2010 AFF Championship (original) (raw)
- بطولة كأس آسيان لكرة القدم 2010، يطلق عليها رسمياً كأس آسيان سوزوكي 2010 نظراً للراعي الرسمي سوزوكي، سوف تجري مبارياتها من 1-29 ديسمبر 2010. وسوف تستضيف إندونيسيا وفيتنام في المرحلة الأولية من 1-7 ديسمبر لمجموعة الأولى و2-8 ديسمبر عن المجموعة الثانية. وتقام الدور نصف النهائي ذهاباً وإياباً على ان تقام مباريات الذهاب في 15 و 16 ديسمبر 2010 ، ومباريات الإياب في 18 و 19 ديسمبر 2010. المباراة النهائية سوف تلعب مبارتين، ذهاب وإياب في 26 ديسمبر 2010 و 29 ديسمبر 2010. (ar)
- The 2010 AFF Championship, sponsored by Suzuki and P&G and officially known as the 2010 AFF Suzuki Cup, was the 8th edition of the AFF Championship, took place on 1–29 December 2010. Indonesia and Vietnam hosted the group stage from 1 to 8 December. Two-legged home-and-away semi-finals and finals were held between 15 and 29 December 2010. Indonesia appeared in their fourth final while the Philippines qualified for the semi-finals for the first time under the management of Simon McMenemy. Malaysia subsequently won their first ever title since they first appeared in the final in the inaugural edition, beating Indonesia 4–2 on aggregate in the finals. Malaysia became the first nation to win the AFF Cup (including tournaments held under earlier formats), despite losing two games in the tournament (both to Indonesia). (en)
- Die achte Auflage der ASEAN-Fußballmeisterschaft fand vom 1. bis zum 28. Dezember 2010 statt. Seit 2008 lautet der offizielle Name der Veranstaltung AFF Suzuki Cup. Die Gruppenspiele fanden in Vietnam und Indonesien statt, wobei die Halbfinalspiele sowie das Finale in Hin- und Rückspielen ausgetragen wurden. Teilnahmeberechtigt waren alle südostasiatischen Fußballnationalmannschaften. Kleinere Nationen wie Laos oder Kambodscha mussten sich zunächst über eine Qualifikationsrunde das Startrecht für die Endrunde erspielen. Die Auslosung zur Endrunde sowie zur Qualifikationsrunde fand am 15. September in Hanoi statt. Südostasienmeister wurde Malaysia. (de)
- El Campeonato de fútbol de la ASEAN, patrocinado por Suzuki y oficialmente conocido como Copa Suzuki AFF 2010, fue la octava edición del torneo para selecciones pertenecientes a la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático, ASEAN. Fue co-organizado por los países de Indonesia y Vietnam, y se llevó a cabo entre el 1 y el 29 de diciembre de 2010. (es)
- L'AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 est une compétition internationale de football, la 8e édition du Championnat de l'ASEAN de football, championnat regroupant les équipes nationales de l'ASEAN (Association des Nations de l'Asie du Sud-Est), inauguré en 1996. Autrefois appelée Tiger Cup (Coupe du Tigre) lors des premières éditions, la Coupe a changé de nom depuis 2008 car elle est désormais sponsorisée par l'entreprise japonaise Suzuki. Elle s'est déroulée du 1er au 29 décembre 2010 en Indonésie et au Viet-Nam pour la phase finale. (fr)
- Kejuaraan AFF 2010 (untuk alasan sponsor disebut sebagai Piala Suzuki AFF 2010) adalah edisi kedelapan turnamen sepak bola Kejuaraan AFF. Babak grup putaran final turnamen ini diselenggarakan di dua negara, yakni Indonesia dan Vietnam, pada tanggal 1 hingga 8 Desember 2010, sementara pertandingan semifinal dan final diselenggarakan pada 15 hingga 29 Desember 2010 dengan sistem kandang-tandang. Enam tim anggota Federasi Sepak Bola Perbara langsung lolos ke putaran final turnamen ini, sementara dua tim lolos setelah melalui babak kualifikasi yang diselenggarakan di Laos pada Oktober 2010. Suzuki kembali menjadi sponsor titel turnamen ini. Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya menjuarai turnamen ini setelah mengalahkan Malaysia pada pertandingan final. Filipina dan Vietnam kalah atas lawannya masing-masing pada pertandingan semifinal. Kapten Indonesia, Firman Utina menjadi pemain terbaik sepanjang turnamen, sementara pemain Malaysia, Mohd Safee Mohd Sali menjadi pemain yang mencetak gol terbanyak sepanjang turnamen dengan 5 gol. (in)
- 2010 AFFスズキカップは、第8回目の東南アジアサッカー選手権である。インドネシア、ベトナムで開催された。 (ja)
- 2010년 동남아시아 축구 연맹 선수권 대회(영어: 2010 AFF Championship, 인도네시아어: 2010 Kejuaraan Sepak Bola ASEAN, 베트남어: 2010 Giải vô địch bóng đá Đông Nam Á) 또는 2010년 AFF 스즈키컵(2010 AFF Suzuki Cup)은 2010년 12월 1일부터 12월 29일까지 인도네시아와 베트남에서 개최된 8번째 아세안 축구 선수권 대회이다. (ko)
- De AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 was de achtste editie van het Zuidoost-Aziatisch kampioenschap voetbal. De groepswedstrijden werden in van 1 tot en met 8 december in Indonesië en Vietnam gespeeld. De halve finale (15-19 december) en de finale (26 en 29 december) wordt over twee wedstrijden gespeeld met thuis- en uitwedstrijden in het eigen land. (nl)
- L'AFF Cup 2010, nota come AFF Suzuki Cup per motivi di sponsorizzazione, fu l'ottava edizione dell'AFF Cup, seconda edizione con la sponsorizzazione di Suzuki. La fase a gironi fu ospitata dal Vietnam e dall'Indonesia e vi presero parte le nazionali del Sud-est asiatico qualificate. (it)
- AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 jest to 8 edycja tego turnieju, który wcześniej rozgrywany był pod nazwami Puchar Tygrysa oraz ASEAN Football Championship. Rozgrywany był w dniach 1 - 29 grudnia 2010. Uczestniczyło w nim 8 azjatyckich reprezentacji. (pl)
- Sydostasiatiska mästerskapet i fotboll 2010 var det 8:e Sydostasiatiska mästerskapet. Mästerskapet spelades i Indonesien och Vietnam. Turneringen vanns av Malaysia som tog sin första mästerskapstitel då man i finalen besegrade värdnationen Indonesien. (sv)
- AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 года — 8-й розыгрыш чемпионата АСЕАН по футболу. Финальный турнир проходил 1 — 29 декабря 2010 года в Индонезии и Вьетнаме. Действующим чемпионом был Вьетнам. (ru)
- 2010年東南亞足球錦標賽(又名鈴木盃)為東南亞足球協會舉辦的第 8 屆賽事。鈴木汽車為本屆賽事的贊助商。賽事之分組賽於2010年12月1日至12月8日在印度尼西亚及越南舉行;而準決賽及決賽分別於2010年12月15日至12月29日以主客兩回合制形式進行。 (zh)
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- http://www.aseanfootball.org/
- http://www.affsuzukicup.com/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101204114430/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_733548/Thailand_2_Laos_2
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101204114458/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_733550/Indonesia_5_Malaysia_1
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101204121657/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/CustomContentRetrieve.aspx%3FID=734073
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101204121717/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/CustomContentRetrieve.aspx%3FID=734075
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101206083119/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_735207/Thailand_0_Malaysia_0
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101206083249/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_735208/Laos_0_Indonesia_6
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101207052530/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/CustomContentRetrieve.aspx%3FID=735734
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101210150353/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_739695/Malaysia_5_Laos_1_-_Five-goal_Malaysians_book_semi_spot
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101210163951/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_740266/Vietnam_1_Singapore_0_-_Vietnam_bounce_back_to_seal_semi_spot
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101218192355/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_743009/Malaysia_2_Vietnam_0_-__Safee_strikes_twice_to_give_Malaysia_two-goal_cushion
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101218230526/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_740267/Myanmar_0_Philippines_1_-_Filipinos_through_to_last_four
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101219114321/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_747864/Philippines_0_Indonesia_1_-_Gonzales_puts_Indonesia_on_top
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101220030709/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_749381/Malaysians_hold_on_to_reach_final
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101221113117/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_749660/Indonesia_1_Philippines_0_-_Gonzales_fires_Indonesia_into_final
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101230011406/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_754563/Malaysia_3_Indonesia_0_-_Malaysian_blitz_buries_Indonesia
- https://web.archive.org/web/20110101125156/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_764280/Indonesia_2_Malaysia_1_-_Malaysia_claim_first_title
- https://web.archive.org/web/20120303212924/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_735722/Singapore_2_Myanmar_1_-_Duric,_Casmir_rescue_Singapore
- https://web.archive.org/web/20120303213002/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_739698/Indonesia_2_Thailand_1_-_Bambang_double_ends_Thai_hopes
- https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv=v6GMwy44jUE
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- dbr:Cambodia_national_football_team
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- dbr:2008_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2012_AFF_Championship
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- dbr:Peter_Green_(referee)
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- dbr:Vietnam
- dbr:Vietnam_Football_Federation
- dbr:Vietnam_Television
- dbr:Voice_of_Vietnam
- dbr:Cristian_Gonzáles
- dbr:Masaaki_Toma
- dbr:Masoud_Moradi
- dbr:Media_Nusantara_Citra
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- dbr:Safee_Sali
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- dbc:AFF_Championship
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- dbr:Gelora_Sriwijaya_Stadium
- dbr:Miracle_of_Hanoi
- dbr:Mohammad_Nasuha
- dbr:Mohd_Amri_Yahyah
- dbr:Muhammad_Ridwan
- dbr:Myanmar_Football_Federation
- dbr:Myanmar_Radio_and_Television
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- dbr:Nam_Định
- dbr:Thiên_Trường_Stadium
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- dbr:Mahali_Jasuli
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- dbr:1998_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2000_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2002_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2004_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2007_AFF_Championship
- dbc:International_association_football_competitions_hosted_by_Vietnam
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- dbr:Bahrain_Football_Association
- dbr:Bambang_Pamungkas
- dbr:Bandung
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- dbr:Bukit_Jalil_National_Stadium
- dbr:Bùi_Tấn_Trường
- dbr:CNA938
- dbr:Võ_Minh_Trí
- dbr:Win_Cho
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- dbr:Lao_National_Radio
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- dbc:2010_in_AFF_football
- dbc:2010_in_Burmese_football
- dbc:2010_in_Laotian_football
- dbc:2010_in_Malaysian_football
- dbc:2010_in_Philippine_football
- dbc:2010_in_Singaporean_football
- dbc:2010_in_Thai_football
- dbc:2010_in_Vietnamese_football
- dbc:2010–11_in_Indonesian_football
- dbr:Agu_Casmir
- dbr:Aleksandar_Đurić
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- dbr:Football_Association_of_Singapore
- dbr:Football_Association_of_Thailand
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- dbr:Football_Federation_Islamic_Republic_of_Iran
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- dbr:Lamnao_Singto
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- dbr:Sun_Baojie
- dbr:Suree_Sukha
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- dbr:Radio_Televisyen_Brunei
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- dbr:Ashaari_Shamsuddin
- dbr:Norshahrul_Idlan_Talaha
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- dbr:Mohd_Ashaari_Shamsuddin
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- 40000 (xsd:integer)
- 45000 (xsd:integer)
- 62000 (xsd:integer)
- 65000 (xsd:integer)
- 70000 (xsd:integer)
- 88000 (xsd:integer)
- 98543 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
- Location of stadiums of the 2010 AFF Championship. (en)
- Malaysia (en)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- Indonesia (en)
- Vietnam (en)
- (en)
- 2010-12-01 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-02 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-04 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-05 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-07 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-08 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-15 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-16 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-18 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-19 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-26 (xsd:date)
- 2010-12-29 (xsd:date)
- 0001-12-29 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- center (en)
- 51 (xsd:integer)
- Casmir (en)
- Arif (en)
- Đurić (en)
- Irfan (en)
- Aung Kyaw Moe (en)
- Bambang (en)
- Nguyễn Minh Phương (en)
- Sarayuth (en)
- Amri (en)
- Firman (en)
- Lamnao (en)
- Gonzáles (en)
- Nasuha (en)
- Ridwan (en)
- C. Greatwich (en)
- P. Younghusband (en)
- Khin Maung Lwin (en)
- Konekham (en)
- Nguyễn Anh Đức (en)
- Nguyễn Trọng Hoàng (en)
- Nguyễn Vũ Phong (en)
- Safee (en)
- Ashaari (en)
- Okto (en)
- Norshahrul (en)
- Suree (en)
- Amirul (en)
- Asraruddin (en)
- Kanlaya (en)
- Lê Tấn Tài (en)
- Mahali (en)
- 18 (xsd:integer)
- 2012 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- Giải vô địch bóng đá Đông Nam Á 2010 (en)
- Kejuaraan Sepak Bola ASEAN 2010 (en)
- Southeast Asia plus Timor Leste location map.svg (en)
- Firman Utina (en)
- 2008 (xsd:integer)
- Final (en)
- Semi-finals (en)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
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- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- A1 (en)
- A2 (en)
- Peter Green (en)
- Sun Baojie (en)
- Jimmy Napitupulu (en)
- Masoud Moradi (en)
- Võ Minh Trí (en)
- Win Cho (en)
- Masaaki Toma (en)
- Chaiya Mahapab (en)
- Pratap Singh (en)
- Ryuji Sato (en)
- Ali Abdulnabi (en)
- Daud Abbas (en)
- Kim Sang-Woo (en)
- Tao Rancheng (en)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101204114430/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_733548/Thailand_2_Laos_2
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- https://web.archive.org/web/20101210150353/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_739695/Malaysia_5_Laos_1_-_Five-goal_Malaysians_book_semi_spot
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101210163951/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_740266/Vietnam_1_Singapore_0_-_Vietnam_bounce_back_to_seal_semi_spot
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101218192355/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_743009/Malaysia_2_Vietnam_0_-__Safee_strikes_twice_to_give_Malaysia_two-goal_cushion
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101218230526/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_740267/Myanmar_0_Philippines_1_-_Filipinos_through_to_last_four
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101219114321/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_747864/Philippines_0_Indonesia_1_-_Gonzales_puts_Indonesia_on_top
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101220030709/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_749381/Malaysians_hold_on_to_reach_final
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101221113117/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_749660/Indonesia_1_Philippines_0_-_Gonzales_fires_Indonesia_into_final
- https://web.archive.org/web/20101230011406/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_754563/Malaysia_3_Indonesia_0_-_Malaysian_blitz_buries_Indonesia
- https://web.archive.org/web/20110101125156/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_764280/Indonesia_2_Malaysia_1_-_Malaysia_claim_first_title
- https://web.archive.org/web/20120303212924/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_735722/Singapore_2_Myanmar_1_-_Duric,_Casmir_rescue_Singapore
- https://web.archive.org/web/20120303213002/http:/www.affsuzukicup.com/_webapp_739698/Indonesia_2_Thailand_1_-_Bambang_double_ends_Thai_hopes
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- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
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- dbr:Gelora_Bung_Karno_Stadium
- dbr:Gelora_Sriwijaya_Stadium
- dbr:Mỹ_Đình_National_Stadium
- dbr:Nam_Định
- dbr:Thiên_Trường_Stadium
- dbr:Bukit_Jalil_National_Stadium
- dbr:Palembang
- dbr:Hanoi
- dbr:Jakarta
- dbr:Kuala_Lumpur
- Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta † (en)
- 19 (xsd:integer)
- 20 (xsd:integer)
- 1020.0
- 1170.0
- (en)
- Safee Sali (en)
- AFF Championship (en)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
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- dbt:See_also
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- dbt:Winners
- dbt:Fbicon
- dbt:Fb-rt
- dbt:Goal
- dbt:2010_in_Asian_football_(AFC)
- dbt:AFF_Championship
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- dbc:International_association_football_competitions_hosted_by_Vietnam
- dbc:2010_AFF_Championship
- dbc:2010_in_AFF_football
- dbc:2010_in_Burmese_football
- dbc:2010_in_Laotian_football
- dbc:2010_in_Malaysian_football
- dbc:2010_in_Philippine_football
- dbc:2010_in_Singaporean_football
- dbc:2010_in_Thai_football
- dbc:2010_in_Vietnamese_football
- dbc:2010–11_in_Indonesian_football
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- yago:WikicatInternationalFootball(soccer)CompetitionsHostedByVietnam
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- yago:WikicatFootballCompetitionsInIndonesia
- yago:WikicatFootballCompetitionsInVietnam
- بطولة كأس آسيان لكرة القدم 2010، يطلق عليها رسمياً كأس آسيان سوزوكي 2010 نظراً للراعي الرسمي سوزوكي، سوف تجري مبارياتها من 1-29 ديسمبر 2010. وسوف تستضيف إندونيسيا وفيتنام في المرحلة الأولية من 1-7 ديسمبر لمجموعة الأولى و2-8 ديسمبر عن المجموعة الثانية. وتقام الدور نصف النهائي ذهاباً وإياباً على ان تقام مباريات الذهاب في 15 و 16 ديسمبر 2010 ، ومباريات الإياب في 18 و 19 ديسمبر 2010. المباراة النهائية سوف تلعب مبارتين، ذهاب وإياب في 26 ديسمبر 2010 و 29 ديسمبر 2010. (ar)
- Die achte Auflage der ASEAN-Fußballmeisterschaft fand vom 1. bis zum 28. Dezember 2010 statt. Seit 2008 lautet der offizielle Name der Veranstaltung AFF Suzuki Cup. Die Gruppenspiele fanden in Vietnam und Indonesien statt, wobei die Halbfinalspiele sowie das Finale in Hin- und Rückspielen ausgetragen wurden. Teilnahmeberechtigt waren alle südostasiatischen Fußballnationalmannschaften. Kleinere Nationen wie Laos oder Kambodscha mussten sich zunächst über eine Qualifikationsrunde das Startrecht für die Endrunde erspielen. Die Auslosung zur Endrunde sowie zur Qualifikationsrunde fand am 15. September in Hanoi statt. Südostasienmeister wurde Malaysia. (de)
- El Campeonato de fútbol de la ASEAN, patrocinado por Suzuki y oficialmente conocido como Copa Suzuki AFF 2010, fue la octava edición del torneo para selecciones pertenecientes a la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático, ASEAN. Fue co-organizado por los países de Indonesia y Vietnam, y se llevó a cabo entre el 1 y el 29 de diciembre de 2010. (es)
- L'AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 est une compétition internationale de football, la 8e édition du Championnat de l'ASEAN de football, championnat regroupant les équipes nationales de l'ASEAN (Association des Nations de l'Asie du Sud-Est), inauguré en 1996. Autrefois appelée Tiger Cup (Coupe du Tigre) lors des premières éditions, la Coupe a changé de nom depuis 2008 car elle est désormais sponsorisée par l'entreprise japonaise Suzuki. Elle s'est déroulée du 1er au 29 décembre 2010 en Indonésie et au Viet-Nam pour la phase finale. (fr)
- 2010 AFFスズキカップは、第8回目の東南アジアサッカー選手権である。インドネシア、ベトナムで開催された。 (ja)
- 2010년 동남아시아 축구 연맹 선수권 대회(영어: 2010 AFF Championship, 인도네시아어: 2010 Kejuaraan Sepak Bola ASEAN, 베트남어: 2010 Giải vô địch bóng đá Đông Nam Á) 또는 2010년 AFF 스즈키컵(2010 AFF Suzuki Cup)은 2010년 12월 1일부터 12월 29일까지 인도네시아와 베트남에서 개최된 8번째 아세안 축구 선수권 대회이다. (ko)
- De AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 was de achtste editie van het Zuidoost-Aziatisch kampioenschap voetbal. De groepswedstrijden werden in van 1 tot en met 8 december in Indonesië en Vietnam gespeeld. De halve finale (15-19 december) en de finale (26 en 29 december) wordt over twee wedstrijden gespeeld met thuis- en uitwedstrijden in het eigen land. (nl)
- L'AFF Cup 2010, nota come AFF Suzuki Cup per motivi di sponsorizzazione, fu l'ottava edizione dell'AFF Cup, seconda edizione con la sponsorizzazione di Suzuki. La fase a gironi fu ospitata dal Vietnam e dall'Indonesia e vi presero parte le nazionali del Sud-est asiatico qualificate. (it)
- AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 jest to 8 edycja tego turnieju, który wcześniej rozgrywany był pod nazwami Puchar Tygrysa oraz ASEAN Football Championship. Rozgrywany był w dniach 1 - 29 grudnia 2010. Uczestniczyło w nim 8 azjatyckich reprezentacji. (pl)
- Sydostasiatiska mästerskapet i fotboll 2010 var det 8:e Sydostasiatiska mästerskapet. Mästerskapet spelades i Indonesien och Vietnam. Turneringen vanns av Malaysia som tog sin första mästerskapstitel då man i finalen besegrade värdnationen Indonesien. (sv)
- AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 года — 8-й розыгрыш чемпионата АСЕАН по футболу. Финальный турнир проходил 1 — 29 декабря 2010 года в Индонезии и Вьетнаме. Действующим чемпионом был Вьетнам. (ru)
- 2010年東南亞足球錦標賽(又名鈴木盃)為東南亞足球協會舉辦的第 8 屆賽事。鈴木汽車為本屆賽事的贊助商。賽事之分組賽於2010年12月1日至12月8日在印度尼西亚及越南舉行;而準決賽及決賽分別於2010年12月15日至12月29日以主客兩回合制形式進行。 (zh)
- The 2010 AFF Championship, sponsored by Suzuki and P&G and officially known as the 2010 AFF Suzuki Cup, was the 8th edition of the AFF Championship, took place on 1–29 December 2010. Indonesia and Vietnam hosted the group stage from 1 to 8 December. Two-legged home-and-away semi-finals and finals were held between 15 and 29 December 2010. (en)
- Kejuaraan AFF 2010 (untuk alasan sponsor disebut sebagai Piala Suzuki AFF 2010) adalah edisi kedelapan turnamen sepak bola Kejuaraan AFF. Babak grup putaran final turnamen ini diselenggarakan di dua negara, yakni Indonesia dan Vietnam, pada tanggal 1 hingga 8 Desember 2010, sementara pertandingan semifinal dan final diselenggarakan pada 15 hingga 29 Desember 2010 dengan sistem kandang-tandang. Enam tim anggota Federasi Sepak Bola Perbara langsung lolos ke putaran final turnamen ini, sementara dua tim lolos setelah melalui babak kualifikasi yang diselenggarakan di Laos pada Oktober 2010. Suzuki kembali menjadi sponsor titel turnamen ini. (in)
- 2010 AFF Championship (en)
- بطولة آسيان سوزوكي لكرة القدم 2010 (ar)
- Fußball-Südostasienmeisterschaft 2010 (de)
- Copa Suzuki AFF 2010 (es)
- AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 (fr)
- Kejuaraan AFF 2010 (in)
- AFF Cup 2010 (it)
- 2010년 동남아시아 축구 연맹 선수권 대회 (ko)
- 2010 AFFスズキカップ (ja)
- Zuidoost-Aziatisch kampioenschap voetbal 2010 (nl)
- AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 (pl)
- Чемпионат АСЕАН по футболу 2010 (ru)
- Sydostasiatiska mästerskapet i fotboll 2010 (sv)
- 2010年東南亞足球錦標賽 (zh)
- freebase:2010 AFF Championship
- yago-res:2010 AFF Championship
- wikidata:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-ar:2010 AFF Championship
- http://arz.dbpedia.org/resource/بطولة_آسيان_سوزوكى_لكورة_القدم_2010
- dbpedia-de:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-es:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-fr:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-id:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-it:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-ja:2010 AFF Championship
- http://jv.dbpedia.org/resource/Piala_Suzuki_AFF_2010
- dbpedia-ko:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-ms:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-nl:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-pl:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-ru:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-sv:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-th:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-vi:2010 AFF Championship
- dbpedia-zh:2010 AFF Championship
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- AFF Championship (en)
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup
- dbr:2010_AFF_ASEAN_Championship
- dbr:2010_AFF_ASEAN_Football_Championship
- dbr:2010_AFF_Football_Championship
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_Final
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_Finals
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_Group_A
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_Group_B
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_knockout_stage
- dbr:2010_ASEAN_Football_Championship
- dbr:2010_Suzuki_Cup
- dbr:AFF_Suzuki_Cup_2010
- dbr:Semi-finals_of_the_Suzuki_Cup
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cambodia_national_football_team
- dbr:Roel_Gener
- dbr:2008_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2010_in_Malaysian_football
- dbr:2011_Panasonic_Gobel_Awards
- dbr:2012_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2012_AFF_Championship_qualification
- dbr:Beny_Wahyudi
- dbr:List_of_international_goals_scored_by_Phil_Younghusband
- dbr:Vietnam_national_football_team
- dbr:Vietnam_v_United_Arab_Emirates_(2007_AFC_Asian_Cup)
- dbr:Index_of_Singapore-related_articles
- dbr:Indonesia_national_football_team_records_and_statistics
- dbr:Indonesia–Malaysia_football_rivalry
- dbr:Cristian_Gonzáles
- dbr:S._Kunanlan
- dbr:Safee_Sali
- dbr:Safiq_Rahim
- dbr:Gelora_Bung_Karno_Stadium
- dbr:Miracle_of_Hanoi
- dbr:Mohd_Amri_Yahyah
- dbr:Muhammad_Roby
- dbr:Myanmar_national_football_team
- dbr:Myanmar_national_football_team_results_(2010–2019)
- dbr:Mỹ_Đình_National_Stadium
- dbr:Names_for_association_football
- dbr:2018_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2018_AFF_Championship_Final
- dbr:2018_AFF_Championship_Group_A
- dbr:2018_AFF_Championship_Group_B
- dbr:2020_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2020_AFF_Championship_Final
- dbr:2020_AFF_Championship_Group_A
- dbr:2020_AFF_Championship_Group_B
- dbr:Lê_Tấn_Tài
- dbr:Mahalli_Jasuli
- dbr:Malaysia_national_football_team
- dbr:Malaysia_national_under-23_football_team
- dbr:Maman_Abdurrahman
- dbr:Singapore_national_football_team
- dbr:Singapore_national_football_team_results_(2000–2019)
- dbr:Zulkifli_Syukur
- dbr:Malaysia_national_football_team_honours
- dbr:Malaysia_national_football_team_results
- dbr:Bambang_Pamungkas
- dbr:Bukit_Jalil_National_Stadium
- dbr:Bùi_Tấn_Trường
- dbr:Tony_Sucipto
- dbr:Laos_national_football_team_results
- dbr:2014_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2016_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2016_AFF_Championship_Final
- dbr:2016_AFF_Championship_Group_A
- dbr:2016_AFF_Championship_Group_B
- dbr:2022_AFF_Championship
- dbr:2022_AFF_Championship_Group_A
- dbr:2022_AFF_Championship_Group_B
- dbr:AFF_Championship
- dbr:Afiq_Yunos
- dbr:Ahmad_Bustomi
- dbr:Aleksandar_Đurić
- dbr:Alfred_Riedl
- dbr:Dan_Palami
- dbr:Firman_Utina
- dbr:Football_Association_of_Indonesia
- dbr:Football_in_Vietnam
- dbr:Noh_Alam_Shah
- dbr:Norshahrul_Idlan
- dbr:PFF_National_Men's_Club_Championship
- dbr:Football_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup
- dbr:Hamka_Hamzah
- dbr:Irfan_Bachdim
- dbr:Izwan_Mahbud
- dbr:Tan_Cheng_Hoe
- dbr:Thailand_national_football_team
- dbr:Thailand_national_football_team_results_(2010–2019)
- dbr:Arif_Suyono
- dbr:K._Rajagopal_(footballer)
- dbr:Lamnao_Singto
- dbr:Suree_Sukha
- dbr:Markus_Haris_Maulana
- dbr:Phil_Younghusband
- dbr:Philippines_Football_League
- dbr:Philippines_national_football_team
- dbr:Philippines_national_football_team_results_(2010–2019)
- dbr:Sports_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:Indonesia_national_football_team
- dbr:Indonesia_national_football_team_results_(2010–2019)
- dbr:Kurnia_Meiga
- dbr:Nguyễn_Anh_Đức
- dbr:Nguyễn_Trọng_Hoàng
- dbr:Oktovianus_Maniani
- dbr:Razman_Roslan
- dbr:Yesaya_Desnam
- dbr:Yongki_Aribowo
- dbr:List_of_violent_spectator_incidents_in_sports
- dbr:Philippines_at_the_AFC_Asian_Cup
- dbr:Philippines_national_football_team_records_and_statistics
- dbr:Vietnam_national_football_team_results_(1947–2019)
- dbr:List_of_Southeast_Asia_stadiums_by_capacity
- dbr:Sport_in_Indonesia
- dbr:2010_AFF_ASEAN_Championship
- dbr:2010_AFF_ASEAN_Football_Championship
- dbr:2010_AFF_Football_Championship
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_Final
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_Finals
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_Group_A
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_Group_B
- dbr:2010_AFF_Suzuki_Cup_knockout_stage
- dbr:2010_ASEAN_Football_Championship
- dbr:2010_Suzuki_Cup
- dbr:AFF_Suzuki_Cup_2010
- dbr:Semi-finals_of_the_Suzuki_Cup
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