CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Canonical Precept (original) (raw)

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(Precept: From the Latin præceptum from præcipere, to command).

Precept, in its common acceptation, is opposed to counsel, inasmuch as the former imposes an obligation, while the latter is a persuasion. In ecclesiastical jurisprudence, the word precept is used:


SMITH, Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, III (New York, 1888); FERRARIS, Bibliotheca Canonica, V (Rome, 1889), s.v. Lex, art. I; BAART, Legal Formulary (New York, 1898).

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APA citation. (1911). Canonical Precept. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.

MLA citation. Fanning, William. "Canonical Precept." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 12. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Wm Stuart French, Jr. Dedicated to Eunice Philona Smith Roberts.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. June 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.

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