Legal collaboration for case management, client extranets, deal rooms, practice management, and knowledge sharing (original) (raw)
Work the way you already work
View a visual, up-to-date single screen summary of your project
Automated notifications
keep everyone up to date
Assign and track deliverables
with Tasks linked to content
Bring together your customers,
partners, and vendors
Store, discuss, search & share
text, files, and documents
Every file you need, accessible by computer, smartphone, or tablet
The smart alternative to SharePoint
• Secure legal collaboration without servers or programming
• Search across all matters and within all documents
• Customizable to your standard legal process
Designed to be Enterprise-Grade
• More organization - more security
• Comprehensive security and access control
• Centralized administration and control
A great solution from people you can trust
Legal Hub is powered by PBworks. We've been in business since 2005, and deliver results
for law firms ranging in size from solo attorney practices to AmLaw 100 giants.
“Each successful search will save an associate an average of two hours of research.”
– David Shargel, Bracewell & Giuliani