Major second (original) (raw)
- En la teoria de la música occidental, un to és la distància entre dues notes naturals consecutives, a excepció de l'interval de semitò (mig to) que es forma entre mi-fa i també entre si-do. Si un semitò és la distància mínima entre dues notes, un to està format per dos semitons. Per exemple: de Do a Do# hi ha un interval de semitò, i de Do# a Re hi ha un altre interval de semitò, per tant de Do a Re hi ha un to sencer. Dit d'una altra manera, un to és la distància que hi ha entre cadascuna de les notes de l'escala diatònica (excepte, entre Mi i Fa, i entre Si i Do). Més exemples: de Re a Mi hi ha un to. de Fa a Sol hi ha un to. de Sol a La hi ha un to. de La a Si hi ha un to. Exemples amb notes alterades: de Do# a Re# hi ha un to de Fa# a Sol# hi ha un to de Sol# a La# hi ha un to (ca)
- In Western music theory, a major second (sometimes also called whole tone or a whole step) is a second spanning two semitones. A second is a musical interval encompassing two adjacent staff positions (see Interval number for more details). For example, the interval from C to D is a major second, as the note D lies two semitones above C, and the two notes are notated on adjacent staff positions. Diminished, minor and augmented seconds are notated on adjacent staff positions as well, but consist of a different number of semitones (zero, one, and three). The intervals from the tonic (keynote) in an upward direction to the second, to the third, to the sixth, and to the seventh scale degrees (of a major scale are called major. The major second is the interval that occurs between the first and second degrees of a major scale, the tonic and the supertonic. On a musical keyboard, a major second is the interval between two keys separated by one key, counting white and black keys alike. On a guitar string, it is the interval separated by two frets. In moveable-do solfège, it is the interval between do and re. It is considered a melodic step, as opposed to larger intervals called skips. Intervals composed of two semitones, such as the major second and the diminished third, are also called tones, whole tones, or whole steps.In just intonation, major seconds can occur in at least two different frequency ratios:9:8 (about 203.9 cents) and 10:9 (about 182.4 cents). The largest (9:8) ones are called or greater tones, the smallest (10:9) are called or lesser tones. Their size differs by exactly one syntonic comma (81:80, or about 21.5 cents).Some equal temperaments, such as 15-ET and 22-ET, also distinguish between a greater and a lesser tone. The major second was historically considered one of the most dissonant intervals of the diatonic scale, although much 20th-century music saw it reimagined as a consonance. It is common in many different musical systems, including Arabic music, Turkish music and music of the Balkans, among others. It occurs in both diatonic and pentatonic scales. . Here, middle C is followed by D, which is a tone 200 cents sharper than C, and then by both tones together. (en)
- En musique, une seconde majeure est un intervalle d'un ton, par exemple do-ré. Dans un tempérament égal à douze demi-tons (gamme tempérée), la seconde majeure est l'équivalent enharmonique de la tierce diminuée. (fr)
- 大二度(Major Second,簡寫為M2)是音程的一種,需要符合以下的條件: 1. * 組成音程的兩個音,它們音名必須為相鄰。(A和B、B和C、C和D、D和E、E和F、F和G、G和A) 2. * 兩音的音距為2個半音,亦即是1個全音。 在鋼琴上,兩個相鄰並且顏色相同的琴鍵,通常都是呈大二度。黑色琴鍵大抵都符合要求,至於白色琴鍵,除了E鍵、F鍵和B鍵、C鍵這兩組是呈半音外,其他組合均為大二度。 在泛音列中,第8個和第9個之間,以及第9個和第10個之間的音程,都是大二度。但兩者的純律卻有不同,因此西方音樂理論亦有將大二度再細分為「大全音」(Major Tone)及「小全音」(Minor Tone),兩者的音分差值為22。一般人的聽覺未必能夠察覺得出兩者的差別。畢氏音程中,大二度的頻率比例為9:8(),得出音分為203.9,與大全音的音分幾近相同。 在古典時期或以前,大二度被歸納為不協調音程,因將兩個音的頻率重疊起來時,波幅呈現不規則的頻率;但在不少的民族音樂上,大二度是其中一個重要的和聲元素,因此自浪漫樂派後期崇尚民族音樂特色的冒起,以及新古典主義中新舊音樂理論共融,大二度音程漸漸被作曲家所採用。 (zh)
- Translation (en)
- Diagram showing relations between epogdoon, diatessaron, diapente, and diapason (en)
- En musique, une seconde majeure est un intervalle d'un ton, par exemple do-ré. Dans un tempérament égal à douze demi-tons (gamme tempérée), la seconde majeure est l'équivalent enharmonique de la tierce diminuée. (fr)
- 大二度(Major Second,簡寫為M2)是音程的一種,需要符合以下的條件: 1. * 組成音程的兩個音,它們音名必須為相鄰。(A和B、B和C、C和D、D和E、E和F、F和G、G和A) 2. * 兩音的音距為2個半音,亦即是1個全音。 在鋼琴上,兩個相鄰並且顏色相同的琴鍵,通常都是呈大二度。黑色琴鍵大抵都符合要求,至於白色琴鍵,除了E鍵、F鍵和B鍵、C鍵這兩組是呈半音外,其他組合均為大二度。 在泛音列中,第8個和第9個之間,以及第9個和第10個之間的音程,都是大二度。但兩者的純律卻有不同,因此西方音樂理論亦有將大二度再細分為「大全音」(Major Tone)及「小全音」(Minor Tone),兩者的音分差值為22。一般人的聽覺未必能夠察覺得出兩者的差別。畢氏音程中,大二度的頻率比例為9:8(),得出音分為203.9,與大全音的音分幾近相同。 在古典時期或以前,大二度被歸納為不協調音程,因將兩個音的頻率重疊起來時,波幅呈現不規則的頻率;但在不少的民族音樂上,大二度是其中一個重要的和聲元素,因此自浪漫樂派後期崇尚民族音樂特色的冒起,以及新古典主義中新舊音樂理論共融,大二度音程漸漸被作曲家所採用。 (zh)
- En la teoria de la música occidental, un to és la distància entre dues notes naturals consecutives, a excepció de l'interval de semitò (mig to) que es forma entre mi-fa i també entre si-do. Si un semitò és la distància mínima entre dues notes, un to està format per dos semitons. Per exemple: de Do a Do# hi ha un interval de semitò, i de Do# a Re hi ha un altre interval de semitò, per tant de Do a Re hi ha un to sencer. Dit d'una altra manera, un to és la distància que hi ha entre cadascuna de les notes de l'escala diatònica (excepte, entre Mi i Fa, i entre Si i Do). Més exemples: (ca)
- In Western music theory, a major second (sometimes also called whole tone or a whole step) is a second spanning two semitones. A second is a musical interval encompassing two adjacent staff positions (see Interval number for more details). For example, the interval from C to D is a major second, as the note D lies two semitones above C, and the two notes are notated on adjacent staff positions. Diminished, minor and augmented seconds are notated on adjacent staff positions as well, but consist of a different number of semitones (zero, one, and three). (en)
- To (interval musical) (ca)
- Große Sekunde (de)
- Plenduto (eo)
- Seconde majeure (fr)
- Major second (en)
- Большая секунда (ru)
- 大二度 (zh)
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Just_major_second
- dbr:Pythagorean_major_second
- dbr:Major_Second
- dbr:Ganzton
- dbr:Just_major_tone
- dbr:Just_minor_tone
- dbr:Greater_tone
- dbr:Epogdoon
- dbr:Major_tone
- dbr:Whole_tone
- dbr:Whole_step
- dbr:Minor_tone
- dbr:Lesser_tone
- dbr:Sesquioctavan
- dbr:Large_just_whole_tone
- dbr:Large_limma
- dbr:Large_whole_tone
- dbr:Whole-tone
- dbr:Whole_tones