Retrosheet has a lot of friends and nearly all of them have (original) (raw)
Retrosheet has a lot of friends and nearly all of them have contributed to this section. Since one of the two basic sources used in this section is the game logs, it is appropriate to start by thanking Bob Tiemann, who originated the logs, and Arnie Braunstein, who computerized them. It should be noted that those who contributed original research to this effort were not also responsible for the format of its presentation or for any errors that were introduced in the preparation of material for publication.
Much has been added to the original logs and here is a summary of some of the people and groups contributing significant research:
*) SABR Biographical Committee provided the information on players' vital statistics (birth, death, and so on). *) Stats Inc. donated their log of starting and winning pitchers since 1920. They also donated their play-by-play data for 1991 and 1992. *) Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) graciously donated the event file play by play data for the 1993-1998 seasons. *) Rich Pray sent us his data on starting pitchers from 1883-1919. In addition to mailing us his box of sheets (at his own cost), he has been patient and helpful throughout the process. *) Frank Vaccaro sent us his game logs, with starting and winning pitchers (and much more), covering the 1871-1908 period. Besides being fascinating work in its own right, his logs helped us enormously during the proofing of the 19th scores as well as the 1901-08 starting pitcher data. *) In addition to originally starting these logs, Bob Tiemann also entered all the umpire data from 1986 and 1987, and helped us correct the home park data for the years during the 1930s and 1940s when the Cleveland Indians had two home parks. *) Bob Tiemann and Pete Palmer are also responsible for the 1872 and 1874 box scores on the site and of course Pete is the source of all the Batter-Fielder Wins and Pitcher Wins data shown on the site. *) Mark Armour went through all our games from 1980-1983 and filled in the holes (and there were LOTS of them) in our umpire, game length, day/night and attendance data. *) Ted Turocy (1984 and 1987), Marc Stephenson (1986) and John Stryker (1985) filled in all the 1984 and 1987 attendance and game length data from The Sporting News Box Score books. *) David Ball permitted us to use his extensive research on 19th century player transactions. *) Lyle Spatz and Cliff Blau have done an enormous amount of research into transactions and were kind enough to share their work with us. *) The late Bob Boynton, who passed away in the fall of 2006, supplied us with research data on umpires, attendance and length of games for many seasons prior to 1960. *) Clem Comly did an extraordinary amount of work in proofing the details of more than 15 seasons, tracking down every discrepancy between our data and the official totals. *) The baseball gaming community, most especially the Strat-O-Matic (SOM) and Diamond Mind researchers, have generously contributed their transaction research. An incomplete list of these contributors include: Len Durrant, Joe Freitas, Glen Guzzo, Charlie Hall, Sean MacNair, Joe Moran, Rob Ratliff, Terry Simkins, Gary Simonds, Stephan Weightman, Ken Wenger and Jim Wheeler.
The following people contributed valuable research to the box score project:
Dave Lamoureaux, Bob Allen, Bob Boehme, Tom Bradley, Joe Cerreta, Wade Coble, Tom Davis, Larry Defillipo, Chris Dial, Jeff Eby, Joe Elinich, Steve Elsberry, Jim Fraasch, Jonathan Frankel, Gary Frownfelter, Frank Gill, Mike Grahek, Hugh Humphreys, David Hoehns, Chuck Johnson, Eric Jones, John Kalous, Walter LaConte, Trent McCotter, Wayne McElreavy, Bill McMahon, Sheldon Miller, Joe Murphy, Jack Myers, Bill Nowlin, Brad Ramirez, Denis Repp, Jim Riordan, Jim Sandoval, Brett Schulte, Carl Schweisthal, Stu Shea, Terry Small, Tom Stillman, Bob Timmermann, Ted Turocy, Steve Vetere, Wayne Voltz, Ron Weaver, Travis Weir, Paul Wendt, Mark Williamson, Jim Wheeler, Jim Wohlenhaus and Andrew Zager
Legions of people have been involved in the project over the last several years. Since the expanded years are directly derived from the play-by-play files created by Retrosheet, Baseball Workshop, Total Sports, Gary Gillette and Pete Palmer, anyone who has worked on any of these projects has contributed to these pages.
A partial list of those who have contributed valuable comments, suggestions and/or research include Derek Adair, John Agius, Carlton Andrews, David Arcidiacono, Bernd Argus, Dvd Avins, Mark Bachman, David Ball, Bill Ballou, Jim Bennett, Richard Berg, Charlie Bevis, Mike Billeci, Cliff Blau, Rob Bonter, Brian Borawski, T. Scott Brandon, Bill Brown, Dave Brown, JP Caillault, Richard Carletti, Bill Carr, Jim Charlton, Dave Chase, David Cheadle, Brian Clark, Andrew Clarke, Kevin Cluff, Clem Comly, Tim Copeland, Philippe Cousineau, Andy Cox, Mike Crain, Jonathan Daly, Stephen Davis, Chris Dickerman, Clayton Doak, Stephen Drake, Len Durrant, David Dyte, Scott Eisenberg, Paul Ember, Mike Emeigh, Bob Evans, Jim Farmer, Bruce Fleming, Sean Forman, Larry Foster, Greg Franklin, Joe Freitas, Terrance Freund, Marty Friedrich, Jim Funk, Frank Gill, Mike Grahek, Glenn Guzzo, Jim Hamilton, Ed Hartig, Chris Hartranft, Steve Hatcher, Thom Henninger, Darrell Henry, Jim Herdman, Dan Hickling, Bill Hickman, Jerry Hoffman, Shane Holmes, Sean Holtz, Geoffrey Hooker, Reed Howard, Michael Hurley, Howard Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Steve Johnson, Eric Jones, Jonathan Judd, Shuichi Kashiwaya, Jim Keats, Ray Kerby, Bob Kistler, Bill Knight, Mike Lackey, Sean Lahman, Andrew Landry, Jan Larson, John Lavalie, Art LePage, Scott Levison, John Lewis, Jack Little, David Lund, Norman Macht, Sean MacNair, Patrick Maher, Mike Mathias, Ken Matinale, Chris Mavraedis, Michael Mavrogiannis, Trent McCotter, Wayne McElreavy, Bryan Mechtly, Scott Merzbach, Jeremy Mills, Nick Morgan, Michael Morrongiello, Dave Morris, Peter Morris, David Moss, Joe Nadler, Rod Nelson, David Nemec, Bill Nowlin, Dan O'Brien, Cliff Otto, Pete Palmer, Gus Papadopoulos, Doug Pappas, Gary Pearce, Gary Plunkitt, Glen Poorte, Greg Prince, Rich Pyatt, Greg Ralls, Mark Rappaport, Brian Rash, Rob Ratliff, David Rawson, Denis Repp, John Rickert, Richard Ruane, Mark Ruckhaus, Steve Ruskowski, Charles Saeger, Frank Santarpia, John Schmidt, Kenn Scott, Lauren Scrafford, Frank Serkland, Tom Shieber, Terry Simpkins, Andy Singer, Cary Smith, Mitch Soivenski, Lyle Spatz, Greg Spira, Marc Stephenson, Tom Stillman, John Stryker, Matt Thomas, Eric Thompson, Stew Thornley, Eileen Travis, Vinnie Tredici, Randy Trierweiler, Ted Turocy, Alain Usereau, Eric Van, Bob Vanderberg, Dennis VanLangen, David Vincent, Ron Weaver, Mike Welsh, Paul Wendt, Jim Wheeler, Garry Williamson, Walt Wilson, Paul Winter, Jeff Wolfe, John Wolfe, Brian Wood, Rob Wood and John Wroblewski.
We are sure that we have accidentally neglected to mention many others. If you or someone you know was overlooked in this fashion, we apologize and please don't hesitate to let us know so we can correct the oversight.
Once again, none of the fine people mentioned above are in any way responsible for any problems or errors in the data presented here.
The project has been coordinated by Tom Ruane.
Page Updated: 1/19/2009
All data contained at this site is copyright © 1996-2009 by Retrosheet. All Rights Reserved.