2007 Algerian legislative election (original) (raw)
- الانتخابات البرلمانية في عام 2007 في الجزائر الانتخابات البرلمانية التي جرت في 17 مايو 2007 لانتخاب 389 عضوا في المجلس الشعبي الوطني الجزائر. (ar)
- Legislative elections were held in Algeria on 17 May 2007. 24 political parties and around 100 independent lists with a total of more than 12,000 candidates competed for the 389 seats in the National People's Assembly. While most Algerians voted on May 17, immigrants from Algeria to other countries (especially France) and Algerians living in the Sahara (i.e. Southern Algeria) and other nomads and semi-nomads voted on May 16 due to the distance from Algiers, the country's capital. At 35% of the 18.7 million voters, the turnout was the lowest in Algerian history. Several political organisations, notably the Socialist Forces Front, the ex-communist Democratic and Social Movement, leading members of the former Islamic Salvation Front (Abbassi Madani and Ali Belhadj), the main faction of the split Islamist Islah Party, and the newly formed organisation Rachad, had called on their supporters to boycott these elections. These political groups claimed that the elections were consistently rigged by the government, and that participation merely lent a fundamentally corrupt process undeserved legitimacy. The only notable remaining armed group in Algeria, the Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb, issued a video calling participation in the elections "a great sin", adding its voice to the boycott calls. Tight security measures were implemented to protect the elections; however, two bombs exploded in Constantine the day before the election, killing a police officer and wounding five others. , the head of the national commission of legislative election control, initially reported that ballot boxes in some areas were being stuffed with FLN ballots, that observers were being prevented from attending, and that some areas refused to open ballot boxes before voting began to allow observers to see whether they were empty or not. He then retracted his statement and apologised. About 15% of ballots were spoiled. The Constitutional Council confirmed the results of the election, with slight changes to the voter turn-out rate and number of seats won by some parties, on May 21. It rejected appeals regarding the election on May 30. (en)
- Bei der Parlamentswahl in Algerien 2007, die am 17. Mai stattfand, bewarben sich über 20 Parteien und etwa 100 unabhängige Listen mit insgesamt über 12.000 Kandidaten um die 389 Sitze im Unterhaus des Parlaments (Assemblée populaire nationale). Fast 19 Millionen Wahlberechtigte waren aufgerufen, in den über 42.000 Wahlbüros ihre Stimme abzugeben. Die Wahl wurde von Bombenanschlägen im Vorfeld überschattet und fand unter strengen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen statt. Die Islamische Heilsfront war nicht zur Wahl zugelassen; islamistische Gruppierungen wie die nordafrikanische al-Qaida-Zelle riefen zum Wahlboykott auf, die wichtigste Partei in den Berbergebieten im Nordosten Algeriens (Front Sozialistischer Kräfte) boykottierte die Wahl ebenfalls. Deshalb und wegen des allgemein geringen Vertrauens der Bevölkerung in die Politik prognostizierten Beobachter eine niedrige Beteiligung. Die Wahl selbst verlief friedlich. Auslandsalgerier gaben am Vortag ihre Stimmen ab, auch Nomaden in abgelegenen Regionen konnten schon früher in mobilen Wahlbüros wählen. Insgesamt gaben 6.662.383 Wähler ihre Stimme ab, was einer Beteiligung von 35,51 % entspricht. Wie von Beobachtern erwartet ging das von der Nationalen Befreiungsfront (FLN) geführte „Präsidenten-Bündnis“, das den Präsidenten Abd al-Aziz Bouteflika unterstützt, mit 249 Sitzen als klarer Sieger aus der Wahl hervor; zum Präsidentenbündnis zählten auch die Nationale Demokratische Sammlung und die islamische Gesellschaftsbewegung für den Frieden (Hamas). (de)
- Les élections législatives de 2007 en Algérie sont des élections législatives qui ont lieu le 17 mai 2007 pour élire les 389 députés de l'Assemblée populaire nationale. (fr)
- Le elezioni parlamentari in Algeria del 2007 si tennero il 17 maggio per il rinnovo dell'Assemblea popolare nazionale. (it)
- Wybory parlamentarne w Algierii w 2007 roku odbyły się 17 maja. Kandydaci walczyli o 389 miejsc w . Przy frekwencji wynoszącej 35% zwyciężył Front Wyzwolenia Narodowego z wynikiem 22,98% zdobywając tym samym 136 mandatów. Drugą pozycję zajęło , które uzyskało 10,33% - 61 mandatów. Pozostałe miejsca w parlamencie przypadły aż 20 innym ugrupowaniom oraz trzydziestu trzem kandydatom niezależnym. (pl)
- As eleições legislativas de 2007 na Argélia ocorrem no dia 17 de Maio de 2007. Nestas eleições serão escolhidos os 389 membros da Assembleia Popular Nacional (APN), pelas 48 províncias do país. Concorrem a estas eleições 12.229 candidatos, divididos em 1.144 listas eleitorais que representam 24 formações políticas. (pt)
- 2007-05-17 (xsd:date)
- 2007 Algerian legislative election (en)
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- dbr:Republican_Patriotic_Rally
- dbr:Party_of_Algerian_Renewal
- dbr:Democratic_and_Social_Movement_(Algeria)
- dbr:Algerian_Rally
- dbr:People's_National_Assembly
- dbr:Constantine,_Algeria
- dbr:Sahara
- dbr:National_Democratic_Front_(Algeria)
- dbr:National_Movement_for_Nature_and_Development
- dbr:National_Movement_of_Hope
- dbr:National_Rally_for_Democracy_(Algeria)
- dbr:Nomad
- dbr:El-Infitah_Movement
- dbr:Movement_for_National_Reform
- dbr:Movement_of_Society_for_Peace
- dbc:Election_and_referendum_articles_with_incomplete_results
- dbc:Elections_in_Algeria
- dbr:Abdelaziz_Belkhadem
- dbc:2007_elections_in_Africa
- dbc:2007_in_Algeria
- dbr:Ahd_54
- dbr:Ahmed_Ouyahia
- dbr:Algeria
- dbr:Algerian_National_Front
- dbr:Algiers
- dbr:France
- dbr:Progressive_Republican_Party_(Algeria)
- dbr:Islamic_Renaissance_Movement
- dbr:Islamic_Salvation_Front
- dbr:Rachad
- dbr:Abbassi_Madani
- dbr:Socialist_Forces_Front
- dbr:Socialist_Workers_Party_(Algeria)
- dbr:National_Liberation_Front_(Algeria)
- dbr:National_Republican_Alliance
- dbr:Rally_for_Culture_and_Democracy
- dbr:Workers'_Party_(Algeria)
- dbr:Ali_Belhadj
- dbr:National_Front_of_Independents_for_Understanding
- dbr:National_Party_for_Solidarity_and_Development
- dbr:Movement_for_Youth_and_Democracy
- dbr:Movement_of_National_Understanding
- dbr:Al-Qaeda_Organization_in_the_Islamic_Maghreb
- dbr:File:Ahmed_Ouyahia.jpg
- dbr:File:Abdelaziz_Belkhadem.jpg
- dbr:Said_Bouchair
- National Liberation Front (en)
- National Liberation Front (en)
- Algeria (en)
- 2007-05-17 (xsd:date)
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- 2012 (xsd:integer)
- 2012 (xsd:integer)
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- dbr:Party_of_Algerian_Renewal
- dbr:Democratic_and_Social_Movement_(Algeria)
- dbr:Algerian_Rally
- dbr:National_Democratic_Front_(Algeria)
- dbr:National_Movement_for_Nature_and_Development
- dbr:National_Movement_of_Hope
- dbr:National_Rally_for_Democracy_(Algeria)
- dbr:El-Infitah_Movement
- dbr:Movement_for_National_Reform
- dbr:Movement_of_Society_for_Peace
- dbr:Ahd_54
- dbr:Algerian_National_Front
- dbr:Progressive_Republican_Party_(Algeria)
- dbr:Islamic_Renaissance_Movement
- dbr:Socialist_Workers_Party_(Algeria)
- dbr:National_Liberation_Front_(Algeria)
- dbr:National_Republican_Alliance
- dbr:Rally_for_Culture_and_Democracy
- dbr:Workers'_Party_(Algeria)
- dbr:National_Front_of_Independents_for_Understanding
- dbr:National_Party_for_Solidarity_and_Development
- dbr:Movement_for_Youth_and_Democracy
- dbr:Movement_of_National_Understanding
- National Liberation Front (en)
- National Rally for Democracy (en)
- Independent lists and candidates (en)
- 10.33
- 22.98
- 591310 (xsd:integer)
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- 63 (xsd:integer)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 13 (xsd:integer)
- 19 (xsd:integer)
- 26 (xsd:integer)
- 33 (xsd:integer)
- 52 (xsd:integer)
- 61 (xsd:integer)
- 136 (xsd:integer)
- 195 (xsd:integer)
- All 389 seats to the People's National Assembly (en)
- 2.13
- 11.32
- Prime Minister (en)
- +73 (en)
- parliamentary (en)
- 42735 (xsd:integer)
- 51219 (xsd:integer)
- 78865 (xsd:integer)
- 81046 (xsd:integer)
- 84348 (xsd:integer)
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- 103328 (xsd:integer)
- 112321 (xsd:integer)
- 114767 (xsd:integer)
- 119353 (xsd:integer)
- 122501 (xsd:integer)
- 126444 (xsd:integer)
- 129300 (xsd:integer)
- 132268 (xsd:integer)
- 143936 (xsd:integer)
- 144880 (xsd:integer)
- 192490 (xsd:integer)
- 194067 (xsd:integer)
- 239563 (xsd:integer)
- 291312 (xsd:integer)
- 552104 (xsd:integer)
- 562986 (xsd:integer)
- 591310 (xsd:integer)
- 1315686 (xsd:integer)
- dbt:Politics_of_Algeria
- dbt:Decrease
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- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Party_color
- dbt:Algerian_elections
- dbc:Election_and_referendum_articles_with_incomplete_results
- dbc:Elections_in_Algeria
- dbc:2007_elections_in_Africa
- dbc:2007_in_Algeria
- owl:Thing
- schema:Event
- dul:Event
- dbo:SocietalEvent
- wikidata:Q1656682
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- dbo:Election
- dbo:Event
- الانتخابات البرلمانية في عام 2007 في الجزائر الانتخابات البرلمانية التي جرت في 17 مايو 2007 لانتخاب 389 عضوا في المجلس الشعبي الوطني الجزائر. (ar)
- Les élections législatives de 2007 en Algérie sont des élections législatives qui ont lieu le 17 mai 2007 pour élire les 389 députés de l'Assemblée populaire nationale. (fr)
- Le elezioni parlamentari in Algeria del 2007 si tennero il 17 maggio per il rinnovo dell'Assemblea popolare nazionale. (it)
- Wybory parlamentarne w Algierii w 2007 roku odbyły się 17 maja. Kandydaci walczyli o 389 miejsc w . Przy frekwencji wynoszącej 35% zwyciężył Front Wyzwolenia Narodowego z wynikiem 22,98% zdobywając tym samym 136 mandatów. Drugą pozycję zajęło , które uzyskało 10,33% - 61 mandatów. Pozostałe miejsca w parlamencie przypadły aż 20 innym ugrupowaniom oraz trzydziestu trzem kandydatom niezależnym. (pl)
- As eleições legislativas de 2007 na Argélia ocorrem no dia 17 de Maio de 2007. Nestas eleições serão escolhidos os 389 membros da Assembleia Popular Nacional (APN), pelas 48 províncias do país. Concorrem a estas eleições 12.229 candidatos, divididos em 1.144 listas eleitorais que representam 24 formações políticas. (pt)
- Legislative elections were held in Algeria on 17 May 2007. 24 political parties and around 100 independent lists with a total of more than 12,000 candidates competed for the 389 seats in the National People's Assembly. While most Algerians voted on May 17, immigrants from Algeria to other countries (especially France) and Algerians living in the Sahara (i.e. Southern Algeria) and other nomads and semi-nomads voted on May 16 due to the distance from Algiers, the country's capital. (en)
- Bei der Parlamentswahl in Algerien 2007, die am 17. Mai stattfand, bewarben sich über 20 Parteien und etwa 100 unabhängige Listen mit insgesamt über 12.000 Kandidaten um die 389 Sitze im Unterhaus des Parlaments (Assemblée populaire nationale). Fast 19 Millionen Wahlberechtigte waren aufgerufen, in den über 42.000 Wahlbüros ihre Stimme abzugeben. (de)
- الانتخابات التشريعية الجزائرية 2007 (ar)
- Parlamentswahl in Algerien 2007 (de)
- 2007 Algerian legislative election (en)
- Élections législatives algériennes de 2007 (fr)
- Elezioni parlamentari in Algeria del 2007 (it)
- Eleições parlamentares na Argélia em 2007 (pt)
- Wybory parlamentarne w Algierii w 2007 roku (pl)
- wikidata:2007 Algerian legislative election
- dbpedia-ar:2007 Algerian legislative election
- dbpedia-de:2007 Algerian legislative election
- dbpedia-fr:2007 Algerian legislative election
- dbpedia-it:2007 Algerian legislative election
- dbpedia-pl:2007 Algerian legislative election
- dbpedia-pt:2007 Algerian legislative election
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/VunY
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Abdelaziz_Belkhadem.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Ahmed_Ouyahia.jpg
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Algerian_legislative_election,_2007
- dbr:2007_Algerian_parliamentary_election
- dbr:Algerian_parliamentary_election,_2007
- dbr:Algerian_parliamentary_elections,_2007
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:List_of_elections_in_2007
- dbr:2010–2012_Algerian_protests
- dbr:List_of_heads_of_government_of_Algeria
- dbr:People's_National_Assembly
- dbr:Movement_of_Society_for_Peace
- dbr:2007_electoral_calendar
- dbr:International_Meeting_of_Communist_and_Workers'_Parties
- dbr:Socialist_Workers_Party_(Algeria)
- dbr:Algerian_legislative_election,_2007
- dbr:Workers'_Party_(Algeria)
- dbr:2007_Algerian_parliamentary_election
- dbr:Algerian_parliamentary_election,_2007
- dbr:Algerian_parliamentary_elections,_2007
is foaf:primaryTopic of