Disney California Adventure (original) (raw)
- Disney Californie Adventure, auch California Adventure oder kurz DCA, ist der zweite Themenpark des Disneyland Resorts in Anaheim, Kalifornien. Eigentümer und Betreiber ist die Walt Disney Company mit ihrem Geschäftsbereich Disney Parks, Experiences and Products. Der 29 Hektar große Park ist thematisch an die Geschichte und Kultur Kaliforniens angelehnt und zelebriert das Abenteuer des Staates durch die Verwendung verschiedener Disney-, Pixar- und Marvel-Studios-Marken. Der Park wurde am 8. Februar 2001 als Disney's California Adventure Park eröffnet. (de)
- Disney California Adventure Park, commonly referred to as California Adventure or by its acronym DCA, is a theme park located at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. It is owned and operated by The Walt Disney Company through its Parks, Experiences and Products division. The 72-acre (29 ha) park is themed after Disney's interpretation of California, which is manifested through the use of various Disney, Pixar and Marvel Studios properties. The park opened on February 8, 2001 as Disney's California Adventure Park and is the second of two theme parks built at the Disneyland Resort complex, after Disneyland Park. The concept of a theme park dedicated to California arose from a meeting of Disney executives in 1995, following the cancellation of WestCOT, a planned West Coast version of Walt Disney World's utopian EPCOT Center. Construction of the park began in June 1998 and was completed by early 2001. Disney initially projected high attendance rates at the new park; a series of preview openings held in January 2001 led to negative reviews, however, and after the park officially opened to the public on February 8, 2001, the company's attendance projections were never met. Disney spent the next several years incrementally adding new rides, shows, and attractions, and implementing other promotions aimed at boosting attendance. In 2007, Disney announced a major overhaul of the park consisting of new expansion as well as re-construction of existing areas of the park. Construction lasted for five years and was completed in stages, culminating with the opening of Buena Vista Street and Cars Land along with the re-dedication of the park in June 2012. The most recent addition to the park was the completion of Avengers Campus when the Disneyland Resort reopened in mid-2021, after being closed for over a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Themed Entertainment Association, the park hosted approximately 9.9 million guests in 2018, making it the 12th-most visited theme park in the world that year. (en)
- Disney California Adventure Park es un parque temático de Walt Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, ubicado en Anaheim, California, anexo a Disneyland Park y ubicado en la parte más grande del complejo recreativo. Se abrió el 8 de febrero de 2001 como Disney's California Adventure, aunque el 28 de mayo de 2010, se anunció en el blog oficial de Walt Disney Parks and Resorts que sería renombrado Disney California Adventure Park. El parque es coordinado y dirigido por The Walt Disney Company. Este parque temático de 29 hectáreas (72 acres) fue construido como parte de una expansión importante que extendió el área de Disneyland Park y posicionó los hoteles en el resort. El concepto de un parque temático dedicado a California surgió de una reunión de ejecutivos de Disney en 1995, luego de la cancelación del proyecto WestCOT (inspirado en Epcot Center). La construcción del parque comenzó en 1998 y se completó a principios de 2001. Disney inicialmente proyectó altas tasas de asistencia en el nuevo parque; sin embargo, una serie de aperturas previas realizadas en enero de 2001 condujeron a críticas negativas, y después de que el parque se abrió oficialmente al público el 8 de febrero de 2001, las proyecciones de asistencia de la compañía nunca se cumplieron. Disney pasó los siguientes años agregando nuevas atracciones, espectáculos y atracciones, e implementando otras promociones destinadas a aumentar la asistencia. En 2007, Disney anunció una gran expansión del parque, así como una revisión importante de una parte significativa del parque. La construcción duró cinco años y se completó por etapas, culminando con la apertura de Buena Vista Street y Cars Land en junio de 2012. En 2016, el parque atrajo a aproximadamente 9,295 millones de visitantes, alcanzando su récord de visitas, siendo su récord de visitantes en un año 9,383 millones en 2015. Es el undécimo parque más visitado del mundo, y el octavo de los parques Disney. (es)
- Disney California Adventure Park est un parc à thèmes de la Walt Disney Company situé à Anaheim, en Californie. Il a ouvert ses portes le 8 février 2001, devenant ainsi le deuxième parc du complexe Disneyland Resort. Le parc a ouvert ses portes 46 ans après le premier Disneyland, il se situe en face de celui-ci et à côté du Downtown Disney District. En 2010 le parc a connu un changement de nom (anciennement Disney's California Adventure Park) et une progressive rethématisation. Il avait pour thème la destination touristique qu'est la Californie mais a depuis vu l'introduction de personnages Disney et l'ajout des licences Pixar, Star Wars et Marvel. En 2019, le parc a été visité par près de 10 millions de personnes, faisant de lui le treizième parc à thèmes le plus visité au monde. Depuis son ouverture, le parc a été distingué cinq fois par un Thea Award, il s'agit d'un prix mondial décerné par la Themed Entertainment Association. Le parc fut primé la première fois en 2002 dans la catégorie Attraction pour Disney Animation et Soarin' Over California, puis en 2010 pour Toy Story Midway Mania. En 2011 il est de nouveau primé mais dans la catégorie Spectacle live pour Disney's World of Color et en 2018 dans la catégorie Attraction pour Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: Breakout!. (fr)
- 디즈니 캘리포니아 어드벤처(Disney California Adventure)는 미국 캘리포니아주 애너하임에 위치한 월트 디즈니 컴퍼니가 운영하는 디즈니 파크이다. (ko)
- Disney California Adventure Park, afgekort DCA, is een attractiepark in het Disneyland Resort in Anaheim in de Verenigde Staten en is geopend in 2001 onder de oorspronkelijke naam Disney's California Adventure Park. Het thema van het park richt zich op "the spirit of optimism and the promise of endless opportunities" die gepaard gaan met de staat Californië, samen met diens diversiteit, bevolking en verhalen.Het park heeft een oppervlakte van 72 acre (ongeveer 29 hectare) en werd gebouwd als onderdeel van de geplande uitbreiding die het toenmalige Disneyland deed veranderen in het Disneyland Resort. (nl)
- ディズニー・カリフォルニア・アドベンチャー(英語:Disney California Adventure、略称:DCA)は、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州アナハイムにあるウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニー(ディズニー・パークス・エクスペリエンス・プロダクツ)が運営するディズニーパークである。 (ja)
- Disney California Adventure, precedentemente Disney's California Adventure (chiamato anche Disney California Adventure Park o DCA), è il secondo parco divertimenti della Walt Disney Company aperto nel Disneyland Resort ad Anaheim, Stati Uniti, e fu inaugurato l'8 febbraio 2001. (it)
- Disney California Adventure, geralmente chamado de California Adventure, é um parque de diversões localizado em Anaheim, Califórnia, possuído e operado pela The Walt Disney Company através de sua divisão Parks and Resorts. O parque de 72 acres tem como tema a história e a cultura do estado da Califórnia. O parque abriu em 2001 e é o segundo dos dois parque de diversões construídos no complexo Disneyland Resort, após a Disneyland. O conceito de um parque temático dedicado à Califórnia surgiu de uma reunião de executivos da Disney em 1995, seguindo o cancelamento do projeto . A construção do parque começou em 1998, e foi concluída no início de 2001. A Disney inicialmente projetou um grande público no novo parque, mas uma série de aberturas testes que ocorreram em janeiro de 2001 levaram a críticas negativas, e após o parque ser oficialmente aberto ao público em 8 de fevereiro de 2001, as projeções de público da empresa nunca se cumpriram. A Disney gastou os anos seguintes adicionando novas atrações e shows, e implementando outras promoções a fim de impulsionar o público. Em 2007, a Disney anunciou uma grande expansão do parque bem como uma reforma de uma parte significante do parque. A construção durou cinco anos e foi concluída em fases, culminando com a abertura da e da em junho de 2012. De acordo com a Themed Entertainment Association, o parque atraiu aproximadamente 8,5 milhões de visitantes em 2013, tornando-o o 10º parque de diversões mais visitado no mundo naquele ano. (pt)
- 迪士尼加州冒險樂園(Disney California Adventure)簡稱加州冒險乐园,是一座華特迪士尼公司於美國加州阿纳海姆(Anaheim)所建立的一個迪士尼主題樂園,是加州迪士尼度假區(Disneyland Resort)的兩個重要組成部分中的一個,另外一個是與隔鄰的“元祖迪士尼樂園(Disneyland Park)”。冒險樂園是在2001年2月8日開幕,一開始佔地達25公頃,第一期擴張完成後已有29公頃,第二期完成後增加至35公頃。如同其命名一般,加州冒險樂園是以「加州」作為整個樂園的主題,園內除了設置多項加州知名地標的縮比複製品之外,也有不少以該州文化與歷史作為主軸的設定。與隔鄰的迪士尼樂園主要是以溫馨夢幻的兒童客層為對象之風格不同,加州冒險樂園是以年齡層較大的成人客層作為鎖定對象,因此園內雖然不乏各項適合闔家老小同樂的遊樂項目,但相比之下也擁有較多刺激度較高的遊樂設施,是此樂園與其他大部分迪士尼體系的主題樂園較為不相同之處,卻和東京迪士尼的迪士尼海洋有異曲共工之妙。 (zh)
- dbr:California
- dbr:California_Department_of_Public_Health
- dbr:Carol_Danvers_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Cars_(film)
- dbr:Cars_(franchise)
- dbr:Robert_Mondavi
- dbr:List_of_amusement_parks
- dbr:List_of_former_Disney_California_Adventure_attractions
- dbr:Monsters,_Inc._Mike_&_Sulley_to_the_Rescue!
- dbr:Turtle_Talk_with_Crush
- dbr:Big_Hero_6_(film)
- dbr:Bob_Chapek
- dbr:Bob_Iger
- dbr:Boudin_Bakery
- dbr:Animation_Academy
- dbr:Hollywood_Hills
- dbr:Hyperion_Theater
- dbr:Peter_Parker_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Peter_Quill_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Up_(2009_film)
- dbr:Vampirina
- dbr:E_ticket
- dbr:Olaf_(Frozen)
- dbr:Cruella_(film)
- dbr:Rail_transport_in_Walt_Disney_Parks_and_Resorts
- dbr:Clint_Barton_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Club_33
- dbr:Coco_(2017_film)
- dbr:Elsa_(Frozen)
- dbr:Epcot
- dbr:Frank_Lloyd_Wright
- dbr:Frank_Wells
- dbr:Frozen_(2013_film)
- dbr:Frozen_–_Live_at_the_Hyperion
- dbr:Frozone
- dbr:Games_of_Pixar_Pier
- dbr:Gamora_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Gold_Rush
- dbr:Golden_Dreams
- dbr:Golden_Gate_Bridge
- dbr:Golden_Zephyr
- dbr:Goofy's_Sky_School
- dbr:Monsters,_Inc.
- dbr:Monterey,_California
- dbr:Mr._Incredible
- dbr:Mulan_(1998_film)
- dbr:Condor_Flats
- dbr:The_Lion_Guard
- dbr:The_Little_Mermaid:_Ariel's_Undersea_Adventure
- dbr:The_Sword_in_the_Stone_(1963_film)
- dbr:The_Twilight_Zone_Tower_of_Terror
- dbr:The_Walt_Disney_Company
- dbr:Themed_Entertainment_Association
- dbr:Thor_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Anna_(Frozen)
- dbr:Loki_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Los_Angeles
- dbr:Los_Angeles_Times
- dbr:Luigi's_Flying_Tires
- dbr:Main_Street_Electrical_Parade
- dbr:Maliboomer
- dbr:Bo_Peep_(Toy_Story)
- dbr:Sid_(Toy_Story)
- dbr:Sierra_National_Forest
- dbr:Silly_Symphony_Swings
- dbr:Snow_White_and_the_Seven_Dwarfs_(1937_film)
- dbr:Soarin'
- dbr:Star_Wars:_Galaxy's_Edge
- dbr:Stephen_Strange_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Steve_Rogers_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Zootopia
- dbr:Kristoff_(Frozen)
- dbr:Storer_House_(Los_Angeles,_California)
- dbr:Mater's_Junkyard_Jamboree
- dbr:Mickey's_PhilharMagic
- dbr:Avengers_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Avengers_Campus
- dbc:2001_establishments_in_California
- dbr:Brother_Bear
- dbr:Buena_Vista_Street
- dbr:Buzz_Lightyear
- dbr:COVID-19_pandemic
- dbr:COVID-19_pandemic_in_California
- dbr:Agatha_Harkness
- dbr:Tokyo_DisneySea
- dbr:Toy_Story
- dbr:Toy_Story_(franchise)
- dbr:Toy_Story_Mania!
- dbr:Toy_Story_Midway_Mania!
- dbr:Walt_Disney
- dbr:Walt_Disney_Animation_Studios
- dbr:Walt_Disney_Imagineering
- dbr:Walt_Disney_Imagineering_Blue_Sky_Cellar
- dbr:Walt_Disney_Pictures
- dbr:Walt_Disney_Studios_(division)
- dbr:Walt_Disney_World
- dbr:WandaVision
- dbr:Web_Slingers:_A_Spider-Man_Adventure
- dbr:Disney's_LuminAria
- dbr:Disney_California_Adventure_Food_&_Wine_Festival
- dbr:Jessie's_Critter_Carousel
- dbr:Jumpin'_Jellyfish
- dbr:A_Bug's_Land
- dbr:A_Bug's_Life
- dbr:American_Broadcasting_Company
- dbr:Anaheim,_California
- dbr:Downtown_Disney
- dbr:Paint_the_Night
- dbr:Paradise_Gardens_Park
- dbr:Food_court
- dbr:List_of_Disney_California_Adventure_attractions
- dbr:List_of_Disney_attractions_that_were_never_built
- dbr:List_of_Disney_theme_park_attractions
- dbr:Luigi's_Rollickin'_Roadsters
- dbr:Paul_Pressler
- dbr:Grizzly_Peak_Airfield
- dbr:Grizzly_River_Run
- dbr:Groot_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Guardians_of_the_Galaxy_–_Mission:_Breakout!
- dbr:Helen_Parr_(The_Incredibles)
- dbr:It's_Tough_to_Be_a_Bug!
- dbr:Jake_and_the_Never_Land_Pirates
- dbr:Tangled
- dbr:Teams_and_organizations_of_the_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe
- dbc:Amusement_parks_opened_in_2001
- dbr:Test_Track
- dbr:The_Bakery_Tour
- dbr:The_Imagineering_Story
- dbr:The_Incredibles
- dbr:File:DCA05_(48).jpg
- dbr:Aspen,_Colorado
- dbc:California_culture
- dbc:Disney_California_Adventure
- dbc:Amusement_parks_in_California
- dbr:Jessie_(Toy_Story)
- dbr:T'Challa_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Hollywood_Land
- dbr:Jay_Rasulo
- dbr:Theme_park
- dbr:Who_Wants_to_Be_a_Millionaire_–_Play_It!
- dbr:Disney's_Grand_Californian_Hotel_&_Spa
- dbr:Disney_Junior_–_Live_on_Stage!
- dbr:Disney_Parks,_Experiences_and_Products
- dbr:Disneyland
- dbr:Disneyland_Hotel_(California)
- dbr:Disneyland_Park_(Paris)
- dbr:Disneyland_Resort
- dbr:Doc_McStuffins
- dbr:Doctor_Strange:_Journey_into_the_Mystic_Arts
- dbr:Marvel_Cinematic_Universe
- dbr:Marvel_Comics
- dbr:Marvel_Entertainment
- dbr:Marvel_Studios
- dbr:Pixar
- dbr:Pixar_Pal-A-Round
- dbr:Pixar_Pier
- dbr:Pixar_Pier_and_Paradise_Gardens_Park
- dbr:Sofia_the_First
- dbr:Classical_Hollywood_cinema
- dbr:Incredicoaster
- dbr:Kristoff_(Disney)
- dbr:Michael_Eisner
- dbr:Mickey_Mouse_Clubhouse
- dbr:Mickey_and_the_Roadster_Racers
- dbr:Natasha_Romanoff_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)
- dbr:Newport_Beach,_California
- dbr:Olaf_(Disney)
- dbr:Cars_Land
- dbr:Carthay_Circle_Theatre
- dbr:Radiator_Springs_Racers
- dbr:Raya_and_the_Last_Dragon
- dbr:Red_Car_Trolley
- dbr:Redwood_Creek_Challenge_Trail
- dbr:Redwood_National_and_State_Parks
- dbr:Sheriff_Woody
- dbr:Wolfgang_Puck
- dbr:World_of_Color
- dbr:X_Games
- dbr:Yosemite
- dbr:Main_Street,_U.S.A.
- dbr:Soap_opera
- dbr:Superstar_Limo
- dbr:Disney's_Paradise_Pier_Hotel
- dbr:Impact_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_on_The_Walt_Disney_Company
- dbr:Mickey's_Fun_Wheel
- dbr:Fire_lookout_tower
- dbr:Stark_Industries
- dbr:WestCOT
- dbr:New_Orleans_Square
- dbr:Sorcerer's_Workshop
- dbr:Ghirardelli
- dbr:Cal_Expo
- dbr:File:California_Adventure_July_4.jpg
- dbr:File:DCA_from_Paradise_Pier_Hotel_2012.jpg
- dbr:File:Dca_hollywood_backlot.jpg
- dbr:File:Disney's_California_Adventure_2021.jpg
- dbr:File:GrizzlypeakLeft_fxwb.jpg
- dbr:File:Paradise_Bay,_Disney_California_Adventure,_Anaheim,_California.2016.jpg
- dbr:File:Radiator_Springs_Racers_-_DCA.JPG
- dbr:File:ToyStoryMania.JPG
- dbc:2001_establishments_in_California
- dbc:Amusement_parks_opened_in_2001
- dbc:California_culture
- dbc:Disney_California_Adventure
- dbc:Amusement_parks_in_California
- Disney Californie Adventure, auch California Adventure oder kurz DCA, ist der zweite Themenpark des Disneyland Resorts in Anaheim, Kalifornien. Eigentümer und Betreiber ist die Walt Disney Company mit ihrem Geschäftsbereich Disney Parks, Experiences and Products. Der 29 Hektar große Park ist thematisch an die Geschichte und Kultur Kaliforniens angelehnt und zelebriert das Abenteuer des Staates durch die Verwendung verschiedener Disney-, Pixar- und Marvel-Studios-Marken. Der Park wurde am 8. Februar 2001 als Disney's California Adventure Park eröffnet. (de)
- 디즈니 캘리포니아 어드벤처(Disney California Adventure)는 미국 캘리포니아주 애너하임에 위치한 월트 디즈니 컴퍼니가 운영하는 디즈니 파크이다. (ko)
- Disney California Adventure Park, afgekort DCA, is een attractiepark in het Disneyland Resort in Anaheim in de Verenigde Staten en is geopend in 2001 onder de oorspronkelijke naam Disney's California Adventure Park. Het thema van het park richt zich op "the spirit of optimism and the promise of endless opportunities" die gepaard gaan met de staat Californië, samen met diens diversiteit, bevolking en verhalen.Het park heeft een oppervlakte van 72 acre (ongeveer 29 hectare) en werd gebouwd als onderdeel van de geplande uitbreiding die het toenmalige Disneyland deed veranderen in het Disneyland Resort. (nl)
- ディズニー・カリフォルニア・アドベンチャー(英語:Disney California Adventure、略称:DCA)は、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州アナハイムにあるウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニー(ディズニー・パークス・エクスペリエンス・プロダクツ)が運営するディズニーパークである。 (ja)
- Disney California Adventure, precedentemente Disney's California Adventure (chiamato anche Disney California Adventure Park o DCA), è il secondo parco divertimenti della Walt Disney Company aperto nel Disneyland Resort ad Anaheim, Stati Uniti, e fu inaugurato l'8 febbraio 2001. (it)
- 迪士尼加州冒險樂園(Disney California Adventure)簡稱加州冒險乐园,是一座華特迪士尼公司於美國加州阿纳海姆(Anaheim)所建立的一個迪士尼主題樂園,是加州迪士尼度假區(Disneyland Resort)的兩個重要組成部分中的一個,另外一個是與隔鄰的“元祖迪士尼樂園(Disneyland Park)”。冒險樂園是在2001年2月8日開幕,一開始佔地達25公頃,第一期擴張完成後已有29公頃,第二期完成後增加至35公頃。如同其命名一般,加州冒險樂園是以「加州」作為整個樂園的主題,園內除了設置多項加州知名地標的縮比複製品之外,也有不少以該州文化與歷史作為主軸的設定。與隔鄰的迪士尼樂園主要是以溫馨夢幻的兒童客層為對象之風格不同,加州冒險樂園是以年齡層較大的成人客層作為鎖定對象,因此園內雖然不乏各項適合闔家老小同樂的遊樂項目,但相比之下也擁有較多刺激度較高的遊樂設施,是此樂園與其他大部分迪士尼體系的主題樂園較為不相同之處,卻和東京迪士尼的迪士尼海洋有異曲共工之妙。 (zh)
- Disney California Adventure Park, commonly referred to as California Adventure or by its acronym DCA, is a theme park located at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. It is owned and operated by The Walt Disney Company through its Parks, Experiences and Products division. The 72-acre (29 ha) park is themed after Disney's interpretation of California, which is manifested through the use of various Disney, Pixar and Marvel Studios properties. The park opened on February 8, 2001 as Disney's California Adventure Park and is the second of two theme parks built at the Disneyland Resort complex, after Disneyland Park. (en)
- Disney California Adventure Park es un parque temático de Walt Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, ubicado en Anaheim, California, anexo a Disneyland Park y ubicado en la parte más grande del complejo recreativo. Se abrió el 8 de febrero de 2001 como Disney's California Adventure, aunque el 28 de mayo de 2010, se anunció en el blog oficial de Walt Disney Parks and Resorts que sería renombrado Disney California Adventure Park. El parque es coordinado y dirigido por The Walt Disney Company. (es)
- Disney California Adventure Park est un parc à thèmes de la Walt Disney Company situé à Anaheim, en Californie. Il a ouvert ses portes le 8 février 2001, devenant ainsi le deuxième parc du complexe Disneyland Resort. Le parc a ouvert ses portes 46 ans après le premier Disneyland, il se situe en face de celui-ci et à côté du Downtown Disney District. (fr)
- Disney California Adventure, geralmente chamado de California Adventure, é um parque de diversões localizado em Anaheim, Califórnia, possuído e operado pela The Walt Disney Company através de sua divisão Parks and Resorts. O parque de 72 acres tem como tema a história e a cultura do estado da Califórnia. O parque abriu em 2001 e é o segundo dos dois parque de diversões construídos no complexo Disneyland Resort, após a Disneyland. (pt)
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:California_Adventure
- dbr:Disneyland_California_Adventure
- dbr:Pacific_Wharf
- dbr:Disney's_California_Adventure
- dbr:Disney's_California_Adventure_Park
- dbr:Disney_California_Adventure_(Disneyland_Resort)
- dbr:Disney_California_Adventure_(theme_park)
- dbr:Disney_California_Adventure_Park
- dbr:California's_Adventure
- dbr:California_Adventure!
- dbr:California_Adventure_Park
- dbr:Walt_Disney's_California_Adventure