prospect, Sultan Basin, 0 293
0019601 Muscovite Guven N (1971) The crystal structures of 2M1 phengite and 2M1 muscovite Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 134 196-212 1971 Tiburon Peninsula, California, USA 0 293
0019602 Muscovite Guven N (1971) The crystal structures of 2M1 phengite and 2M1 muscovite Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 134 196-212 1971 pegmatite in Georgia, USA 0 293
0018221 Muscovite Guven N, Burnham C (1966) The crystal structure of 3T muscovite _cod_database_code 1100014 Carnegie Institution of Washington: Yearbook 65 290-293 1966 Sunrise copper prospect, Snohomish Co, Washington, USA 0 293
0012228 Muscovite Tomita K, Shiraki K, Kawano M (1998) Crystal structure of dehydroxylated 2M1 sericite and its relationship with mixed-layer mica/smectite Clay Science 10 423-441 1998 Goto mine, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan 0 293
0012229 Muscovite Tomita K, Shiraki K, Kawano M (1998) Crystal structure of dehydroxylated 2M1 sericite and its relationship with mixed-layer mica/smectite Clay Science 10 423-441 1998 0 293
0019604 Muscovite Rule A C, Bailey S W (1985) Refinement of the crystal structure of phengite-2M1 Clays and Clay Minerals 33 403-409 1985 Rio de Oro, Spanish Sahara 0 293
0019597 Muscovite Knurr R A, Bailey S W (1986) Refinement of Mn-substituted muscovite and phlogopite Clays and Clay Minerals 34 7-16 1986 Minas Gerais, Brazil 0 293
0012259 Muscovite Gatineau L (1963) Localisation des remplacements isomorphiques dans la muscovite _cod_database_code 1000042 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences 256 4648-4649 1963 0 293
0018219 Muscovite Birle J, Tettenhorst R (1968) Refined Muscovite structure _cod_database_code 1100010 Mineralogical Magazine 36 883-886 1968 0 293
0014475 Muscovite Martin-Ramos JD, Rodriguez-Gallego M (1982) Chromian mica from Sierra Nevada, Spain Mineralogical Magazine 46 269-272 1982 Sierra Nevada, Spain 0 293
0014740 Muscovite Rothbauer R (1971) Untersuchung eines 2M1-muskovits mit neutronenstrahlen Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1971 143-154 1971 Diamond mine, Black Hills, South Dakota, USA 0 293
0001774 Nanpingite Ni Y, Hughes J M (1996) The crystal structure of nanpingite-2M2, the Cs end-member of muscovite American Mineralogist 81 105-110 1996 0 293
0001348 Norrishite Tyrna P L, Guggenheim S (1991) The crystal structure of norrishite, KLiMn2Si4O12: An oxygen-rich mica American Mineralogist 76 266-271 1991 0 293
0000924 Paragonite Lin C Y, Bailey S W (1984) The crystal structure of paragonite-2M1 American Mineralogist 69 122-127 1984 0 293
0008000 Paragonite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (1997) Pressure dependence of structural parameters of paragonite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24 274-280 1997 0.00001 293
0008001 Paragonite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (1997) Pressure dependence of structural parameters of paragonite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24 274-280 1997 0.05 293
0008002 Paragonite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (1997) Pressure dependence of structural parameters of paragonite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24 274-280 1997 2.54 293
0008003 Paragonite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (1997) Pressure dependence of structural parameters of paragonite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24 274-280 1997 4.05 293
0008407 Paragonite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (2000) Structural thermal behavior of paragonite and its dehydroxylate: a high-temperature single-crystal study Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 377-385 2000 0 298
0008408 Paragonite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (2000) Structural thermal behavior of paragonite and its dehydroxylate: a high-temperature single-crystal study Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 377-385 2000 0 483
0008409 Paragonite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (2000) Structural thermal behavior of paragonite and its dehydroxylate: a high-temperature single-crystal study Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 377-385 2000 0 723
0008410 Paragonite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F (2000) Structural thermal behavior of paragonite and its dehydroxylate: a high-temperature single-crystal study Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 377-385 2000 0 873
0000024 Phlogopite Hendricks S B, Jefferson M E (1939) Polymorphism of the micas with optical measurements American Mineralogist 24 729-771 1939 0 293
0000025 Phlogopite Hendricks S B, Jefferson M E (1939) Polymorphism of the micas with optical measurements American Mineralogist 24 729-771 1939 0 293
0000026 Phlogopite Hendricks S B, Jefferson M E (1939) Polymorphism of the micas with optical measurements American Mineralogist 24 729-771 1939 0 293
0000077 Phlogopite Pabst A (1955) Redescription of the single layer structure of the micas American Mineralogist 40 967-974 1955 0 293
0000114 Phlogopite Steinfink H (1962) Crystal structure of a trioctahedral mica: Phlogopite American Mineralogist 47 886-889 1962 0 293
0001810 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001811 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001812 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001813 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001814 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001815 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001816 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001817 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001818 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001819 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001820 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001821 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0001822 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Saccani E, Vaccaro C (1996) Crystal chemistry and petrologic significance of Fe3+-rich phlogopite from the Tapira carbonatite complex, Brazil American Mineralogist 81 913-927 1996 0 293
0002225 Phlogopite Hawthorne F C, Teertstra D K, Cerny P (1999) Crystal-structure refinement of a rubidian cesian phlogopite American Mineralogist 84 778-781 1999 0 293
0002917 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002918 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002919 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002920 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002921 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002922 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002923 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002924 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002925 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002926 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002928 Phlogopite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0003534 Phlogopite Comodi P, Fumagalli P, Montagnoli M, Zanazzi P F (2004) A single-crystal study on the pressure behavior of phlogopite and petrological implications American Mineralogist 89 647-653 2004 0.0001 293
0003535 Phlogopite Comodi P, Fumagalli P, Montagnoli M, Zanazzi P F (2004) A single-crystal study on the pressure behavior of phlogopite and petrological implications American Mineralogist 89 647-653 2004 1.2 293
0003536 Phlogopite Comodi P, Fumagalli P, Montagnoli M, Zanazzi P F (2004) A single-crystal study on the pressure behavior of phlogopite and petrological implications American Mineralogist 89 647-653 2004 3.2 293
0003537 Phlogopite Comodi P, Fumagalli P, Montagnoli M, Zanazzi P F (2004) A single-crystal study on the pressure behavior of phlogopite and petrological implications American Mineralogist 89 647-653 2004 5 293
0003538 Phlogopite Comodi P, Fumagalli P, Montagnoli M, Zanazzi P F (2004) A single-crystal study on the pressure behavior of phlogopite and petrological implications American Mineralogist 89 647-653 2004 6 293
0004002 Phlogopite Mesto E, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Ottolini L (2006) An electron microprobe analysis, secondary ion mass spectrometry and single crystal X-ray diffraction study of phlogopites from Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy: Consideration of cation partioning American Mineralogist 91 182-190 2006 Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004003 Phlogopite Mesto E, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Ottolini L (2006) An electron microprobe analysis, secondary ion mass spectrometry and single crystal X-ray diffraction study of phlogopites from Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy: Consideration of cation partioning American Mineralogist 91 182-190 2006 Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004004 Phlogopite Mesto E, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Ottolini L (2006) An electron microprobe analysis, secondary ion mass spectrometry and single crystal X-ray diffraction study of phlogopites from Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy: Consideration of cation partioning American Mineralogist 91 182-190 2006 Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004291 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004292 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004293 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004294 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004295 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004296 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004297 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004298 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004302 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004303 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004304 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004305 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004306 Phlogopite Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy) American Mineralogist 92 468-480 2007 Mt. Sassetto, Tolfa district, Latium, Italy 0 293
0004525 Phlogopite Matarrese S, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Stoppa F, Rosatelli G, Pedrazzi G, Ottolini L (2008) Crystal chemistry of phlogopite from Vulture-S. Michele Subsynthem volcanic rocks (Mt. Vulture, Italy) and volcanological implications Mt. Vulture, Italy American Mineralogist 93 426-437 2008 Masseria Saraceno pyroclastic flow, Vulture-San Michele Subsynthem, 0 293
0004526 Phlogopite Matarrese S, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Stoppa F, Rosatelli G, Pedrazzi G, Ottolini L (2008) Crystal chemistry of phlogopite from Vulture-S. Michele Subsynthem volcanic rocks (Mt. Vulture, Italy) and volcanological implications Mt. Vulture, Italy American Mineralogist 93 426-437 2008 Masseria Saraceno pyroclastic flow, Vulture-San Michele Subsynthem, 0 293
0004527 Phlogopite Matarrese S, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Stoppa F, Rosatelli G, Pedrazzi G, Ottolini L (2008) Crystal chemistry of phlogopite from Vulture-S. Michele Subsynthem volcanic rocks (Mt. Vulture, Italy) and volcanological implications Mt. Vulture, Italy American Mineralogist 93 426-437 2008 Masseria Saraceno pyroclastic flow, Vulture-San Michele Subsynthem, 0 293
0004528 Phlogopite Matarrese S, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Stoppa F, Rosatelli G, Pedrazzi G, Ottolini L (2008) Crystal chemistry of phlogopite from Vulture-S. Michele Subsynthem volcanic rocks (Mt. Vulture, Italy) and volcanological implications Mt. Vulture, Italy American Mineralogist 93 426-437 2008 Masseria Saraceno pyroclastic flow, Vulture-San Michele Subsynthem, 0 293
0004529 Phlogopite Matarrese S, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Stoppa F, Rosatelli G, Pedrazzi G, Ottolini L (2008) Crystal chemistry of phlogopite from Vulture-S. Michele Subsynthem volcanic rocks (Mt. Vulture, Italy) and volcanological implications Mt. Vulture, Italy American Mineralogist 93 426-437 2008 Masseria Saraceno pyroclastic flow, Vulture-San Michele Subsynthem, 0 293
0004530 Phlogopite Matarrese S, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Stoppa F, Rosatelli G, Pedrazzi G, Ottolini L (2008) Crystal chemistry of phlogopite from Vulture-S. Michele Subsynthem volcanic rocks (Mt. Vulture, Italy) and volcanological implications Mt. Vulture, Italy American Mineralogist 93 426-437 2008 Masseria Saraceno pyroclastic flow, Vulture-San Michele Subsynthem, 0 293
0004547 Phlogopite Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study American Mineralogist 93 632-643 2008 trioctahedral mica, Cava St. Antonia, Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004548 Phlogopite Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study American Mineralogist 93 632-643 2008 trioctahedral mica, Cava St. Antonia, Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004549 Phlogopite Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study American Mineralogist 93 632-643 2008 trioctahedral mica, Cava St. Antonia, Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004550 Phlogopite Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study American Mineralogist 93 632-643 2008 trioctahedral mica, Cava St. Antonia, Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004551 Phlogopite Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study American Mineralogist 93 632-643 2008 trioctahedral mica, Cava St. Antonia, Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004552 Phlogopite Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study American Mineralogist 93 632-643 2008 trioctahedral mica, Cava St. Antonia, Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004553 Phlogopite Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study American Mineralogist 93 632-643 2008 trioctahedral mica, Cava St. Antonia, Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004554 Phlogopite Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study American Mineralogist 93 632-643 2008 trioctahedral mica, Cava St. Antonia, Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004555 Phlogopite Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study American Mineralogist 93 632-643 2008 trioctahedral mica, Cava St. Antonia, Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0004636 Phlogopite Nazzareni S, Comodi P, Bindi L, Safonov O G, Litvin Y A, Perchuk L L (2008) Synthetic hypersilicic Cl-bearing mica in the phlogopite-celadonite join: a mulitmethodical characterization of the missing link between di- and tri- octahedral micas at high pressures American Mineralogist 93 1429-1436 2008 synthetic 0 293
0017712 Phlogopite Zema M, Ventruti G, Lacalamita M, Scordari F (2010) Kinetics of Fe-oxidation/deprotonation process in Fe-rich phlogopite under isothermal conditions American Mineralogist 95 1458-1466 2010 Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0017713 Phlogopite Zema M, Ventruti G, Lacalamita M, Scordari F (2010) Kinetics of Fe-oxidation/deprotonation process in Fe-rich phlogopite under isothermal conditions American Mineralogist 95 1458-1466 2010 Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0017714 Phlogopite Zema M, Ventruti G, Lacalamita M, Scordari F (2010) Kinetics of Fe-oxidation/deprotonation process in Fe-rich phlogopite under isothermal conditions American Mineralogist 95 1458-1466 2010 Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0017715 Phlogopite Zema M, Ventruti G, Lacalamita M, Scordari F (2010) Kinetics of Fe-oxidation/deprotonation process in Fe-rich phlogopite under isothermal conditions American Mineralogist 95 1458-1466 2010 Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0017716 Phlogopite Zema M, Ventruti G, Lacalamita M, Scordari F (2010) Kinetics of Fe-oxidation/deprotonation process in Fe-rich phlogopite under isothermal conditions American Mineralogist 95 1458-1466 2010 Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy 0 293
0020820 Phlogopite Scordari F, Schingaro E, Lacalamita M, Mesto E (2012) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) American Mineralogist 97 430-439 2012 southwest Uganda 0 293
0020821 Phlogopite Scordari F, Schingaro E, Lacalamita M, Mesto E (2012) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) American Mineralogist 97 430-439 2012 southwest Uganda 0 293
0020822 Phlogopite Scordari F, Schingaro E, Lacalamita M, Mesto E (2012) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) American Mineralogist 97 430-439 2012 southwest Uganda 0 293
0020823 Phlogopite Scordari F, Schingaro E, Lacalamita M, Mesto E (2012) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) American Mineralogist 97 430-439 2012 southwest Uganda 0 293
0020824 Phlogopite Scordari F, Schingaro E, Lacalamita M, Mesto E (2012) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) American Mineralogist 97 430-439 2012 southwest Uganda 0 293
0019915 Phlogopite Schingaro E, Lacalamita M, Scordari F, Mesto E (2013) 3T-phlogopite from Kasenyi kamafugite (SW Uganda): EPMA, XPS, FTIR, and SCXRD study American Mineralogist 98 709-717 2013 Kasenyi kamafugite, southwest Uganda 0 293
0005597 Phlogopite Russell R L, Guggenheim S (1999) The crystal structures of near-end-member phlogopite at high temperatures and heat-treated Fe-rich phlogopite: The influence of the O, OH, F site The Canadian Mineralogist 37 711-720 1999 Silver Crater mine, Ontario, Canada 0 293
0005598 Phlogopite Russell R L, Guggenheim S (1999) The crystal structures of near-end-member phlogopite at high temperatures and heat-treated Fe-rich phlogopite: The influence of the O,OH,F site The Canadian Mineralogist 37 711-720 1999 Silver Crater mine, Ontario, Canada 0 293
0005599 Phlogopite Russell R L, Guggenheim S (1999) The crystal structures of near-end-member phlogopite at high temperatures and heat-treated Fe-rich phlogopite: The influence of the O, OH, F site The Canadian Mineralogist 37 711-720 1999 White Well, Australia 0 293
0005600 Phlogopite Russell R L, Guggenheim S (1999) The crystal structures of near-end-member phlogopite at high temperatures and heat-treated Fe-rich phlogopite: The influence of the O, OH, F site The Canadian Mineralogist 37 711-720 1999 White Well, Australia 0 293
0005601 Phlogopite Russell R L, Guggenheim S (1999) The crystal structures of near-end-member phlogopite at high temperatures and heat-treated Fe-rich phlogopite: The influence of the O, OH, F site The Canadian Mineralogist 37 711-720 1999 White Well, Australia 0 293
0005602 Phlogopite Russell R L, Guggenheim S (1999) The crystal structures of near-end-member phlogopite at high temperatures and heat-treated Fe-rich phlogopite: The influence of the O, OH, F site The Canadian Mineralogist 37 711-720 1999 White Well, Australia 0 293
0005744 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1333-1345 2001 Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil 0 293
0005745 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1333-1345 2001 Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil 0 293
0005746 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil T-O3 given as 1.663, but I compute 1.647 The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1333-1345 2001 Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil 0 293
0005747 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1333-1345 2001 Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil 0 293
0005748 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1333-1345 2001 Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil 0 293
0005749 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1333-1345 2001 Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil 0 293
0005750 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1333-1345 2001 Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil 0 293
0005751 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1333-1345 2001 Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil 0 293
0005752 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil The Canadian Mineralogist 39 1333-1345 2001 Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil 0 293
0006494 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M European Journal of Mineralogy 5 857-871 1993 0 293
0006495 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M European Journal of Mineralogy 5 857-871 1993 0 293
0006496 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M European Journal of Mineralogy 5 857-871 1993 0 293
0006497 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M European Journal of Mineralogy 5 857-871 1993 0 293
0006498 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M European Journal of Mineralogy 5 857-871 1993 0 293
0006499 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M European Journal of Mineralogy 5 857-871 1993 0 293
0006500 Phlogopite Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M European Journal of Mineralogy 5 857-871 1993 0 293
0002496 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002497 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002498 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002499 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) sample: 130(1) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002500 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) sample: 130(2) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002501 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002502 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002503 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002504 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002505 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) sample: 140(1) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0004416 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Cibin G (2007) Crystal structure and chemical composition of Li-, Fe-, and Mn-rich micas American Mineralogist 92 1395-1400 2007 Hirukawa mine, Ena county, Gifu prefecture, Chibu region, Japan 0 293
0004417 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Cibin G (2007) Crystal structure and chemical composition of Li-, Fe-, and Mn-rich micas American Mineralogist 92 1395-1400 2007 Mokrusha mine, Yuzhakova village, Murzinka region, Russia 0 293
0007102 Polylithionite Brigatti M F, Caprilli E, Malferrari D, Medici L, Poppi L (2005) Crystal structure and chemistry of trilithionite-2M2 and polylithionite-2M2 European Journal of Mineralogy 17 475-481 2005 Varutrask, Vasterbotten, Sweden 0 293
0012230 Polylithionite Swanson T H, Bailey S W (1981) Redetermination of the lepidolite-2M_1 structure Clays and Clay Minerals 29 81-90 1981 Bikupice, Czech Republic 0 293
0015663 Polylithionite Sartori F (1977) The crystal structure of a 2M_1 lepidolite Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 24 23-37 1977 Biskupice, Moravia, Czech Republic 0 293
0001620 Preiswerkite Oberti R, Ungaretti L, Tlili A, Smith D C, Robert J-L (1993) The crystal structure of preiswerkite American Mineralogist 78 1290-1298 1993 0 293
0001621 Preiswerkite Oberti R, Ungaretti L, Tlili A, Smith D C, Robert J-L (1993) The crystal structure of preiswerkite American Mineralogist 78 1290-1298 1993 0 293
0002506 Siderophyllite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) sample: 140(2) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002507 Siderophyllite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002508 Siderophyllite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002509 Siderophyllite Brigatti M F, Lugli C, Poppi L, Foord E E, Kile D E (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado) American Mineralogist 85 1275-1286 2000 0 293
0002927 Siderophyllite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0002931 Siderophyllite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2002) Single-crystal structure refinements and crystal chemistry of synthetic trioctahedral micas KM3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2, where M = Ni, Mg, Co, Fe, Al American Mineralogist 87 1464-1476 2002 0 293
0006975 Siderophyllite Brigatti M F, Kile D E, Poppi L (2003) Crystal structure and chemistry of lithium-bearing trioctahedral micas-3T European Journal of Mineralogy 15 349-355 2003 0 293
0006976 Siderophyllite Brigatti M F, Kile D E, Poppi L (2003) Crystal structure and chemistry of lithium-bearing trioctahedral micas-3T European Journal of Mineralogy 15 349-355 2003 0 293
0006977 Siderophyllite Brigatti M F, Kile D E, Poppi L (2003) Crystal structure and chemistry of lithium-bearing trioctahedral micas-3T European Journal of Mineralogy 15 349-355 2003 0 293
0019255 Tobelite Mesto E, Scordari F, Lacalamita M, Schingaro E (2012) Tobelite and NH4+ -rich muscovite single crystals from Ordovician Armorican sandstones (Brittany, France): Structure and crystal chemistry American Mineralogist 97 1460-1468 2012 Ordovician Armorican sandstones, Brittany, France 0 293
0000804 Wonesite Spear F S, Hazen R M, Rumble D (1981) Wonesite: A new rock-forming silicate from the Post Pond Volcanics, Vermont American Mineralogist 66 100-105 1981 0 293
0003769 Wonesite Kogure T, Miyawaki R, Banno Y (2005) The true structure of wonesite, an interlayer-deficient trioctahedral sodium mica American Mineralogist 90 725-731 2005 0 293
0005021 Aluminoceladonite Drits V A, Zviagina B B, McCarty D K, Salyn A L (2010) Factors responsible for crystal-chemical variations in the solid solutions from illite to aluminoceladonite and from glauconite to celadonite Sample Name: 602-1 American Mineralogist 95 348-361 2010 Twin Creek formation, Wyoming 0 293
0005022 Aluminoceladonite Drits V A, Zviagina B B, McCarty D K, Salyn A L (2010) Factors responsible for crystal-chemical variations in the solid solutions from illite to aluminoceladonite and from glauconite to celadonite Sample Name: 136 American Mineralogist 95 348-361 2010 Tushlay, Mongolia 0 293
0006704 Aluminoceladonite Pavese A, Ferraris G, Prencipe M, Ibberson R (1997) Cation site ordering in phengite 3T from the Dora-Maira massif (western Alps): a variable-temperature neutron powder diffraction study European Journal of Mineralogy 9 1183-1190 1997 Dora-Maira massif, western Alps 0 293
0012352 Chromphyllite Evsyunin V G, Kashaev A A, Rastsvetaeva R K (1997) Crystal structure of a new representative of Cr micas Crystallography Reports 42 571-574 1997 Slyudyanka, Irkutsk, Russia 0 293
0005634 Ferrokinoshitalite Guggenheim S, Frimmel H E (1999) Ferrokinoshitalite, a new species of brittle mica from the Broken Hill Mine, South Africa: Structural and mineralogical characterization The Canadian Mineralogist 37 1445-1452 1999 Broken Hill Mine, South Africa 0 293
0010797 Tainiolite Toraya H, Iwai S, Marumo F, Hirao M (1977) The crystal structure of taeniolite, KLiMg2Si4O10F2 Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 146 73-83 1977 synthetic 0 293
0002208 Tetraferriannite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F, Weiss Z, Rieder M, Drabek M (1999) "Cs-tetra-ferri-annite:" High-pressure and high-temperature behavior of a potential nuclear waste disposal phase American Mineralogist 84 325-332 1999 0.0001 293
0002209 Tetraferriannite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F, Weiss Z, Rieder M, Drabek M (1999) "Cs-tetra-ferri-annite:" High-pressure and high-temperature behavior of a potential nuclear waste disposal phase American Mineralogist 84 325-332 1999 3.94 293
0002210 Tetraferriannite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F, Weiss Z, Rieder M, Drabek M (1999) "Cs-tetra-ferri-annite:" High-pressure and high-temperature behavior of a potential nuclear waste disposal phase American Mineralogist 84 325-332 1999 0 293
0002211 Tetraferriannite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F, Weiss Z, Rieder M, Drabek M (1999) "Cs-tetra-ferri-annite:" High-pressure and high-temperature behavior of a potential nuclear waste disposal phase American Mineralogist 84 325-332 1999 0 569
0002212 Tetraferriannite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F, Weiss Z, Rieder M, Drabek M (1999) "Cs-tetra-ferri-annite:" High-pressure and high-temperature behavior of a potential nuclear waste disposal phase American Mineralogist 84 325-332 1999 0 708
0002213 Tetraferriannite Comodi P, Zanazzi P F, Weiss Z, Rieder M, Drabek M (1999) "Cs-tetra-ferri-annite:" High-pressure and high-temperature behavior of a potential nuclear waste disposal phase American Mineralogist 84 325-332 1999 0 293
0007103 Trilithionite Brigatti M F, Caprilli E, Malferrari D, Medici L, Poppi L (2005) Crystal structure and chemistry of trilithionite-2M2 and polylithionite-2M2 European Journal of Mineralogy 17 475-481 2005 Chedeville, France 0 293
0007104 Trilithionite Brigatti M F, Caprilli E, Malferrari D, Medici L, Poppi L (2005) Crystal structure and chemistry of trilithionite-2M2 and polylithionite-2M2 European Journal of Mineralogy 17 475-481 2005 Chedeville, France 0 293
0006989 Shirokshinite Pekov I V, Chukanov N V, Ferraris G, Ivaldi G, Pushcharovsky D Y, Zadov A E (2003) Shirokshinite, K(NaMg2)Si4O10F2, a new mica with octahedral Na from Khidiny massif, Kola Peninsula: descriptive data and structural disorder European Journal of Mineralogy 15 447-454 2003 Khidiny massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia 0 293
0003404 Shirozulite Ishida K, Hawthorne F C, Hirowatari F (2004) Shirozulite, KMn3(Si3Al)O10(OH)2, a new manganese-dominant trioctahedral mica: Description and crystal structure American Mineralogist 89 232-238 2004 0 293
0006061 Oxykinoshitalite Kogarko L N, Uvarova Y A, Sokolova E, Hawthorne F C, Ottolini L, Grice J D (2005) Oxykinoshitalite, a new species of mica from Fernando-do-Noronha island, Brazil: Occurrence and crystal structure The Canadian Mineralogist 43 1501-1510 2005 Fernando-do-Noronha island, Brazil 0 293
0000311 Fluorophlogopite McCauley J W, Newnham R E, Gibbs G V (1973) Crystal structure analysis of synthetic fluorophlogopite American Mineralogist 58 249-254 1973 0 293
0000385 Fluorophlogopite Hazen R M, Burnham C W (1973) The crystal structures of one-layer phlogopite and annite American Mineralogist 58 889-900 1973 0 293
0000628 Fluorophlogopite Hazen R M, Finger L W (1978) The crystal structures and compressibilities of layer minerals at high pressure. II. Phlogopite and chlorite American Mineralogist 63 293-296 1978 3.5 293
0020180 Fluorophlogopite Scordari F, Schingaro E, Ventruti G, Nicotra E, Viccaro M, Tagliani S M (2013) Fluorophlogopite from Piano delle Concazze (Mt. Etna, Italy): Crystal chemistry and implications for the crystallization conditions American Mineralogist 98 1017-1025 2013 Piano delle Concazze, Mt. Etna, Italy 0 293
0020181 Fluorophlogopite Scordari F, Schingaro E, Ventruti G, Nicotra E, Viccaro M, Tagliani S M (2013) Fluorophlogopite from Piano delle Concazze (Mt. Etna, Italy): Crystal chemistry and implications for the crystallization conditions American Mineralogist 98 1017-1025 2013 Piano delle Concazze, Mt. Etna, Italy 0 293
0020182 Fluorophlogopite Scordari F, Schingaro E, Ventruti G, Nicotra E, Viccaro M, Tagliani S M (2013) Fluorophlogopite from Piano delle Concazze (Mt. Etna, Italy): Crystal chemistry and implications for the crystallization conditions American Mineralogist 98 1017-1025 2013 Piano delle Concazze, Mt. Etna, Italy 0 293
0020183 Fluorophlogopite Scordari F, Schingaro E, Ventruti G, Nicotra E, Viccaro M, Tagliani S M (2013) Fluorophlogopite from Piano delle Concazze (Mt. Etna, Italy): Crystal chemistry and implications for the crystallization conditions American Mineralogist 98 1017-1025 2013 Piano delle Concazze, Mt. Etna, Italy 0 293
0006911 Fluorophlogopite Ferraris G, Gula A, Ivaldi G, Nespolo M, Sokolova E, Uvarova Y, Khomyakov A P (2001) First structure determination of an MDO-2O mica polytype associated with a 1M polytype European Journal of Mineralogy 13 1013-1023 2001 0 293

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