Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics (original) (raw)
- 27. mistrovství světa a 38. mistrovství Evropy v ledním hokeji probíhalo v rámci VIII. zimních olympijských her na stadionech Blyth Arena a ve Squaw Valley. 9 účastníků bylo rozlosováno do tří skupin, z nichž první dvě mužstva postupovala do finálové skupiny, kde se hrálo systémem každý s každým; ostatní mužstva hrála dvoukolově o umístění v soutěži útěchy. Hokejový tým SRN byl na ZOH součástí Společného německého družstva (SND). Do mistrovství světa a Evropy jsou výsledky SRN započítány samostatně. (cs)
- Als Jocs Olímpics d'Hivern de 1960 celebrats a la ciutat de Squaw Valley (Estats Units) es disputà una prova d'hoquei sobre gel en categoria masculina. La competició tingué lloc entre els dies 19 i 28 de febrer de 1960 al Blyth Arena. La classificació final del campionat disputat en aquests Jocs Olímpics és vàlida com a 27è Campionat del Món d'hoquei sobre gel i com a 38è Campionat d'Europa d'hoquei sobre gel. (ca)
- Das olympische Eishockeyturnier der Olympischen Winterspiele 1960 in Squaw Valley, USA gilt zugleich als 27. Eishockey-Weltmeisterschaft und 38. Europameisterschaft. Die Spiele fanden im Zeitraum vom 19. bis 28. Februar 1960 statt. Neun Mannschaften nahmen an diesem Turnier teil. Es wurde zunächst in drei Vorrundengruppen gespielt; die beiden Erstplatzierten erreichten die Finalrunde, die restlichen Teams spielten in einer Doppelrunde um die Plätze 7–9. Erstmals nahmen Australien und Japan an einem olympischen Eishockeyturnier teil. Um die Vertretung Deutschlands musste wie schon vor vier Jahren eine innerdeutsche Qualifikation ausgespielt werden. Die Mannschaft der USA – Silbermedaillengewinner der letzten beiden Olympischen Spiele – konnte ihren Heimvorteil nutzen und wurde erstmals in ihren Geschichte Olympiasieger sowie zum zweiten Mal nach 1933 Weltmeister. Die hochfavorisierten Teams aus Kanada und der Sowjetunion komplettierten die Medaillenränge. (de)
- The men's ice hockey tournament at the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley, United States, was the ninth Olympic Championship, also serving as the 27th World Championships and the 38th European Championships. The United States won its first Olympic gold medal and second World Championship. Canada, represented for the second time by the Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen, won the silver and Canada's ninth consecutive Olympic ice hockey medal (a feat not matched until the Soviet Union won its ninth consecutive medal in 1988). The Soviet Union (the highest finishing European team) won the bronze medal and its sixth European Championship. The tournament was held at the Blyth Arena, under the supervision of George Dudley on behalf of the International Ice Hockey Federation. Canada, the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Sweden were the top four teams heading into the Games. All four were defeated by the American team, which won all seven games it played. On the 50th anniversary of these Games, a documentary entitled Forgotten Miracle was produced by Northland Films, making reference to the more famous 1980 gold medal known as the Miracle on Ice; these are the only two Olympic gold medals won by USA men's ice hockey. Herb Brooks, the coach of the 1980 US team, was the last player cut from the 1960 team by coach Jack Riley. This was the first and last time Australia participated in an Olympic men's ice hockey tournament. (en)
- Cet article présente les résultats de la compétition de hockey sur glace des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 1960 à Squaw Valley, aux États-Unis. Les résultats du tournoi ont compté pour le classement du vingt-septième championnat du monde de hockey sur glace et au trente-huitième championnat d'Europe. (fr)
- 1960年スコーバレーオリンピックのアイスホッケー競技(1960ねんスコーバレーオリンピックのアイスホッケーきょうぎ)は、1960年2月19日から2月28日までの競技日程で実施されたアイスホッケー競技である。なお、今大会は1960年アイスホッケー世界選手権も兼ねて行われた。 (ja)
- Il torneo di hockey su ghiaccio degli VIII Giochi olimpici invernali del 1960, svoltosi per la seconda volta negli Stati Uniti, fu considerato valido anche come 27º campionato del mondo di hockey su ghiaccio e 38º campionato europeo organizzato dalla International Ice Hockey Federation. Le partite si svolsero presso la Blyth Arena di Squaw Valley. Prima delle olimpiadi vi furono due spareggi, come nell'ultimo torneo olimpico, fra le due rappresentative tedesche, vinti dalla Germania Ovest per 5-2 e 5-3. Il torneo di svolse nel periodo fra il 19 e il 28 febbraio 1960. Vi presero parte solamente nove squadre, raggruppate nella fase preliminare in tre gruppi, ciascuno composto da tre formazioni; le prime due di ciascun gruppo disputarono il girone finale valido per l'assegnazione delle medaglie, mentre le altre squadre giocarono un girone di consolazione. Ritornò dopo l'ultima presenza nel 1957 la nazionale del Giappone, mentre esordì la rappresentativa dell'Australia, prima nazionale oceanica a disputare un evento internazionale di hockey su ghiaccio. A sorpresa gli Stati Uniti riuscirono a conquistare la loro prima medaglia d'oro olimpica in casa, ed il secondo titolo mondiale dopo quello del 1933, posizionandosi davanti al Canada di due punti, mentre al terzo posto distanziata di cinque punti terminò l'Unione Sovietica. (it)
- Hokej na lodzie był jedną z konkurencji rozgrywanych podczas igrzysk olimpijskich 1960 w Squaw Valley. W turnieju wzięło udział 9 zespołów. W pierwszej rundzie rywalizowano w trzech grupach po trzy zespoły każda. W drugiej rundzie sześć zespołów (po dwa najlepsze z każdej grupy) rywalizowały w grupie finałowej, pozostałe drużyny (4) rywalizowały w grupie pocieszenia. W grupie finałowej rywalizowano systemem każdy z każdym, a w grupie pocieszenia rozgrywano mecz i rewanż pomiędzy każdym z zespołów. Złoty medal zdobyła reprezentacja Stanów Zjednoczonych. (pl)
- IJshockey is een van de sporten die beoefend werden tijdens de Olympische Winterspelen 1960 in Squaw Valley. Dit ijshockeytoernooi was tevens het 27e wereldkampioenschap ijshockey. Er namen negen teams deel. De Verenigde Staten wonnen de olympische titel, ze waren het vierde land dat het olympisch ijshockey toernooi won. Canada (6x), Groot-Brittannië en de Sovjet-Unie (beide 1x) gingen hen voor. (nl)
- Хоккей на зимних Олимпийских играх 1960 был разыгран среди девяти команд участниц в несколько этапов. На первом этапе команды были разделены на три подгруппы. Двое сильнейших из каждой группы играли между собой за призовые места по круговой системе. Выбывшие из борьбы на первом этапе команды в два круга разыграли 7-9 места. Этот турнир признан 27-м чемпионатом мира и одновременно 38-м чемпионатом Европы по хоккею с шайбой. Впервые в олимпийском хоккейном турнире приняла участие сборная Австралии. (ru)
- O torneio de hóquei no gelo nos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 1960 foi disputado por nove equipes na de Squaw Valley, nos Estados Unidos, entre 19 e 28 de fevereiro. Os resultados também foram considerados para o 27º Campeonato Mundial e para o 38º Campeonato Europeu de Hóquei no Gelo da IIHF. As nove equipes participantes foram divididas na primeira fase em três grupos com três equipes cada um. As duas equipes com o maior número de pontos em cada grupo avançaram para a fase final, onde integraram um novo grupo valendo as medalhas para os primeiros colocados. As demais equipes eliminadas na primeira fase disputaram um torneio de consolação para definir os classificados entre o 7º e 9º lugares. A equipe dos Estados Unidos aproveitou-se do fato de jogar em casa e conquistou a medalha de ouro olímpica pela primeira vez. Venceram o Canadá em número de pontos, que ficou com a medalha de prata. A União Soviética, campeã em Cortina d'Ampezzo 1956 conquistou dessa vez o bronze. A equipe alemã foi representada por atletas da Alemanha Ocidental, que venceu as duas partidas prévias contra a Alemanha Oriental, por 5 a 2 em Garmisch-Partenkirchen e 5 a 3 em Weißwasser. (pt)
- Хокейний турнір на зимових Олімпійських іграх 1960 проходив з 18 по 28 лютого 1960 року в американському місті Скво-Веллі. На попередньому етапі дев'ять команд виступали у трьох групах. По дві найкращі збірні отримали право безпосередньо боротися за нагороди. У рамках турніру проходили 27-й чемпіонат світу і 38-й чемпіонат Європи. Звання чемпіона світу вдруге здобула збірна США, а чемпіона Європи — команда Радянського Союзу (шостий титул). (uk)
- Ishockey vid olympiska vinterspelen 1960 spelades i Squaw Valley i Kalifornien i USA den 19–28 februari 1960, och var det 27:e världsmästerskapet och det 38:e Europamästerskapet, som då spelades som en gemensam turnering. De nio deltagande landslagen spelade först en inledande omgång uppdelade i tre grupper varifrån de två bäst placerade landslagen från varje grupp gick vidare till en finalomgång för placeringarna ett till sex medan gruppförlorarna fick spela vidare i en placeringsomgång för att avgöra placeringarna sju till nio. För första gången deltog Japan och Australien i olympiskt spel. Två interna tyska kvalifikationsmatcher avgjorde att Västtyskland skulle representera Tyskland, som annars brukade ställa upp med ett gemensamt lag. Värdlandet USA utnyttjade fördelen med hemmabana och blev överraskande för första gången någonsin olympiska mästare och för andra gången världsmästare, efter 1933. De två favoritlagen, före turneringens start, Kanada och Sovjetunionen, slutade på andra och tredje plats. (sv)
- 1472984 (xsd:integer)
- 53227 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1119851926 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Canada_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Carl-Göran_Öberg
- dbr:Robert_McVey
- dbr:Robert_Reid_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Rodney_Paavola
- dbr:Roger_Christian_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Roland_Stoltz_(ice_hockey,_born_1931)
- dbr:Ronald_Pettersson
- dbr:Rudolf_Potsch
- dbr:Teppo_Rastio
- dbc:IIHF_Men's_World_Ice_Hockey_Championships
- dbr:Basil_Hansen
- dbr:Bengt_Lindqvist_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Bert-Ola_Nordlander
- dbr:Bill_Christian
- dbr:Bill_Cleary_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Blyth_Arena
- dbr:Bob_Attersley
- dbr:Bob_Cleary
- dbr:Bob_McKnight
- dbr:Bobby_Rousseau
- dbr:David_Cunningham_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Horst_Schuldes
- dbr:John_P._Riley_Jr.
- dbr:John_Thomas_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Joji_Iwaoka
- dbr:Jorma_Salmi
- dbr:Josef_Černý
- dbr:Juhani_Wahlsten
- dbr:Aleksandr_Almetov
- dbr:Paul_Johnson_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Richard_Meredith_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Robert_Forhan
- dbr:Ulf_Sterner
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:United_States_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Veniamin_Alexandrov
- dbr:Viktor_Yakushev
- dbr:Vladimir_Grebennikov
- dbr:Vladimír_Nadrchal
- dbr:Defenceman
- dbr:Jan_Kasper
- dbr:Masao_Murano
- dbr:Maurice_Benoît
- dbr:Russell_Jones_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Esko_Luostarinen
- dbr:Pertti_Nieminen
- dbr:Viktor_Pryazhnikov
- dbr:Cliff_Pennington_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Edwyn_Owen
- dbr:František_Vaněk
- dbr:Fred_Etcher
- dbr:Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- dbr:Genrikh_Sidorenkov
- dbr:Georg_Eberl
- dbr:George_Dudley
- dbr:George_Samolenko
- dbr:Gert_Blomé
- dbr:Miracle_on_Ice
- dbr:Miroslav_Vlach
- dbr:Erkki_Koiso
- dbr:Richard_Rodenheiser
- dbr:Northland_Films
- dbr:1959_Ice_Hockey_World_Championships
- dbr:1960_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:1961_Ice_Hockey_World_Championships
- dbr:Mamoru_Takashima
- dbr:Shinichi_Honma
- dbr:Shoichi_Tomita
- dbr:Sigurd_Bröms
- dbr:Stanislav_Petukhov
- dbr:Yuri_Baulin
- dbc:Ice_hockey_at_the_1960_Winter_Olympics
- dbc:Ice_hockey_at_the_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Jouni_Seistamo
- dbr:Frantisek_Tikal
- dbr:Matti_Lampainen
- dbc:International_ice_hockey_competitions_hosted_by_the_United_States
- dbr:Australia_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Bronislav_Danda
- dbr:Tom_Williams_(ice_hockey,_born_1940)
- dbr:Toshiei_Honma
- dbr:Toshihiko_Yamada
- dbr:Weißwasser
- dbr:Weldon_Olson
- dbr:West_Germany
- dbr:Juhani_Lahtinen
- dbr:Ján_Starší
- dbr:Akiyoshi_Segawa
- dbr:Alexander_Almetov
- dbr:Alfred_Kuchevsky
- dbr:Anders_Andersson_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Czechoslovakia_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Darryl_Sly
- dbr:East_Germany
- dbc:1960_Winter_Olympics_events
- dbr:Ernst_Trautwein
- dbr:Esko_Niemi
- dbr:Eugene_Grazia
- dbr:Floyd_Martin
- dbr:Nikolai_Karpov
- dbr:Nikolai_Puchkov
- dbr:Nikolai_Sologubov
- dbr:Noel_McLoughlin
- dbr:Forward_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Goaltender
- dbr:Hans_Rampf
- dbr:Kalevi_Numminen
- dbr:Markus_Egen
- dbr:Vladimír_Dvořáček
- dbr:Yevgeni_Groshev
- dbr:Raimo_Kilpiö
- dbr:Hans_Huber_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Hans_Svedberg
- dbr:Harold_Hurley
- dbr:Harry_Sinden
- dbr:Heino_Pulli
- dbr:Herb_Brooks
- dbr:Hidenori_Inatsu
- dbr:International_Ice_Hockey_Federation
- dbr:Isao_Ono_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Jack_Douglas_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Jack_Kirrane
- dbr:Jack_McCartan
- dbr:James_Connelly_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Jaroslav_Volf_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Atsuo_Irie
- dbr:John_Mayasich
- dbr:Kalevi_Rassa
- dbr:Karel_Gut
- dbr:Ken_Laufman
- dbr:Lars-Eric_Lundvall
- dbr:Lawrence_Palmer
- dbr:Sven_Tumba
- dbr:Sweden_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Takashi_Kakihara
- dbc:1959–60_in_American_ice_hockey
- dbc:1960_in_ice_hockey
- dbr:Einar_Granath
- dbr:Yevgeny_Yorkin
- dbr:Yuri_Tsitsinov
- dbr:Don_Head_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Donald_Rope
- dbr:Soviet_Union_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Squaw_Valley,_Placer_County,_California
- dbr:Ice_Hockey_European_Championships
- dbr:Ice_hockey
- dbr:Ice_hockey_at_the_1956_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Ice_hockey_at_the_1964_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Ice_hockey_at_the_1988_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Ice_hockey_at_the_Olympic_Games
- dbr:Kjell_Svensson
- dbr:Konstantin_Loktev
- dbr:Kurt_Sepp
- dbr:Michael_Hobelsberger
- dbr:Mikhail_Bychkov
- dbr:Xaver_Unsinn
- dbr:Yoshihiro_Miyazaki
- dbr:Voitto_Soini
- dbr:Nisse_Nilsson
- dbr:Kitchener-Waterloo_Dutchmen_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Václav_Pantůček
- dbr:Noel_Derrick
- dbr:Jaroslav_Jirik
- dbr:Nikolay_Karpov
- dbr:Vlastimil_Bubnik
- dbr:Josef_Golonka
- dbr:Josef_Reif
- dbr:Veniamin_Aleksandrov
- dbr:World_Ice_Hockey_Championships
- dbr:Yrjo_Hakala
- dbr:Bob_Forhan
- dbr:John_Kirrane
- dbr:Uli_Jansen
- dbr:Yury_Baulin
- dbr:Evgeni_Groshev
- dbr:West_Germany_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:File:Squaw-Valley-US-Russia-Final_Buzzer-1960.jpg
- dbr:Mashyoshi_Tanabu
- dbr:Viktor_Ekberg
- dbr:Xavier_Unsinn
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- United States (en)
- 1959 (xsd:integer)
- 1959-12-09 (xsd:date)
- 1959-12-12 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-19 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-20 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-21 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-22 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-23 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-24 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-25 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-26 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-27 (xsd:date)
- 1960-02-28 (xsd:date)
- 0001-02-28 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- Czechoslovakia (en)
- 30 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Robert_Reid_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Bengt_Lindqvist_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Vladimír_Nadrchal
- dbr:Shoichi_Tomita
- dbr:Toshiei_Honma
- dbr:Juhani_Lahtinen
- dbr:Esko_Niemi
- dbr:Nikolai_Puchkov
- dbr:Noel_McLoughlin
- dbr:Vladimír_Dvořáček
- dbr:Harold_Hurley
- dbr:Jack_McCartan
- dbr:Lawrence_Palmer
- dbr:Yevgeny_Yorkin
- dbr:Don_Head_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Kjell_Svensson
- dbr:Michael_Hobelsberger
- dbr:Uli_Jansen
- 334 (xsd:integer)
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- 2261.0
- 2541.0
- 2699.0
- 2844.0
- 3529.0
- 2004.0
- 2250.0
- 2853.0
- 3137.0
- 3302.0
- 2559.0
- 2733.0
- 1542.0
- 1614.0
- 1575.0
- 2517.0
- 2808.0
- 2709.0
- 3359.0
- 1961 (xsd:integer)
- 1964 (xsd:integer)
- 9 (xsd:integer)
- Richard Wagner (en)
- Hugh McLean (en)
- Bill McKenzie (en)
- B. Hayashi (en)
- Bill Riley (en)
- Bob Barry (en)
- Buck Riley (en)
- Hiroshi Hayrachi (en)
- Marsh Ryman (en)
- Marshall Ryman (en)
- Bill McClean (en)
- Everett Riley (en)
- Kurt Hauser (en)
- Robert Barry (en)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 6 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
- 12 (xsd:integer)
- 14 (xsd:integer)
- 16 (xsd:integer)
- 18 (xsd:integer)
- 19 (xsd:integer)
- 20 (xsd:integer)
- 26 (xsd:integer)
- 29 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
- (game called with one second to play; both benches emptied.) (en)
- (game summary not contained in official IOC report) (en)
- 1956 (xsd:integer)
- 1959 (xsd:integer)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 6 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 9 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
- 11 (xsd:integer)
- 12 (xsd:integer)
- 13 (xsd:integer)
- 14 (xsd:integer)
- 15 (xsd:integer)
- 16 (xsd:integer)
- 17 (xsd:integer)
- 18 (xsd:integer)
- 19 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 6 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 9 (xsd:integer)
- 11 (xsd:integer)
- 12 (xsd:integer)
- 18 (xsd:integer)
- 19 (xsd:integer)
- Fred Etcher (en)
- Canada (en)
- 1957 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
- 12 (xsd:integer)
- 13 (xsd:integer)
- 15 (xsd:integer)
- 16 (xsd:integer)
- 17 (xsd:integer)
- 18 (xsd:integer)
- 19 (xsd:integer)
- 21 (xsd:integer)
- 25 (xsd:integer)
- 26 (xsd:integer)
- 27 (xsd:integer)
- 28 (xsd:integer)
- 29 (xsd:integer)
- 30 (xsd:integer)
- 31 (xsd:integer)
- 32 (xsd:integer)
- 33 (xsd:integer)
- 34 (xsd:integer)
- 35 (xsd:integer)
- 36 (xsd:integer)
- 37 (xsd:integer)
- 38 (xsd:integer)
- 39 (xsd:integer)
- 40 (xsd:integer)
- 41 (xsd:integer)
- 43 (xsd:integer)
- 44 (xsd:integer)
- 45 (xsd:integer)
- 46 (xsd:integer)
- 47 (xsd:integer)
- 54 (xsd:integer)
- 55 (xsd:integer)
- 56 (xsd:integer)
- 57 (xsd:integer)
- 68 (xsd:integer)
- 82 (xsd:integer)
- 95 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
- 80 (xsd:integer)
- USSR (en)
- 1955 (xsd:integer)
- ih (en)
- dbt:IIHF_Ice_Hockey_European_Championships
- dbt:IceHockeybox
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:FlagIOC
- dbt:Flagicon
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Ih
- dbt:Ih-rt
- dbt:Ice_Hockey_World_Championships
- dbt:Infobox_international_ice_hockey_competition
- dbt:Events_at_the_1960_Winter_Olympics
- dbt:Ice_hockey_at_the_Olympic_Games
- USA (en)
- 1959 (xsd:integer)
- 1960 (xsd:integer)
- dbc:IIHF_Men's_World_Ice_Hockey_Championships
- dbc:Ice_hockey_at_the_1960_Winter_Olympics
- dbc:Ice_hockey_at_the_Winter_Olympics
- dbc:International_ice_hockey_competitions_hosted_by_the_United_States
- dbc:1960_Winter_Olympics_events
- dbc:1959–60_in_American_ice_hockey
- dbc:1960_in_ice_hockey
- owl:Thing
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Championship107457834
- yago:Contest107456188
- yago:Event100029378
- yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100
- yago:WikicatIIHFMen'sWorldIceHockeyChampionships
- yago:WikicatIceHockeyCompetitionsInTheUnitedStates
- yago:WikicatInternationalIceHockeyCompetitionsHostedByTheUnitedStates
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:GolfTournament
- yago:SocialEvent107288639
- yago:Wikicat1960WinterOlympicsEvents
- 27. mistrovství světa a 38. mistrovství Evropy v ledním hokeji probíhalo v rámci VIII. zimních olympijských her na stadionech Blyth Arena a ve Squaw Valley. 9 účastníků bylo rozlosováno do tří skupin, z nichž první dvě mužstva postupovala do finálové skupiny, kde se hrálo systémem každý s každým; ostatní mužstva hrála dvoukolově o umístění v soutěži útěchy. Hokejový tým SRN byl na ZOH součástí Společného německého družstva (SND). Do mistrovství světa a Evropy jsou výsledky SRN započítány samostatně. (cs)
- Als Jocs Olímpics d'Hivern de 1960 celebrats a la ciutat de Squaw Valley (Estats Units) es disputà una prova d'hoquei sobre gel en categoria masculina. La competició tingué lloc entre els dies 19 i 28 de febrer de 1960 al Blyth Arena. La classificació final del campionat disputat en aquests Jocs Olímpics és vàlida com a 27è Campionat del Món d'hoquei sobre gel i com a 38è Campionat d'Europa d'hoquei sobre gel. (ca)
- Cet article présente les résultats de la compétition de hockey sur glace des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 1960 à Squaw Valley, aux États-Unis. Les résultats du tournoi ont compté pour le classement du vingt-septième championnat du monde de hockey sur glace et au trente-huitième championnat d'Europe. (fr)
- 1960年スコーバレーオリンピックのアイスホッケー競技(1960ねんスコーバレーオリンピックのアイスホッケーきょうぎ)は、1960年2月19日から2月28日までの競技日程で実施されたアイスホッケー競技である。なお、今大会は1960年アイスホッケー世界選手権も兼ねて行われた。 (ja)
- Hokej na lodzie był jedną z konkurencji rozgrywanych podczas igrzysk olimpijskich 1960 w Squaw Valley. W turnieju wzięło udział 9 zespołów. W pierwszej rundzie rywalizowano w trzech grupach po trzy zespoły każda. W drugiej rundzie sześć zespołów (po dwa najlepsze z każdej grupy) rywalizowały w grupie finałowej, pozostałe drużyny (4) rywalizowały w grupie pocieszenia. W grupie finałowej rywalizowano systemem każdy z każdym, a w grupie pocieszenia rozgrywano mecz i rewanż pomiędzy każdym z zespołów. Złoty medal zdobyła reprezentacja Stanów Zjednoczonych. (pl)
- IJshockey is een van de sporten die beoefend werden tijdens de Olympische Winterspelen 1960 in Squaw Valley. Dit ijshockeytoernooi was tevens het 27e wereldkampioenschap ijshockey. Er namen negen teams deel. De Verenigde Staten wonnen de olympische titel, ze waren het vierde land dat het olympisch ijshockey toernooi won. Canada (6x), Groot-Brittannië en de Sovjet-Unie (beide 1x) gingen hen voor. (nl)
- Хоккей на зимних Олимпийских играх 1960 был разыгран среди девяти команд участниц в несколько этапов. На первом этапе команды были разделены на три подгруппы. Двое сильнейших из каждой группы играли между собой за призовые места по круговой системе. Выбывшие из борьбы на первом этапе команды в два круга разыграли 7-9 места. Этот турнир признан 27-м чемпионатом мира и одновременно 38-м чемпионатом Европы по хоккею с шайбой. Впервые в олимпийском хоккейном турнире приняла участие сборная Австралии. (ru)
- Хокейний турнір на зимових Олімпійських іграх 1960 проходив з 18 по 28 лютого 1960 року в американському місті Скво-Веллі. На попередньому етапі дев'ять команд виступали у трьох групах. По дві найкращі збірні отримали право безпосередньо боротися за нагороди. У рамках турніру проходили 27-й чемпіонат світу і 38-й чемпіонат Європи. Звання чемпіона світу вдруге здобула збірна США, а чемпіона Європи — команда Радянського Союзу (шостий титул). (uk)
- Das olympische Eishockeyturnier der Olympischen Winterspiele 1960 in Squaw Valley, USA gilt zugleich als 27. Eishockey-Weltmeisterschaft und 38. Europameisterschaft. Die Spiele fanden im Zeitraum vom 19. bis 28. Februar 1960 statt. Neun Mannschaften nahmen an diesem Turnier teil. Es wurde zunächst in drei Vorrundengruppen gespielt; die beiden Erstplatzierten erreichten die Finalrunde, die restlichen Teams spielten in einer Doppelrunde um die Plätze 7–9. Erstmals nahmen Australien und Japan an einem olympischen Eishockeyturnier teil. Um die Vertretung Deutschlands musste wie schon vor vier Jahren eine innerdeutsche Qualifikation ausgespielt werden. (de)
- The men's ice hockey tournament at the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley, United States, was the ninth Olympic Championship, also serving as the 27th World Championships and the 38th European Championships. The United States won its first Olympic gold medal and second World Championship. Canada, represented for the second time by the Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen, won the silver and Canada's ninth consecutive Olympic ice hockey medal (a feat not matched until the Soviet Union won its ninth consecutive medal in 1988). The Soviet Union (the highest finishing European team) won the bronze medal and its sixth European Championship. The tournament was held at the Blyth Arena, under the supervision of George Dudley on behalf of the International Ice Hockey Federation. (en)
- Il torneo di hockey su ghiaccio degli VIII Giochi olimpici invernali del 1960, svoltosi per la seconda volta negli Stati Uniti, fu considerato valido anche come 27º campionato del mondo di hockey su ghiaccio e 38º campionato europeo organizzato dalla International Ice Hockey Federation. Le partite si svolsero presso la Blyth Arena di Squaw Valley. (it)
- O torneio de hóquei no gelo nos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 1960 foi disputado por nove equipes na de Squaw Valley, nos Estados Unidos, entre 19 e 28 de fevereiro. Os resultados também foram considerados para o 27º Campeonato Mundial e para o 38º Campeonato Europeu de Hóquei no Gelo da IIHF. (pt)
- Ishockey vid olympiska vinterspelen 1960 spelades i Squaw Valley i Kalifornien i USA den 19–28 februari 1960, och var det 27:e världsmästerskapet och det 38:e Europamästerskapet, som då spelades som en gemensam turnering. De nio deltagande landslagen spelade först en inledande omgång uppdelade i tre grupper varifrån de två bäst placerade landslagen från varje grupp gick vidare till en finalomgång för placeringarna ett till sex medan gruppförlorarna fick spela vidare i en placeringsomgång för att avgöra placeringarna sju till nio. (sv)
- Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics (en)
- Hoquei sobre gel als Jocs Olímpics d'hivern de 1960 (ca)
- Lední hokej na Zimních olympijských hrách 1960 (cs)
- Olympische Winterspiele 1960/Eishockey (de)
- Hockey sur glace aux Jeux olympiques de 1960 (fr)
- Hockey su ghiaccio agli VIII Giochi olimpici invernali (it)
- 1960年スコーバレーオリンピックのアイスホッケー競技 (ja)
- IJshockey op de Olympische Winterspelen 1960 (nl)
- Hokej na lodzie na Zimowych Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 1960 (pl)
- Хоккей с шайбой на зимних Олимпийских играх 1960 (ru)
- Hóquei no gelo nos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 1960 (pt)
- Хокей на зимових Олімпійських іграх 1960 (uk)
- Ishockey vid olympiska vinterspelen 1960 (sv)
- freebase:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- yago-res:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- wikidata:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-ca:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-cs:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-de:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-et:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-fi:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-fr:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-hu:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-it:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-ja:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-nl:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-nn:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-no:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-pl:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-pt:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-ru:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-sl:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-sr:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-sv:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- dbpedia-uk:Ice hockey at the 1960 Winter Olympics
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Squaw-Valley-US-Russia-Final_Buzzer-1960.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Ice_hockey_pictogram.svg
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cal_Marvin
- dbr:Canada_at_the_1956_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Canada_at_the_1960_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Canada_at_the_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Canada_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Canada–United_States_sports_rivalries
- dbr:Robert_McVey
- dbr:Robert_Reid_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Rodney_Paavola
- dbr:Roger_Christian_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Ronald_Pettersson
- dbr:List_of_United_States_national_ice_hockey_team_rosters
- dbr:List_of_Winter_Olympics_venues:_1–9_to_B
- dbr:List_of_Winter_Olympics_venues:_S
- dbr:Olympic_results_index
- dbr:Olympic_sports
- dbr:Olympics_on_CBS_commentators
- dbr:Bengt_Lindqvist_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Berlin_Dutchmen
- dbr:Bert-Ola_Nordlander
- dbr:Bill_Christian
- dbr:Bill_Cleary_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Blyth_Arena
- dbr:Bob_Attersley
- dbr:Bob_Cleary
- dbr:Bob_McKnight
- dbr:Bobby_Bauer
- dbr:Bobby_Rousseau
- dbr:Boston_University_Terriers_men's_ice_hockey
- dbr:Brett_Riley_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:David_Bauer_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:David_Cunningham_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Hungary_at_the_Olympics
- dbr:John_Nicholas_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:John_P._Riley_Jr.
- dbr:John_Thomas_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Joji_Iwaoka
- dbr:Jozef_Golonka
- dbr:List_of_IIHF_World_Championship_medalists
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_ice_hockey_players_for_Czechoslovakia
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_ice_hockey_players_for_the_Soviet_Union
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_men's_ice_hockey_players_for_Finland
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_men's_ice_hockey_players_for_Germany
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_men's_ice_hockey_players_for_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_first_ice_hockey_internationals_per_country:_1909–1999
- dbr:Paul_Ambros
- dbr:Paul_Johnson_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Peter_Parrott_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Richard_Meredith_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Richard_Rodenhiser
- dbr:Robert_Forhan
- dbr:Ulf_Sterner
- dbr:United_States_at_the_1960_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:United_States_at_the_Olympics
- dbr:United_States_at_the_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:United_States_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Veniamin_Alexandrov
- dbr:Vic_Ekberg
- dbr:Viktor_Yakushev
- dbr:Vladimir_Grebennikov
- dbr:Deaths_in_August_2017
- dbr:Deaths_in_December_2020
- dbr:Deaths_in_February_2016
- dbr:Deaths_in_January_2015
- dbr:Deaths_in_January_2022
- dbr:Deaths_in_July_2020
- dbr:Deaths_in_June_2018
- dbr:Deaths_in_March_2021
- dbr:Deaths_in_May_2020
- dbr:Deaths_in_May_2021
- dbr:Deaths_in_November_2013
- dbr:Deaths_in_November_2014
- dbr:Deaths_in_October_2012
- dbr:Deaths_in_October_2020
- dbr:Deaths_in_September_2015
- dbr:Deaths_in_September_2016
- dbr:Deaths_in_September_2020
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_United_States_Hockey_Hall_of_Fame
- dbr:OHA_Senior_A_League_(1890–1979)
- dbr:Cornell–Harvard_hockey_rivalry
- dbr:Masao_Murano
- dbr:Maurice_Benoît
- dbr:Cliff_Pennington_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Clive_Hitch
- dbr:Edwyn_Owen
- dbr:Fred_Etcher
- dbr:Genrikh_Sidorenkov
- dbr:Georg_Eberl
- dbr:George_Dudley
- dbr:George_Samolenko
- dbr:Germany_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Minnesota_Golden_Gophers_men's_ice_hockey
- dbr:Miracle_(2004_film)
- dbr:Hockey_at_the_1960_Olympics
- dbr:1959_Ice_Hockey_World_Championships
- dbr:1959–60_Denver_Pioneers_men's_ice_hockey_season
- dbr:1959–60_NHL_season
- dbr:1960–61_Denver_Pioneers_men's_ice_hockey_season
- dbr:1961_Ice_Hockey_World_Championships
- dbr:Lloyd_Pollock
- dbr:Bob_Dupuis_(ice_hockey,_born_1935)
- dbr:Stanislav_Petukhov
- dbr:Yuri_Baulin
- dbr:February_2010_in_sports
- dbr:Lester_Patrick_Trophy
- dbr:1960_in_sports
- dbr:Australia_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Tom_Williams_(ice_hockey,_born_1940)
- dbr:Toshihiko_Yamada
- dbr:Triple_Gold_Club
- dbr:Weldon_Olson
- dbr:Minnesota_Golden_Gophers_men's_ice_hockey_notable_players_and_award_winners
- dbr:Squaw_Valley_Olympic_Skating_Rink
- dbr:Akiyoshi_Segawa
- dbr:Alexander_Almetov
- dbr:Alfred_Kuchevsky
- dbr:Czechoslovakia_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Darryl_Sly
- dbr:East_Germany_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Ed_Reigle
- dbr:Ernst_Eggerbauer
- dbr:Eugene_Grazia
- dbr:Finland_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Floyd_Martin
- dbr:Nikolai_Karpov
- dbr:Nikolai_Puchkov
- dbr:Nikolai_Sologubov
- dbr:Nils_Nilsson_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Noel_McLoughlin
- dbr:Norway_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:History_of_sport_in_Australia
- dbr:List_of_IIHF_World_Championship_directorate_award_winners
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_medalists_from_Michigan
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_ice_hockey
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_men's_ice_hockey_players_for_Japan
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_venues_in_figure_skating
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_venues_in_speed_skating
- dbr:2015_in_Australia
- dbr:Hans_Svedberg
- dbr:Harold_Hurley
- dbr:Harry_Sinden
- dbr:Harvard_Crimson
- dbr:Harvard_Crimson_men's_ice_hockey
- dbr:Herb_Brooks
- dbr:Ivo_Vesely
- dbr:Jack_Douglas_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Jack_Kirrane
- dbr:Jack_McCartan
- dbr:James_Connelly_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Japan_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Jaroslav_Jiřík
- dbr:Jaroslav_Volf_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Army_Black_Knights_men's_ice_hockey
- dbr:Chikashi_Akazawa
- dbr:John_Mayasich
- dbr:Kalevi_Rassa
- dbr:Ken_Laufman
- dbr:Ken_Pawsey
- dbr:Ken_Wellman
- dbr:Lawrence_Palmer
- dbr:Big_Six_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Sune_Wretling
- dbr:Sweden_at_the_1960_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Sweden_at_the_Olympics
- dbr:Sweden_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Switzerland_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Takashi_Kakihara
- dbr:Dick_Burg
- dbr:Don_Head_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Donald_Rope
- dbr:Poland_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Soviet_Union_at_the_1960_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Soviet_Union_men's_national_ice_hockey_team
- dbr:Ice_hockey
- dbr:Ice_hockey_at_the_1956_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Ice_hockey_at_the_1964_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Ice_hockey_at_the_1972_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Ice_hockey_at_the_Olympic_Games
- dbr:Ice_hockey_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Konstantin_Loktev
- dbr:Kunito_Takagi
- dbr:Michigan_State_Spartans_men's_ice_hockey
- dbr:Mikhail_Bychkov
- dbr:National_team_appearances_in_the_Ice_Hockey_World_Championships
- dbr:Seppo_Vainio
- dbr:Yevgeni_Yorkin
- dbr:Yoshihiro_Miyazaki
- dbr:Venues_of_the_1960_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Winter_sport_in_Australia
- dbr:United_States_Olympic_&_Paralympic_Hall_of_Fame
- dbr:1960_Men's_World_Ice_Hockey_Championships
is dbp:date of
is dbp:playerTeam of
is rdfs:seeAlso of
is foaf:primaryTopic of