Checkmate is a Nigerian television serial that ran from Thursday, April 4, 1991 to 1994, created by Amaka Igwe and sponsored by Lever Brothers Nigeria. It starred Ego Nnamani, Francis Agu, Bob-Manuel Udokwu, Mildred Iweka, Kunle Bamtefa, and Richard Mofe Damijo Set in Lagos, the story focuses on the Haatrope family, the enemies determined to destroy their business and legacy, and their friends and associates. Checkmate is seen in the show's opening credits, where a chess player's king is directly attacked by an opponent's pawn, making escape impossible.
Checkmate is a Nigerian television serial that ran from Thursday, April 4, 1991 to 1994, created by Amaka Igwe and sponsored by Lever Brothers Nigeria. It starred Ego Nnamani, Francis Agu, Bob-Manuel Udokwu, Mildred Iweka, Kunle Bamtefa, and Richard Mofe Damijo Set in Lagos, the story focuses on the Haatrope family, the enemies determined to destroy their business and legacy, and their friends and associates. Checkmate is seen in the show's opening credits, where a chess player's king is directly attacked by an opponent's pawn, making escape impossible. The show's opening and ending theme is Ron Goodwin's main theme for the 1964 war film 633 Squadron, and the main character - Ann Haatrope - is loosely based on Queen Amina of Zaria. (en)
Checkmate is a Nigerian television serial that ran from Thursday, April 4, 1991 to 1994, created by Amaka Igwe and sponsored by Lever Brothers Nigeria. It starred Ego Nnamani, Francis Agu, Bob-Manuel Udokwu, Mildred Iweka, Kunle Bamtefa, and Richard Mofe Damijo Set in Lagos, the story focuses on the Haatrope family, the enemies determined to destroy their business and legacy, and their friends and associates. Checkmate is seen in the show's opening credits, where a chess player's king is directly attacked by an opponent's pawn, making escape impossible. (en)