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Informatics General Corporation, earlier Informatics, Inc., was an American computer software company in existence from 1962 through 1985 and based in Los Angeles, California. It made a variety of software products, and was especially known for its Mark IV file management and report generation product for IBM mainframes, which became the best-selling corporate packaged software product of its time. It also ran computer service bureaus and sold turnkey systems to specific industries. By the mid-1980s Informatics had revenues of near 200millionandover2,500employees.ComputerhistorianMartinCampbell−Kelly,inhis2003volumeFromAirlineReservationstoSonictheHedgehog:AHistoryoftheSoftwareIndustry,considersInformaticstobeanexemplaroftheindependent,middle−sizedsoftwaredevelopmentfirmsofitsera,andtheComputerHistoryMuseumaswellastheCharlesBabbageInstituteattheUniversityofMinnesotahaveconductedanumberoforalhistoriesofthecompany′skeyfigures.HistorianJeffYostidentifiesInformaticsasapioneering"systemintegration"company,similartoSystemDevelopmentCorporation.TheChicagoTribunewrotethatInformaticswas"longalegendinsoftwarecircles".InformaticsGeneralwasacquiredbySterlingSoftwarein1985inwhatwasthefirsthostiletakeoverinthesoftwareindustry.Immediately,SterlingSoftwarebecameamemberofthelargestcorporationswithinthesoftwareindustry,with200 million and over 2,500 employees. Computer historian Martin Campbell-Kelly, in his 2003 volume From Airline Reservations to Sonic the Hedgehog: A History of the Software Industry, considers Informatics to be an exemplar of the independent, middle-sized software development firms of its era, and the Computer History Museum as well as the Charles Babbage Institute at the University of Minnesota have conducted a number of oral histories of the company's key figures. Historian Jeff Yost identifies Informatics as a pioneering "system integration" company, similar to System Development Corporation. The Chicago Tribune wrote that Informatics was "long a legend in software circles". Informatics General was acquired by Sterling Software in 1985 in what was the first hostile takeover in the software industry. Immediately, Sterling Software became a member of the largest corporations within the software industry, with 200millionandover2,500employees.ComputerhistorianMartinCampbell−Kelly,inhis2003volumeFromAirlineReservationstoSonictheHedgehog:AHistoryoftheSoftwareIndustry,considersInformaticstobeanexemplaroftheindependent,middle−sizedsoftwaredevelopmentfirmsofitsera,andtheComputerHistoryMuseumaswellastheCharlesBabbageInstituteattheUniversityofMinnesotahaveconductedanumberoforalhistoriesofthecompany′skeyfigures.HistorianJeffYostidentifiesInformaticsasapioneering"systemintegration"company,similartoSystemDevelopmentCorporation.TheChicagoTribunewrotethatInformaticswas"longalegendinsoftwarecircles".InformaticsGeneralwasacquiredbySterlingSoftwarein1985inwhatwasthefirsthostiletakeoverinthesoftwareindustry.Immediately,SterlingSoftwarebecameamemberofthelargestcorporationswithinthesoftwareindustry,with200 million in revenue. (en) Informatika General Corporation (sebelumnya bernama Informatics, Inc.), adalah perusahaan perangkat lunak yang berlokasi di Los Angeles, California dan beroperasi dari tahun 1962 sampai 1985. Perusahaan ini membuat berbagai macam jenis produk software. Salah satu yang terkenal adalah Mark IV , sebuah software pengelolaan file & pembuatan laporan otomatis untuk komputer mainframe IBM. Saat itu, software ini menjadi salah satu software yang laku di pasaran. Perusahaan ini juga menyediakan jasa pengoperasian komputer mainframe dan sistem siap pakai untuk kebutuhan industri tertentu. Pada pertengahan 1980-an, Informatics memiliki pendapatan sekitar $200 juta dan memiliki sekitar 2.500 karyawan. Informatics General diakusisi oleh Sterling Software pada tahun 1986. Akuisisi ini merupakan peristiwa "pengambilalihan paksa" (hostile takeover, pengambilalihan suatu perusahaan , namun perusahaan tersebut sebenarnya tidak mau diambil alih.) pada industri perangkat lunak. (in) |
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Informatics General Corporation, earlier Informatics, Inc., was an American computer software company in existence from 1962 through 1985 and based in Los Angeles, California. It made a variety of software products, and was especially known for its Mark IV file management and report generation product for IBM mainframes, which became the best-selling corporate packaged software product of its time. It also ran computer service bureaus and sold turnkey systems to specific industries. By the mid-1980s Informatics had revenues of near $200 million and over 2,500 employees. (en) Informatika General Corporation (sebelumnya bernama Informatics, Inc.), adalah perusahaan perangkat lunak yang berlokasi di Los Angeles, California dan beroperasi dari tahun 1962 sampai 1985. Perusahaan ini membuat berbagai macam jenis produk software. Salah satu yang terkenal adalah Mark IV , sebuah software pengelolaan file & pembuatan laporan otomatis untuk komputer mainframe IBM. Saat itu, software ini menjadi salah satu software yang laku di pasaran. (in) |