Roger Pearse's Pages (original) (raw)
- The Tertullian Project - A personal perspective on this ancient Latin writer. Manuscripts, Latin, Rare Books, Lost Works, and other things about one of the funniest writers of antiquity.
- My blog About the ancient world, the fathers, and more.
- QuickLatin. A Latin-to-English Translation Assistant program I've produced to ease the Latin-to-English gap.
- Early Church Fathers - Additional - English translations of the fathers which aren't available elsewhere online, collected. Also a mirror of the now unavailable CCEL Early Church Fathers in the v2 form.
- The Syriac Library - Syriac public domain texts.
- Manuscripts of ancient authors - How did these texts get to us? Here are some notes on what physical remains there are of various authors. Just what manuscripts actually exist, and of what date?
- Eusebius of Caesarea - various pages which I've written or scanned more or less ad hoc. Including:
- Eusebius the Liar? - An analysis of some common slanders.
- J.B. Lightfoot on Eusebius' sincerity, often doubted online without much reason.
- The Oriental Fathers - some notes on Syriac, Armenian, Arabic Georgian, Coptic and Ethiopian literature.
- The Library - Things I've scanned which don't belong with Tertullian or the Fathers.
- The Song of the Gnostic Slave - Some verses I posted to usenet, which I place here, now that the Deja archive is no more, because I didn't want to lose them.
- Some PDFs - PDF's of public domain journal articles and books.
- My blog - mostly on things ancient and patristic.
- Mithras: my pages on Mithraic studies.
- The "Body and Blood of Mithras" myth - a strange idea, my research notes
- "A Lost Gospel" - A manuscript find in Berlin in 1997 of a gnostic gospel, similar to the Coptic Gospel of Thomas. All the real information I can find, and an evaluation of it.
- Did Christian writers of the Second Century believe in the Incarnation? - A question I was asked.
- How well did the pre-Eusebian Fathers know Josephus? - Not very well, seems to be the answer, contrary to common report. I researched it, so here it is.
- Did the ancients believe in a flat earth? - An extract from Pliny the Elder
- The Old Slavonic Josephus - some notes from the Russian
- The Council of Nicaea and the Bible - Did the Council of Nicaea lay down the canon of scripture? With some otherwise unavailable excerpts from:
- Reviews - Some book reviews I posted on Amazon.
- Photius' Review of the history of Justus of Tiberias - because most people haven't got access to it.
- Lucian of Samosata: Introduction - and MS tradition.
- Lucian of Samosata: The Passing of Peregrinus - English only.
- Lucian of Samosata: Alexander the False Prophet - English only
- Lupus of Ferrières - Letter 5 (To Einhard) - Mentions Uncial letters.
- Hoffmann's Porphyry - a review of a recent translation.
- Hoffmann's Celsus - some errors in translation.
- The Donation of Constantine and the critique of Lorenzo Valla - just why is it a forgery? (It is!)
- The Loeb Classical Library - an introduction from 1912 by James Loeb, explaining the genesis of the collection.
- Joseph Wheless: Forgery in Christianity - How accurate are the quotations in this oft-quoted book?
- George Syncellus: Some excerpts from the Chronography - Much referenced, but little read, so I've put some quotes online.
- An old account of the Strauss controversy - anatomy of a rogue.
- The Notovitch Hoax - contemporary articles on it.
- Implications of P52 for NT dating - some thoughts.
- Barnabas and the Jews - minutes of a meeting
- Sol Invictus - in progress
- Mohammed - Brockelmann's material on the Arabic biographers of Mohammed
- Galen on Jews and Christians - the primary sources in English.
- Books by Michael Bourdeaux - some books in PDF form by the founder of Keston College
- Yeznik of Kolb, Refutation of the Sects -- translated and retold by Thomas Samuelian.
- Bede, on 'Eostre' -- all that is known about this anglo-saxon goddess.
- Attis: The Literary Testimonies
- How to get more out of life Getting on for 40? Tired of running on the hamster-wheel? Here are some tentative personal ideas on how to avoid doing nothing with your life.
- How to copy Rare Books and Manuscripts - Some initial notes for those who have to do it but don't know how.
- How to find out about copyrights - if you want to scan something, is it in the public domain?
- A Ramshackle Room - a 1910 poem from Punch.
- Graham Kendrick - some old pages I didn't want to disappear from the web.
- An old account of the Strauss controversy -- an article I thought interesting in the 1864 Journal of Sacred Literature.
- Greek verbs and principal parts -- how to work out the stem for an irregular verb
- Carlson's_The Gospel Hoax_ - a review of this book about Secret Mark.
- Hannam's_God's Philosophers_ - a review of this book about medieval science.
- Mark Ashton's sermons -- links to all the MP3's of his sermons
- Old Paths in Perilous Times -- the manifesto of the CICCU (Cambridge Inter-collegiate Christian Union) in 1932.
- Freelancer on Windows 7 -- how to get the Freelance Mod Manager working.
- Alison Cripps, Derby -- obituary for school-fellow
- Ben David, "Three Letters addressed to the editor of the Quarterly Review, in which is demonstrated the genuineness of the Three Heavenly Witnesses - I John v. 7", London, 1825. -- Now offline, so saved here. Nonsense tho.