ICESat-2 (original) (raw)
ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, dan tanah Elevation Satelit 2), bagian dari Earth Observing System NASA, adalah sebuah misi satelit yang direncanakan untuk mengukur lapisan es elevasi massa, es laut freeboard serta karakteristik topografi lahan dan vegetasi. ICESat-2 adalah rencana tindakan untuk misi ICESat. Ini akan diluncurkan pada tahun 2016 dari Vandenberg Air Force Base di California di orbit kutub melingkar dengan ketinggian sekitar 496 km. Hal ini sedang dirancang untuk beroperasi selama 3 tahun, dan akan membawa cukup propelan selama 7 tahun.
Property | Value |
dbo:SpaceMission/missionDuration | 1095.75 |
dbo:abstract | ICESat-2 ist ein Projekt des Goddard Space Flight Centers der NASA und Nachfolger des Erdbeobachtungssatelliten ICESat. Im August 2011 wurde Orbital ATK mit der Entwicklung und dem Bau des Satelliten beauftragt. Er ist mit einem Lidar-System ausgerüstet, das sechs Strahlen mit grünem Laserlicht verwendet, um das Höhenprofil der polaren Eiskappen zu vermessen. Der Start des Satelliten erfolgte am 15. September 2018 mit der letzten Delta II; er befindet sich seit dem 7. Dezember 2018 im operativen Betrieb. Zwischenzeitlich, nach dem Ausfall von ICESat 2009, hatte die NASA mit der Operation IceBridge Flugzeuge zur Überwachung des Polareises eingesetzt. (de) ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite 2), part of NASA's Earth Observing System, is a satellite mission for measuring ice sheet elevation and sea ice thickness, as well as land topography, vegetation characteristics, and clouds. ICESat-2, a follow-on to the ICESat mission, was launched on 15 September 2018 onboard Delta II as the final flight from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, into a near-circular, near-polar orbit with an altitude of approximately 496 km (308 mi). It was designed to operate for three years and carry enough propellant for seven years. The satellite orbits Earth at a speed of 6.9 kilometers per second (4.3 mi/s). The ICESat-2 mission is designed to provide elevation data needed to determine ice sheet mass balance as well as vegetation canopy information. It will provide topography measurements of cities, lakes and reservoirs, oceans and land surfaces around the globe, in addition to the polar-specific coverage. ICESat-2 also has the ability to detect seafloor topography up to 100 feet (30m) below the surface in clear watered coastal areas. Because the great changes of polar ice cover in global warming are not quantified, one of the main purposes of ICESat-2 is measuring the changing of the elevation of ice sheets by its laser system and lidar to quantify the influence of melting ice sheet in sea-level raising. Additionally, the high accuracy of multiple pulses allows collecting measurement of the heights of sea ice to analyze its change rate during the time. The ICESat-2 spacecraft was built and tested by Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems in Gilbert, Arizona, while the on board instrument, ATLAS, was built and managed by Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The ATLAS instrument was designed and built by the center, and the bus was built by and integrated with the instrument by Orbital Sciences (later Orbital ATK). The satellite was launched on a Delta II rocket provided by United Launch Alliance. This was the last launch of the Delta II rocket. (en) ICESat-2Satellite d'observation de la Terre Vue d'artiste du satellite ICESat-2 en orbite. ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite c'est-à-dire satellite glace, nuage et altitude terrestre-2) est une mission spatiale du programme d'observation de la Terre de la NASA qui est mise en orbite le 15 septembre 2018 par le dernier exemplaire du lanceur Delta II. Ce satellite d'observation de la Terre de l'agence spatiale américaine prend la suite de ICESat dont la mission s'achève en octobre 2009 et doit comme ce dernier fournir des informations détaillées sur la fonte des glaciers au niveau des pôles et l'élévation du niveau des mers. Cette mission s'inscrit dans le cadre des études sur le changement climatique. L'altimètre laser embarqué par le satellite doit permettre de mesurer avec une grande précision les variations de niveau de la banquise, des glaciers et du niveau des mers. Le satellite, qui circule sur une orbite polaire (inclinaison orbitale de 92,0°) à une altitude de 496 km, doit fonctionner durant au minimum 3 ans. (fr) ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, dan tanah Elevation Satelit 2), bagian dari Earth Observing System NASA, adalah sebuah misi satelit yang direncanakan untuk mengukur lapisan es elevasi massa, es laut freeboard serta karakteristik topografi lahan dan vegetasi. ICESat-2 adalah rencana tindakan untuk misi ICESat. Ini akan diluncurkan pada tahun 2016 dari Vandenberg Air Force Base di California di orbit kutub melingkar dengan ketinggian sekitar 496 km. Hal ini sedang dirancang untuk beroperasi selama 3 tahun, dan akan membawa cukup propelan selama 7 tahun. (in) ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2)は、アメリカ航空宇宙局(NASA)が開発・運用する地球観測衛星。レーザー高度計(ライダー)を搭載し、地球温暖化と海面上昇の進行を予測する上で重要な指標となる極地の氷床と海氷を観測する。同時に雲とエアロゾルの鉛直構造、海面の水準変動、土地の標高および植生に関するデータをも収集する。2003年から2009年にかけて観測を行ったICESatの後継機として、2018年9月15日に打ち上げられた。 (ja) O ICESat-2, parte do Sistema de Observação da Terra da NASA, é uma missão satélite para medir a elevação da camada de gelo e a espessura do gelo marinho, bem como a topografia e características da vegetação. O ICESat-2, uma continuação da missão ICESat, que foi lançada em 15 de setembro de 2018 da Base Aérea de Vandenberg, na Califórnia, Estados Unidos,em uma órbita quase circular, quase polar, com uma altitude de aproximadamente 496 km. Ele foi projetado para operar por três anos e transportar propelente suficiente por sete anos. O projeto ICESat-2 está sendo gerenciado pelo Goddard Space Flight Center em Greenbelt, Maryland. O único instrumento está sendo projetado e construído pelo centro e o ônibus foi fornecido pela Orbital ATK. O satélite foi lançado no foguete Delta II fornecido pela United Launch Alliance. Este foi o último lançamento do veículo Delta II (pt) |
dbo:cosparId | 2018-070A |
dbo:launchDate | 2018-09-15 (xsd:date) |
dbo:launchVehicle | dbr:Delta_II |
dbo:manufacturer | dbr:Orbital_ATK dbr:Orbital_Sciences |
dbo:missionDuration | 94672800.000000 (xsd:double) |
dbo:operator | dbr:NASA |
dbo:satcat | 43613 |
dbo:thumbnail | wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/ICESat-2_spacecraft_model.png?width=300 |
dbo:type | dbr:Remote_sensing |
dbo:wikiPageExternalLink | |
dbo:wikiPageID | 33408905 (xsd:integer) |
dbo:wikiPageLength | 20777 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger) |
dbo:wikiPageRevisionID | 1105139174 (xsd:integer) |
dbo:wikiPageWikiLink | dbr:Beryllium dbr:Delta_II dbr:United_Launch_Alliance dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Space_Launch_Complex_2 dbr:Earth_Observing_System dbr:LEOStar-3 dbr:Vandenberg_Air_Force_Base dbr:CryoSat-2 dbr:Geocentric_orbit dbr:Global_warming dbr:Goddard_Space_Flight_Center dbr:NASA dbr:CryoSat dbr:Operation_IceBridge dbr:Lidar dbc:Earth_satellite_laser_altimeters dbr:Ice_sheet dbr:Plankton,_Aerosol,_Cloud,_ocean_Ecosystem dbr:Mass_balance dbr:Specific_strength dbr:Northrop_Grumman_Innovation_Systems dbr:Remote_sensing dbc:Spacecraft_launched_by_Delta_II_rockets dbc:Spacecraft_launched_in_2018 dbr:Greenbelt,_Maryland dbc:2018_in_the_United_States dbc:Earth_observation_satellites_of_the_United_States dbc:NASA_satellites dbr:Topography dbr:ICESat dbr:Orbital_ATK dbr:Orbital_Sciences_Corporation dbr:Sea_ice dbr:Satellite_bus dbr:Satellite dbr:Sea_ice_thickness dbr:UTC dbr:Low_Earth_orbit dbr:Polar_orbit dbr:National_Snow_and_Ice_Data_Center dbr:Orbital_Sciences dbr:Vegetation_canopy dbr:Polar_ice_sheet dbr:File:Icesat-2_atlas_integration.jpg dbr:File:Icesat-2_launch_smoke_(cropped).jpg |
dbp:apsis | gee (en) |
dbp:cosparId | 2018 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:dimensions | At launch: (en) |
dbp:imageCaption | Artist's impression of ICESat-2 in orbit (en) |
dbp:imageSize | 300 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:insignia | ICESat-2 logo.png (en) |
dbp:insigniaSize | 80 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:launchContractor | dbr:United_Launch_Alliance |
dbp:launchDate | 0001-09-15 (xsd:gMonthDay) |
dbp:launchRocket | Delta II 7420-10C (en) |
dbp:launchSite | dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Space_Launch_Complex_2 dbr:Vandenberg_Air_Force_Base |
dbp:manufacturer | dbr:Orbital_ATK dbr:Orbital_Sciences |
dbp:missionDuration | 0001-09-15 (xsd:gMonthDay) 9.46728E7 |
dbp:missionType | dbr:Remote_sensing |
dbp:name | ICESat-2 (en) |
dbp:operator | dbr:NASA |
dbp:orbitEccentricity | 0.000268 (xsd:double) |
dbp:orbitEpoch | 0001-03-08 (xsd:gMonthDay) |
dbp:orbitInclination | 92.000200 (xsd:double) |
dbp:orbitPeriod | 5653.2 |
dbp:orbitReference | dbr:Geocentric_orbit |
dbp:orbitRegime | dbr:Low_Earth_orbit |
dbp:power | 1200.0 |
dbp:satcat | 43613 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:spacecraftBus | dbr:LEOStar-3 |
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dcterms:subject | dbc:Earth_satellite_laser_altimeters dbc:Spacecraft_launched_by_Delta_II_rockets dbc:Spacecraft_launched_in_2018 dbc:2018_in_the_United_States dbc:Earth_observation_satellites_of_the_United_States dbc:NASA_satellites |
gold:hypernym | dbr:Mission |
rdf:type | owl:Thing schema:Event dul:Event dbo:SocietalEvent wikidata:Q1656682 wikidata:Q2133344 yago:WikicatSpaceRadars yago:Artifact100021939 yago:Device103183080 yago:Equipment103294048 yago:Instrument103574816 yago:Instrumentality103575240 yago:MeasuringInstrument103733925 yago:Object100002684 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:Radar104039848 dbo:Event dbo:SpaceMission yago:Satellite104137444 yago:Whole100003553 yago:WikicatEarthObservationSatellites dbo:ArtificialSatellite |
rdfs:comment | ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, dan tanah Elevation Satelit 2), bagian dari Earth Observing System NASA, adalah sebuah misi satelit yang direncanakan untuk mengukur lapisan es elevasi massa, es laut freeboard serta karakteristik topografi lahan dan vegetasi. ICESat-2 adalah rencana tindakan untuk misi ICESat. Ini akan diluncurkan pada tahun 2016 dari Vandenberg Air Force Base di California di orbit kutub melingkar dengan ketinggian sekitar 496 km. Hal ini sedang dirancang untuk beroperasi selama 3 tahun, dan akan membawa cukup propelan selama 7 tahun. (in) ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2)は、アメリカ航空宇宙局(NASA)が開発・運用する地球観測衛星。レーザー高度計(ライダー)を搭載し、地球温暖化と海面上昇の進行を予測する上で重要な指標となる極地の氷床と海氷を観測する。同時に雲とエアロゾルの鉛直構造、海面の水準変動、土地の標高および植生に関するデータをも収集する。2003年から2009年にかけて観測を行ったICESatの後継機として、2018年9月15日に打ち上げられた。 (ja) ICESat-2 ist ein Projekt des Goddard Space Flight Centers der NASA und Nachfolger des Erdbeobachtungssatelliten ICESat. Im August 2011 wurde Orbital ATK mit der Entwicklung und dem Bau des Satelliten beauftragt. Er ist mit einem Lidar-System ausgerüstet, das sechs Strahlen mit grünem Laserlicht verwendet, um das Höhenprofil der polaren Eiskappen zu vermessen. (de) ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite 2), part of NASA's Earth Observing System, is a satellite mission for measuring ice sheet elevation and sea ice thickness, as well as land topography, vegetation characteristics, and clouds. ICESat-2, a follow-on to the ICESat mission, was launched on 15 September 2018 onboard Delta II as the final flight from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, into a near-circular, near-polar orbit with an altitude of approximately 496 km (308 mi). It was designed to operate for three years and carry enough propellant for seven years. The satellite orbits Earth at a speed of 6.9 kilometers per second (4.3 mi/s). (en) ICESat-2Satellite d'observation de la Terre Vue d'artiste du satellite ICESat-2 en orbite. ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite c'est-à-dire satellite glace, nuage et altitude terrestre-2) est une mission spatiale du programme d'observation de la Terre de la NASA qui est mise en orbite le 15 septembre 2018 par le dernier exemplaire du lanceur Delta II. Ce satellite d'observation de la Terre de l'agence spatiale américaine prend la suite de ICESat dont la mission s'achève en octobre 2009 et doit comme ce dernier fournir des informations détaillées sur la fonte des glaciers au niveau des pôles et l'élévation du niveau des mers. Cette mission s'inscrit dans le cadre des études sur le changement climatique. L'altimètre laser embarqué par le satellite doit permettre de mesurer ave (fr) O ICESat-2, parte do Sistema de Observação da Terra da NASA, é uma missão satélite para medir a elevação da camada de gelo e a espessura do gelo marinho, bem como a topografia e características da vegetação. O ICESat-2, uma continuação da missão ICESat, que foi lançada em 15 de setembro de 2018 da Base Aérea de Vandenberg, na Califórnia, Estados Unidos,em uma órbita quase circular, quase polar, com uma altitude de aproximadamente 496 km. Ele foi projetado para operar por três anos e transportar propelente suficiente por sete anos. (pt) |
rdfs:label | ICESat-2 (de) ICESat-2 (en) ICESat-2 (in) ICESat-2 (fr) ICESat-2 (ja) ICESat-2 (pt) |
owl:sameAs | freebase:ICESat-2 yago-res:ICESat-2 wikidata:ICESat-2 dbpedia-de:ICESat-2 dbpedia-fa:ICESat-2 dbpedia-fr:ICESat-2 dbpedia-id:ICESat-2 dbpedia-ja:ICESat-2 dbpedia-pt:ICESat-2 dbpedia-vi:ICESat-2 |
prov:wasDerivedFrom | wikipedia-en:ICESat-2?oldid=1105139174&ns=0 |
foaf:depiction | wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/ICESat-2_logo.png wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/ICESat-2_spacecraft_model.png wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Icesat-2_atlas_integration.jpg wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Icesat-2_launch_smoke_(cropped).jpg |
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf | wikipedia-en:ICESat-2 |
foaf:name | ICESat-2 (en) |
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of | dbr:Satellite_geodesy dbr:2020_in_the_environment_and_environmental_sciences dbr:Beyond_Gravity dbr:Delta-K dbr:Delta_II dbr:April–June_2020_in_science dbr:List_of_Delta_2_launches dbr:Atlas_(disambiguation) dbr:DAVE_(CP-7) dbr:United_Launch_Alliance dbr:ELFIN dbr:Earth_Observing_System dbr:Earth_Science_Decadal_Survey dbr:NASA dbr:NOAA-21 dbr:Operation_IceBridge dbr:2018_in_spaceflight dbr:Meanings_of_minor_planet_names:_8001–9000 dbr:AJ10 dbr:Northrop_Grumman_Innovation_Systems dbr:Educational_Launch_of_Nanosatellites dbr:List_of_Earth_observation_satellites dbr:List_of_Launch_Services_Program_launches dbr:List_of_Thor_and_Delta_launches_(2010–2019) dbr:Greg_Asner dbr:Helen_Fricker dbr:2018_in_science dbr:2018_in_the_United_States dbr:ICESat dbr:Orbital_Sciences_Corporation dbr:RS-27A dbr:Tropospheric_Emissions:_Monitoring_of_Pollution |
is foaf:primaryTopic of | wikipedia-en:ICESat-2 |