Clinopyroxene Subgroup (original) (raw)

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0000336 Aegirine Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 297
0000337 Aegirine Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 673
0000338 Aegirine Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 873
0000339 Aegirine Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 1073
0004204 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 293
0004208 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004209 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004210 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004211 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 293
0004212 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 293
0004213 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004214 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004215 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004216 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004447 Aegirine Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Bruno M (2007) The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite - hedenbergite and jadeite - aegirine joins American Mineralogist 92 1492-1501 2007 synthetic 0 293
0004448 Aegirine Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Bruno M (2007) The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite - hedenbergite and jadeite - aegirine joins American Mineralogist 92 1492-1501 2007 synthetic 0 293
0006820 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0006821 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0006822 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0006823 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0006824 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0006825 Aegirine Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0007425 Aegirine Ghose S, Kersten M, Langer K, Rossi G, Ungaretti L (1986) Crystal field spectra and Jahn Teller effect of Mn3+ in clinopyroxene and clinoamphiboles from India Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 13 291-305 1986 0 293
0007464 Aegirine Ballet O, Coey J M D, Fillion G, Ghose A, Hewat A W, Regnard J R (1989) Magnetic order in acmite; NaFeSi2O6 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 16 672-677 1989 0 293
0000001 Augite Clark J, Appleman D, Papike J (1969) Crystal-chemical characterization of clinopyroxenes based on eight new structure refinements _cod_database_code 1000035 Mineralogical Society of America Special Paper 2 31-50 1969 Kakanui, New Zealand 0 293
0002990 Augite Bindi L, Safonov O G, Yapaskurt V O, Perchuk L L, Menchetti S (2003) Ultrapotassic clinopyroxene from the Kumdy-Kol microdiamond mine, Kokchetav Complex, Kazakhstan: Occurrence, composition and crystal-chemical characterization American Mineralogist 88 464-468 2003 0 293
0012864 Augite Gualtieri A F (2000) Accuracy of XRPD QPA using the combined Rietveld-RIR method Journal of Applied Crystallography 33 267-278 2000 Napoli, Italy 0 293
0002799 Clinoenstatite Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C (2002) The high-temperature P2_1/c - C2/c phase transition in Fe-free pyroxene (Ca.15Mg1.85Si2O6): Structural and thermodynamic behavior American Mineralogist 87 648-657 2002 synthetic 0 293
0002800 Clinoenstatite Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C (2002) The high-temperature P2_1/c - C2/c phase transition in Fe-free pyroxene (Ca.15Mg1.85Si2O6): Structural and thermodynamic behavior American Mineralogist 87 648-657 2002 synthetic 0 293
0002801 Clinoenstatite Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C (2002) The high-temperature P2_1/c - C2/c phase transition in Fe-free pyroxene (Ca.15Mg1.85Si2O6): Structural and thermodynamic behavior American Mineralogist 87 648-657 2002 synthetic 0 293
0002802 Clinoenstatite Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C (2002) The high-temperature P2_1/c - C2/c phase transition in Fe-free pyroxene (Ca.15Mg1.85Si2O6): Structural and thermodynamic behavior American Mineralogist 87 648-657 2002 synthetic 0 293
0002803 Clinoenstatite Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C (2002) The high-temperature P2_1/c - C2/c phase transition in Fe-free pyroxene (Ca.15Mg1.85Si2O6): Structural and thermodynamic behavior American Mineralogist 87 648-657 2002 synthetic 0 293
0002804 Clinoenstatite Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C (2002) The high-temperature P2_1/c - C2/c phase transition in Fe-free pyroxene (Ca.15Mg1.85Si2O6): Structural and thermodynamic behavior American Mineralogist 87 648-657 2002 synthetic 0 293
0002805 Clinoenstatite Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C (2002) The high-temperature P2_1/c - C2/c phase transition in Fe-free pyroxene (Ca.15Mg1.85Si2O6): Structural and thermodynamic behavior American Mineralogist 87 648-657 2002 synthetic 0 293
0007357 Clinoenstatite Ohashi Y (1984) Polysynthetically-twinned structures of enstatite and wollastonite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 10 217-229 1984 0 293
0010589 Clinoenstatite Morimoto N, Appleman D E, Evans H T (1960) The crystal structures of clinoenstatite and pigeonite Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 114 120-147 1960 Bishopville, South Carolina meteorite, heat-treated 0 293
0000459 Clinoferrosilite Ohashi Y, Burnham C W, Finger L W (1975) The effect of Ca-Fe substitution on the clinopyroxene crystal structure Fs80Wo20 American Mineralogist 60 423-434 1975 0 293
0000460 Clinoferrosilite Ohashi Y, Burnham C W, Finger L W (1975) The effect of Ca-Fe substitution on the clinopyroxene crystal structure Fs85Wo15 American Mineralogist 60 423-434 1975 0 293
0000936 Clinoferrosilite Sueno S, Kimata M, Prewitt C T (1984) The crystal structure of high clinoferrosilicate American Mineralogist 69 264-269 1984 0 1323
0001679 Clinoferrosilite Hugh-Jones D A, Woodland A B, Angel R J (1994) The structure of high-pressure C2/c ferrosilite and crystal chemistry of high-pressure C2/c pyroxenes American Mineralogist 79 1032-1041 1994 0 293
0001680 Clinoferrosilite Hugh-Jones D A, Woodland A B, Angel R J (1994) The structure of high-pressure C2/c ferrosilite and crystal chemistry of high-pressure C2/c pyroxenes American Mineralogist 79 1032-1041 1994 1.87 293
0001681 Clinoferrosilite Hugh-Jones D A, Woodland A B, Angel R J (1994) The structure of high-pressure C2/c ferrosilite and crystal chemistry of high-pressure C2/c pyroxenes American Mineralogist 79 1032-1041 1994 0 293
0000340 Diopside Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 297
0000341 Diopside Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 673
0000342 Diopside Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 973
0000343 Diopside Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 1123
0000344 Diopside Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 1273
0000517 Diopside Finger L W, Ohashi Y (1976) The thermal expansion of diopside to 800 C and a refinement of the crystal structure at 700 C American Mineralogist 61 303-310 1976 0 973
0000805 Diopside Gordon W A, Peacor D R, Brown P E, Essene E J, Allard L F (1981) Exsolution relationships in a clinopyroxene of average composition Ca0.43Mn0.69Mg0.82Si2O6: X-ray diffraction and analytical electron microscopy American Mineralogist 66 127-141 1981 0 293
0000811 Diopside Levien L, Prewitt C T (1981) High-pressure structural study of diopside pyroxene American Mineralogist 66 315-323 1981 0 293
0000812 Diopside Levien L, Prewitt C T (1981) High-pressure structural study of diopside pyroxene American Mineralogist 66 315-323 1981 2.36 293
0000813 Diopside Levien L, Prewitt C T (1981) High-pressure structural study of diopside pyroxene American Mineralogist 66 315-323 1981 3.52 293
0000814 Diopside Levien L, Prewitt C T (1981) High-pressure structural study of diopside pyroxene American Mineralogist 66 315-323 1981 4.55 293
0000815 Diopside Levien L, Prewitt C T (1981) High-pressure structural study of diopside pyroxene American Mineralogist 66 315-323 1981 5.3 293
0001333 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Crystal chemistry of synthetic pyroxenes on the join CaNiSi2O6-CaMgSi2O6 (diopside): A Rietveld refinement study sample Ni100, CaNiSi2O6 American Mineralogist 75 1274-1281 1990 0 293
0001334 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Crystal chemistry of synthetic pyroxenes on the join CaNiSi2O6-CaMgSi2O6 (diopside): A Rietveld refinement study sample Ni80, CaNi.74Mg.26Si2O6 American Mineralogist 75 1274-1281 1990 0 293
0001335 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Crystal chemistry of synthetic pyroxenes on the join CaNiSi2O6-CaMgSi2O6 (diopside): A Rietveld refinement study sample Ni50, CaNi.45Mg.55Si2O6 American Mineralogist 75 1274-1281 1990 0 293
0001336 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Crystal chemistry of synthetic pyroxenes on the join CaNiSi2O6-CaMgSi2O6 (diopside): A Rietveld refinement study sample Ni25, CaNi.22Mg.78Si2O6 American Mineralogist 75 1274-1281 1990 0 293
0001337 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Crystal chemistry of synthetic pyroxenes on the join CaNiSi2O6-CaMgSi2O6 (diopside): A Rietveld refinement study sample Ni0, CaMgSi2O6 American Mineralogist 75 1274-1281 1990 0 293
0001362 Diopside Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SRV 4, Di90Jd05, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0001363 Diopside Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SBB 7P, Di78Jd18, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0001364 Diopside Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SBB 37, Di71Jd20, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0001365 Diopside Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SBB 34, Di62Jd24, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0001366 Diopside Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SBB 3H, Di64Jd26, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0001367 Diopside Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SBB 39, Di52Jd27, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0001368 Diopside Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SBB 25, Di55Jd30, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0001369 Diopside Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SBB 61, Di47Jd40, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0001667 Diopside Bertolo S, Nimis P, Dal Negro A (1994) Low-Ca augite from experimental alkali basalt at 18 kbar: Structural variation near the miscibility gap Atomic parameters from ICSD American Mineralogist 79 668-674 1994 0 293
0001796 Diopside Harlow G E (1996) Structure refinement of a natural K-rich diopside: The effect of K on the average structure American Mineralogist 81 632-638 1996 0 293
0002807 Diopside Secco L, Martignago F, Dal Negro A, Reznitskii L Z, Sklyarov E V (2002) Crystal chemistry of Cr-V-rich clinopyroxenes Sample 2 American Mineralogist 87 709-714 2002 0 293
0002810 Diopside Secco L, Martignago F, Dal Negro A, Reznitskii L Z, Sklyarov E V (2002) Crystal chemistry of Cr-V-rich clinopyroxenes Sample 5 American Mineralogist 87 709-714 2002 0 293
0002811 Diopside Secco L, Martignago F, Dal Negro A, Reznitskii L Z, Sklyarov E V (2002) Crystal chemistry of Cr-V-rich clinopyroxenes Sample 6 American Mineralogist 87 709-714 2002 0 293
0004146 Diopside Bindi L, Downs R T, Harlow G E, Safonov O G, Litvin Y A, Perchuk L L, Uchida H, Menchetti S (2006) Compressibility of synthetic potassium-rich clinopyroxene: In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study American Mineralogist 91 802-808 2006 0 293
0004147 Diopside Bindi L, Downs R T, Harlow G E, Safonov O G, Litvin Y A, Perchuk L L, Uchida H, Menchetti S (2006) Compressibility of synthetic potassium-rich clinopyroxene: In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study American Mineralogist 91 802-808 2006 0 293
0004148 Diopside Bindi L, Downs R T, Harlow G E, Safonov O G, Litvin Y A, Perchuk L L, Uchida H, Menchetti S (2006) Compressibility of synthetic potassium-rich clinopyroxene: In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study American Mineralogist 91 802-808 2006 0.46 293
0004149 Diopside Bindi L, Downs R T, Harlow G E, Safonov O G, Litvin Y A, Perchuk L L, Uchida H, Menchetti S (2006) Compressibility of synthetic potassium-rich clinopyroxene: In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study American Mineralogist 91 802-808 2006 2.45 293
0004150 Diopside Bindi L, Downs R T, Harlow G E, Safonov O G, Litvin Y A, Perchuk L L, Uchida H, Menchetti S (2006) Compressibility of synthetic potassium-rich clinopyroxene: In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study American Mineralogist 91 802-808 2006 5.36 293
0004151 Diopside Bindi L, Downs R T, Harlow G E, Safonov O G, Litvin Y A, Perchuk L L, Uchida H, Menchetti S (2006) Compressibility of synthetic potassium-rich clinopyroxene: In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study American Mineralogist 91 802-808 2006 8.11 293
0004152 Diopside Bindi L, Downs R T, Harlow G E, Safonov O G, Litvin Y A, Perchuk L L, Uchida H, Menchetti S (2006) Compressibility of synthetic potassium-rich clinopyroxene: In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study American Mineralogist 91 802-808 2006 9.72 293
0004495 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 0 293
0004496 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 0.13 293
0004497 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 2.32 293
0004498 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 4.22 293
0004499 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 5.11 293
0004500 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 7.08 293
0004501 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 8.01 293
0004502 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 8.88 293
0004503 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 9.5 293
0004504 Diopside Thompson R M, Downs R T (2008) The crystal structure of diopside at pressure to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 93 177-186 2008 DeKalb, New York 10.16 293
0005234 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Evaluation of the Rietveld method for the characterization of fine-grained products of the mineral synthesis: the diopside-hedenbergite join The Canadian Mineralogist 28 93-109 1990 0 293
0005235 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Evaluation of the Rietveld method for the characterization of fine-grained products of the mineral synthesis: the diopside-hedenbergite join The Canadian Mineralogist 28 93-109 1990 0 293
0005236 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Evaluation of the Rietveld method for the characterization of fine-grained products of the mineral synthesis: the diopside-hedenbergite join The Canadian Mineralogist 28 93-109 1990 0 293
0005237 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Evaluation of the Rietveld method for the characterization of fine-grained products of the mineral synthesis: the diopside-hedenbergite join The Canadian Mineralogist 28 93-109 1990 0 293
0005238 Diopside Raudsepp M, Hawthorne F C, Turnock A C (1990) Evaluation of the Rietveld method for the characterization of fine-grained products of the mineral synthesis: the diopside-hedenbergite join The Canadian Mineralogist 28 93-109 1990 0 293
0005384 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005385 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005386 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005387 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005388 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005389 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005390 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005391 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005392 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005393 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005394 Diopside Liang J, Hawthorne F C (1994) Characterization of fine-grained mixtures of rock-forming minerals by Rietveld structure refinement: olivine + pyroxene The Canadian Mineralogist 32 541-552 1994 0 293
0005645 Diopside Prencipe M, Tribaudino M, Pavese A, Hoser A, Reehuis M (2000) A single-crystal neutron-diffraction investigation of diopside at 10 K The Canadian Mineralogist 38 183-189 2000 0 10
0005694 Diopside Herd C D K, Peterson R C, Rossman G R (2000) Violet-colored diopside from Southern Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada The Canadian Mineralogist 38 1193-1199 2000 Southern Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada 0 293
0006051 Diopside Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Meneghini C (2005) Rietveld refinement of clinopyroxenes with intermediate Ca-content along the join diopside-enstatite The Canadian Mineralogist 43 1411-1421 2005 synthetic 0 293
0006052 Diopside Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Meneghini C (2005) Rietveld refinement of clinopyroxenes with intermediate Ca-content along the join diopside-enstatite The Canadian Mineralogist 43 1411-1421 2005 synthetic 0 293
0006053 Diopside Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Meneghini C (2005) Rietveld refinement of clinopyroxenes with intermediate Ca-content along the join diopside-enstatite The Canadian Mineralogist 43 1411-1421 2005 synthetic 0 293
0006341 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006342 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006343 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006344 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006346 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006347 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006348 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006349 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006350 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006351 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006352 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006353 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006354 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006355 Diopside Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006528 Diopside Tribaudino M, Molin G M, Bruno E (1994) Effect of Al on enstatite solubility in CMAS clinopyroxenes: 2 - Crystal chemical considerations European Journal of Mineralogy 6 77-86 1994 0 293
0006529 Diopside Tribaudino M, Molin G M, Bruno E (1994) Effect of Al on enstatite solubility in CMAS clinopyroxenes: 2 - Crystal chemical considerations European Journal of Mineralogy 6 77-86 1994 0 293
0006530 Diopside Tribaudino M, Molin G M, Bruno E (1994) Effect of Al on enstatite solubility in CMAS clinopyroxenes: 2 - Crystal chemical considerations European Journal of Mineralogy 6 77-86 1994 0 293
0006531 Diopside Tribaudino M, Molin G M, Bruno E (1994) Effect of Al on enstatite solubility in CMAS clinopyroxenes: 2 - Crystal chemical considerations European Journal of Mineralogy 6 77-86 1994 0 293
0006532 Diopside Tribaudino M, Molin G M, Bruno E (1994) Effect of Al on enstatite solubility in CMAS clinopyroxenes: 2 - Crystal chemical considerations European Journal of Mineralogy 6 77-86 1994 0 293
0006580 Diopside Comodi P, Princivalle F, Tirone M, Zanazzi P F (1995) Comparative compressibility of clinopyroxenes from mantle nodules European Journal of Mineralogy 7 141-149 1995 0 293
0006581 Diopside Comodi P, Princivalle F, Tirone M, Zanazzi P F (1995) Comparative compressibility of clinopyroxenes from mantle nodules European Journal of Mineralogy 7 141-149 1995 0 293
0006622 Diopside Tribaudino M (1996) High-temperature crystal chemistry of C2/c clinopyroxenes along the join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6 European Journal of Mineralogy 8 273-279 1996 0 293
0006623 Diopside Tribaudino M (1996) High-temperature crystal chemistry of C2/c clinopyroxenes along the join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6 European Journal of Mineralogy 8 273-279 1996 0 293
0006624 Diopside Tribaudino M (1996) High-temperature crystal chemistry of C2/c clinopyroxenes along the join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6 European Journal of Mineralogy 8 273-279 1996 0 293
0006625 Diopside Tribaudino M (1996) High-temperature crystal chemistry of C2/c clinopyroxenes along the join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6 European Journal of Mineralogy 8 273-279 1996 0 293
0006626 Diopside Tribaudino M (1996) High-temperature crystal chemistry of C2/c clinopyroxenes along the join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6 European Journal of Mineralogy 8 273-279 1996 0 293
0006695 Diopside Kabalov Y K, Oeckler O, Sokolova E V, Mironov A B, Chesnokov B V (1997) Subsilicic ferrian aluminian diopside from the Chelyabinsk coal basin (Southern Urals) - an unusual clinopyroxene European Journal of Mineralogy 9 617-621 1997 Chelyabinsk coal basin, Southern Urals 0 293
0006718 Diopside Redhammer G J (1998) Mossbauer spectroscopy and Rietveld refinement on synthetic ferri-Tschermak's molecule CaFe3+(Fe3+Si)O6 substituted diopside European Journal of Mineralogy 10 439-452 1998 0 293
0006719 Diopside Redhammer G J (1998) Mossbauer spectroscopy and Rietveld refinement on synthetic ferri-Tschermak's molecule CaFe3+(Fe3+Si)O6 substituted diopside European Journal of Mineralogy 10 439-452 1998 0 293
0006720 Diopside Redhammer G J (1998) Mossbauer spectroscopy and Rietveld refinement on synthetic ferri-Tschermak's molecule CaFe3+(Fe3+Si)O6 substituted diopside European Journal of Mineralogy 10 439-452 1998 0 293
0006721 Diopside Redhammer G J (1998) Mossbauer spectroscopy and Rietveld refinement on synthetic ferri-Tschermak's molecule CaFe3+(Fe3+Si)O6 substituted diopside European Journal of Mineralogy 10 439-452 1998 0 293
0006722 Diopside Redhammer G J (1998) Mossbauer spectroscopy and Rietveld refinement on synthetic ferri-Tschermak's molecule CaFe3+(Fe3+Si)O6 substituted diopside European Journal of Mineralogy 10 439-452 1998 0 293
0001063 Esseneite Cosca M A, Peacor D R (1987) Chemistry and structure of esseneite (CaFeAlSiO6), a new pyroxene produced by pyrometamorphism American Mineralogist 72 148-156 1987 0 293
0000345 Hedenbergite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 297
0000346 Hedenbergite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 673
0000347 Hedenbergite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 873
0000348 Hedenbergite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 1073
0000349 Hedenbergite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 1173
0000350 Hedenbergite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 1273
0000457 Hedenbergite Ohashi Y, Burnham C W, Finger L W (1975) The effect of Ca-Fe substitution on the clinopyroxene crystal structure Fs65Wo35 American Mineralogist 60 423-434 1975 0 293
0000458 Hedenbergite Ohashi Y, Burnham C W, Finger L W (1975) The effect of Ca-Fe substitution on the clinopyroxene crystal structure Fs75Wo25 American Mineralogist 60 423-434 1975 0 293
0001861 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 0 293
0001862 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 1.1 293
0001863 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 2.1 293
0001864 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 2.8 293
0001865 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 3.6 293
0001866 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 4.2 293
0001867 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 4.6 293
0001868 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 5.3 293
0001869 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 6.3 293
0001870 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 7.6 293
0001871 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 8.7 293
0001872 Hedenbergite Zhang L, Ahsbahs H, Hafner S S, Kutoglu A (1997) Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa American Mineralogist 82 245-258 1997 9.9 293
0004193 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004194 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 200
0004195 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 293
0004196 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004197 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004198 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004199 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004200 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004201 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004202 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 298
0004203 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 293
0004205 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 200
0004206 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Roth G, Tippelt G, Lottermoser W (2006) Single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy on the hedenbergite - aegirine (Ca,Na)(Fe2+,Fe3+)Si2O6 solid solution American Mineralogist 91 1271-1292 2006 synthetic 0 90
0004450 Hedenbergite Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Bruno M (2007) The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite - hedenbergite and jadeite - aegirine joins American Mineralogist 92 1492-1501 2007 synthetic 0 293
0004451 Hedenbergite Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Bruno M (2007) The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite - hedenbergite and jadeite - aegirine joins American Mineralogist 92 1492-1501 2007 synthetic 0 293
0004606 Hedenbergite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 3.87 293
0004607 Hedenbergite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 8.76 293
0019861 Hedenbergite Abdu Y A, Hawthorne F C (2013) Local structure in C2/c clinopyroxenes on the hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)- ferrosilite (Fe2Si2O6) join: A new interpretation for the Mossbauer spectra of Ca-rich C2/c clinopyroxenes and implications for pyroxene exsolution Note split-M2-O2-O3 model American Mineralogist 98 1227-1234 2013 synthetic 0 293
0019862 Hedenbergite Abdu Y A, Hawthorne F C (2013) Local structure in C2/c clinopyroxenes on the hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)- ferrosilite (Fe2Si2O6) join: A new interpretation for the Mossbauer spectra of Ca-rich C2/c clinopyroxenes and implications for pyroxene exsolution Note split-M2-O2-O3 model American Mineralogist 98 1227-1234 2013 synthetic 0 293
0019863 Hedenbergite Abdu Y A, Hawthorne F C (2013) Local structure in C2/c clinopyroxenes on the hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)- ferrosilite (Fe2Si2O6) join: A new interpretation for the Mossbauer spectra of Ca-rich C2/c clinopyroxenes and implications for pyroxene exsolution Note split-M2-O2-O3 model American Mineralogist 98 1227-1234 2013 synthetic 0 293
0006345 Hedenbergite Dal Negro A, Manoli S, Secco L, Piccirillo E M (1989) Megacrystic clinopyroxenes from Victoria (Australia): Crystal chemical comparisons of pyroxenes from high and low pressure regimes European Journal of Mineralogy 1 105-121 1989 Victoria, Australia 0 293
0006815 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0006816 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0006817 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0006818 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0006819 Hedenbergite Redhammer G J, Amthauer G, Lottermoser W, Treutmann W (2000) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6 - aegirine NaFeSi2O6 solid-solution series European Journal of Mineralogy 12 105-120 2000 0 293
0008998 Hedenbergite Heuer M, Huber A L, Bromiley G D, Fehr K T, Bente K (2005) Characterization of synthetic hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)-petedunnite (CaZnSi2O6) solid solution series by X-ray single crystal diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 552-563 2005 0 293
0008999 Hedenbergite Heuer M, Huber A L, Bromiley G D, Fehr K T, Bente K (2005) Characterization of synthetic hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)-petedunnite (CaZnSi2O6) solid solution series by X-ray single crystal diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 552-563 2005 0 293
0009000 Hedenbergite Heuer M, Huber A L, Bromiley G D, Fehr K T, Bente K (2005) Characterization of synthetic hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)-petedunnite (CaZnSi2O6) solid solution series by X-ray single crystal diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 552-563 2005 0 293
0009001 Hedenbergite Heuer M, Huber A L, Bromiley G D, Fehr K T, Bente K (2005) Characterization of synthetic hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)-petedunnite (CaZnSi2O6) solid solution series by X-ray single crystal diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 552-563 2005 0 293
0009002 Hedenbergite Heuer M, Huber A L, Bromiley G D, Fehr K T, Bente K (2005) Characterization of synthetic hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)-petedunnite (CaZnSi2O6) solid solution series by X-ray single crystal diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 552-563 2005 0 293
0000147 Jadeite Prewitt C T, Burnham C W (1966) The crystal structure of jadeite, NaAlSi2O6 American Mineralogist 51 956-975 1966 0 293
0000351 Jadeite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 297
0000352 Jadeite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 673
0000353 Jadeite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 873
0000354 Jadeite Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 1073
0001370 Jadeite Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SBB 37, Di45Jd48, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0001371 Jadeite Oberti R, Caporuscio F A (1991) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from mantle eclogites: A study of the key role of the M2 site population by means of crystal-structure refinement sample SBB 2H, Di46Jd55, diopside - jadeite join American Mineralogist 76 1141-1152 1991 0 293
0004445 Jadeite Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Bruno M (2007) The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite - hedenbergite and jadeite - aegirine joins American Mineralogist 92 1492-1501 2007 synthetic 0 293
0004446 Jadeite Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Bruno M (2007) The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite - hedenbergite and jadeite - aegirine joins American Mineralogist 92 1492-1501 2007 synthetic 0 293
0004449 Jadeite Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Bruno M (2007) The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite - hedenbergite and jadeite - aegirine joins American Mineralogist 92 1492-1501 2007 synthetic 0 293
0004505 Jadeite McCarthy A C, Downs R T, Thompson R M (2008) Compressibility trends of the clinopyroxenes, and in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 198-209 2008 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California 0.0001 293
0004506 Jadeite McCarthy A C, Downs R T, Thompson R M (2008) Compressibility trends of the clinopyroxenes, and in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 198-209 2008 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California 2.07 293
0004507 Jadeite McCarthy A C, Downs R T, Thompson R M (2008) Compressibility trends of the clinopyroxenes, and in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 198-209 2008 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California 3.4 293
0004508 Jadeite McCarthy A C, Downs R T, Thompson R M (2008) Compressibility trends of the clinopyroxenes, and in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 198-209 2008 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California 4.92 293
0004509 Jadeite McCarthy A C, Downs R T, Thompson R M (2008) Compressibility trends of the clinopyroxenes, and in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 198-209 2008 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California 6.12 293
0004510 Jadeite McCarthy A C, Downs R T, Thompson R M (2008) Compressibility trends of the clinopyroxenes, and in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 198-209 2008 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California 7.17 293
0004511 Jadeite McCarthy A C, Downs R T, Thompson R M (2008) Compressibility trends of the clinopyroxenes, and in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 198-209 2008 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California 7.83 293
0004512 Jadeite McCarthy A C, Downs R T, Thompson R M (2008) Compressibility trends of the clinopyroxenes, and in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 198-209 2008 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California 8.54 293
0004513 Jadeite McCarthy A C, Downs R T, Thompson R M (2008) Compressibility trends of the clinopyroxenes, and in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 198-209 2008 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California 9.17 293
0004600 Jadeite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 0 293
0004601 Jadeite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 3.8 293
0004602 Jadeite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 0 293
0004603 Jadeite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 3.14 293
0004604 Jadeite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 8.31 293
0004605 Jadeite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 0 293
0004608 Jadeite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 0 293
0004609 Jadeite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 3.65 293
0004610 Jadeite Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Thompson R, Downs R T (2008) The effect of the hedenbergitic substitution on the compressibility of jadeite American Mineralogist 93 1005-1013 2008 Synthetic 6.09 293
0006243 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 2.4
0006244 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 293
0006245 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 19.7
0006246 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 29.5
0006247 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 39
0006248 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 47.5
0006249 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 55.1
0006250 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 64
0006251 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 73.4
0006252 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 83
0006253 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 96.5
0006254 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 106.4
0006255 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 114.5
0006256 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 121.9
0006257 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 138.8
0006258 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 149.6
0006259 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 156.8
0006260 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 165.9
0006261 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 175.1
0006262 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 184.5
0006263 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 194.3
0006264 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 203.6
0006265 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 213.2
0006266 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 222.4
0006267 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 231.6
0006268 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 240.6
0006269 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 249.8
0006270 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 259.1
0006271 Jadeite Knight K S, Price G D (2008) Powder neutron-diffraction studies of clinopyroxenes. I. The crystal structure and thermoelastic properties of jadeite between 1.5 and 270 K The Canadian Mineralogist 46 1593-1622 2008 Hweka and Mamon mining district, Burma 0 268.3
0020193 Jadeite Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California, USA 1.9 293
0020194 Jadeite Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California, USA 5.6 293
0020195 Jadeite Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California, USA 8.2 293
0020196 Jadeite Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California, USA 12.4 293
0020197 Jadeite Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California, USA 18.3 293
0020198 Jadeite Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 Clear Creek, San Benito County, California, USA 21.5 293
0020439 Jadeite Tribaudino M, Mantovani L (2014) Thermal expansion in C2/c pyroxenes: a review and new high-temperature structural data for a pyroxene of composition (Na0.53Ca0.47)(Al0.53Fe0.47)Si2O6 (Jd53Hd47) Mineralogical Magazine 78 311-324 2014 Synthetic 0 573
0020440 Jadeite Tribaudino M, Mantovani L (2014) Thermal expansion in C2/c pyroxenes: a review and new high-temperature structural data for a pyroxene of composition (Na0.53Ca0.47)(Al0.53Fe0.47)Si2O6 (Jd53Hd47) Mineralogical Magazine 78 311-324 2014 Synthetic 0 973
0009492 Jervisite Hawthorne F C, Grundy H D (1973) Refinement of the crystal structure of NaScSi2O6 Acta Crystallographica B29 2615-2616 1973 synthetic 0 293
0000156 Johannsenite Freed R L, Peacor D R (1967) Refinement of the crystal structure of johannsenite American Mineralogist 52 709-720 1967 0 293
0000806 Kanoite Gordon W A, Peacor D R, Brown P E, Essene E J, Allard L F (1981) Exsolution relationship in a clinopyroxene of average composition Ca0.43Mn0.69Mg0.82Si2O6: X-ray diffraction and analytical electron microscopy American Mineralogist 66 127-141 1981 0 293
0002049 Kanoite Arlt T, Angel R J, Miletich R, Armbruster T, Peters T (1998) High-pressure P2_1/c-C2/c phase transitions in clinopyroxenes: Influence of cation size and electronic structure American Mineralogist 83 1176-1181 1998 0 293
0002050 Kanoite Arlt T, Angel R J, Miletich R, Armbruster T, Peters T (1998) High-pressure P2_1/c-C2/c phase transitions in clinopyroxenes: Influence of cation size and electronic structure American Mineralogist 83 1176-1181 1998 5.2 293
0006620 Kanoite Gnos E, Armbruster T, Nyfeler D (1996) Kanoite, donpeacorite and tirodite: Mn-Mg-silicates from a manganiferous quartzite in the United Arab Emirates European Journal of Mineralogy 8 251-261 1996 manganiferous quartzite in the United Arab Emirates 0 293
0006698 Kanoite Arlt T, Armbruster T (1997) The temperature-dependent P2_1/c - C2/c phase transition in the clinopyroxene kanoite MnMg[Si2O6]: a single-crystal X-ray and optical study European Journal of Mineralogy 9 953-964 1997 0 473
0006699 Kanoite Arlt T, Armbruster T (1997) The temperature-dependent P2_1/c - C2/c phase transition in the clinopyroxene kanoite MnMg[Si2O6]: a single-crystal X-ray and optical study European Journal of Mineralogy 9 953-964 1997 0 543
0000359 Kosmochlor Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 297
0000360 Kosmochlor Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 673
0000361 Kosmochlor Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 873
0002806 Kosmochlor Secco L, Martignago F, Dal Negro A, Reznitskii L Z, Sklyarov E V (2002) Crystal chemistry of Cr-V-rich clinopyroxenes Sample 1 American Mineralogist 87 709-714 2002 0 293
0003133 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 0.0001 293
0003134 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 1.14 293
0003135 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 2.22 293
0003136 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 3.53 293
0003137 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 5.05 293
0003138 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 5.78 293
0003139 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 6.25 293
0003140 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 7.08 293
0003141 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 7.23 293
0003142 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 7.39 293
0003143 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 8.5 293
0003144 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 8.97 293
0003145 Kosmochlor Origlieri M J, Downs R T, Thompson R M, Pommier C J S, Denton M B, Harlow G E (2003) High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes American Mineralogist 88 1025-1032 2003 9.28 293
0020188 Kosmochlor Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 synthetic 2.1 293
0020189 Kosmochlor Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 synthetic 18.5 293
0020190 Kosmochlor Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 synthetic 31.3 293
0020191 Kosmochlor Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 synthetic 35.3 293
0020192 Kosmochlor Posner E S, Dera P, Downs R T, Lazarz J D, Irmen P (2014) High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41 695-707 2014 synthetic 40.2 293
0010035 Namansilite Ohashi H, Osawa T, Tsukimura K (1987) Refinement of the structure of manganese sodium dimetasilicate Acta Crystallographica C43 605-607 1987 synthetic 0 293
0002808 Natalyite Secco L, Martignago F, Dal Negro A, Reznitskii L Z, Sklyarov E V (2002) Crystal chemistry of Cr-V-rich clinopyroxenes Sample 3 American Mineralogist 87 709-714 2002 0 293
0002809 Natalyite Secco L, Martignago F, Dal Negro A, Reznitskii L Z, Sklyarov E V (2002) Crystal chemistry of Cr-V-rich clinopyroxenes Sample 4 American Mineralogist 87 709-714 2002 0 293
0000175 Omphacite Clark J R, Papike J J (1968) Crystal-chemical characterization of omphacites American Mineralogist 53 840-868 1968 0 293
0000466 Omphacite Matsumoto T, Tokonami M, Morimoto N (1975) The crystal structure of omphacite American Mineralogist 60 634-641 1975 0 293
0001054 Omphacite McCormick T C (1986) Crystal-chemical aspects of nonstoichiometric pyroxenes American Mineralogist 71 1434-1440 1986 0 293
0001055 Omphacite McCormick T C (1986) Crystal-chemical aspects of nonstoichiometric pyroxenes American Mineralogist 71 1434-1440 1986 0 293
0001056 Omphacite McCormick T C (1986) Crystal-chemical aspects of nonstoichiometric pyroxenes American Mineralogist 71 1434-1440 1986 0 293
0005103 Omphacite Curtis L, Gittins J, Kocman V, Rucklidge J C, Hawthorne F C, Ferguson R B (1975) Two crystal structure refinements of a P2/n titanian ferro-omphacite The Canadian Mineralogist 13 62-67 1975 0 293
0005104 Omphacite Curtis L, Gittins J, Kocman V, Rucklidge J C, Hawthorne F C, Ferguson R B (1975) Two crystal structure refinements of a P2/n titanian ferro-omphacite The Canadian Mineralogist 13 62-67 1975 0 293
0014547 Omphacite Pavese A, Bocchio R, Ivaldi G (2000) In situ high temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction study of a natural omphacite Mineralogical Magazine 64 983-993 2000 Gorduno, Lepontine Alps, Switzerland 0 293
0014548 Omphacite Pavese A, Bocchio R, Ivaldi G (2000) In situ high temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction study of a natural omphacite Mineralogical Magazine 64 983-993 2000 Gorduno, Lepontine Alps, Switzerland 0 293
0014549 Omphacite Pavese A, Bocchio R, Ivaldi G (2000) In situ high temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction study of a natural omphacite Mineralogical Magazine 64 983-993 2000 Gorduno, Lepontine Alps, Switzerland 0 293
0015676 Omphacite Mottana A, Rossi G, Kracher A, Kurat G (1979) Violan revisited: Mn-bearing omphacite and diopside Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 26 187-201 1979 manganese deposit of Praborna, St Marcel, Aosta Valley, Italy 0 293
0009003 Petedunnite Heuer M, Huber A L, Bromiley G D, Fehr K T, Bente K (2005) Characterization of synthetic hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)-petedunnite (CaZnSi2O6) solid solution series by X-ray single crystal diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 552-563 2005 0 293
0010331 Petedunnite Redhammer G J, Roth G (2005) A comparison of the clinopyroxene compounds CaZnSi2O6 and CaZnGe2O6 Acta Crystallographica C61 i20-i22 2005 synthetic 0 293
0000209 Pigeonite Morimoto N, Guven N (1970) Refinement of the crystal structure of pigeonite American Mineralogist 55 1195-1209 1970 Isle of Mull, Scotland 0 293
0000248 Pigeonite Clark J R, Ross M, Appleman D E (1971) Crystal chemistry of a lunar pigeonite class b data refinement American Mineralogist 56 888-908 1971 0 293
0003147 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2003) Coupling between non-convergent ordering and transition temperature in the C2/c - P2_1/c phase transition in pigeonite American Mineralogist 88 1115-1128 2003 Parana, Brazil 0 293
0003148 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2003) Coupling between non-convergent ordering and transition temperature in the C2/c - P2_1/c phase transition in pigeonite American Mineralogist 88 1115-1128 2003 Parana, Brazil 0 293
0003149 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2003) Coupling between non-convergent ordering and transition temperature in the C2/c - P2_1/c phase transition in pigeonite American Mineralogist 88 1115-1128 2003 Parana, Brazil 0 293
0003150 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2003) Coupling between non-convergent ordering and transition temperature in the C2/c - P2_1/c phase transition in pigeonite American Mineralogist 88 1115-1128 2003 Parana, Brazil 0 293
0003151 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2003) Coupling between non-convergent ordering and transition temperature in the C2/c - P2_1/c phase transition in pigeonite American Mineralogist 88 1115-1128 2003 Parana, Brazil 0 293
0003152 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2003) Coupling between non-convergent ordering and transition temperature in the C2/c - P2_1/c phase transition in pigeonite American Mineralogist 88 1115-1128 2003 Parana, Brazil 0 293
0003197 Pigeonite Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B (2004) High pressure behavior, transformation and crystal structure of synthetic iron-free pigeonite American Mineralogist 89 189-196 2004 0 293
0003198 Pigeonite Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B (2004) High pressure behavior, transformation and crystal structure of synthetic iron-free pigeonite American Mineralogist 89 189-196 2004 2.6 293
0003199 Pigeonite Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B (2004) High pressure behavior, transformation and crystal structure of synthetic iron-free pigeonite American Mineralogist 89 189-196 2004 4.5 293
0003200 Pigeonite Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B (2004) High pressure behavior, transformation and crystal structure of synthetic iron-free pigeonite American Mineralogist 89 189-196 2004 6.2 293
0003962 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 293
0003963 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 973
0003964 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 973
0003965 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 973
0003966 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 973
0003967 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 973
0003968 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 973
0003969 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 973
0003970 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 973
0003971 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 973
0003972 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1073
0003973 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1073
0003974 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1073
0003975 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1073
0003976 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1073
0003977 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1073
0003978 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 293
0003979 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 923
0003980 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 923
0003981 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 923
0003982 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 923
0003983 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 923
0003984 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 923
0003985 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 923
0003986 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 923
0003987 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1023
0003988 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1023
0003989 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1023
0003990 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1023
0003991 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1023
0003992 Pigeonite Domeneghetti M C, Zema M, Tazzoli V (2005) Kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder in P2_1/c pigeonite American Mineralogist 90 1816-1823 2005 Parana, Brazil 0 1023
0005003 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 0.0001 293
0005004 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 0.047 293
0005005 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 0.984 293
0005006 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 1.794 293
0005007 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 3.167 293
0005008 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 3.172 293
0005009 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 3.587 293
0005010 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 3.649 293
0005011 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 6.409 293
0005012 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 7.762 293
0005013 Pigeonite Alvaro M, Nestola F, Ballaran T B, Camara F, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2010) High-pressure phase transition of a natural pigeonite American Mineralogist 95 300-311 2010 Parana, Brazil 9.405 293
0007018 Pigeonite Merli M, Camara F (2003) Topological analysis of the electron density of the clinopyroxene structure by the maximum entropy method: an exploratory study European Journal of Mineralogy 15 903-911 2003 0 293
0007019 Pigeonite Merli M, Camara F (2003) Topological analysis of the electron density of the clinopyroxene structure by the maximum entropy method: an exploratory study European Journal of Mineralogy 15 903-911 2003 0 293
0008137 Pigeonite Angel R J, McCammon C A, Woodland A B (1998) Structure, ordering and cation interactions in Ca-free P2_1/c clinopyroxenes Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 25 249-258 1998 0 293
0008637 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2002) Non-convergent ordering and displacive phase transition in pigeonite: in situ HT XRD study Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29 331-340 2002 0 298
0008638 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2002) Non-convergent ordering and displacive phase transition in pigeonite: in situ HT XRD study Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29 331-340 2002 0 923
0008639 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2002) Non-convergent ordering and displacive phase transition in pigeonite: in situ HT XRD study Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29 331-340 2002 0 1023
0008640 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2002) Non-convergent ordering and displacive phase transition in pigeonite: in situ HT XRD study Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29 331-340 2002 0 1123
0008641 Pigeonite Camara F, Carpenter M A, Domeneghetti M C, Tazzoli V (2002) Non-convergent ordering and displacive phase transition in pigeonite: in situ HT XRD study Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29 331-340 2002 0 1223
0010588 Pigeonite Morimoto N, Appleman D E, Evans H T (1960) The crystal structures of clinoenstatite and pigeonite Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 114 120-147 1960 Asio Mine, Japan 0 293
0000355 Spodumene Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 297
0000356 Spodumene Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 573
0000357 Spodumene Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 733
0000358 Spodumene Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J (1973) High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, and ureyite pyroxene American Mineralogist 58 594-618 1973 0 1033
0005836 Spodumene Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Prencipe M, Rundlof H (2003) A single-crystal neutron-diffraction investigation of spodumene at 54 K The Canadian Mineralogist 41 521-527 2003 0 293
0005837 Spodumene Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Prencipe M, Rundlof H (2003) A single-crystal neutron-diffraction investigation of spodumene at 54 K The Canadian Mineralogist 41 521-527 2003 0 293
0008492 Spodumene Arlt T, Angel R J (2000) Displacive phase transitions in C-centred clinopyroxenes: spodumene, LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 719-731 2000 0 293
0008493 Spodumene Arlt T, Angel R J (2000) Displacive phase transitions in C-centred clinopyroxenes: spodumene, LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 719-731 2000 3.164 293
0008494 Spodumene Arlt T, Angel R J (2000) Displacive phase transitions in C-centred clinopyroxenes: spodumene, LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 719-731 2000 3.342 293
0008495 Spodumene Arlt T, Angel R J (2000) Displacive phase transitions in C-centred clinopyroxenes: spodumene, LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 719-731 2000 8.835 293
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0010656 Spodumene Li C T, Peacor D R (1968) The crystal structure LiAlSi2O6-II ("beta spodumene") Note, y coordinate of Si1 altered according to Clarke and Spink (1969) Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 126 46-65 1968 synthetic 0 293
0010702 Spodumene Clarke P T, Spink J M (1969) The crystal structure of beta spodumene, LiAlSi2O6-II Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 130 420-426 1969 synthetic 0 293
0011109 Spodumene Redhammer G J, Roth G (2004) Structural variation and crystal chemistry of LiMe3+Si2O6 clinopyroxenes Me3+ = Al, Ga, Cr, V, Fe, Sc, and In Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 219 278-294 2004 synthetic 0 293
0014124 Davisite Ohashi H, Ii N (1978) Structure of calcium scandium aluminum silicate (CaScAlSiO6)-pyroxene, Journal of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists 73 267-273 1978 synthetic 0 293
0000406 Kushiroite Okamura F P, Ghose S, Ohashi H (1974) Structure and crystal chemistry of calcium Tschermak's pyroxene, CaAlAlSiO6 American Mineralogist 59 549-557 1974 0 293

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