dbo:abstract |
The Griffin family is a fictional family which appears in the animated television series Family Guy. The Griffins are a dysfunctional family consisting of the married couple Peter and Lois, their three children Meg, Chris, and Stewie and their anthropomorphic dog Brian. They live at 31 Spooner Street in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island. Their family car resembles a red sixth-generation Ford Country Squire. They were created by Seth MacFarlane, in model of his two animated films, The Life of Larry and Larry & Steve. The family debuted on January 31, 1999, after Super Bowl XXXIII, in the episode "Death Has a Shadow". Alongside the six main family members, there are a number of other major and minor characters in their family. The most commonly recurring characters are Lois's parents Carter and Barbara Pewterschmidt, and Peter's now-deceased parents Francis and Thelma Griffin. Other recurring family members include Lois's two siblings, Carol and Patrick, as well as Brian's cousin Jasper. He also has a late child named Peter Griffin Jr. who died due to Peter shaking him too much. There is also other kids that he has because of his sperm donations. (en) Keluarga Griffin adalah keluarga kartun dari serial televisi animasi Family Guy. Keluarga ini adalah keluarga inti yang terdiri dari pasangan Peter dan Lois, tiga anak mereka Meg, Chris, dan Stewie, serta anjing mereka Brian. Mereka tinggal di 31 Spooner Street di kota fiktif Quahog, Rhode Island. Mobil keluarga mereka adalah merah generasi keenam. Keluarga ini diciptakan oleh Seth MacFarlane dan didasarkan pada keluarga utama dalam animasi dan Larry & Steve yang juga dibuat oleh MacFarlane. Keluarga ini pertama kali muncul di televisi pada tanggal 31 Januari 1999 dalam episode "Death Has a Shadow." Selain enam tokoh utamanya, terdapat sejumlah karakter pendukung di keluarga ini. Tokoh yang paling sering muncul adalah orang tua Lois, Carter dan Barbara Pewterschmidt, serta orang tua Peter yang sudah meninggal dunia, Francis dan Thelma Griffin. Tokoh-tokoh lain adalah dua saudara kandung Lois, Carol dan Patrick, serta sepupu Brian, Jasper. (in) |
rdfs:comment |
The Griffin family is a fictional family which appears in the animated television series Family Guy. The Griffins are a dysfunctional family consisting of the married couple Peter and Lois, their three children Meg, Chris, and Stewie and their anthropomorphic dog Brian. They live at 31 Spooner Street in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island. Their family car resembles a red sixth-generation Ford Country Squire. They were created by Seth MacFarlane, in model of his two animated films, The Life of Larry and Larry & Steve. The family debuted on January 31, 1999, after Super Bowl XXXIII, in the episode "Death Has a Shadow". (en) Keluarga Griffin adalah keluarga kartun dari serial televisi animasi Family Guy. Keluarga ini adalah keluarga inti yang terdiri dari pasangan Peter dan Lois, tiga anak mereka Meg, Chris, dan Stewie, serta anjing mereka Brian. Mereka tinggal di 31 Spooner Street di kota fiktif Quahog, Rhode Island. Mobil keluarga mereka adalah merah generasi keenam. Keluarga ini diciptakan oleh Seth MacFarlane dan didasarkan pada keluarga utama dalam animasi dan Larry & Steve yang juga dibuat oleh MacFarlane. Keluarga ini pertama kali muncul di televisi pada tanggal 31 Januari 1999 dalam episode "Death Has a Shadow." (in) |