1 And now, in the hundred and sixtieth year, came Alexander, a son of Antiochus the Illustrious, and took possession of Ptolemais, where he was received with royal honours. 2 A great force king Demetrius levied, when he heard of it, and went out to give him battle; 3 at the same time, he wrote to Jonathan, in such loving terms as should flatter his dignity. 4 No time to be lost, thought he, in making friends with this man, before he takes to comforting Alexander against us; 5 for wrong done to himself, and his brother, and all his race, he bears us a grudge yet. 6 So he empowered Jonathan to muster an army, and to make weapons of war, as the ally of Syria; the hostages, too, in the citadel were to be given back to him.
1 Et anno centesimo sexagesimo, ascendit Alexander Antiochi filius, qui cognominatus est Nobilis, et occupavit Ptolemaidam: et receperunt eum, et regnavit illic. 2 Et audivit Demetrius rex, et congregavit exercitum copiosum valde, et exivit obviam illi in prælium. 3 Et misit Demetrius epistolam ad Jonathan verbis pacificis, ut magnificaret eum. 4 Dixit enim: Anticipemus facere pacem cum eo, priusquam faciat cum Alexandro adversum nos: 5 recordabitur enim omnium malorum, quæ fecimus in eum, et in fratrem ejus, et in gentem ejus. 6 Et dedit ei potestatem congregandi exercitum, et fabricare arma, et esse ipsum socium ejus: et obsides, qui erant in arce, jussit tradi ei.
7 When Jonathan came to Jerusalem, and read this letter aloud, not to the townsfolk only, but to the citadel garrison, 8 great was the fear fell on all who listened; here was Jonathan commissioned to levy troops by the king’s own order! 9 The hostages were surrendered without more ado, and given back to their parents; 10 and he himself took up his quarters in Jerusalem, where he set about building up the city and repairing it. 11 It was the walls needed rebuilding, so he told his workmen; on every side, the hill of Sion must be defended with hewn stone; and punctually they obeyed him. 12 As for the alien folk that guarded the strongholds Bacchides had left, they fled incontinently; 13 what matter if their posts were abandoned? They were for home. 14 Only Bethsura was garrisoned now, and that by traitors to God’s law and commandment; it was all the refuge they had.
7 Et venit Jonathas in Jerusalem, et legit epistolas in auditu omnis populi, et eorum qui in arce erant. 8 Et timuerunt timore magno, quoniam audierunt quod dedit ei rex potestatem congregandi exercitum. 9 Et traditi sunt Jonathæ obsides, et reddidit eos parentibus suis: 10 et habitavit Jonathas in Jerusalem, et cœpit ædificare et innovare civitatem. 11 Et dixit facientibus opera ut exstruerent muros, et montem Sion in circuitu lapidibus quadratis ad munitionem: et ita fecerunt. 12 Et fugerunt alienigenæ, qui erant in munitionibus quas Bacchides ædificaverat: 13 et reliquit unusquisque locum suum, et abiit in terram suam: 14 tantum in Bethsura remanserunt aliqui ex his qui reliquerant legem et præcepta Dei: erat enim hæc eis ad refugium.
15 King Alexander heard of these overtures made by Demetrius; heard, too, the story of Jonathan and his brethren, battles fought, and deeds done, and labours endured. 16 Why, said he, this man has not his match anywhere; time it is we should court his friendship and alliance. 17 With that, he wrote him a letter, and these were the terms of it: 18 King Alexander, to Jonathan his brother-prince, greeting! 19 We have heard tell of thee, a man so valiant, and so well worthy of our friendship; 20 in token whereof, we appoint thee high priest of thy own race henceforward, and to have the title of the King’s Friend. With that, he sent him a purple robe and a gold crown; Take ever our part, said he, and hold fast the bond of friendship. 21 So, when the seventh month came round, in the hundred and sixtieth year, Jonathan clad himself with the sacred vesture at the feast of Tent-dwelling; an army he levied besides, and made weapons of war in great abundance.
15 Et audivit Alexander rex promissa, quæ promisit Demetrius Jonathæ: et narraverunt ei prælia, et virtutes quas ipse fecit, et fratres ejus, et labores quos laboraverunt: 16 et ait: Numquid inveniemus aliquem virum talem? et nunc faciemus eum amicum, et socium nostrum. 17 Et scripsit epistolam, et misit ei secundum hæc verba, dicens: 18 Rex Alexander fratri Jonathæ salutem. 19 Audivimus de te quod vir potens sis viribus, et aptus es ut sis amicus noster: 20 et nunc constituimus te hodie summum sacerdotem gentis tuæ, et ut amicus voceris regis (et misit ei purpuram, et coronam auream) et quæ nostra sunt sentias nobiscum, et conserves amicitias ad nos. 21 Et induit se Jonathas stola sancta septimo mense, anno centesimo sexagesimo, in die solemni scenopegiæ: et congregavit exercitum, et fecit arma copiosa.
22 Sick and sorry Demetrius was when he heard of these doings; 23 Here is an ill day’s work, said he, to let Alexander forestall us in making alliance with the Jews, to his great comfort! 24 From me, too, they shall have a message of entreaty, they shall have honours and gifts; the Jews shall be my good friends yet. 25 And thus he wrote: King Demetrius, to the people of the Jews, greeting! 26 Here is welcome news we have of you; right well you have kept troth with us, honouring the treaty when you might have taken part with our enemies. 27 In that loyal mind continue, and your good offices shall not go unrewarded; 28 much immunity you shall enjoy, much largesse receive.
22 Et audivit Demetrius verba ista, et contristatus est nimis, et ait: 23 Quid hoc fecimus, quod præoccupavit nos Alexander apprehendere amicitiam Judæorum ad munimen sui? 24 scribam et ego illis verba deprecatoria, et dignitates, et dona, ut sint mecum in adjutorium. 25 Et scripsit eis in hæc verba: Rex Demetrius genti Judæorum salutem. 26 Quoniam servastis ad nos pactum, et mansistis in amicitia nostra, et non accessistis ad inimicos nostros, audivimus, et gavisi sumus. 27 Et nunc perseverate adhuc conservare ad nos fidem, et retribuemus vobis bona pro his quæ fecistis nobiscum: 28 et remittemus vobis præstationes multas, et dabimus vobis donationes.
29 By these presents, I exempt both you and all Jews from the poll-tax; salt-tax and coronation dues I remit and forgo, with my right to a third part of your seed-corn, 30 and half your fruit-crop. From this day forward, now and for ever, I resign all this; from Juda and from the three cantons of Samaria and Galilee[1] lately added to it, there shall be no toll taken. 31 For Jerusalem, it shall be a place set apart, a free city with its own confines, mistress of its own tithe and tribute; 32 nor claim I any rights over the citadel there, I make it over to the high priest, to garrison it as he will. 33 All persons of Jewish blood in all my realm that were taken away as prisoners from Juda shall now be set free gratuitously, and no distraint made on their revenues or cattle. 34 Feast-day and new moon and sabbath, and all other such solemnities as are appointed to be observed, with the three days before and after the feast itself, shall be days of immunity and respite for all the Jews in my realm; 35 nor any business done or debate moved to their detriment at such times. 36 In the king’s army, Jews may be enrolled up to the number of thirty thousand, paid according to the common rate of the royal troops; and the same shall be free to serve in all the fortified towns of our empire. 37 Jews may be employed besides in all positions of trust, and appointed governors,[2] yet live still by their own laws, that have royal sanction in the land of Juda. 38 The three cantons taken from Samaria and added to Judaea shall be accounted part of Juda, under a single government, with no allegiance but to the high priest.
29 Et nunc absolvo vos et omnes Judæos a tributis, et pretia salis indulgeo, et coronas remitto, et tertias seminis: 30 et dimidiam partem fructus ligni, quod est portionis meæ, relinquo vobis ex hodierno die, et deinceps, ne accipiatur a terra Juda, et a tribus civitatibus quæ additæ sunt illi ex Samaria et Galilæa; ex hodierna die et in totum tempus: 31 et Jerusalem sit sancta, et libera cum finibus suis: et decimæ et tributa ipsius sint. 32 Remitto etiam potestatem arcis, quæ est in Jerusalem: et do eam summo sacerdoti, ut constituat in ea viros quoscumque ipse elegerit, qui custodiant eam. 33 Et omnem animam Judæorum, quæ captiva est a terra Juda in omni regno meo, relinquo liberam gratis, ut omnes a tributis solvantur, etiam pecorum suorum. 34 Et omnes dies solemnes, et sabbata, et neomeniæ, et dies decreti, et tres dies ante diem solemnem, et tres dies post diem solemnem, sint omnes immunitatis et remissionis omnibus Judæis, qui sunt in regno meo: 35 et nemo habebit potestatem agere aliquid, et movere negotia adversus aliquem illorum in omni causa. 36 Et ascribantur ex Judæis in exercitu regis ad triginta millia virorum: et dabuntur illis copiæ ut oportet omnibus exercitibus regis, et ex eis ordinabuntur qui sint in munitionibus regis magni: 37 et ex his constituentur super negotia regni, quæ aguntur ex fide, et principes sint ex eis, et ambulent in legibus suis, sicut præcepit rex in terra Juda. 38 Et tres civitates, quæ additæ sunt Judææ ex regione Samariæ, cum Judæa reputentur: ut sint sub uno, et non obediant alii potestati, nisi summi sacerdotis.
39 Ptolemais, with all the country that lies about it, I hereby convey as a free gift to the temple precincts at Jerusalem, to defray the temple expenses.[3] 40 To this gift I add a sum of fifteen thousand silver sicles yearly, out of the royal dues that belong to me. 41 With this sum, arrears shall be made good in payments for the temple building, withheld till now by such as had charge of the matter; 42 and restitution made, to the priests now in office, for the five thousand sicles that were confiscated year by year from the temple treasury.[4] 43 Debtor to the king, whatever be the charge against him, that takes sanctuary in the temple or its precincts, shall be left at liberty, and no distraint made upon goods of his within these dominions. 44 Payment shall be made besides from the royal treasury for the finishing and repairing of the temple fabric; 45 as also for building up and making strong the walls of Jerusalem, and restoring the fortresses of Judaea.
39 Ptolemaida et confines ejus, quas dedi donum sanctis qui sunt in Jerusalem, ad necessarios sumptus sanctorum. 40 Et ego do singulis annis quindecim millia siclorum argenti de rationibus regis, quæ me contingunt: 41 et omne quod reliquum fuerit, quod non reddiderant qui super negotia erant annis prioribus, ex hoc dabunt in opera domus. 42 Et super hæc quinque millia siclorum argenti, quæ accipiebant de sanctorum ratione per singulos annos: et hæc ad sacerdotes pertineant, qui ministerio funguntur. 43 Et quicumque confugerint in templum quod est Jerosolymis, et in omnibus finibus ejus, obnoxii regi in omni negotio dimittantur, et universa quæ sunt eis in regno meo, libera habeant. 44 Et ad ædificanda vel restauranda opera sanctorum, sumptus dabuntur de ratione regis: 45 et ad exstruendos muros Jerusalem, et communiendos in circuitu, sumptus dabuntur de ratione regis, et ad construendos muros in Judæa.
46 But in vain were such promises made to Jonathan and the Jewish folk, nor credence found they any nor assent. Could they forget all the mischief Demetrius had done in Israel, all the tyranny they had endured? 47 Alexander it was had all their good wishes; his was the first offer of terms that reached them, and all the while it was his cause they cherished. 48 By this, Alexander had mustered a great force, and marched against Demetrius. 49 When the two kings met, it was Demetrius’ men took to their heels, and Alexander gave chase, pressing them hard; 50 fiercely the battle raged till sun-down, and before the day was over, Demetrius fell.
46 Ut audivit autem Jonathas et populus sermones istos, non crediderunt eis, nec receperunt eos: quia recordati sunt malitiæ magnæ, quam fecerat in Israël, et tribulaverat eos valde. 47 Et complacuit eis in Alexandrum, quia ipse fuerat eis princeps sermonum pacis, et ipsi auxilium ferebant omnibus diebus. 48 Et congregavit rex Alexander exercitum magnum, et admovit castra contra Demetrium. 49 Et commiserunt prælium duo reges, et fugit exercitus Demetrii, et insecutus est eum Alexander, et incubuit super eos. 50 Et invaluit prælium nimis, donec occidit sol: et cecidit Demetrius in die illa.
51 Hereupon Alexander sent an embassy to Ptolemy, king of Egypt, addressing him in these terms following. 52 Take notice I have returned to my kingdom, and sit now on the throne of my fathers, in full possession of my princely rights. Would I regain Syria, needs must I should overthrow Demetrius; 53 overthrow him I did, on field of battle, with all his army, and here I sit in his place. 54 And should we not be upon terms of friendship, thou and I? Let me have thy daughter to wife; a niggardly wooer thou shalt not find me, nor she either. 55 And what answer made king Ptolemy? An auspicious day, said he, this day of thy return to the land and throne of thy fathers! 56 Boon thy letter asks of me thou shalt have; but first meet we together, face to face, yonder at Ptolemais; there will I pledge my word to the articles thou namest. 57 So here was king Ptolemy come from Egypt, with his daughter Cleopatra, all the way to Ptolemais, in the hundred and sixty-second year; 58 and there king Alexander met him and took his daughter Cleopatra to wife, and they held the wedding with great magnificence, as kings will.
51 Et misit Alexander ad Ptolemæum regem Ægypti legatos secundum hæc verba, dicens: 52 Quoniam regressus sum in regnum meum, et sedi in sede patrum meorum, et obtinui principatum, et contrivi Demetrium, et possedi regionem nostram, 53 et commisi pugnam cum eo, et contritus est ipse et castra ejus a nobis, et sedimus in sede regni ejus: 54 et nunc statuamus ad invicem amicitiam: et da mihi filiam tuam uxorem, et ego ero gener tuus, et dabo tibi dona, et ipsi, digna te. 55 Et respondit rex Ptolemæus, dicens: Felix dies, in qua reversus es ad terram patrum tuorum, et sedisti in sede regni eorum. 56 Et nunc faciam tibi quod scripsisti: sed occurre mihi Ptolemaidam, ut videamus invicem nos, et spondeam tibi sicut dixisti. 57 Et exivit Ptolemæus de Ægypto, ipse et Cleopatra filia ejus, et venit Ptolemaidam anno centesimo sexagesimo secundo. 58 Et occurrit ei Alexander rex, et dedit ei Cleopatram filiam suam: et fecit nuntias ejus Ptolemaidæ, sicut reges in magna gloria.
59 King Alexander had sent word to Jonathan, he should come and keep tryst with him; 60 so to Ptolemais Jonathan went with great state, and met the two kings there. Gifts a many he made them, of silver and gold and much else, and was high in favour with them. 61 It chanced that certain Israelites, pestilent fellows of the traitorous party, came there to bring charges against him. But to these the king would not listen; 62 he would have Jonathan change his garments, and go clad in purple, and when this was done, a seat he must have beside the king himself. 63 Take him out into the heart of the city, Alexander said to his vassals, and there make proclamation, none may bring charge against him on any pretext, or in any fashion molest him. 64 No thought had his accusers, when they heard such proclamation made, and saw Jonathan there dressed in purple, but to escape, one and all, as best they could; 65 he himself was loaded with honours, enrolled among the king’s chief friends, and made a prince, with a share in the governance of the kingdom. 66 So Jonathan made his way back to Jerusalem undisturbed, and well content.
59 Et scripsit rex Alexander Jonathæ, ut veniret obviam sibi. 60 Et abiit cum gloria Ptolemaidam, et occurrit ibi duobus regibus, et dedit illis argentum multum, et aurum, et dona: et invenit gratiam in conspectu eorum. 61 Et convenerunt adversus eum viri pestilentes ex Israël, viri iniqui interpellantes adversus eum: et non intendit ad eos rex. 62 Et jussit spoliari Jonathan vestibus suis, et indui eum purpura: et ita fecerunt. Et collocavit eum rex sedere secum. 63 Dixitque principibus suis: Exite cum eo in medium civitatis, et prædicate, ut nemo adversus eum interpellet de ullo negotio, nec quisquam ei molestus sit de ulla ratione. 64 Et factum est, ut viderunt qui interpellabant gloriam ejus, quæ prædicabatur, et opertum eum purpura, fugerunt omnes: 65 et magnificavit eum rex, et scripsit eum inter primos amicos, et posuit eum ducem, et participem principatus. 66 Et reversus est Jonathas in Jerusalem cum pace et lætitia.
67 Then, in the hundred and sixty-fifth year, came Demetrius, son of that other Demetrius, from the island of Crete, and landed in his native country; 68 ill hearing indeed for Alexander, who returned at once to Antioch. 69 Demetrius[5] gave command of his army to Apollonius, that was governor of Coelesyria, and a great array it was he levied. From Jamnia, where he took up his quarters, this Apollonius sent word to the high priest Jonathan: 70 What, wilt thou defy us, and all alone? Here am I mocked and flouted by the resistance offered me, up yonder in the hills! 71 Nay, if such confidence thou hast in thy own resources, come down and meet us in the plain; try we conclusions there! Trust me, I am master of the field; 72 what I am, what my troops are, thou shalt learn upon a little enquiry; stand thou canst not, they will tell thee, before onslaught of ours. Twice, on their native soil, thy fathers fled in disorder, 73 and wilt thou make head against such an array of horse and foot, here in the plain, where rock is none, nor gravel-bed, to aid thy flight?
67 In anno centesimo sexagesimo quinto, venit Demetrius filius Demetrii a Creta in terram patrum suorum. 68 Et audivit Alexander rex, et contristatus est valde, et reversus est Antiochum. 69 Et constituit Demetrius rex Apollonium ducem, qui præerat Cœlesyriæ: et congregavit exercitum magnum, et accessit ad Jamniam: et misit ad Jonathan summum sacerdotem, 70 dicens: Tu solus resistis nobis: ego autem factus sum in derisum, et in opprobrium, propterea quia tu potestatem adversum nos exerces in montibus. 71 Nunc ergo si confidis in virtutibus tuis, descende ad nos in campum, et comparemus illic invicem: quia mecum est virtus bellorum. 72 Interroga, et disce quis sum ego, et ceteri qui auxilio sunt mihi, qui et dicunt quia non potest stare pes vester ante faciem nostram, quia bis in fugam conversi sunt patres tui in terra sua: 73 et nunc quomodo poteris sustinere equitatum et exercitum tantum in campo, ubi non est lapis, neque saxum, neque locus fugiendi?
74 Roused by this challenge, Jonathan marched out from Jerusalem with a muster of ten thousand men; his brother Simon joined hands with him; 75 and together they appeared before the gates of Joppe. Enter they might not, for Apollonius had a garrison there, but must needs attack it; 76 whereupon the citizens took alarm, and themselves opened the gates. Thus came Joppe into the power of Jonathan; 77 the news reached Apollonius, and he brought up three thousand horse, with a great array of men besides. 78 To Azotus he marched, as if he meant to pass them by, but all the while he was luring them on into the plain;[6] in horse lay his strength and his confidence. To Azotus Jonathan followed him, and battle was joined.
74 Ut audivit autem Jonathas sermones Apollonii, motus est animo: et elegit decem millia virorum, et exiit ab Jerusalem, et occurrit ei Simon frater ejus in adjutorium: 75 et applicuerunt castra in Joppen, et exclusit eum a civitate, quia custodia Apollonii Joppe erat: et oppugnavit eam. 76 Et exterriti qui erant in civitate, aperuerunt ei, et obtinuit Jonathas Joppen. 77 Et audivit Apollonius, et admovit tria millia equitum, et exercitum multum. 78 Et abiit Azotum tamquam iter faciens, et statim exiit in campum, eo quod haberet multitudinem equitum, et confideret in eis. Et insecutus est eum Jonathas in Azotum, et commiserunt prælium.
79 Apollonius, by a secret feint, had left a thousand horsemen encamped in their rear; 80 so all at once Jonathan found himself cut off by an ambush. Round his army they rode, casting javelins into the ranks, from morning till night-fall; 81 but ever it stood firm, at Jonathan’s bidding, till the horses were tired out at last. 82 Then, the force of the cavalry once spent, out came Simon with his troops to attack the main body, which thereupon broke and fled. 83 Scattered over the open country, in vain they rallied at Azotus, and took refuge in the precincts of their god Dagon; 84 both Azotus and all the neighbouring cities Jonathan burnt and plundered, and Dagon’s temple, with all that took shelter there, was burnt with the rest. 85 So perished, by sword and fire, some eight thousand men; 86 as for Jonathan, he had no sooner encamped before Ascalon, than the townsfolk opened the gates to him, and gave him honourable welcome.
79 Et reliquit Apollonius in castris mille equites post eos occulte. 80 Et cognovit Jonathas quoniam insidiæ sunt post se, et circuierunt castra ejus, et jecerunt jacula in populum a mane usque ad vesperam. 81 Populus autem stabat, sicut præceperat Jonathas: et laboraverunt equi eorum. 82 Et ejecit Simon exercitum suum, et commisit contra legionem: equites enim fatigati erant: et contriti sunt ab eo, et fugerunt. 83 Et qui dispersi sunt per campum, fugerunt in Azotum, et intraverunt in Bethdagon idolum suum, ut ibi se liberarent. 84 Et succendit Jonathas Azotum, et civitates quæ erant in circuitu ejus, et accepit spolia eorum, et templum Dagon: et omnes qui fugerunt in illud, succendit igni. 85 Et fuerunt qui ceciderunt gladio, cum his qui succensi sunt, fere octo millia virorum. 86 Et movit inde Jonathas castra, et applicuit ea Ascalonem: et exierunt de civitate obviam illi in magna gloria.
87 So Jonathan came back to Jerusalem, and the army behind him, laden with spoils. 88 More than ever, when he heard of it, did king Alexander heap honours upon him; 89 a buckle of gold he sent him, ever the gift kings make to men of blood royal, and Accaron, with all the countryside about it, granted him for his domain.
87 Et reversus est Jonathas in Jerusalem cum suis, habentibus spolia multa. 88 Et factum est, ut audivit Alexander rex sermones istos, addidit adhuc glorificare Jonathan. 89 Et misit ei fibulam auream, sicut consuetudo est dari cognatis regum. Et dedit ei Accaron, et omnes fines ejus, in possessionem.
[1] ‘Samaria and Galilee’, here evidently treated as a single unit; the three districts concerned had actually been Samaritan (verse 38).
[2] ‘And appointed governors’; according to the Greek text, ‘and let their governors be men of their own race’.
[3] A fine touch; cf. verse 1.
[4] vv. 41, 42. The Latin here differs from the Greek text, which is less intelligible.
[5] It seems possible that the word ‘Demetrius’ may have been inserted for the sake of clearness; Josephus treats Apollonius throughout as fighting on the side of Alexander (in spite of verse 88).
[6] ‘All the time he was luring them on into the plain’; this seems to be the meaning of the Greek text, although Joppe and Azotus were both on the sea-board, far away from any hill-country. The Latin has ‘immediately he went out into the plain’, which yields no satisfactory sense.