Kasugafuji Akihiro (February 20, 1966 – March 9, 2017), born as Shoki Iwanaga, was a Japanese sumo wrestler and coach from Oshika, Miyagi. He was an active wrestler in professional sumo from 1981 until 1996, reaching a highest rank of maegashira 1. After his retirement he re-established the Kasugayama stable in 1997 and trained his own wrestlers. He left the Japan Sumo Association in 2012 after an expenses scandal, and was involved with a legal dispute in 2013 with his successor as head of Kasugayama stable which was not resolved until shortly before his death in 2017.
Kasugafuji Akihiro (February 20, 1966 – March 9, 2017), born as Shoki Iwanaga, was a Japanese sumo wrestler and coach from Oshika, Miyagi. He was an active wrestler in professional sumo from 1981 until 1996, reaching a highest rank of maegashira 1. After his retirement he re-established the Kasugayama stable in 1997 and trained his own wrestlers. He left the Japan Sumo Association in 2012 after an expenses scandal, and was involved with a legal dispute in 2013 with his successor as head of Kasugayama stable which was not resolved until shortly before his death in 2017. (en) 春日富士 晃大(かすがふじ あきひろ、 1966年2月20日 - 2017年3月9日)は、宮城県牡鹿郡牡鹿町(現在の石巻市)出身(以前は神奈川県川崎市川崎区)で春日山部屋(後に安治川部屋)に所属した元大相撲力士。本名は岩永 祥紀(いわなが しょうき)。現役時代の体格は177cm、144kg。最高位は東前頭筆頭(1990年1月場所)。得意手は突き、押し。血液型はO型。 引退直後は年寄・春日山 として春日山部屋の師匠だったが、2012年2月29日付けで「雷」に名跡変更し、春日山部屋付き親方として後進を指導していた。同年9月20日付けで日本相撲協会を退職。理由は、「一身上の都合」としている。 (ja)
Kasugafuji Akihiro (February 20, 1966 – March 9, 2017), born as Shoki Iwanaga, was a Japanese sumo wrestler and coach from Oshika, Miyagi. He was an active wrestler in professional sumo from 1981 until 1996, reaching a highest rank of maegashira 1. After his retirement he re-established the Kasugayama stable in 1997 and trained his own wrestlers. He left the Japan Sumo Association in 2012 after an expenses scandal, and was involved with a legal dispute in 2013 with his successor as head of Kasugayama stable which was not resolved until shortly before his death in 2017. (en) 春日富士 晃大(かすがふじ あきひろ、 1966年2月20日 - 2017年3月9日)は、宮城県牡鹿郡牡鹿町(現在の石巻市)出身(以前は神奈川県川崎市川崎区)で春日山部屋(後に安治川部屋)に所属した元大相撲力士。本名は岩永 祥紀(いわなが しょうき)。現役時代の体格は177cm、144kg。最高位は東前頭筆頭(1990年1月場所)。得意手は突き、押し。血液型はO型。 引退直後は年寄・春日山 として春日山部屋の師匠だったが、2012年2月29日付けで「雷」に名跡変更し、春日山部屋付き親方として後進を指導していた。同年9月20日付けで日本相撲協会を退職。理由は、「一身上の都合」としている。 (ja)