Battle of Chosin Reservoir (original) (raw)
- Die Schlacht um den Changjin-Stausee (besser bekannt unter dem japanisch-amerikanischen Namen Chosin Reservoir) war eine Schlacht während des Koreakriegs, kurz nachdem die Volksrepublik China in den Konflikt eingetreten war. Eine große Anzahl chinesischer Soldaten gelangte über den Fluss Yalu in das Umland des Changjin-Stausees und kesselte dort die Truppen der Vereinten Nationen (vor allem aus den USA) ein. Es folgte eine brutale Schlacht in eisiger Kälte. Obwohl die zahlenmäßig unterlegenen US-Streitkräfte den chinesischen Truppen große Verluste zufügten, mussten sie sich sehr schnell aus Nordkorea zurückziehen. (de)
- The Battle of Chosin Reservoir, also known as the Chosin Reservoir Campaign or the Battle of Lake Changjin (Korean: 장진호 전투; Hanja: 長津湖戰鬪; RR: Jangjinho jeontu; MR: Changjinho chŏnt'u), was an important battle in the Korean War. The name "Chosin" is derived from the Japanese pronunciation "Chōshin", instead of the Korean pronunciation. The battle took place about a month after the People's Republic of China entered the conflict and sent the People's Volunteer Army (PVA) 9th Army to infiltrate the northeastern part of North Korea. On 27 November 1950, the Chinese force surprised the US X Corps commanded by Major General Edward Almond in the Chosin Reservoir area. A brutal 17-day battle in freezing weather soon followed. Between 27 November and 13 December, 30,000 United Nations Command troops (later nicknamed "The Chosin Few") under the field command of Major General Oliver P. Smith were encircled and attacked by about 120,000 Chinese troops under the command of Song Shilun, who had been ordered by Mao Zedong to destroy the UN forces. The UN forces were nevertheless able to break out of the encirclement and to make a fighting withdrawal to the port of Hungnam, inflicting heavy casualties on the Chinese. The retreat of the US Eighth Army from northwest Korea in the aftermath of the Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River and the evacuation of the X Corps from the port of Hungnam in northeast Korea marked the complete withdrawal of UN troops from North Korea. (en)
- La batalla del embalse de Chosin, también conocida como la campaña del lago de Changjin (en chino: 长 津 湖 战役, pinyin: Cháng Jīn Hú Zhànyì), fue una batalla decisiva de la guerra de Corea. Poco después de que la República Popular de China entrara en el conflicto, el Noveno Ejército Popular de Voluntarios (EPV) chino penetró en el noreste de Corea del Norte y sorprendió al cuerpo X de marines de los EE. UU. en el área del embalse de Chosin. Al poco se libró una brutal batalla de 17 días con temperaturas bajo cero. En el período comprendido entre el 27 de noviembre y 13 de diciembre de 1950, los 30 000 soldados de las Naciones Unidas (EE. UU. y sus aliados), bajo el mando del general mayor , fueron rodeados por unos 67 000 soldados chinos al mando de . Aunque las tropas chinas eran superiores en número, las fuerzas de la ONU consiguieron romper el cerco y retirarse, infligiendo grandes pérdidas en el bando chino. La evacuación de las tropas estadounidenses por el puerto de supuso la retirada total y definitiva de las tropas de la ONU de Corea del Norte. (es)
- La bataille du réservoir de Chosin (en chinois : 长津湖战役) est une bataille décisive pendant la guerre de Corée, opposant du 27 novembre au 13 décembre 1950 l'Armée des volontaires du peuple chinois aux forces des Nations unies. (fr)
- Pertempuran Rawa Chosin, juga dikenal sebagai Kampanye Rawa Chosin atau Pertempuran Danau Jangjin (Hangul: 장진호 전투; Hanja: 長津湖戰鬪; RR: Jangjinho jeontu; MR: Changjinho chŏnt'u), adalah sebuah pertempuran penting dalam Perang Korea. Nama "Chosin" berasal dari pengucapan Jepang "Chōshin", alih-alih pengucapan Korea-nya. Sumber-sumber Tiongkok resmi menyebut pertempuran tersebut sebagain bagian timur dari (atau Serangan) (Hanzi: 第二次战役东线; Pinyin: Dì'èrcì Zhànyì Dōngxiàn). Paruh barat dari Kampanye Fase Kedua menghasilkan kemenangan Tiongkok dalam Pertempuran Sungai Ch'ongch'on. (in)
- 장진호 전투(長津湖戰鬪), 또는 장진 저수지 전역, 장진 저수지 전투는 한국 전쟁의 결정적 전투 중 하나로 미국 해병대와 중국군이 장진호에서 벌인 전투이다. 미국을 비롯한 서구 각국은 이 전투의 지명을 장진이 아닌 "초신"(chosin)이라고 부르는데 이는 장진(長津)의 일본어 발음에 의한 것이다. 유엔군은 제2차 세계 대전이 끝날 때인 1945년, 한국을 점령한 이후 일본어로 작성된 지도에 의존하고 있었기 때문에 장진이라는 지명도 이런 방식으로 읽히게 되었다. 중화인민공화국이 한국 전쟁에 참여한 이후, 중국인민지원군 제9병단이 북한 북동쪽으로 침투했다. 1950년 11월 27일, 중국 제9병단은 장진호 지역에서 에드워드 알몬드가 이끄는 미국 제10군단을 기습공격했다. 혹독한 겨울에 잔혹한 17일 간의 전투가 벌어졌다. 11월 27일부터 12월 13일까지 30,000명의 유엔사령부 병력이 올리버 P. 스미스 소장의 지휘를 받고 있었지만 이들은 곧 포위되었고, 마오쩌둥의 유엔군 격파 지시를 받은 쑹스룬이 이끄는 약 120,000명의 중공군이 이들을 공격했다. 유엔군은 이러한 상황에도 불구하고 철수를 위해 싸움을 이어나갔으며 중공군의 사상자를 늘려가며 포위를 돌파했다. 제10군단의 흥남 철수 작전이 유엔군의 북한 철수의 마지막 단계였다. 해병대가 철수에 성공할 수 있었던 이유는 동쪽에서 중공군의 예봉을 맡은 페이스 특수임무부대의 역할이 컸다. 페이스 특수임무부대가 희생을 치르며 포로가 되는 동안, 서쪽의 해병대는 포위되지 않을 수 있었다. 중공군은 유엔군을 북한 동북부에서 몰아내는데 성공했으나 큰 피해를 입었다. (ko)
- 長津湖の戦い(ちょうしんこのたたかい)は、1950年11月27日から12月11日にかけて、現在の朝鮮民主主義人民共和国咸鏡南道長津郡長津湖周辺で行われた朝鮮戦争の戦闘の一つである。国連軍と中国人民志願軍が初めて交戦した戦い。「長津湖戦闘」などの名でも呼ばれる。 (ja)
- De Slag om het Choisinreservoir, ook wel de Slag om het Changjinmeer genoemd, vond plaats tussen 27 november en 13 december 1950, tijdens de Koreaanse Oorlog. Het was een bruut gevecht waarbij 30.000 VN-troepen (bijgenaamd The Frozen Chosin of The Chosin Few) onder leiding van de Amerikaanse generaal het opnamen tegen ongeveer 150.000 Chinese manschappen onder leiding van . De naam Chosin is een Japanse vertaling van de regio in de Noord-Koreaanse provincie Hamgyŏng-namdo. Vlak nadat China zich met het conflict ging bemoeien, veroverden grote aantallen Chinese soldaten het gebied rond de rivier de Yalu, waarbij ze de VN-troepen omcirkelden. Een gruwelijke slag in het ijskoude water volgde. Hoewel het Chinese leger veel slachtoffers te verwerken kreeg, dwongen ze de VN-troepen dieper Noord-Korea in. De slag bleek van grote invloed te zijn op het verloop van de oorlog. De VN-troepen zagen zich genoodzaakt belangrijke stellingen in Noord-Korea te verlaten om zich in de havenstad Hŭngnam te vestigen. (nl)
- La battaglia del bacino di Chosin, conosciuta anche come campagna del bacino di Chosin o campagna del lago Changjin (in coreano: 장진호 전투; in hanja: 長津湖戰鬪; in coreano trascritto: Jangjin ho jeontu; in cinese: 长津湖战役; in pinyin: Cháng Jīn Hú Zhànyì) fu una battaglia decisiva della Guerra di Corea. Il nome "Chosin" deriva dalla pronuncia giapponese "Chōshin", usata al posto di quella coreana "Changjin", a sua volta utilizzata per la parola cinese 長津. La scelta toponomastica fu dovuta al fatto che le forze delle Nazioni Unite si affidavano a mappe in lingua giapponese, risalenti all'occupazione nipponica della Corea avvenuta nel corso della seconda guerra mondiale. La battaglia ebbe inizio quando la neonata Repubblica Popolare Cinese entrò nel conflitto coreano, infiltrando la 9ª armata dell'esercito volontario del popolo (PVA) nella regione nordorientale della Corea del Nord. Il 27 novembre 1950, la 9ª armata cinese colse di sorpresa il X Corpo statunitense di stanza presso l'area del bacino di Chosin, sotto il comando del maggior generale Edward Almond. A seguito dell'attacco a sorpresa vi fu una cruenta battaglia durata 17 giorni, combattuta nel rigido clima invernale. Nel periodo che andò dal 27 novembre al 13 dicembre, 30.000 soldati delle Nazioni Unite, sotto il comando del maggior generale Oliver P. Smith, furono circondati e attaccati da circa 120.000 soldati cinesi, sotto il comando del generale Song Shi-Lun, il quale aveva ricevuto ordini diretti da Mao Zedong di distruggere le forze delle Nazioni Unite. Queste ultime, nonostante la situazione critica, riuscirono a battere in ritirata e a rompere l'accerchiamento, infliggendo pesanti perdite ai cinesi. L'evacuazione del X Corpo dal porto di Hungnam segnò il completo ritiro delle forze dell'ONU dalla Corea del Nord. L'evacuazione dei soldati statunitensi riuscì soprattutto grazie alle azioni della Task Force Faith, che disposta a est della loro posizione, subì in pieno la violenza dell'attacco cinese. Senza la Task Force Faith ad assorbire l'urto dell'offensiva, subendo gravi perdite e venendo catturati, i marines a ovest sarebbero stati molto probabilmente circondati. I cinesi d'altro canto, pur riuscendo a cacciare le forze delle Nazioni Unite dalla regione nordorientale della Corea del Nord, subirono pesantissime perdite. (it)
- A Batalha do Reservatório de Chosin, também conhecida como Campanha do Reservatório de Chosin ou a Campanha do lago Changjin (chinês simplificado: 长津湖战役, pinyin: Cháng Jīn Hū Zhàn Yì), foi uma batalha decisiva na Guerra da Coreia. Depois que a República Popular da China entrou no confilto, o 9º Exército das invadiu o nordeste da Coreia do Norte e lançou um ataque surpresa contra o X Corpo do Exército dos Estados Unidos na área da albufeira de Chosin. Uma batalha sangrenta de 17 dias sob frio intenso se seguiu. Entre 27 de novembro e 13 de dezembro de 1950, cerca de 30 000 soldados da ONU, sob comando do Major-General Edward Almond, foram cercados por 60 000 soldados chineses sob comando do General Song Shi-Lun. Apesar do Exército Chinês ter conseguido cercar e conter as forças da ONU, estes últimos conseguiram quebrar o cerco e fugir infligindo muitas baixas aos chineses. A evacuação do X Corpo do Exército Americano do porto de marcou o início da retirada completa das tropas da ONU no território norte-coreano. (pt)
- Битва при Чосинском водохранилище произошла в 1950 году в ходе Корейской войны между силами ООН (подразделения США и Великобритании) и китайскими народными добровольцами. (ru)
- 长津湖戰役(朝鮮語:장진호 전투/長津湖戰鬪;英語:Battle of Chosin Reservoir),于中华人民共和国又稱抗美援朝第二次戰役東線,是朝鲜战争中中國人民志愿軍参战后第二次战役中的一场重要战役,属于朝鲜战争的东线部分。美国海军陆战队第一师(师长奥利弗·史密斯少将、整建制参与战斗)、美国陆军第7步兵师(师长巴大维少将)下辖的4个师属野战砲兵营和第31团级战斗队(中国方面称其为“北极熊团”)、美国陆军第3步兵师下辖的3个团级战斗队(师长罗伯特·索尔少将,负责保护左翼)为聯合國軍主要地面作战单位,约合30,000人。同时拥有空中支援。中国人民志愿军方面,第20军(军长兼政委张翼翔)4个步兵师、第27军(军长彭德清、政委刘浩天)4个步兵师为主要作战单位,第26军(军长张仁初、政委李耀文)4个步兵师为预备队,无空中支援。 11月24日,联合国军总司令道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟发起“圣诞节回家”攻势,命令爱德华·阿尔蒙德少将率领美军第10军进军鸭绿江并消灭“所有北朝鲜抵抗力量”。中国人民志愿军则派遣宋时轮率领的第9兵团,在联合国军不知情的情况下,悄悄渡过鸭绿江,迎战第10军,并保护西线的第13兵团侧翼。11月27日,双方开始激战,联合国军的攻势受挫,且無法阻擋志願軍的反攻,轉而往38度線以南撤退,中国人民志愿军持續追擊並圍堵联合国軍,最终联合国军靠海空優勢成功突圍並撤退至38度線以南的釜山,其後志願軍持續進攻至38度線以南,直到佔領了大韓民國首都漢城(今称“首尔”)為止。 此战中,受到西伯利亞寒流的影響,长津湖地区的最低气溫极其罕见地降到了−36 °F(−38 °C),导致交战双方均出现了大量的非战斗减员(主要是冻伤),而其中志愿军由于后勤补给不足,一部分军队必须进行急行军穿插,在行军过程中丢弃了棉衣,其受氣候影響的程度遠遠甚於美軍。與此同时,志愿军由于大量缺乏除迫擊砲以外的重火力和防空火力而受到美军空军、砲击与火箭弹等武器猛烈打击,損失慘重。 长津湖战役为朝鲜战争东线的转折点,志愿军最後协助朝鲜奪回朝鲜半岛东北部所有領土。 (zh)
- dbr:3rd_Battalion_5th_Marines
- dbr:3rd_Battalion_7th_Marines
- dbr:42nd_Army_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:5th_Marine_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:76th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:7th_Marine_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:88th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:89th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:Presidential_Unit_Citation_(United_States)
- dbr:Prisoner_of_war
- dbr:Pusan
- dbr:Pusan_Perimeter_Offensive
- dbr:List_of_battles_with_most_United_States_military_fatalities
- dbc:December_1950_events_in_Asia
- dbr:Battalion
- dbr:Battle_of_Inchon
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Bulge
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Ch'ongch'on_River
- dbr:Defensive_fighting_position
- dbr:Devotion_(2022_film)
- dbr:History_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army
- dbr:Hold_Back_the_Night
- dbr:Homer_Litzenberg
- dbr:Hungnam
- dbr:Hungnam_evacuation
- dbr:Little_Rock_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Peng_Dehuai
- dbr:People's_Republic_of_China
- dbr:People's_Volunteer_Army
- dbr:Relief_of_Douglas_MacArthur
- dbr:Retreat,_Hell!
- dbr:US_Army
- dbr:United_Nations_Command
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_Defense
- dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:VMA-542
- dbr:Victory_ship
- dbr:David_G._Barr
- dbr:Capital_Mechanized_Infantry_Division_(Republic_of_Korea)
- dbr:Year_Hare_Affair
- dbr:10th_Division_(North_Korea)
- dbr:11th_Marine_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:124th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:17th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:Counter-guerrilla
- dbr:Matthew_Ridgway
- dbr:Medal_of_Honor
- dbr:Napalm
- dbr:Navy_Cross
- dbr:Chosin_Reservoir
- dbr:Close_air_support
- dbr:Edward_Almond
- dbr:Eighth_United_States_Army
- dbr:Eliot_A._Cohen
- dbr:Encyclopædia_Britannica
- dbr:Frostbite
- dbr:Corps
- dbr:Operation_Glory
- dbr:Army_Times
- dbr:Battle_of_Chosin_Reservoir_order_of_battle
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_China
- dbc:History_of_South_Hamgyong_Province
- dbr:List_of_American_Experience_episodes
- dbr:M16_Multiple_Gun_Motor_Carriage
- dbr:M19_Multiple_Gun_Motor_Carriage
- dbr:M46_Patton
- dbr:M4_Sherman
- dbr:Manchuria
- dbr:Siberia
- dbr:Silver_Star
- dbr:Sinhung_County
- dbr:Close-quarters_combat
- dbr:Don_C._Faith,_Jr.
- dbr:Atlantic_Monthly_Press
- dbr:Task_Force_90_(United_States)
- dbr:1st_Battalion,_1st_Marines
- dbr:1st_Marine_Division_(United_States)
- dbr:Bailey_bridge
- dbr:58th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:59th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:60th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:77th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:78th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:79th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:80th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:81st_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:94th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:Bruce_Cumings
- dbc:November_1950_events_in_Asia
- dbc:Battles_and_operations_of_the_Korean_War_in_1950
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_North_Korea
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_South_Korea
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_the_United_Kingdom
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_the_United_States
- dbr:Tokyo
- dbr:UN_September_1950_counteroffensive
- dbr:UN_offensive_into_North_Korea
- dbr:Western_world
- dbr:William_E._Barber
- dbr:Joint_POW/MIA_Accounting_Command
- dbr:31st_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:32nd_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:3rd_Battalion,_1st_Marines
- dbr:3rd_Infantry_Division_(South_Korea)
- dbr:3rd_Infantry_Division_(United_States)
- dbr:41_Commando
- dbr:65th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:7th_Infantry_Division_(United_States)
- dbr:7th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:Allan_R._Millett
- dbr:American_Heroes_Channel
- dbr:1st_Battalion_7th_Marines
- dbr:1st_Marine_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:314th_Troop_Carrier_Wing
- dbr:38th_parallel_north
- dbr:Dunkirk_evacuation
- dbr:Far_East_Command_(United_States)
- dbr:File:USS_Saint_Paul_(CA-73)_off_Hungnam_December_1950.jpg
- dbr:First_and_Second_Battles_of_Wonju
- dbr:Forest_Park_(St._Louis)
- dbr:North_Korea
- dbr:PLA_Academy_of_Military_Science
- dbr:PLA_National_Defence_University
- dbr:History_of_the_United_States_Army
- dbr:History_of_the_United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:Military_rank
- dbr:Regiment
- dbr:Regimental_combat_team
- dbc:United_States_Marine_Corps_in_the_Korean_War
- dbr:James_T._Conway
- dbr:Task_Force_Faith
- dbr:The_Battle_at_Lake_Changjin
- dbr:The_Battle_at_Lake_Changjin_II
- dbr:The_Battle_of_Chosin
- dbr:File:Chinese_79th_Division_at_Chosin.jpg
- dbr:File:Chinese_at_Chosin.jpg
- dbr:Chairman_of_the_Communist_Party_of_China
- dbr:Changjin_County
- dbr:Chesty_Puller
- dbr:Chinese_Academy_of_Social_Sciences
- dbr:Chinese_Civil_War
- dbr:Chinese_Communist_Party
- dbr:Lawrence,_Indiana
- dbr:Taebaek_Mountains
- dbr:Withdrawal_(military)
- dbr:Distinguished_Service_Cross_(United_States)
- dbr:Douglas_C-47_Skytrain
- dbr:Douglas_MacArthur
- dbr:20th_Army_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:26th_Army_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:27th_Army_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:Mao_Zedong
- dbr:Marine_Corps_Base_Camp_Pendleton
- dbr:Song_Shilun
- dbr:South_Hamgyong_Province
- dbr:Springfield,_Illinois
- dbr:I_Corps_(South_Korea)
- dbr:Korean_People's_Army
- dbr:Korean_War
- dbr:Military_logistics
- dbr:National_Memorial_Cemetery_of_the_Pacific
- dbr:National_Museum_of_the_Marine_Corps
- dbr:Ode_to_My_Father
- dbr:Ogden,_Utah
- dbr:Oliver_P._Smith
- dbr:Operation_Killer
- dbr:Casualty_(person)
- dbr:Second_Phase_Offensive
- dbr:Wonsan
- dbr:X_Corps_(United_States)
- dbr:Yonpo_Airfield
- dbr:Huaihai_Campaign
- dbr:Sortie
- dbr:United_Nations_Command_(Korea)
- dbr:Night_fighter
- dbr:University_of_South_Carolina_Press
- dbr:Raymond_L._Murray
- dbr:Field_Army
- dbr:Tao_Yong
- dbr:This_Is_Korea
- dbr:F4U_Corsair
- dbr:1st_Marine_Air_Wing
- dbr:First_Marine_Regiment
- dbr:Task_Force_77_(U.S._Navy)
- dbr:C-119_Flying_Boxcar
- dbr:Edward_M._Almond
- dbr:Changjin
- dbr:Marine_Corps_Commandant
- dbr:32d_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:Chinese_People's_Liberation_Army
- dbr:Home-by-Christmas_Offensive
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- dbr:Zhang_Renchu
- A column of the US 1st Marine Division moves through Chinese lines during its breakout from the Chosin Reservoir with a M46 Patton medium tank. (en)
- Major General Edward Almond , commander of the US X Corps, and Major General Oliver P. Smith, commander of the US 1st Marine Division. (en)
- Edward Almond.jpg (en)
- Oliver_P._Smith.jpg (en)
- Chosin Reservoir, in present-day Changjin County, South Hamgyong Province, North Korea (en)
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- dbt:Campaignbox_Korean_War
- dbc:December_1950_events_in_Asia
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_China
- dbc:History_of_South_Hamgyong_Province
- dbc:November_1950_events_in_Asia
- dbc:Battles_and_operations_of_the_Korean_War_in_1950
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_North_Korea
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_South_Korea
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_the_United_Kingdom
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Korean_War_involving_the_United_States
- dbc:United_States_Marine_Corps_in_the_Korean_War
- Die Schlacht um den Changjin-Stausee (besser bekannt unter dem japanisch-amerikanischen Namen Chosin Reservoir) war eine Schlacht während des Koreakriegs, kurz nachdem die Volksrepublik China in den Konflikt eingetreten war. Eine große Anzahl chinesischer Soldaten gelangte über den Fluss Yalu in das Umland des Changjin-Stausees und kesselte dort die Truppen der Vereinten Nationen (vor allem aus den USA) ein. Es folgte eine brutale Schlacht in eisiger Kälte. Obwohl die zahlenmäßig unterlegenen US-Streitkräfte den chinesischen Truppen große Verluste zufügten, mussten sie sich sehr schnell aus Nordkorea zurückziehen. (de)
- La bataille du réservoir de Chosin (en chinois : 长津湖战役) est une bataille décisive pendant la guerre de Corée, opposant du 27 novembre au 13 décembre 1950 l'Armée des volontaires du peuple chinois aux forces des Nations unies. (fr)
- Pertempuran Rawa Chosin, juga dikenal sebagai Kampanye Rawa Chosin atau Pertempuran Danau Jangjin (Hangul: 장진호 전투; Hanja: 長津湖戰鬪; RR: Jangjinho jeontu; MR: Changjinho chŏnt'u), adalah sebuah pertempuran penting dalam Perang Korea. Nama "Chosin" berasal dari pengucapan Jepang "Chōshin", alih-alih pengucapan Korea-nya. Sumber-sumber Tiongkok resmi menyebut pertempuran tersebut sebagain bagian timur dari (atau Serangan) (Hanzi: 第二次战役东线; Pinyin: Dì'èrcì Zhànyì Dōngxiàn). Paruh barat dari Kampanye Fase Kedua menghasilkan kemenangan Tiongkok dalam Pertempuran Sungai Ch'ongch'on. (in)
- 長津湖の戦い(ちょうしんこのたたかい)は、1950年11月27日から12月11日にかけて、現在の朝鮮民主主義人民共和国咸鏡南道長津郡長津湖周辺で行われた朝鮮戦争の戦闘の一つである。国連軍と中国人民志願軍が初めて交戦した戦い。「長津湖戦闘」などの名でも呼ばれる。 (ja)
- Битва при Чосинском водохранилище произошла в 1950 году в ходе Корейской войны между силами ООН (подразделения США и Великобритании) и китайскими народными добровольцами. (ru)
- The Battle of Chosin Reservoir, also known as the Chosin Reservoir Campaign or the Battle of Lake Changjin (Korean: 장진호 전투; Hanja: 長津湖戰鬪; RR: Jangjinho jeontu; MR: Changjinho chŏnt'u), was an important battle in the Korean War. The name "Chosin" is derived from the Japanese pronunciation "Chōshin", instead of the Korean pronunciation. (en)
- La batalla del embalse de Chosin, también conocida como la campaña del lago de Changjin (en chino: 长 津 湖 战役, pinyin: Cháng Jīn Hú Zhànyì), fue una batalla decisiva de la guerra de Corea. Poco después de que la República Popular de China entrara en el conflicto, el Noveno Ejército Popular de Voluntarios (EPV) chino penetró en el noreste de Corea del Norte y sorprendió al cuerpo X de marines de los EE. UU. en el área del embalse de Chosin. Al poco se libró una brutal batalla de 17 días con temperaturas bajo cero. En el período comprendido entre el 27 de noviembre y 13 de diciembre de 1950, los 30 000 soldados de las Naciones Unidas (EE. UU. y sus aliados), bajo el mando del general mayor , fueron rodeados por unos 67 000 soldados chinos al mando de . Aunque las tropas chinas eran superio (es)
- La battaglia del bacino di Chosin, conosciuta anche come campagna del bacino di Chosin o campagna del lago Changjin (in coreano: 장진호 전투; in hanja: 長津湖戰鬪; in coreano trascritto: Jangjin ho jeontu; in cinese: 长津湖战役; in pinyin: Cháng Jīn Hú Zhànyì) fu una battaglia decisiva della Guerra di Corea. Il nome "Chosin" deriva dalla pronuncia giapponese "Chōshin", usata al posto di quella coreana "Changjin", a sua volta utilizzata per la parola cinese 長津. La scelta toponomastica fu dovuta al fatto che le forze delle Nazioni Unite si affidavano a mappe in lingua giapponese, risalenti all'occupazione nipponica della Corea avvenuta nel corso della seconda guerra mondiale. La battaglia ebbe inizio quando la neonata Repubblica Popolare Cinese entrò nel conflitto coreano, infiltrando la 9ª armata dell'ese (it)
- 장진호 전투(長津湖戰鬪), 또는 장진 저수지 전역, 장진 저수지 전투는 한국 전쟁의 결정적 전투 중 하나로 미국 해병대와 중국군이 장진호에서 벌인 전투이다. 미국을 비롯한 서구 각국은 이 전투의 지명을 장진이 아닌 "초신"(chosin)이라고 부르는데 이는 장진(長津)의 일본어 발음에 의한 것이다. 유엔군은 제2차 세계 대전이 끝날 때인 1945년, 한국을 점령한 이후 일본어로 작성된 지도에 의존하고 있었기 때문에 장진이라는 지명도 이런 방식으로 읽히게 되었다. 중화인민공화국이 한국 전쟁에 참여한 이후, 중국인민지원군 제9병단이 북한 북동쪽으로 침투했다. (ko)
- A Batalha do Reservatório de Chosin, também conhecida como Campanha do Reservatório de Chosin ou a Campanha do lago Changjin (chinês simplificado: 长津湖战役, pinyin: Cháng Jīn Hū Zhàn Yì), foi uma batalha decisiva na Guerra da Coreia. Depois que a República Popular da China entrou no confilto, o 9º Exército das invadiu o nordeste da Coreia do Norte e lançou um ataque surpresa contra o X Corpo do Exército dos Estados Unidos na área da albufeira de Chosin. Uma batalha sangrenta de 17 dias sob frio intenso se seguiu. Entre 27 de novembro e 13 de dezembro de 1950, cerca de 30 000 soldados da ONU, sob comando do Major-General Edward Almond, foram cercados por 60 000 soldados chineses sob comando do General Song Shi-Lun. Apesar do Exército Chinês ter conseguido cercar e conter as forças da ONU, est (pt)
- De Slag om het Choisinreservoir, ook wel de Slag om het Changjinmeer genoemd, vond plaats tussen 27 november en 13 december 1950, tijdens de Koreaanse Oorlog. Het was een bruut gevecht waarbij 30.000 VN-troepen (bijgenaamd The Frozen Chosin of The Chosin Few) onder leiding van de Amerikaanse generaal het opnamen tegen ongeveer 150.000 Chinese manschappen onder leiding van . De naam Chosin is een Japanse vertaling van de regio in de Noord-Koreaanse provincie Hamgyŏng-namdo. (nl)
- 长津湖戰役(朝鮮語:장진호 전투/長津湖戰鬪;英語:Battle of Chosin Reservoir),于中华人民共和国又稱抗美援朝第二次戰役東線,是朝鲜战争中中國人民志愿軍参战后第二次战役中的一场重要战役,属于朝鲜战争的东线部分。美国海军陆战队第一师(师长奥利弗·史密斯少将、整建制参与战斗)、美国陆军第7步兵师(师长巴大维少将)下辖的4个师属野战砲兵营和第31团级战斗队(中国方面称其为“北极熊团”)、美国陆军第3步兵师下辖的3个团级战斗队(师长罗伯特·索尔少将,负责保护左翼)为聯合國軍主要地面作战单位,约合30,000人。同时拥有空中支援。中国人民志愿军方面,第20军(军长兼政委张翼翔)4个步兵师、第27军(军长彭德清、政委刘浩天)4个步兵师为主要作战单位,第26军(军长张仁初、政委李耀文)4个步兵师为预备队,无空中支援。 此战中,受到西伯利亞寒流的影響,长津湖地区的最低气溫极其罕见地降到了−36 °F(−38 °C),导致交战双方均出现了大量的非战斗减员(主要是冻伤),而其中志愿军由于后勤补给不足,一部分军队必须进行急行军穿插,在行军过程中丢弃了棉衣,其受氣候影響的程度遠遠甚於美軍。與此同时,志愿军由于大量缺乏除迫擊砲以外的重火力和防空火力而受到美军空军、砲击与火箭弹等武器猛烈打击,損失慘重。 长津湖战役为朝鲜战争东线的转折点,志愿军最後协助朝鲜奪回朝鲜半岛东北部所有領土。 (zh)
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Caleb_Bailey
- dbr:Cannon
- dbr:Capital_Mechanized_Infantry_Division
- dbr:Carl_A._Youngdale
- dbr:Carl_L._Sitter
- dbr:Presidential_Unit_Citation_(United_States)
- dbr:Quantico_National_Cemetery
- dbr:Robert_S._Kennemore
- dbr:Robert_Scurlark_Moore
- dbr:Robert_Taplett
- dbr:Roy_Boehm
- dbr:Samuel_Jaskilka
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_lieutenant_generals_from_2000_to_2009
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_lie...t_generals_on_active_duty_before_1960
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_lieutenant_generals_since_2010
- dbr:List_of_battles_(alphabetical)
- dbr:List_of_battles_1901–2000
- dbr:List_of_battles_by_casualties
- dbr:List_of_battles_with_most_United_States_military_fatalities
- dbr:List_of_burials_at_Arlington_National_Cemetery
- dbr:List_of_films_featuring_the_United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:Missing_in_action
- dbr:1950
- dbr:1950_in_China
- dbr:1950_in_aviation
- dbr:Battle_of_Hwacheon
- dbr:Battle_of_Pakchon
- dbr:Battle_of_Unsan
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Ch'ongch'on_River
- dbr:Ben_Chapman_(actor)
- dbr:Blockade_of_Wonsan
- dbr:Boonton_High_School
- dbr:David_Douglas_Duncan
- dbr:History_of_cannon
- dbr:Hold_Back_the_Night
- dbr:Homer_Litzenberg
- dbr:Hungnam
- dbr:Hungnam_evacuation
- dbr:John_N._McLaughlin
- dbr:John_U._D._Page
- dbr:Joseph_R._Fisher_(USMC)
- dbr:List_of_Eagle_Scouts
- dbr:List_of_Irish-American_Medal_of_Honor_recipients
- dbr:List_of_Medal_of_Honor_recipients_educated_at_the_United_States_Naval_Academy
- dbr:List_of_Navy_Cross_recipients_for_World_War_II
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Naval_Academy_alumni
- dbr:List_of_last_words_(20th_century)
- dbr:Paul_J._Fontana
- dbr:Paul_V._Mullaney
- dbr:People's_Volunteer_Army
- dbr:Reginald_R._Myers
- dbr:Republic_of_Korea_Marine_Corps
- dbr:Retreat,_Hell!
- dbr:Richard_De_Wert
- dbr:Richard_E._Carey
- dbr:Robert_Blakeley
- dbr:Robert_H._Barrow
- dbr:Robert_H._Soule
- dbr:USS_Henrico_(APA-45)
- dbr:USS_Hoquiam
- dbr:USS_James_E._Kyes
- dbr:USS_Jefferson_County
- dbr:USS_La_Moure_County_(LST-883)
- dbr:USS_McKean_(DD-784)
- dbr:USS_Missouri_(BB-63)
- dbr:USS_Mount_McKinley
- dbr:USS_Philippine_Sea_(CV-47)
- dbr:USS_Sicily
- dbr:USS_Thomas_Hudner
- dbr:United_Nations_Memorial_Cemetery
- dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:VFA-32
- dbr:VMFA-214
- dbr:VMFA-312
- dbr:VMFA-323
- dbr:VMR-152
- dbr:Venice,_Florida
- dbr:Victor_H._Krulak
- dbr:David_G._Barr
- dbr:Deaths_in_April_2002
- dbr:Deaths_in_July_2003
- dbr:Deaths_in_November_2017
- dbr:December_1950
- dbr:November_26
- dbr:List_of_historic_United_States_Marines
- dbr:List_of_orders_of_battle
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Texas
- dbr:November_1919
- dbr:November_1950
- dbr:11th_Marine_Regiment
- dbr:Combat_Assault_Battalion
- dbr:Matthew_McKeon
- dbr:SS_Lane_Victory
- dbr:Saint_Paul,_Minnesota
- dbr:Chosen
- dbr:Chosin
- dbr:VFA-115
- dbr:Chosin_Reservoir
- dbr:Chosin_Reservoir_Battle
- dbr:Clinton_A._Puckett
- dbr:Edward_Almond
- dbr:Edward_H._Forney
- dbr:Edward_W._Snedeker
- dbr:Edwin_H._Simmons
- dbr:Frank_N._Mitchell
- dbr:Frederick_C._Baldwin
- dbr:Greek_Expeditionary_Force_(Korea)
- dbr:Montville,_New_Jersey
- dbr:Mount_Chosin_Few
- dbr:Third_Battle_of_Seoul
- dbr:Thomas_J._Hudner_Jr.
- dbr:Thomas_J._McHugh
- dbr:Military_history_of_African_Americans
- dbr:VFA-195_(U.S._Navy)
- dbr:2018_North_Korea–United_States_Singapore_Summit
- dbr:Battle_of_Chosin_Reservoir_order_of_battle
- dbr:Lee_H._Phillips
- dbr:Lemuel_C._Shepherd_Jr.
- dbr:Leo_J._Meyer
- dbr:China–United_Kingdom_relations
- dbr:Chinese_People's_Volunteer_Army_order_of_battle
- dbr:Star_of_Koto-ri
- dbr:Star_of_Kotori
- dbr:Stephen_G._Olmstead
- dbr:Frank_Noel
- dbr:Hampton_Sides
- dbr:Ian_Yule
- dbr:Military_strategy
- dbr:1st_Battalion,_11th_Marines
- dbr:1st_Battalion,_1st_Marines
- dbr:1st_Battalion,_5th_Marines
- dbr:1st_Battalion,_7th_Marines
- dbr:1st_Combat_Engineer_Battalion
- dbr:1st_Marine_Division
- dbr:1st_Marine_Regiment
- dbr:1st_Tank_Battalion
- dbr:1st_Transportation_Support_Battalion
- dbr:Australia_in_the_Korean_War
- dbr:Bankson_T._Holcomb_Jr.
- dbr:59th_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:86th_Motorized_Infantry_Division_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:89th_Division_(2nd_Formation)_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:Bunny_boots
- dbr:UN_offensive_into_North_Korea
- dbr:UN_retreat_from_North_Korea
- dbr:USS_Badoeng_Strait
- dbr:USS_Chosin
- dbr:Webb_D._Sawyer
- dbr:William_B._Baugh
- dbr:William_E._Barber
- dbr:William_Frederick_Harris
- dbr:William_G._Windrich
- dbr:William_J._McCaffrey
- dbr:List_of_Chinese_wars_and_battles
- dbr:235th_Mechanized_Infantry_Brigade_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:2nd_Battalion,_11th_Marines
- dbr:2nd_Battalion,_1st_Marines
- dbr:2nd_Battalion,_5th_Marines
- dbr:2nd_Battalion,_7th_Marines
- dbr:2nd_Battalion,_9th_Marines
- dbr:2nd_Ranger_Infantry_Company_(United_States)
- dbr:31st_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:32nd_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:35th_Fighter_Wing
- dbr:3rd_Battalion,_11th_Marines
- dbr:3rd_Battalion,_1st_Marines
- dbr:3rd_Battalion,_5th_Marines
- dbr:3rd_Battalion,_7th_Marines
- dbr:3rd_Infantry_Division_(United_States)
- dbr:41_Commando
- dbr:4th_Tank_Battalion_(United_States)
- dbr:58th_Mechanized_Infantry_Brigade_(China)
- dbr:5th_Battalion,_11th_Marines
- dbr:5th_Marine_Regiment
- dbr:60th_Motorized_Infantry_Brigade_(People's_Republic_of_China)
- dbr:65th_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:7th_Infantry_Division_(United_States)
- dbr:7th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:7th_Marine_Regiment
- dbr:92nd_Field_Artillery_Regiment
- dbr:Alexander_Haig
- dbr:Allan_Sutter
- dbr:Alpha,_New_Jersey
- dbr:Alpha_L._Bowser
- dbr:American_Experience_(season_28)
- dbr:Eric_Brevig
- dbr:Fairchild_C-119_Flying_Boxcar
- dbr:Felix_J._McCool
- dbr:Field_Harris
- dbr:First_and_Second_Battles_of_Wonju
- dbr:Flag_of_the_United_States_Air_Force
- dbr:Flight_Nurse_(film)
- dbr:Foster_C._LaHue
- dbr:Francis_M._McAlister
- dbr:Battle_of_chosin_reservoir
- dbr:Direct_Air_Support_Center
- dbr:Foreign_interventions_by_China
- dbr:History_of_the_Royal_Marines
- dbr:History_of_the_United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:History_of_the_United_States_Navy
- dbr:List_of_Georgetown_University_alumni
- dbr:List_of_Korean_War_Medal_of_Honor_recipients
- dbr:List_of_Korean_battles
- dbr:List_of_Lehigh_University_alumni
- dbr:Pyrrhic_victory
- dbr:Republic_of_Korea_Presidential_Unit_Citation
- dbr:Marine_Aviation_Logistics_Squadron_12
- dbr:Marine_Corps_Gazette
- dbr:1st_Marine_Logistics_Group
- dbr:Gregon_A._Williams
- dbr:HMX-1
- dbr:Hari_Rhodes
- dbr:Harold_E._Wilson
- dbr:Harold_G._Long
- dbr:Harold_G._Schrier
- dbr:Harold_S._Roise
- dbr:Hector_A._Cafferata_Jr.
- dbr:Henry_A._Commiskey_Sr.
- dbr:Herbert_J._Valentine
- dbr:Herbert_L._Wilkerson
- dbr:Herman_Nickerson_Jr.
- dbr:JAG_(season_6)
- dbr:Jack_Hawkins_(U.S._Marine_Corps_officer)
- dbr:James_E._Johnson
- dbr:James_F._Lawrence_Jr.
- dbr:James_I._Poynter
- dbr:James_Johnson_Kelly
- dbr:James_N._Cupp
- dbr:James_O'Barr
- dbr:Task_Force_Faith
- dbr:The_Battle_at_Lake_Changjin_II
- dbr:The_D.I.
- dbr:Attack_on_the_Sui-ho_Dam
- dbr:Changjin_County
- dbr:Charles_D._Mize
- dbr:Charles_G._Abrell
- dbr:Charles_L._Banks
- dbr:Charles_Lee_Harrison
- dbr:Chesty_Puller
- dbr:Jesse_L._Brown
- dbr:John_Chafee
- dbr:John_H._Miller
- dbr:John_H._Yancey
- dbr:John_Milius
- dbr:Kailua,_Hawaii
- dbr:Lake_Changjin_Battle
- dbr:Lake_Hiawatha,_New_Jersey
- dbr:Lake_View,_Chicago
- dbr:Bless_'Em_All
- dbr:Cold-weather_warfare
- dbr:Colder_Than_Hell
- dbr:Hold_Back_the_Night_(novel)
- dbr:Recovery_of_US_human_remains_from_the_Korean_War
- dbr:Dick_Cresswell
- dbr:Don_C._Faith_Jr.
- dbr:Donald_Conroy
- dbr:Donald_Schmuck
- dbr:Douglas_MacArthur
- dbr:Marine_Air_Support_Squadron_2
- dbr:Song_Shilun
- dbr:Field_artillery
- dbr:Hugh_Boyd_Casey
- dbr:Korean_War
- dbr:Kurt_Chew-Een_Lee
- dbr:Oak_Ridge_Cemetery
- dbr:Oliver_P._Smith
- dbr:Operation_Ripper
- dbr:Canada_in_the_Korean_War
- dbr:Raymond_G._Davis
- dbr:Raymond_Murray
- dbr:Second_Phase_Offensive
- dbr:X_Corps_(United_States)
- dbr:Yonpo_Airfield
- dbr:Moving_Picture_Institute
- dbr:Operation_Roll-Up
- dbr:Snow
- dbr:VMO-6
- dbr:VFA-192
- dbr:List_of_surviving_Vought_F4U_Corsairs
- dbr:Changjin_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Non-U.S._recipients_of_U.S._gallantry_awards
- dbr:Non-passenger_and_optional_vehicle_registration_plates_of_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:VMFA-212
- dbr:The_Frozen_Hours
- dbr:VMFA-115
- dbr:长津湖之战
- dbr:Tao_Yong
- dbr:United_States_battleship_retirement_debate
- dbr:United_States_Air_Force_in_South_Korea
- dbr:This_Is_Korea
- dbr:Cháng_Jīn_Hū_Zhī_Zhàn
- dbr:Battle_of_Changjin
- dbr:Battle_of_Changjin_Lake
- dbr:Battle_of_Chosin
- dbr:Battle_of_Choson_Reservoir
- dbr:Battle_of_Jangjin_Lake
- dbr:Battle_of_Lake_Changjin
- dbr:Battle_of_Lake_Jangjin
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Chosin_Reservoir
- dbr:Changjin_Lake_Campaign