The dignity of dying person (24-27 February 1999) (original) (raw)

“Because we have been sent into the world as a 'people for life', our proclamation must also become a genuine celebration of the Gospel of life. (...). For this to happen, we need first of all to foster, in ourselves and in others, a contemplative outlook.” (Evangelium vitae, 83). “By virtue of our sharing in Christ's royal mission, our support and promotion of human life must be accomplished through the service of charity, which finds expression in personal witness, various forms of volunteer work, social activity and political commitment” (Evangelium vitae, 87). “A unique responsibility belongs to health-care personnel: doctors, pharmacists, nurses, chaplains, men and women religious, administrators and volunteers. Their profession calls for them to be guardians and servants of human life” (Evangelium vitae, 89).

“In harmony with the Magisterium of my Predecessors and in communion with the Bishops of the Catholic Church, I confirm that euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God, since it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person. This doctrine is based upon the natural law and upon the written word of God, is transmitted by the Church's Tradition and taught by the ordinary and universal Magisterium” (Evangelium vitae, 65).





Wednesday, February 24, 1999

8.00 Holy Mass: Chapel House of St. Martha President: H.E.R. Msgr. Javier Lozano Barragán

9.00 Breakfast

9.30 Welcoming Remarks by the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life Prof. Juan de Dios Vial Correa

9.45 Introduction to the Conference by the Vice President of the Pontifical Academy for Life H.E.R. Msgr. Elio Sgreccia

Opening Session
Society Faced with Death

10.00 Concealment of Death P. Mario Bizzotto

10.25 Psychological Effects of the Rejection of Death P. Luciano Sandrin

10.50 Cultural Dimensions and Themes of the Movement for Euthanasia Dr Philippe Schepens - Prof. Gonzalo Herranz

11.20 Coffee Break

11.50-13.00 Discussion

13.30 Lunch

Second Session
Death in its reality

15.30 Details Concerning Brain Death Prof. Corrado Manni

15.55 Dying and Death in Philosophical Reflection Prof. Robert Spaemann

16.20 Life between Natural Instinct and Moral Duty in St. Augustine P. Nello Cipriani

16.45 Dying in Theological Reflection Prof. German Grisez

17.10 Coffee Break

17.40-19.00 Discussion

19.30 Dinner

Thursday, February 25, 1999

8.00 Holy Mass: Chapel House of St. Martha President: H.E.R. Card. Alfonso López Trujillo

9.00 Breakfast

Third Session
Violations of the Dignity of the Dying Person

9.30 Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Legal Perspectives Prof. Kurt Schmoller

9.55 Euthanasia in Moral Reflection Dr Richard Fenigsen

10.20 Therapeutic Obstinacy, Suspension and Non-introduction of Treatments Prof. Edmund Pellegrino

10.45 The Control of Pain in Terminally Ill Persons Prof. Joannes P.M. Lelkens

11.10 Coffee Break

11.40-13.00 Discussion

13.30 Lunch

Fourth Session
Attendance to the Dying Person

15.30 Palliative Treatments and Normal Cures Dr Luke Gormally

16.00 Psychological and Spiritual Care for the Dying: The Truth in the Face of Death Prof. Leonardo Ancona

16.30 “It is the Lord Who Determines Death and Life.” For a Theology of Dying Msgr. Gianfranco Ravasi

16.55 Coffee Break

17.25-19.00 Discussion

19.30 Dinner

Friday, February 26, 1999

8.00 Holy Mass: Chapel House of St. Martha President: H.E.R. Card. Paul Poupard

9.00 Breakfast

Fifth Session
Member's Communications

9.30 Contributions from the Academicians and the Corresponding Members

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30-13.00 Contributions from the Academicians and the Corresponding Members

13.30 Lunch

Sixth Session
Education in the Face of Death

15.30 Sense of Life and Acceptance of Death P. Gonzalo Miranda

15.55 The Spiritual Life and Hope in Life Prof. Gottfried Roth

16.20 Contributions from the Academicians and the Corresponding Members

17.00 Coffee Break

17.30-19.00 Discussion and Approval of the Final Declaration

19.30 Dinner

Please note: An Audience by the Holy Father has been requested. The time that it will take place will be made known during the conference itself.

Saturday, February 27, 1999

8.00 Holy Mass: Chapel House of St. Martha President: H.E.R. Msgr. Tarcisio Bertone

9.00 Breakfast

Seventh Session
Life and Activities of the Academy

9.30 Talk by the President, Prof. Juan de Dios Vial Correa: Activities of the Pontifical Academy for Life

10.00 Relation of the Vice President, H.E.R. Msgr. Elio Sgreccia: Editions of the PAV

10.30 Coffee Break

11.00-12.45 General Discussion

12.45-13.00 Conclusions of the President, Prof. Juan de Dios Vial Correa

13.30 Lunch

List of Speakers

– Prof. Juan de Dios Vial Correa, President of the PAV. - Rector of the Pontifical Cath. Univ. of Chile

– H.E.R. Card. Alfonso López Trujillo, President of the Pont. Council for the Family

– H.E.R. Card. Paul Poupard, President of the Pontifical Council of the Culture

– H.E.R. Msgr. Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

– H.E.R. Msgr. Javier Lozano Barragán, President of the Pontifical Council for the Past. Care for Health Care Workers

– H.E.R. Msgr. Elio Sgreccia, Director of the Institute of Bioethics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome - Vice President of the Pontifical Academy for Life

– P. Mario Bizzotto, Professor of Philosophy in the Theological Institute of St. Zeno, Verona

– P. Luciano Sandrin, Director of the International Camillianum Institute for Pastoral Theology and Health Care, Rome

– Dr Philippe Schepens, General Secretary of the “World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life” - President of the Association of Belgian Physicians “Who Respect Human Life”

– Prof. Gonzalo Herranz, Director of the Department of Bioethics at the University of Navarra

– Prof. Corrado Manni, Professor and Chairman of the Institute of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome

– Prof. Robert Spaemann, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Munich

– P. Nello Cipriani, Professor of “General Introduction to St. Augustine” in the Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome

– Prof. German Grisez, Chair of Christian Ethics in Mount Saint Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland (USA)

– Prof. Kurt Schmoller, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the Univerity of Salzburg

– Dr Richard Fenigsen, Doctor in Medicine and Philosophy

– Prof. Edmund Pellegrino, Professor and Director of the Center for Clinical Bioethics, Georgetown University in Washington (USA)

– Prof. Joannes P.M. Lelkens, Professor of Anaesthesia at the University of Maastrich

– Dr Luke Gormally, Director of the Linacre Centre for Health Care Ethics of London

– Prof. Leonardo Ancona, Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery “A. Gemelli”, Rome

– Msgr. Gianfranco Ravasi, Prefect of the Ambrosian Library, Milan

– P. Gonzalo Miranda, Professor of Moral Theology at the Pontifical University Regina Apostolorum in Rome

– Prof. Gottfried Roth, Professor of Pastoral Medicine at the University “Alma Mater Rudolphina”, Vienna.



“Casa S. Marta” - 00120 Vatican City
Tel.: 0039 06 698979
Fax: 0039 06 69882417
“Casa Tra Noi” - Via Monte del Gallo, 113 - 00165 Roma
Tel.: 0039 06 39387355
Fax: 0039 06 39387446

Place of the Conference:

Old Synod Hall
Via delle Fondamenta di S. Pietro
Vatican City
For admission to the Residence, “Casa S. Marta”:
Please show the Invitation schedule

Travel Agency:

Via dei Penitenzieri, 17A e B
Tel.: 0039 06 687091
Fax: 0039 06 6865449

Organization Office:

Pontificia Academia Pro Vita
Via della Conciliazione, 3
00193 Roma


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