Nelson (band) (original) (raw)
- Nelson és una banda de rock nord-americà formada pels germans Matthew i Gunnar Nelson (fills bessons del músic ). La banda va aconseguir èxit al començament dels anys noranta amb el seu àlbum debut, , el qual contenia la seva cançó més reconeguda i reeixida, "(Ca't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". Després de l'èxit aconseguit amb el seu primer àlbum, la banda es va veure embolicada en disputes amb el seu segell discogràfic, a més del decaïment del gènere per donar pas al so grunge. Això els va portar a trencar relacions amb el segell Geffen Records el 1995. Malgrat això, la banda va continuar produint els seus discos a través del seu segell independent, "". (ca)
- Nelson ist eine Glam-Metal-Band aus den USA. Gegründet wurde sie von Matthew und Gunnar Nelson, den Zwillingssöhnen von Ricky Nelson. Sie hatten im September 1990 mit (Can’t Live Without Your) Love and Affection einen Nummer-eins-Hit in den USA. Die Band veröffentlichte bis 1995 auf Geffen Records, nach der Trennung verkauften sie ihre Tonträger auf ihrem eigenen Label Stone Canyon Records. Bis jetzt schafften sie es jedoch nicht an ihren Erfolg mit dem Debütalbum anzuknüpfen. (de)
- Nelson es una banda de rock estadounidense formada por los hermanos Matthew y Gunnar Nelson (hijos gemelos del músico Ricky Nelson). La banda logró éxito a comienzos de los años noventa con su álbum debut, After the Rain, el cual contenía su canción más reconocida y exitosa, "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". Después del éxito conseguido con su álbum debut, la banda se vio envuelta en disputas con su disquera, además del decaimiento del género glam metal para dar paso al sonido grunge. Esto los llevó a romper relaciones con el sello Geffen Records en 1995. A pesar de esto, la banda continuó produciendo sus discos a través de su sello independiente, "Stone Canyon Records". (es)
- Nelson is an American rock band founded by singer/songwriters Matthew and Gunnar Nelson (twin sons of Ricky Nelson and Kristin Nelson). The band achieved success during the early 1990s debut album After the Rain, that included "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". After the success of their first album, the band claims to have been faced with conflicts with their record label, lack of support from the media, and the shift in music towards grunge and alternative rock. They eventually split with Geffen Records in 1995. Despite this, the band has continued to produce and release albums independently under their own label, Stone Canyon Records. Matthew and Gunnar also perform under the name of Ricky Nelson Remembered, as a tribute to their father. They are listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the only family to reach number one record status in three successive generations (beginning with grandparents Ozzie and Harriet Nelson). (en)
- 넬슨(Nelson)은 리키 넬슨의 두 쌍둥이 형제 아들 매슈 넬슨과 거너 넬슨을 중심으로 결성된 미국의 록 밴드이다. (ko)
- ネルソン(Nelson)は、アメリカ出身の兄弟デュオならびにバンドである。リッキー・ネルソンの双子の息子(兄マシュー・ネルソン、弟ガナー・ネルソン)を中心に結成された。「ザ・ネルソンズ(The Nelsons)」という名称も存在するが、明確な使い分けはない。 (ja)
- Nelson is een Amerikaanse hardrockband opgericht door singer-songwriters en (de tweeling van Ricky en ). De band had in het begin van de jaren negentig veel succes met hun debuutalbum . Op het album stond hun hitnummer "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". Deze single behaalde een multi-platinastatus. (nl)
- I Nelson sono un gruppo hair metal fondato da Matthew e (figli gemelli di Ricky Nelson). Ottennero un breve periodo di popolarità nei primi anni novanta con il loro album di debutto After the Rain, che conteneva al suo interno il singolo numero uno in classifica "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". (it)
- Nelson é uma banda representante do glam metal norte-americano, fundada pelos irmãos gêmeos de origem sueca e Gunnar Nelson, filhos do cantor e ídolo dos anos 1950, Ricky Nelson. Também são sobrinhos do astro de Hollywood dos anos 80, Mark Harmon (considerado o antecessor de Tom Cruise no cinema). Eles aparecem no Guinness Book como a única família a conseguir a proeza de lançar um single em número 1 nas paradas de sucesso em três sucessivas gerações. Já tiveram passagens pelo Brasil, especificamente pelo Rio de Janeiro nos anos de 1989 e 1990, na companhia do músico e militar inglês-alemão Gary Barlow do grupo Take That. (pt)
- 1986-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
- group_or_band
- 1513939 (xsd:integer)
- 20408 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1115856334 (xsd:integer)
- dbc:Identical_twin_males
- dbr:Santa_Monica,_California
- dbr:Saturday_Night_Live
- dbc:Glam_metal_musical_groups_from_California
- dbc:Hard_rock_musical_groups_from_California
- dbr:Because_They_Can
- dbr:Bill_&_Ted's_Excellent_Adventure
- dbr:Billboard_Music_Awards
- dbr:Bobby_Rock
- dbr:Brett_Garsed
- dbr:Perris_Records
- dbr:Peter_Frampton
- dbr:Ricky_Nelson
- dbr:Paul_Mirkovich
- dbr:(Can't_Live_Without_Your)_Love_and_Affection
- dbc:American_musical_duos
- dbc:Rock_music_duos
- dbc:Twin_musical_duos
- dbr:Concept_album
- dbr:Generation
- dbr:Enuff_Z'Nuff
- dbr:Epiphany_(feeling)
- dbr:Frontiers_Records
- dbr:Fuel_2000
- dbr:Geffen_Records
- dbr:Crush_40
- dbc:Male_musical_duos
- dbr:Lorne_Michaels
- dbr:Styx_(band)
- dbr:Demo_(music)
- dbr:John_Kalodner
- dbr:Pop_rock
- dbr:UK_Singles_Chart
- dbr:Glam_metal
- dbr:After_the_Rain_(Nelson_album)
- dbc:Musical_groups_established_in_1986
- dbr:Dweezil_Zappa
- dbr:Alternative_rock
- dbr:Hard_rock
- dbr:RPM_(magazine)
- dbr:Grunge
- dbr:The_Adventures_of_Ozzie_and_Harriet
- dbr:ARIA_Charts
- dbc:Geffen_Records_artists
- dbc:American_twins
- dbr:After_the_Rain_(Nelson_song)
- dbc:Frontiers_Records_artists
- dbc:Heavy_metal_duos
- dbr:Jun_Senoue
- dbr:Billboard_Hot_100
- dbr:Mark_Slaughter
- dbr:Sonic_Heroes
- dbr:Kristin_Nelson
- dbr:Nashville
- dbr:Canadian_Singles_Chart
- dbr:RIAA
- dbr:Victor_Entertainment
- dbr:Vinnie_Vincent_Invasion
- dbr:Imaginator
- dbr:Voices_That_Care
- dbr:Tyketto
- dbr:Mainstream_Rock_Tracks
- dbr:Guinness_Book_of_World_Records
- dbr:Hot_Adult_Contemporary
- dbr:Recording_Industry_Association_of_New_Zealand
- right (en)
- group_or_band (en)
- #c6dbf7 (en)
- Matthew Nelson in 2009 and Gunnar Nelson in 2007 (en)
- * Matthew Nelson * Gunnar Nelson (en)
- 270 (xsd:integer)
- Geffen, Victor Entertainment, Fuel 2000, Perris Records, Stone Canyon, Frontiers (en)
- Nelson (en)
- Santa Monica, California, U.S. (en)
- I'm proud of that record [Because They Can]. I think it's a great record for what it is. But I was given the mandate by John Kalodner, "You're not allowed to play any crunchy guitar on this record at all. It's got to be acoustic and organic, and that's it/" (en)
- Gunnar Nelson (en)
- 30 (xsd:integer)
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Citation_needed
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:Infobox_musical_artist
- dbt:Nelson
- dbt:Quote_box
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:URL
- dbt:Use_mdy_dates
- 1986 (xsd:integer)
- dbc:Identical_twin_males
- dbc:Glam_metal_musical_groups_from_California
- dbc:Hard_rock_musical_groups_from_California
- dbc:American_musical_duos
- dbc:Rock_music_duos
- dbc:Twin_musical_duos
- dbc:Male_musical_duos
- dbc:Musical_groups_established_in_1986
- dbc:Geffen_Records_artists
- dbc:American_twins
- dbc:Frontiers_Records_artists
- dbc:Heavy_metal_duos
- owl:Thing
- schema:MusicGroup
- schema:Organization
- dul:Agent
- dul:SocialPerson
- dbo:Agent
- dbo:Group
- wikidata:Q215380
- wikidata:Q24229398
- wikidata:Q43229
- yago:WikicatTwinMusicians
- yago:WikicatTwinPeopleFromTheUnitedStates
- yago:Artist109812338
- yago:CausalAgent100007347
- yago:Creator109614315
- yago:IdenticalTwin110197182
- yago:LivingThing100004258
- yago:Musician110339966
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:Organism100004475
- yago:Person100007846
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:Relative110235549
- yago:WikicatIdenticalTwins
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- dbo:Band
- dbo:Organisation
- yago:Sibling110595164
- yago:Twin110734394
- yago:Whole100003553
- umbel-rc:Band_MusicGroup
- Nelson ist eine Glam-Metal-Band aus den USA. Gegründet wurde sie von Matthew und Gunnar Nelson, den Zwillingssöhnen von Ricky Nelson. Sie hatten im September 1990 mit (Can’t Live Without Your) Love and Affection einen Nummer-eins-Hit in den USA. Die Band veröffentlichte bis 1995 auf Geffen Records, nach der Trennung verkauften sie ihre Tonträger auf ihrem eigenen Label Stone Canyon Records. Bis jetzt schafften sie es jedoch nicht an ihren Erfolg mit dem Debütalbum anzuknüpfen. (de)
- 넬슨(Nelson)은 리키 넬슨의 두 쌍둥이 형제 아들 매슈 넬슨과 거너 넬슨을 중심으로 결성된 미국의 록 밴드이다. (ko)
- ネルソン(Nelson)は、アメリカ出身の兄弟デュオならびにバンドである。リッキー・ネルソンの双子の息子(兄マシュー・ネルソン、弟ガナー・ネルソン)を中心に結成された。「ザ・ネルソンズ(The Nelsons)」という名称も存在するが、明確な使い分けはない。 (ja)
- Nelson is een Amerikaanse hardrockband opgericht door singer-songwriters en (de tweeling van Ricky en ). De band had in het begin van de jaren negentig veel succes met hun debuutalbum . Op het album stond hun hitnummer "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". Deze single behaalde een multi-platinastatus. (nl)
- I Nelson sono un gruppo hair metal fondato da Matthew e (figli gemelli di Ricky Nelson). Ottennero un breve periodo di popolarità nei primi anni novanta con il loro album di debutto After the Rain, che conteneva al suo interno il singolo numero uno in classifica "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". (it)
- Nelson é uma banda representante do glam metal norte-americano, fundada pelos irmãos gêmeos de origem sueca e Gunnar Nelson, filhos do cantor e ídolo dos anos 1950, Ricky Nelson. Também são sobrinhos do astro de Hollywood dos anos 80, Mark Harmon (considerado o antecessor de Tom Cruise no cinema). Eles aparecem no Guinness Book como a única família a conseguir a proeza de lançar um single em número 1 nas paradas de sucesso em três sucessivas gerações. Já tiveram passagens pelo Brasil, especificamente pelo Rio de Janeiro nos anos de 1989 e 1990, na companhia do músico e militar inglês-alemão Gary Barlow do grupo Take That. (pt)
- Nelson és una banda de rock nord-americà formada pels germans Matthew i Gunnar Nelson (fills bessons del músic ). La banda va aconseguir èxit al començament dels anys noranta amb el seu àlbum debut, , el qual contenia la seva cançó més reconeguda i reeixida, "(Ca't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". (ca)
- Nelson es una banda de rock estadounidense formada por los hermanos Matthew y Gunnar Nelson (hijos gemelos del músico Ricky Nelson). La banda logró éxito a comienzos de los años noventa con su álbum debut, After the Rain, el cual contenía su canción más reconocida y exitosa, "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". (es)
- Nelson is an American rock band founded by singer/songwriters Matthew and Gunnar Nelson (twin sons of Ricky Nelson and Kristin Nelson). The band achieved success during the early 1990s debut album After the Rain, that included "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". Matthew and Gunnar also perform under the name of Ricky Nelson Remembered, as a tribute to their father. They are listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the only family to reach number one record status in three successive generations (beginning with grandparents Ozzie and Harriet Nelson). (en)
- Nelson (grup musical) (ca)
- Nelson (Band) (de)
- Nelson (banda) (es)
- Nelson (gruppo musicale) (it)
- ネルソン (バンド) (ja)
- 넬슨 (밴드) (ko)
- Nelson (band) (en)
- Nelson (band) (nl)
- Nelson (banda) (pt)
- freebase:Nelson (band)
- yago-res:Nelson (band)
- wikidata:Nelson (band)
- dbpedia-ca:Nelson (band)
- dbpedia-de:Nelson (band)
- dbpedia-es:Nelson (band)
- dbpedia-it:Nelson (band)
- dbpedia-ja:Nelson (band)
- dbpedia-ko:Nelson (band)
- dbpedia-nl:Nelson (band)
- dbpedia-pt:Nelson (band)
- dbpedia-tr:Nelson (band)
- Nelson (en)
is dbo:artist of
is dbo:associatedBand of
is dbo:associatedMusicalArtist of
is dbo:parent of
is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Perfect_Storm_-_After_The_Rain_World_Tour_1991
- dbr:Brother_Harmony
- dbr:Gunnar_Nelson_(musician)
- dbr:20th_Century_Masters_-_The_Millennium_Collection:_The_Best_of_Nelson
- dbr:Nelson,_Matthew
- dbr:Like_Father,_Like_Sons
- dbr:The_Silence_Is_Broken
- dbr:Matthew_Nelson_(musician)
- dbr:Gunnar_Nelson_(singer)
- dbr:Stone_Canyon_Records
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Rock_en_Seine
- dbr:Saturday_Night_Live_(season_11)
- dbr:Enuff_Z'nuff_discography
- dbr:2008_Universal_Studios_fire
- dbr:Because_They_Can
- dbr:Bill_&_Ted's_Excellent_Adventure
- dbr:Billboard_Top_Hits:_1990
- dbr:Bjorn_Thorsrud
- dbr:Brett_Garsed
- dbr:Dave_Marshall_(musician)
- dbr:House_of_Lords_(band)
- dbr:Judie_Aronson
- dbr:List_of_Parker_Lewis_Can't_Lose_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Polydor_Records_artists
- dbr:List_of_artists_who_reached_number_one_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_bands_from_Los_Angeles
- dbr:List_of_hard_rock_musicians_(N–Z)
- dbr:List_of_twins
- dbr:Ricky_Nelson
- dbr:Vonray_(album)
- dbr:Days_Before_Tomorrow_(band)
- dbr:List_of_glam_metal_bands_and_artists
- dbr:Paul_Mirkovich
- dbr:Perfect_Storm_-_After_The_Rain_World_Tour_1991
- dbr:(Can't_Live_Without_Your)_Love_and_Affection
- dbr:12th_Youth_in_Film_Awards
- dbr:Craig_Else
- dbr:Sacred_Groove
- dbr:Nelson
- dbr:Nitro_(band)
- dbr:Only_Time_Will_Tell
- dbr:1990_in_music
- dbr:Coastal_Credit_Union_Music_Park
- dbr:Enuff_Z'Nuff
- dbr:Frontiers_Music
- dbr:Geffen_Records_discography
- dbr:Monster_Ballads
- dbr:Monster_Ballads:_Platinum_Edition
- dbr:Monster_Ballads_Volume_2
- dbr:Monster_Ballads_XMas
- dbr:Monsters_of_Rock:_Platinum_Edition
- dbr:Monsters_of_Rock_Volume_2
- dbr:The_One_(Shinichi_Osawa_album)
- dbr:Brother_Harmony
- dbr:1986_in_heavy_metal_music
- dbr:List_of_Beavis_and_Butt-Head_episodes
- dbr:Stevie_Richards
- dbr:John_Kalodner
- dbr:Studio_City_Sound
- dbr:Mark_Rezyka
- dbr:Cats_and_Dogs:_The_Very_Best_of_Mari_Hamada
- dbr:Celebrity_Fit_Club_(American_TV_series)
- dbr:Cellairis_Amphitheatre
- dbr:Timothy_DiDuro
- dbr:Tracy_Nelson_(actress)
- dbr:List_of_Billboard_Hot_100_number-one_singles_of_the_1990s
- dbr:List_of_Billboard_Hot_100_number_ones_of_1990
- dbr:List_of_Billboard_Hot_100_top-ten_singles_in_1990
- dbr:List_of_Billboard_Hot_100_top-ten_singles_in_1991
- dbr:List_of_Cash_Box_Top_100_number-one_singles_of_1990
- dbr:After_the_Rain_(Nelson_album)
- dbr:Alyssa_Bonagura
- dbr:American_Top_40
- dbr:3_Fists_and_a_Mouthful
- dbr:DGC_Records
- dbr:Danny_Tate
- dbr:Eric_Martin_(musician)
- dbr:Fiddler's_Green_Amphitheatre
- dbr:PNC_Music_Pavilion
- dbr:Thad_Cockrell
- dbr:List_of_Geffen_Records_artists
- dbr:List_of_Saturday_Night_Live_guests_(M–P)
- dbr:Gunnar_Nelson_(musician)
- dbr:Power_Tool
- dbr:Robert_O._Ragland
- dbr:Hampton_Beach_Casino_Ballroom
- dbr:Introducing..._Mari_Hamada
- dbr:Jack_Ponti
- dbr:Back_In...
- dbr:After_the_Rain_(Nelson_song)
- dbr:Bigger,_Better_Power_Ballads_II
- dbr:Billboard_Year-End_Hot_100_singles_of_1990
- dbr:Billboard_Year-End_Hot_100_singles_of_1991
- dbr:George_Marino_discography
- dbr:Dokken
- dbr:Doro_(musician)
- dbr:20th_Century_Masters_-_The_Millennium_Collection:_The_Best_of_Nelson
- dbr:Mari_Hamada_Complete_Single_Collection
- dbr:Mark_Harmon
- dbr:Gregg_Sutton
- dbr:I_Love_the_'70s:_Volume_2
- dbr:I_Love_the_'80s_3-D
- dbr:I_Love_the_'90s:_Part_Deux
- dbr:I_Love_the_Holidays
- dbr:Inclination_II
- dbr:Kristin_Nelson
- dbr:Metal_Mayhem
- dbr:Mike_Botts
- dbr:Nelson,_Matthew
- dbr:Rachelle_Ann_Rocks_Live!
- dbr:Real_Life_Amphitheater
- dbr:Vinnie_Vincent_Invasion
- dbr:Imaginator
- dbr:List_of_show_business_families
- dbr:List_of_sibling_groups
- dbr:List_of_top_25_singles_for_1990_in_Australia
- dbr:Life_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Like_Father_Like_Son
- dbr:Voices_That_Care
- dbr:Like_Father,_Like_Sons
- dbr:The_Silence_Is_Broken
- dbr:Rocklahoma
- dbr:Timotei
- dbr:Matthew_Nelson_(musician)
- dbr:Vieilles_Charrues_Festival
- dbr:Gunnar_Nelson_(singer)
- dbr:Stone_Canyon_Records
is dbp:artist of
- dbr:Because_They_Can
- dbr:(Can't_Live_Without_Your)_Love_and_Affection
- dbr:After_the_Rain_(Nelson_album)
- dbr:After_the_Rain_(Nelson_song)
- dbr:Imaginator
is dbp:associatedActs of
is dbp:extra of
is dbp:lyrics of
- dbr:Cats_and_Dogs:_The_Very_Best_of_Mari_Hamada
- dbr:Introducing..._Mari_Hamada
- dbr:Mari_Hamada_Complete_Single_Collection
- dbr:Inclination_II
is dbp:parents of
is dbp:writer of
is foaf:primaryTopic of