Silicocarnotite (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species




May also be written Ca5SiP2O12


Colourless (natural); blue (synthetic)

Specific Gravity:

3.063 (Calculated)

Crystal System:



Synthetic material was discovered in slag by Adolphe Carnot and A. Richard in 1883. The material was named by Kroll in 1911 after Carnot. The name silicocarnotite has been used for the synthetic phase Ca5[(SiO4)(PO4)](PO)4 since then. The natural mineral was described by Galuskin et al. in 2016 and they kept the same name.

Marie Adolphe Carnot (27 January 1839, Paris, France – 20 June 1920) was a French chemist, mining engineer and politician. He was a chemistry professor at École des Mines in Paris and later Chief Engineer of Mines and Inspector General of Mines, becoming Dean of the École Nationale des Mines in 1901-1907, when he retired. The unrelated mineral carnotite is also named after him.

Isotypic with ternesite. A member of the ternesite-silicocarnotite solid solution. Chemically similar to nagelschmidtite and 'ciplyite'.

Known for a long time as an artificial, calcium silico-phosphate in slag.

Natural material was found within the Hatrurim Complex. It is result of pyrometamorphism, and more specifically an interaction of primary "clinker minerals" (flamite, fluorellestadite-fluorapatite, larnite) with sulphate-bearing melts.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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Long-form identifier:



IMA Classification of SilicocarnotiteHide

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IMA Formula:


Type description reference:

Galuskin, Evgeny V., Galuskina, Irina O., Gfeller, Frank, Krüger, Biljana, Kusz, Joachim, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Dulski, Mateusz, Dzierżanowski, Piotr (2016) Silicocarnotite, Ca5(SiO4)(PO4), a new ,,old'' mineral from the Negev Desert, Israel, and the ternesite–silicocarnotite solid solution: indicators of high-temperature alteration of pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex, Southern Levant. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28 (1) 105-123 doi:10.1127/ejm/2015/0027-2494

Classification of SilicocarnotiteHide

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9 : SILICATES (Germanates)
A : Nesosilicates
H : Nesosilicates with CO3, SO4, PO4, etc.

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Symbol Source Reference
Scnt IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43

Physical Properties of SilicocarnotiteHide

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Colourless (natural); blue (synthetic)


VHN50=537 kg/mm2 - Vickers




3.063(1) g/cm3 (Calculated)

Optical Data of SilicocarnotiteHide

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RI values:

_n_α = 1.618(2) _n_β = 1.621(2) _n_γ = 1.628(2)


Measured: 75° (5), Calculated: 67°

δ = 0.010

Image shows birefringence interference colour range (at 30µm thickness)
and does not take into account mineral colouration.


medium (r > v)



Chemistry of SilicocarnotiteHide

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Mindat Formula:


May also be written Ca5SiP2O12

Crystallography of SilicocarnotiteHide

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Crystal System:


Class (H-M):

m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) - Dipyramidal

Cell Parameters:

a = 6.7230(1) Å, b = 15.4481(2) Å, c = 10.0847(2) Å


a:b:c = 0.435 : 1 : 0.653

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
2.815 Å (100)
2.596 Å (62)
2.575 Å (50)
3.285 Å (48)
3.903 Å (40)
3.007 Å (39)
3.176 Å (36)
1.746 Å (29)
3.082 Å (29)


Concerns the natural material.

Geological EnvironmentHide

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Type Occurrence of SilicocarnotiteHide

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General Appearance of Type Material:

Common grains with ternesite

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

Mineralogical collections of the Museum of Natural History in Bern with catalogue number NMBE-42716

Geological Setting of Type Material:

Pyrometamorphic gehlenite-bearing rocks

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:


Galuskin, E.V., Galuskina, I.O., Gfeller, F., Krüger, B., Kusz, J., Vapnik, Y., Dulski, M., Dzierżanowski, P. (2016): Silicocarnotite, Ca5[(SiO4)(PO4)](PO4), a new ‘old’ mineral from the Negev Desert, Israel, and the ternesite-silicocarnotite solid solution: indicators of high-temperature alteration of pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex, Southern Levant. European Journal of Mineralogy: 28: 105-12.

Synonyms of SilicocarnotiteHide

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Other Language Names for SilicocarnotiteHide

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Relationship of Silicocarnotite to other SpeciesHide

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9.AH. Fluorbritholite-(Nd) Ca2Nd3(SiO4)3F Hex. 6/m : _P_63/m
9.AH.05 Iimoriite-(Y) Y2[SiO4][CO3] Tric. 1 : _P_1
9.AH.10 Tundrite-(Ce) Na2Ce2Ti(SiO4)(CO3)2O2 Tric. 1 : _P_1
9.AH.10 Tundrite-(Nd) Na2(Nd,Ce)2Ti(SiO4)(CO3)2O2
9.AH.15 Spurrite Ca5(SiO4)2(CO3) Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
9.AH.15 Galuskinite Ca7(SiO4)3(CO3) Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
9.AH.20 Ternesite Ca5(SiO4)2(SO4) Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n m a
9.AH.25 Britholite-(Ce) (Ce,Ca)5(SiO4)3OH Hex. 6/m : _P_63/m
9.AH.25 Britholite-(Y) (Y,Ca)5(SiO4)3OH Hex. 6/m : _P_63/m
9.AH.25 Chlorellestadite Ca5(SiO4)1.5(SO4)1.5Cl Hex. 6/m : _P_63/m
9.AH.25 Fluorbritholite-(Ce) (Ce,Ca)5(SiO4)3F Hex. 6/m : _P_63/m
9.AH.25 Fluorellestadite Ca5(SiO4)1.5(SO4)1.5F Hex. 6/m : _P_63/m
9.AH.25 Hydroxylellestadite Ca5(SiO4)1.5(SO4)1.5(OH) Hex. 6/m m m _(_6/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _P_63/m c m
9.AH.25 Mattheddleite Pb5(SiO4)1.5(SO4)1.5(Cl,OH) Hex. 6/m : _P_63/m
9.AH.25 Tritomite-(Ce) Ce5(SiO4,BO4)3(OH,O)
9.AH.25 Tritomite-(Y) Y5(SiO4,BO4)3(O,OH,F)
9.AH.25 Fluorcalciobritholite (Ca,REE)5(SiO4,PO4)3F Hex. 6/m : _P_63/m
9.AH.25 Fluorbritholite-(Y) (Y,Ca)5(SiO4)3F Hex. 6/m : _P_63/m
9.AH.25 Britholite-(La) Ca2(La,Ce,Ca)3(SiO4,PO4)3(OH,F)
9.AH.25 Calciobritholite (Ca,Y)5(SiO4,PO4)3(OH)
9.AH.35 Nabimusaite KCa12(SiO4)4(SO4)2O2F Trig. 3_m_ _(_32/m ) : R_3_m
9.AH.35 Dargaite BaCa12(SiO4)4(SO4)2O3 Trig. 3_m_ : R_3_m
9.AH.40 Zadovite BaCa6[(SiO4)(PO4)](PO4)2F Trig. 3_m_ : R_3_m
9.AH.40 Gazeevite BaCa6(SiO4)2(SO4)2O Trig. 3_m_ _(_32/m ) : R_3_m
9.AH.40 Stracherite BaCa6(SiO4)2[(PO4)(CO3)]2F Trig. 3_m_ _(_32/m ) : R_3_m
9.AH.45 Flamite Ca8-x(Na,K)x(SiO4)4-x(PO4)x Orth. m _m_2
9.AH.50 Byzantievite Ba5(Ca,REE,Y)22(Ti,Nb)18(SiO4)4[(PO4),(SiO4)]4(BO3)9O22[(OH),F]43(H2O)1.5 Trig. 3 : _R_3
9.AH.55 Greenwoodite (Ba,V3+O)2V3+9(Fe3+,Fe2+)2Si2O22 Trig. 3_m_ _(_32/m ) : _P_3_m_1
9.AH.60 Kihlmanite-(Ce) Ce2TiO2(SiO4)(HCO3)2(H2O) Tric. 1 : _P_1
9.AH.65 Tsangpoite Ca5(PO4)2(SiO4) Hex.
9.AH.70 Enalite (Th,REE,Al) [(PO4),(SiO4),(OH)] Tet.

Fluorescence of SilicocarnotiteHide

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Other InformationHide

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Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for SilicocarnotiteHide

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Reference List:

Galuskin, Evgeny V., Galuskina, Irina O., Gfeller, Frank, Krüger, Biljana, Kusz, Joachim, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Dulski, Mateusz, Dzierżanowski, Piotr (2016) Silicocarnotite, Ca5(SiO4)(PO4), a new ,,old'' mineral from the Negev Desert, Israel, and the ternesite–silicocarnotite solid solution: indicators of high-temperature alteration of pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex, Southern Levant. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28 (1) 105-123 doi:10.1127/ejm/2015/0027-2494

Localities for SilicocarnotiteHide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Israel (TL)
Southern District (HaDarom District) Tamar Regional Council Hatrurim Basin Har Parsa (Mt. Parsa) (TL) Galuskin et al. (2016)
Tsomet Hatrurim (TL) Galuskin et al. (2016)
West Bank Quds Governorate Jebel Harmun (Jabel Harum) Galuskin et al. (2016)