Economy of Quebec (original) (raw)
- The economy of Quebec is diversified and post-industrial with an average potential for growth. Manufacturing and service sectors dominate the economy. If Quebec were a country, its economy would be ranked the 33rd largest in the world just behind Norway. Quebec is also ranked the 21st largest in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The economy of Quebec represents 19.65% of the total GDP of Canada. For the 2017-2018 period, Quebec's budget was C$103,7 billion. This budget planned to provide 3billionmoretothehealthcaresectorover2years.TheeconomyofQuebecrepresents20.363 billion more to the healthcare sector over 2 years. The economy of Quebec represents 20.36% of the total GDP of Canada. Like most industrialized countries, the economy of Quebec is based mainly on the services sector. Quebec's economy has traditionally been fuelled by abundant natural resources, a well-developed infrastructure, and average productivity. The provincial GDP in 2010 was C3billionmoretothehealthcaresectorover2years.TheeconomyofQuebecrepresents20.36319,348 billion, making Quebec the second largest economy in Canada. The provincial debt-to-GDP ratio peaked at 50.7% in fiscal year 2012–2013, and is projected to decline to 33.8% in 2023–2024. The credit rating of Quebec is currently Aa2 according to the Moody's agency. In June 2017, Standard & Poor's (S&P) rated Quebec as an AA- credit risk, surpassing Ontario for the first time. Quebec's economy has undergone tremendous changes over the last decade. Firmly grounded in the knowledge economy, Quebec has one of the highest growth rate of GDP in Canada. The knowledge sector represents about 30.9% of Quebec's GDP. In 2011, Quebec experienced faster growth of its research-and-development (R&D) spending than other Canadian provinces. Quebec's spending in R&D in 2011 was equal to 2.63% of GDP, above the European Union average of 1.84% and will have to reaches the target of devoting 3% of GDP to research and development activities in 2013 according to the Lisbon Strategy. The percentage spent on research and technology is the highest in Canada and higher than the averages for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the G7 countries. Approximately 1.1 million Quebecers work in the field of science and technology. (en)
- La provincia de Quebec tiene una economía avanzada, alimentada por abundantes recursos naturales, una infraestructura bien desarrollada y una mediana productividad. Su PIB nominal en 2010 fue de 303.747 millones de dólares canadienses, convirtiéndose así en la segunda economía más fuerte de Canadá. No obstante, su PIB per cápita en 2009 fue de USD$ 32.408, semejante al de países como Japón, Italia y España, pero inferior a la media canadiense de USD$ 37.830 per cápita ese año. Por sí solo es la 37 economía más grande del mundo y la 21 entre los países de la OCDE. Ocupa las posiciones 16 y 17 en las tasas de desempleo y PIB per cápita del mundo, respectivamente. (es)
- L'économie du Québec est fortement intégrée aux économies du reste du Canada et des États-Unis. Elle s'appuie principalement sur le secteur des services en plus d'un secteur industriel varié mais reposant principalement sur plusieurs industries stratégiques pour l'exportation; l'aéronautique, la production d'aluminium et d'électricité, l’industrie pharmaceutique, l'extraction du fer, du cuivre et des métaux précieux, la coupe de bois et la production de papier. Le cœur économique du Québec est la région métropolitaine de Montréal où habitent la moitié des Québécois. Cette région compte à elle seule pour 53,4 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) de la province suivi par la région métropolitaine de Québec (11,4 %), Gatineau (3,2 %), Sherbrooke (2,2 %), Saguenay (1,9 %) et Trois-Rivières (1,8 %). En tout, le PIB du Québec aux prix du marché s’élevait à 380,9 milliards CAD, soit 19,0 % du PIB du Canada. La taille de l'économie québécoise se compare à celle de pays comme le Portugal ou Israël. Ajusté par habitant, le Québec se compare économiquement plutôt à l'Écosse. Le produit intérieur brut par habitant du Québec atteint, en 2016, 37 888 USD PPA. En tenant compte de l’ensemble du commerce extérieur de biens et de services, y compris le commerce interprovincial du Québec qui vaut 39,6 % des exportations vers toutes les destinations en 2008, les exportations du Québec s’établissent à 51,8 % de son PIB. Environ 85 % des exportations québécoises sont destinées aux États-Unis. Les relations économiques entre le Québec et la France sont importantes : en 2008, environ 17 000 Québécois sont employés dans 470 entreprises françaises au Québec, et 26 000 Français travaillent dans 154 entreprises québécoises en France. (fr)
- Экономика Квебека — современная постиндустриальная экономика канадской провинции Квебек с положительным торговым балансом. С момента подписания соглашения о свободной торговле между Канадой и США (North America Free Trade Area) в 1987 году экспорт Квебека в США резко возрос.В 2008 году ВВП провинции Квебек составил 248 400 000 000 долл. США по паритету покупательной способности (ППС), или 19,0 % от ВВП всей Канады. Валовой внутренний продукт на душу населения Квебеке в 2008 году составил 32 051 долларов по ППС, Квебек оказался позади таких стран как Франция, Япония и Бахрейн, но опередил Испанию, Италию и Грецию. Как и в большинстве промышленно развитых стран, экономика Квебека основана главным образом на секторе услуг. Но сектор обрабатывающей промышленности имеет также очень важное значение. Около 85 % экспорта провинции Квебек приходится на Соединенные Штаты. Экономические отношения между Квебеком и Францией имеют важное значение: в 2008 году примерно 17000 сотрудников работали на 470 предприятиях Квебека, принадлежащих французским компаниям, и 26000 французов работали на 154 предприятиях квебекцев во Франции . Как и все всех западные страны, экономика Квебека испытывает влияние глобальных экономических условий, борясь с финансовым кризисом 2007—2009 годов. В первом квартале 2009 года валовой внутренний продукт Квебека сократился по сравнению с предыдущим годом. Падение производства особенно было очевидно во внешней торговле. (ru)
- dbr:Caisse_de_dépôt_et_placement_du_Québec
- dbr:Canadian_dollar
- dbr:Carbon_dioxide
- dbr:Cascades_(company)
- dbr:Pratt_&_Whitney
- dbr:Quebec
- dbr:Quebec_City
- dbr:Quebecor
- dbr:Rolls-Royce_North_America
- dbr:Electric_car
- dbr:Energy_superpower
- dbr:National_Capital_Region
- dbr:Hardwood_Trunk_Rot
- dbr:CAE_(company)
- dbr:Saputo_Incorporated
- dbr:2009_United_Nations_Climate_Change_Conference
- dbr:Basilica_of_Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré
- dbr:Bell_Canada
- dbr:Bell_Helicopter
- dbr:Biomass
- dbr:Bombardier_Inc.
- dbr:Bombardier_Transportation
- dbr:DeepMind
- dbr:Alloy
- dbr:Hydro-Québec
- dbr:Hydrocarbon
- dbr:Johnson_&_Johnson
- dbr:Pest_(organism)
- dbr:Petrol
- dbr:Pfizer
- dbr:Renewable_energy
- dbr:Research_and_development
- dbr:Dairy
- dbr:Dairy_industry
- dbr:Dairy_product
- dbr:United_Kingdom
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:United_States–Mexico–Canada_Agreement
- dbr:Vachon_Inc.
- dbr:Valero_Energy
- dbr:Vector_(epidemiology)
- dbr:Vegetable
- dbr:Venture_capital_financing
- dbr:Debt-to-GDP_ratio
- dbr:Post-industrial_society
- dbr:Pulp_and_paper_industry
- dbr:Port-Cartier,_Quebec
- dbr:Cossette,_Inc.
- dbr:SNC-Lavalin
- dbr:Saint_Joseph's_Oratory
- dbr:Saint_Lawrence_River
- dbr:Nova_Bus
- dbr:Oil
- dbr:Cirque_du_Soleil
- dbr:Eidos_Interactive
- dbr:Electronic_Arts
- dbr:Fungal_crop_disease
- dbr:G7
- dbr:Galderma
- dbr:Gatineau
- dbr:Germany
- dbr:GlaxoSmithKline
- dbr:Gold
- dbr:Molson_Brewery
- dbr:Mont-Tremblant_National_Park
- dbr:Montreal
- dbr:Motorola
- dbr:Multimedia
- dbr:Copper
- dbr:Credit_rating
- dbr:Bruce_spanworm
- dbr:TM4_Electrodynamic_Systems
- dbr:Lockheed_Martin
- dbr:Lumber
- dbr:Standard_&_Poor's
- dbr:Stephen_Harper
- dbr:Strategy_First
- dbr:Sugar_maple
- dbr:ZENN
- dbr:Énergir
- dbr:Fruit
- dbr:Fusarium_graminearum
- dbr:Bristol-Myers_Squibb
- dbr:Strawberry
- dbr:Microelectronics
- dbr:Autodesk_Media_and_Entertainment
- dbr:Aventis
- dbr:Baie-Comeau
- dbr:Bécancour,_Quebec
- dbr:Titanium
- dbr:Titanium_dioxide
- dbr:Trois-Rivières
- dbr:UNESCO
- dbr:Western_Canada
- dbr:Wheat
- dbr:Crop_disease
- dbr:Lisbon_Strategy
- dbr:List_of_Canadian_provinces_and_territories_by_gross_domestic_product
- dbr:Livestock
- dbr:AbitibiBowater
- dbr:Agropur
- dbr:Albion_(strawberry)
- dbr:Algeria
- dbr:Alimentation_Couche-Tard
- dbr:Aluminium
- dbr:Côte-Nord
- dbr:Economy_of_Canada
- dbr:Ericsson
- dbr:European_Union
- dbr:Facebook
- dbr:Fish
- dbr:France
- dbr:Brent_Crude
- dbr:Niobium
- dbr:North_American_Free_Trade_Agreement
- dbr:Norway
- dbr:Novartis
- dbr:Ottawa
- dbr:Paccar
- dbr:Paper
- dbr:Carbon_tax
- dbr:Diesel_fuel
- dbr:Foie_gras
- dbr:Forest_product
- dbr:Fossil_fuel
- dbr:Google_Brain
- dbr:Garda_(security_company)
- dbr:Natural_gas
- dbr:Raymond_Chabot_Grant_Thornton
- dbr:Quiet_Revolution
- dbr:Raspberry
- dbr:Refinery
- dbr:Gypsy_moth
- dbc:Economy_of_Quebec
- dbr:International_Air_Transport_Association
- dbr:International_Civil_Aviation_Organization
- dbr:Iron
- dbr:James_Bay
- dbr:Japan
- dbr:Jean_Charest
- dbr:Telecommunications
- dbr:Bombardier_Aerospace
- dbr:Terawatt
- dbr:Thales_Group
- dbr:Hydro-Québec's_electricity_transmission_system
- dbr:Hydroelectricity
- dbr:Armillaria_ostoyae_root_disease
- dbr:Charging_station
- dbr:China
- dbr:Agrifood
- dbr:Jim_Prentice
- dbr:John_Baird_(Canadian_politician)
- dbr:Laser
- dbr:TC_Energy
- dbr:Economy_of_Ontario
- dbr:Religious_tourism
- dbr:Valeant
- dbr:Port_of_Montreal
- dbr:Sorel-Tracy
- dbr:Free_trade_agreements_of_Canada
- dbr:Eutypella_canker
- dbr:Greenhouse_gases
- dbr:Merck-Frosst
- dbr:Information_technology
- dbr:Knowledge_economy
- dbr:Kyoto_protocol
- dbr:Merck_&_Co.
- dbr:Mexico
- dbr:Microsoft_Research
- dbr:Microïds
- dbr:Mining
- dbr:Netherlands
- dbr:Optical_fibre
- dbr:Organisation_for_Economic_Co-operation_and_Development
- dbr:Canada's_Global_Markets_Action_Plan
- dbr:Caterpillar
- dbr:Raspberry_cultivar
- dbr:Seascape_(strawberry)
- dbr:Sept-Îles,_Quebec
- dbr:CGI_Group
- dbr:World_Trade_Organization
- dbr:Maple_syrup
- dbr:Meat
- dbr:Image_processing
- dbr:L-3_Communications
- dbr:Saint_Lawrence_Seaway
- dbr:Plan_Nord
- dbr:Fiscal_year
- dbr:Ubi_Soft
- dbr:Moody's
- dbr:Shale_gas
- dbr:United_States_–_Canada_softwood_lumber_dispute
- dbr:Samsung_Research
- dbr:Wind_energy
- dbr:I-MiEV
- dbr:Suncor
- dbr:Services_sector
- dbr:Tar_spot
- dbr:Fortified_city
- dbr:Frame_(vehicle)
- dbr:Lévis
- dbr:Industrialized_countries
- dbr:Clean_energy
- dbr:Artificial_Mind_and_Movement
- dbr:Forest_tent_caterpillar
- dbr:Musée_des_beaux-arts_de_Montréal
- dbr:Softimage
- dbr:List_of_National_Historic_Sites_of_Canada
- dbr:Strawberry_cultivar
- dbr:Thermal_electricity
- dbr:File:Malbaie_River_in_Hautes-Gorges-de...aie_National_Park,_Quebec,_Canada.jpg
- dbr:Annapolis_(strawberry)
- dbr:Bounty_(strawberry)
- dbr:Boyne_(raspberry)
- dbr:Chambly_(strawberry)
- dbr:Clery_(strawberry)
- dbr:Darselect_(strawberry)
- dbr:Festival_(raspberry)
- dbr:File:AirCanadaHQMontreal.jpg
- dbr:File:Bank_of_Montreal_1_db.jpg
- dbr:File:Corn_field_in_Quebec_2017.jpg
- dbr:File:Edifice_quebec_INRS.jpg
- dbr:File:Portedesanciensmaires.jpg
- dbr:File:Quebec_Product_Exports_(2020).svg
- dbr:File:Raffinerie_Ultramar_Jean-Gaulin_(nord-est).jpg
- dbr:Honeyoye_(strawberry)
- dbr:Jewel_(strawberry)
- dbr:Kent_(strawberry)
- dbr:Killarney_(raspberry)
- dbr:Komatsu_International
- dbr:Malwina_(strawberry)
- dbr:Mitec
- dbr:Nectria_canker
- dbr:Nova_(raspberry)
- dbr:Pathfinder_(raspberry)
- dbr:Polana_(raspberry)
- dbr:Prévost_CAR
- dbr:Tulameen_(raspberry)
- dbr:Veestar_(strawberry)
- dbr:Wendy_(strawberry)
- dbr:File:QuebecCitySum04.jpg
- dbr:File:Tata_Indica_EV_Engine_bay.jpg
- 1.476E11
- goods: 75.7 % (en)
- international: 60.4 % (en)
- interprovincial: 39.6 % (en)
- services: 24.3 % (en)
- 1.67E11
- goods: 75.5 % (en)
- international: 62.9 % (en)
- interprovincial: 37.1 % (en)
- services: 24.5 % (en)
- dbt:Citation_needed
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:Main
- dbt:Portal
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Sfn
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Unreferenced_section
- dbt:Visible_anchor
- dbt:Smallsup
- dbt:Bracket
- dbt:Update_article
- dbt:Canada_topic
- dbt:Infobox_economy
- dbt:Quebec_topics
- La provincia de Quebec tiene una economía avanzada, alimentada por abundantes recursos naturales, una infraestructura bien desarrollada y una mediana productividad. Su PIB nominal en 2010 fue de 303.747 millones de dólares canadienses, convirtiéndose así en la segunda economía más fuerte de Canadá. No obstante, su PIB per cápita en 2009 fue de USD$ 32.408, semejante al de países como Japón, Italia y España, pero inferior a la media canadiense de USD$ 37.830 per cápita ese año. Por sí solo es la 37 economía más grande del mundo y la 21 entre los países de la OCDE. Ocupa las posiciones 16 y 17 en las tasas de desempleo y PIB per cápita del mundo, respectivamente. (es)
- The economy of Quebec is diversified and post-industrial with an average potential for growth. Manufacturing and service sectors dominate the economy. If Quebec were a country, its economy would be ranked the 33rd largest in the world just behind Norway. Quebec is also ranked the 21st largest in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The economy of Quebec represents 19.65% of the total GDP of Canada. (en)
- L'économie du Québec est fortement intégrée aux économies du reste du Canada et des États-Unis. Elle s'appuie principalement sur le secteur des services en plus d'un secteur industriel varié mais reposant principalement sur plusieurs industries stratégiques pour l'exportation; l'aéronautique, la production d'aluminium et d'électricité, l’industrie pharmaceutique, l'extraction du fer, du cuivre et des métaux précieux, la coupe de bois et la production de papier. (fr)
- Экономика Квебека — современная постиндустриальная экономика канадской провинции Квебек с положительным торговым балансом. С момента подписания соглашения о свободной торговле между Канадой и США (North America Free Trade Area) в 1987 году экспорт Квебека в США резко возрос.В 2008 году ВВП провинции Квебек составил 248 400 000 000 долл. США по паритету покупательной способности (ППС), или 19,0 % от ВВП всей Канады. Валовой внутренний продукт на душу населения Квебеке в 2008 году составил 32 051 долларов по ППС, Квебек оказался позади таких стран как Франция, Япония и Бахрейн, но опередил Испанию, Италию и Грецию. (ru)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Quebec
- dbr:Quebec_raspberries
- dbr:Quebec_raspberry
- dbr:Quebec_strawberries
- dbr:Quebec_strawberry
- dbr:Anti-Canadian_sentiment
- dbr:Index_of_Quebec-related_articles
- dbr:Quebec_economy
- dbr:Energy_policy_of_Quebec
- dbr:Environmental_policy_of_Quebec
- dbr:Fusarium_graminearum_in_Quebec
- dbr:Gentilly_Nuclear_Generating_Station
- dbr:Conseil_du_patronat_du_Québec
- dbr:Anglo-America
- dbr:Strawberry_and_Raspberry_Growers_Association_of_Quebec
- dbr:Strawberry_in_Quebec
- dbr:Sugar_maple_in_Quebec
- dbr:Wheat_in_Quebec
- dbr:Economy_of_quebec
- dbr:Joanne_Marcotte
- dbr:Agriculture_in_Quebec
- dbr:Economic_policy_of_Quebec
- dbr:Economy_of_Canada
- dbr:Quiet_Revolution
- dbr:Maple_syrup_in_Quebec
- dbr:Information_technology_in_Quebec
- dbr:Mining_in_Quebec
- dbr:Orange_Wheat_Blossom_Midge_in_Quebec
- dbr:Raspberry_in_Quebec
- dbr:Outline_of_Canada
- dbr:Outline_of_Quebec