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Aline Kominsky-Crumb (Long Beach, 1 d'agost de 1948 - Sauve, 29 de novembre de 2022) va ser una autora de còmics estatunidenca, sovint en col·laboració amb el seu marit Robert Crumb. (ca) Aline Kominsky-Crumb (née Goldsmith; August 1, 1948 – November 29, 2022) was an American underground comics artist. Kominsky-Crumb's work, which is almost exclusively autobiographical, is known for its unvarnished, confessional nature. In 2016, Comics Alliance listed Kominsky-Crumb as one of twelve women cartoonists deserving of lifetime achievement recognition. She was married to cartoonist Robert Crumb, with whom she frequently collaborated. Their daughter, Sophie Crumb, is also a cartoonist. (en) Aline Kominsky-Crumb (geb. Aline Goldsmith, * 1. August 1948 in Long Beach, New York; † 29. November 2022 in Sauve, Département Gard, Frankreich) war eine US-amerikanische Comic-Produzentin und Künstlerin. Sie wurde durch Underground Comix bekannt, die sie gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Robert Crumb herausgab. (de) Aline Goldsmith, conocida como, Aline Kominsky-Crumb (Long Island, 1 de agosto de 1948-Francia, 29 de noviembre de 2022), fue una historietista y pintora estadounidense. (es) Aline Kominsky-Crumb, née le 1er août 1948 à Long Beach (État de New York) et morte le 30 novembre 2022 à Sauve (Gard), est une dessinatrice de comics américaine. (fr) 알린 코민스키크럼(Aline Kominsky-Crumb, 1948년 8월 1일 ~ )은 미국 태생의 만화가이다. 1948년 8월 1일 뉴욕 롱 아일랜드의 유대인 가정에서 태어났다. 반문화, 언더그라운드 만화 사조에 해당하는 작품을 발표했다. 배우자 로버트 크럼은 유명한 언더그라운드 만화 작가이다. (ko) Aline Kominsky-Crumb, nata Aline Goldsmith (Long Beach, 1º agosto 1948 – Sauve, 29 novembre 2022), è stata una fumettista statunitense. (it) |
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Aline Kominsky-Crumb (Long Beach, 1 d'agost de 1948 - Sauve, 29 de novembre de 2022) va ser una autora de còmics estatunidenca, sovint en col·laboració amb el seu marit Robert Crumb. (ca) Aline Kominsky-Crumb (née Goldsmith; August 1, 1948 – November 29, 2022) was an American underground comics artist. Kominsky-Crumb's work, which is almost exclusively autobiographical, is known for its unvarnished, confessional nature. In 2016, Comics Alliance listed Kominsky-Crumb as one of twelve women cartoonists deserving of lifetime achievement recognition. She was married to cartoonist Robert Crumb, with whom she frequently collaborated. Their daughter, Sophie Crumb, is also a cartoonist. (en) Aline Kominsky-Crumb (geb. Aline Goldsmith, * 1. August 1948 in Long Beach, New York; † 29. November 2022 in Sauve, Département Gard, Frankreich) war eine US-amerikanische Comic-Produzentin und Künstlerin. Sie wurde durch Underground Comix bekannt, die sie gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Robert Crumb herausgab. (de) Aline Goldsmith, conocida como, Aline Kominsky-Crumb (Long Island, 1 de agosto de 1948-Francia, 29 de noviembre de 2022), fue una historietista y pintora estadounidense. (es) Aline Kominsky-Crumb, née le 1er août 1948 à Long Beach (État de New York) et morte le 30 novembre 2022 à Sauve (Gard), est une dessinatrice de comics américaine. (fr) 알린 코민스키크럼(Aline Kominsky-Crumb, 1948년 8월 1일 ~ )은 미국 태생의 만화가이다. 1948년 8월 1일 뉴욕 롱 아일랜드의 유대인 가정에서 태어났다. 반문화, 언더그라운드 만화 사조에 해당하는 작품을 발표했다. 배우자 로버트 크럼은 유명한 언더그라운드 만화 작가이다. (ko) Aline Kominsky-Crumb, nata Aline Goldsmith (Long Beach, 1º agosto 1948 – Sauve, 29 novembre 2022), è stata una fumettista statunitense. (it) |