The Angels in the Outfield franchise consists of American comedy-sports films, centered around the premise and original story written by Richard Conlin. The series of films include the 1951 original film, a 1994 remake and its two made-for-television sequels which were subsequently released straight-to-home video. Each installment depicts the fictional events of struggling sports teams, who receive help from heavenly messengers, and ultimately overcome their pitfalls. The sporting events depicted in the films, include Major League Baseball and High School Football. The plot, depicts the development of character and spiritual growth, that comes with the help of angels.
The Angels in the Outfield franchise consists of American comedy-sports films, centered around the premise and original story written by Richard Conlin. The series of films include the 1951 original film, a 1994 remake and its two made-for-television sequels which were subsequently released straight-to-home video. Each installment depicts the fictional events of struggling sports teams, who receive help from heavenly messengers, and ultimately overcome their pitfalls. The sporting events depicted in the films, include Major League Baseball and High School Football. The plot, depicts the development of character and spiritual growth, that comes with the help of angels. The critical response for the original film, and its remake received mixed-to-positive and a less-than-positive response from critics, respectively. The latter's following two sequels, were met with poor critical reception. Despite this, the 1951 release is regarded as a classic film, while Angels in the Outfield (1994) has subsequently gained a cult childhood classic status, and is ranked No. 9 on The Wrap's list of the twenty highest-grossing movies based on Baseball. (en)
The Angels in the Outfield franchise consists of American comedy-sports films, centered around the premise and original story written by Richard Conlin. The series of films include the 1951 original film, a 1994 remake and its two made-for-television sequels which were subsequently released straight-to-home video. Each installment depicts the fictional events of struggling sports teams, who receive help from heavenly messengers, and ultimately overcome their pitfalls. The sporting events depicted in the films, include Major League Baseball and High School Football. The plot, depicts the development of character and spiritual growth, that comes with the help of angels. (en)