Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (original) (raw)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSH) ist eine Forschungsinstitution, die aus mehreren Laboratorien in Laurel Hollow, New York, auf Long Island, besteht. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in Krebsforschung, Neurobiologie, , Genomik und Bioinformatik. Das Forschungszentrum betreibt unter anderem ein Graduiertenprogramm (Watson School of Biological Sciences). Neun Nobelpreisträger waren bisher am CSH tätig. 1890 wurde das Laboratorium als Abteilung des Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences gegründet. 1904 gründete die Carnegie Institution of Washington die Station for Experimental Evolution in Cold Spring Harbor. 1921 wurde das Laboratorium zum Carnegie Institution Department of Genetics umorganisiert. James Watson (Mitentdecker der DNA-Struktur) war 35 Jahre lang Direktor und später Chancellor des Laboratoriums. 1994 wurde der australische Krebs-Forscher Bruce Stillman als Direktor zu Watsons Nachfolger berufen, seit 2003 ist er Präsident (Stand 2019). Das Institut organisiert unter anderem alljährlich die Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. (de)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) is a private, non-profit institution with research programs focusing on cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, genomics, and quantitative biology. It is one of 68 institutions supported by the Cancer Centers Program of the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) and has been an NCI-designated Cancer Center since 1987. The Laboratory is one of a handful of institutions that played a central role in the development of molecular genetics and molecular biology. It has been home to eight scientists who have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. CSHL is ranked among the leading basic research institutions in molecular biology and genetics with Thomson Reuters ranking it #1 in the world. CSHL was also ranked #1 in research output worldwide by Nature. The Laboratory is led by Bruce Stillman, a biochemist and cancer researcher. Since its inception in 1890, the institution's campus on the North Shore of Long Island has also been a center of biology education. Current CSHL educational programs serve professional scientists, doctoral students in biology, teachers of biology in the K-12 system, and students from the elementary grades through high school. In the past 10 years CSHL conferences & courses have drawn over 81,000 scientists and students to the main campus. For this reason, many scientists consider CSHL a "crossroads of biological science." Since 2009 CSHL has partnered with the Suzhou Industrial Park in Suzhou, China to create Cold Spring Harbor Asia which annually draws some 3,000 scientists to its meetings and courses. The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory School of Biological Sciences, formerly the Watson School of Biological Sciences, was founded in 1999. In 2015, CSHL announced a strategic affiliation with the nearby Northwell Health to advance cancer therapeutics research, develop a new clinical cancer research unit at Northwell Health in Lake Success, NY, to support early-phase clinical studies of new cancer therapies, and recruit and train more clinician-scientists in oncology. CSHL hosts bioRxiv, a preprint repository for publications in the life sciences. (en)
- El laboratorio Cold Spring Harbor, (en inglés Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, CSHL) es una institución privada sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a investigación científica , situada en la localidad de Laurel Hollow (Nueva York). Está especializado en el estudio del cáncer, la neurobiología, la , la genómica y la bioinformática. Nueve científicos que trabajaron en él obtuvieron el premio Nobel. Comenzó a funcionar en 1890 como centro asociado al ; en 1904, la Institución Carnegie se incluyó en el Laboratorio (desde 1921, como Departamento de Genética). Entre los investigadores más reconocidos del centro destacan: Barbara McClintock, quien descubrió los transposones en este lugar, por lo que fue premiada con el Nobel de Medicina o Fisiología en 1983; Alfred Hershey y Martha Chase, quienes confirmaron el papel del ácido desoxirribonucleico como material genético; Max Delbrück y Salvador Luria, investigadores sobre bacteriófagos y Biología Molecular;Richard J. Roberts, codescubridor de los intrones y el splicing de ARN y merecedor del Nobel. (es)
- Il Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) è un'istituzione privata e senza fini di lucro i cui programmi di ricerca si focalizzano su cancro, neurobiologia, genetica, genomica e bioinformatica. La sua visione educativa è molto ampia e include anche la recentemente istituita (fondata nel 1998). Vi lavorano oltre 400 scienziati. Nella sua storia vi hanno lavorato otto premi Nobel. Il CSHL è una delle istituzioni finanziate dal Cancer Centers Program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Dal 2013 ospita bioRxiv, l'archivio di articoli preprint per le scienze della vita. Il centro si trova nel villaggio di Laurel Hollow, presso Oyster Bay, sulle sponde del porto di Cold Spring. (it)
- コールド・スプリング・ハーバー研究所(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory:CSHL)はアメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州ロングアイランドにある民間非営利財団による研究所で、生物学・医学の研究および教育を目的とする。最先端の研究で世界的に知られ、ノーベル賞受賞者も出している。有名な港町コールド・スプリング・ハーバー(サフォーク郡ハンティントン町)の名を冠しているが、所在地はその西隣のナッソー郡村である。 (ja)
- Cold spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) is een privé, non-profit instituut met onderzoeksprogramma's gericht op kanker, neurowetenschap, plant biology, Genomica en quantitave biology. Het is een van de 68 instituten die door het Cancer Centers Program van het U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) worden ondersteund en is sinds 1987 een NCI-designated Cancer Center. Het laboratorium is een van de instituten, die een centrale rol speelden in de ontwikkeling van moleculaire genetica en moleculaire biologie. CSHL was de thuisbasis voor acht wetenschappers die beloond zijn met de Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Sinds haar begin in 1890, is de campus op de North Shore van Long Island een centrum van een biologie opleiding. sinds 2009 is het CSHL partner van in Suzhou, China om op te richten. In 1999 werd de Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory School of Biological Science (eerder de Watson School of Biological Science) opgericht. Onder de onderzoeksprogramma's vallen celbiologie en genomica (daaronder vallen (RNAi) en biologie; ; , etc.), maar ook neurowetenschap, plant biology (zoals epigenetica) en het 'Simons Center for Quantitive Biology (populatiegenetica) en onderzoek naar COVID-19. (nl)
- 콜드스프링하버 연구소(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)는 미국 뉴욕주 롱아일랜드에 위치한 세계 최정상급 생명과학 연구소이자 교육기관이다. 규모가 작지만 분자생물학과 유전학 등에서 세계 선두를 달리고 있다. 네이처(Nature)지에 의해 연구결과 분야에서 세계 1위 기관으로 평가를 받았다. DNA 이중나선 구조를 발견한 제임스 왓슨, 옥수수 유전자를 해독하여 노벨상을 받은 바바라 매클린톡을 비롯하여 8명의 노벨 생리의학상 수상자를 배출했다. (ko)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) – prywatna instytucja badawcza i edukacyjna non-profit, prowadząca badania na polu nowotworów, neurobiologii, genetyki roślin, genomiki i bioinformatyki. Siedziba mieści się w hrabstwie Nassau w stanie Nowy Jork. Laboratorium zostało założone w 1890 roku przy i było jedną z pierwszych na świecie instytucji badawczych w dziedzinie genetyki. Przez te lata w laboratorium pracowało ośmiu laureatów nagrody Nobla. Miejsce wielu odkryć, ruchomych elementów genomu (później nazwanych transpozonami) dokonanego przez Barbarę McClintock oraz eksperymentu A. Hersheya i M. Chase. Od 1968 roku dyrektorem, następnie w latach 1994-2003 prezydentem, a ostatecznie do wymuszonej emerytury w 2007 roku kanclerzem CSHL był inny noblista, współautor modelu budowy przestrzennej podwójnej helisy DNA, James Watson. To w CSHL podczas sympozjum na temat wirusów pracujący wówczas w Laboratorium Cavendisha Watson po raz pierwszy omawiał publicznie swój artykuł z tym odkryciem. Od założenia Laboratorium prowadzi działalność edukacyjną, poprzez założoną w 1999 roku . (pl)
- O Laboratório Cold Spring Harbor (em inglês: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, CSHL) é uma instituição de investigação científica localizada em Laurel Hollow, Nova Iorque. É especializado no estudo do câncer, neurobiologia, , genômica e bioinformática. Nove dos cientistas que trabalharam no laboratório foram laureados com o Prêmio Nobel. O laboratório começou a funcionar em 1890, como centro associado ao . Em 1904 a foi incluída no laboratório (desde 1921 como Departamento de Genética). Entre seus investigadores de renome destacam-se: Barbara McClintock, que descobriu os transposões em seus laboratórios, laureada com o Nobel de Fisiologia ou Medicina de 1983; Alfred Hershey e Martha Chase, que confirmaram o papel do ácido desoxirribonucleico como material genético; Max Delbrück e Salvador Luria, investigadores de bacteriófagos e biologia molecular; Richard Roberts, codescobridor dos íntrons e do splicing de RNA. (pt)
- Лаборатория в Колд Спринг Харбор (англ. The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, CSHL) — частная некоммерческая организация, занимающаяся исследованиями в области онкологии, нейробиологии, , геномики и биоинформатики. Штат лаборатории состоит из 400 сотрудников. За время существования лаборатории в ней работали 9 лауреатов Нобелевской премии. Исследовательский комплекс лаборатории расположен в округе Саффолк штата Нью-Йорк, однако её штаб-квартира расположена в соседнем округе Нассо — в городе . (ru)
- 冷泉港实验室(The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,缩写CSHL),又译为科尔德斯普林實驗室,是一个享誉全球的非营利性私人科学研究与教育中心,位於美国纽约州长岛上的冷泉港。冷泉港实验室的主要研究领域包括癌症、神经生物学、植物遗传学、基因组学以及生物资讯学,主要成就为分子生物学领域,一共诞生了8位诺贝尔奖得主。除科学研究外,冷泉港实验室还领导了生命科学领域的多种教育计划。如今,约有600位研究人员在冷泉港实验室从事科研工作。冷泉港实验室被誉为世界生命科学圣地、“分子生物学摇篮”,名列世界影响最大的十大研究学院榜首。 (zh)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (en)
- dbc:Biotechnology_organizations
- dbc:Biological_research_institutes
- dbc:1890_establishments_in_New_York_(state)
- dbc:1890_in_biology
- dbc:Historic_districts_on_the_National_Reg...f_Historic_Places_in_New_York_(state)
- dbc:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_in_Oyster_Bay_(town),_New_York
- dbc:Universities_and_colleges_on_Long_Island
- dbc:Independent_research_institutes
- dbc:Laboratories_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Research_institutes_in_New_York_(state)
- dbc:Genetics_or_genomics_research_institutions
- dbc:Research_institutes_established_in_1890
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Place
- dbo:Location
- schema:LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings
- schema:Place
- yago:WikicatBiologicalResearchInstitutes
- yago:WikicatBiotechnologyOrganizations
- yago:WikicatUniversitiesAndCollegesOnLongIsland
- geo:SpatialThing
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- yago:Association108049401
- yago:EducationalInstitution108276342
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:Institute108407330
- yago:Institution108053576
- yago:Organization108008335
- yago:WikicatGeneticsOrGenomicsResearchInstitutions
- yago:WikicatIndependentResearchInstitutes
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
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- dbo:HistoricPlace
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- yago:WikicatResearchInstitutesInTheUnitedStates
- コールド・スプリング・ハーバー研究所(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory:CSHL)はアメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州ロングアイランドにある民間非営利財団による研究所で、生物学・医学の研究および教育を目的とする。最先端の研究で世界的に知られ、ノーベル賞受賞者も出している。有名な港町コールド・スプリング・ハーバー(サフォーク郡ハンティントン町)の名を冠しているが、所在地はその西隣のナッソー郡村である。 (ja)
- 콜드스프링하버 연구소(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)는 미국 뉴욕주 롱아일랜드에 위치한 세계 최정상급 생명과학 연구소이자 교육기관이다. 규모가 작지만 분자생물학과 유전학 등에서 세계 선두를 달리고 있다. 네이처(Nature)지에 의해 연구결과 분야에서 세계 1위 기관으로 평가를 받았다. DNA 이중나선 구조를 발견한 제임스 왓슨, 옥수수 유전자를 해독하여 노벨상을 받은 바바라 매클린톡을 비롯하여 8명의 노벨 생리의학상 수상자를 배출했다. (ko)
- Лаборатория в Колд Спринг Харбор (англ. The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, CSHL) — частная некоммерческая организация, занимающаяся исследованиями в области онкологии, нейробиологии, , геномики и биоинформатики. Штат лаборатории состоит из 400 сотрудников. За время существования лаборатории в ней работали 9 лауреатов Нобелевской премии. Исследовательский комплекс лаборатории расположен в округе Саффолк штата Нью-Йорк, однако её штаб-квартира расположена в соседнем округе Нассо — в городе . (ru)
- 冷泉港实验室(The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,缩写CSHL),又译为科尔德斯普林實驗室,是一个享誉全球的非营利性私人科学研究与教育中心,位於美国纽约州长岛上的冷泉港。冷泉港实验室的主要研究领域包括癌症、神经生物学、植物遗传学、基因组学以及生物资讯学,主要成就为分子生物学领域,一共诞生了8位诺贝尔奖得主。除科学研究外,冷泉港实验室还领导了生命科学领域的多种教育计划。如今,约有600位研究人员在冷泉港实验室从事科研工作。冷泉港实验室被誉为世界生命科学圣地、“分子生物学摇篮”,名列世界影响最大的十大研究学院榜首。 (zh)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) is a private, non-profit institution with research programs focusing on cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, genomics, and quantitative biology. It is one of 68 institutions supported by the Cancer Centers Program of the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) and has been an NCI-designated Cancer Center since 1987. The Laboratory is one of a handful of institutions that played a central role in the development of molecular genetics and molecular biology. CSHL hosts bioRxiv, a preprint repository for publications in the life sciences. (en)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSH) ist eine Forschungsinstitution, die aus mehreren Laboratorien in Laurel Hollow, New York, auf Long Island, besteht. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in Krebsforschung, Neurobiologie, , Genomik und Bioinformatik. Das Forschungszentrum betreibt unter anderem ein Graduiertenprogramm (Watson School of Biological Sciences). Neun Nobelpreisträger waren bisher am CSH tätig. Das Institut organisiert unter anderem alljährlich die Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. (de)
- El laboratorio Cold Spring Harbor, (en inglés Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, CSHL) es una institución privada sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a investigación científica , situada en la localidad de Laurel Hollow (Nueva York). Está especializado en el estudio del cáncer, la neurobiología, la , la genómica y la bioinformática. Nueve científicos que trabajaron en él obtuvieron el premio Nobel. Comenzó a funcionar en 1890 como centro asociado al ; en 1904, la Institución Carnegie se incluyó en el Laboratorio (desde 1921, como Departamento de Genética). (es)
- Il Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) è un'istituzione privata e senza fini di lucro i cui programmi di ricerca si focalizzano su cancro, neurobiologia, genetica, genomica e bioinformatica. La sua visione educativa è molto ampia e include anche la recentemente istituita (fondata nel 1998). Vi lavorano oltre 400 scienziati. Nella sua storia vi hanno lavorato otto premi Nobel. Il CSHL è una delle istituzioni finanziate dal Cancer Centers Program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Dal 2013 ospita bioRxiv, l'archivio di articoli preprint per le scienze della vita. (it)
- Cold spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) is een privé, non-profit instituut met onderzoeksprogramma's gericht op kanker, neurowetenschap, plant biology, Genomica en quantitave biology. Het is een van de 68 instituten die door het Cancer Centers Program van het U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) worden ondersteund en is sinds 1987 een NCI-designated Cancer Center. Het laboratorium is een van de instituten, die een centrale rol speelden in de ontwikkeling van moleculaire genetica en moleculaire biologie. sinds 2009 is het CSHL partner van in Suzhou, China om op te richten. (nl)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) – prywatna instytucja badawcza i edukacyjna non-profit, prowadząca badania na polu nowotworów, neurobiologii, genetyki roślin, genomiki i bioinformatyki. Siedziba mieści się w hrabstwie Nassau w stanie Nowy Jork. Laboratorium zostało założone w 1890 roku przy i było jedną z pierwszych na świecie instytucji badawczych w dziedzinie genetyki. Przez te lata w laboratorium pracowało ośmiu laureatów nagrody Nobla. Od założenia Laboratorium prowadzi działalność edukacyjną, poprzez założoną w 1999 roku . (pl)
- O Laboratório Cold Spring Harbor (em inglês: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, CSHL) é uma instituição de investigação científica localizada em Laurel Hollow, Nova Iorque. É especializado no estudo do câncer, neurobiologia, , genômica e bioinformática. Nove dos cientistas que trabalharam no laboratório foram laureados com o Prêmio Nobel. O laboratório começou a funcionar em 1890, como centro associado ao . Em 1904 a foi incluída no laboratório (desde 1921 como Departamento de Genética). (pt)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (en)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (de)
- Laboratorio Cold Spring Harbor (es)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (it)
- コールド・スプリング・ハーバー研究所 (ja)
- 콜드스프링하버 연구소 (ko)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (nl)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (pl)
- Laboratório Cold Spring Harbor (pt)
- Лаборатория в Колд-Спринг-Харбор (ru)
- 冷泉港實驗室 (zh)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Historic District (en)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Carol_W._Greider
- dbr:Bayard_D._Clarkson
- dbr:Beatrice_B._Magee
- dbr:Robert_Tjian
- dbr:Roberto_Malinow
- dbr:Robin_Allshire
- dbr:Ronald_W._Davis
- dbr:Rosa_Beddington
- dbr:Roy_John_Britten
- dbr:Epigenetics
- dbr:List_of_biological_databases
- dbr:List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_New_York_(state)
- dbr:List_of_fellows_of_the_AACR_Academy
- dbr:List_of_geneticists
- dbr:List_of_genetics_research_organizations
- dbr:Michael_D._West
- dbr:MAP-Seq
- dbr:Partha_Mitra
- dbr:Pathophysiology
- dbr:Bhubaneswar_Mishra
- dbr:BioRxiv
- dbr:Bob_Wright
- dbr:Boxing_career_of_Muhammad_Ali
- dbr:Breakthrough_Prize_in_Life_Sciences
- dbr:David_A._Sinclair
- dbr:David_Baltimore
- dbr:David_Barford
- dbr:David_Koch
- dbr:David_L._Spector
- dbr:David_Lane_(oncologist)
- dbr:David_Tuveson
- dbr:Denise_Galloway
- dbr:Denise_P._Barlow
- dbr:Alfred_L._Goldberg
- dbr:Anne_Churchland
- dbr:Anthony_Zador
- dbr:Antonio_J._Giraldez
- dbr:Howard_L._Morgan
- dbr:Hrvatska_Kostajnica
- dbr:Hugo_Fricke
- dbr:Huntington,_New_York
- dbr:John_Roth_(geneticist)
- dbr:Joseph_Sambrook
- dbr:Jourdan_Urbach
- dbr:Berwind_P._Kaufmann
- dbr:List_of_Cornell_University_alumni_(natural_sciences)
- dbr:List_of_name_changes_due_to_the_George_Floyd_protests
- dbr:List_of_preprint_repositories
- dbr:Paul_Allen
- dbr:Paul_Emsley_(crystallographer)
- dbr:Peter_Nemes
- dbr:Richard_Anthony_Jefferson
- dbr:Richard_J._Roberts
- dbr:Robert_A._Martienssen
- dbr:DNA:_The_Story_of_Life
- dbr:Dafna_Bar-Sagi
- dbr:Victor_McElheny
- dbr:Virendra_Nath_Pandey
- dbr:Decade_of_the_Brain
- dbr:Double_Helix_Medal
- dbr:Institute_of_Biophysics,_Chinese_Academy_of_Sciences
- dbr:Institute_of_Molecular_Biotechnology
- dbr:International_Brain_Laboratory
- dbr:J._Herbert_Taylor
- dbr:Jacqueline_Lees
- dbr:John_Belling
- dbr:Phage_group
- dbr:Li-Huei_Tsai
- dbr:List_of_museums_on_Long_Island
- dbr:List_of_participants_in_the_Evolving_Genes_and_Proteins_symposium
- dbr:List_of_public_lecture_series
- dbr:List_of_sequenced_eukaryotic_genomes
- dbr:$1,000_genome
- dbr:10.1101
- dbr:10.1261
- dbr:10.14224
- dbr:Craig_Venter
- dbr:Mary_Osborn
- dbr:María_Blasco_Marhuenda
- dbr:María_Soengas
- dbr:Matt_Ridley
- dbr:Max_Birnstiel
- dbr:Max_Delbrück
- dbr:Max_Perutz
- dbr:Max_Planck_Florida_Institute_for_Neuroscience
- dbr:MedRxiv
- dbr:Salk_Institute_for_Biological_Studies
- dbr:Salvador_Luria
- dbr:Ellen_Lane
- dbr:Elva_Lawton
- dbr:Geeta_Narlikar
- dbr:Genes_&_Development
- dbr:Geoffrey_Beale
- dbr:George_Draper_(physician)
- dbr:Louise_Chow
- dbr:Nancy_Hopkins_(scientist)
- dbr:Nouria_Hernandez
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_National_Academy_of_Sciences_(Biochemistry)
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_National_Academy_of_Sciences_(Genetics)
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_National_Academ...l_genetics,_hematology,_and_oncology)
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_National_Academ...(Plant,_soil,_and_microbial_sciences)
- dbr:Scott_W._Lowe
- dbr:Claude_Shannon
- dbr:Cold_Spring_Harbor,_New_York
- dbr:Cold_Spring_Harbor_Library
- dbr:Cold_spring_harbor_laboratory
- dbr:Elisa_Izaurralde
- dbr:Elly_Nedivi
- dbr:Franklin_Hooper
- dbr:Franklin_Stahl
- dbr:Fred_Sherman_(scientist)
- dbr:GeneSweep
- dbr:Genspace
- dbr:George_Harrison_Shull
- dbr:Gerald_M._Rubin
- dbr:Gertrude_Crotty_Davenport
- dbr:Godfrey_Okoye_University
- dbr:Muscular_Dystrophy_Association
- dbr:The_Stony_Brook_School
- dbr:Andrew_Solomon
- dbr:Anindya_Dutta
- dbr:Anna_Marie_Skalka
- dbr:Anton_Gartner
- dbr:Antonio_Giordano
- dbr:Bernardo_L._Sabatini
- dbr:Lehman_College
- dbr:Leon_Botstein
- dbr:Lily_Jan
- dbr:Lin_He_(biologist)
- dbr:Lincoln_Stein
- dbr:Long_Island
- dbr:Lydia_Villa-Komaroff
- dbr:Shirley_M._Tilghman
- dbr:Stony_Brook_Southampton
- dbr:Suffolk_County,_New_York
- dbr:Computational_and_Systems_Neuroscience
- dbr:Dennis_Chamberland
- dbr:Zachary_Lippman
- dbr:Harold_Edwin_Umbarger
- dbr:Kristen_Kroll
- dbr:Michael_Stebbins
- dbr:Transposable_element
- dbr:Marc_Zabeau
- dbr:Marja_Timmermans
- dbr:Michael_Botchan
- dbr:Barbara_McClintock
- dbr:Bruce_Wallace_(geneticist)
- dbr:Bruce_William_Stillman
- dbr:Buck_v._Bell
- dbr:C._C._Little
- dbr:Tim_Stearns
- dbr:Tim_Tully
- dbr:Tom_Maniatis
- dbr:Walter_Gilbert
- dbr:Whitehead_Institute
- dbr:William_Astbury
- dbr:William_Harder_Cole
- dbr:Winifred_Hallwachs
- dbr:Garden_City_High_School_(New_York)
- dbr:Cold_Spring_Harbor_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Cold_Spring_harbour
- dbr:Helena_Slizynska
- dbr:James_D._Watson_Institute_of_Genome_Sciences
- dbr:Janet_E._Mertz
- dbr:Jason_Sheltzer
- dbr:Jerome_Swartz
- dbr:John_F._Atkins
- dbr:Julius_Brennecke
- dbr:Katherine_Brehme_Warren
- dbr:Katherine_McJunkin
- dbr:Lisa_Gunaydin
- dbr:Philip_I._Marcus
- dbr:Zachary_Mainen
- dbr:Rui-Ming_Xu
- dbr:Abel_Joel_Grout
- dbr:Adam_C._Siepel
- dbr:Al_Seckel
- dbr:Alan_Alda_Center_for_Communicating_Science
- dbr:Alcino_J._Silva
- dbr:Alexander_Graham_Bell
- dbr:Alexander_Hollaender
- dbr:Alfred_Hershey
- dbr:Alice_Dewey
- dbr:Allan_M._Campbell
- dbr:Amar_Klar
- dbr:American_Association_for_Cancer_Research
- dbr:Drew_Berry
- dbr:Eckard_Wimmer
- dbr:Edgar_Anderson
- dbr:Edith_Heard
- dbr:Amanda_M._Brown
- dbr:Erwin_Bünning
- dbr:Esther_Lederberg
- dbr:Evelyn_Fox_Keller
- dbr:Evelyn_M._Witkin
- dbr:Ewan_Birney
- dbr:Ferruccio_Ritossa
- dbr:Francis_J._Ryan
- dbr:Barbara_Migeon
- dbr:Brenda_L._Bass
- dbr:Brigid_Hogan
- dbr:Nicholas_Navin
- dbr:Nicholas_Wade
- dbr:Nikolay_Timofeev-Ressovsky
- dbr:Nobel_Prize_controversies
- dbr:Nusinersen
- dbr:Oscar_Riddle
- dbr:Center_for_Computational_Brain_Research
- dbr:Centerbrook_Architects_&_Planners
- dbr:Christopher_Vakoc
- dbr:Chronobiology
- dbr:Dannielle_Engle
- dbr:Dicer
- dbr:Edward_Ruthazer
- dbr:Florence_Bell_(scientist)
- dbr:History_of_eugenics
- dbr:History_of_the_race_and_intelligence_controversy
- dbr:History_of_virology
- dbr:John_William_Harshberger
- dbr:Judith_Potashkin
- dbr:Leemor_Joshua-Tor
- dbr:Nathaniel_C._Comfort
- dbr:List_of_Equinox_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Hofstra_University_honorary_degree_recipients
- dbr:List_of_Indian_Americans
- dbr:List_of_Nobel_laureates_by_university_affiliation
- dbr:List_of_RNA_biologists
- dbr:Ross_Hardison
- dbr:Thomas_Gingeras
- dbr:RNA-induced_silencing_complex
- dbr:RNA_Society
- dbr:Reverse_transcriptase
- dbr:Gregory_Hannon
- dbr:H._Bentley_Glass
- dbr:Hailan_Hu
- dbr:Harold_Alexander_Abramson
- dbr:He_Jiankui
- dbr:Helen_M._Berman
- dbr:Helen_Redfield
- dbr:Henry_Crampton
- dbr:Henry_Gee
- dbr:Herbert_Spencer_Jennings
- dbr:Herbert_William_Conn
- dbr:Ionis_Pharmaceuticals
- dbr:JacSue_Kehoe
- dbr:James_Stone_(executive)
- dbr:James_Watson
- dbr:Janelia_Research_Campus
- dbr:Mary_Baughman
- dbr:Representation_oligonucleotide_microarray_analysis
- dbr:Association_of_American_Cancer_Institutes
- dbr:Adrian_Krainer_(scientist)
- dbr:Charles_Davenport
- dbr:Alan_W._Bernheimer
- dbr:Alberto_Kornblihtt
- dbr:Joanne_Berger-Sweeney
- dbr:Joe_Gould_(writer)
- dbr:John_Cairns_(biochemist)
- dbr:John_Diffley_(biologist)
- dbr:Karel_Svoboda_(scientist)
- dbr:Karmella_Haynes
- dbr:Laurel_Hollow,_New_York
- dbr:Lawrence_Sirovich
- dbr:BioMart
- dbr:Blavatnik_Awards_for_Young_Scientists
- dbr:Susan_Hockfield
- dbr:Sushil_Kumar_(biologist)
- dbr:Sydney_Brenner
- dbr:T._R._Sharma
- dbr:Cold_Spring_Harbor_Laboratory_Press
- dbr:Cold_Spring_Harbor_Laboratory_School_of_Biological_Sciences
- dbr:Cold_Spring_Harbor_Protocols
- dbr:Economy_of_Long_Island
- dbr:Eileen_White
- dbr:Hollis_Cline
- dbr:Hologenome_theory_of_evolution
- dbr:Terri_Grodzicker
- dbr:Renaissance_School_of_Medicine_at_Stony_Brook_University
- dbr:Regine_Kahmann
- dbr:Dolan_DNA_Learning_Center
- dbr:Donald_and_Barbara_Zucker_School_of_Medicine_at_Hofstra/Northwell
- dbr:Doug_Morris
- dbr:Douglas_Fearon
- dbr:Arthur_M._Banta
- dbr:Marilyn_Anderson
- dbr:Martha_Chase
- dbr:Phillip_Allen_Sharp
- dbr:Gregory_Jefferis
- dbr:Human_Genome_Project
- dbr:Experimental_Station
- dbr:Time,_Love,_Memory
- dbr:DNA_Town
- dbr:Klaus_Weber
- dbr:Michael_Freeling
- dbr:Michael_Hengartner
- dbr:Michael_Stryker
- dbr:Michael_Wigler
- dbr:Milislav_Demerec
- dbr:Nassau_County,_New_York
- dbr:New_York_(state)