Augustine Washington (original) (raw)
- أوغسطين واشنطن (بالإنجليزية: Augustine Washington) (1694-12 أبريل 1743) هو والد الرئيس ومؤسس الولايات المتحدة جورج واشنطن . (ar)
- Augustine Washington Sr. (November 12, 1694 – April 12, 1743) was the father of the first U.S. president, George Washington. He served as an officer in the British Navy during the War of Jenkin's Ear although he belonged to the Colony of Virginia's landed gentry. Like his father and sons, Washington owned plantations which he operated by the use of enslaved labor, as well as speculated in less developed land and even operated an iron mine. Although Washington did not serve as a legislator (unlike his father and son), he held various offices in the counties in which he held land. (en)
- Augustine Washington (* 1694 in ; † 12. April 1743 in King George County) war der Vater von General und Präsident George Washington. Er gehörte in Virginia zum kolonialen Landadel. (de)
- Augustine Washington (12 de noviembre de 1694 - 12 de abril de 1743) fue el padre del primer presidente de los Estados Unidos, el presidente George Washington. Pertenecía a la aristocracia de la colonia de Virginia y era un hacendado y dueño de esclavos. Agustín Washington nació en Westmoreland, Virginia. Él era hijo de Lawrence Washington (1659-1698), un capitán de la milicia y miembro de la Cámara de Burgueses de Virginia, y su esposa Mildred Warner.Sus abuelos paternos fueron John Washington (c. 1631-1677) y su primera esposa, Anne Pope. Su tío paterno era John Washington, II (1660-1698) y su tía paterna era Anne Washington (1660-1697). (es)
- Augustine Washington, Sr. (né vers 1694 et mort le 23 avril 1743) était le père de George Washington. (fr)
- Augustine Washington, Sr. ([ˈwɔʃʃinton]; Contea di Westmoreland, 12 novembre 1694 – Ferry Farm, 12 aprile 1743), è stato un militare britannico.Fu un planter e un proprietario di schiavi. È ricordato in particolare per essere stato il padre del generale George Washington, primo presidente degli Stati Uniti. (it)
- オーガスティン・ワシントン(Augustine Washington、1694年11月12日 - 1743年4月12日)は、初代アメリカ合衆国大統領ジョージ・ワシントンの父。バージニア植民地のジェントリであった。 (ja)
- Огастин Вашингтон (англ. Augustine Washington, 12 ноября 1694 — 12 апреля 1743) — американский военнослужащий, землевладелец и рабовладелец, отец первого президента США Джорджа Вашингтона. Принадлежал к землевладельческому дворянству колонии Виргиния. (ru)
- Augustine Washington, född cirka 1694, död 23 april 1743, var far till USA:s förste president George Washington. Hans föräldrar hette Lawrence Washington och Mildred Gale. Farföräldrarna hette och Anne Pope. (sv)
- Augustine Washington (12 de novembro de 1694 – 12 de abril de 1743) foi o pai do general e presidente George Washington. Ele pertencia à colônia de Virgínia e era um fazendeiro. (pt)
- 奧古斯丁·華盛頓(英語:Augustine Washington 1694年11月12日-1743年4月12日)生于英属北美殖民地弗吉尼亚威斯特摩兰县,美国农场主、奴隶主,美国首任总统乔治·华盛顿的父亲。他的祖父约翰·华盛顿于1657年从英国北安普敦郡苏尔格雷夫的祖屋作为华盛顿纪念馆保留至今。夫人玛丽·鲍尔·华盛顿。 (zh)
- 1694-11-12 (xsd:date)
- 1694-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
- dbr:Samuel_Washington
- dbr:Betty_Washington_Lewis
- dbr:John_Augustine_Washington
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:Charles_Washington
- dbr:Lawrence_Washington_(1718–1752)
- dbr:Augustine_Washington_Jr.
- 1743-04-12 (xsd:date)
- 1743-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
- 3560211 (xsd:integer)
- 10944 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1124862216 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:President_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Royal_Navy
- dbr:Samuel_Washington
- dbr:Battle_of_Cartagena_de_Indias
- dbr:Betty_Washington_Lewis
- dbc:Mount_Vernon
- dbr:House_of_Burgesses
- dbr:John_Augustine_Washington
- dbr:Plantations_in_the_American_South
- dbr:Colony_of_Virginia
- dbr:Edward_Vernon
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:George_Washington_Birthplace_National_Monument
- dbr:Mount_Vernon
- dbr:Slavery_in_the_colonial_United_States
- dbr:Stafford_County,_Virginia
- dbr:Anglican_Church
- dbc:1743_deaths
- dbr:War_of_Jenkin's_Ear
- dbr:War_of_Jenkins'_Ear
- dbr:Warner_Hall
- dbr:Washington_family
- dbr:Justice_of_the_peace
- dbr:Accokeek_Creek
- dbr:British_America
- dbr:Gloucester_County,_Virginia
- dbr:John_Washington
- dbc:1694_births
- dbc:American_planters
- dbc:American_slave_owners
- dbc:British_North_American_Anglicans
- dbc:Fathers_of_presidents_of_the_United_States
- dbc:Washington_family
- dbr:Charles_Washington
- dbr:Landed_gentry
- dbr:Lawrence_Washington_(1659–1698)
- dbr:Lawrence_Washington_(1718–1752)
- dbr:Westmoreland_County,_Virginia
- dbr:Augustine_Washington_Jr.
- dbc:People_educated_at_Appleby_Grammar_School
- dbc:People_from_Westmoreland_County,_Virginia
- dbr:Mary_Ball_Washington
- dbr:Mildred_Gale
- dbr:Westmoreland,_Westmoreland_County,_Virginia
- dbr:Accokeek_Furnace
- dbr:Principio_Company
- dbr:County_sheriff
- dbr:File:Coat_of_Arms_of_George_Washington.svg
- 1694-11-12 (xsd:date)
- Posthumous 1867 lithograph by John C. McRae after a painting by G. G. White (en)
- dbr:Samuel_Washington
- dbr:Betty_Washington_Lewis
- dbr:John_Augustine_Washington
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:Charles_Washington
- dbr:Lawrence_Washington_(1718–1752)
- dbr:Augustine_Washington_Jr.
- Butler Washington (en)
- Jane Washington (en)
- Mildred Washington (en)
- 1743-04-12 (xsd:date)
- Ferry Farm, Stafford County, Colony of Virginia, British America (en)
- Augustine Washington Sr. (en)
- 1715 (xsd:integer)
- 1729 (xsd:integer)
- 1731 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Mary_Ball_Washington
- (en)
- Jane Butler (en)
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:Infobox_person
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Use_mdy_dates
- dbt:George_Washington
- dbt:Washington_family
- dbc:Mount_Vernon
- dbc:1743_deaths
- dbc:1694_births
- dbc:American_planters
- dbc:American_slave_owners
- dbc:British_North_American_Anglicans
- dbc:Fathers_of_presidents_of_the_United_States
- dbc:Washington_family
- dbc:People_educated_at_Appleby_Grammar_School
- dbc:People_from_Westmoreland_County,_Virginia
- owl:Thing
- foaf:Person
- dbo:Person
- dul:NaturalPerson
- wikidata:Q19088
- wikidata:Q215627
- wikidata:Q5
- wikidata:Q729
- yago:WikicatAmericanColonialPeople
- yago:WikicatAmericanFarmers
- yago:WikicatAmericanPeopleOfBritishDescent
- yago:WikicatAmericanPeopleOfEnglishDescent
- yago:WikicatAmericanPlanters
- dbo:Animal
- dbo:Eukaryote
- dbo:Species
- schema:Person
- yago:WikicatVirginiaColonialPeople
- yago:CausalAgent100007347
- yago:Creator109614315
- yago:Farmer110078806
- yago:LivingThing100004258
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:Organism100004475
- yago:Person100007846
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:Planter110438619
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:Whole100003553
- yago:Wikicat18th-centuryAmericanPeople
- yago:WikicatPeopleFromVirginia
- yago:WikicatPeopleFromWestmorelandCounty,Virginia
- أوغسطين واشنطن (بالإنجليزية: Augustine Washington) (1694-12 أبريل 1743) هو والد الرئيس ومؤسس الولايات المتحدة جورج واشنطن . (ar)
- Augustine Washington Sr. (November 12, 1694 – April 12, 1743) was the father of the first U.S. president, George Washington. He served as an officer in the British Navy during the War of Jenkin's Ear although he belonged to the Colony of Virginia's landed gentry. Like his father and sons, Washington owned plantations which he operated by the use of enslaved labor, as well as speculated in less developed land and even operated an iron mine. Although Washington did not serve as a legislator (unlike his father and son), he held various offices in the counties in which he held land. (en)
- Augustine Washington (* 1694 in ; † 12. April 1743 in King George County) war der Vater von General und Präsident George Washington. Er gehörte in Virginia zum kolonialen Landadel. (de)
- Augustine Washington, Sr. (né vers 1694 et mort le 23 avril 1743) était le père de George Washington. (fr)
- Augustine Washington, Sr. ([ˈwɔʃʃinton]; Contea di Westmoreland, 12 novembre 1694 – Ferry Farm, 12 aprile 1743), è stato un militare britannico.Fu un planter e un proprietario di schiavi. È ricordato in particolare per essere stato il padre del generale George Washington, primo presidente degli Stati Uniti. (it)
- オーガスティン・ワシントン(Augustine Washington、1694年11月12日 - 1743年4月12日)は、初代アメリカ合衆国大統領ジョージ・ワシントンの父。バージニア植民地のジェントリであった。 (ja)
- Огастин Вашингтон (англ. Augustine Washington, 12 ноября 1694 — 12 апреля 1743) — американский военнослужащий, землевладелец и рабовладелец, отец первого президента США Джорджа Вашингтона. Принадлежал к землевладельческому дворянству колонии Виргиния. (ru)
- Augustine Washington, född cirka 1694, död 23 april 1743, var far till USA:s förste president George Washington. Hans föräldrar hette Lawrence Washington och Mildred Gale. Farföräldrarna hette och Anne Pope. (sv)
- Augustine Washington (12 de novembro de 1694 – 12 de abril de 1743) foi o pai do general e presidente George Washington. Ele pertencia à colônia de Virgínia e era um fazendeiro. (pt)
- 奧古斯丁·華盛頓(英語:Augustine Washington 1694年11月12日-1743年4月12日)生于英属北美殖民地弗吉尼亚威斯特摩兰县,美国农场主、奴隶主,美国首任总统乔治·华盛顿的父亲。他的祖父约翰·华盛顿于1657年从英国北安普敦郡苏尔格雷夫的祖屋作为华盛顿纪念馆保留至今。夫人玛丽·鲍尔·华盛顿。 (zh)
- Augustine Washington (12 de noviembre de 1694 - 12 de abril de 1743) fue el padre del primer presidente de los Estados Unidos, el presidente George Washington. Pertenecía a la aristocracia de la colonia de Virginia y era un hacendado y dueño de esclavos. (es)
- أوغسطين واشنطن (ar)
- Augustine Washington (de)
- Augustine Washington (en)
- Augustine Washington (es)
- Augustine Washington (fr)
- Augustine Washington (it)
- オーガスティン・ワシントン (ja)
- Augustine Washington (pt)
- Вашингтон, Огастин (ru)
- Augustine Washington (sv)
- 奧古斯丁·華盛頓 (zh)
- freebase:Augustine Washington
- yago-res:Augustine Washington
- wikidata:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-ar:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-de:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-es:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-fi:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-fr:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-it:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-ja:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-pt:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-ru:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-simple:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-sr:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-sv:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-tr:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-vi:Augustine Washington
- dbpedia-zh:Augustine Washington
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Augustine_Washington.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Coat_of_Arms_of_George_Washington.svg
- Augustine Washington Sr. (en)
is dbo:child of
is dbo:parent of
- dbr:Samuel_Washington
- dbr:Betty_Washington_Lewis
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:Charles_Washington
- dbr:Augustine_Washington_Jr.
is dbo:relative of
is dbo:spouse of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Principio_Furnace
- dbr:Samuel_Washington
- dbr:Beall-Air
- dbr:Betty_Washington_Lewis
- dbr:John_Thornton_Augustine_Washington
- dbr:John_Augustine_Washington
- dbr:Westmoreland,_Virginia
- dbr:1694
- dbr:Ancestral_background_of_presidents_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Mason_Locke_Weems
- dbr:1743
- dbr:Fredericksburg,_Virginia
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:George_Washington's_political_evolution
- dbr:George_Washington_(miniseries)
- dbr:George_Washington_and_slavery
- dbr:Mount_Vernon
- dbr:Ernest_Cognacq_Museum
- dbr:Appleby_Grammar_School
- dbr:Lewis_Washington
- dbr:Stafford_County,_Virginia
- dbr:Joshua_Gee
- dbr:List_of_people_with_given_name_Augustine
- dbr:Bushrod_C._Washington
- dbr:Washington_family
- dbr:Iron_Act
- dbr:Accokeek_Furnace_Archeological_Site
- dbr:History_of_Popes_Creek_(Virginia)
- dbr:History_of_Virginia
- dbr:John_Pope_(Virginia_politician)
- dbr:John_Washington
- dbr:List_of_George_Washington_articles
- dbr:Charles_Washington
- dbr:Lawrence_Washington_(1659–1698)
- dbr:Lawrence_Washington_(1718–1752)
- dbr:Truro_Parish,_Virginia
- dbr:Augustine_Washington_Jr.
- dbr:Mary_Ball_Washington
- dbr:Pohick_Church
- dbr:Mildred_Gale
- dbr:Washington_(name)
- dbr:List_of_slave_owners
is dbp:children of
is dbp:parents of
- dbr:Samuel_Washington
- dbr:Betty_Washington_Lewis
- dbr:Charles_Washington
- dbr:Lawrence_Washington_(1718–1752)
- dbr:Augustine_Washington_Jr.
is dbp:relatives of
is dbp:spouse of
is foaf:primaryTopic of