Boulangerite (original) (raw)


Orris et al. (2002)

Orris et al. (2002)


Louha +5 other references


de Brodtkorb (2009) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-724230.html) [Bordón vein](/loc-203938.html)


Sureda (1978)

Econ Geol (1992) +2 other references

Coira et al. (1995) +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1267694.html) [Cortaderas Zone](/loc-307213.html)

Slater (2016)

  * Rinconada
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-129570.html) [Pan de Azucar Mine](/loc-22973.html)

Brodtkorb (2002)

Rubinstein et al. (2018)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1474005.html) [Veta Tajo](/loc-241477.html)

Carrasquero et al. (2013)

Mugas Lobos et al. (2011) +1 other reference

ROBL +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-132181.html) [El Quevar Mine](/loc-23405.html)

Brodtkorb (2002)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-723473.html) [Vince Mine](/loc-229585.html)

ROBL +1 other reference

Brodtkorb (2002)


Harris et al. (1973) +1 other reference

Kukulyan (1983) +1 other reference

Atlantic Ocean

Firstova et al. (2016)


Gilligan et al. (1993)

Henley et al. (2001)

Ramdohr (1950) +3 other references

Fleminig +1 other reference

England et al. (1988)


  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2235.html) [Mount Isa](/loc-139.html)

Sielecki (1988)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-882745.html) [Mount Isa Mines](/loc-28503.html)

Sielecki (1988)

Xu (1997) +1 other reference

Davis et al. (1998)

SA Geodata Database - Mineral Deposit ...

Paul Stahl collection

Nenke (1972) +1 other reference

Ramsden et al. (1990)

     * Magnet
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-420913.html) [Magnet Mine](/loc-184.html)

Bottrill et al. (2008)

     * Waratah
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-603568.html) [Antimonal lode](/loc-203866.html)

Groves +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-64375.html) [Mount Bischoff Mine](/loc-186.html)

Bottrill +1 other reference

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-603571.html) [Fook's lode](/loc-203867.html)

Groves +1 other reference

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1515564.html) [Slaughteryard face](/loc-133517.html)

Sorrell (n.d.)

Singer et al. (2009)

  * Rosebery district
     * Rosebery
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-292135.html) [Rosebery Mine](/loc-65284.html)

Zaw et al. (1997)

     * Williamsford
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-427591.html) [Hercules Mine](/loc-11803.html)

Bottrill et al. (2008)

  * Zeehan mining district
     * Mt Heemskirk mineral field
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1370278.html) [Globe Mine](/loc-344310.html)

Hajitaheri (1985)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1370250.html) [Sweeney's mine](/loc-344309.html)

Hajitaheri (1985)

     * North Dundas
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2233.html) [Melba Mine](/loc-181.html)

        * Ringville
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-462978.html) [Curtin-Davis Mine](/loc-10455.html)

Ralph Bottrill collection

     * Zeehan mineral field
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-883251.html) [Nike mine (North Spray; Quigleys; Silver Queen Extended)](/loc-256727.html)

Blisset (1962)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-565527.html) [Spray Mine](/loc-194522.html)

Gulson et al. (1987)

Simon Hitchman (2013)

F.Bussat 1980

  * Gaffney's Creek
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-900167.html) [Rose of Denmark Mine](/loc-259378.html)

F.Bussat 1980

  * Woods Point
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-900146.html) [Morning Star Mine](/loc-259376.html)

Bussat (1980)

Ferguson (1999)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1035371.html) [East prospect](/loc-291092.html)

Ferguson (1999)

Ferguson (1999)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-371550.html) [Turtle Creek](/loc-109707.html)

Ferguson (1999)

I. R. Mulholland et al. (1998) +3 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1022871.html) [Mount Charlotte Gold Mine](/loc-16610.html)

Mueller et al. (2013)


Niedermayr et al. (1995)

        * Minachberg
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-825804.html) [Greinig (Greining) adit](/loc-46517.html)

A.Pichler (2012)

     * Sankt Salvator
        * Moschitzberg
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1073551.html) [Fe deposit](/loc-42318.html)

C.Auer (2017)

     * Zeltschach
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-221517.html) [Hickersdorferberg District](/loc-46526.html)

G. Blass (2002)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-221536.html) [Holzapfel District (Reidenwirt)](/loc-46528.html)

G. Blass (2002)

        * Wagendorf
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-221546.html) [Wagendorf East District](/loc-46529.html)

G. Blass (2002)

  * Guttaring
     * Ratteingraben
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1075429.html) [Emma adit](/loc-46808.html)

C.Auer (2017)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-753149.html) [Martis Mine (Schmiede Mine)](/loc-42356.html)

G.Indra 1997

  * Hüttenberg
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-226891.html) [Hüttenberger Erzberg](/loc-4376.html)

H. Meixner: 32 (3)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-508596.html) [Sankt Martin am Silberberg](/loc-47666.html)

Puttner (1987)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-219635.html) [Althaus Mine](/loc-46234.html)

ehemaligen Bergbau Althaus +2 other references

  * Mölbling
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-200011.html) [Meiselding](/loc-42323.html)

Niedermayr et al. (1995)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1368142.html) [Barbara adit](/loc-59053.html)

Puttner (1994)

  * Straßburg
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-222226.html) [Wildbachgraben](/loc-42311.html) (2016)

Niedermayr et al. (1995)

  * Krems in Kärnten
     * Innerkrems iron deposts
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-774850.html) [Kot Alp](/loc-238982.html)

Pichler (2009)

  * Rennweg am Katschberg
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-772663.html) [Oberdorf mining district](/loc-238691.html)

Pichler (2009)

Uwe Kolitsch (SXRD analysis of specimen labeled "jamesonite") +2 other references

Niedermayr et al. (1995)

G. Niedermayr: Carinthia II 191./111.:97-102 (2001)

Weißensteiner et al. (2013)

Großpietsch (1911) +3 other references

  * Semmering
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-534263.html) [Haidbachgraben (Myrthengraben; Myrtengraben; Heidbachgraben)](/loc-47846.html)

Huber et al. (1977)

Strasser (1989)

  * Forstau
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-864480.html) [Kranzlhöhe](/loc-45015.html)

Schachinger et al. (2014)

  * Radstadt
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-211849.html) [Schwemmberg (Roßbrand)](/loc-44983.html)

Feitzinger et al. (1988) +1 other reference

Strasser (2010)

  * Weißpriach
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-864456.html) [Lungauer Kalkspitze (incl. Znachsattel; "Im Kalk")](/loc-252546.html)

Schachinger et al. (2014)

Strasser (1989)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-257521.html) [Rettenbach (Rettenbachgraben)](/loc-55950.html)

Friedrich (1969) +2 other references

Schachinger et al. (2013)

  * Spital am Semmering
     * Dürrhof
        * Semmering basis tunnel
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-526125.html) [Pilot adit](/loc-186624.html)

Postl et al. (1997)

     * Steinhaus am Semmering
        * Fröschnitz valley (Fröschnitz)
           * Hasen valley
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1391769.html) [Arzberg am Semmering mines](/loc-192038.html)

Auer (2020)

  * Stanz im Mürztal
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1581268.html) [Schweinskogel](/loc-412824.html)

Auer (2023)

  * Tragöß-Sankt Katharein
     * Oberdorf (Oberdorf an der Laming)
        * Oberdorf magnesite deposit
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-677316.html) [Angerer Mine](/loc-186790.html)

Gerald Gesselbauer (2010)

Postl (2013)

Taucher (1993)

Schachinger et al. (2014)

        * Knappen lakes
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-694964.html) [Vetternspitzen (Vetternspitze; Vötternspitze)](/loc-58436.html)

Fuchs (1988)

     * Mandling
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-685628.html) [Ochsen Alp](/loc-220852.html)

Brandmaier et al. (1985)

     * Obertalbach valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1453827.html) [Duisitzkar](/loc-229244.html)

Friedrich (1933) +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-698483.html) [Eschach Alp (Eschachboden; Martinlager)](/loc-47844.html)

Archiv f.Lagerstättenforschung +1 other reference

     * Untertalbach valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1112292.html) [Kühkar (Zwerfenberg)](/loc-297134.html)

Schachinger et al. (2017)

Pichler A. (2003)

Aufschluss 1972 (SB)

  * Pölstal
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-266667.html) [Oberzeiring](/loc-42304.html)

Exel (1993)

Bojar et al. (1998) +1 other reference

  * Rettenegg
     * Prinzkogel (Prinzenkogel)
        * Prinzkogel mines
           * Southern District
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-532920.html) [Kaltenegg](/loc-57910.html)

Jakely (2008)

Kolitsch (2016)

Kolitsch (2017)

Kolitsch (2014)

  * Kirchberg in Tirol
     * Sperten valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-856951.html) [Brunn Alp](/loc-220714.html)

Vohryzka (1968)

Kolitsch et al. (2020)

Grundmann et al. (1971)

MEIXNER (1956) +1 other reference


- (2005) +1 other reference


Ing. Mateo Vlahovic observations.

Federico Ahlfeld & Alejandro Schneider-Scherbina (1964)

Dr Günter Grundmann specimens and ...

Kempff et al. (La Paz, 2009)

Salomon Rivas y Federico Ahlfeld (1998)

     * Cerro Llallagua
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-489791.html) [San Andrés mine](/loc-158720.html)

USGS Bulletin # 1975 +1 other reference

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-42909.html) [Oruro](/loc-343.html)

Wilson (2001)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-864491.html) [Itos Mine](/loc-346.html)

Moricz et al. (2009)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2236.html) [San José Mine](/loc-340.html)

Wilson (2001) +3 other references

Dr. Fritz Berndt collection (Dr. Frank Keutsch analysis, february 2010)

Cacho et al. (2019)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-65721.html) [Maria Francisca Mine](/loc-11229.html)

Federico Ahlfeld and Alejandro Schneider-Scherbina (1964)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-84671.html) [Porvenir mine](/loc-13780.html)

Federico Ahlfeld and Alejandro Schneider-Scherbina (1964)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1448294.html) [Santa Fé mining district](/loc-134867.html)

Franco (2018)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1267424.html) [Japo Mine (Negro Pabellón Mine)](/loc-146863.html)

Jiménez-Franco et al. (2018)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1267486.html) [Morococala Mine](/loc-339.html)

Jiménez-Franco et al. (2018)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1267540.html) [Santa Fé Mine](/loc-135013.html)

Jiménez-Franco et al. (2018)

Kempff et al. (La Paz, 2009)

  * Uyuni Municipality
     * Huanchaca
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-248155.html) [Pulacayo Mine](/loc-332.html)

Ahlfeld et al. (1964)

Ing. Mateo Vlahovic specimen

  * Llallagua
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-366698.html) [Siglo Veinte Mine](/loc-336.html)

Petrov et al. (2006)

Cazorla Martínez et al. (2019)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1324086.html) [Ánimas Mine](/loc-355.html)

Torró et al. (2019)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-679539.html) [Oploca mine](/loc-204332.html)

Kempff et al. (La Paz, 2009)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-180908.html) [Siete Suyos mine](/loc-36541.html)

Torró et al. (2019)

     * San Vicente mining district
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-441387.html) [Monserrate Mine (Monserrat Mine)](/loc-135189.html)

Geology and Mineral Resources of the Altiplano and Cordillera Occidental (USGS Bulletin no. 1975)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-466673.html) [Tatasí](/loc-362.html)

Salomon Rivas y Federico Ahlfeld (1998)

  * Tupiza Municipality
     * Cerro Iscaisca (Isca Isca)
        * [ⓘ](/locentry-521877.html) [Arturo Mine (San Antonio vein)](/loc-185531.html)

Ahlfeld et al. (1964)

        * [ⓘ](/locentry-521882.html) [Chancayoc Mine](/loc-185533.html)

Ahlfeld et al. (1955)

USGS Bulletin # 1975

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ljudevit Barić +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-928482.html) [Mt. Zahor](/loc-213831.html)

Ljudevit Barić

Ljudevit Barić

Radosavljević et al. (2016)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1530275.html) [Srebrenica orefield](/loc-426845.html)

Radosavljevic et al. (2005)


de Oliveira et al. (2008)


Kostov et al : Minerals of Bulgaria (1964) +1 other reference (n.d.) +1 other reference


Peatfield (n.d.)

Dana 7:I:203. +1 other reference

Thompson (1951)

  * Invermere
     * Red Line Creek
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1529162.html) [Nip And Tuck Mine](/loc-426747.html)

Peatfield (n.d.)

  * Radium Hot Springs
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-156590.html) [Mount Brussilof mine (Bay Mag Mine)](/loc-485.html)

BC Minfile. +1 other reference

Peatfield (n.d.)

MINFILE NUMBER: 104B 008 +3 other references

Peatfield (n.d.) +1 other reference

R. M. Thompson (1954)

Peatfield (n.d.)

R.O. Meyer collection

BC Minfile – Cronin (No. 093L 127)

  * Granisle
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-623173.html) [Morrison Cu-Au deposit](/loc-195134.html)

Singer et al. (2008)

  * New Hazelton
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2237.html) [Sunrise Mine](/loc-492.html)

Scott (1971)

  * Owen Lake
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1096607.html) [Silver Queen Mine (Nadina Mine)](/loc-29898.html)

Hood et al. (1991)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1474409.html) [Stardust deposit](/loc-418510.html)

Ray et al. (2002)

Peatfield (n.d.)

Peatfield (n.d.)

  * Revelstoke
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1472587.html) [J & L Au deposit](/loc-244101.html)

Peatfield (n.d.)

Peatfield (n.d.) +1 other reference

Mauthner et al. (1996)

Peatfield (n.d.) +1 other reference

  * Rossland
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1482136.html) [Blue Bird Mine](/loc-419613.html)

Peatfield (n.d.) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-887451.html) [Deer Park Mine](/loc-10524.html)

Harris et al. (1968)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1482013.html) [Mayflower Mine](/loc-419596.html)

Peatfield (n.d.) +1 other reference

Woodside et al. (2000)

Peatfield (n.d.)

     * Trapp Creek
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1543485.html) [Kismet (Lynx) gold-silver occurrence](/loc-429394.html)

Peatfield (n.d.)

Healy et al. (1990)

Samson I M et al. (1999)

"Geology of New Brunswick: field guide ...

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-466318.html) [Brunswick No. 6 Mine](/loc-8905.html)

Sabina (1967)

Larry Pilgrim (2009) +2 other references

Government of the Northwest Territories’ Northwest Territories Geological Survey (2016)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-1227964.html) [Yellowknife](/loc-24669.html)

Coleman (1953)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-887874.html) [Con Mine](/loc-10275.html)

RIDLAND (1941)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-887315.html) [Giant Yellowknife Mine (Giant Mine)](/loc-513.html)

Coleman (1953)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-887850.html) [Negus Mine](/loc-16911.html)

RIDLAND (1941)

Welt (2020)

Kontak et al. (1996)

Harris et al. (1984)

Econ Geol (1989)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-603855.html) [Gough-Hardie occurrence](/loc-203902.html)

Econ Geol (1989)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-78324.html) [International Mine (Barrie syndicate)](/loc-13219.html)

Sabina (1987)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-603863.html) [Mazinaw occurrence](/loc-203903.html)

Econ Geol (1989) +1 other reference

[MinRec 13:111 +2 other references

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2239.html) [Taylor Pit](/loc-550.html)

Jambor (1967) +1 other reference

Rocks & Minerals 79:2 pp94-99

  * Dome Township
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-882210.html) [Cochenour-Willans Mine (Wilanour)](/loc-191405.html)

Ann P.Sabina (1991)

  * GTP Block 7 Township
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-788377.html) [Mattabi Mine](/loc-15806.html)

Geoffrey Khalil Abdallah (1990)

Mineralogical Magazine 1988 52 : 691-697

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-872793.html) [David Bell Mine](/loc-27164.html)

Sabina (1991)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-552550.html) [Golden Giant Mine](/loc-27165.html)

Patterson (1984)

Kennedy (2012)

Dawson Creek +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1442595.html) [Arctic Mine](/loc-248546.html)

Boyle (1965)

     * Calumet
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1584794.html) [Hector-Calumet mine (Calumet mine - Hector mine)](/loc-9531.html)

Stöger et al. (2023)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-901334.html) [Elsa](/loc-143811.html)

Personal Collection

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-752217.html) [Keno Hill](/loc-28909.html)

Dawson Creek +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1486883.html) [Peso Silver deposit](/loc-420453.html)

Peatfield (n.d.)

Lee et al. (2022) +1 other reference


Zentilli (2018)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-534238.html) [Choquelimpie Mine](/loc-188079.html)

Cecioni et al. (2000)

Becerra et al. (2022)

Darío Chinchilla et al. (2016)


Huihuang Zhang et al. (2002)

Shide Zhou and Zhufan Liu (1982)

Jiangguo Yang et al. (2010)

Songnian Yang et al. (1985) +2 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-705419.html) [Dengjiashan Pb-Zn deposit (Dengjianshan Pb-Zn deposit)](/loc-144985.html)

Can. J. Earth Sci. 44: 479–492 (2007)

  * Hui Co.
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-799155.html) [Heishuigou Au deposit](/loc-243039.html)

Jianglong Li et al. (2012)

  * Wen County
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-739890.html) [Yangshan Au deposit](/loc-134697.html)

Shisong Yuan et al. (2006) +2 other references

  * Xihe County
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-867360.html) [Daqiao Au deposit](/loc-254194.html)

Yuegao Liu et al. (2011) +1 other reference

Lijing Yang et al. (2004)

Gongsheng Yan (1987)

Genwen Chen et al. (2008)

Liangqi Lei et al. (2002)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-816101.html) [Qingfeng Pb-Zn deposit](/loc-233305.html)

Liangqi Lei et al. (2002)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-750231.html) [Xijikeng Zn-Pb deposit](/loc-233306.html)

Liangqi Lei et al. (2002) +1 other reference

  * Guiping Co.
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-816130.html) [Fulu Pb-Zn deposit (Fululing Pb-Zn deposit)](/loc-244784.html)

Liangqi Lei et al. (2002)

  * Pingnan Co.
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-816117.html) [Songshanjiao Pb-Zn deposit](/loc-244782.html)

Liangqi Lei et al. (2002)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-816075.html) [Wangshi Pb-Zn deposit](/loc-233310.html)

Liangqi Lei et al. (2002)

Hongchang Li et al. (1987)

  * Jinchengjiang District
     * Beixiang - Furongchang ore field
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-727855.html) [Beixiang Ag-polymetallic deposit (Hechi Ag-polymetallic deposit)](/loc-225060.html)

Laiyong Qin et al. (2007)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1474326.html) [Sanpaidong Pb-Zn-Sb deposit](/loc-224882.html)

Jing et al. (2018)

  * Nandan County
     * Dachang Sn-polymetallic ore field
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-816309.html) [Chashan Mine](/loc-157657.html)

Renke Li (1993)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-484286.html) [Longtoushan Sn deposit (Gaofeng Mine)](/loc-48875.html)

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  * Linwu Co.
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Li et al. (2023)

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  * Suxian District
     * Dongpo ore field
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Youxun Liu et al. (2003)

  * Yizhang Co.
     * Dongpo ore field
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-754007.html) [Shizhuyuan Mine](/loc-64765.html)

Yi Li and Youbin Liang (1991)

     * Yaogangxian W-Sn ore field
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Bosheng Zhou et al. (2002) +4 other references

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Yuanfeng Guo (1994)

Xuexiang Gu et al. (2003) +1 other reference

Zhang Guoxin (1996)

Hongchang Li et al. (1987)

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Zhenxiang Bao et al. (1999)

Hongchang Li et al. (1987)

Jianhong Zheng et al. (2009)

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Shoufu Wu (1983)

Fengyue Sun and Li Wang (2008) +3 other references

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Liu et al. (2024)

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Nicholas Rondilone Collection

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Kai Zhang and Yongdong Shi (2000)

Xinyou Zhu et al. (2006)

Dengmei Yang et al. (2013) +1 other reference

Tianwei Guo and Zhongwen Han (1990) +1 other reference

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  * Batang Co.
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-469932.html) [Xiasai Ag-polymetallic deposit (Xiazhai Ag-polymetallic deposit)](/loc-147154.html)

Dianhao Huang and Shihua Hu (2000) +4 other references

Song Ye et al. (2001) (2006)

Xiaoping Fan et al. (2005)

Jianfang Zhang et al. (2010) +6 other references

Jiaxin Teng and Qingming Wang (2006) +1 other reference

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Xinpei Jiang (1994) +3 other references

Runsheng Han et al. (2007)

Niu et al. (2023) +1 other reference

Lina Peng et al. (2009)


JAMP +1 other reference

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Hernández +2 other references


Šoštarić (2009)


Bortnikov et al. (1989) +1 other reference

Czech Republic

Šrein (2007)

Lapis 2000 (4)

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  * Dubenec
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     * Háje deposit
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1636107.html) [H32A vein](/loc-443080.html)

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  * Příbram
     * Bohutín
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[Bull.N.M.Praha 2002

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        * Březové Hory deposit
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[Bull.N.M.Praha 2002

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[Bull.N.M.Praha 2002

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           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-24614.html) [Lill Mine](/loc-5638.html)

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Bednařík (jv. od Uh. Brodu)

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important factors in grade development. Economic Geology (8) +2 other references


Mulshaw et al. (1994) +1 other reference

an NI 43-101 Technical Report prepared ... +1 other reference


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International Geological Congress (2008)

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Kontoniemi et al. (1991)

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Geological Survey of Finland ...


R. Pierrot

Périchaud (1968)

     * Langeac
        * Marsanges
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-243522.html) [Marsanges Mine](/loc-19324.html)

Pélisson (1989)

     * Lubilhac
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-613856.html) [Dahu Mine (Daü Mine; Dahut Mine)](/loc-46457.html)  ?

Queneau (n.d.)

     * Paulhac
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-225706.html) [Les Chanterelles](/loc-47473.html)

Pélisson (1989)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-245588.html) [Martin vein](/loc-52350.html)

Périchaud (1968)

     * Saint-Privat-du-Dragon
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-237329.html) [Belmont-l'Estaing](/loc-50509.html)

Pélisson (1989)

     * Salzuit
        * [ⓘ](/locentry-228941.html) [Bagatelle](/loc-48563.html)

        * [ⓘ](/locentry-228925.html) [Unnamed quartz-baryte vein](/loc-48562.html)

Pélisson (1989)

Yves Masson collection

     * Laffrey
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-613862.html) [La Pereire](/loc-205381.html)  ?

Queneau (n.d.)

     * Susville
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-439131.html) [Villaret pit](/loc-16720.html) ![](

Arliguie M collection +1 other reference

     * Vizille
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-885217.html) [Pierre Plate mine](/loc-194186.html)

Duarte (2014)

Personally collected by Matthias Diot ...

Périchaud (1968)

     * Labessette
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-227416.html) [La Vialolle](/loc-48030.html)

  * Riom
     * Saint-Pierre-le-Chastel
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-234292.html) [Rosiers Mine (Le Rozier Mine; Le Rosier Mine)](/loc-19857.html)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-234381.html) [Tortebesse](/loc-49508.html)

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  * Thiers
     * Vollore-Ville
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-234382.html) [Le Cros](/loc-49509.html)

Bariand et al. (n.d.)

French BRGM data

Barelli (1835)

  * Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne
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De Ascençao Guedes et al. (2011)

Pierrot et al. (1973) +1 other reference

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     * Edern
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     * Plogoff
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     * Urbeis
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Inventaire Mineralogique de la France ...

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     * Alzen
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Inventaire mineralogique de l'Ariege ( Edition BRGM 1984)

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Bernadi (2004)

     * Saint-Salvy-de-la-Balme
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"La chalcostibite et la dadsonite de Saint Pons et al. (1979)

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"La chalcostibite et la dadsonite de Saint Pons et al. (1979)

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R. Pierrot

     * Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée
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R. Pierrot

Pierrot et al. (1972) +1 other reference

  * Gap
     * Orpierre
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-162980.html) [Les Cougnasses mine](/loc-18956.html) ![](

Moëlo et al. (1975) +1 other reference

Self collected by S. MAURY +1 other reference

  * Toulon
     * La Londe-les-Maures
        * Les Bormettes district
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-667677.html) [Le Verger Mine](/loc-127375.html)

Self collected S. Maury


Kekelia et al. (2008)


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        * Steinach
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Dana 7:I:421.

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Wagner et al. (2000)

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     * Kirchhundem
        * Silberg
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     * Hilchenbach
        * Müsen
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Der Aufschluss 2000 (2)

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        * Eiserfeld
           * Kohlenbach Valley
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     * Wilnsdorf
        * Obersdorf
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-612640.html) [Schöne Freundschaft Mine](/loc-205230.html)

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           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-100552.html) [Bautenberg Mine](/loc-16821.html)  ?

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        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-915562.html) [Katzbach Mine](/loc-262198.html)

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        * Hürnig
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-913137.html) [Hürnigskopf Mine](/loc-51188.html)  ?

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        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-612637.html) [Saarsegen Mine](/loc-205226.html)

Wagner et al. (2000)

Weiß (1990)

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        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-612628.html) [Petersbach Mine](/loc-19907.html)

Wagner et al. (2000)

     * Oberlahr
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-75709.html) [Silberwiese mine](/loc-4414.html)

Wagner et al. (2000)

     * Willroth
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-92351.html) [Georg Mine](/loc-15115.html)

Wagner et al. (2000)

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     * Kirchen
        * Freusburg
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-612582.html) [Wilhelmssegen Mine](/loc-205228.html)

Wagner et al. (2000)

     * Niederfischbach
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-122914.html) [Concordia Mine](/loc-21734.html)

Wagner et al. (2000)

  * Wissen
     * Mittelhof
        * Steckenstein
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-81051.html) [Friedrich Mine](/loc-11245.html)

Weiß (1990)

Zur Mineralogie und Geologie des ... +2 other references

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     * Raubach
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-77356.html) [Apollo Mine](/loc-13194.html)

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        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-121471.html) [Pfaffenberg Mine](/loc-21614.html)

Wittern (2001)

  * Quedlinburg
     * Gernrode
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-839053.html) [Osterberg district](/loc-249311.html)

Thomas Luehr collection

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        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-877637.html) [Weiße mine](/loc-255794.html)

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        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-121639.html) [Großer Auerberg](/loc-21651.html)

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     * Bräunsdorf
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43-47 +3 other references

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     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-123796.html) [Silberberg](/loc-21799.html)

Wittern (2001)

Günter Grundmann collection


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Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : ... +2 other references

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Wendel et al. (1999)

        * Km 3
           * Kaminiza mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-61192.html) [Esperanza Mine](/loc-10472.html)

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[Mineralien Welt 6/92:62]

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     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-403453.html) [Kyslá](/loc-12698.html)

Koděra (1986)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-487235.html) [Soviansko](/loc-125776.html)

Luptáková J. & Pršek J. (2004) +1 other reference

  * Vaľkovňa
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-413552.html) [Lívius and Samuel Mine](/loc-126458.html)

Koděra (1986)

Maťo et al. (stredné Slovensko)

Bálintová T. et al. (Slovakia)

  * Rákoš
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1422604.html) [Rákoš Hg deposit](/loc-406179.html)

Miškovic J. (1990)

Koděra (1986)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-404591.html) [Samo Mine](/loc-125850.html)

Trdlička Z. (1962)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1363618.html) [Štepový vrch ore occurrence](/loc-343613.html)

Láznička P. (1964)

  * Klenovec
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-403299.html) [Medené](/loc-125769.html)

Koděra (1986)

  * Rovné
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-412919.html) [Ratkovská Zdychava](/loc-126412.html)

Koděra (1986)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1535677.html) [Pod Rovienkou ore occurrence](/loc-427459.html)

Grecula (1995)

Kodě +1 other reference

Ďuďa (1993)

Koděra (1986)

  * Pernek
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-412170.html) [Krížnica deposit](/loc-16680.html)

Koděra (1986)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-414141.html) [Pod Babou](/loc-126384.html)

Luptáková J. et al. (Malé Karpáty Mts., Slovakia)

Koděra (1986)

  * Limbach
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1424229.html) [Ernest adit](/loc-406494.html)

Andráš P. et al. (1999)

  * Pezinok
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-25982.html) [Kolársky vrch deposit](/loc-5684.html)  ?

Uher et al. (2000)

Grecula (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-402828.html) [Slovenské cechy](/loc-18231.html)

Pauliš et al. (2002)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-402329.html) [Zenderling Hg deposit](/loc-125719.html)

Háber et al. (SGR) +1 other reference

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-411745.html) [Mníšek nad Hnilcom](/loc-126364.html)

Koděra (1986)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1674688.html) [Mníšek nad Hnilcom Cu-Pb-Zn-S deposit](/loc-450086.html)

Hurný J. (1977)

  * Prakovce
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-412529.html) [Prakovce Fe-Cu mining district](/loc-126255.html)

Koděra (1986)

  * Smolnícka Huta
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-145516.html) [Fichtenhübel deposit-western section](/loc-27155.html)

Koděra (1986)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-413296.html) [Tinesova dolina antimony deposit](/loc-126438.html)

Koděra (1986)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-402574.html) [Smolník](/loc-18395.html)

Koděra (1986)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-402650.html) [Šarlota-Eleonóra vein](/loc-125732.html)

Koděra (1986)

  * Stará Voda
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1604316.html) [Boromeus vein](/loc-439180.html)

Grecula (1995)

  * Švedlár
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1649787.html) [Boromeus vein](/loc-445967.html)

Grecula (1995)

Koděra (1986)

  * Opátka
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-412132.html) [Zlámaný jarok](/loc-126381.html)

Koděra (1986)

  * Poproč
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-412461.html) [Anna-Agneška vein](/loc-126392.html)

Koděra (1986)

  * Vyšný Medzev
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1337099.html) [Oriešok vein](/loc-336638.html)

Mikuš T. (2019)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-402680.html) [Zlatá Idka](/loc-125733.html)

Pauliš et al. (2002)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1571960.html) [Zlatá Idka Ag-Au-Sb deposit](/loc-433353.html)

Grecula (1995)

Martin Števko-unpublished

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-408497.html) [Straková](/loc-126206.html)

Koděra (1986)

  * Čučma
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-400105.html) [Sb deposit (Matej; Gabriela and Klement Mine)](/loc-125390.html)

Koděra (1986)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-400232.html) [Drnava](/loc-125394.html)

Koděra (1986)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1544405.html) [Irma vein](/loc-429491.html)

Grecula (1995)

  * Gemerská Poloma
     * Dlhá Valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-409434.html) [Greisen outcrop](/loc-126248.html)

Malachovský (1979)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-924747.html) [Elisabeth Mine](/loc-222066.html)

Števko M. (2021)

  * Kobeliarovo
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1620784.html) [Kobeliarovo deposit](/loc-126305.html)

Martin Števko-unpublished

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-72460.html) [Nižná Slaná](/loc-12669.html)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-520515.html) [Manó deposit](/loc-185289.html)

Koděra (1986)

  * Ochtiná
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-953420.html) [Čížko baňa](/loc-125745.html)

Števko M. (2017)

  * Pača
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1544165.html) [Čipkov veins](/loc-424508.html)

Martin Števko-unpublished

  * Rožňava
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-414163.html) [Grexa](/loc-126514.html)

Koděra (1986)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-399977.html) [Mária Mine](/loc-12671.html)

Pauliš et al. (2002)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-487551.html) [Aurélia Vein](/loc-158078.html)

Pršek J & Biroň A. (2007)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-400046.html) [Rožňava Mine](/loc-23609.html)

Koděra (1986)


Grecula (1995)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-400769.html) [Rudňany](/loc-12667.html)

Ďuďa et al. (1996)

  * Spišská Nová Ves
     * Novoveská Huta
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-400638.html) [Novoveská Huta U-Mo-Cu deposit](/loc-125397.html)

Koděra (1986)


Bakoš F. et al. (Tatry) +1 other reference

  * Vysoké Tatry
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1445469.html) [Kriváň Mountain mines](/loc-413044.html)

Makovicky et al. (2007)


  * Zlatá Baňa
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-393942.html) [Zlatá Baňa deposit](/loc-18377.html)

Duda et. all.

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1392664.html) [Antimony deposit](/loc-373977.html)

Koděra (1986)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1392553.html) [Base metal deposit](/loc-373976.html)

Ďuďa R. (2001)

Koděra (1986)

Chovan et al. (1998)

        * Ľudovít adit
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1315669.html) [Dimitrij vein](/loc-214887.html)

Martin Števko-unpublished

  * Liptovské Kľačany
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-416399.html) [Kľačianka](/loc-12688.html)

Bakoš +1 other reference

  * Nižná Boca
     * Nižná Boca antimony-gold deposit
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-433708.html) [Fišiarka](/loc-133942.html)

Smirnov A. (Nízke Tatry)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-433637.html) [Gepľové (Zach)](/loc-133941.html)

Smirnov A. (Nízke Tatry)

  * Partizánska Ľupča
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-145527.html) [Magurka](/loc-784.html)

Orlandi et al. (2005)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-346824.html) [Malé Železné](/loc-105661.html)

Pauliš +5 other references

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-72414.html) [Vyšná Boca](/loc-12665.html)

Smirnov et al. (2007)


Žorž et al. (2002)

South Africa

Cairncross et al. (1995)

De Jager (1966) +1 other reference

           * Dwarsfontein Farm
              * Transvaal Mine
                 * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1581964.html) [East Trench](/loc-53781.html)

SAMS (South African Micromount Society)

South Korea

Imai et al. (1982) +1 other reference

Shin et al. (1987) +1 other reference

Nakai (1941)


Martinez Frias (1991)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1286701.html) [Jaroso Ravine](/loc-3134.html)

Martínez-Frías et al. (2004)

Castroviejo et al. (2011)

  * Calañas
     * Sotiel-Coronada mines
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1369974.html) [Sotiel Mine](/loc-23197.html)

Álvarez-Valero et al. (2009)

Lillo Ramos (1992)

Almodóvar et al. (1997)

Calvo (2008)

Econ Geol (1996) (n.d.)

Crespo et al. (2000)

Analyzed by XRD by Dr. Joan Vinals (Barcelona) (2016)

Mineralium Deposita (1996)

Castroviejo (1990)

Martínez Abad I et al. (2014)


Grensman et al. (2001)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1369492.html) [Lappberget](/loc-28945.html)

Tiu (2019) +1 other reference

Geijer (1965)

Thaulow (1837) +1 other reference

SGU Ca17

  * Sarek National Park
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-114444.html) [Alkavare](/loc-20038.html)

Burke et al. (1990)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-61416.html) [Hällefors silver mines](/loc-10587.html)

Jasinski (1983)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-650684.html) [Alfrida Mine](/loc-212143.html)

Canadian Mineralogist (1984)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-69302.html) [Gamla Mines (Old mines)](/loc-11995.html)

Canadian Mineralogist (1984)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-69319.html) [Västra ore field (Western field)](/loc-11997.html)

Canadian Mineralogist (1984)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-69310.html) [Nya Mine](/loc-11996.html)

Zakrzewski et al. (1982)

EurJMin 5 +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-71450.html) [Tunaberg Cu-Co Ore Field](/loc-5796.html)

Andersson et al. (2014)

Jonsson (1992)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1567049.html) [Rävliden North Mine](/loc-432776.html)

Rincon (2022)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-69473.html) [Rävlidmyran Mine](/loc-12010.html)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1369906.html) [Storliden Mine](/loc-17055.html)

Laitos (2014)

Ödman (1939)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-108147.html) [Kedträsk Mine](/loc-18577.html)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-761739.html) [Maurliden](/loc-17056.html)


  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-145870.html) [Mensträsk](/loc-27274.html)

Grip (1951)

Econ Geol (1996) +1 other reference

Juve (1974)

Z Krist 68

  * Sala
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1492300.html) [Bronäs mine](/loc-33070.html)

Jansson et al. (2022)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-47925.html) [Sala Silver Mine](/loc-3170.html)

Kieft et al. (1987) +1 other reference


Romani (2000)

        * Laguné Valley
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1512677.html) [Fuorcla Minor mineralisation](/loc-424697.html)

Romani (2000) +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1512637.html) [Palü Glacier](/loc-245937.html)

Romani (2000) +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-821412.html) [Sassal Mason](/loc-245915.html)

Romani (2000)

Cabalzar (1977)

  * Taminser Calanda
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-821800.html) [Goldene Sonne Mine (Fliden Mine)](/loc-29322.html)

Bächtiger K. (1986)

Bodmer U. (1982-1983)

Stalder et al. (1998)

     * Segnas (Segnes)
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-436563.html) [N19 Road cut](/loc-134453.html)

Rykart R. (1979) +1 other reference

  * Medel (Lucmagn)
     * Val Medel
        * Medel gorge (Lukmanier gorge)
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-559006.html) [Ruinas](/loc-191620.html)

Stalder et al. (1998)

  * Tujetsch
     * Sedrun
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1451898.html) [Dieni](/loc-413972.html)

collection Joachim Esche

     * Val Nalps
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-436574.html) [Claus Valley](/loc-134455.html)

Stalder et al. (1998)

Stalder et al. (1998)

Cabalzar (1977)

Stalder et al. (1998)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1364404.html) [Near Magliasina River](/loc-343836.html)

Meisser N. et al. (2020)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-430776.html) [Miglieglia](/loc-133225.html)

Stalder et al. (1998)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-824681.html) [Baglioni & Franzi adits](/loc-246470.html)

Schmutz et al. (1986)

Ansermet S. (1996) +1 other reference

Gabriel (2017)

     * Freichi area
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-152992.html) [Freichi](/loc-29565.html)

     * Giessen
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-151738.html) [Turtschi](/loc-3236.html)

Most recent: Gea 1993/04 p.137 with ...

  * Obergoms
     * Obergesteln
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-436575.html) [Gas pipe](/loc-133407.html)

Stalder et al. (1998)

86. (in German) +2 other references


Turlychkin et al. (1972)


v. Steiger et al. (1943) +2 other references

Lucas Etienne collection

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1462324.html) [Hastane Tepe](/loc-333240.html)

Lucas Etienne collection

Kines (1969)

Arik (2012)


G. Curtis

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-608205.html) [Penlee Quarry](/loc-1090.html)

G.Curtis collection.

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-1094918.html) [St Endellion](/loc-18528.html)

Kingsbury et al. (1956)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2226.html) [Poltreworgey Mine](/loc-1231.html)

Golley et al. (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1239962.html) [Port Gaverne](/loc-302895.html)

Hobson (1972)

     * Port Isaac
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2224.html) [Tresungers Mine (Rose Mine; Wheal Arthur)](/loc-1236.html)

Steve Rust collection +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2220.html) [Wheal Boys (Trewetha Mine; Old Trewetha Mine)](/loc-1237.html)

Golley et al. (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2225.html) [Treore Mine](/loc-1336.html)

Golley et al. (1995)

  * St Hilary
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-639369.html) [Croft Gothal Mine](/loc-1249.html)

G.Curtis collection.

  * St Kew
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2221.html) [Pengenna Mine](/loc-1314.html)

Golley et al. (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2223.html) [Trevinnick Mine](/loc-1316.html)

Clayton et al. (2000)

  * St Teath
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2222.html) [Old Treburgett Mine](/loc-1334.html)

Golley et al. (1995)

Cooper et al. (1990)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1244125.html) [Caldbeck Fells Mining Region](/loc-1418.html)

Stanley et al. (1991)

  * Eden
     * Mungrisdale
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2232.html) ~~[Carrock Mine](/loc-1425.html)~~

Kingsbury et al. (1956) +3 other references

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1094905.html) ~~[Grains Gill](/loc-1433.html)~~

Kingsbury et al. (1956)

Kingsbury (1965)

  * South Hams
     * Wembury
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-834170.html) [Emily Mine (Wheal Emily)](/loc-61417.html) (2016)

Tindle (2008)

Day (1999)

Bevins et al. (1988) +1 other reference

Day (1999)


[World of Stones 12:20]

Alexander A. Evseev

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-823507.html) [Bobrikovo Au-Ag deposit](/loc-246264.html)

Latish et al. (1959)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-916001.html) [Esaulovka Pb-Zn deposit](/loc-262268.html)

Lazarenko E.K. (1975)

Biruk et al. (2012)


- (2008)

USGS OFR 2004-1200 (Hawley,2004)

  * Kantishna Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-576251.html) [Alpha Mine](/loc-196241.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-576480.html) [Arkansas Prospect](/loc-196318.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-577464.html) [Bonnell Mine (Neversweat)](/loc-196599.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-581085.html) [Glenn; Glen; Swisher Prospect](/loc-197657.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-583447.html) [Jupiter-Mars Prospect (Damon and Pythias)](/loc-198277.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-585387.html) [McGonogill; McGonagall Prospects](/loc-198811.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-587343.html) [Pension Prospect](/loc-199358.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-589549.html) [Slate Creek; Taylor mine Mine](/loc-200014.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-593346.html) [Unnamed Occurrence (ARDF - MM068; east flank of Glacier Peak)](/loc-201353.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-597745.html) [White Hawk Prospect](/loc-202901.html)

- (2008)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-578666.html) [Cleary Hill; Summit; Cleary; Freegold Mine](/loc-196951.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-579676.html) [Dolphin Prospect](/loc-197238.html)

- (2008) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-579789.html) [Drone Creek; DC Prospect](/loc-197271.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-590546.html) [Teuchet Creek; TC Prospect](/loc-200320.html)

- (2008)

- (2008)


- (2008)

  * Nome Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-587888.html) [Quarry Prospect](/loc-199533.html)

- (2008) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-588513.html) [Rock Creek Prospect (lode); Nugent](/loc-199714.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-591004.html) [Twin Mountain Prospect](/loc-200463.html)

- (2008)

- (2008)

  * Kiana Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-596815.html) [Unnamed Occurrence (ARDF - AR046)](/loc-202571.html)

- (2008)

  * Lisburne Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-584301.html) [Lik; SU Prospect](/loc-198501.html)

- (2008)

  * Lisburne Mining District (Red Dog Mining District)
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-614746.html) [Red Dog Mine](/loc-19486.html)

Econ Geol (1986)


  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-805355.html) [Road Metal deposit](/loc-243710.html)

Nokleberg (2005)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-590791.html) [Tolstoi Prospect](/loc-200387.html)

- (2008)

  * Innoko Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-586396.html) [Neirod - East Prospect](/loc-199086.html)

- (2008)

  * Kaiyuh Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-582838.html) [Illinois Creek Mine](/loc-198119.html)

- (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-597509.html) [Waterpump Creek; Last Hurrah Prospects](/loc-202840.html)

- (2008)

Brian Beck Collected

Anthony et al. (1995)

Murdoch (1966)

Murdoch (1966) +2 other references

Cooper et al. (1986)

  * Santa Cruz
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-135264.html) [Pacific Cement and Aggregate Company quarry](/loc-3571.html)

Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 137 +2 other references

Eckel et al. (1997)

Anthony et al. (2016)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-492793.html) [Saint Elmo Mine](/loc-159254.html)

Eckel et al. (1997)

  * Richmond Mountain
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-492790.html) [Richmond Mine](/loc-159253.html)

Eckel et al. (1997)

  * Vulcan Mining District (Cebolla Mining District; Domingo Mining District)
     * Augusta Mountain
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-432891.html) [Domingo Mine](/loc-10781.html)

Eckel et al. (1997)

Eckel et al. (1997)

     * Lake City
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-432899.html) [Belle of the East Mine](/loc-8626.html)

Eckel et al. (1997)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-389518.html) [Golden Fleece Mine](/loc-3642.html)

Eckel et al. (1997)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-432901.html) [Oulay Mine](/loc-7754.html)

Eckel et al. (1997)

     * Lake Fork River
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-432902.html) [Monte Queen Mine](/loc-68119.html)

Eckel et al. (1997)

Murphy (1979)

  * Anvil Mountain
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2250.html) [Brobdignag Mine](/loc-3676.html)

Grybeck (1976)

Eckel et al. (1997)

Carnein et al. (2005)

Ream (2004)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-214971.html) [Hailey Mining District](/loc-39444.html)

Ream (1995)

     * Bellevue
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-455215.html) [Minnie Moore and Silver Star-Queens Mine (Queen of the Hills; Relief Claim)](/loc-45363.html)

Ream (2004)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1369670.html) [Silver Star-Queens Mine](/loc-206618.html)

Hall et al. (1972)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-214986.html) [North Star Mine (Triumph Mine; Carboniferous)](/loc-45337.html)

Ream (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-214998.html) [Red Cloud Mine](/loc-45339.html)

Ream (1995)

  * Warm Springs Mining District (Warm Springs Creek Mining District)
     * Boyle Mountain
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-215138.html) [Ontario claims](/loc-45358.html)

Ream (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-441813.html) [Triumph Mine](/loc-45330.html)

- (2005)

  * Wood River Mining District
     * Sun Valley
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-101941.html) [North Star Mine](/loc-17093.html)

Dana 7:I:321 & 421.

- (2005)

- (2005)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-452379.html) [Whitedelf Mine (James E. White Tunnel; Norquist Tunnel; Pearlvein; Badgelymiddlevein; Pugh Vein; Southandersonvein)](/loc-141998.html)

- (2005)

  * Lakeview Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-448349.html) [Keep Cool Mine](/loc-138390.html)

- (2005)

     * Lakeview
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-128734.html) [Conjecture Mine](/loc-22666.html)

Rocks & Min. 70:246

- (2005)

Allen (1990)

Koschmann et al. (1968)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-459930.html) [Lincoln Mine](/loc-45524.html)

Ream (2004)

Ream (1995)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-445538.html) [Buckhorn Mine](/loc-136256.html)

- (2005)

- (2005)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-449362.html) [Mineral Mountain Mine](/loc-139109.html)

- (2005)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-128865.html) [Sunshine Mine](/loc-3748.html)

Rocks & Min. 70:262 +2 other references

  * Hunter Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-66560.html) [Gold Hunter Mine No. 6](/loc-11408.html)

Dana 7:I:421.

  * Lelande Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1391955.html) [Hecla Mine](/loc-45792.html)

MRDS #10078357

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-455218.html) [Standard-Mammoth Mine](/loc-7762.html)

Ream (2004)

  * Placer Center Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1261006.html) [Galena Mine](/loc-45667.html)

Chan (1966)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-443008.html) [Tamarack and Custer Mine](/loc-22679.html)

- (2005)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1292438.html) [Stemwinder Mine](/loc-45682.html)

- (2005)

  * Wardner
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2252.html) [Bunker Hill Mine](/loc-3738.html)

Crowley et al. (1981)

- (2005)

- (2005)

King et al. (1994)

Gabe Cangelosi

Jensen et al. (2012)

- (2005)

- (2005)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-500466.html) [S. P. Bassett Occurrence](/loc-164372.html)

- (2005)

Dana 7:I:421. +1 other reference

  * Superior
     * Sloway Gulch
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-218821.html) [Little Pittsburg prospect](/loc-46077.html)  ?

Geology and Mineral Deposits of the St. ...

- (2005)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-785654.html) [Rocker Gulch claim](/loc-240998.html)

Gobla (2012)

  * Zosell Mining District (Emery Mining District)
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-211053.html) [Blue Eye Maggie Mine](/loc-44750.html)

Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Zosell (Emery) +3 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-211063.html) [Ding Bat Mine](/loc-44753.html)

Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Zosell (Emery) +2 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-211039.html) [Emery Mine (Black Rock; Carbonate Extension; Carbonate Hill Mine)](/loc-44746.html)

Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Zosell (Emery) +3 other references

- (2005)

Integrated Methods for Discovery: ... +1 other reference

Castor et al. (2004)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-735060.html) [Eureka Mining District](/loc-20084.html)

Peter G. Vikre (1998)

     * Prospect Ridge
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-284761.html) [Eureka tunnel](/loc-60713.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * Ruby Hill
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-284753.html) [Grant mine](/loc-60707.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Lynn Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-652252.html) [Betze-Post pit](/loc-62944.html)

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Open-File Report ... +1 other reference

Castor et al. (2004)

Silver Coin Mine. Compact Disc. Paul ...

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1449995.html) [Arsenate Drift](/loc-411029.html)

Paul M. Adams (2016)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-279828.html) [Little Giant mine](/loc-60254.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Bullion Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-658558.html) [Little Gem mine](/loc-60039.html)

Mineral News (1990)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-279834.html) [Mud Springs mine](/loc-62320.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

     * Robertson - Triplet Project
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1618308.html) [Altenburg Hill zone](/loc-440380.html)

Mankins (2022)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1618410.html) [Distal zone](/loc-440383.html)

Mankins (2022)

  * Cortez Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-278888.html) [Little Gem mine (Cracker Jack mine)](/loc-62143.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Lewis Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-279832.html) [Dean Mine (Cumberland mine)](/loc-10516.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Candelaria Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-279838.html) [Candelaria Silver Mine](/loc-61811.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

  * Gabbs Valley Range
     * Santa Fe District
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1560952.html) [Santa Fe Mine (Homestake-Santa Fe mine)](/loc-39792.html)

- (2005)

Castor et al. (2004)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-279839.html) [Keyser Mine](/loc-13830.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

        * Morey Mine
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-279840.html) [Magnolia vein](/loc-40237.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

American Mineralogist 37:438-446 +1 other reference

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-266691.html) [Buena Vista Mining District](/loc-37144.html)

Johnson (1977)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-279847.html) [Marigold mine](/loc-58097.html)

Castor et al. (2004) +1 other reference

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-279846.html) [Rye Patch Mining District](/loc-36425.html)

Castor et al. (2004)

NY State Museum spec. no. 17795

John E.Callahan

Kenny Gay - North Carolina Geological ...

- (2005)

Smith et al. (2000)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-382503.html) [Alexander Mine (Alexandria and Lady of the Hills Mine)](/loc-44989.html)

- (2005)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-382508.html) [Diana Mine (Gorman's Mine; Comstock Mine)](/loc-44990.html)

- (2005)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-382515.html) [Grandview mine](/loc-44991.html)

- (2005)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-382520.html) [Home lode mine (Stibnite Group)](/loc-44992.html)

- (2005)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-382526.html) [Honey Mine (Huney Mine; Tom Gorman Property)](/loc-44993.html)

- (2005)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-384426.html) [Midnight mine](/loc-44996.html)

Roberts et al. (1965)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-384427.html) [Tuttle mine (Iowa Imp Claim)](/loc-44998.html)

Roberts et al. (1965)

Bullock (1981)

Bullock (1981)

  * Gold Hill Mining District (Clifton Mining District)
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-188711.html) [Rube Gold Mine](/loc-38917.html)

Bullock (1981)

Dietrich (1990) +1 other reference

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-137448.html) [Tinder's Mine (Tinder Flat)](/loc-25289.html)

Dana 6: 143

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-342636.html) [Walton's Mine](/loc-26533.html)

- (2005)

Lasmanis (1995) +1 other reference

Valentine et al. (1960) +2 other references

Cannon (1975)

  * Kettle Falls Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1604753.html) [Acme Prospect](/loc-439314.html)

Purdy (1951) +1 other reference

  * Orient Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-103477.html) [Easter Sunday Mine](/loc-17430.html)

Cannon (1975) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-102764.html) [F. H. and C. Mine](/loc-17280.html)

Cannon (1975)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-103489.html) [Pomeroy Prospect](/loc-17431.html)

Cannon (1975) +1 other reference

  * Springdale Mining District
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-2242.html) [Cleveland Mine](/loc-4223.html) ![](

Dana 7:I:421 +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-110060.html) [Wells Fargo Mine](/loc-8033.html)

Cannon (1975)

Falster (1981) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-144517.html) ["Rotten granite" quarries](/loc-26807.html)

Falster (1987)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-314843.html) [Pegmatite outcrops](/loc-71526.html)

Bull. Minéral.


Eilu (2003)

Gromova +4 other references


Christopher O'Neill specimen


Nevolko et al. (2019)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1262966.html) [Lung Luong mine](/loc-306735.html)

Nevolko et al. (2019)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1262983.html) [Pu Bo mine](/loc-306736.html)

Nevolko et al. (2019)