HOLY BIBLE: Hosea 12 (original) (raw)
[1] Literally, ‘And there is a quarrel to the Lord with Juda, and to the calling to account of Jacob’. In view of 11.12, it does not seem likely that the Lord’s quarrel here is against Juda.
[2] ‘Took precedence of’; literally, ‘dogged the heels of’. The incident related in Gen. 25.25 is cited here as an example, not of Israel’s treachery, but of God’s favour for his own people.
[3] The meaning of verses 7 and 8 is obscure, and much disputed.
[4] That is, when the Tabernacle of Appointment went with Israel through the desert. Or, possibly, the sense may be ‘as in the days of solemn observance’, i.e. the Feast of Tent-dwelling (Lev. 23.34).
[5] The Latin version here has ‘And I used to bestow’; but a reference to the past seems out of place here.
[6] The language of this verse is strained, and the sense doubtful; some think there is an error in the manuscripts. The Hebrew for ‘stone-heaps’ is gallim, and there is possibly a play upon words.
[7] Little can be said for certain about these verses, except that those editors are wrong who would print verse 12 after verse 5, and verse 13 after verse 10. Evidently they must be taken together, but it is hard to see the force of their minute parallelism; possibly there is an allusion to Assyria and Egypt as places of exile; cf. 11.11.
Knox Translation Copyright © 2013 Westminster Diocese
Nihil Obstat. Father Anton Cowan, Censor.
Imprimatur. +Most Rev. Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster. 8th January 2012.
Re-typeset and published in 2012 by Baronius Press Ltd