List of WWE Raw Tag Team Champions (original) (raw)

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Dit is een chronologische lijst van WWE Raw Tag Team Champions, een professioneel worstelkampioenschap van WWE die exclusief is op de Raw brand. Dit kampioenschap werd geïntroduceerd als het WWE Tag Team Championship en is de zesde tag team titel in WWE.


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dbo:abstract Cette page est une liste des WWE Raw Tag Team Champions par ordre chronologique. Au catch, les WWE Raw Tag Team Championship (aussi appelés auparavant WWE Unified Tag Team Championship) sont des titres par équipes. Lorsqu'ils s'appelaient WWE Unified Tag Team Championship, il s'agissait d'une désignation pour deux titres lorsqu'ils étaient tous les deux possédés par la même équipe : les WWE World Tag Team Championship et les WWE Tag Team Championship. Le 16 août 2010, les deux titres changeait de design pour être remplacés par deux ceintures (auparavant 4) : les WWE Tag Team Championship. Le 5 septembre 2016, les deux titres changent de nom pour devenir les WWE RAW Tag Team Championship. Les actuels champions sont The Usos (Jimmy Uso et Jey Uso). (fr) The WWE Raw Tag Team Championship is a professional wrestling world tag team championship contested in WWE on the Raw brand. Introduced as the WWE Tag Team Championship, it was WWE's third world tag team title, and sixth tag team title overall. After WWE bought the promotions of Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) and World Championship Wrestling (WCW), and unified the WCW Tag Team Championship into its own title at Survivor Series 2001, it split its roster into two brands, Raw and SmackDown. As WWE's original World Tag Team Championship was designated exclusive to the Raw brand, SmackDown introduced the WWE Tag Team Championship as its own championship. In 2007, after the initiation of the ECW brand, the title was shared between the SmackDown and ECW brands, thus inter-brand matches could take place for the title. In 2009, the title was unified with the World Tag Team Championship by The Colóns (Carlito and Primo) at WrestleMania XXV and became recognized as the "Unified WWE Tag Team Championship" until August 2010 when the World Tag Team Championship was decommissioned in favor of continuing the lineage of the WWE Tag Team Championship. In 2016, WWE reintroduced its brand split and the championship became exclusive to Raw. It was subsequently renamed to Raw Tag Team Championship after SmackDown introduced its SmackDown Tag Team Championship. The championship is generally contested in professional wrestling matches, in which participants execute scripted finishes rather than contend in direct competition. The inaugural champions were Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit, who won the title in a tournament final at No Mercy on October 20, 2002. The Usos (Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso) are the current champions in their third reign. They defeated previous champions RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Riddle) in a Winners Take All match on the May 20, 2022 episode of SmackDown in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Usos had also defended the SmackDown Tag Team Championship in the match, and with both titles, they are recognized as the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions. As of December 7, 2022, there have been 88 reigns between 67 teams composed of 98 individual champions, and one vacancy. The team of Cesaro and Sheamus and The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) have the most reigns as a team at four, while individually, Kingston and Seth Rollins have the most with six. The New Day's second reign is also the longest reign at 483 days and they are the only team to hold the championship for over one consecutive year—Big E is also credited for this reign as during New Day's first two reigns, Big E, Kingston, and Woods were all recognized as champion under the Freebird Rule (Big E was split from the team in the 2020 WWE Draft). John Cena and The Miz's sole reign as a team is the shortest reign at 9 minutes, due to The Corre invoking their rematch clause immediately after losing the title. As a team, The New Day (across its two different variants of team members) also have the longest combined reign at 627 days, while Kingston individually has the longest combined reign at 912 days (910 days as recognized by WWE). Nicholas is the youngest champion at 10 years old (also making him the youngest champion in WWE history), while Billy Gunn is the oldest champion at age 50. (en) Dit is een chronologische lijst van WWE Raw Tag Team Champions, een professioneel worstelkampioenschap van WWE die exclusief is op de Raw brand. Dit kampioenschap werd geïntroduceerd als het WWE Tag Team Championship en is de zesde tag team titel in WWE. (nl) WWE Raw Tag Team Championship jest światowym tytułem mistrzowskim dywizji tag team profesjonalnego wrestlingu w federacji WWE w brandzie Raw. WWE Tag Team Championship jest trzecim światowym tytułem tag team i siódmym ogólnie wprowadzonym tytułem tag team. Po tym jak WWE kupiło Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) i World Championship Wrestling (WCW), a także wycofało WCW Tag Team Championship, podzieliło roster na dwa brandy: Raw i SmackDown. W rezultacie, oryginalne World Tag Team Championship było ekskluzywne dla brandu Raw, pozostawiając SmackDown bez tytułu tag team. W październiku 2002 federacja wprowadziła tytuły WWE Tag Team Championship dla zawodników brandu SmackDown. W 2007 WWE ogłosiło, że tytuł będzie broniony przez zawodników brandów SmackDown i ECW. W 2009 tytuł został zunifikowany z World Tag Team Championship, gdzie na WrestleManii XXV Carlito i Primo zdobyli obydwa mistrzostwa, przez co nazwa została zmieniona na „Unified WWE Tag Team Championship”. W sierpniu 2010 World Tag Team Championship zostało oficjalnie wycofane na rzecz kontynuacji żywota WWE Tag Team Championship. W 2016 powrócił podział WWE na brandy, a tytuły stały się własnością zawodników brandu Raw. Tuż po tym zabiegu dla zawodników brandu SmackDown zaprezentowano WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship. Pierwszymi mistrzami byli Chris Benoit i Kurt Angle, którzy wygrali tytuły w finale turnieju w październiku 2002. Oficjalnie było 67 drużyn (w tym 98 indywidualnych wrestlerów), które zdobyło tytuły. Rekordzistami pod względem ilości panowań są Cesaro i Sheamus oraz The New Day (Kofi Kingston i Xavier Woods), którzy sięgnęli po Raw Tag Team Championship czterokrotnie. Kingston oraz Seth Rollins są rekordzistami indywidualnymi – zdobywali mistrzostwo sześć razy. The New Day posiadali tytuł rekordowe 483 dni, zaś członek New Day Kofi Kingston posiadał tytuł łącznie 912 dni. John Cena i The Miz mieli najkrótsze panowanie, które trwało 9 minut – The Corre zażądało od razu rewanżu i odzyskało tytuły. Nicholas jest najmłodszym mistrzem, który zdobył tytuł w wieku 10 lat, podczas gdy jest najstarszym – w wieku 50 lat. Obecnymi mistrzami jest drużyna The Usos (Jey i Jimmy Uso), którzy posiadają tytuły po raz trzeci. Pokonali oni poprzednich mistrzów RK-Bro (Randy’ego Ortona i Riddle’a) na SmackDown w Winner Takes All matchu, gdzie SmackDown Tag Team Championship The Usos również był na szali, 20 maja 2022, a dzięki obu tytułom są uznawani jako Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championi. (pl) Командный чемпионат WWE Raw (англ. WWE Raw Tag Team Championship) — командный чемпионат в профессиональном реслинге, который оспаривается в WWE, на бренде Raw. Чемпионат был представлен как командное чемпионство WWE в 2002 году, первоначально защищался на бренде SmackDown!. Это один из четырёх мужских командных титулов в федерации. Двух главных командных титулов основного ростера наряду с командными титулами SmackDown, а также двух титулов подготовительных брендов командными титулами NXT и командными титулами NXT UK Среди женщин разыгрывается два командных первенства, командное чемпионство WWE в основном ростере и командное чемпионство NXT в подготовительных брендах. Командное чемпионство в WWE включает в себя огромную историю многих титулов, существовавших в WWE/WWF, а также титулы командных чемпионов WCW и ECW. Первоначально в WWE существовал лишь один титул — командный чемпионат мира. В 2002 году, после того, как WWE купило WCW и ECW был создан титул командных чемпионов WWE. Титул командных чемпионов WWE был эксклюзивным для шоу SmackDown!, а титул командных чемпионов мира для Raw. В 2007 году, когда ECW был возрожден как бренд, титул командных чемпионов WWE перешёл туда вместе с чемпионами Мизом и Джоном Морриссоном и стал доступен для всех трёх брендов. В 2009 году Карлито и Примо со SmackDown! объединили титулы WWE и мира, а титул стал называться объединенный командный чемпионат WWE. В августе 2010, Дэвиду Харту Смиту и Тайсону Кидду был вручен новый дизайн поясов и титул вновь стал назваться командное чемпионство WWE. Новыми титулами их наградил Брет Харт. Первыми чемпионами стали Курт Энгл и Крис Бенуа которые выиграли титулы 20 октября 2002 года на No Mercy (2002). Действующими чемпионами является команда (Чед Гейбл и Отис). 10 января 2022 года, на очередном впуске Raw они победили команду (Рэнди Ортона и Риддла) став новыми чемпионами. За всё время смен чемпионов было 86 раз, а всего чемпионов в лице группировок либо команд было 67, один раз чемпионство было вакантным. Одна группировка за историю чемпионата держала титул непрерывного в течение одного года (365 дней) или более: Новый день. 98 индивидуальных рестлера были командными чемпионами. Команда и группировка Новый день владели титулами по 4 раза. Индивидуально как рестлер 6 раз держали титулы только Кофи Кингстон и Сет Роллинс. Самое длительно чемпионство длилось 483 дня, это было второе чемпионство для Нового дня (Биг И, Кофи Кингстона и Ксавье Вудса), у группировки в разный составах самое длинное комбинированное чемпионство 627 дней. Самое же короткое чемпионство 9 минут у команды Джона Сины и Миза. Самым возрастным чемпионом был Билли Ганн, выигравший титулы в возрасте 50 лет. Самый же молодой был , в команде с Броном Строумэном на Рестлмании 34 он выиграл титулы в возрасте 10 лет. (ru) WWE Raw Tag Team Championship é um campeonato mundial de duplas de luta livre profissional disputado na WWE na marca Raw. Introduzido como o Campeonato de Duplas da WWE, foi o terceiro título mundial de duplas da WWE e o sexto título geral de duplas. Depois que a WWE comprou as promoções Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) e World Championship Wrestling (WCW), e unificou o Campeonato de Duplas da WCW em seu próprio título no Survivor Series 2001, ela dividiu sua lista em duas marcas, Raw e SmackDown. Como o Campeonato Mundial de Duplas original da WWE foi designado como exclusivo da marca Raw, o SmackDown introduziu o Campeonato de Duplas da WWE como seu próprio campeonato. Em 2007, após o início da marca ECW, o título foi compartilhado entre as marcas SmackDown e ECW, portanto, partidas entre as marcas poderiam ocorrer pelo título. Em 2009, o título foi unificado com o Campeonato Mundial de Duplas por The Colóns (Carlito e Primo) na WrestleMania XXV e tornou-se reconhecido como o "Campeonato Unificado de Duplas da WWE" até agosto de 2010, quando o Campeonato Mundial de Duplas foi descontinuado em favor da continualidade da linhagem do Campeonato de Duplas da WWE. Em 2016, a WWE reintroduziu sua divisão de marca e o campeonato tornou-se exclusivo do Raw. Foi posteriormente renomeado para Campeonato de Duplas do Raw depois que o SmackDown introduziu seu Campeonato de Duplas do SmackDown. O campeonato é geralmente disputado em partidas de luta livre profissional, nas quais os participantes executam finalizações roteirizadas em vez de competir em competição direta. Os campeões inaugurais foram Kurt Angle e Chris Benoit, que conquistaram o título em uma final de torneio no No Mercy em 20 de outubro de 2002. The Usos (Jey Uso e Jimmy Uso) são os atuais campeões em seu terceiro reinado. Eles derrotaram RK-Bro (Randy Orton e Riddle) em uma luta Winners Take All em 20 de maio de 2022, episódio do SmackDown em Grand Rapids, Michigan. Os Usos também defenderam o Campeonato de Duplas do SmakDown na luta, e com ambos os títulos, eles são reconhecidos como Campeões Indiscutíveis de Duplas da WWE. Em 24 de maio de 2022, havia 88 reinados entre 67 equipes compostas por 98 campeões individuais e uma vaga. A equipe de Cesaro e Sheamus e The New Day (Kofi Kingston e Xavier Woods) têm mais reinados como equipe em quatro, enquanto individualmente, Kingston e Seth Rollins têm mais reinados com seis. O segundo reinado do New Day também é o reinado mais longo em 483 dias e eles são a única equipe a manter o campeonato por mais de um ano consecutivo - Big E também é creditado por este reinado como durante os dois primeiros reinados de New Day, Big E, Kingston, e Woods foram todos reconhecidos como campeões pela Freebird Rule (Big E foi separado da equipe no Draft da WWE de 2020). O único reinado de John Cena e The Miz é o mais curto aos 9 minutos, devido a The Corre invocar sua cláusula de revanche imediatamente após perder o título. Como equipe, The New Day (em suas duas variantes diferentes de membros da equipe) também tem o reinado combinado mais longo em 627 dias, enquanto Kingston individualmente tem o reinado combinado mais longo em 912 dias (910 dias conforme reconhecido pela WWE). Nicholas é o campeão mais jovem aos 10 anos (também fazendo dele o campeão mais jovem da história da WWE), enquanto Billy Gunn é o campeão mais velho aos 50 anos. (pt)
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dbp:align right (en)
dbp:caption 7.87968E7 Six-time champion Seth Rollins has held the title with five different partners. (en) The New Day , record-tying four-time and the longest single and combined reigning Raw Tag Team Champions. The three were all recognized as champions under the Freebird Rule until Big E was split from the team in the 2020 WWE Draft. (en) Sheamus and Cesaro are tied with The New Day for the most reigns as a team at four. (en)
dbp:champion dbr:Primo_and_Epico dbr:Deuce_'n_Domino dbr:The_Nexus_(professional_wrestling) dbr:The_New_Age_Outlaws dbr:The_New_Day_(professional_wrestling) dbr:The_Prime_Time_Players dbr:The_Revival_(professional_wrestling) dbr:The_Road_Warriors dbr:The_Shield_(professional_wrestling) dbr:The_Street_Profits dbr:The_Usos dbr:The_Viking_Raiders dbr:The_World's_Greatest_Tag_Team dbr:Los_Guerreros dbr:MNM_(professional_wrestling) dbr:ShoMiz dbr:AJ_Styles_and_Omos dbr:Alpha_Academy dbr:Curt_Hawkins_and_Zack_Ryder dbr:D-Generation_X dbr:Team_Hell_No dbr:The_Authors_of_Pain dbr:The_B-Team dbr:The_Basham_Brothers dbr:The_Colóns_(2002–2010) dbr:The_Corre dbr:The_Dudley_Boyz dbr:The_Hardy_Boyz dbr:The_Hart_Dynasty dbr:The_Hurt_Business_(professional_wrestling) dbr:Jeri-Show dbr:John_Morrison_and_The_Miz dbr:Dolph_Ziggler_and_Robert_Roode dbr:RK-Bro dbr:The_O.C._(professional_wrestling) dbr:Luke_Gallows_and_Karl_Anderson (en) Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy (en) Brian Kendrick and Paul London (en) Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (en) Chris Jericho and Edge (en) Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins (en) Air Boom (en) Big Show and Kane (en) Billy Kidman and Paul London (en) Bobby Roode and Chad Gable (en) Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins (en) Braun Strowman and Nicholas (en) Buddy Murphy and Seth Rollins (en) Cesaro and Sheamus (en) Charlie Haas and Rico (en) Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle (en) Cody Rhodes and Goldust (en) Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre (en) Damien Mizdow and The Miz (en) Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins (en) Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre (en) Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio (en) Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri (en) Edge and Rey Mysterio (en) Goldust and Stardust (en) Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins (en) John Cena and The Miz (en) Kenzo Suzuki and René Duprée (en) Kofi Kingston and R-Truth (en) Matt Hardy and Montel Vontavious Porter (en) Rey Mysterio and Rob Van Dam (en) Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty (en) Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov (en) and Rey Mysterio (en)
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dbp:event dbr:Bragging_Rights_(2010) dbr:No_Way_Out_(2005) dbr:Survivor_Series_(2002) dbr:SummerSlam_(2015) dbr:Elimination_Chamber_(2011) dbr:WWE_Greatest_Royal_Rumble dbr:WWE_The_Bash dbr:Extreme_Rules_(2017) dbr:Fastlane_(2015) dbr:Night_of_Champions_(2009) dbr:Night_of_Champions_(2010) dbr:Judgment_Day_(2003) dbr:Judgment_Day_(2006) dbr:The_Great_American_Bash_(2005) dbr:No_Mercy_(2002) dbr:The_Great_American_Bash_(2008) dbr:SummerSlam_(2017) dbr:SummerSlam_(2021) dbr:Survivor_Series_(2014) dbr:TLC:_Tables,_Ladders_&_Chairs_(2009) dbr:Clash_of_Champions_(2019) dbr:WrestleMania_34 dbr:WrestleMania_35 dbr:WrestleMania_37 dbr:Night_of_Champions_(2012) dbr:Night_of_Champions_(2014) dbr:Extreme_Rules_(2013) dbr:Extreme_Rules_(2015) dbr:Extreme_Rules_(2018) dbr:Royal_Rumble_(2014) dbr:Royal_Rumble_(2017) dbr:Royal_Rumble_(2018) dbr:TLC:_Tables,_Ladders_&_Chairs_(2020) dbr:Money_in_the_Bank_(2015) dbr:Roadblock:_End_of_the_Line dbr:WrestleMania_33 dbr:WWE_Live Raw (en) SmackDown (en) SmackDown! (en)
dbp:footer Inaugural champions Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit (en)
dbp:image WWE_Tag_Team_Champion_Kofi_Kingston.jpg (en) Seth_Rollins_November_2013.jpg (en) Cesaro&Sheamus Tag Champs WM34 crop.jpg (en) Chris_Benoit_in_the_Ring.jpg (en) The New Day WWE Tag Team Champions Raw April 2016.jpg (en) Kurt_Angle_2005-08-21.jpg (en)
dbp:location dbr:Providence,_Rhode_Island dbr:Rochester,_New_York dbr:Rosemont,_Illinois dbr:San_Antonio dbr:San_Diego dbr:San_Jose,_California dbr:Boston dbr:Dayton,_Ohio dbr:Denver,_CO dbr:Little_Rock,_Arkansas dbr:Pennsylvania dbr:Richmond,_Virginia dbr:Uniondale,_New_York dbr:Columbus,_Ohio dbr:Memphis,_Tennessee dbr:Sacramento,_California dbr:Cleveland dbr:Cleveland,_OH dbr:Fresno,_California dbr:Grand_Rapids,_MI dbr:Grand_Rapids,_Michigan dbr:Green_Bay,_Wisconsin dbr:Minneapolis dbr:Uncasville,_Connecticut dbr:London,_England dbr:Louisville,_Kentucky dbr:Manchester dbr:Manchester,_New_Hampshire dbr:Baltimore dbr:Brooklyn dbr:Buffalo,_New_York dbr:Tulsa,_Oklahoma dbr:Washington,_D.C. dbr:Wichita,_Kansas dbr:Winnipeg dbr:Albany,_New_York dbr:Daly_City,_California dbr:East_Rutherford,_New_Jersey dbr:Edmonton dbr:Paradise,_NV dbr:Greenville,_South_Carolina dbr:Italy dbr:Jeddah dbr:Tampa,_Florida dbr:Charlotte,_North_Carolina dbr:Kelowna dbr:Lafayette,_Louisiana dbr:Philadelphia dbr:Phoenix,_Arizona dbr:Pittsburgh dbr:Portland,_Oregon dbr:Springfield,_Massachusetts dbr:St._Louis dbr:St._Petersburg,_FL dbr:Milan dbr:Nashville,_Tennessee dbr:New_Orleans dbr:New_York_City dbr:Oakland,_California dbr:Orlando,_FL dbr:Orlando,_Florida dbr:Raleigh,_North_Carolina dbr:Brooklyn,_NY dbr:Philadelphia,_PA dbr:Tampa,_FL dbr:St._Paul,_Minnesota dbr:Wichita,_KS
dbp:name dbr:WWE dbr:Raw_(WWE_brand) dbr:SmackDown_(WWE_brand)
dbp:notes 0001-01-13 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-02-05 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-02-06 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-02-07 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-04-05 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-04-20 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-04-21 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-04-22 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-06-17 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-07-03 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-07-08 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-07-25 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-08-16 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-08-29 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-08-31 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-09-05 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-09-09 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-09-18 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-09-26 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-10-23 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-10-28 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-11-01 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-11-07 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-11-16 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-12-09 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-12-16 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-12-30 (xsd:gMonthDay) This was a Steel Cage match. (en) This was a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. (en) This was a ladder match. (en) This was a No Disqualification match. (en) This was a two out of three falls match. (en) This was a triple threat tag team elimination match, also involving Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. (en) This was a fatal four-way tag team match, also involving The Lucha Dragons and Los Matadores . (en) Title was established as the WWE Tag Team Championship for the SmackDown brand after the World Tag Team Championship became exclusive to the Raw brand. Angle and Benoit defeated Edge and Rey Mysterio in the tournament final to become the inaugural champions. (en) This was a fatal four-way tag team elimination match, also involving Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu and The Usos . (en) Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson were originally scheduled to defend the title in a triple threat ladder match against Enzo Amore and Big Cass and Cesaro and Sheamus. Prior to the match, however, event hosts The New Day announced that the match would be a fatal four-way ladder match with the returning Hardy Boyz. (en) This was a fatal four-way tag team match, also involving Jesse and Festus and Finlay and Hornswoggle. (en) Big E and Kofi Kingston represented The New Day. (en) Big E and Xavier Woods represented The New Day. (en) Defeated Seth Rollins in a 2-on-1 handicap match. (en) The title was shared with the ECW brand after SmackDown and ECW began a talent exchange agreement. (en) Previously known as Team Angle. (en) Robert Roode was formerly known as Bobby Roode. (en) Stardust was formerly known as Cody Rhodes. (en) This was a fatal four-way tag team match, also involving The Mexicools and Paul Burchill and William Regal. (en) This was a Last Chance match. (en) This was a Tornado Tag Team match. (en) Two referees were assigned to the match. (en) Big E and Kingston won the match, but Woods was also recognized as champion under the Freebird Rule. (en) Defeated Cesaro and Sheamus to win the vacant title. (en) Braun Strowman and Nicholas voluntarily relinquished the title due to "scheduling conflicts" with Nicholas being a fourth-grader and needing to attend school. (en) This was a fatal four-way tag team elimination match, also involving Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns and Booker T and Eddie Guerrero. (en) Immediately after they won the title, Ambrose turned on Rollins, leaving Rollins to defend the title alone. (en) Strowman was obligated to find a partner for the match and chose Nicholas, a 10-year old boy from the live audience. (en) This was a triple threat tag team elimination match, also involving The Straight Edge Society . (en) This was a fatal four-way tag team match, also involving Los Matadores and The Usos . (en) Otunga and McGillicutty won the title under the name of The New Nexus, but the stable disbanded during their reign. (en) This was a Tag Team Turmoil match, also involving The Usos , Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov, and Evan Bourne and Mark Henry. (en) The brand extension returned and the title became exclusive to the Raw brand following the 2016 WWE draft. (en) This was a triple threat tag team match, also involving The Legacy . (en) This was a triple threat tag team match, also involving The Usos . (en) This was a 2-on-3 handicap match also involving AOP's manager, Drake Maverick. Roode pinned Maverick to win AOP's title. (en) This was a triple threat tag team match, also involving Seth "Freakin" Rollins and Kevin Owens. (en) Wade Barrett kept the title within Nexus, but took out John Cena by ordering David Otunga to lie down purposely for a pinfall. (en) Shortly after Edge and Chris Jericho won the title, Edge suffered a torn Achilles tendon, which required surgery and forced him to vacate his half of the championship. Jericho was allowed to keep his title and choose a new partner; he chose Big Show at Night of Champions. WWE recognizes this as a second reign for Jericho. (en) As a result of the 2020 WWE Draft, then-SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day were drafted to Raw while The Street Profits were drafted to SmackDown. To keep the branded championships on their respective brands, WWE official Adam Pearce had the two teams trade championships. Also as a result of the 2020 draft, Big E was split from The New Day; the three previously all reigned as champion under the Freebird Rule. (en) Los Guerreros had invoked their rematch clause, but Chavo got injured prior to the match and was replaced by Tajiri. (en) This was a Winners Take All match in which The Usos defended the SmackDown Tag Team Championship. (en) Curtis Axel was formerly known as Michael McGillicutty. (en)
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rdfs:comment Dit is een chronologische lijst van WWE Raw Tag Team Champions, een professioneel worstelkampioenschap van WWE die exclusief is op de Raw brand. Dit kampioenschap werd geïntroduceerd als het WWE Tag Team Championship en is de zesde tag team titel in WWE. (nl) The WWE Raw Tag Team Championship is a professional wrestling world tag team championship contested in WWE on the Raw brand. Introduced as the WWE Tag Team Championship, it was WWE's third world tag team title, and sixth tag team title overall. After WWE bought the promotions of Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) and World Championship Wrestling (WCW), and unified the WCW Tag Team Championship into its own title at Survivor Series 2001, it split its roster into two brands, Raw and SmackDown. As WWE's original World Tag Team Championship was designated exclusive to the Raw brand, SmackDown introduced the WWE Tag Team Championship as its own championship. (en) Cette page est une liste des WWE Raw Tag Team Champions par ordre chronologique. Au catch, les WWE Raw Tag Team Championship (aussi appelés auparavant WWE Unified Tag Team Championship) sont des titres par équipes. Lorsqu'ils s'appelaient WWE Unified Tag Team Championship, il s'agissait d'une désignation pour deux titres lorsqu'ils étaient tous les deux possédés par la même équipe : les WWE World Tag Team Championship et les WWE Tag Team Championship. Le 16 août 2010, les deux titres changeait de design pour être remplacés par deux ceintures (auparavant 4) : les WWE Tag Team Championship. (fr) WWE Raw Tag Team Championship jest światowym tytułem mistrzowskim dywizji tag team profesjonalnego wrestlingu w federacji WWE w brandzie Raw. WWE Tag Team Championship jest trzecim światowym tytułem tag team i siódmym ogólnie wprowadzonym tytułem tag team. Po tym jak WWE kupiło Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) i World Championship Wrestling (WCW), a także wycofało WCW Tag Team Championship, podzieliło roster na dwa brandy: Raw i SmackDown. W rezultacie, oryginalne World Tag Team Championship było ekskluzywne dla brandu Raw, pozostawiając SmackDown bez tytułu tag team. W październiku 2002 federacja wprowadziła tytuły WWE Tag Team Championship dla zawodników brandu SmackDown. (pl) WWE Raw Tag Team Championship é um campeonato mundial de duplas de luta livre profissional disputado na WWE na marca Raw. Introduzido como o Campeonato de Duplas da WWE, foi o terceiro título mundial de duplas da WWE e o sexto título geral de duplas. Depois que a WWE comprou as promoções Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) e World Championship Wrestling (WCW), e unificou o Campeonato de Duplas da WCW em seu próprio título no Survivor Series 2001, ela dividiu sua lista em duas marcas, Raw e SmackDown. Como o Campeonato Mundial de Duplas original da WWE foi designado como exclusivo da marca Raw, o SmackDown introduziu o Campeonato de Duplas da WWE como seu próprio campeonato. (pt) Командный чемпионат WWE Raw (англ. WWE Raw Tag Team Championship) — командный чемпионат в профессиональном реслинге, который оспаривается в WWE, на бренде Raw. Чемпионат был представлен как командное чемпионство WWE в 2002 году, первоначально защищался на бренде SmackDown!. Это один из четырёх мужских командных титулов в федерации. Двух главных командных титулов основного ростера наряду с командными титулами SmackDown, а также двух титулов подготовительных брендов командными титулами NXT и командными титулами NXT UK Среди женщин разыгрывается два командных первенства, командное чемпионство WWE в основном ростере и командное чемпионство NXT в подготовительных брендах. (ru)
rdfs:label Liste des WWE Raw Tag Team Champions (fr) List of WWE Raw Tag Team Champions (en) Lista posiadaczy WWE Raw Tag Team Championship (pl) Lijst van WWE Raw Tag Team Champions (nl) Lista de campeões de duplas do Raw da WWE (pt) Список командных чемпионов WWE Raw (ru)
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