Commandant of the Marine Corps (original) (raw)

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Le Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) ou Commandant du Corps des Marines est l'officier de plus haut rang au sein du Corps des Marines des États-Unis et dirige le Headquarters Marine Corps. En outre, il est également membre du Joint Chiefs of Staff et est à ce titre nommé par le Président des États-Unis, sa nomination devant être validée par le sénat.


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dbo:abstract El Comandant del Cos de Marines (CMC) és normalment el màxim oficial del Cos de Marines dels Estats Units, sent membre de la Junta de Caps d'Estat Major. El CMC informa directament al , i és responsable de l'organització, política, plans i programes del Cos de Marines, així com d'exercir de conseller del President, el Secretari de Defensa, el , el i al Secretari de la Marina en totes aquelles qüestions relatives al Cos de Marines. Sota l'autoritat del Secretari de la Marina, el CMC designa al personal de la Marina i dota de recursos als comandants dels . El Comandant realitza totes les altres funcions descrites a la Secció 5043 del , o delega aquells deures o responsabilitats a altres oficials de la seva administració en nom seu. Així com la resta de caps, el CMC és un càrrec administratiu i no té comandament operatiu sobre les forces del Cos de Marines dels Estats Units. El Comandant és nomenat el President i ha de ser confirmat pel Senat, i és nomenat com un general de . "El Comandant és directament responsable davant del Secretari de la Marina de totes les actuacions del Cos de Marines. Això inclou l'administració, disciplina, organització interna, entrenament, requeriments, eficiència i disponibilitat per al servei. El Comandant és responsable del sistema de suport de material del Cos de Marines." Des de 1801, la seu del Comandant ha estat situada a les de Washington DC i els seus oficials principals estan a . (ca) The commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) is normally the highest-ranking officer in the United States Marine Corps and is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The CMC reports directly to the secretary of the Navy and is responsible for ensuring the organization, policy, plans, and programs for the Marine Corps as well as advising the president, the secretary of defense, the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council, and the secretary of the Navy on matters involving the Marine Corps. Under the authority of the secretary of the Navy, the CMC designates Marine personnel and resources to the commanders of unified combatant commands. The commandant performs all other functions prescribed in Section 8043 in Title 10 of the United States Code or delegates those duties and responsibilities to other officers in his administration in his name. As with the other joint chiefs, the commandant is an administrative position and has no operational command authority over United States Marine Corps forces. The commandant is nominated for appointment by the president, for a four-year term of office, and must be confirmed by the Senate. The commandant can be reappointed to serve one additional term, but only during times of war or national emergency declared by Congress. By statute, the commandant is appointed as a four-star general while serving in office. "The commandant is directly responsible to the Secretary of the Navy for the total performance of the Marine Corps. This includes the administration, discipline, internal organization, training, requirements, efficiency, and readiness of the service. The Commandant is also responsible for the operation of the Marine Corps material support system." Since 1806, the official residence of the commandant has been located in the Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C., and his main offices are in Arlington County, Virginia. (en) Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC; deutsch Kommandant des Marinekorps) ist der Generalstabschef des US Marine Corps. Er wird mit Commandant angesprochen. Der Posten des Commandant wird von einem General des USMC ausgefüllt, welcher damit auch Mitglied der Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), des Generalstabs der US-Streitkräfte, ist. Ihm steht als Stellvertreter der Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps und als höchster Unteroffizier der Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps zur Seite. Aufgrund der engen Verbundenheit und gemeinsamen Vergangenheit der US Navy und dem US Marine Corps ist der Commandant dem Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) (dt. etwa: Marineminister) administrativ unterstellt. Operativ untersteht der Commandant nicht dem Chief of Naval Operations, dem Generalstabschef der US Navy, sondern ist wie dieser Teil der Joint Chiefs of Staff. So wie die anderen Angehörigen der Joint Chiefs ist es die Aufgabe des Commandant, sicherzustellen, dass die Truppen seiner Teilstreitkraft wohl organisiert und einsatzbereit sind, sowie den US-Präsidenten zu beraten. Dabei hat er jedoch keine direkte Befehlsgewalt über Operationen seiner Truppen. Das direkte Kommando der Truppen übernehmen die Kommandeure der Unified Combatant Commands. Dienstsitz des Stabs des CMC (Headquarters Marine Corps, HQMC) ist seit 1806 der Stützpunkt Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C., die älteste Basis des US Marine Corps. (de) El Comandante del Cuerpo de Marines (en inglés: Commandant of the Marine Corps, CMC) normalmente es oficial de más alto rango en el Cuerpo de Marines de los Estados Unidos y es un miembro del Estado Mayor Conjunto.​ El CMC se reporta directamente al Secretario de la Armada de Estados Unidos y es responsable de asegurar la organización, políticas, planes y programas del Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina así como de asesorar al Presidente, al Secretario de Defensa, al Consejo de Seguridad Nacional,​ al ,​ y al Secretario de la Armada en asuntos relacionados con el Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina. Bajo la autoridad del Secretario de la Armada, el CMC designa al personal y los recursos de la Infantería de Marina a los comandantes del .​ El comandante desempeña todas las otras funciones descritas en la Sección del ​ o delega aquellos deberes y responsabilidades a otros oficiales en su administración a su nombre. De la misma forma que los otros jefes conjuntos, el Comandante es una posición administrativa y no tienen autoridad de mando operacional sobre las fuerzas de Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina de Estados Unidos. El Comandante es nominado por el Presidente por un periodo de cuatro años en el cargo y debe ser confirmado por el Senado.​ Por estatuto, el Comandante es designado como un de cuatro estrellas mientras se encuentra en el cargo.​ "El Comandante responde directamente al Secretario de la Armada por el desempeño total del Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina. Esto incluye la administración, disciplina, organización interna, entrenamiento, requerimientos, eficiencia y preparación del servicio. También el Comandante es responsable de la operación del sistema de apoyo material del Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina".​ Desde el 1801, la residencia oficial del Comandante ha estado ubicada en los en Washington, D.C. y sus oficinas principales están en Arlington, Virginia. (es) Le Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) ou Commandant du Corps des Marines est l'officier de plus haut rang au sein du Corps des Marines des États-Unis et dirige le Headquarters Marine Corps. En outre, il est également membre du Joint Chiefs of Staff et est à ce titre nommé par le Président des États-Unis, sa nomination devant être validée par le sénat. (fr) Komandan Korps Marinir (bahasa Inggris: Commandant of the Marine Corps) atau biasa disingkat CMC adalah perwira berpangkat tertinggi di Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat dan merupakan anggota dari . CMC bertanggung jawab langsung kepada dan bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan organisasi, kebijakan, rencana, dan program untuk Korps Marinir serta memberikan saran kepada Presiden, Menteri Pertahanan, Dewan Keamanan Nasional, Dewan Keamanan dalam Negeri, dan Sekretaris Angkatan Laut pada hal-hal yang melibatkan Korps Marinir. CMC adalah posisi administratif dan tidak memiliki kewenangan komando operasional atas pasukan Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat. (in) アメリカ海兵隊総司令官(アメリカかいへいたいそうしれいかん、英: Commandant of the Marine Corps 略称:CMC)は、アメリカ海兵隊において軍人が任命される最高位の職位である。 海軍長官(文官)の直属で、海軍作戦部長(海軍軍人最高位)と同格の職であり、1775年11月28日にサミュエル・ニコラスがアメリカ海兵隊の前身である大陸海兵隊の総司令官に就任して以来、大陸海兵隊の解散による中断期間があったものの、200年以上その名を変えていない伝統ある職である。 また、この職に大将が充てられるようになったのは、1945年3月21日に議会が承認した海兵隊総司令官は大将が務めることとする法令によって、1945年4月4日、当時の第18代海兵隊総司令官アレクサンダー・A・ヴァンデグリフト中将が大将に昇進してからであり、創設から1890年頃までの海兵隊総司令官は、主に佐官が任命されていた。 現在の海兵隊総司令官は、大将(第38代)である。 (ja) Commandant of the Marine Corps (förkortat CMC), USA:s marinkårskommendant, är den högste yrkesmilitäre befattningshavaren inom USA:s marinkår och är en fyrstjärning general som är direkt underställd marinministern (Secretary of the Navy): som är chef för marindepartementet (Department of the Navy) i vilket både flottan och marinkåren ingår och ansvarig inför försvarsministern för deras beredskap och förmåga att upprätthålla krigsdugliga förband. (sv) O comandante do Corpo de Fuzileiros (CMC) é normalmente a posição ocupada pelo militar mais graduado do Corpo de Fuzileiros dos Estados Unidos, sendo também membro do Estado-maior Conjunto. O CMC responde directamente ao Secretário da Marinha e é responsável por comandar a organização, política, planeamento e programa do Corpo de Fuzileiros, assim como aconselhar o Presidente dos Estados Unidos, o Secretário de Defesa, o Conselho de Segurança Nacional, o Conselho de Segurança Interna e o Secretário da Marinha em assuntos que envolvam o Corpo de Fuzileiros. Sob a autoridade do Secretário da Marinha, o CMC designa elementos e recursos para os comandantes dos Comandos de Combate Unificados. O comandante realiza uma série de outras funções descritas na Secção 5043 do Título 10 do Código dos Estados Unidos ou delega essas funções a outros oficiais debaixo da sua cadeia hierárquica, em seu nome. Tal como os outros comandantes, o CMC é uma posição administrativa e não tem qualquer autoridade operacional relativamente às forças do Corpo de Fuzileiros. O comandante é nomeado pelo presidente para um mandato de quatro anos e deve ser aprovado pelo Senado. Por estatuto, o comandante é nomeado como general de quatro estrelas enquanto serve no cargo. (pt) Комендант корпуса морской пехоты США — в обычном случае высший по званию офицер корпуса морской пехоты США и член объединённого комитета начальников штабов. Комендант подчиняется непосредственно военно-морскому министру и несёт ответственность за организацию, политику, планирование и программы корпуса морской пехоты, а также даёт советы президенту, министру обороны, совету национальной безопасности США, министерству внутренней безопасности и военно-морскому министру по вопросам, относящимся к корпусу морской пехоты. Под руководством военно-морского министра комендант назначает командиров для Объединённого боевого командования. Комендант исполняет все прочие обязанности, описанные в секции 5043 раздела 10 кодекса США или поручает выполнение этих обязанностей от своего имени другим офицерам своей администрации. Пост командующего (как и других командующих объединённого комитета) является административным, комендант не имеет полномочий по оперативному командованию силами морской пехоты. Комендант номинируется президентом на четырёхлетний срок, кандидатура должна быть утверждена Сенатом. По своему статусу комендант, находящийся на посту обязан иметь звание генерала (четырёхзвёздного). «Комендант несёт прямую ответственность перед военно-морским министром за всю деятельность корпуса морской пехоты, которая включает в себя руководство, дисциплину, внутреннюю организацию, подготовку, набор, эффективность и готовность к несению службы». Комендант также несёт ответственность за работу системы материального снабжения корпуса морской пехоты. С 1801 официальная резиденция коменданта находится в казармах морской пехоты в Вашингтоне, а его главный офис — в Арлингтоне, Виргиния. (ru) 海軍陸戰隊司令(英語:Commandant of the Marine Corps, CMC)是美國海軍陸戰隊軍階最高的軍官之一,亦為參謀長聯席會議成員。海軍陸戰隊司令受海軍部長直接領導——而非作為海軍軍種指揮官的海軍作戰部長(CNO);負責海軍陸戰隊的組織、政策、規劃、項目,另外也要向總統和國防部長和海軍部長提供涉及海軍陸戰隊相關事務的建議。在海軍部長的領導下,海軍陸戰隊司令負責聯合戰鬥司令部中海軍陸戰隊的人事和資源調配。還有著美國法典第10編第5043節所規定的各項職責或者將這些職責委派給其下屬軍官。與其他參聯會成員一樣,海軍陸戰隊司令是一個行政職務,對美國海軍陸戰隊沒有作戰指揮權。 海軍陸戰隊司令由總統提名,在參議院獲得多數同意方可就職;通常由一名四星上將擔任。 “海軍陸戰隊司令直接向海軍部長負責全面事務,包括行政、條令、內部組織、訓練、軍需、戰鬥力以及戰備。他負責海軍陸戰隊物資保障系統的作戰行動。” 1801年開始,司令的住址設在華盛頓特區的,其主要辦公場所在維吉尼亞州的阿靈頓郡。 (zh) Коменда́нт Ко́рпусу морсько́ї піхо́ти США (англ. Commandant of the Marine Corps, CMC) — найвища офіцерська посада в Корпусі морської піхоти США і член Об'єднаного комітету начальників штабів. Кандидатура коменданта КМП США висувається особисто президентом і затверджуються Сенатом з числа 4-х зіркових генералів. Комендант корпусу морської піхоти підпорядковується безпосередньо секретареві ВМС США (не підпорядкований керівнику військово-морських сил США) і допомагає йому у військових питаннях, у тому числі: вистава і забезпечення армії політики, планів, програм. Діючим комендантом корпусу морської піхоти є генерал Роберт Неллер. (uk)
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Capital_ship dbr:Captain_(United_States_O-3) dbr:Carl_Epting_Mundy_Jr. dbr:President_of_the_United_States dbr:Robert_Neller dbr:Samuel_Nicholas dbr:Military_Secretary_to_the_Commandant_of_the_Marine_Corps dbr:MARPAT dbr:Battle_of_Guam_(1944) dbr:Ben_Hebard_Fuller dbr:David_H._Berger dbr:David_M._Shoup dbr:Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff dbr:Joseph_Dunford dbr:Paul_X._Kelley dbr:Robert_E._Cushman_Jr. dbr:Robert_H._Barrow dbr:Unified_combatant_command dbr:Uniforms_of_the_United_States_Marine_Corps dbr:United_Service_Organizations dbr:United_States_Army dbr:United_States_European_Command dbr:United_States_Marine_Band dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps dbr:United_States_National_Security_Council dbr:United_States_Naval_Aviator dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_Defense dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_the_Navy dbr:United_States_Senate dbr:Victor_H._Krulak dbr:Vietnam dbr:Vietnam_War dbr:Virginia dbr:De_facto dbr:De_jure dbr:Three_Block_War dbr:Colonel_(United_States) dbr:Continental_Marines dbr:Medal_of_Honor dbr:Navy_Cross dbr:Title_10_of_the_United_States_Code dbr:Clifton_B._Cates dbc:United_States_Marine_Corps_Commandants dbr:Franklin_Wharton dbr:General_(United_States) dbr:General_officer dbr:George_Barnett dbr:George_F._Elliott dbr:NATO dbr:The_Pentagon dbr:Thomas_Holcomb dbr:Obama_Administration dbr:Anthony_Gale dbr:Lemuel_C._Shepherd_Jr. dbr:Leonard_F._Chapman_Jr. dbr:Louis_H._Wilson_Jr. dbr:David_Berger dbr:Wallace_M._Greene dbr:Washington,_D.C. dbr:Wendell_Cushing_Neville dbr:William_P._Biddle dbr:William_Ward_Burrows_I dbr:Headquarters_Marine_Corps dbr:Advanced_Base_Force dbr:Alexander_Vandegrift dbr:Alfred_M._Gray_Jr. dbr:American_Civil_War dbr:Eagle,_Globe,_and_Anchor dbr:Fleet_Marine_Force dbc:Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff dbr:Rapid_deployment_force dbr:United_States_Homeland_Security_Council dbr:Hawker_Siddeley_Harrier dbr:Iraq_War dbr:Jacob_Zeilin dbr:James_F._Amos dbr:James_L._Jones dbr:James_T._Conway dbr:Court-martial dbr:Major_General_(United_States) dbr:Archibald_Henderson dbr:Arlington_County,_Virginia dbr:Assistant_Commandant_of_the_Marine_Corps dbr:Advice_and_consent dbr:Chairman_of_the_Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff dbr:Charles_C._Krulak dbr:Charles_Grymes_McCawley dbr:Charles_Heywood dbr:John_A._Lejeune dbr:John_H._Russell_Jr. dbr:John_Harris_(USMC_officer) dbr:Supreme_Headquarters_Allied_Powers_Europe dbc:United_States_Marine_Corps_leadership dbc:United_States_Marine_Corps_lists dbr:Marine_Barracks,_Washington,_D.C. dbr:Marine_Corps_Base_Quantico dbr:Marine_Corps_Martial_Arts_Program dbr:Marine_Corps_University dbr:Korean_War dbr:Michael_Hagee dbr:National_Security_Advisor_(United_States) dbr:Randolph_M._Pate dbr:Second_Continental_Congress dbr:Sergeant_Major_of_the_Marine_Corps dbr:World_War_I dbr:World_War_II dbr:Marine_Corps_Brevet_Medal dbr:Semper_fidelis dbr:Marine_Corps_Combat_Utility_Uniform dbr:United_States_Code dbr:Expeditionary_warfare dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps_Recruit_Training dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps_birthday_ball
dbp:abbreviation CMC (en)
dbp:acting y (en)
dbp:altOfficeholder 1.262304E9 (dbd:second) (Recipient of the Navy Cross and last World War I veteran to be Commandant. First Commandant to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Commandant during the Korean War.) (en) (Acting Commandant, would later serve as Commandant from 1820 to 1859) (en) (The longest-serving Commandant; known as the "Grand old man of the Marine Corps"; known for his role in expanding the Marine Corps' mission to include expeditionary warfare and rapid deployment) (en) (Commandant during most of the American Civil War) (en) (Consolidated the Fleet Marine Force concept) (en) Guided the Corps through the initial years of the Iraq War (en) (Served as Commandant during World War I, which caused a huge increase in personnel during his term) (en) First naval aviator to serve as Commandant. (en) The Alfred M. Gray Research Center at Marine Corps Base Quantico houses the Marine Corps Archives and Special Collections, the Quantico Base Library, and the research library for the Marine Corps University. (en) (Recipient of the Medal of Honor for capture of Guam) (en) (Established the Advanced Base Force, forerunner of today's Fleet Marine Force) (en) Last Vietnam veteran to serve as Commandant (en) (Chose "Semper Fidelis", Latin for "Always Faithful", as the official Marine Corps motto) (en) (Recipient of the Medal of Honor. Was the first active duty marine to hold the rank of General, resisted attempts to merge the Corps with the Army) (en) (Commandant when the Marine Barracks bombing occurred in Beirut during the 1982–84 multinational force peacekeeping mission under the Reagan Administration. ) (en) (Recipient of the Navy Cross. Commandant during early stage of the Korean War.) (en) (Was the commandant during the final years of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. During his period in command, the III Marine Amphibious Force withdrew from Vietnam and the strength of the Corps dropped from a peak of 289,000 to 198,000.) (en) (First Commandant and second marine to be promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.) (en) (The first de facto Commandant for his role as the senior-most officer of the Continental Marines.) (en) Oversaw the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the Marine Corps. (en) (Son of Marine Corps Lieutenant General Victor H. Krulak. Came up with the concept of the 'Strategic Corporal' and the 'Three Block War'. Introduced The Crucible, a final test of marine recruits.) (en) As a reminder that the primary role of every marine is a rifleman, he had his official photograph taken in the Camouflage Utility Uniform, the only Commandant to have done so. Last Korean War veteran to serve as Commandant. (en) (Became the Marine Corps' first general officer, officially approved of the design of the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor as the emblem of the Marine Corps) (en) Commanded Marine forces in the Iraq War and oversaw expansion of the Corps to 202,000 personnel. (en) (Oversaw the expansion of the Corps role in the Vietnam War) (en) (The first de jure Commandant, he started many important organizations within the Marine Corps, including the United States Marine Band) (en) (After retirement, he served as president and CEO of the United Service Organizations , and was the chairman of the Marine Corps University Foundation.) (en) (Expanded the Corps almost 20 times in size for World War II and integrated women into the Corps. The first marine to be advanced to the rank of General) (en) (Started the tradition of the birthday ball with Marine Corps Order 47, still read annually. Commanded a US Army division in combat during World War I.) (en) (Chose "Semper Fidelis", Latin for "Always Faithful", as the official Marine Corps motto; he was the first Commandant to reach the rank of Major General) (en) (Successfully resisted attempts to remove seagoing marines from capital ships and to merge the Corps into the United States Army) (en) (Last World War II veteran to be Commandant. Was the first Commandant to serve as a full member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acquired approval of production of the American-modified Harrier aircraft, and several other improvements to enhance the effectiveness of the Marine Corps) (en) (Oversaw the withdrawal of the Marines from Vietnam and a decline in the Corps' peacetime strength to 194,000) (en) (The first commandant to be court-martialed and the first to occupy the commandant's house at the Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C.) (en) (Commandant between U.S. involvement in the Korean War and Vietnam War.) (en) (Recipient of the Medal of Honor. Opposed U.S. involvement in South Vietnam based on strategy and undue influence of corporations and military officials in foreign policy. Historians consider Shoup's criticisms to be among the most pointed and high-profile leveled by a veteran against the Vietnam War.) (en) (Oversaw the Marine Corps' development of MARPAT camouflage uniforms and the adoption of the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program; later became the first Marine officer to serve as Commander, U.S. European Command and NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe , then as National Security Advisor for the Obama Administration.) (en) (Recipient of the Medal of Honor and Marine Corps Brevet Medal) (en) (Led the integration of women into combat roles. Made administrative regulations for marines on social media.) (en) (The second Commandant to be court-martialed and the only Commandant to be fired. Burial location is unknown and no authenticated images have ever been located.) (en) (The system of seniority promotions of officers was changed to advancement by selection, the 1st Marine Brigade was withdrawn from Haiti, and the number of ships carrying Marine detachments continued to increase.) (en) (Issued guidance for Service-level planning to include refocusing on high-end combat, shifting away from tanks and artillery in favor of long-range missiles and drones.) (en)
dbp:altOfficeholderTitle Notes (en)
dbp:appointer The President (en)
dbp:appointerQualified with Senate advice and consent (en)
dbp:body the Marine Corps (en)
dbp:bornYear 1744 (xsd:integer) 1758 (xsd:integer) 1767 (xsd:integer) 1783 (xsd:integer) 1793 (xsd:integer) 1806 (xsd:integer) 1827 (xsd:integer) 1839 (xsd:integer) 1846 (xsd:integer) 1853 (xsd:integer) 1859 (xsd:integer) 1867 (xsd:integer) 1870 (xsd:integer) 1872 (xsd:integer) 1879 (xsd:integer) 1887 (xsd:integer) 1893 (xsd:integer) 1896 (xsd:integer) 1898 (xsd:integer) 1904 (xsd:integer) 1907 (xsd:integer) 1913 (xsd:integer) 1914 (xsd:integer) 1920 (xsd:integer) 1922 (xsd:integer) 1928 (xsd:integer) 1935 (xsd:integer) 1942 (xsd:integer) 1943 (xsd:integer) 1944 (xsd:integer) 1946 (xsd:integer) 1947 (xsd:integer) 1953 (xsd:integer) 1955 (xsd:integer) 1959 (xsd:integer)
dbp:department dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps dbr:Headquarters_Marine_Corps
dbp:deputy dbr:Assistant_Commandant_of_the_Marine_Corps
dbp:diedYear 1790 (xsd:integer) 1805 (xsd:integer) 1818 (xsd:integer) 1843 (xsd:integer) 1859 (xsd:integer) 1864 (xsd:integer) 1880 (xsd:integer) 1891 (xsd:integer) 1915 (xsd:integer) 1923 (xsd:integer) 1930 (xsd:integer) 1931 (xsd:integer) 1937 (xsd:integer) 1942 (xsd:integer) 1947 (xsd:integer) 1961 (xsd:integer) 1965 (xsd:integer) 1970 (xsd:integer) 1973 (xsd:integer) 1983 (xsd:integer) 1985 (xsd:integer) 1990 (xsd:integer) 2000 (xsd:integer) 2003 (xsd:integer) 2005 (xsd:integer) 2008 (xsd:integer) 2014 (xsd:integer) 2019 (xsd:integer)
dbp:first dbr:Samuel_Nicholas
dbp:flag FlagCMC.svg (en)
dbp:flagcaption Flag of the commandant of the Marine Corps (en)
dbp:formation 0001-07-12 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-11-10 (xsd:gMonthDay)
dbp:imageTitle Portrait (en)
dbp:incumbent dbr:David_H._Berger dbr:General_(United_States)
dbp:incumbentsince 2019-07-11 (xsd:date)
dbp:insignia Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg (en)
dbp:insigniacaption Emblem of the Marine Corps (en)
dbp:memberOf dbr:Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff
dbp:militaryRank Colonel (en) General (en) Lieutenant Colonel (en) Major (en) Major General (en) Brigadier General (en) Lieutenant General (en)
dbp:officeholder dbr:Carl_Epting_Mundy_Jr. dbr:Robert_Neller dbr:Samuel_Nicholas dbr:Ben_Hebard_Fuller dbr:David_H._Berger dbr:David_M._Shoup dbr:Joseph_Dunford dbr:Paul_X._Kelley dbr:Robert_E._Cushman_Jr. dbr:Robert_H._Barrow dbr:Clifton_B._Cates dbr:Franklin_Wharton dbr:George_Barnett dbr:George_F._Elliott dbr:Thomas_Holcomb dbr:Anthony_Gale dbr:Lemuel_C._Shepherd_Jr. dbr:Louis_H._Wilson_Jr. dbr:Wallace_M._Greene dbr:Wendell_Cushing_Neville dbr:William_P._Biddle dbr:William_Ward_Burrows_I dbr:Alexander_Vandegrift dbr:Alfred_M._Gray_Jr. dbr:Jacob_Zeilin dbr:James_F._Amos dbr:James_L._Jones dbr:James_T._Conway dbr:Archibald_Henderson dbr:Charles_C._Krulak dbr:Charles_Grymes_McCawley dbr:Charles_Heywood dbr:John_A._Lejeune dbr:John_H._Russell_Jr. dbr:John_Harris_(USMC_officer) dbr:Michael_Hagee dbr:Randolph_M._Pate
dbp:officeholderTitle Commandant of the Marine Corps (en)
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dbp:residence dbr:Washington,_D.C. dbr:Marine_Barracks,_Washington,_D.C.
dbp:seat The Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia, U.S. (en)
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dbp:showimage y (en)
dbp:showorder y (en)
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dbp:termlengthQualified Renewable one time, only during war or national emergency (en)
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rdf:type dbo:Person yago:WikicatUnitedStatesMarineCorpsCommandants yago:CausalAgent100007347 yago:ChiefOfStaff109917214 yago:CommandingOfficer109941964 yago:LivingThing100004258 yago:MilitaryOfficer110317007 yago:Object100002684 yago:Organism100004475 yago:Person100007846 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:WikicatJointChiefsOfStaff yago:Worker109632518 yago:YagoLegalActor yago:YagoLegalActorGeo yago:Serviceman110582746 yago:SkilledWorker110605985 yago:Whole100003553
rdfs:comment Le Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) ou Commandant du Corps des Marines est l'officier de plus haut rang au sein du Corps des Marines des États-Unis et dirige le Headquarters Marine Corps. En outre, il est également membre du Joint Chiefs of Staff et est à ce titre nommé par le Président des États-Unis, sa nomination devant être validée par le sénat. (fr) アメリカ海兵隊総司令官(アメリカかいへいたいそうしれいかん、英: Commandant of the Marine Corps 略称:CMC)は、アメリカ海兵隊において軍人が任命される最高位の職位である。 海軍長官(文官)の直属で、海軍作戦部長(海軍軍人最高位)と同格の職であり、1775年11月28日にサミュエル・ニコラスがアメリカ海兵隊の前身である大陸海兵隊の総司令官に就任して以来、大陸海兵隊の解散による中断期間があったものの、200年以上その名を変えていない伝統ある職である。 また、この職に大将が充てられるようになったのは、1945年3月21日に議会が承認した海兵隊総司令官は大将が務めることとする法令によって、1945年4月4日、当時の第18代海兵隊総司令官アレクサンダー・A・ヴァンデグリフト中将が大将に昇進してからであり、創設から1890年頃までの海兵隊総司令官は、主に佐官が任命されていた。 現在の海兵隊総司令官は、大将(第38代)である。 (ja) Commandant of the Marine Corps (förkortat CMC), USA:s marinkårskommendant, är den högste yrkesmilitäre befattningshavaren inom USA:s marinkår och är en fyrstjärning general som är direkt underställd marinministern (Secretary of the Navy): som är chef för marindepartementet (Department of the Navy) i vilket både flottan och marinkåren ingår och ansvarig inför försvarsministern för deras beredskap och förmåga att upprätthålla krigsdugliga förband. (sv) 海軍陸戰隊司令(英語:Commandant of the Marine Corps, CMC)是美國海軍陸戰隊軍階最高的軍官之一,亦為參謀長聯席會議成員。海軍陸戰隊司令受海軍部長直接領導——而非作為海軍軍種指揮官的海軍作戰部長(CNO);負責海軍陸戰隊的組織、政策、規劃、項目,另外也要向總統和國防部長和海軍部長提供涉及海軍陸戰隊相關事務的建議。在海軍部長的領導下,海軍陸戰隊司令負責聯合戰鬥司令部中海軍陸戰隊的人事和資源調配。還有著美國法典第10編第5043節所規定的各項職責或者將這些職責委派給其下屬軍官。與其他參聯會成員一樣,海軍陸戰隊司令是一個行政職務,對美國海軍陸戰隊沒有作戰指揮權。 海軍陸戰隊司令由總統提名,在參議院獲得多數同意方可就職;通常由一名四星上將擔任。 “海軍陸戰隊司令直接向海軍部長負責全面事務,包括行政、條令、內部組織、訓練、軍需、戰鬥力以及戰備。他負責海軍陸戰隊物資保障系統的作戰行動。” 1801年開始,司令的住址設在華盛頓特區的,其主要辦公場所在維吉尼亞州的阿靈頓郡。 (zh) El Comandant del Cos de Marines (CMC) és normalment el màxim oficial del Cos de Marines dels Estats Units, sent membre de la Junta de Caps d'Estat Major. El CMC informa directament al , i és responsable de l'organització, política, plans i programes del Cos de Marines, així com d'exercir de conseller del President, el Secretari de Defensa, el , el i al Secretari de la Marina en totes aquelles qüestions relatives al Cos de Marines. Sota l'autoritat del Secretari de la Marina, el CMC designa al personal de la Marina i dota de recursos als comandants dels . El Comandant realitza totes les altres funcions descrites a la Secció 5043 del , o delega aquells deures o responsabilitats a altres oficials de la seva administració en nom seu. Així com la resta de caps, el CMC és un càrrec administrati (ca) Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC; deutsch Kommandant des Marinekorps) ist der Generalstabschef des US Marine Corps. Er wird mit Commandant angesprochen. Der Posten des Commandant wird von einem General des USMC ausgefüllt, welcher damit auch Mitglied der Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), des Generalstabs der US-Streitkräfte, ist. Ihm steht als Stellvertreter der Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps und als höchster Unteroffizier der Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps zur Seite. (de) The commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) is normally the highest-ranking officer in the United States Marine Corps and is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The CMC reports directly to the secretary of the Navy and is responsible for ensuring the organization, policy, plans, and programs for the Marine Corps as well as advising the president, the secretary of defense, the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council, and the secretary of the Navy on matters involving the Marine Corps. Under the authority of the secretary of the Navy, the CMC designates Marine personnel and resources to the commanders of unified combatant commands. The commandant performs all other functions prescribed in Section 8043 in Title 10 of the United States Code or delegates those duties and respon (en) El Comandante del Cuerpo de Marines (en inglés: Commandant of the Marine Corps, CMC) normalmente es oficial de más alto rango en el Cuerpo de Marines de los Estados Unidos y es un miembro del Estado Mayor Conjunto.​ El CMC se reporta directamente al Secretario de la Armada de Estados Unidos y es responsable de asegurar la organización, políticas, planes y programas del Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina así como de asesorar al Presidente, al Secretario de Defensa, al Consejo de Seguridad Nacional,​ al ,​ y al Secretario de la Armada en asuntos relacionados con el Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina. Bajo la autoridad del Secretario de la Armada, el CMC designa al personal y los recursos de la Infantería de Marina a los comandantes del .​ El comandante desempeña todas las otras funciones descritas e (es) Komandan Korps Marinir (bahasa Inggris: Commandant of the Marine Corps) atau biasa disingkat CMC adalah perwira berpangkat tertinggi di Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat dan merupakan anggota dari . CMC bertanggung jawab langsung kepada dan bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan organisasi, kebijakan, rencana, dan program untuk Korps Marinir serta memberikan saran kepada Presiden, Menteri Pertahanan, Dewan Keamanan Nasional, Dewan Keamanan dalam Negeri, dan Sekretaris Angkatan Laut pada hal-hal yang melibatkan Korps Marinir. (in) Комендант корпуса морской пехоты США — в обычном случае высший по званию офицер корпуса морской пехоты США и член объединённого комитета начальников штабов. Комендант подчиняется непосредственно военно-морскому министру и несёт ответственность за организацию, политику, планирование и программы корпуса морской пехоты, а также даёт советы президенту, министру обороны, совету национальной безопасности США, министерству внутренней безопасности и военно-морскому министру по вопросам, относящимся к корпусу морской пехоты. Под руководством военно-морского министра комендант назначает командиров для Объединённого боевого командования. Комендант исполняет все прочие обязанности, описанные в секции 5043 раздела 10 кодекса США или поручает выполнение этих обязанностей от своего имени другим офицерам (ru) O comandante do Corpo de Fuzileiros (CMC) é normalmente a posição ocupada pelo militar mais graduado do Corpo de Fuzileiros dos Estados Unidos, sendo também membro do Estado-maior Conjunto. O CMC responde directamente ao Secretário da Marinha e é responsável por comandar a organização, política, planeamento e programa do Corpo de Fuzileiros, assim como aconselhar o Presidente dos Estados Unidos, o Secretário de Defesa, o Conselho de Segurança Nacional, o Conselho de Segurança Interna e o Secretário da Marinha em assuntos que envolvam o Corpo de Fuzileiros. Sob a autoridade do Secretário da Marinha, o CMC designa elementos e recursos para os comandantes dos Comandos de Combate Unificados. O comandante realiza uma série de outras funções descritas na Secção 5043 do Título 10 do Código dos Es (pt) Коменда́нт Ко́рпусу морсько́ї піхо́ти США (англ. Commandant of the Marine Corps, CMC) — найвища офіцерська посада в Корпусі морської піхоти США і член Об'єднаного комітету начальників штабів. Кандидатура коменданта КМП США висувається особисто президентом і затверджуються Сенатом з числа 4-х зіркових генералів. Комендант корпусу морської піхоти підпорядковується безпосередньо секретареві ВМС США (не підпорядкований керівнику військово-морських сил США) і допомагає йому у військових питаннях, у тому числі: вистава і забезпечення армії політики, планів, програм. (uk)
rdfs:label Commandant of the Marine Corps (en) Comandant del Cos de Marines (ca) Commandant of the Marine Corps (de) Comandante del Cuerpo de Marines (es) Komandan Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat (in) Commandant du Corps des Marines (fr) アメリカ海兵隊総司令官 (ja) Lista de comandantes do Corpo de Fuzileiros dos Estados Unidos (pt) Комендант корпуса морской пехоты США (ru) USA:s marinkårskommendant (sv) 美国海军陆战队司令 (zh) Комендант Корпусу морської піхоти США (uk)
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dbr:Battle_of_Guantánamo_Bay dbr:Battle_of_Iwo_Jima dbr:Battle_of_Khe_Sanh dbr:Battle_of_Makin dbr:Ben_Hebard_Fuller dbr:Big_Rapids,_Michigan dbr:Brandon,_Mississippi dbr:Brian_Chontosh dbr:Brigadier_general_(United_States) dbr:Dave_Severance dbr:David_F._O'Neill dbr:David_H._Berger dbr:David_M._Brahms dbr:David_M._Shoup dbr:Dennis_C._Blair dbr:Department_of_the_Pacific_(USMC) dbr:Deputy_Commandant_for_Aviation dbr:Arcadia_Conference dbr:Homer_Litzenberg dbr:John_N._McLaughlin dbr:John_Nelson_(lawyer) dbr:John_P._Coursey dbr:John_R._Allen dbr:John_R._Ewers dbr:John_Ripley_(USMC) dbr:John_T._Walker_(USMC) dbr:Johnny_Poe dbr:Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff dbr:Joint_Force_Headquarters_National_Capital_Region dbr:Joint_warfare_in_South_Vietnam,_1963–1969 dbr:Jonathan_Shay dbr:Joseph_C._Burger dbr:Joseph_Dunford dbr:Joseph_Nicholson_Barney dbr:List_of_Cajuns dbr:List_of_Commandants_of_the_Marine_Corps dbr:List_of_Commandants_of_the_United_States_Marine_Corps dbr:List_of_Louisiana_State_University_alumni dbr:List_of_Phi_Sigma_Kappa_brothers dbr:List_of_Pi_Kappa_Alpha_brothers dbr:List_of_Sigma_Phi_Epsilon_brothers dbr:List_of_Theta_Chi_members dbr:List_of_United_States_Military_Academy_alumni dbr:List_of_United_States_Military_Academy_non-graduate_alumni dbr:List_of_United_States_Naval_Academy_alumni dbr:List_of_University_of_Pennsylvania_people dbr:List_of_active_duty_United_States_four-star_officers dbr:List_of_flags_of_the_United_States dbr:Paul_St._Clair_Murphy dbr:Paul_X._Kelley dbr:Peter_D._Williams dbr:Rene_Gagnon dbr:Retreat,_Hell! dbr:Richard_C._Mangrum dbr:Richard_G._Weede dbr:Richard_Huck dbr:Robert dbr:Robert_A._Owens dbr:Robert_B._Johnston dbr:Robert_E._Cushman_Jr. dbr:Robert_H._Barrow dbr:Charles_Heywood_(1803–1853) dbr:Culture_of_the_United_States_Marine_Corps dbr:USS_Green_Bay_(LPD-20) dbr:USS_Guadalcanal_(LPH-7) dbr:USS_Henderson_(DD-785) dbr:USS_Iwo_Jima_(LHD-7) dbr:USS_La_Salle_(AGF-3) dbr:USS_Makin_Island_(LHD-8) dbr:USS_McCawley_(APA-4) dbr:USS_New_York_(LPD-21) dbr:USS_Nicholas_(DD-311) dbr:USS_Nicholas_(FFG-47) dbr:USS_Portland_(LPD-27) dbr:USS_Raleigh_(LPD-1) dbr:USS_Russell_(DDG-59) dbr:USS_Shoup dbr:USS_Tarawa_(LHA-1) dbr:USS_Tripoli_(LPH-10) dbr:USS_Valley_Forge_(CV-45) dbr:USS_Vandegrift_(FFG-48) dbr:USS_Wainwright_(DD-62) dbr:Uniforms_of_the_United_States_Marine_Corps dbr:United_States_Armed_Forces dbr:United_States_Department_of_Defense dbr:United_States_Department_of_the_Navy dbr:United_States_Marine_Band dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps_Force_Reconnaissance dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps_Scout_Sniper dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps_Women's_Reserve dbr:United_States_Marine_Drum_and_Bugle_Corps dbr:United_States_Marine_Forces_Europe_and_Africa dbr:United_States_Marine_Forces_Special_Operations_Command dbr:United_States_Navy dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_Defense dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_the_Navy dbr:United_States_ship_naming_conventions dbr:VMCJ-1 dbr:VMF-213 dbr:VMFA-214 dbr:VMFA-232 dbr:VMFA-314 dbr:VMM-364 dbr:Vernon_E._Megee dbr:Victor_H._Krulak dbr:Vietnamization dbr:Virginia_Military_Institute dbr:Deaths_in_April_2014 dbr:Deaths_in_December_2019 dbr:December_1914 dbr:December_1943 dbr:Defense_Superior_Service_Medal dbr:Don't_Ask,_Don't_Tell_Repeal_Act_of_2010 dbr:International_Security_Studies_Program_(Fletcher_School) dbr:Military_history_of_the_United_States_during_World_War_II dbr:Liberation_Day_(Guam) dbr:List_of_historic_United_States_Marines dbr:List_of_joint_sessions_of_the_United_States_Congress dbr:List_of_people_from_Baton_Rouge,_Louisiana dbr:List_of_people_from_Michigan dbr:List_of_people_from_Minnesota dbr:15th_Marine_Expeditionary_Unit dbr:Commandant_General_Royal_Marines dbr:Continental_Marines dbr:Coronado,_California dbr:Courtesy_of_the_Red,_White_and_Blue_(The_Angry_American) dbr:Saint_Michael's_College dbr:Chemical_Biological_Incident_Response_Force dbr:Gates_of_Fire 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dbr:Modern_display_of_the_Confederate_battle_flag dbr:Music_of_the_Foreign_Legion dbr:Controversies_of_the_2006_United_States_Senate_election_in_Virginia dbr:The_Missiles_of_October dbr:The_Naming_Commission dbr:The_Royal_Welch_Fusiliers_(march) dbr:Thomas_C._Turner dbr:Thomas_F._Riley dbr:Thomas_Holcomb dbr:Thomas_M._Countryman dbr:Organization_of_the_United_States_Marine_Corps dbr:Organizational_structure_of_the_United_States_Department_of_Defense dbr:1966_in_the_Vietnam_War dbr:1967_in_the_Vietnam_War dbr:1969_in_the_Vietnam_War dbr:2019_Salute_to_America dbr:Ansonia,_Connecticut dbr:Anthony_Gale dbr:Battle_of_Guadalcanal_order_of_battle dbr:Battle_of_Iwo_Jima_order_of_battle dbr:Lemuel_C._Shepherd_Jr. dbr:Leonard_F._Chapman_Jr. dbr:Lester_A._Dessez dbr:Lewis_G._Watkins dbr:Lewis_J._Fields dbr:Lewis_K._Bausell dbr:Lieutenant_general_(United_States) dbr:Lloyd_M._Mustin dbr:Lou_Diamond dbr:Louis_A._Johnson dbr:Louis_E._Woods dbr:Louis_H._Wilson_Jr. dbr:Louis_J._Hauge_Jr. dbr:Louis_R._Lowery dbr:M27_Infantry_Automatic_Rifle dbr:M4_carbine dbr:Major_general_(United_States) dbr:Mameluke_sword dbr:Sidney_Lanier_High_School dbr:Sierra_Army_Depot dbr:Sikorsky_S-61R dbr:Smedley_Butler dbr:Stephen_M._Neary dbr:Clayton_J._Lonetree dbr:Colonel_commandant dbr:Columbian_Institute_for_the_Promotion_of_Arts_and_Sciences dbr:Combat_Fitness_Test dbr:Commandant dbr:February_1915 dbr:February_1923 dbr:Frank_Libutti dbr:Henderson_House_(Dumfries,_Virginia) dbr:List_of_positions_filled_by_presidential_appointment_with_Senate_confirmation dbr:Peter_Murphy_(JAG) dbr:Purple_Heart dbr:Naval_strategy dbr:Swagger_stick dbr:United_States_Navy_systems_commands dbr:1st_Battalion,_1st_Marines dbr:1st_Reconnaissance_Battalion dbr:1st_Tank_Battalion dbr:August_Larson dbr:Austin_R._Brunelli dbr:Balboa_Park_(San_Diego) dbr:Bankson_T._Holcomb_Jr. dbr:Brooke_Astor dbr:Brooke_Nihart dbr:Tiptonville,_Tennessee dbr:Toby_Keith dbr:Tommy_Prothro dbr:Trinity_Church_Cemetery dbr:Twentynine_Palms_Strategic_Expeditionary_Landing_Field dbr:USS_Anchorage_(LPD-23) dbr:USS_Bataan_(LHD-5) dbr:USS_Belleau_Wood_(CVL-24) dbr:Wallace_H._Robinson dbr:Wallace_M._Greene dbr:Walnut_Ridge,_Arkansas
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