1990 World Series (original) (raw)
- The 1990 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball's (MLB) 1990 season. The 87th edition of the World Series, it was a best-of-seven playoff played between the defending champions and heavily favored American League (AL) champion Oakland Athletics and the National League (NL) champion Cincinnati Reds. The Reds defeated the Athletics in a four-game sweep. It was the fifth four-game sweep by the NL and second by the Reds after they did it in 1976. It was the second consecutive World Series to end in a sweep, after the Athletics themselves did it to the San Francisco Giants in 1989. It is remembered for Billy Hatcher's seven consecutive hits. The sweep extended the Reds' World Series winning streak to nine games, dating back to 1975. This also was the second World Series meeting between the two clubs (Oakland won four games to three in 1972). As of 2022, this remains both teams' most recent appearance in the World Series. Athletics manager Tony La Russa and Reds manager Lou Piniella were old friends and teammates from their Tampa American Legion Post 248 team. (en)
- Die World Series 1990 war die 87. Auflage des Finals der Major League Baseball zwischen dem Champion der American League und Titelverteidiger, den Oakland Athletics, und den Cincinnati Reds, dem Meister der National League. Die Serie startete am 16. Oktober und endete am 20. Oktober 1990. Überraschend gewann der Außenseiter aus Cincinnati durch einen 4:0 Sweep die Serie. Als MVP der World Series wurde der Pitcher ausgezeichnet, dem zwei Siege bei zwei Starts gelangen. (de)
- La Serie Mundial de 1990 fue jugada entre Cincinnati Reds de la Liga Nacional y los Oakland Athletics de la Liga Americana, entre el 16 de octubre y el 20 de octubre de 1990. Fue la quinta ocasión juego en que un equipo de la Liga Nacional logró una barrida y la segunda de los Reds después de que lo hicieron en 1976, así como la segunda Serie Mundial consecutiva para terminar en un barrida, después de que los Athletics lo hicieron frente a los San Francisco Giants en . Se recuerda por los siete hits consecutivos de . El barrido extendió la racha de victorias en la Serie Mundial de los Reds a nueve partidos, que se remontan a 1975. Esta también fue la segundo encuentro de la Serie Mundial entre ambas franquicias (Oakland ganó cuatro partidos a tres en 1972). Hasta la fecha, esta sigue siendo la última aparición de ambos equipos en la Serie Mundial El mánager de los Athletics, Tony La Russa y el de los Rojos, Lou Piniella, eran viejos amigos y compañeros de equipo de su equipo Tampa, en el Post 248. (es)
- La Série mondiale 1990 était la 87e série finale des Ligues majeures de baseball. Elle a débuté le 16 octobre 1990 et opposait les champions de la Ligue nationale, les Reds de Cincinnati, aux champions de la Ligue américaine et champions en titre du baseball, les Athletics d'Oakland, qui participaient à la Série mondiale pour la troisième saison consécutive. Cette série 4 de 7 s'est terminée le 20 octobre 1990 par une victoire par balayage des Reds de Cincinnati, quatre parties à zéro sur les Athletics d'Oakland, qui échouaient ainsi dans leur tentative de remporter un deuxième titre de suite. Il s'agissait aussi de la deuxième Série mondiale d'affilée à se terminer dans le minimum de quatre matchs. (fr)
- Le World Series 1990 sono state la 87ª edizione della serie di finale della Major League Baseball al meglio delle sette partite tra i campioni della National League (NL) 1990, i Cincinnati Reds, e quelli della American League (AL), gli Oakland Athletics. A vincere il loro quinto titolo furono i Reds per quattro gare a zero. I Reds batterono gli A's campioni in carica che si erano qualificati per le terze finali consecutive. La serie è ricordata per la sette valide consecutive di Billy Hatcher. La vittoria per 4-0 estese la striscia dei Reds di nove gare consecutive vinte nelle World Series iniziata nel 1975. Al 2019 questa rimane l'ultima apparizione in finale per entrambe le squadre. (it)
- 1990年の野球において、メジャーリーグベースボール(MLB)優勝決定戦の第87回ワールドシリーズ(だい87かいワールドシリーズ、87th World Series)は、10月16日から20日にかけて計4試合が開催された。その結果、シンシナティ・レッズ(ナショナルリーグ)がオークランド・アスレチックス(アメリカンリーグ)を4勝0敗で下し、14年ぶり5回目の優勝を果たした。 両チームの対戦は、1972年以来18年ぶり2回目。レギュラーシーズンの勝利数が少ないほうの球団が初戦から全勝の "スウィープ" で優勝するのは、レッズが1954年のニューヨーク・ジャイアンツ以来史上2球団目である。今シリーズではレッズのビリー・ハッチャーが、第1戦の第2打席から7打数連続で安打を放ち、シリーズ記録を更新した。ハッチャーは4試合で打率.750・OPS 2.050を記録したが、シリーズMVP受賞を逃した。選出されたのは、第1戦と最終第4戦に先発登板して計15.1イニングを投げ、2勝0敗・防御率0.59という成績を残したレッズのホセ・リーホである。リーホは1985年2月、カリブ海沿岸諸国のウィンターリーグによる国際大会 "カリビアンシリーズ" でもMVPを受賞している。ワールドシリーズとカリビアンシリーズの両方でMVPを受賞したのは、リーホが史上初である。 ワールドシリーズは1985年から2006年までの22年間、開幕を土曜日に設定していた。しかし今回だけは例外で、火曜日に開幕した。これは、MLB機構と選手会との労使交渉がまとまらず、この年のスプリングトレーニング期間にロックアウトが実施され、この影響で日程がずれたためである。 (ja)
- 1990년 월드 시리즈(1990 World Series)는 오클랜드 애슬레틱스와 신시내티 레즈 사이에 치러진 월드 시리즈로, 신시내티 레즈가 오클랜드 애슬레틱스를 4승 무패로 누르고 통산 5번째 우승을 차지했다. (ko)
- Мировая серия 1990 — решающая серия игр Главной лиги бейсбола в сезоне 1990 года. Победителем стала команда «Цинциннати Редс», обыгравшая «Окленд Атлетикс» со счётом 4-0. (ru)
- 1990年世界大賽是由代表美聯的奧克蘭運動家與代表國聯的辛辛那提紅人在世界大賽中對決。最後由紅人4連勝橫掃運動家,拿下世界大賽冠軍。不僅大聯盟出現連兩年世界大賽橫掃的局面,紅人隊也達成隊史首次連續2次於世界大賽橫掃對手的紀錄。 在拿下冠軍過後,紅人隊在世界大賽的連勝場次已來到9場,由於紅人自1991年起尚未打進世界大賽,因此紀錄還在延續中。 (zh)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20070703215939/http:/www.redshistory.com/
- http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/baseball/mlb/features/1997/wsarchive/1990.html
- https://web.archive.org/web/20040622195644/http:/www.baseballlibrary.com/baseballlibrary/teams/1990athletics.stm
- https://web.archive.org/web/20040622200349/http:/www.baseballlibrary.com/baseballlibrary/teams/1990reds.stm
- 1217947 (xsd:integer)
- 28411 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1119531934 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:California
- dbr:Carney_Lansford
- dbr:Rocky_Roe
- dbr:Ron_Cey
- dbr:Ron_Oester
- dbr:Scott_Scudder
- dbc:Cincinnati_Reds_postseason
- dbc:Sports_competitions_in_Cincinnati
- dbr:Barry_Larkin
- dbr:Bill_King
- dbr:Bill_White_(first_baseman)
- dbr:Billy_Bates_(baseball)
- dbr:Billy_Hatcher
- dbr:Bob_Welch_(baseball)
- dbr:Dave_Henderson
- dbr:Dave_Stewart_(baseball)
- dbr:Dennis_Eckersley
- dbr:Johnny_Bench
- dbr:José_Rijo
- dbr:Paul_O'Neill_(baseball)
- dbr:Pedro_Guerrero_(baseball,_born_1956)
- dbr:Rick_Honeycutt
- dbr:Rickey_Henderson
- dbr:Riverfront_Stadium
- dbr:Rob_Dibble
- dbr:Vin_Scully
- dbr:José_Canseco
- dbr:1976_World_Series
- dbr:1989_Oakland_Athletics_season
- dbr:1989_World_Series
- dbr:1990_American_League_Championship_Series
- dbr:1990_Boston_Red_Sox_season
- dbr:1990_National_League_Championship_Series
- dbr:1990_Pittsburgh_Pirates_season
- dbr:1992_American_League_Championship_Series
- dbr:Oakland–Alameda_County_Coliseum
- dbr:1989_San_Francisco_Giants_season
- dbr:1990_Chicago_White_Sox_season
- dbr:1990_Cincinnati_Reds_season
- dbr:1990_Japan_Series
- dbr:1990_Los_Angeles_Dodgers_season
- dbr:1990_Major_League_Baseball_season
- dbr:1990_Oakland_Athletics_season
- dbr:1990_St._Louis_Cardinals_season
- dbr:1991_Oakland_Athletics_season
- dbr:1992_Oakland_Athletics_season
- dbr:1992_Toronto_Blue_Jays_season
- dbr:1995_Cincinnati_Reds_season
- dbc:1990_Major_League_Baseball_season
- dbc:1990_in_sports_in_California
- dbc:1990_in_sports_in_Ohio
- dbc:1990s_in_Cincinnati
- dbc:October_1990_sports_events_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Chris_Sabo
- dbr:Cincinnati
- dbr:Cincinnati_Reds
- dbr:Cleveland_Cavaliers
- dbr:Frank_Pulli
- dbr:Glenn_Braggs
- dbr:Great_American_Ball_Park
- dbr:1972_World_Series
- dbc:World_Series
- dbr:1984_Detroit_Tigers_season
- dbr:2012_Detroit_Tigers_season
- dbr:Lesley_Visser
- dbr:Lon_Simmons
- dbr:Los_Angeles_Dodgers
- dbr:Lou_Brock
- dbr:Lou_Piniella
- dbr:Major_League_Baseball
- dbr:Major_League_Baseball_on_ABC
- dbr:Major_League_Baseball_on_CBS
- dbr:Major_League_Baseball_on_CBS_Radio
- dbr:Major_League_Baseball_on_NBC
- dbr:Steve_Yeager
- dbr:2004_Boston_Red_Sox_season
- dbr:2007_Colorado_Rockies_season
- dbr:1954_Cleveland_Indians_season
- dbr:1954_New_York_Giants_(MLB)_season
- dbr:1972_Oakland_Athletics_season
- dbc:20th_century_in_Oakland,_California
- dbc:Oakland_Athletics_postseason
- dbc:Sports_competitions_in_Oakland,_California
- dbr:Babe_Ruth
- dbr:Bruce_Froemming
- dbr:Tim_Birtsas
- dbr:Tim_Layana
- dbr:Tim_McCarver
- dbr:Todd_Benzinger
- dbr:Todd_Burns
- dbr:Tom_Browning
- dbr:Tony_La_Russa
- dbr:WLW
- dbr:Walt_Weiss
- dbr:Willie_McGee
- dbr:Willie_Randolph
- dbr:2016_NBA_Finals
- dbr:American_League
- dbr:American_League_West
- dbr:American_Legion_Baseball
- dbr:Cy_Young_Award
- dbr:Danny_Jackson
- dbr:Eastern_Time_Zone
- dbr:Eric_Davis_(baseball)
- dbr:Norm_Charlton
- dbr:Pacific_Time_Zone
- dbr:Best-of-seven_playoff
- dbr:2000_Oakland_Athletics_season
- dbr:2005_Chicago_White_Sox_season
- dbr:Harold_Baines
- dbr:Herm_Winningham
- dbr:Jack_Buck
- dbr:Tampa,_Florida
- dbr:Ted_Hendry
- dbr:The_Cincinnati_Post
- dbr:Jim_Kaat
- dbr:Jim_Quick
- dbr:Joe_Nuxhall
- dbr:Joe_Oliver_(baseball)
- dbr:Joe_Rudi
- dbr:John_Madden
- dbr:KSFO
- dbr:Larry_Barnett
- dbr:League_Championship_Series
- dbr:Dominican_Republic
- dbr:Marge_Schott
- dbr:Mariano_Duncan
- dbr:Mark_McGwire
- dbr:Marty_Brennaman
- dbr:All_Points_Bulletin
- dbr:Mike_Gallego
- dbr:Mike_Moore_(baseball)
- dbr:Nasty_Boys_(Cincinnati_Reds)
- dbr:National_Football_League
- dbr:National_League
- dbr:National_League_West
- dbr:New_York_Yankees
- dbr:Oakland,_California
- dbr:Oakland_Athletics
- dbr:Oakland_Coliseum
- dbr:Ohio
- dbr:Randy_Marsh
- dbr:Randy_Myers
- dbr:Major_professional_sports_leagues_in_the_United_States_and_Canada
- dbr:World_Series
- dbr:Pat_O'Brien_(television)
- dbr:World_Series_MVP
- dbr:Billy_Hatcher_(baseball)
- dbr:Manny_Ramírez
- dbr:XM
- Oakland Athletics over Boston Red Sox (en)
- Jack Buck and Tim McCarver (en)
- 48269 (xsd:integer)
- 48613 (xsd:integer)
- 55830 (xsd:integer)
- 55832 (xsd:integer)
- 52136 (xsd:integer)
- 91 (xsd:integer)
- World (en)
- 0001-10-16 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-10-17 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-10-19 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-10-20 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- X (en)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
- 14 (xsd:integer)
- 28 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Barry_Larkin
- dbr:Dennis_Eckersley
- dbr:Rickey_Henderson
- dbr:Tony_La_Russa
- dbr:Harold_Baines
- Athletics: (en)
- Reds: (en)
- Cincinnati (en)
- Oakland Athletics (en)
- Oakland (en)
- OAK (en)
- CIN (en)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 1990 (xsd:integer)
- 250 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Riverfront_Stadium
- dbr:Oakland–Alameda_County_Coliseum
- Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum (en)
- Riverfront Stadium (en)
- Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio (en)
- Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum in Oakland, California (en)
- 86961.0
- Cincinnati Reds over Pittsburgh Pirates (en)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 9 (xsd:integer)
- Bill King and Lon Simmons (en)
- Marty Brennaman and Joe Nuxhall (en)
- Vin Scully and Johnny Bench (en)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 9 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
- 14 (xsd:integer)
- 45 (xsd:integer)
- Cincinnati (en)
- Cincinnati Reds (en)
- Oakland (en)
- OAK (en)
- CIN (en)
- dbr:José_Canseco
- Chris Sabo 2 (en)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 22 (xsd:integer)
- 103 (xsd:integer)
- Cincinnati Reds – 2, Oakland Athletics – 1 (en)
- Cincinnati Reds – 8, Oakland Athletics – 3 (en)
- Oakland Athletics – 0, Cincinnati Reds – 7 (en)
- Oakland Athletics – 4, Cincinnati Reds – 5 (en)
- NL Cincinnati Reds vs. AL Oakland Athletics (en)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 168.0
- 181.0
- 211.0
- 208544 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Rocky_Roe
- dbr:Frank_Pulli
- dbr:Bruce_Froemming
- dbr:Ted_Hendry
- dbr:Jim_Quick
- dbr:Larry_Barnett
- dbr:Randy_Marsh
- dbt:Infobox_World_Series_Expanded
- dbt:MLB_Playoff_Summary
- dbt:WSExtLinks
- dbt:WorldSeries
- dbt:Wsy
- dbt:As_of
- dbt:Frac
- dbt:Main
- dbt:Nbsp
- dbt:Oakland_Athletics
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Use_mdy_dates
- dbt:Winpct
- dbt:Cincinnati_Reds
- dbt:Linescore
- dbt:Major_League_Baseball_on_CBS
- dbt:Major_League_Baseball_on_CBS_Radio
- dbt:1990_Cincinnati_Reds
- dbt:1990_MLB_Playoffs_navbox
- dbt:1990_MLB_season_by_team
- 112534.0
- 1990 (xsd:integer)
- dbc:Cincinnati_Reds_postseason
- dbc:Sports_competitions_in_Cincinnati
- dbc:1990_Major_League_Baseball_season
- dbc:1990_in_sports_in_California
- dbc:1990_in_sports_in_Ohio
- dbc:1990s_in_Cincinnati
- dbc:October_1990_sports_events_in_the_United_States
- dbc:World_Series
- dbc:20th_century_in_Oakland,_California
- dbc:Oakland_Athletics_postseason
- dbc:Sports_competitions_in_Oakland,_California
- Die World Series 1990 war die 87. Auflage des Finals der Major League Baseball zwischen dem Champion der American League und Titelverteidiger, den Oakland Athletics, und den Cincinnati Reds, dem Meister der National League. Die Serie startete am 16. Oktober und endete am 20. Oktober 1990. Überraschend gewann der Außenseiter aus Cincinnati durch einen 4:0 Sweep die Serie. Als MVP der World Series wurde der Pitcher ausgezeichnet, dem zwei Siege bei zwei Starts gelangen. (de)
- 1990년 월드 시리즈(1990 World Series)는 오클랜드 애슬레틱스와 신시내티 레즈 사이에 치러진 월드 시리즈로, 신시내티 레즈가 오클랜드 애슬레틱스를 4승 무패로 누르고 통산 5번째 우승을 차지했다. (ko)
- Мировая серия 1990 — решающая серия игр Главной лиги бейсбола в сезоне 1990 года. Победителем стала команда «Цинциннати Редс», обыгравшая «Окленд Атлетикс» со счётом 4-0. (ru)
- 1990年世界大賽是由代表美聯的奧克蘭運動家與代表國聯的辛辛那提紅人在世界大賽中對決。最後由紅人4連勝橫掃運動家,拿下世界大賽冠軍。不僅大聯盟出現連兩年世界大賽橫掃的局面,紅人隊也達成隊史首次連續2次於世界大賽橫掃對手的紀錄。 在拿下冠軍過後,紅人隊在世界大賽的連勝場次已來到9場,由於紅人自1991年起尚未打進世界大賽,因此紀錄還在延續中。 (zh)
- The 1990 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball's (MLB) 1990 season. The 87th edition of the World Series, it was a best-of-seven playoff played between the defending champions and heavily favored American League (AL) champion Oakland Athletics and the National League (NL) champion Cincinnati Reds. The Reds defeated the Athletics in a four-game sweep. It was the fifth four-game sweep by the NL and second by the Reds after they did it in 1976. It was the second consecutive World Series to end in a sweep, after the Athletics themselves did it to the San Francisco Giants in 1989. It is remembered for Billy Hatcher's seven consecutive hits. The sweep extended the Reds' World Series winning streak to nine games, dating back to 1975. This also was the second World Seri (en)
- La Serie Mundial de 1990 fue jugada entre Cincinnati Reds de la Liga Nacional y los Oakland Athletics de la Liga Americana, entre el 16 de octubre y el 20 de octubre de 1990. Fue la quinta ocasión juego en que un equipo de la Liga Nacional logró una barrida y la segunda de los Reds después de que lo hicieron en 1976, así como la segunda Serie Mundial consecutiva para terminar en un barrida, después de que los Athletics lo hicieron frente a los San Francisco Giants en . Se recuerda por los siete hits consecutivos de . El barrido extendió la racha de victorias en la Serie Mundial de los Reds a nueve partidos, que se remontan a 1975. Esta también fue la segundo encuentro de la Serie Mundial entre ambas franquicias (Oakland ganó cuatro partidos a tres en 1972). Hasta la fecha, esta sigue siend (es)
- La Série mondiale 1990 était la 87e série finale des Ligues majeures de baseball. Elle a débuté le 16 octobre 1990 et opposait les champions de la Ligue nationale, les Reds de Cincinnati, aux champions de la Ligue américaine et champions en titre du baseball, les Athletics d'Oakland, qui participaient à la Série mondiale pour la troisième saison consécutive. (fr)
- Le World Series 1990 sono state la 87ª edizione della serie di finale della Major League Baseball al meglio delle sette partite tra i campioni della National League (NL) 1990, i Cincinnati Reds, e quelli della American League (AL), gli Oakland Athletics. A vincere il loro quinto titolo furono i Reds per quattro gare a zero. (it)
- 1990年の野球において、メジャーリーグベースボール(MLB)優勝決定戦の第87回ワールドシリーズ(だい87かいワールドシリーズ、87th World Series)は、10月16日から20日にかけて計4試合が開催された。その結果、シンシナティ・レッズ(ナショナルリーグ)がオークランド・アスレチックス(アメリカンリーグ)を4勝0敗で下し、14年ぶり5回目の優勝を果たした。 両チームの対戦は、1972年以来18年ぶり2回目。レギュラーシーズンの勝利数が少ないほうの球団が初戦から全勝の "スウィープ" で優勝するのは、レッズが1954年のニューヨーク・ジャイアンツ以来史上2球団目である。今シリーズではレッズのビリー・ハッチャーが、第1戦の第2打席から7打数連続で安打を放ち、シリーズ記録を更新した。ハッチャーは4試合で打率.750・OPS 2.050を記録したが、シリーズMVP受賞を逃した。選出されたのは、第1戦と最終第4戦に先発登板して計15.1イニングを投げ、2勝0敗・防御率0.59という成績を残したレッズのホセ・リーホである。リーホは1985年2月、カリブ海沿岸諸国のウィンターリーグによる国際大会 "カリビアンシリーズ" でもMVPを受賞している。ワールドシリーズとカリビアンシリーズの両方でMVPを受賞したのは、リーホが史上初である。 (ja)
- World Series 1990 (de)
- 1990 World Series (en)
- Serie Mundial de 1990 (es)
- Série mondiale 1990 (fr)
- World Series 1990 (it)
- 1990年のワールドシリーズ (ja)
- 1990년 월드 시리즈 (ko)
- Мировая серия 1990 (ru)
- 1990年世界大賽 (zh)
- freebase:1990 World Series
- yago-res:1990 World Series
- wikidata:1990 World Series
- http://arz.dbpedia.org/resource/سلسله_العالم_1990
- dbpedia-de:1990 World Series
- dbpedia-es:1990 World Series
- dbpedia-fr:1990 World Series
- dbpedia-it:1990 World Series
- dbpedia-ja:1990 World Series
- dbpedia-ko:1990 World Series
- dbpedia-ru:1990 World Series
- dbpedia-zh:1990 World Series
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/ZQkr
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/1990_World_Series_Program.gif
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/1990_World_Series_logo.svg
is dbo:award of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cardinals–Cubs_rivalry
- dbr:Rocky_Roe
- dbr:Rolando_Roomes
- dbr:Ron_Hassey
- dbr:Ron_Oester
- dbr:Ron_Robinson_(baseball)
- dbr:Scott_Sanderson_(baseball)
- dbr:Scott_Scudder
- dbr:List_of_World_Series_champions
- dbr:2007_World_Series
- dbr:2012_World_Series
- dbr:Barry_Bonds
- dbr:Barry_Larkin
- dbr:Baseball's_Seasons
- dbr:Billy_Bates_(baseball)
- dbr:Billy_Hatcher
- dbr:Bob_Welch_(baseball)
- dbr:Bradenton_Marauders
- dbr:2012_in_baseball
- dbr:Dave_Henderson
- dbr:Dave_Stewart_(baseball)
- dbr:History_of_the_Nashville_Sounds
- dbr:José_Rijo
- dbr:List_of_National_League_Championship_Series_broadcasters
- dbr:List_of_World_Series_broadcasters
- dbr:List_of_World_Series_starting_pitchers
- dbr:Little_League_World_Series
- dbr:Pedro_Borbón
- dbr:Pete_Rose
- dbr:Rick_Mahler
- dbr:Rickey_Henderson
- dbr:Riverfront_Stadium
- dbr:Rob_Dibble
- dbr:Vin_Scully
- dbr:1976_World_Series
- dbr:1983_College_Baseball_All-America_Team
- dbr:1985_World_Series
- dbr:1988_World_Series
- dbr:1989_World_Series
- dbr:1990_American_League_Championship_Series
- dbr:1990_National_League_Championship_Series
- dbr:1989_Major_League_Baseball_postseason
- dbr:1990_Cincinnati_Reds_season
- dbr:1990_Japan_Series
- dbr:1990_Major_League_Baseball_postseason
- dbr:1990_Major_League_Baseball_season
- dbr:1990_Oakland_Athletics_season
- dbr:1990_in_American_television
- dbr:1990_in_sports
- dbr:Chris_Sabo
- dbr:Cincinnati_Reds
- dbr:Frank_Pulli
- dbr:Frisch's
- dbr:Glenn_Braggs
- dbr:Minnesota_Twins
- dbr:Minnesota_Twins_award_winners_and_league_leaders
- dbr:Murray_Cook_(baseball)
- dbr:1972_World_Series
- dbr:1976_Major_League_Baseball_postseason
- dbr:1981_Major_League_Baseball_strike
- dbr:2018_Los_Angeles_Dodgers_season
- dbr:2018_World_Series
- dbr:2011_Major_League_Baseball_season
- dbr:2012_Major_League_Baseball_season
- dbr:Lesley_Visser
- dbr:List_of_American_League_Championship_Series_broadcasters
- dbr:Lou_Piniella
- dbr:Major_League_Baseball_on_CBS
- dbr:Major_League_Baseball_on_CBS_Radio
- dbr:Bob_Quinn_(baseball,_born_1936)
- dbr:Major_League_Baseball_on_television_in_the_1990s
- dbr:2006_American_League_Championship_Series
- dbr:1972_Major_League_Baseball_postseason
- dbr:2002_in_baseball
- dbr:59Fifty
- dbr:Bruce_Froemming
- dbr:Centennial_Field
- dbr:Tim_Layana
- dbr:Tom_Browning
- dbr:Tony_La_Russa
- dbr:Walt_Weiss
- dbr:Walter_A._Haas_Jr.
- dbr:Willie_McGee
- dbr:Jerry_Crasnick
- dbr:List_of_Cincinnati_Reds_Opening_Day_starting_pitchers
- dbr:List_of_Cincinnati_Reds_first-round_draft_picks
- dbr:List_of_Cincinnati_Reds_managers
- dbr:List_of_Cincinnati_Reds_seasons
- dbr:American_League_West
- dbr:1999_in_baseball
- dbr:Danny_Jackson
- dbr:Eric_Davis_(baseball)
- dbr:Baseball_broadcasting_firsts
- dbr:Norm_Charlton
- dbr:History_of_Major_League_Baseball_on_NBC
- dbr:History_of_the_Oakland_Athletics
- dbr:History_of_the_Seattle_Mariners
- dbr:List_of_Major_League_Baseball_100_win_seasons
- dbr:List_of_Major_League_Baseball_Game_of_the_Week_broadcasters
- dbr:List_of_Major_League_Baseball_franchise_postseason_droughts
- dbr:List_of_Major_League_Baseball_longest_winning_streaks
- dbr:List_of_Major_League_Baseball_postseason_series
- dbr:List_of_Major_League_Baseball_postseason_teams
- dbr:List_of_Major_League_Baseball_seasons
- dbr:List_of_Oakland_Athletics_seasons
- dbr:List_of_TV_Guide_covers_(1990s)
- dbr:University_of_Michigan_Athletic_Hall_of_Honor
- dbr:1999_Major_League_Baseball_season
- dbr:2015_Major_League_Baseball_season
- dbr:Harold_Baines
- dbr:Herm_Winningham
- dbr:Herschel_Greer_Stadium
- dbr:Jack_Armstrong_(baseball)
- dbr:Jack_Buck
- dbr:Jeffrey_Osborne
- dbr:Tampa_Bay_Rays
- dbr:Ted_Hendry
- dbr:Terry_Lee_(baseball)
- dbr:Thank_You_for_Being_a_Friend
- dbr:1990_in_baseball
- dbr:Jerry_Blevins
- dbr:Jesuit_High_School_(Tampa)
- dbr:Jim_Kaat
- dbr:Jim_Quick
- dbr:Joe_Oliver_(baseball)
- dbr:KPIX-TV
- dbr:Larry_Barnett
- dbr:Marge_Schott
- dbr:Mariano_Duncan
- dbr:Marty_Brennaman
- dbr:Sparky_Anderson
- dbr:Mike_Royko
- dbr:Nasty_Boys_(Cincinnati_Reds)
- dbr:National_League_West
- dbr:Oakland_Athletics
- dbr:Oakland_Coliseum
- dbr:Randy_Marsh
- dbr:Randy_Myers
- dbr:Seattle_Mariners
- dbr:World_Series_television_ratings
- dbr:Yavapai_College
- dbr:World_Series
- dbr:Ex-Cubs_Factor
- dbr:Tampa_Tarpons_(1957–1988)
- dbr:Women_in_baseball
- dbr:Sports_in_Cincinnati
- dbr:1990_WS
is dbp:rd of
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