Castle on the Hill (original) (raw)
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- Castle on the Hill (englisch für ‚Burg auf dem Hügel‘) ist ein Lied des britischen Singer-Songwriters Ed Sheeran. Es wurde am 6. Januar 2017 als Lead-Single von Sheerans drittem Studioalbum ÷ veröffentlicht. (de)
- "Castle on the Hill" is a song by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. It was released on 6 January 2017 as one of the double lead singles from his third studio album ÷ (2017), along with "Shape of You". "Castle on the Hill" was written and produced by Ed Sheeran and Benny Blanco. The song refers to Framlingham Castle in Sheeran's home town of Framlingham in Suffolk, and reminisces tales of his upbringing in the town. The BBC states, "the song has been described as a love letter to Suffolk." Released on the same day as "Shape of You", "Castle on the Hill" reached number one in Iceland, Scotland and Israel. The song also reached number two in a number of countries, including the UK, Australia and Germany, while "Shape of You" debuted at number one. It was the first time in the history of the UK, Australian and German charts that an artist has taken the top two chart positions with new songs. The song debuted at number six in the US, while "Shape of You" entered at number one; this made Sheeran the first artist ever to have two songs simultaneously debut in the US top 10. "Castle" is certified nine-times Platinum in Australia, six-times Platinum in Canada, and multiplatinum in eight additional countries. (en)
- «Castle on the Hill» —en español: ‘Castillo en la colina’— es una canción del cantautor británico Ed Sheeran. Fue lanzada el 6 de enero de 2017 junto con "Shape of You", y forma parte de su tercer álbum de estudio ÷.El tema del sencillo rodea la ciudad donde vivió toda su infancia y adolescencia Ed Sheeran, Framlingham y él recuerda historias de "fumar cigarrillos enrollados a mano" y "emborracharse [con] amigos" en este lugar. El castillo mencionado en la canción es el castillo de Framlingham, y en enero de 2017, Sheeran fue invitado a cantar en él. También (es)
- Castle on the Hill est une chanson de l'auteur-compositeur-interprète britannique Ed Sheeran. Elle est sortie en téléchargement numérique le 6 janvier 2017 en tant que single du troisième album de l'artiste, ÷ (2017), avec l'autre single Shape of You. Le château auquel Sheeran fait référence est le château de Framlingham, situé à Framlingham, où l'artiste a grandi. Dans le refrain, Sheeran fait référence à la chanson Tiny Dancer d'Elton John avec les paroles "Singing to Tiny Dancer". Il est en effet un grand admirateur de l'artiste britannique et a déjà chanté avec lui. (fr)
- "Castle on The Hill" adalah sebuah lagu yang ditulis Ed Sheeran. Singel ini dirilis pada 6 Januari 2017 sebagai salah satu singel utama ganda dari album studio ketiganya ÷ (2017), bersama "". "Castle on the Hill" ditulis dan diproduksi oleh Ed Sheeran bersama Benny Blanco. Lagu tersebut mengacu pada di kota asal Sheeran Suffolk, dan mengenang kisah-kisah tentang asuhannya di kota tersebut. BBC menyatakan, "lagu itu telah digambarkan sebagai surat cinta untuk Suffolk." Dirilis pada hari yang sama dengan "Shape of You", "Castle on the Hill" mencapai nomor dua di sejumlah negara, termasuk Inggris, Australia dan Jerman, sementara "Shape of You" debut di nomor satu. Hal ini merupakan kali pertama dalam sejarah tangga lagu Inggris, Australia, dan Jerman seorang artis menduduki dua posisi teratas tangga lagu dengan lagu-lagu baru. Lagu debutnya di nomor enam di AS, sementara "Shape of You" masuk di nomor satu; ini menjadikan Sheeran artis pertama yang memiliki dua lagu sekaligus debut di 10 besar AS. Lagu "Castle" meraih sertifikat sembilan Platinum di Australia, enam Platinum di Kanada, dan multiplatinum di delapan negara tambahan. (in)
- 〈Castle on the Hill〉은 영국의 싱어송라이터 에드 시런의 노래이다. 2017년 1월 6일 〈Shape of You〉와 함께 그의 세 번째 스튜디오 음반 《÷》 (2017년)의 더블 리드 싱글 중 하나로 발매되었다. 〈Castle on the Hill〉은 에드 시런과 베니 블랑코가 작사, 작곡하고 프로듀싱했다. 이 노래는 시런의 고향인 서퍽주의 에 있는 을 가리키며, 그가 마을에서 자란 이야기를 회상한다. BBC는 "이 노래는 서퍽주에게 보내는 러브레터로 묘사되었다"고 말한다. 〈Shape of You〉와 같은 날 발매한 〈Castle on the Hill〉은 아이슬란드, 스코틀랜드, 이스라엘에서 1위에 올랐다. 이 노래는 또한 영국, 호주, 독일을 포함한 여러 나라에서 2위에 올랐고, 〈Shape of You〉는 1위로 데뷔했다. 영국, 호주, 독일 차트 역사상 처음으로 아티스트가 신곡으로 차트 상위 2위를 차지한 것이다. 이 곡은 미국에서 6위로 데뷔했고, 〈Shape of You〉는 1위로 진입했으며, 이는 시런이 미국 톱 10에 동시에 두 곡을 데뷔시킨 최초의 아티스트가 되었다. 〈Castle on the Hill〉은 호주에서 플래티넘 9회, 캐나다에서 플래티넘 6회, 그리고 추가로 8개국에서 멀티플래티넘 인증을 받았다. (ko)
- Castle on the Hill è un singolo del cantautore britannico Ed Sheeran, pubblicato il 6 gennaio 2017 come primo estratto dal quinto album in studio ÷. (it)
- Castle on the Hill is een single van de Engelse singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran op 6 januari 2017. De single is afkomstig van het album ÷ en werd samen met Shape of You uitgebracht. Hiermee brak hij een record. Nog nooit eerder stond een artiest met twee nieuwe nummers op de eerste en tweede plaats van de Britse hitlijst. (nl)
- "Castle on the Hill" é uma canção do cantor inglês Ed Sheeran, gravada para seu terceiro álbum de estúdio, ÷ (2017). Foi lançada em 6 de janeiro de 2017 em conjunto com "Shape of You" como os dois primeiros singles do disco. Foi composta e produzida pelo próprio intérprete com o auxílio de Benny Blanco. (pt)
- «Castle on the Hill» (с англ. — «Замок на холме») — песня британского автора-исполнителя Эда Ширана, изданная 6 января 2017 года в качестве сингла с его третьего студийного альбома ÷ звукозаписывающими лейблами Atlantic и Asylum Records. Тематика песни затрагивает родной город Эда Ширана — Фрамлингем, он вспоминает о времени, проведённом там вместе со своими друзьями и первой любовью. Замок, упомянутый в названии песни — Замок Фрамлингем; в январе 2017 года Ширана пригласили выступить в этом замке. (ru)
- 〈山丘上的城堡〉(英語:"Castle on the Hill")是英國創作型歌手艾德·希蘭的歌曲。歌曲於2017年1月6日透過數位下載發行,與〈妳的樣子〉一同作為其第三張錄音室專輯《÷》的主打單曲。 〈山丘上的城堡〉是一首包括與搖滾風格的流行歌曲,由艾德·希蘭本人與本尼·布兰科共同撰寫。歌曲發行後首週空降英國、加拿大、澳洲等多國單曲榜亞軍位置,緊隨於同日發行的歌曲〈妳的樣子〉後。在美國,歌曲首週空降《告示牌》百強單曲榜第6名,與同日發行的〈妳的樣子〉一同空降告示牌百強單曲榜前10位,使希蘭成為史上唯一一名歌手同時有兩首歌曲空降百強單曲榜前10位。 歌曲的音樂錄影帶以一群青少年的青春生活重現了希蘭以往的生活,並於薩福克郡進行拍攝,而錄像帶最後的場景則於歌詞提及的城堡弗瑞林姆城堡取景。 (zh)
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- Castle on the Hill (englisch für ‚Burg auf dem Hügel‘) ist ein Lied des britischen Singer-Songwriters Ed Sheeran. Es wurde am 6. Januar 2017 als Lead-Single von Sheerans drittem Studioalbum ÷ veröffentlicht. (de)
- «Castle on the Hill» —en español: ‘Castillo en la colina’— es una canción del cantautor británico Ed Sheeran. Fue lanzada el 6 de enero de 2017 junto con "Shape of You", y forma parte de su tercer álbum de estudio ÷.El tema del sencillo rodea la ciudad donde vivió toda su infancia y adolescencia Ed Sheeran, Framlingham y él recuerda historias de "fumar cigarrillos enrollados a mano" y "emborracharse [con] amigos" en este lugar. El castillo mencionado en la canción es el castillo de Framlingham, y en enero de 2017, Sheeran fue invitado a cantar en él. También (es)
- Castle on the Hill est une chanson de l'auteur-compositeur-interprète britannique Ed Sheeran. Elle est sortie en téléchargement numérique le 6 janvier 2017 en tant que single du troisième album de l'artiste, ÷ (2017), avec l'autre single Shape of You. Le château auquel Sheeran fait référence est le château de Framlingham, situé à Framlingham, où l'artiste a grandi. Dans le refrain, Sheeran fait référence à la chanson Tiny Dancer d'Elton John avec les paroles "Singing to Tiny Dancer". Il est en effet un grand admirateur de l'artiste britannique et a déjà chanté avec lui. (fr)
- Castle on the Hill è un singolo del cantautore britannico Ed Sheeran, pubblicato il 6 gennaio 2017 come primo estratto dal quinto album in studio ÷. (it)
- Castle on the Hill is een single van de Engelse singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran op 6 januari 2017. De single is afkomstig van het album ÷ en werd samen met Shape of You uitgebracht. Hiermee brak hij een record. Nog nooit eerder stond een artiest met twee nieuwe nummers op de eerste en tweede plaats van de Britse hitlijst. (nl)
- "Castle on the Hill" é uma canção do cantor inglês Ed Sheeran, gravada para seu terceiro álbum de estúdio, ÷ (2017). Foi lançada em 6 de janeiro de 2017 em conjunto com "Shape of You" como os dois primeiros singles do disco. Foi composta e produzida pelo próprio intérprete com o auxílio de Benny Blanco. (pt)
- «Castle on the Hill» (с англ. — «Замок на холме») — песня британского автора-исполнителя Эда Ширана, изданная 6 января 2017 года в качестве сингла с его третьего студийного альбома ÷ звукозаписывающими лейблами Atlantic и Asylum Records. Тематика песни затрагивает родной город Эда Ширана — Фрамлингем, он вспоминает о времени, проведённом там вместе со своими друзьями и первой любовью. Замок, упомянутый в названии песни — Замок Фрамлингем; в январе 2017 года Ширана пригласили выступить в этом замке. (ru)
- 〈山丘上的城堡〉(英語:"Castle on the Hill")是英國創作型歌手艾德·希蘭的歌曲。歌曲於2017年1月6日透過數位下載發行,與〈妳的樣子〉一同作為其第三張錄音室專輯《÷》的主打單曲。 〈山丘上的城堡〉是一首包括與搖滾風格的流行歌曲,由艾德·希蘭本人與本尼·布兰科共同撰寫。歌曲發行後首週空降英國、加拿大、澳洲等多國單曲榜亞軍位置,緊隨於同日發行的歌曲〈妳的樣子〉後。在美國,歌曲首週空降《告示牌》百強單曲榜第6名,與同日發行的〈妳的樣子〉一同空降告示牌百強單曲榜前10位,使希蘭成為史上唯一一名歌手同時有兩首歌曲空降百強單曲榜前10位。 歌曲的音樂錄影帶以一群青少年的青春生活重現了希蘭以往的生活,並於薩福克郡進行拍攝,而錄像帶最後的場景則於歌詞提及的城堡弗瑞林姆城堡取景。 (zh)
- "Castle on the Hill" is a song by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. It was released on 6 January 2017 as one of the double lead singles from his third studio album ÷ (2017), along with "Shape of You". "Castle on the Hill" was written and produced by Ed Sheeran and Benny Blanco. The song refers to Framlingham Castle in Sheeran's home town of Framlingham in Suffolk, and reminisces tales of his upbringing in the town. The BBC states, "the song has been described as a love letter to Suffolk." (en)
- "Castle on The Hill" adalah sebuah lagu yang ditulis Ed Sheeran. Singel ini dirilis pada 6 Januari 2017 sebagai salah satu singel utama ganda dari album studio ketiganya ÷ (2017), bersama "". "Castle on the Hill" ditulis dan diproduksi oleh Ed Sheeran bersama Benny Blanco. Lagu tersebut mengacu pada di kota asal Sheeran Suffolk, dan mengenang kisah-kisah tentang asuhannya di kota tersebut. BBC menyatakan, "lagu itu telah digambarkan sebagai surat cinta untuk Suffolk." (in)
- 〈Castle on the Hill〉은 영국의 싱어송라이터 에드 시런의 노래이다. 2017년 1월 6일 〈Shape of You〉와 함께 그의 세 번째 스튜디오 음반 《÷》 (2017년)의 더블 리드 싱글 중 하나로 발매되었다. 〈Castle on the Hill〉은 에드 시런과 베니 블랑코가 작사, 작곡하고 프로듀싱했다. 이 노래는 시런의 고향인 서퍽주의 에 있는 을 가리키며, 그가 마을에서 자란 이야기를 회상한다. BBC는 "이 노래는 서퍽주에게 보내는 러브레터로 묘사되었다"고 말한다. (ko)
- Castle on the Hill (en)
- Castle on the Hill (de)
- Castle on the Hill (es)
- Castle on the Hill (in)
- Castle on the Hill (fr)
- Castle on the Hill (it)
- Castle on the Hill (ko)
- Castle on the Hill (nl)
- Castle on the Hill (pt)
- Castle on the Hill (ru)
- 山丘上的城堡 (zh)
- wikidata:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-br:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-de:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-es:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-fa:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-fi:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-fr:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-he:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-id:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-it:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-ko:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-nl:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-pt:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-ru:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-tr:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-vi:Castle on the Hill
- dbpedia-zh:Castle on the Hill
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Framlingham_Castle_Sunset.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Castle_On_The_Hill_(Official_Single_Cover)_by_Ed_Sheeran.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Eastward_Ho!,_Felixstowe.jpg
- Castle on the Hill (en)
is dbo:previousWork of
is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Castle_on_the_Hill_(Ed_Sheeran_song)
- dbr:Castle_on_the_Hill_(song)
- dbr:I'm_on_My_Way_(Ed_Sheeran_song)
- dbr:The_Castle_on_the_Hill
- dbr:Castle_on_the_hill
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Castle_on_the_Hill_(Ed_Sheeran_song)
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_singles_in_2017
- dbr:List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Ed_Sheeran
- dbr:List_of_best-selling_singles_of_the_2010s_in_Australia
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Blades_(season_6)
- dbr:Benny_Blanco
- dbr:Deutschland_sucht_den_Superstar_(season_15)
- dbr:List_of_Shawn_Mendes_live_performances
- dbr:Perfect_(Ed_Sheeran_song)
- dbr:List_of_million-selling_singles_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_most-streamed_songs_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:+–=÷×_Tour
- dbr:Countdown_(Canadian_TV_program)
- dbr:Masked_Singer_Sverige_(season_1)
- dbr:Maskorama
- dbr:Galway_Girl_(Ed_Sheeran_song)
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival_2017
- dbr:The_Maccabeats
- dbr:The_Masked_Singer_(American_season_2)
- dbr:The_Masked_Singer_(Dutch_TV_series)
- dbr:The_Masked_Singer_(German_season_5)
- dbr:The_Voice_(American_season_14)
- dbr:The_Voice_(Australian_season_10)
- dbr:The_Voice_(Australian_season_11)
- dbr:The_Voice_(Australian_season_7)
- dbr:The_Voice_of_Bulgaria_(season_6)
- dbr:The_Voice_of_Croatia_(season_3)
- dbr:The_Voice_of_Germany_(season_10)
- dbr:The_Voice_of_Germany_(season_12)
- dbr:The_Voice_of_Greece_(season_7)
- dbr:The_Voice_of_Holland_(season_8)
- dbr:Benny_Blanco_production_discography
- dbr:Lee_Matthews_(singer)
- dbr:List_of_Australian_chart_achievements_and_milestones
- dbr:Look_What_You_Made_Me_Do
- dbr:÷_(album)
- dbr:BBC_Radio_1's_Big_Weekend
- dbr:BBC_Radio_1's_Live_Lounge_2017
- dbr:W&W
- dbr:Castle_on_the_Hill_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Castle_on_the_Hill_(song)
- dbr:Lead_single
- dbr:APRA_Music_Awards_of_2018
- dbr:American_Idol_(season_18)
- dbr:American_Idol_(season_19)
- dbr:Dancing_Brasil_(season_3)
- dbr:Ed_Sheeran
- dbr:Ed_Sheeran_discography
- dbr:Eraser_(Ed_Sheeran_song)
- dbr:Framlingham_Castle
- dbr:Digital_Songs
- dbr:Global_Recording_Artist_of_the_Year
- dbr:List_of_Ivor_Novello_Award_winners_and_nominees_(2010s–2020s)
- dbr:List_of_Platinum_singles_in_the_United_Kingdom_awarded_since_2000
- dbr:Hello_My_Love
- dbr:The_Four_Brasil_(season_1)
- dbr:2017_UK_Music_Video_Awards
- dbr:2017_in_British_music
- dbr:Jingle_Bell_Ball
- dbr:Lay_It_All_on_Me_(song)
- dbr:Billboard_Year-End_Hot_100_singles_of_2017
- dbr:Superband_(TV_program)
- dbr:Illuminate_World_Tour
- dbr:Canadian_Hot_100
- dbr:Carpool_Karaoke
- dbr:Rachel_Tucker
- dbr:Shape_of_You
- dbr:New_Zealand_top_50_singles_of_2017
- dbr:List_of_songs_recorded_by_Ed_Sheeran
- dbr:List_of_songs_which_have_spent_the_most_weeks_on_the_UK_Singles_Chart
- dbr:List_of_top_10_singles_for_2017_in_Australia
- dbr:List_of_top_10_singles_in_2017_(France)
- dbr:List_of_top_25_singles_for_2017_in_Australia
- dbr:Scottish_Singles_and_Albums_Charts
- dbr:UK_Singles_Chart_records_and_statistics
- dbr:I'm_on_My_Way_(Ed_Sheeran_song)
- dbr:The_Castle_on_the_Hill
- dbr:Castle_on_the_hill
is dbp:prevTitle of
is dbp:title of
is foaf:primaryTopic of